Parks Commission Minutes 05-16-2002 . . . MINlJTI;:S RF.GlJLAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, May 16,2002 - 4:30 p.m. "To enhance cO/1//1/nni(v pride through deve/opin,:: and /1/aintaining ci(V parks with (I hi,::h st(llll/(Ird (~llfUali(v" Members Present: Larry Nolan, Fran Fair, Nancy McCaffrcy, Earl Smith, Rick Travcr and Council Liaison, Roger Carlson. Melnbers Abscnt: S ta fl: None Parks Superintendent, Adam Hawkinson I. Call to Ordcr. 2. 3. 4. Chair I.arry Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. Allllrove minutes of April 18. 2002 rcgular Parks Commission mccting: and Allril25, 2002 sllccial mcctinc. EARL SMITII MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF TilE APRIL 18,2002 PARKS C'OMMISSION Mr.:ETING AND TilE APRIL 25. 2002 SPECIAL MEETING WITH Tl-II: CORRFCTION TO TI IE APRIL 18,2002 MINUTES "rl IAT THE PARKS COMMISSION DETERMINED TO GO WITII TI IF COLORED GAL V ANI7FD CI IAINS ON THE PLA YGROUND EQUIPMENT BECAUSE IT ALLOWED FOR MORE ACCURATE GAUCJlN(J OF WEAR. RICK TRAVER SECONDED "rI-IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITII FRAN FAIR AND NANCY MCCAFFREY ABSTAINING. Consideration of adding itcms to the acemh,. Nancy McCaffrey added a discussion of the Par West Park to the agenda and Larry Nolan added a report on the Be Active seminar to the agenda. Citizcns Rcquest. Greg Engle li'om the Monticello Youth ['"ootball Association spoke to the Parks Commission regarding continued use of the ball fields for youth f()Otball and soccer. I Ie stated that a decision had been Inade on not allowing the use of the fields for football and soccer without consulting the groups who use the fields. Earl Smith stated that the use of the ballfields f{H f{lotball was on a trial basis. Adam lIawkinson felt that nmltiple use of the ballfielcls was not good and he eitecl compaction of fields, deterioration of the turf and suscepti bi I ity to weeds. He indicated that this was especially so with Field #4. Greg Engle questioned how an assessment of dalnage could be made so early in the season. Greg Engle did not feci there was anything wrong with the fields as a result of the multiple Parks Commission Minutes - 5/16/02 . use and felt the decision to limit the use of the fields was made without looking into it thoroughly. Greg Engle stated that there is ISO kids in grades 4-6 who participate in youth f(lotball. He felt that with extra care and maintenance, the ficlds would not be irreparably dmnaged by multiple use. Since there are not enough fields to meet the delnand. the existing fields had to be used f(x multiple purposcs. At the present time the youth football league, including teams from Becker. Big Lake. Milaca, Princeton and Monticello use the fields on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Adam [[awkinson stated that even though they have aerated and ferti I ized the fields there arc still areas wherc the turf hasn't recovered yet. I~-Ie was not only concerned about the condition of the field but also the cost to maintain the fields. The lields need tilne f()r recovery from extended use and rnultiple use doesn't alloVv Cor that recovery time. Greg I~ngle questioned why the baseball tealn should have exclusive use of the ballfield. I<:arl Smith asked if the softball fields could be used. C1reg Engle indicated they were 3' short. The Parks Commission discussed rotating the jields for teanl use. (ireg Engle added that the soccer teams use the fields as well and didn't feel rotating the fields would meet the needs of the program. . The Parks Commission discussed other options in addition to rotating the fields, such as utilizing the school fields and the fields by Dahlheimer Distributing. Adam Hawkinson informed the Parks Commission that there arc some lights that could be donated and used on other fields and also suggested re-scheduling the games so that they were played during the day which would lighten the maintenance load for the park staff. Greg Engle replied that the lights were too old to be efficient and stated that in the past the park department was always able to keep up with the field maintenance. hlrl Smith stated that before the Parks COlnmission made any decision they would want to discuss it further among the commission members and give it additional study. Since this item was put on the agenda f{)r the June meeting at the request of Gene Emanuel it would be discussed further at that time. Ureg Engle stated that since the registration for the football league had already been sent out. the association would not be able to handle any additional fee increase. Janey