EDA Agenda 12-16-2002AGENDA M(:)NTICryELLO ECONOMIC llF;VEL(:)PMENT AUT110R1"I'Y Monday, December IG, 2002 - 4:00 p.m. City Hall -Academy Room ML.MB~RS: Chair Bill Demeules, Vice Chair Barb Schwienlel., Assist 'I'-'easurcr Ken Malls, Clint Hel-bst, Roger Carlson, Kon Hoglund, and Darrin Lal1r, S"h~1Fh': TI-casul-cr Kick Wolfsteller, kixecutive Director Ollie Koropchak, Recorder Lori Kraemer. Gi_1EST: Pam Campbell, DA"1' Chair. I . (:all to Order. ?. Consideration to approve the October 8, 2002 1~.DA minutes. ~. Consideration of:adding or removing agenda itcl7ls, 4. Consideration to approve cxtendillg the non-pcrformalace date for GMI~F Loan No. 021 ('Tapper, Inc.). 5. Col1tllllled - COI1s1der3t1011 to reV1eW alld aW~ll'd a bld IOC dl'altlllg COS111etIC C1eS1gI1 sketches for rear facade improvements on F31ock 35. 6. Consideration of status report of CiM[?1, Loal1 No. 014 (T. ,I. Martin). 7. Consideration to discuss for approval authorizing the replacement ol~the Liquor Funds. 8. Collsidcration ol~ 200i L'DA membership appointments. ~~. Cxccutive [)irector's 1Zcport. 1 (~. C)t11CI' Bllsmess. 11. /~dlOlll"Illl7ent. L' MINUTES NIONTICF:[.L,O ECONOM[(.' UFVFLOPiM[~.NT A[iTHORITY Tuesday, October 8, 2002 - :I:DO p.m. City Hall -Academy Room Members Present: Chair Bill Demeules- Clint flerbst. Roger Carlson and Uarrin Lahr Staff Present: Eaccutive Director Ullie Koropchak and Recorder Lori Kraemer Guests: Pam Campbell, UAT Chair; Susie Wojchouski, Chamber Director, Sharon Odegaard and Sara Watters, Little Mountain Qt.tilt Shop; Sheri Mano, Monticello Mercantile; Jane and 1"-Toward Maass. A Prairie's Edge Gallery; Karen Schneider, Karetl's Kustom Draperies; atld Jamie Paulson, A Stitch in Time • Call to Order. Chair Uemeulcs called the nleetitlg to order ai 4: I 0 p.m. and declared a gttorutll. 2. Consideration to a rove the Au rust 20. 2002 EDA mitlLties. A MOTION WAS MADE BY R()GER CARLSON TO APPROVE 7"HE MIN[_1T1/S OF I'I-IE AUGUST 20. 2002 EDA MEE'I"ING. DARRIN LAI-IR SECONDED THE MO7"ION. 1\1O~fIUN ('ARRIIU 11NANIMULJSLY. ~~ Consideration of addin~~ ol• rt[Ilovin<< a~~enda iterns. Notre ~• Consideration of C"ouncil Referral to Research Assistance or Other U tions for Broadway Business (hvncrs. Ullie Koropchak advised the EDA members that at the direction of the City Council, the EDA was to review researched assistance or other options for the Broadway business owners affected by the County Road 75 improvement project. The research completed by Koropchak outlined several ways to conlpcnsate business owners, either through City tai abatement or the E[)A-DIVIRF. 7'a~ abate-llent is not an option in Monticello because the west Broadway parcels are located within the Downtown TIF District. Koropchak also advised that the F.DA Attorney had cautioned about settin~~ added that she. had spoken to the City Administrator of Cokatotas to any aKist t~ce tllev lead provided to the business owners located t1lon`~ Highway 12 during the recetlt Highway 12 improvement project. She was advised that working vvith MnDO'I', the City of Cokato had contributed Icss than $10.000 ti-om their general tutu] for additional signage and advertisement itl the local newspaper. but tlo compensation to the business owners. Itotopchak stated that Ille Public Works Director atld City Etlgineet• had iilt~t•med her that 1:Dn Minutes- ~oiosio~ additional money was spent for extra crews in order to speed up the CSA[I 7~ project. Also provided to the nlcmhers Was intol-n7ation received From the Chamber with the outcome of a recent poll tllcy conducted re~~ardin~~ whether to continue With the project this tall or delay until next sprin;~. as \vell as an estimated percentage ofhusiness revenue lost during consU'uction. Koropchak stlnlmarizeci the input of the three EDA nlcn7bers Who Were absent from the mcetin~~. They did not support compensating the business owners to avoid setting a precedence and noted the difficulty of determining justifiable compensation. Koropchak provided several alternatives for the EDA to consider. With several husincss owners present and Chamber President Wojchouski, the EDA asked the husincss owners for their input. "I~hcy noted better signage earlier would have been helpful, not today. They gave an exa-77p1c of no left turn on Broadway at fine Street. Customers preceded to take a left at River Street' however. the customer became confused as Where to access the parking lot with Waillut Street not being a through street. 'I'hcy also advised that the contractor's employees at the Anloco site arc parking in the hLlil7p-N-NIU11CI1 lot W111C11 haci been arranged as temporary business parking for their customers. Koropchak advised of the anticipated completion dates for both T:ast and WCSt Broadway, barring, nu raln. 1111s could posslbly he finished up by October 16`''. Demeules advised that the E:DA IIleI17be1's Call nOt Cleterl11111e Whethel' the COlI11lV Road 7~ project continues • or not. and as tar as COI11pCllSatl017, l1C statecl Ile did IlOt Want t0 set a precedence. Carlson a~~l•eed \vith }-lerbst to Work on signagc and advertisill~~, and possibly the EDA and/or C ity COLIICi p(ly 101" th~lt. ,lal1e Maass alldl:Cl that slle WOLIId hke a 1"CCOllllllt'ildatiol7 fi-o111 the EDA tonight. 1 hel"c W'aS x150 d1SCUSSlpl7 Whether ally 1LI17C{In~~ Should be between the IDA, the C1tV, and the Chamber 01 COI11n1erCe. T11eI'e \Va5 s1~~11111Callt dISCUSSl017 re~~ardlll~~ options For the EDA to assist the husllless o\vllcrs. The consensus was to hold a Broadway grand opening celebl•ation this fall to hrin~~ customers hack. Sug;~estions Were for the EDA to fund acivertisenlellt in the Monticello Shopper in the forn7 of a front page ad and possible supplement listin~~ all of the downtown busitlcsscs and promotin4~ the "celebration". I he l:l)t~ 117e111berS 1'eC0`~I11Led file Clallla4~e W'a5 already dol7e aI1CI 17()tCd 101" tLltlll"e pro.jccts, the City e0 111 111 11I11Cate vvlth tI1C hllSll7eSS OW11e1"5 pl"lOC t0 COnstl'L1ctlOll 10C lllpllt. } lel'htit Ad\ lsed that this illattCl" wY)LIId Come befol'e the C'lt}' COU11Cll On OCtobel' 1-1. A MOTION WAS MAD[ BY UARRIN I_AI-IR TO ALJTI-{ORIZE THE EDA TO PROVIDh [•-[.JNDS IN AN Aiv10lJN-h NO"I' "LO F:\CI•:FD'~~,000 FRO~1 T'HE DIv1R1= f1S f\ ONI~ TIME C'ON"I-RIBL!TION I~OR "CEIE PI..