Parks Commission Minutes 10-18-2001 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, October 18,2001 Members Present: Larry Nolan, Fran Fair, Nancy McCaffrey, Earl Smith, Rick Traver Council Liaison, Roger Carlson Members Absent: None Staff: Gregg Engle, John Silnola 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Approval of minutes of the September 20. 2001 regular meetill{!. RICK TRA VER MOVED TO APPROVE 'T'HE MINUTES OF '1'1 IE SEPTEMBER 20, 2001 RECJlJLAR MEKfING. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED lJNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addin2 items to the agenda. Larry Nolan added the Minnesota Recreation and Park Association Conference. 4. Citizens requests. Earl Smith noted that he had received a number of compliments about how good the parks were looking. Gregg Engle responded that they have been trying to get the entrance areas to the City spruced up. 5. West Bridf!e Park - lJpdate. Gregg Engle reported that the play structure is in place. They will be replacing some beige panels with red panels, which should take about If2 day. There were some drainage concerns which have been corrected. John Simola asked what kind of treatment was being planned for the area between the play structure and the boulders. Gregg Engle stated that some additional boulders would be placed and the balance would be sodded. Gregg Engle emphasized that he did not want to erect anything that would impede the drainage now in the area. It was noted that the North Anchor group fclt the corner of Walnut and River Street would be a significant area and the park development plan tried to make that an attractive corner. It is proposed to landscape the area around the play structure so that it looks like a ship docked at a pier. fran Fair suggested that in the plantings for the park they include some wavy sea grasses. Gregg Engle stated that he planned to look at landscaping plans for the area over the . . . Park Commission Minutes - lOll XIOl winter or possibly have an landscape architect look at it. Fran Fair asked if anything was going to be done along 'Ill 25. Gregg Engle said that would be looked at further and would be subject to MnDOT regulations. Fran Fair asked if they would consider duplicating what was done at East Bridge Parle Gregg Engle said that because of the slope of the area, the construction of the retaining walls might be more than the park department could do on their own. The old play structure will be removed and the ice rink relocated to that area. There was some question whether that would get done yet this year. If the rink was relocated it would mean a little greater distance for the skaters to go ii'om the warming house to the rink. They could make the rink smaller but since this was the bmily skating area they didn't feel that should be done. Nancy McCaffrey asked about grants for West Bridge Park. Gregg Engle indicated that because they were proposing to include a pier on the river, it involved the Army Corp of Engineers and they could not get corp approval in time to make the grant deadline for 2001. They will be applying again for 2002 and will be allowing enough time for the Army Corp of Engineers to complete their review. Earl Smith felt there should be a path in East Bridge Park because there was no way that bicycle could use the steps. He asked about the area cast of the steps but Fran Fair indicated there was specimen trees planted there. John Simola indicated that there has been discussions about thc state closing the crosswalk at River Street and 'Ill 25. Gregg Engle stated that perhaps the in order to build up points fiJr their grant application, the Parks COlnmission might want to consider combining a number of park development clements. such as the pier. traiL etc. and include it all in one application. Larry Nolan fclt they should go for the grant based on what they have now and if they don't get the grant, apply again next year. 6. Pioneer Park - Shelter Update. Gregg l':nglc inf<.mned the Parks Commission that final plans for bids for materials were sent out and County Lumber got the bid for materials with a quote of $1\ ,346.51. The bidf()r the metal roof was $12,000.00. Fred Patch, the 8uilding Onicia\ stated that the facility had to havc attached restrooms. There was some discussion on what was the basis for this requirement since it will mean that the plans will have to be redrawn and there will bc additional costs for the attached restrooms. Paul Wurm from Landmark Excavating was hired to start the excavation work. Due to the nced to redo thc plans, it is proposed that the cxcavation work, sauna tubes, posts, trusses and roof he done this year yet. Next year assuming the plans have becn redrawn, thc balance of the work would be completcd. It was noted that there is a sewer and water service installcd fix the sitc but the line is a little distance from where the sheltcr is heing built and will have to he extendcd. It is anticipated that the excavation work will start on Monday (10/22/01) and the Lions will be in doing work the following wcekend. Gregg Engle stated that he had walked through the wooded area of the park and one of the long term projects for the park will be clearing the undcrhrush from the area. It is not proposed to anything else with the wooded area. 2 . . . Park Comnlission Minutes - 10/1810 I 7. Discussion of Gillard Avenue/CR 39 Pathwav Loop. The Parks Commission was informed that the City Council did approve the preparation of plans and speci ncations Il)[ the segment of trail from River Forest Drive to 97th Street and the engineer should be bringing this back before the Council in the future. At the last meeting, the Parks Commission was told that information for loopinglconnection options f()r the Gillard Avenue trail would be available at this meeting but no information was prepared. The Parks Commission asked about the segment of trail to be completed as part of the River Mill 6th Addition. 'I'hey were int()rmed that the grading will be done this year and the blacktop placed next spring. The Parks Commission also asked about the ISTEA Projcct (98-02C). John Simola indicated that the contractor was about a week behind. I Ie notcd that 1-94 would be closed on October 22, 200 I at midnight to allow the contractor to place the beams. The only portion of trail not yet blacktopped in this project is from Chelsca Road to County Road 75. 