Velde, also with the Monticello Youth Football. stated that the Parks Commission decision would impact the kids from other communities as well as Monticello. . In further discussion of the field use, Adam Hawkinson informed the Parks Commission that he had talked to John Simola about the areas of wear on the Ijelds before he even knew the ballfield was used for soccer and football. F'ive different organizations have use the lield but contribute only $5,000 towards maintenance of the fields and maintenance cost is far in excess of $5,000. Earl Smith that the IjeIcI used by the Polecats, the town baseball team should be a good iield in good shape. Earl Smith also questioned who was scheduling the use of the lIelds. Adam Hawkinson stated that the scheduling is done through the Public Works Office. Adam Hawkinson stated that they are still trying to get a handle on how much use the fields are getting so they can determine how Inuch nMintenance they will have to do. The Parks Conlmission generally felt that the city Inay have to continue to allow the use of the fields for this year and makc establishment of new fields a priority in next years budget. One suggestion was possibly using the 4th Street park or Freeway Fields but the concern was also expressed that the Park Department not be overextcnded in order to accommodate the wishes of the various organizations using the f~lcilities. Adam Hawkinson, John Simo]a, Earl Smith 2 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 5/16/02 and Rick Traver willll1eet before the next Parks Commission Ineeting to review the fields and gather additional information. Ada111 Ilawkinson stated that at some point he envisioned establishment of an athletic complex that would house the softball, soccer and football tJelds adding that with the fields in one area maintcnance is 1110re el"ficient. It was noted that in previous discussions the area around Kjellbergs had been discussed as a location for additionallields. It was felt that somc study would have to be done to determinc the number of fields needed and the land area that would have to acquired to develop these fields. 5. Discussion of Rolling Woods/Wildwood Ridge Area Park Plan. Adam llawkinson sublnittcd a preliminary sketch showing an X' trail coming off Bakken Strcet into the park to the playground equipnlCnt and a shelter. A meeting will be set up to get input from the residents in the area. Adam lIawkinson will have a couple or options that the residents can view and comrnent on. Because or the sharp drop oIl towards the drainage area, the play area was placed as far away as possible in order to keep a separation between the play area and the hazardous area. Picturcs of some play structurcs f()l' the proposed park were sublnitted. This generated discussed as to whether this type of development was appropriate for a neighborhood parle Far! Smith felt the neighborhood parks were meant more for swings while the play structures were more for community parks. The Parks COl1ul1ission then discussed the ddinition of tot lot, neighborhood park and cOlnmunity park, the area they serve and hO\v they should be developed. Earl Sll1ith felt the Parks Commission should come up with a development policy f(Jr each type of park. Rick Traver felt a play structure would be appropriatc for this park as long as it not too elaborate in design and cited #11707 or ] 1257 on the models pictured as ones he felt appropriatc. Adam Hawkinson will come back with additional pictures of play structures. 6. Pioneer Park Shelter. Adanl Hawkinson informed the Parks Conlmission that the cupolas had bcen ordered and the contractor is suppose to be finishing the tlashing. John Simola and Adam Ilawkinson will be meeting with the Lions Club regarding the bathrooms for the shelter. The CSAII 75 project willll1ill up a portion of the roadway that will be used as base fiJr the parking lot area. The material will be provided at no charge. Sewer and water has to be brought to the shclter yet. 7. Pathway and steps at East Bridge Park. Adam Ilawkinson brought up another option relating to the steps and pathway at East Bridge Parle I-Ie suggested that they come off the Iniddle of the east end of the parking lot through the iris bed and gradually wind down towards the river. With this route some of the irrigation system would have to be relocated. Although this alignment would not be as steep, it still would not be handicapped accessible. Ilowever the access fronl West Briclge Park to East Bridge Park is handicapped accessible. It was felt that the steps could be removed in the f~tll and the vegetation transplanted then. Aclam Ilawkinson will continue work on the alignment. "l _J . . . 