~RPOSE~ Ol~ AN [;VL:Nh OR ADVI~R"fISING ~'1IIC'I I WOULD B[~NE:FIT f\I..[. TEIE BIiSINESSES IN THIS: i7MRF T.~1RGE"I' AREA. 1'I IE C'I IAi\~[BER PRESIDENT TO WORK ~~%I~hH ~i-HE BLJSINESS • O~~'NE:RS ON ~I~l IE L:VI~:N l~. EDA Minutes - 10/08/02 fhe:re was Further discussion by Demeulcs to make note of this for future construction In • rey~acd to adequate signa~~e so that this matter will not come back to them again in the spring with the next phase, atld that this is a one time offer. 'I"here being no further- discussion. CI..IN"f fIERBS"C' SECONDED TIDE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSC.Y. 5. Status (.)f C,MEF Loan No. 014 and consideration to authorize ursuin recovery of funds. Koropchak had provided the information in the agenda packet stating the recommendation is for authorization, statin~~ by doing this it puts the EDA in a position to work with the business and the lender to pursue other matters. She added also that she does not know if they would have enou~~h revenues to retire the EDA loan. They asked how the cump~uly could sell their egL-ipnlent when they had a UCC tiled and Koropchak stat4d she laid not know and also until the EDA authorizes pursLling recovery. the COI11pa11V Can do Whtite\'ll' t11eV Wailt. A MO"LION WAS MAO[: BY DARRIN LAI-IR "fO AU'I"1-IORI7-.E Pi1RSUING Rh.COVERY OI~ FUNDS FOR GMEF LOAN NO. 014. T.J. MARTIN, CNC. ROGER CARL,SON SECONDED TI-IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED LINANIMOtJSLY. • O Consideration to a>>rovc the First Anlendnlent to the L,oall A~,reemellt for CiMF:F Loan - No. 017. Koropchak advised the nlClllbl'1's that this IS t0 bC COIICUCCeIIt Wltll t11C Loall bet\v4'ell the City anll I \vln c'lty Dle Castings based on job creation. This was federal money from state to city a11d the CCItCI"la 1S a hit tougher ,adding she wanted to be consistent. S11e did state that the City Council coLlld, in .Iuly of 2003. hold a public hearing and extend it a~~ain. She also stand that the state only accepted 40 of the GS jobs due to that these were not all full tinge pernulncnt lobs. S11I11e weCC tLlll tulle te111p01'ary. Tlley n1L15t I11eet the 51% requircnlent. Koropchak added that they are only moving the compliance date. A MO"PION ~~'.~~5 1\l.~D[: Bl" ROGI=R CARLSON TO APl'ROV)/ TIIE FIRS"l~ AMI-:NDMENT "I"O "MIL LO:~N AGREh:Mh.N1" 6I:"fWI:EN THE E[)A ANI) Z~WIN CITY DII_~ CASTINGS. 111O~1'ION W ~~S SECONDED I3Y GLINT I-IERBST. MOTION CARRII~D UN~\N1NlOUSI-Y. 7. C:ontinucd - Oust L:stlnlatCs aI1lI ideas t01' dCatt111~r COS117et1C rear taCildC; gill rovements for Block 35 anll 1[1 lit trlllll bllsllles5 11\vllel'S. KO1'opChak pl'(wldtd a sketch Cl~ilCCpt tl'Olll Clt~' h1a1111CC Steve C•iClttlllan with ideas lilt park111g Iillpl'O\ elllelltti Mild a Cl1St cstllllale tOC 1"eaC Clesl;:ll sketch options. She advised that she did IIUt thlllk lhC\ \\~Ce loukin~~ at redesi~~ning the parking behind Country ~I~ravcl. but Bill Dr-mcules stated that was \\-here the businesses \vere piling the snow. Pang Campbell, 3 EDA MII1LItlS - 10/Og/0? DA~h Chair. aclviscd that Grittnlan had sl:etchcd this in for a possible nevv huildin+~, showin~~ 17uw to get to the pal-king lot without going all the way around the block. Campbell also previously advised Karen Schneider that this was only a sug~,estion. adding that Schl7eicter \yas nut in favor of the concept plan. I-icrbst stated he does nut see this moving furwarci until it is detcrn7irled wlu) owns the alley property. which he thought the EDA had asked City Administrator Wolfsteller to do. Koropchak added that she had previously asked the property owners to determine ownership. "i"here was discussion by Lahr that assuming ownership is 50/S0, and assul77ing there is an eascn7cnt. what does the EDA want to do. Demeules stated that until ownership is dctern7incd, the EDA cannot set a dollar amount in regard to how much they are willing to contribute tol- these proposed improvements. [t was also noted that they did not want to proceed with any pal•king lot il77proven7ents until after the South side of~Broadway. West of hlighway 25, was co-77pleted. C17air Demeules vvas excused at 5:30 p.m. 'I here w'as C[15Cllssl(111 (ln pOSSlhly plltlln~~ together a package to present to the businesses advisin~~ them of•options for t~lcade and parking lot improvements. Campbell advised that she had spul:cn with Michele Hertwi~~ to see il'she was interested in puttin~~ to~~ether sollle Opllolls- all(i ~~~()~C:hl)uskl stated tllat Parl:cr MacDonald may also be interested in working with I-lcrt\vi~~ Un this package. Can7phell adVlscd that 1lrrrtWlg Cflarwes $50/hour and that they cstinultccl the cost to he approximately $000.00. Again they discussed the potential prohlen7 if only a sn7All number of businesses were willing to participate. Lahr felt the htlsinessrs should come up with their own ideas to present to the EDA and leave the snuW issue alone. }lerbst su~,~gestcd coming up with a cost for potential improvements to the huilcfiny~s. the 1/DA to toot all but a suggested dollar amount. to see if the businesses are willin+,t to pa--ticipatc prior to spcndit7g n7ore n7oney on clravvin4~s. "I'hcy also added that they COllld 17ot torl77alIV act OI1 this 117atter at this tlI77C aS they did 11ot haVC A CIUOI'llm presen[. Koropchak advised the Illcmhers oftl7cit• balance statin~~ it was just under $150.000. not I11(:Illding assistance to the do\vntu\vn businesses for an event/aclvertisin~,. The consensus \vas to direct !'anl Campbell to get a furnlal cost and provide that to Koropchak for her to conduct a yut~ of the 1•:Dr1 tllclllhcrs. either via mail or pllonc, to dctet'mine \yhether or not to proceed. Carlson also asked Koropchak to discuss with Rick Wolfsteller gettin~~ a SUI'\'eV (ICtel'nllllln`~ the u\\nership of the alley And She 5lACed She \VOUId. 