Parks Commission Minutes 03-20-2003 . . . MIN{]TES REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, March 20,2003 - 4:30 p.m. "To enhance community pride through developing and maintaining city parks with a high standard of quality." Members Present: Larry Nolan, Nancy McCaffrey, Earl Smith, Rick Traver and Council Liaison, Robbie Smith. Members Absent: Fran Fair Staff Present: Parks Superintendent, Adam Hawkinson and Deputy City Administrator, JcffO'Neill. 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Approve minutes of Fehruarv 20, 2003 re2:ular meeting. RICK TRA VI':R MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES Of THE FEBRUARY 20,2003 REGULAR MEETING WITI I A TYPING CORRECTION. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addin!! items to the agenda. Updates on the entrance signs, Walk and Roll and the city ballfields at Xcel Energy were added to the agenda. 4. Citizen ReQuests. None. At this time Chair Nolan acknowledged Robbie Smith as council liaison to the Parks Commission. 6. Carlisle Villaee - Review of park and trail layout. This item was moved up on thc agenda because the representative f()I" Gold Nugget was not yet present. Dave Nash from MFRA submitted preliminary plans lor the Carlisle development on the Hermes property. The property is located to the east and south of the Wildwood Ridge and the Rolling Woods development and contains approximately 78 acres. .TcffO'Neill presented some background information concerning the development. Since this area is outside the scope of the Comprehensive Parks and Pathway plan, there are no guidelines indicating where parks or trails should be located in this area. . Parks Commission Minutes - 3/20/03 Jell O'Neill located on a map those areas that were being considered for annexation so the Parks Commission could sec where the new development was taking place. Existing parks and trails near the new developments were located. From there the Parks Commission analyzed where appropriate sites were in the new development area for parks. Earl Smith asked about a connecting road in thc new development area and JefT O'Neill responded that there would be a connecting road in the location of 85th Street. Looking spccifically at the Carlisle development, Dave Nash noted that the site contains old growth woods which the developer was trying to preserve as much as possible. The more heavily wooded area is towards the back of the site. The developer will bc present at the next Parks Commission mccting to provide more detailed information on the development. The purpose of being at this meeting was to get dircction from the Parks Commission as to location of parks and placcment of trails. Jeff O'Neill stated that the dcvelopmcnt should have a connection to cxisting trails that have been brought up to the development site. Jeff O'Neill suggested a trail meandering through the wooded area. Dave Nash stated that there are sidewalks included in the development. Adam I (awkinson asked ifthc sidewalk would be extended to where the park is in the Rolling Woods area. AdamlIawkinson felt if there was not going to be a park in the Carlislc devclopment therc should be a sidewalk extending to the park in Rolling Woods so that residents from Carlisle Village could access the Rolling Woods park. . At this time therc was general discussion on the overall new dcvelopment area and where parks should be located. It was pointed out that Water Tower Park is a passive park and the park at Rolling Woods is only about I \12 acres so the Parks Commission felt there was a need of acquiring additional park land and that thc area should bc active park area. Since this arca is not in the Comprehensive Park Plan there is nothing to tell the developcrs what type of park is needed in their area or whcre it should be located. Part of the discussion tonight is to provide staff with inl(xmation that can be used in updating the Comprehensive Park and Pathway Plan. Earl Smith stated therc is a need for balllields as well as play area and that would require larger tracts of park land. The Parks Commission is looking for a site for a ballfield complex because the need for that is grcat and will continue to grow. The feeling of the Parks Commission is that the park dedication fee is not gencrating enough rcvenue for the City to purchase the larger sites needed for a ballfield complex. While the ordinance allows the City to take 100;;) of land area of a development for park land, most developmcnts were not large enough where 101% of the land value would yield the 40 acres needed for a ballfield complex. Thc Parks Commission also raised the qucstion of the number of townhouses being developed and whether that type of housing was being overdone. Jeff O'Neill stated that 3 units per acre was the definition in the comprehensive plan fiJr low density housing but the Council will be considering a policy setting a ratio of detached and attached units in a subdivision. . The Parks Commission felt anothcr park was needed to serve the ShultzlFarr/Holkcr arca. The Parks Commission looked at whether the Rolling Woods park could be expanded to serve a larger area. Because of the topography of the site and the presence of wetlands expanding that park 2 . Parks Commission Minutes - 3/20/03 would not be feasible. Earl Smith stated that until the Comprehensive Park plan is brought up to date he does not see how the City could plan for development. He also felt that until the Comprehensive Park plan is changed, the Parks Commission should continue to take land dedication rather than cash. The Parks Commission teJt that the City Council should be made aware of the Parks Commission feeling that the park dedication fees should be increased. The Parks Commission felt that if they take cash in lieu of land, the cash value is not sufficient to buy park land. The Parks Commission also revisited the question of having fewer small parks because of the maintenance issues. . After considerable discussion, the consensus of the Parks Commission was that an active play area for the Shultz/Farr/Holker area should be located somewhere in the approximately 120 acres of the I lolker property. Another active play area should be considered for the O'Brien/Klein area. Also in this general area there was consideration for trying to acquire 15-20 acres for hallfield development. Rick Traver suggested that Adam Hawkinson and Jeff O'Neill should work on this and hring it hack to the Parks Commission. This will be the basis for the update to the Comprehensive Park plan. The Parks Commission diseussed the area needed for a hallfield complex. They felt at least 40 acres would be needed and the site should be away from residential development with Im~jor roads to the site. The most likely area would he in the Kjellberg/llellman/Schluender area. The Parks Commission felt the complex should serve the needs for at least 20 years and that because of the ill1l11ediate needs lor ballfields this should be a priority. Robbie Smith asked how the Parks Commission would determine how much the park dedication fee should he increased. Jeff O'Neill responded that the fee should he set based on the cost to acquire and develop park land. Dave Nash indicated that the developer would not be opposed to putting a park in the Carlisle development. 