Parks Commission Minutes 02-20-2003 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, Fehruary 20, 2003 - 4:30 p.m. "To enhance community pride through developin~ and maintllining city parks with II high standllrd of quality." Members Present: Fran Fair, Larry Nolan, Nancy McCaffrey, Rick Traver, Mayor Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: Earl Smith 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. Chair Nolan welcomed those students present who were attending the meeting as a class assignment. 2.A Approve minutes of .January 15.2003 special meetinl!. RICK TRAVER MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES Of THE JANUARY 15.2003 SPECIAL MEETING. FRAN FAIR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. B. Approve minutes of January 16.2003 regular meeting. RICK TRAVER MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 16.2003 REGULAR MI':ETING. FRAN FAIR SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. None. 4. Citizen Requests None. 5. Review of park and traillavout - Wild Meadow Development Mark Gergen representing MW Johnson was present at the nleeting to review the park and pathway layout f()r the Wild Mcadow development. Mr. Gergen noted that this had come before the Parks Commission at their last meeting. Based on fcedhack fronl that meeting, certain changes were made to the plat. The Parks Commission had requested the elill1ination of three lots adjacent to the proposed park in order to open the park area and give it morc street frontage. For thosc students present it was noted that the development was located in the area of Gillard and . Parks Commission Minutes - 2/20/03 Haug Avenues. The developer in the revised plan did eliminate two lots and that resulted in a hetter alignment of the trail coming into the park. The developer is proposing to change the lot frontages from 80' to 76'. The park frontage would be 498 feet instead of 530 feet. The developer stated that 75' lots arc common in many cities and still could accommodate a nice size house. The developer stated they had met with MnDOT regarding any impact to their propel1y by the realignment of the interstate. 2.09 acres of the proposed park land lies within a gas line easement. Although a structure could not be placed in the easement area, it would still be usahle for ballfields or open space. The developer was requesting pm1ial park credit for the land under the gas line easement. If credit was given for the area in the gas line easement, the total park dedication would be 8.4 acres. The developer pointed out that there will be a trail running along 95th Street. Adam Hawkinson asked about the pathway from the wetland areas and whether it would be an casement or owned by the city. The developer stated that has not yet hcen determined. Adam Hawkinson indicated the City would prefer to have it as an casement. The trail will be ]0' in width. Fran Fair asked with the new configuration of the park land, would there be adequate room for the placement of the play structure. The gas I ine casement is approximately 100' in width so the question was if there was adequate land outside the casement area for placing the play structure. . In viewing the drawing, the Park Commission recommended squaring up the lots a(~jacent to the park (Lots 1 &2, Block I). The developer also pointed out that the park land extends down to the wetlands area. At this time JeffO'Ncill entered thc meeting. He reported that the city staff had revicwed the plan carlicr and was okay with the concept. Jeff O'Neill stated that even with the changes the developer was ahle to keep the same nLllnber of lots in the development. approximately 280. City Planner, Steve Grittman, had suggested transferring some of the park land back to the developer so that the developer could havc 80' lot frontages. Bruce Thielen statcd that from a Council perspective they would prefer to see 80' lot frontages. The City has had some difficulties \vith small lots and small homes and for that reason would like to see larger lots. Jeff O'Neill recommended that cnough park land he given back so that the developer could have 80' frontage. Larry Nolan liked the trail alignment and fclt that it was an overall bctter layout. howcver he still had concerns ahout the park land within the gas line easemcnt. Mayor Thielen at this time briefly explained to the studcnts thc City's park dedication policy. There was some discussion on the amount of street fi'ontage needed for thc park area. Presently it is proposed to be 496 fcet and Larry Nolan was not in favor of rcducing the frontage because they nccd maximum space for the play structure. The developer stated that lots taken out of the single family area were replaced in the townhome arca. They did not lose density but morc of the units were in townhomes. Mayor Thielen stated he was not as concerned with lot frontages as he was with the qual ity of the homes in the development. . RICK TRA VER MOVI-:J) TO ACCEPT THE PROPOSED I ,A YOUT FOR WILD MEADOW WIn-lOUT CHANGING THE LO']" FRONTAGES FROM 76' AND SQUARING OFF TIlE I . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 2/20/03 LOT ADJACENT TO THE PARK. NANCY MCCAFfREY SECONDED THE MOTION. Jeff O'Neill mentioned that the engineer had questioned the grading in the area. There is a 4 to 1 slope coming into the park and the engineer wanted to know if that was acceptablc to the City as he had concerns about the water being directed to the park. With the grading proposed the water will be directed towards the park but the developer stated the water will not be standing in the park but will drain away. Larry Nolan stated that the park lands needs to be f~lirly flat for the play structure and also notcd that any trails would have to meet ADA requirements. In response to how Jar the trail should be extended into the park, Larry Nolan felt it should be brought up to the point where the play structure and ballfield would be located. RICK TRAVER AMENDED IllS MOTION TO INCLUDE ADDING THE TRAIL FROM THE SIDEWALK INTO THE ENTRANCE OF THE PARK SUBJECT TO APPROY AL BY THE PARKS SUPERINTENDENT AND CITY STAFF. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED TilE AMENDED MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6, Park Maintenance Items, Adam Hawkinson submitted a list of the work completed. It was noted that the floor was poured at the Pioneer park shelter and the electricians would be out within the ncxt week or so. 7. Review of estimated 2003 costs for Riverside Cemetery operations and consideration of fee adiustments, if anv. This item had been discussed at the last meeting and the Parks Commission directed stair to get additional information on what other cemeteries charged. Adam Hawkinson submitted the survey information and the recommendations of John Simola, the Public Works Director, regarding the fee increase. If the fee increasc is approvcd, Riverside would have higher lot costs than most of the other cemeterics. It was noted that the increase was necessary to take care of the capital improvements which arc needcd but have not been done because of lack of funds. Brucc Thielen stated any fee incrcasc would have to approved by Council but he felt that if the understanding was that the increasc in revcnucs would be used flW capital improvements that would Inake it more acccptable. RICK TRAYER MOYEn TO ACCEPT THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND TO FORWARD 'I'IIE RECOMMENDATION TO THE COUNCIL FOR APPROY AI.. FRAN FAIR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 8. Wildwood Ponds/Hermes Property. Jeff O'Neill statcd that he and Adam Hawkinson had not yet met regarding dcvelopment in this .., -, . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 2/20/03 area. It is thought that a concept plan of this area would be coming before the Planning Commission in April. Jeff O'Neill explained to the students wherc this property was located. The llermes property is approximately 80 acres and some of it heavily wooded. It was suggested that if weather permits, prior to thc ncxt mceting, the Parks Commission should walk the arca. 9. General and specific discussion Southeast area park and trail develooment concepts. This item is ticd in with the Hermes developmcnt. This will be brought back at the next mccting. 10. Ballfield use for youth football - Alternative Options At thc prcsent time youth football uses the softball fields for their games. The Parks Commission committee set up to study thc fields felt that the use of the fields for football was too damaging to the turf and they were recommending that youth fiJotball not be allowed to use the fields. However, they wanted to have some alternatives in place. Since Earl Smith was not present at the meeting and Adam Ilawkinson had left earlier, it was felt this matter should be tabled until they were present. Rick Traver will contact Earl Smith and Adam I Iawkinson and try to meet prior to the next rcgular meeting to discuss alternatives. II. Consideration of providing input on l!oals and oroiects for the City. Jeff O'Neill explained the previous goal setting efforts. A number of tasks noted on the list had been aceomplished. Since it had been several years since the first goal setting session and with the ehange in Mayor and Council it was felt it was a good time to look at this again and refresh the list of goals and priorities. The Council and stall was in the process of gathering input from the various boards and committees. Onc of the items noted by the Parks Commission was to update the Parks Comprehensive Plan. Rick Traver suggested instead of saying "establish" ballfield locations thcy should say "acquire" ballfield locations. I Ie felt it was important to actually acquire land and start developing the ballficlds since thc dcmand is so intense. The Parks Commission had talked about this previously and i'elt that 40 acres was needed for ballfield devclopment. It was noted that C)' Brien/Klein property which is 90 acres is nearing development and perhaps should be looked at. The original city plan showed a complex in the area of the Schluender gravel pit but that area is not ready for development yet. Growth is taking place in areas where no large parks have been established and the Parks Commission fclt that was another reason why it was important to get the comprehensive plan updated. Larry Nolan felt another item that should be considered is an annual tree planting program. Bruce Thielen concurred, stating that if Walk and Roll could be conducted annually then so could a trce planting program. Jelf O'Neill pointed out that some tree planting is donc as part of residential development. lie also felt that tree planting should be put in as part of public improvcment project contracts so that the trees get planted right away but the Public Works Dcpartment i'eels that is a more costly way of doing it. Adam Hawkinson had submitted a list of various projeet the parks staff was working on or had completed but these were more in the range of short term goals. Prioritization of goals will be on thc March agenda for the Parks Comll1ission 4 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 2/20/03 and it is hoped that the Council will get in April. . Other Items Larry Nolan noted that Adam Ilawkinson had the grant applications ready f()r submittal. The City is applying for five grants covering trail improvements on County Road 18 and East/West Bridge Park, removing of the steps in Fast Bridge Park, landscaping in the park and construction of a fishing pier. Bruce Thielen announced that Robbie Smith will be the council liaison to the Parks Commission. The Parks Commission also discussed the resignation of Earl Smith who will be leaving after the March meeting. 12. Adjourn. fRAN FAIR MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 6:00 P.M.. NANCY MCCAFfREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED lJNANIMOUSL Y. \)(.Lu....~_~ sS..'::~_._ Recording Secretary 5