8. I•:~ccutiy~ Dircctul; s 1:~17urt. horopchak provided the report. -l~hcrc \ycrc nu additions. ~I EDA Min~ites - 10/08/02 9. Other I3usiness. None 10. Adjournment. "I'I-IE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED A'I' 6:00 P. M. Recorder • EDA Agenda - 12/16/02 • 4. Consideration to a rove extenclin the non- crforn~ance date for GMEF Loan No. 021. (Tipper's Inc.) A. Reference ind background: C)n .Tune 18, 2002, the EDA approved and Council ratifted a machinery and equipment loan for rl,apper's Inc. dba. Generertx I~'inc Wood Products, Inc. The $SS,000, 2.75%, _5- ycir loan is to assist in the financing of'i CNC router, vacuum lift, and saw. "I'he non- perlormance date is December 18, 2002. 'Che CNC' router and vacuum lift have been delivered. Because the saw has not been delivered, the borrower sloes not wish to close on the lo~.tn and incur principal and interest payments. Therefore, the I~,DA is asked to approve extending the non-performance date for GMEr l.,oan. No. 021. I'cr the EDA B~.tsiness Subsidy ('riteria, the 180-day non- performancc date can be extended up to an additional 120 days provided: 1. A written request is received ;0 days prior to expiration of the 180-day non-performance date. ?. Approval of the EDA membership by majority vote. Attached is a copy of ~.i lett.er from Tipper's Inc. requesting an extension. An addition 120-day would extend the non-pcrforrnance date to April 1 b, 2001. Ii. Altcrnativc Action: A motion to approve extending the non-performance date I`or GMI_;t~ Loin No. 021 for Tipper's Inc. froth December 18, 2002, to Apri 118, 2003. 2. A motion io deny extending the note-performance date for C7MEP Loan No. 021 for Tipper's Inc. i. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: The recornmendaliotl is Altcrnativc No. 1 to encourage b~isiness retention and expansion. U. 5up~orting Dita: Uriginil EI)A approval form, excerpt from .k~.[)A business subsidy criteria, and letter or request. • APPROVAL OF GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUNDS BY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN ANll FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Preliminary Loan Application Approval. Loan terms negotiated and agreed upon between the developer, the lending institution, and the EDA Executive Director. Formal Loan Application and Financial Statement analyzed by the lending institution, BDS, Inc. or City staff. Building and Site Plan Preliminary and/or Final Review. Building Permit approval or construction commitment. Loan documents reviewed and/or prepared by the City Attorney. YEs YES LETTER OF CREDIT WORTHINESS FROM LENDER NOT APPLICABLE DAN GREENSWEIG, KENNEDY & GRAVEN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY APPROVAL OR DISAPPROVAL: LOAN NUMBER: GMEF No. 021 LOAN APPROVED: YEs BORROWER: TAPPER' S INC . ADDRESS:~~t~__rxFT.S~,,R.(~.AIL~2N_T_7S'~'T.T,d, t~rt~t ~~~~2 DISAPPROVED: LOAN AMOUNT: EIFTY--~'zy~ THOUSAND DOLLARS AND NO CENTS ($55,000.00) MACHINERY & EQU= RATE: 2.75 FIXED INTERE5T RATE DATE: JUNE 1$, 2002 LOAN TERMS AMORTIZED OVER FIVE REARS. , FEE $200 DUE AND PAYMENT NOT LATER THAN JULY 1, 2002. ~p,.~.•t-+~-+~ '~iV`~ **OTHER (SECOND PAGE A motion was made by EDA Commissioner KEN MAUS to (approve - ~~~) Greater Monticello Enterprise Funds in the amount of FIFTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS AND NO CENTS $55 > 000.00 dollars anal cents to developer this 18th day of JUNE 2002 Seconded by EDA Commissioner RON xoGLUND YEAS: KEN MAUS RON HOGLUND, BILL DEMEULES AND ROGER CARLSON NAYS: , ~~ .,,ABSENT: cL u~.R~~~~-A'RB SCHWIENTEK, AND DARRTN LAHR. GMEF disbursed ____~ ~ by Check No. _ EDA Treasurer CITY COUNCIL MAY REVERSE AN EDA LOAN DECISION WITHIN TWENTY-ONE DAYS OF EDA APPROVAL. TO CITY COUNCIL, TO COUNCIL JUNE 24, 2002 L.`_ ~,~.,_._,__:~,a~- i ~ 1~.~~'~,y~-li,-.vim GMEF Approval Page 2 ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS l (We) hereby accept the terms stated above as approved by the Economic Development Authority in and for the City of Monticello. ,-~_._7 ,.- ~ ,. ^..... .~.r-~- DATED: ~~ ~~~ ~' ~ _. N _..~. ~ / ~~ /' ~ / 1 (?'~ f GMEF N0. 021 I5 A MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT LOAN (CNC ROUTER, VACUUM LIFT, AND SAW). JOB GOALS: 6 NEW FULL-TIME JOBS WITHIN Z YEARS 4 @ $10.00 to $1.1.99 w/o benefits 1 @ $16.00 to $17.99 w/o benefits 1 @ $20.00 to $21.99 w/o BENEFITES CURRENTLY HAS S$ FULL TIME JOBS. SECOND POSITION BEHIND LENDER STEARNS BANK. GMEF LEGAL FEES RESPONSBILITY OF APPLICANT. COLLATERAL: PERSONAL/CORPORATE GUARANTEES (REQUIRES UNLIMITED PERSONAL GUARANTEES) OR PER THE EDA ATTORNEY. LOAN BECOMES NUL AND VOID DECEMBER 18, 2002 IF FUNDS HAVE NOT BEEN DISBURESED. GMEF DOLLARS DISBURSED FROM GMEF BALANCES. C] • L • EC.) ~~ Business Suhsidv Cl-Ittl'i~l L(.),~NS - Subject to scctu~ity and:'or rep ic~~al h~ I:DA. ~~ ASSUMABII.I7Y O}= LOAN - None. * BUSINESS EQUITY REQUIREMENTS - Subject to type of~ loan: Board of Directors evil] determine case by case. analysis under normal Icndin~ guidelines. * COLLATERAL - * Liens on real propety in project (n~or-tea;-~e deed). * Liens on real properly in business (mort~~age deed). * Liens on real property held personally (subject to Board of Directors -homestead exempt). Machinery aa-~d equipme~at liens (except equipment exempt from bankruptcy). * Personal and/or corporate guarantees (requires unlimited personal 17uarantees). * NON-PERFORMANCE - An approved GMEF loan shall be null and void if fiuads are not drawn upon or disbursed within 180 davs from date of EDA approval. * NUN-PERFORMANCE EXTENSION - The 180-day non-performance date can be extended up to an additional 1?0 davs. 1. A written request is received 30 days prior to expiration of the 180-day non-performance date. 2. Approval of the EDA membership by majority ~~ote. * LEGAL FEE - Responsibility of the GMEF applicant. The Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund is operaied as an egtia) oppoc-tu»ity pro~~ram. All applicants shall have equal access to GMEF fiends regardless of` race, sex. age, n~arita] status, or other personal characteristics. 