Planning Commission Minutes - 12/06/2022MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, December 6th, 2022 - 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Council Liaison Present: Staff Present: 1. General Business A. Call to Order Andrew Tapper, Eric Hagen and Teri Lehner, Melissa Robeck Paul Konsor Charlotte Gabler Angela Schumann, Steve Grittman (NAC), Hayden Stensgard, Ron Hackenmueller Vice -Chair Andrew Tapper called the regular meeting of the Monticello Planning Commission to order at 6:01 p.m. B. Consideration of approving minutes a. Regular Meeting Minutes—November 1, 2022 TERI LEHNER MOVED TO APPROVE THE NOVEMBER 1, 2022 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES. ERIC HAGEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 4-0. C. Citizen Comments None D. Consideration of adding items to the agenda None E. Consideration to approve agenda ERIC HAGEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE DECEMBER 6, 2022 REGULAR MEETING AGENDA. TERI LEHNER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 4-0. 2. Public Hearings A. Consideration of a Reauest for Preliminary and Final Plat of Jefferson Commons Fourth Addition Applicant: The Robbins Living Trust City Planner Steve Grittman provided an overview of the agenda item to the Planning Commission and the public. The replatting of the subject property is to accommodate future development of the proposed Lot 11 Block 1, Jefferson Commons 4th Addition. The portion of the existing parking lot to be included in Lot 1, Block 1, is underneath a powerline easement, that limits further development of the area beyond the current parking lot setup. Utilizing this section of the parking lot will allow efficient development of the proposed Lot 1's vacant land. The decision for the item was related to only the proposed plat. The applicants will need to apply for an amendment to a Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development at the time of development. Mr. Grittman provided an overview of the conditions in Exhibit Z of the staff report. Mr. Tapper asked for clarification on why the addition of a sidewalk along Deegan Avenue is a required condition of the plat. Mr. Grittman noted that the replatting of the property requires road improvements, such as the addition of a sidewalk along Deegan Avenue. It was presumed the sidewalk would be installed at time of development. In the event that development does not proceed in the future, the sidewalk along Deegan Avenue will still need to be installed as part of platting. Ms. Lehner asked how the City will be able to accommodate the lost commuter lot parking area. Community Development Director Angela Schumann mentioned that the reconfiguring and use of the proposed Outlot A will be subject to the recommendations of the City Engineer and approval of the City Council. If the decision is to continue to offer commuter parking, the reconfiguration would accommodate that. Mr. Hagen asked if there were any uses other than parking that could be utilized, given the various easements on the proposed Outlot A. Mr. Grittman clarified that parking is essentially the only allowed use, due to the overhead powerlines that cannot be built under. Mr. Tapper opened the public hearing portion of the agenda item. Public Comment Daryl Cardinal, 9187 St Hwy 25 NE, Monticello, MN 55362, asked what the proposed use for the replatted area would be, and how that will affect the commuter lot and his abutting property to the South. Mr. Hagen noted that the remainder of the commuter lot will remain as parking, subject to final decision of the City Council. The development plans for the site have not been provided to the City, but the applicants at current time would be subject to the permitted or conditional uses in the B-4, Regional Business Zoning District. Ms. Schumann added that the development plans for the proposed Lot 1, Block 1, Jefferson Commons 4t" Addition will have to go through the formal Land Use process, with another opportunity for Public Hearing. A notice for that hearing would be posted and mailed out to the surrounding property owners in appropriate time. Mr. Tapper closed the public hearing portion of the agenda item. ERIC HAGEN MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PC -2022-0521 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT OF JEFFERSON COMMONS FOURTH ADDITION, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS IN EXHIBIT Z AND BASED ON THE FINDINGS IN SAID RESOLUTION. ANDREW TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 4-0. 3. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of recommending appointments for expiring terms of Plannin Commissioner Melissa Robeck Community Development Director Angela Schumann provided an overview of the agenda item to the Planning Commission and the public. Commissioner Robeck joined the Monticello Planning Commission in October of 2022 to complete the remainder of an existing term. Commissioner Robeck expressed interest in serving on the Planning Commission for a three-year term if nominated. ANDREW TAPPER MOVED TO NOMINATE COMMISSIONER MELISSA ROBECK FOR A THREE-YEAR TERM TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION, EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2023. TERI LEHNER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 3-0. B. Consideration of Planning Commission 2022-2025 Workplan Ms. Schumann provided an overview of the agenda item to the Planning Commission and the public. Mr. Hagen expressed interest in having a refresher on Land Use from Staff. Ms. Schumann noted that it could be a joint effort with the City Council as well, given there will be two new councilmembers at the start of the year. Councilmember Gabler asked if the Planning Commission and City Council could be a part of a refresher related to traffic information and studies as well. Mr. Tapper noted that it could be beneficial for both groups to be a part of a discussion on decision-making authority. ANDREW TAPPER MOVED TO ADOPT THE 2023-2025 PLANNING COMMISSION WORKPLAN AS DRAFTED WITH THE INCLUSION OF LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES RELATED TO LAND USE, DECISION-MAKING AUTHORITY, AND TRAFFIC INFORMATION RELATED TO PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT. ERIC HAGEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 4-0. C. Consideration of Community Development Director's Report Ms. Schumann provided an overview of the agenda item to the Planning Commission and the public. 4. Added Items None S. Adjournment TERI LEHNER MOVED TO ADJOURN THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION. ERIC HAGEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 4-0. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 6:49 P.M. Recorded By: Hayden Stensgard 14�5 Date Approved: January 3, 2023 ATTEST: Angela Schu n, C mmunity Development Director