8. Park Maintenanee Items. Gregg Engle stated they are wrapping up their sumn1er projects and starting to gct things rcady (()I' winter. They intend to finish the West Bridge Park work yet and have planted about 27 trees in various parks, including thc River Mill Parle Nancy McCaffrey asked ifthc trespassing pmblcn1 had cased. Gregg Engle indicatcd that the fencing seemed to have taken care of the proolen1. Ellison Park - RiverFest group had given $1,000 for usc in Ellison Park. Gregg F:nglc thought that may be it should be used to upgrade the bathrooms but there was also a push to use that money for thc Community Center Park. 41h Street Park - Community service people painted the rink. Grcgg Engle noted that the roof needs to be replaced on building there and that this was in ncxt years budget. Mississippi Drive - They have been trying to keep the bank cleaned up and the park has been utilized more. River Mill - The park is pretty much complete and it turned out well. Battle Rapids - StafT has been clearing this area and keeping it trimmed down. Parks Commission felt this was a passive park and should have maintenance only. Meadow Oak - Next year it is proposed to do paving and upgrading of the pathway which may require replacing the base of the existing pathway. John Simola advised that when the pathways are constructed they need to allow sufficient room so that maintenance equipment can get in and oncc in the equipment has room to maneuver. ., -, Park Commission Minutes - 10/18/01 . Freeway Fields - Parks Commission discussed the proposed interchange and how that could impact the parle John Simola that there are three difTcrent alignments proposed fc)r the interchange but which alignment will be used has not yet been finalized. It was felt the east area of the park most likely would be affeeted but the extent was unknown. Gregg l.:ngle pointed out that the ballfield situation is very tight and if fields are lost they need to be replaced. Gregg Engle also noted that they have aerated the fields and the turf appears in good condition.. Cardinal Hills - The tot lot had been vandalized and an estimated $600 worth of damage was done. It was suggested that both the vandals and the parents of the vandals be required to do some community service in the parks. This park is basically fully developed. Country Cluh - Gregg Engle felt this park should be updated and revitalized but it was not done this year. City Balltields - Gregg Engle and City Administrator, Rick Wolf<;teller have met with the groups who use the ballfields as to what is happening with the fields. Gregg Engle felt there were a lot of issues regarding the ballfield use and encouraged the Parks Commission to keep the communication link open with these groups. . Balhoul Park - Not much is being done with this area. It was noted that the holding pond area needs to be dredged. Par West - Disc golf and new playground is in. Some additional trees need to be planted. There is irrigation in to the site butit has never been activated. It was noted that the park sign had been stolen. Gregg Engle thought he had the art work that was used for the original design of the sign. Hillcrest - Gregg Engle reported that the ballfield was getting a lot of use. "fhe playground equipment was older but in good shape. However. it is a wood structure and should be monitored. Otter Creek - The plantings at the park turned out well but it was not anticipated that there would be much further development in this park. Wildwood Ridge - A number of residents had commented that they would like to see the park there include open area for the children to play in. No development plan has been prepared yet for this park. Tower Park - Nothing proposed yet for this park. The staff~ when time is available. has been working on clearing out the undergrowth. . Cemetery Committee - Rick Traver reported that the committee had finalized rules and 4 Park Comlnission Minutes - 10/18/01 . policies for Riverside Cemetery which will be going before the Couneil for their approval. A memorial plan is being implemented. It was felt there may bc one or two more meetings of the committee to deal with some long term planning issues. There was discussion on replacemcnt of stones at Hillside Cemetery. If the stones arc not replaced the information contained on them wi II be lost forever. Since there are no burials or sale of lots at Hillside these issllcs were not address by thc Cemetery Committee. Onee the Cemetery Committee is done, whieh is cxpeeted shortly, the issues relating to cemetcry practices and long term planning will comc under the jurisdiction of the Park Commission. Forestry Program - Great strides have been made against the spread of Dutch Elm disease and also providing thc chipping program for residents. Gregg Engle urged that this program be continued to kecp the disease under control. 'fhe trces in Riverside cemetery are being tagged and inventoried to allow for better management. Othcr - Discussed Groveland area, Shultz propcrty, Kjellberg area as possible sites for additional ball fields. John Simola asked that Gregg Engle summarized his interaction with the various groups who use thc ball fields and provide a list of contacts. John Simola provided an updatc on the proposals for test wells. I Ie noted that the arsenic standard is 10 ppb and Monticcllo is at S-9 ppb. The test wells most likely will be drilled this winter. . 9. Resi!!mltion of park superintendent. Gregg Engle has submitted his resignation as Park Superintcndent to takc a similar position for the City of Coon Rapids. John Simola indicated that the City is look at revising the Park Superintendent job description beflHe advertising. He did not expect that a new person would be in place until late November or early Deeember. John Simola will be attending thc Park Commission meetings until such time as a new person is hired. Larry Nolan stated that he felt that planning and development areas were very important and felt that this should be something that is looked for in the applicants applying for the position. It was felt that the currcnt staff has hands on skill to do the work but the concern was with long term planning and dcvelopment. Gregg Engle encouragcd the Park COl1unission to keep active the vision for the parks for the City, plan for the growth ofthc community and always try to meet the needs of the community. The Park Commission thank cd Gregg for getting the park department star1ed, preparing plans for development of parks and seeing them through and for having a vision of the parks that he shared with the Commission. They wished him success in his new position and thanked him fl.)r all he gave to the Monticello. Addcd Items: Larry Nolan asked that the Parks Commission look at the conference schedule fl.)r the Minnesota Recreation and Park Association in Duluth on Novcmber 6-9,2001 and if possible attcnd. . Information about the park dedication fees for Harstad and Cyr proposals were requested for thc next meeting. Also the a map showing the location of the park land in the Groveland development was asked to be provided. 5 . . . Park Commission Minutes - 10/18/01 10. Adjourn. RICK TRAVER MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 6:30 P.M. FRAN FAIR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ~~-~~~~- Rccording Secrctary 6