4 DAWN/WORD/POLIGIES 10/30/00 7 F~l~ae mod 1}racl~LCtr 2/2 C,lirrb~c~r IZorrd, l~fo~rtrcc~lln, r~'fN SS~(2 (7(i 3) ?95-42?2 November 15, 2002 To Whom It May Concern Genereux Fine Wood Products is requesting an extension to the closing date on its Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund loan. '"his request is presented because the custonn manufactured optimizing saw, tht-t we have being built, is not going to ship on schedule. A three month extension will be sufficient. T'han:K Yore [,arxce Hartkopf~ Plant Manag~:r EllA Agenda - 12/16/02 5. Continued -Consideration to review and award a laid for draftin r cosmetic desi n sketches for rear facade im rovements on Block 3.5. A. Reference and background: As you recall this in not a new agenda item for the EDA. in April 2002, the l~;.DA discontinued the DMRF program a.nd reserved the remaining balance of tl~e DMRI~' funds for a 131oc1: i_5 project in 200 ~. It has been the interest of the CDA to expend dollars to create an attractive and appealing rear entrance and plaza and to eliminate the ice build-up in the alley area of f~locl< ~_5. Prior to the IJDA expending dollars to replace the catch basis and alley parking/trash improvements, the commissioners would like a commitment from the property owners to improve the rear b~iilding facades through a cosmetic design improvement. This to cre~.ite a public/private partnership via an agreement. At the last CDA meeting, the commissioners agreed that in order to encourage participation by the property owners, the h'DA would -~eed to prepare sketches ol` cosmetic design options for rear facade improvements along with cost estimates prior to approaching the property owners. The City Plannirag Consultant submitted a bid at the October meeting and the a~mtnissioners reclucsted the DAT Chair to get a seccmd formal hid li-o-tt Michele Hertwig as was suggested by the DA"I" Chair. • DAT Chair Campbell, DAT Member Wojchouski, anal Koropchak have worked diligently -- to seek a second. bid irom Hertwig. Assuming a second bid is received, tl~e 1/DA is asked to consider awarduig the bid to prepare cosmetic design sketches. Koropcllak has not asked Wolfsteller for a survey of the alley until some indication oI~ interest or commitment Irotn the property owners. B- Alternative Action: A motion awarding the bid to prepare cosmetic design sl<etchcs I`or the rear facade of buildings on I31oc1: i5 to at a cost of 2. A motion to not award a bid for preparation of cosmetic design sketches Ii~r the rear Iacade of buildings on 131ock i5. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: Assuming the LDA is still interested in this project and in order to proceed, the recommendation is alternative no. 1 whether or not a second bid is received. • EDA Agenda - 12/1 G/02 D. Supporting Data: Copy of bid. from No--thwest Associates and copy ol~allcy/~arkii~g lay-o~it. Copy oI' hid from Hertwi~ if available. • OCT-08-2002 15 15 NAC ~ct0~7@r 8, 2002 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATEp CONSULTANTS, INC. • 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Tel: 952.595.9636 Fax 952.595.9837 email: sgrittman onacplanning.com TRANSMITTAL DATE: 612 595 9837 P.01i02 TO: Ollie Kvropcak 2 FROM: Steve Grittman QUANTITY= MATERIAVDESCRIPTIQN: NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: DATED: w., ViA: REMARKS: Delivery Mail Pick Up A copy of a revised srts plan fvr showing parking on the sou#h side of the alley nth regard #o design concepts, the architect in my office es#imates that we could provide a "palette" of ideas for the b/ock that individua/ property owners could consider for $2,000 to $3,000, depending on the /avel of detail. If we ended up doing some spec/f!c de#ailing for ind/vidual buildings, the costs would be increased. -'Sg CITY/PROJECT NAME: • JOB NUMBER: _ ^_ • 3 a Q a • ACT-08-2082 15 15 5Z '~ 1 612 595 983? P.02i®2 ~ ,~ ~ ~ _, a x-~-t z ~ _, a ~ ~~~ _~ ~ ~, t Y ', , '1~ ~~f1N'"1*dM. NRC 0 TDTAL P.02 EDA Agenda - 12/16/02 6. Consideration of status re ort of GMEF Loan 110. 01.4. (T. J. Martin) A. Reference and back round: Ai the EI)A n~cetitlg of October 8, 2002, the commissioners authorised pursuing recove--y ol` funds for GMEI: Loan No. 014 ("l'. J. Martin, Inc.). 7 he attached letter was nlailcd by using Return Receipt Service on October l 1, 2002. Repayment of` the $87,_500 machinery and equipment loan began March l , 2000, the unpaid principal balance of the loan is $4.5,88G.66 per the Finance DepartYllent. No payments were wired by the lender in November or December, 2002. '1'lF/I IRA ~ X7,900 Note Status - Un November ] 8, 2002, the Lake Tool building on I)undas Circle was pLirchased by DH1, 1/ntcrprises (Dwayne, Hollie, and Lisa Hoglund.) and the Contract for Private R.edevelop~llent was not assigned to the new owner. The seller agreed to pay-olf the I IRA Note including the outstanding load anal dcticiencies in the amount oI`$21,7 ~4. Upon receiving delinquent tax increment from Wright County •lanuary, 2001, the HRA will declare the Contract for Private Redcveloptllent null and void. The 11RA will also consider whether to decertify TIF' [)istrict No. 1-21, I've been in contact with both with Carl or Eric Bondhus ~.ind Greg Hohlen, H'i~'st National Bank of Elk .River, relative to the EDA loan. With the liquidation sale and property sale, it is the hope of the Bondhus' to have sufficient lands to retire their debts. First National Bank holds the first mortgage on the EDA machinery and equipment loan. Carl will give Ille all LlpdatC of their receivables al Monday, the 1 G`~', and in the nleantinle, hopefully, Greg Auld I earl connect. It's the lender's position to work with the F3ondllus' to avoid any formal action. • October I I. 3003 Eric Bondhus and Dennis Bondhus T. 1. Martin, Inc. 1347 Dundas Circle Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Notice of Default by Borrower EDA - GMEF No. O 14 Dear Eric and Dennis: At the Monticello Economic Development Authotity (EDA) meeting of October 8, ?002, the commissioners were informed that T. J. Martin, Inc. (the "Borrower'-) had sold the certain equipment (Attachment A) designed for use at the Minimum Improvements and financed by the Monticello Econolraic Development Authority (the "Lender") per the Loan Agreement dated February 18. 