8. 9. Parks Commission Minutes - 5/16/02 Park Maintenanee Items. Adam Ilawkinson subrnitted a list ofthc maintenance work completed f(n the month. There was some additional discussion on maintenance in Riverside Cemetery and construction of the bike park at the Community Center. The Park [)epartment did the tree rellwval hom the site and the Street Department is doing the site preparation.I'he Parks COll1mission also discussed the plantings along Walnul Street and who was to maintain thern. The Parks Commission didn't feel the Park Department could take on this responsibility with all the other duties they have. It was suggested that something be setup similar to what is done by the Girl Scouts with Ellison Park. Admn Ilmvkinson cornrnended the Park Departlnent staff in their work on rebuilding thc stone wall at West Bridge Park. The Parks Commission requested \Nhen the picnic tables were set out at West Bridge Park one table should also be located at East Bridge Parle Fran Fair asked about the timing of the irrigation system at l':ast Bridge Park. Leo Schrodcn indicated that it is currently set to come on more frequently for shorter periods of time because ofthc seeding. Once the seed is established the original sprinkling schedule will be put in place. The creeping charlie at the park also necds to be sprayed. Discussion of designating representatives to attend Planning Commission/Council meetings. The Parks Comlnission felt that somcone should be attcnding Planning Commission/Council meetings 'vvhen there arc park relatcd itcms on the agenda. It was suggested that the Park Chairman he on the mailing list to receive Planning Commission and Council agendas. 10. lJpdates. A. Entrance Signs - Nancy McCaffrey informed thc Parks Commission that the proposcd entrance sign at the Rivcr Street location would have to be reviewed by the Design Advisory Team. Earl Smith informed the Parks Commission that County responded that they would not allow placing the city entrance sign on county right of' way for CSAH 75. Earl Smith felt there was adequate city right of way for placing the west entrancc sign on city right or way. Adam Hawkinson will work on getting the right of way area marked so it can be detcrmincd if there is adequate space to place the sign. Nancy McCaffrey will assist Adam Hawkinson in getting infonnation on the construction of the signs. B. ATV Subcommittee - The group met prior to the regular Parks Commission meeting on 5/ 16/02. Larry Nolan stated that statutes are more restrictivc regarding A TV use than they are snowrnobile use. It comes down to the fact the ATV"s are basically ban for use within the City. John Simola will be preparing a rcport to be submitted to the Parks Commission. C. Planning Commission Action on Carriage House and Bruggeman Dcvelopment. A draft of the Planning Commission minutes was given to the Parks Commission which noted action taken on the proposed developments. 4 Parks C~ommission Minutcs - 5/16/02 . D. Walk and Roll Update - Ribbon Cutting Jllr frecway Pedestrian I1ridgc. 'fhe ribbon cutting is schcduled for 9:30 a.m. on Junc I, 2002 and is bcing handled by WSB & Associates. thc engineers on the project. The Parks Commission havc bcen invited to attcnd the ribbon cutting ceremony. Adam Hawkinson also talkcd about promoting the city's parks as part ofthc con1n1unity's events such as River fest and Walk and Roll. Ilc suggested ll)r ncxt years Walk and Roll thcy could do frisbec golf or a spin whccl game with qucstions about the city's parle Ilc will try to get an cntry representing the parks in thc River Fest parade fix this year. II. Update on Amcndmcnt to Comprchcnsive Plan. City staff is planning a joint rneeting of various city commissions to rcvicw the proposcd all1cndment to thc city's comprehcnsive plan. A date has not bcen set yet. Added Items: Nancy McCaffrey reported that a residcnt had requested that a baby swing hc installed at thc Par West Park. Adam lIawkinson said he would sce if one of the existing swings could hc replaced with a bahy swing. . I,arry Nolan reported on a Be Active seminar he had attended. lIe will continue to bc active in that group and keep thc Parks Commission updated. Larry Nolan also suggested that may be son1C updated maps showing thc trails could be made availahlc for the ribbon cutting ceremony. 12. Adiourn RICK TRA VER MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 7:]0 P.M. EARL SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. \)ru~. A~~ s vv~__ Recording Sccretary . 5