City Council Minutes 08-09-1999MINUTES MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, August 9, 1999 Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Apuroval of minutes of the regular meeting held on July 26, 1999. BRIAN STUMFF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 26, 1999 AS PRESENTED. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH ROGER BELSAAS ABSTAINING. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator, added to the consent agenda a Resolution to Reimburse Certain Expenditures from the Proceeds of Bonds to be issued by the City. The City Administrator also added for discussion the scheduling of meeting dates to work on the 2000 budget and discussion of future plans for the liquor store building. The bid on the Walnut Street Project was also placed on the consent agenda with the intent to reject all the bids received because they exceeded the City Engineer's estimate and add the work to the Chelsea Road Project bids. Bruce Thielen requested that a report on the Library Board meeting of August 9th be added to the agenda. Ollie Koropchak asked that Item #11 be removed from the agenda as the property owner is uncertain whether he wants to give up the 7 foot strip of land. 4. Citizens comments/petitions, requests and complaints. Mike Gair from McCombs, Frank, Roas & Associates and Shawn Weinand came before the Council regarding a change in the preliminary plat of Groveland that was discussed at the MOAA meeting of August 4t". On the proposed preliminary plat at the entrance from Chelsea Road into the development there was area on both sides of the access road designated for multi-family. The developer has since acquired additional property adjacent to the proposed plat. It was discussed at the MOAA meeting about possibly changing the land use from medium density to commercial. The developer was asking input from the Council on the suitability of converting the medium density area to commercial. This item had been discussed with the City Planner, Steve Grittman who indicated that this proposal was mare consistent with what had originally been contemplated for the area. The developer was proposing to have a letter drafted to the MOAA stating that the City Council concurred with the proposed change. Roger Belsaas noted that the MOAA Board has scheduled a public hearing at their September meeting on the proposed change. The staff was directed to send a letter to the MOAA Board regarding the proposed change. Council meeting - 8/9/99 Mike Gair added that Chelsea Road is an important component to this proposed development and the developer has provided right-of--way for the road in the area where the developer has control over the property. There was a brief discussion on the status afrfght-of--way acquisition in this area. 5. Consent agenda. Clint Herbst asked that items SA, SE and SF be removed from the consent agenda for discussion. A. Consideration of Change Order #1 an County Raad 7S Project 98-17C for realignment of sewer. Recommendation: Approve Change Order #1 in the amount of $20,140.59. B. Consideration of a revised preliminary plat for RollingWaods Subdivision. Recommendation: Approve a motion to make a finding that the changes to the proposed Rolling Woods plat do not constitute revisions which are significant enough to trigger a new preliminary plat hearing. C. Consideration of accepting bids and awarding contract for Project 98-24C Booster Station. Recommendation: Accept the bids and award the contract for the building, pumps, controls and pressure sustaining station to Moorhead Construction, Inc. for a grand total base bid of $244,100. D. Consideration of approval of plans and specifications -Chelsea Road East Improvement Project 98-08C. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution approving the Chelsea Road Improvement Project construction plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids. E. Consideration of short term contract extension far operation of WWTF by PSG. Recommendation: Authorize a one year extension with PSG for operations at the Monticello Wastewater Treatment Facility with the operations cost to be $44S,14S, the same as 1999, with the pass through costs continuing for electrical, gas and chemicals which is estimated at an additional $83,000. F. Consideration of confirming hiring of Night/Weekend Liquor Store Supervisor. Recommendation: Confirm the hiring of Brenda Hegge as the replacement Night/Weekend Liquor Store Supervisor. G. Consideration of authorizing a $181,000 loan to HRA for advance TIF payment to Midwest Graphics. Recommendation: Authorize the City to execute documents making $181,000 loan to the HRA at 7% interest rate. H. Consideration of accepting submission of year end 1998 Authority and Municipal Reports and Annual Disclosure. Recommendation: Move to acknowledge the receipt of the TIF Authority and Municipal Reports and Annual Disclosure Statement for year end 1998. Council meeting - 8/9/99 I. Consideration of authorizing purchase of new snowplow truck. Recommendation: Authorize purchase of a new 2000LT-9500 Sterling cab and chassis from Boyer Trucks of Minneapolis based upon the state contract bid of $69,730 plus sales tax for a total of $74,262.45. Consideration of accepting the vending company bid for the Monticello Community Center and approving designation of the up-front cash payment on the vending contract. Recommendation: Approve the vending contract with Bernick's Pepsi and approve the designation of $20,000 up front cash payment as per the Small Group's suggestion. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED THE AMENDED CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE DELETIONS OF ITEMS SA, SE AND SF AND THE ADDITION OF ITEMS SK (RES. TO REIMBURSE CERTAIN EXPENDITURES FROM BOND PROCEEDS) AND 5L (REJECT BIDS ON WALNUT STREET EXTENSION AND INCLUDE WORK AS PART OF CHELSEA ROAD FROJECT). CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent a ends for discussion. 5A. Change Order #1 to Project 9$-17C -Clint Herbst asked if the change order amount was going to be picked up by the City or the property owner. Mike Nielsen from WSB indicated that the work covered by the change order was done in exchange for permanent easement and that some of the items covered in the change order would be needed in the future anyway. Approximately $6,000-$8,000 of the change order amount were far items that would be needed in the future. A portion of the cost is being picked up by trunk sewer fees. Clint Herbst asked about the easement situation. Mike Nielson stated that the property owner is agreeable to granting the easement but the easement description has not been prepaxed because the exact alignment of the pipe has not been determined. SE. Contract Extension for WWTP - It was proposed to extend the City's contract with PSG through December 31, 2000. Roger Belsaas stated he was of the understanding that the City was considering going out for bids on the contract to operate the wastewater treatment plant. Fublic Works Director, John Simola pointed out that the plant has only been in operation since May and the City doesn't have good numbers on operating costs because of the limited time of operation. He also added that the trained people who can operate the plant are employees of PSG and that the City does not have any employees trained in the operation of the plant. John Simola reiterated that he would like to have the figures for one full year of operation of the plant before the City take this step. Clint Herbst stated that a six month extension would be more in line. It was noted that the contract contained provisions so that it could be terminated prior to December 31, 2000. 5F Night/Weekend Liquor Stare Supervisor -Clint Herbst asked about the staffing at the liquor store and the hours the manager and assistant manager worked. Joe Hartman, Liquor Store Manager, explained that both he and the assistant manager were in the store from 8-4 and the person proposed to be hired would be there evenings and weekends. Clint Herbst questioned whether the assistant manager could be scheduled so his hours overlapped with the time the evening supervisor would be there, ie. 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. Council meeting - 8/9/99 BR1AN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE ITEMS SA, SE AND SF. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Review of six month liquor store report. Joe Hartman, Liquor Store Manager, was present to review with the Council the operations of the liquor store. It was noted that the sales appear not to have been impacted by the construction along TH 25. Joe Hartman felt that the location of the building was one reason it has been so successful. Clint Herbst asked about the storage and the dumpster being out of the enclosure area in the back. Jae Hartman indicated that cardboard that is generated by the business is the reason for that. Currently the cardboard bales are picked up once a week but he will check with the hauler to see if pickup could be made more often. There was discussion on the existing space and what amount of space was needed. Joe Hartman stated at the present time there is 5600 sq. ft. of space and he believes that to stay competitive the building would have to be expanded to 8000 sq. ft. At this time the Council discussed future plans for the liquor store building. Rick Wolfsteller noted that the request for proposals had gone out on the Ferrell Gas site which had incorporated the liquor stare. The City, however, had not fully determined whether the liquor store should have a new building or expand the existing building. Before the City proceeds further with RFP's an the Ferrell site the City should clarify its position on the liquor store facility. There was discussion on if a new building was constructed where would it be located and how would it be financed. There is room for expansion an the existing site and that option was discussed. Bruce Thielen suggested that the City should consider doing a space needs study. The consensus of the Council was that rather than look at constructing a new building, expansion of the existing facility should be considered and any RFP should reflect that. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ACCEPT THE SIX MONTH LIQUOR STORE REPORT. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. $. Consideration of a rovin urchase of a video ima in camera for the Fire De artment. Scott Douglas, Fire Chief, was present to explain the request and to allow the Council to examine the video imaging camera the Fire Department is looking at. The Fire Department has an opportunity to buy the used model at a substantial savings. They were requesting Council approval of the purchase and would also be going before the Township. In addition, approximately $8,000 in donations would be applied towards the purchase of the camera. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF THE VIDEO IMAGING CAMERA FOR THE FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR $15,500 WITH $8,000 RECEIVED IN DONATIONS APPLIED TOWARDS THE PURCHASE. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. Consideration of rantin an increase to the individual ension for Volunteer Firefi hters Relief Association members. Brian Stumpf stated he would not be voting on this item as he is a vested member of the relief 4 Council meeting _ $/9/99 DONATIONS APPLIED TOWARDS THE PURCHASE. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. Consideration of ~rantin an increase to the individual ension for Volunteer Firefi hters Relief Association members. Brian Stumpf stated he would not be eating on this item as he is a vested member of the relief association. Mayor Belsaas if the City Administrator was comfortable with the proposed increase. Rick Wolfsteller replied that there should be sufficient revenue to handle the $2,025 and $2,050 increase but the $2,075 increase may require a contribution form the City. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO GRANT AN INCREASE OF $100 UP TO$2,025 IN THE INDIVIDUAL PENSION FOR THE VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTER RELIEF ASSOCIATION MEMBERS AND REVIEW IT AGAIN IN A YEAR. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRIAN STUMFF ABSTAINING. l4. Consideration of a rovin balance of schedule for user and rental fees and also olicies for the Monticello Community Center. The Council reviewed the balance of the user and rental fees schedule and also the policies for the Monticello Community Center. One area of discussion was the possible conflict between scheduled events with the times that the National Guard would need the facility. There were questions and comments on the dress code, use of the telephone, decorations and security requirements. The Council recommended that this be submitted to the City Attorney for review. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE FEES, RENTAL RATES AND POLICIES AS PRESENTED AND SUBMIT IT TO THE CITY ATTORNEY FOR REVIEW. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. Consideration to authorize ac uisition of a 7-foot walkwa between Broadwa and Public Parking Lots. Removed from agenda. 12. Consideration of relimina lot and final lot for Hart Boulevard Addition - Ci of Monticello. John Simola, Public Works Director indicated that he had spoken to the property owners and they had expressed their interest in purchasing the piece abutting their lot but the plat had not been reviewed as far as easements. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT OF THE HART BOULEVARD ADDITION SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE CITY STAFF AND CITY 5 Council meeting - 8/9/99 ENGINEER FOR NECESSARY EASEMENTS. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 13. Consideration of auuroval of„plan,-allowing angle parking at 108 Cedar Street. Fred Patch made a presentation to the Council on the request for angle parking within the street right-of--way. The Council asked if the applicant had seen the alternate parking plan prepared by the staff. Fred Patch indicated that it was not submitted to the applicant. The Council also questioned if there were comments from neighboring property owners. Fred patch stated that na public hearing was required. Roger Belsaas felt that angle parking would increase the likelihood of accidents and that establishing angle parking in this area could set a precedent. There was some discussion an the parking requirements and Clint Herbst suggested that if this matter came back, the city should notify the adjacent property owners. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO DENY THE PETITION FOR ANGLED PARKING IN THE BOULEVARD AT 108 CEDAR STREET. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH ROGER CARLSON VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Library Soard Meeting Update Bruce Thielen reviewed with the Council the status of the roof repair and building repairs to the library. However, he felt the City should look at the long term needs and suggested that a space needs study be done and have the same firm conduct the space needs study for the liquor stare. Fred Patch suggested Blumentals Architecture, Inc. as a possibility. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO AUTHORIZE BLUMENTALS ARCHITECTURE, INC. TO APPROACH THE LIBRARY BOARD AND THE LIQUOR STORE MANAGER TO CONDUCT SPACE NEEDS STUDIES FOR THE LIBRARY AND THE LIQUOR STORE WITH THE INFORMATION TO BE PRESENTED, IF POSSIBLE, AT THE SEPTEMBER 13Tr' COUNCIL MEETING. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Setting date far budget workshoA The time frame for approving the preliminary budget was discussed. At the September 13th meeting, the Council should approve the preliminary budget for 2000. The City staff will be working on preparation of the preliminary budget within the next week with a workshop meeting scheduled for August 23`d at 5:30 p.m. The City Administrator will check into whether a public hearing is now required for the preliminary budget as well as the final budget. Clint Herbst asked about stop signs being installed an Gillard Avenue at the crest of the hill. John Simola stated that since part of the road is in the township they would have to be involved. In his opinion he did not feel that stop signs were appropriate in this location. Roger Belsaas asked about the blight situation at the Spur Station. Fred Patch updated him on what has 6 Council meeting - 8/9/99 taken place to this point. Bruce Thielen asked if same type of report on the blight/nuisance incidents could be submitted periodically to the Council. The Council discussed blight/nuisances and the enforcement of the nuisance ordinances. 14. Consideration of bills for the month of Au ust 1999. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 9 P.M. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary r 7