1998, between T. J. Nlar-tin, Inc. and the Monticello Economic Development Authority. Per the Borrower, the certain equipment had been sold by the Burrower during a liquidation sale. The commissioners made a motion !o Gnlthnri,e ptu•suin~r /'L'C'Ol'L'/:)' Of f2li'7[GS fi)r G;t/EF;Vn. OI-! (T. J. ,l/u/-tin. /nc./ per the Loan Agreement, l„enders Remedies a on Borro~~ er•s Default. Upi)n an Event of Default by Burrower and after recraipt of written notice From Lender. Under shall have the ri~~ht to exercise any or all of the folluwin~ remedies (and any other ri~,hts and remecli4s available to it):.......-. Flereby, this letter serves as the written notice from the Lender to the Borrower. For your information, as of the be~~innin~~ of September ?OOZ. the remaining principal balance of the loan was $45,886.66. Should you have cluestians, please call the Office of Economic Development at 763-271-3208. Sincerely, ~dia~a~{ uan~aE{ ~i~sauaoQ sz~o eras rac~zol ~ (pir~d s~ aa{ puFr '~ pajsanbaa it (flop) ssa.lppy s,aassa)ppy 43 V66 t aagwa]aa `L l! SE uaao3 Sd (auabyan a . ~ppy) :aarileu6is 'g (auieN luu~) :rfg paniaoa~ .5 ~ UO~ ~ as!pueyaaaW )o}ldia~ay~ uanlaJ ^ ,' y ~ paansu~ i`1 t' ~ieW ssa)dx~ ^ ~ pai111aatJ pa~alsitiaH ^ _ ~ adr~l aoinaa5 'GV -,i _I ~ ~ 1,/ ..l C•. 1, 1-,;,}I ~ I,aqu)nN a~o!1)V ~'b t l ~' 1, of passaappy a~.)i}~~ g ~aal.lo} .la}sew}sod l~nsuo~ ~'~r`jn!i;,,u ale{) 71x1 I)lIF {) 17anl~a(] 'HM 8r~l~lr ay{ u)oiaM of Mor.ls ~I!M lrl!aoay wnl ~U ;)yl ^ ~ 3npap paloialsa~{ iarµunu a~~ili 3r.g Moloq aoa!r11!r u) 041 uo„p~lsnnhx)}~ Ir1ra0:da r.r)nFal-/, al!.iM ^ .z ,~r)),~~r~ ~' . , appy S,aaSSalppf/ [J l loo ;anp o n ds {! ~IoF>~1 )yl uo )o ~ )aidpeul )rll to µio)l alal of waol ~!'ll 4onlly ^ nnR 01 P)E!:7 m ' (aa} Eta)xa sn}l r.i.inla.i i.irao '9M {ey{ os u).io} siyl l(7 ,isr>n,3) E7~{{ uu ~~s.~appe pua aweu .ino% luia,~ ^ UB 10}~ SaUIn1aS F~UIMU~~O} '9V pur"('b'E 9U.1-)q alalrluio`) ^ ayl aniaoaa o} ~.~SIM oS~L' ~ ';aa!n)as ~ei)n!pppe iol Z )o/pue { iU18)I ~},]~(IILgJ • ~a~arv~s 295-271 I • Fax: (763) 295-4404 - -. ...,~..•.°~•. ..,. ~~~~~ - ~ ro~~ aya-3170 • Fax: (763) 271-3272 MOIVTICELLO ~~ Y ~4 0?-18-:1998 ____ 60 ~ o~ ;~6D ~ ~ 2 ~p _ . ~ ~~_-3 .....___ ~ 3 U< ' _ ~ ~- a o .~~ ~: o 'S ~ ~~, __._._ 5 D f I l ~ U ~ ___._---- ~ .__. ,.-_ _ ... ...., ~--..._~.3-_l ~ l---- h ~r (" ~~,~~,~ ~,~_~ • ~ 11 3.2 '~ ~ jul ~ ~ 3 ~ 3 % 7.3 // ~~~~~ 7~7 / v / ~'~ ~ ~~ o __.r~~~•~ l x/ 3/0 !' SSA ~ 21 ~ ~i~~~ ~ a~~~ 23 c 24 lv ~`~ ~L' ~fr' .;~~~ /U .~. ~ 6 ~ 26 C 32 _ 33 v 34 35 36 37 I 38 ~ 39 ~ ~r b I 41 ~ 42 ~ 43 44 45 Y EAR 46 47 48 •+~ .k..k n~f~J~.[~IZ7?:r.7:c~~r sc:~»vr_~ ~* oa : 29 :36 ( Ar:'Lt.ta1./360 ) P~.~e 7. / ~ ` ~~~ l , T~ u ~~~~< °Cw ,~ b~` N,i V ~ ', " ~ ~. ~~-n x/07_/01 389.44 i 1326.68 t~cs~~~~ . ~.~ 7/01:/C}7_ 369 . G9 U- 1345.43 6690;3 82 __. 3/01/gl 374.4~i / 1341.64 ~ 6=,562 18 a/01/01 356.97 ~ 1349.15 64213.63 3%1/01 347.82.E 1368.30 6284."73 1/01/01 351. "76 +% ]_364.36 6140.37 z/U1/o~. 333.02: 13e3 . ici f 6ao9 7.27 2081 !}538.68 16054.76 68097.27 x/01/02 336.38 / 1379.74/ 587..1.7.53 2./81/0?. 328.66v' 1181.46 ~ '~~r'330.•07 3/01/02 239.84.E 1426.28 55903.'79 ~.~ 4/01/0?. 312.91. 7_~~~~...2~./~. 5500.5$ ; Yv`~/ .~ 5/U1_/n2 295 . z7_:. 14zo . 97:- ca:3g79.6~ ;'.~t~ `' 6/81/02 29'7.10v ?47..9.02u -' S1660.6~ 7/(17_/02 :?79.83:, 3.436.29- 50224.36 (3%U"1/02 287_.1'?. ~ 1~1:35.OU~ 48789.36 9/01_%02 2."/3.q8~ 7.443.04 47346.32 .0/07../02 256.46 / 1459.66 ~ 5886.66 ~' .1/01%02 256 . E34 1459.2€i 44427.38 .2/01/02 240.65 1.4"7~i _ 47 42951.97.. 2002 34413.03 17135.36 42951..91. 13.; 01./03 ~ 240.41 1475.77.. 41416.2q 12/01/83 ~ 232.7.5 1483.9'7 3992.2.3 )3jg1/U3 202.]..8 151:~i:94 38<a.78.29 )4/01/03 ?..7.5.37 150q . 7> 360'77.54 )5/0/03 200.30 1~i15.82 I 35461.72 15/011 03 198.4y 1.511.63 I 33`744.OJ )7/01/q,, 1F33.86 153': X26 3::417_.83 )C3/01/U3 1137_ . ~i2 1534.70 30137"1.13 )9/gl/03 7.72.83 1543.29 29333.84 Lq/07_%83 7.58.89 155'7.23 27776.61 L1/U'1/03 155.47 1560.65 262:1.5.96 l2/O1/q3 7:42.00 1.574.17, :?4641.84 2003 2233.37 1831q.!)7 24641.84 71/07./04 137.93 1578.9 23063.55 )2/01/04 129 . q9 1~= 8'7.03 21476.62. 73/01/04 112.45 3.603.6'7 ~ 19872.95 J~k/U7./q4 11.:1...23 1F>04 . f7~] ( 'I.F.;26Et , 06 Monticello City Hull, SUS Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362-3$3 (• ('7(~3) 295.2.71(• Fax: (ry63) 295-<J11U4 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello. M~ 553F2 • (7~SZ1 ~QS_2 t7n . c..... ~-..~..