Parks Commission Minutes 06-21-2001 . . . MINUTES RI~GlJLAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, .June 21, 2001 - 4:30 p.m. Members Present: Larry Nolan, Fran Fair, Nancy McCaHlTY, Rick Traver and Council Liaison Roger Carlson. Members Ahsent: Earl Smith Staff: Gregg Engle, Parks Superintendent. I. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p,m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Approval of minutes ofthe re2:ular meetin2: of May 17,2001 and approval of minutes of the special meeting of .June 11. 2001. RICK TRA. VER MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF Tl-I/;: REGULAR MEETING OF MA Y 17,2001 WITH THE CLARIFICATION THAT ALL OF Tl-IE POSITIONS FILLED BY THE PARKS DEPARTMENT EXCEPT ONI.: HAD PRI:VIOUS WORK EXPERH':NCE WrrH THE CITY. FRAN FAIR SECONDED THE MOl'ION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOlJSI.Y. FRAN FAIR MOVFD TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JtIN!,: I L 2001 SPECIAL MEETING AS PRESENTED. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addinl! items to the al!enda. I_arry Nolan asked for an update of the ISTEA project and Fran Fair asked that Gregg I ':nglc report on the park activity at West Bridge Park on June 20, 200 I. 4. Citizen RNluests. A number of residents from the Ri vel' Mill development were present at the meeting to voice their concerns ah(~ut problems created by the poor access to the River Mill. Parle These problems include trespassing, vandalism to their property and threats to the property owners. The residents had contacted the Sheriffs Department and were told that unless the property \vas fenced and signed there was very little the SherifCs Department could do. The residents \vere requesting that the City install a fence and provide the signage, The residents stated the current ilnprovements being made to the park would only aggravate the existing probltlllS. Parks Superintendent. (iregg Engle stated that the City doesn't make it a practice to fence around parks. 'fhe residents respomkd that most or the other parks arc burdcred by streets while this one is pretty much surrounded by homes and because the access is to the park is so . Parks Commission Minutes - 6/2110] p()or, people arc cutting across pri\ate property to get to the parle Tom Kenyon indicated that they had paid extra for their lot hecause of the view or the river. They like their privacy and don't \vant to look out into their yard and see kids crossing through it. Gregg Engle recommended to the Parks Con1mission that there were n1aterials on hand to construct a split rail fence and the City could also provide signs similar to those currently in thc parks. Gregg Englc indicated that he had 30 trees to be placed in the park. Bccause they didn't want to lose their view of the river, the residents requested that the trees be planted higher up in the parle It was discussed whether the fence would be placed in the front or hack yards and whether it would be on private property or on the park property. If a fence is constructed by the Parks Department it would be on park property and would abut the back yard of the rcsidents. The Parks Commission members had concerns that by constructing a knee they would be setting a precedent. While the members were syrllpathetie to the problems experienced by the residents they were not comfortable with the idea of tCncing around the park nor werc they certain that this would eliminate the problcm . One resident stated that he didn't feel he should be denied use of his property and be /i:xeed to endure the problems crcated because of poor planning by the Parks Departmcnt in locating and accessing this park. The Parks Commission discussed if there were any other areas that wcre suitable /iJr a possible park access. Most or the sites considered were either huilt up or the topography was such to make it unteasibie for siting an access there. Residents also questioned \vhat improvements \vere planned fCH'thc park and whether the improvernents being ill1pkmented \vere what the residents actually wanted. Ciregg Engle responded that in 1998 a notiee was sent to the residents in the area asking for input un the development or the parle The Parks Commission incorporatcd the ideas generated by the rcsidents at that meeting into the developrnent of the park. The Parks Commission did have concerns about setting a precedent and also legal questions about installing the fence. Gregg Englc was directed to discuss this matter with the City Administrator and City Attorney or other appropriate staff. RIC'K TRAVER MOVED TO IIA VE THE CITY INSTALL TIrE SIONACiE FOR THE RIVER MILL PARK AS REQlJESTED BY THE RESIDENTS. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UN^NIMOUSL Y. FR^N FAIR MOVED TO STUDY 'lllE FEASIBILITY OF PRC)VII)ING FI':NCING MA'rERIALS AT A NC)MINAL PRICE 1'0 THE RESIDENTS FOR CONSTRlICTION OF ^ SPLIT RAIL FENCE. RICK IRA VER SECONDED THE MUlION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOlrSL Y. . Crcgg Engle stated that he v"ould get hack to the residents some time during thc week of June 25-29 after hc has had an opportunity to discuss this with the City Administrator. 2 . . . Parks Commission Minutcs - 6/21101 5. R..ivCI' Mill P_;lrk Constru(,'Jion l{evicw. Grcgg Engk reported that thc baskcthall court is completed and soil work is being done in the area. Construction of thc park shelter is about two weeks out. Nancy McCaffrey asked ahout the construction of the parking lot Jill" the River Mill since the residents who were present at this meeting secmed to feel that construction or the parking lot wi II be necessary becausc or the increased use of the hlci I ity. 6. Wcst Brid2e Park PlaY1!Tound Equipment lJpdate. Gregg Engle has the specilications written up so that all firlns can bid the project. The specifications arc being typed and will come beJc)\'c the Parks Conunission at their next meeting. It is planned that the bids will be received in August witb construction, bopetltlly to start in September. 7. East Brid2:e Park Irri2:ation Update. 8. Gregg Engle reported they tapped into the watcr main and bids will be opened 011 Friday Ji)\' thc project. X-ceI Energy is lined up and ready to move on their part of the project. Meadow Park/Parkside Park llpdate. Gregg Engle stated that the work is completed at Mcadow Oaks Parle 'rhc playground equipment is in and the bordcr is in. Therc are some trees that remain to be plantcd in both thc Meadow Oaks and Parksidc parks. 9. Pioneer Park Update. Gregg Engle is still working with I _ions on the shelter plans and is hopefltl that it can be constructed yet this year. 10. Work Proiects Update. Ciregg Englc reported that John Glomski has been working on the grant application flJr next year for improvements to West Bridge Park. The application would request Jlll1ding f()r pathway improvemcnts. playgn;und structure and construction of the scenic overview. 'This will be reviewcd by thc Parks Comrnission as thc application subn1ittal time nears. A quote of $1 jOO was receivcd to rcmove thc security light in the East Bridge Park. Therc 'v'vas somc discussion on the work that would havc to be done as Llr as rewiring. Ciregg Engle stnted that this was not an item the Parks Commission had budgcted fiJr but he thought there would be funds availablc if the Parks Commission decidcd to proceed with this. " ., . . . Parks COlnmission Minutes - 6/21/01 NANCY MCC/\FFRL.:Y MOVEI) TO IIA VE GREcrG ENGLE W()RK TIlE CONTRACT()R ()N CiETTING THE LIGHT REMOVED. RICK TRA VER SI~CONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Because of the many days or rain during June, the Parks Department is behind on their schedule. Uregg Engle did get an individual Il'om Sentence to Serve who is doing the weed whipping. (Jregg Engle worked with a number of 8th graders on 'Tuesday and Thursday doing pre~River Fest clean up of Ellison Park and also 4th Street Parle A number of park benehcs have been installed at various parks. Gregg Engle stated thc basketball pole at the Par West park has been damaged. The Parks Department besides preparing lor River Fest will also be working on the ballJicld since they will be the site of the state baseball tournament. Fran Pair asked about sweeping the parking lot at Bridge Park. Items Added to the A2:enda. Ciregg Engle reported that there was a good turn out fiJr the joint Community Center/Parks Departmcnt introduction to the parks held at West Bridge Park on June 20th. The Parks Commission was intl.)rmed that thc City Council had approved the plans and specilications t()r the ISTEA project and that the bids would be opened at 10 a.m. on July], 200 I. Rick Traver updated the Parks COl1unission on thc June 20, 200 I Cemetery Committee meeting. He noted that there is a push IClr the Parks Departmcnt to take over the maintenance of the cemctery in the vcry near future. Hc also slllllmarized thc discussion about the rules and regulations proposed t()r thc cemetery. The next meeting of the Parks Commission is scheduled for July 9, 2001 at 2 p.m. The Commission will meet at City Hall and then inspect Pioneer Park and Wildwood Ridge Park. The Park Commission also had a question on the amount of funds in the pathway/park dedication rund. The staff will check with the City Administrator to get this inf(xmation. FRAN FAIR MOVI':D TO ADJOURN AT 6:10 P.M. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTl()N. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSI ,Yo Q~~~~~--- Recorch ng Secretary 4