-.. ____ 1?.DA Agenda - 12/1G/02 7. Cryonsideration to discuss fur a royal authorizin =the re lace~nent of the Li uor Funrlc_ A. Reference and background: Ila order to be self=sul`licient, Ola ApI•II 2001, tl1C EDA Iaaclde the folloWln~T, In()tloll: To authori~c repaymelt of the Liquor Funds in the alnoulat of I O`% of the (iMEF cash balance, not to drop below a cash. balance of $400,000, to be reviewed on aIa annual basis. Repayment per the EDA Business Subsidy Criteria. Except Bona the Busiless Subsidy Criteria: Il` such is the case, such funds must be transferred to the debt. service funds of the City to be used solely to reduce tax levies for bonded iladebtedlaess of the City (see Section SB of the ordinance establishilag the Monticello EDA). On April 2>, 2002, tlae EDA made the following motion: To table action on repayment otthe Liquor Fwads until year-end. Therefore, this item appears on the EDA agelada for consideratiola. Attached is a copy of the 2002 Cash Flow Projection which inclLlded a $79,000 - 2002 repayment to the [,iquor l~'I.uad. Adjustlnelats were made to the expenditures. "1'hc i-aitial total ~unount transferred to the EDA 1`rom the Liquor Hund was $38 x,000. After the 2001 $77,000 repaynacnt, the remaining b~.ll~.uace is $ ~OG,000. "1'he EDA/Liquor h'und dollars are non-restr°ictivc fiuads which can be used for Block :35 unlike the MIF/"1'C'[)(' dollars (Federal $500,000) which must be acco(uated for separately or not. interlaaingled with the EDA/l:iquor F~'und dollars. T'he MIF/UMC dollars (State $290,000) must be accounted for separately but can be used for various economic dcvelopmelat purposes. City retains $ I00,000 plus interest. II~ the EDA would completely repay the Liq(lor Fuaad and expend the remaining balance of the DMRF, $150,000 for Block ~5, the remaining cash balance ol`the EDA/Liquor I~I.Ind would be approximately $1]7,000. At the end of'2001, there was a remaining halancc of unpaid principal I`or the 8 existing loans in the arnoun.t of approximately $500,000. • EUA. Agenda - 12/1G/02 I3. Alternative Action: n motion to authorise a 2002 repayment ()f the L1gL101' I''L111dS 111 llle a1110L1nt O1 $79,000 for use solely to red(lce tat levies for bonded indebtedness of the City. 2. A motion to autllorize a 2002 repaynlcnt oi'ihe Liquor Funds in the amount of _ _ for use solely to rccluce lax levies for bonded indebtedness of the City. 3. A motion of no interest to authorise a 2002 rcpaynlent of the Liquor Tunds. 4. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: Although the MIF/"l'CDC $500,000 are restriclivc funds to be adnlinistercd by the I-:[)A but approved by the Ciiy Council and can be used for industrial loa.lls, tllc 17epal-tnlcnt of "C'rade <:uxl I•:conomic I)eveloprnelti does not ~:lcivisc the EDA or City disburse a.ny of these lilnds as TCUC has not yet created the S_5 filll time jobs. Mole importantly ol't.he jobs creatccl, _51 °/~ must be low to nlocicrate incolnc levels - H'cderal requirement. If the 51 °/, requirement is not lnet, the lull $500,000 must be repaid. I1~thcy create 60 jobs total and 1 arc low to moderate illcolne, they repay a only portion of the $500,000. ~I'11is does not <:1p1.11y to the MII~/LJMC dollars. At ibis time, the EUA has sullicicnt CDA/Liquor Funds to authorise a 2002 repayment. D. Su ortin Data; 2002 Cash blow Projections and. MIl~' (State) i'olicy adopted by the Council on December 9, 2002, see page ?for eligible projects and activities. • MONTTCELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY GREATER MONTTCELLO ENTERPRISE FUND (GMEF) 2002 CASH FLOW PROJECTION BEGINNING CASH BALANCE, ~Tanuary 2002 RECEIPTS Appropriations, Expected -- GMEF $ _0_ Notes Amortization Payments - Tapper Inc. _0_ ML~11er Theatre _ 0 _ SMM, Inc . _. 0 _ Aroplax Corp. ..0_ Notes Receivable ~0_ Custom Canopy, Inc. _0_ Standard Iron _0_ Vector Tool ($509.98 Mo.) 11-03 $ 6,119.76 Tipper's II _0_ SELUEMED $ 20,6'67.08 T.J. Martin ($1,716.12 Mo.) 3-05 $ 20,593.44 Ma.inlin.e Distrib.($702.08 Mo.) 6-04 $ 8,424.96 Aroplax Corp. II ($730.93 Mo.) 12-04 $ 8,771.16 TCDC ($1,457.29 Mo.) 7-07 $ 17,487.48 IRTI ($549.57 Mo.) 1.0-06 $ 6,570.84 EDMA ($193.89 Mo.) 9-06 $ 2,326.68 VisiCom ($115.78 Mo.) 5-04 $ 1,389.36 Interest Income - Investment (est.) $ 30,000.00 Loan Fees $ 400.00 Loan Fees Other $ 191.75 Miscellaneous 1 000.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS TO'T'AL BEGINNING BALANCE AND RECEIPTS EXPENDITURES GMEF Loans - p1^hr~1]CF i nn C'~ V m4 , v, J ~({,A ~.~'/~+ ~`' 7 r' t (1 f1n n. n~ ~ti , UMC $200,000.00 Re-payment to Liquor Fund $ 79,000.'00 DMRF Grants $ ~~~:~~ Chamber. ~ $ 2,172.82 :Loans Legal ~ c-, t p b ~ ~ .~ -0- ~ $ 7W , 000.00 ~~[i.scel_laneous _$ _ ~_~~~ • TOTAL EXPF;NDITIJRES $ 790,782.40 123 942.51 $ 914,724.91 SS,ao 0 ~-l . "1 c~ c7 '+j y l . "'~~~ . g '~- EXPECTED CASF-I BAI.~ANCE, December 2002. $ MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MONTICELLO GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND (GMEF) Balance Sheet December 31, 20 01 ASSETS Cash in Bank $ 790,782.40 Notes Receivable - Tapper, Inc. $ _0_ Notes Receivable - Muller Theatre $ _0_ Notes Receivable - SMM, Inc. $ _0_ Notes Receivable - Aroplax Corp. $ _0_ Notes Receivable - Custam Canopy, Inc. $ -0-_ Notes Receivable - Standard Iron $ _p_ Notes Receivable - Vector Tool $ 39,369.58 Notes Receivable - Tapper, Inc. $ _0_ Notes Receivable - SELUEMED $ 20,467.90 Notes Receivable - T J Martin $ 60,097.27 Notes Receivable - Mainline Distribution $ 92,569.07 Notes Receivable - Aroplax Corp TI $ 94,643.96 Notes Receivable - TCDC $ 82,243.72 dotes Receivable - XRTI $ 72,192.02 ~otes Receivable - GWJ,LLC $ 79,7'77 68 otes Receivable - VisiCom $ 9,741.42 Appropriations Re ceivables - 2001 $ _0_ TOTAL ASSETS ,$1,291,885.02 FUND E UITY Fund Balance Reserved. for Participatiorr Loans (Economic L7evelopment) X1.1.291, 885.02 TOTAL L~ABILITTES AND FUND EQiJITY ~. 291 885.02 * 2001 transfer to Liquor Fund $77,000 Original Liquor Fund transfer to EDA $383,000. • City of Monticello Minnesota InvestmentFund Revolving Loan Fund Policy (This• Pnhc:y does rrol creole nr• ~r•crr71 any rid,>1~Ls• in the Ftr`~cl r~r cn~~~ pcrr•! /hereof) The criteria set forth in this Policy are intended to provide guidelines for the City to evaluate applications for loans ol~ funds from its Minnesota Investment Fund (1~und). The City reco~~ni~es that every project is unique and that there will be projects that satisfy the criteria in dais Policy but will not receive a loan from the Fund. At the same tia~~c, there may be projects that do not meet all of these criteria, but that may still receive a loan, to the extent permitted by state and federal guidelia~es. Thus. each application will be evaluated on its owls merits. In all cases, however, applicants should consult all other City policies applicable to their projects, including but not limited to the City's tax increment policy, its business subsidy policy, and other similar policies, none of which are waived or amended by this Policy. I. Purpose The purpose of tl~e Fund is to facilitate job creation and retention through business sta~•t-ups, expaaasions. and retentions. This will be accomplished by using tl~e Fund to: A. create or retain pern~aneaat private sector jobs in order to create above average economic growth; B. stimulate or leverage private investment to ensure economic renewal and competitiveness; C. increase the City's tax base; D. improve employment and economic opportunities and create a reasonable standard of~livin;, in the City; aa~d • n.lc-?~=~ul=~~ l 1 MN19p-]01 ~ ~~ E. stinnalaie the growth oi~ productivity throu+.~h improved manul~tcturing or new tecl~a~ologics. II. Eligible E~nenditu~•cs -l-he Fund will be used to provide assistance for infrastructure,loges, loan guarantees, interest buy- downs, and ocher forans of participation with private financing. ~1'hc Fua1d will not be the source of more than one-half of the cost of any project. III. Eligible Pro'ects e following criteria will be used to determine whether to make a loan from tl~e Fund: A. ~vhethea- the project will create or retain jobs; B. ~r~hether tlae project will increase the tax base; C. «hether the loan will induce the investment of~ private lands; D, whether the project can demonstrate excessive public infrastructure or improvement costs that are otherwise beyond the n~cans of the City and the applicant; E. whether the project provides highea' wage levels or adds value to existing workforce skills; F. whether the assistance is necessary to retain existing business or attract business from outside o` Mii~alesota, provided that this criteria is not by itself sufficient to justify use of the Fund. ~' Eligible Acti~~ities The Fund will be used only to make loans for: A. acquisition of land; B. construction, reconstruction, and rehabilitation of commercial or industrial buildings; C u.lo-zzao l ~, I MN190-101 ~j 1.~ C. site improvements; U. utilities or inG-astruct>_n-e; E. machinery and equipment: F. workforce development inrludin~~ job trainin4~ anc~ placement; and G. housin4~ development V. 1 ncli~iblc Acti~~ities The Func1 will not be used to provide loans 1~n-: A. Opel'a11011 OI' expallsloll Ot a Caslllo; B. for a project related to a building that has a protcssional sprn-ts team as a principal tenant: or C. operation or expansion of a store which is used solely or principally Ian- retail sales. Vl. P1;-oiect Costs and Financial RepuirCmcnts The following underwriting criteria alone with any Othel" Inf01.171atlon deC177ed rC1C\'llnt by the City, will he used to determine whether to make a loan 11.0171 t17C 1"'und: A. Breakdown of project costs \vill he analyzed, including all activities involved in t17e pro.lcct; B. Letters of commitment from all funding sources; C. The applicant must review the sales, expenses, debt service, and returns on equity investments of the project. The extent of t11is review will be appropriate for the size and complexity of the project and should use industry standards for similar projects, taking into account factors such as risk and location. The review will also include whether or not the amount of equity participation is reasonable given general industry standards for rates of return on equity for similar projects with similar risks r ~ ~....~ Izlc;-~zau I a~- i MN 19q-I fl I 3 G', i and ~~iven the financial capacity of the applicant to Illake additional tlnanclal 11lve.SClllellls. D. An evaluation of the pl-oject~s marl:et share, sales level_ ~,ro\vih potential, projections of revenue, project expenses and debt service io determine if they are realistic and \vill meet the projject's break-even point. 1~:. An evaluation will also be made of the experience and capacity of the business owners to mange the bllsllless to achieve the projections. "1'he applicant must identify those elements, if any. that pose the greatest risks contributil7g to the project's lack of financial feasibility. F. An evaluation of the owner-"s return on invesUllent, to ensure that the owner is receiving neither too lar~~e nor too small return on the applicants investment. '1"he amount, type and terms of the assistance Gom the F>vu7d may be adj usted to allow the owner a reasonable return on his/her investment given industry rates of return for that investment, local conditions, and the risk of the: project. Ci, Fund proceeds will be disbursed oll a pro rata basis with other fiuldin~ sources. These proceeds must not be placed at ~~reater 1-isk than non-federal i~unds. VII. Public Senetit The Fund will rnlly be used if the project can demonst--ate that it complies with the City's business subsidy criteria. VIII. Wade Requirements Any recipient of a loan from the Fund must pay each employee total compensation, including benefits not mandated by law, that on an annualized basis is equal to at least 110% of the federal poverty level fo-- a family of four. • n.lr-zzaola~l MN190-IOl 4 _~ ~ .: IX. Other RecLuirements °1-lae Fund ~~ ill be managed in compliance with all applicable lam-. includin+~ but 1101 111111tLd t0 the followin~~: 1. Coni7ict of interest statutes set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Sections 471.87-.88 ~. 1311S1I1CSS Sllbsldy Act Set 101•tll 111 Mlnlll:sota Statutes, Sections 1 1 G,i.993-.995 3. First Solu-ce Agreement statute set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Sections ?68.66 4. Construction surety statute set. forth in Minnesota Statutes. Sections 29U.97U~ _5. Pre~~ailing wage statute set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Sections 1 16.1.871 6. Data Practices Act set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 1 i Nothing shall prevent the City fl•on~ applying any other restrictions it deems appropriate in its sole discretion. X. Application Procedures Any person desiring to apply for a loan from the Fund should contact . After enstu-in+~ that all necessary information has been received and, if appropriate meeting with the applicant to d1SCllss t11C prOll-:Ct, the will forward the applicationmaterials to the City Council for its consideration and decision. • ~.)c~-~z.u))a~) ~ MM90-101 F._ ~ r '. .J CDA Agenda - 12/lb/02 ~~ S. Consideration of 2003 FDA membershi a ointments. A. Reference and back round: As the City C'oulicil at its first meeting in January will make its annual appointment of GominlSSioners alld CoI1sU]tallts, the COllncll Wlll app0117t tW0 COIT1I1715s1011eCS t0 the IJt)A fora 6-year term. These commissioners whose terms expire December 2002 are Kela Maus and Clint Herbst. The City Council will appoilit a Council member to replace outgoing Council mernber Clint 1 lerbst. Is 1{eIi Maus willing to be considered for appointment to the 1-i;UA fora. six year term or Decelnbcr 2008'? No action I'equired by the EDA,.just a willingness by Maus. The 1:DA would like to express our appreciation to Clint Herbst for both serving as a Council Incmber and an EDA co11il~~issioner. Best of luck, (;lint and thanks. f;DA membership and terms: Darrin Lahr barb Scliwientek 13111 Dctneulcs Roger Carlson, Council Ron Hoglund Council 12/200 12/2001 12/2005 12/2000 1.2/2007 12/2008 ] 2/2008 EUA Agenda - 12/1 G/02 9. Exe cutive Director's Report a) Downtown Rcdevelopn7ent - It is i-77portant for the LDA to be informed on the progress the IRA has with developers for potential redevelopmcl7t of Blocks S1 and _52. "1'17e 1 1 `'', I lnet with hied Katter, Steve .1ohl7son's representatlvc, I~u~ his project. Ile received two fresl7 copies of the IRA's Preliminary Devcloplncnt Agreement. I expect the copies executed and the $5,()00 deposit within the next couple of days. Tl7e time fran7e outlined for "I'ih'; exectliiol7 ('ol7iract for Pl"ivate Rcdevelopn7ent by January 22, 2003, and issuance of a demo permit by 1^ebruary 28, 2003, for Phase I (IiRA lot and corner lot). Phase 1 a three story office building with underground parking. That's pretty cxcitil7g! A secon(i developer, Pat Sawat~ke, has presented preliminary plans l~)r redevelopn7ent of his parcel (salon) and the adjoil7ing noI•t17 parcel contingent upon a purchase agreen7cnt. Retail space #irst floor ~:u7d secol7d and third floor market rate rc17ia1 units and underground parking. l~he HRA will concentrate on assistance with tl7e public parking a17d in7provements, working with the City Plalu7cr Col7sultant relative to projected parking needs, existing need, and 60`% rule. b) Attacl7n7ent A - a copy of the request and tl7e check from the Chan7ber Ivor $1,500 (cash pl'i~es) for the Broadway Bucks event. The 1;DA authorized up to $5,000 as a one time contribution for advel•tisemcl7ts and/or event which would benefit all the businesses in the cflective Broadway area. The event was held Noven7bel• 1'7- 23 and was coordinated by Chal7lber President Susie Wojchouski. l'hanks, Susie. I have not recelVCd a17y Il1VO1CCS for tl7c ads In the Sl70ppe1' al7d ~bel"IJUI"nc I'1'lbllne. c) Attachments B. - C"opy of invoice fron7 Lenny Kirscht f'or preparation of State gral7t application for I1MC: al7d invoice from attorneys for copy oi~ITCC riled on I'CDC machinery and equipment. d) Production Stamping - Constructiot7 in spring. c) Merry Christmas and a. Happy New Year. Ollie 1-19-02 15:15 MONTI CHAMBER ID=7632952705 P611/01 :~ .~' Nricaxc.a BERof ER Monticello Chamber of Cornrnerce 205 Pine Street, P.O. Box 192, Monticello, MN 55362 Phone (763) 295-2700; Fax (763) 295-2705 Website: ~cw monticel~rhamber.com L-mail: infoC~monticellochamber.com November l9, 2002 Economic Development Authority 505 Walnut St., Monticello, N1N. 55342 ,~ ~rickER '' ~ ERCE `Atlu~mew`r ~' Attn_ ~l]ie Karopchak Could you please issue a check to the Monticello Chamber of Commerce in the a~.ount of $1500.00 to he deposited. into the Monticello Money Account. The ~ 1500 will; cover the "Money Prizes" given away in the Broadway Promotion on Monday, November,2~5~'. Thank you. Susie Wojchouski Chamber President v" `" S o-o ~ b ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ oK. ~ ~~.~ ~ G~ , ` e~ ~.,~ c ~ ~~~- ~c~,doa_ • CITY OF MONTICELLO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 WALNUT STREET • SUITE 1 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 NO. ti+c~rrraceLio 763-295-2711 PATE CHECK NO. 11-20--2002 7098$ One Thousand Five Hundred & no/100 Dollars PAY TO THE ORDER Monticello Chamber of Commerce °~ 205 Pine St PO Box 192 Monticello MN 55362 5-1884 910 70988 MAFiOUETTE BANK - MONTICELLO • I?O. 80X 729 MONTICE4L0, MINNESOTA 55382 • (763) 295.2952 AMOUNT $1500.00 11'07098811' x:09 LO i6647~: 760 001 711' 250.46501.4399 DMFR--Broadway Canst. $1500.00 • CITY OF MONTICELLO • MONTICELLO. MN 55362 qtt w 1~ U :,~~ ~ ~ 1~rs a la~.a a~ Of Elk River Main Office: 729 Main Street Elk River, MN 55330-1595 612/441-22g0 October 7, 2QQ2 Ms. Ollie Koropchak Director of Economic Development City of Monticello SQS Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 RE: Ultra Machining Company MN tnvestrrtent Fund Application ~NVO1<CE Preparation of application materials, including the application forms package, public hearing materials, follow-up activities and materials, and information for State of Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development TOTAL AMOUNT NOW DUE ~~~~~~ i ~ ~ ~,1 ~', QCY 9 202 ~ ~', ~ ~,~ 01~ ~ e . ~ d • a '~... $ 4,200.00 Please make Checks Payable to First National Bank of Elk River and send ta: First National Bank Attn: Leonard P. Kirscht l.4><l.5 .Ifa,mes Road Rogers, MN 553"4 Firanches in: Anoka, Elk River, Hassan, Monticel]o, and Zimmerman www.lnatb~7nker.com. E Mail ~ fnberCa31.natbanker.com