5, Gold Nugget - Review of park and traillavout. Horst Grazer was present to review the park and trail layout in the Gold Nugget development. ./eff O'Neill provided background noting that in 1998 a plan had been approved for the Gold Nugget development. The developer has now come back with a plan that has received concept approval hy the Planning Commission and City Council contingent upon Parks Commission review. . Horst Grazer stated that the Gold Nugget plan that was approved in 1998 was for 220 acres of residential lots. Since that time the comprehensive plan has changed and so has the proposed development. Now 70 acres of the parcel is designated for commerciallindustrialuse and the remaining 150 acres will be developed as residential lots. He submitted a sketch dated 3/20103 which showed the larger park parcel along 85th Street and then extending up to a smaller park area midway through the plat. It was thought the park site abutting 85th Street could possibly be used fix hall fields since it abutted three streets. The proposed development consists of 197 single family lots, 67 quad units and 48 row units. Horst Grazer felt that un less there was a lot of space between the 3 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 3/20/03 rear yard and the trail, homeowners did not like trails running along the baek yard. Host Grazer stated that rather than concentrate all the park land in one area they extended the park land to be a corridor extending through the plat. Adam Hawkinson stated that the City requires the park property corners be marked. The park layout shown is irregular and would require a number of markers. The experience has been that homeowners tend to eneroach on park land if it is not marked. Horst Grazer stated he has contracted with a fence company who would install 4" white posts to mark the park landloeation. The park markers would go in as the development goes in. Mr. Grazer is planning on doing a planting along the park boundary line using a specifie tree species which should help to delineate what is public property. EARL SMITII MOVED TO APPROVE TilE GOLD NUGGET TRAIL AND PARK LAYOUT AS SHOWN ON TIlE DRAWING REVIEWED DATED MARCH 20, 2003. RICK TRAVER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. .Jeff O'Neill stated that if the trails are internal they are installed by the developer. If they are external they are installed by the city. Horst Grazer stated there arc sidewalks on all streets except the cul-de-sacs. lt was diseussed whether extending the trail to the edge of the Gold Nugget property was an internal or external trail. It was suggested leaving the trail out of the middle section of park because there was aeeess to the park by sidewalk. This plan will go hcflxe the Planning Commission in May and it is anticipated that home eonstruction would begin in September. There was some discussion on number of townhomes being constructed in the City and if too many town home units are being developed. 7. P~lrk Maintenanee Items. Adam Hawkinson updated the Commission on the maintenanee work completed. The Parks Commission complimented park stall on the elean up work that was done in the park area by the Hans Hagen development. 8. Alternative areas for use by youth football. The committee of Adam Ilawkinson, Rick Traver and Earl Smith had not had an opportunity to meet regarding youth football. Although it was the feeling that the softball fields should not continue to be used for youth football, the Parks Commission did feel that some alternatives should be provided f()[ youth football. Adam Hawkinson stated that there is a liability issue to consider when you change the use of a facility. The ballfields are not city owned parks but rather land leased from Xccl Energy. The Parks Commission want a plan to help youth football find alternatives and also clearly defined reasons why youth football cannot continue to the use the softball fields. 9. Final location layout for Well #5 and Dumphouse at Fourth Street Park. The information from Public Works Director, John Simola, concerning the layout for proposed well 4 . . . Parks Commission Minutes ~ 3/20/03 and pumphouse #5 at the Fourth Street Park was reviewed. EARL SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE THE LOCATION PROPOSED FOR THE WELL AND PUMPIIOUSE TO BE LOCATED AT TilE FOURTH STREET PARK. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 'fhere was no information available on agenda item #10. Agenda items #11 and #12 were covered as part of the review of Carlisle Village. 13. Consideration of providing input on goals and projects for the City. The Parks Commission reviewed a list of goals and projeets to be submitted for Council consideration. They selected four goals as priorities: 1) Update Comprehensive Park and Pathway Plan; 2) Acquisition and development ofland for ballfield complex; 3) Development and construction of pathway for Bridge Park; and 4) Annual tree planting program. 14. lJ pdates. if anv. Groveland Grant Application: Adam Ilawkinson had a copy of the grant application available for Parks Commission review. Land Sale: Adam Ilawkinson was approached about the City at one time wanting to purchase a one acre parcel of land by Minnesota and Vine Streets in the area of Ruff's Auto site. This area is being proposed for development in the near future. Adam Hawkinson also stated that the park equipment at the Country Club park should be removed or replaeed. Earl Smith stated that the plan was to take the fence down and make this a passive park with a tot lot. Entrance Siens: Nancy McCaffrey showed a sketch of the proposed location for the entrance signs. Adam Hawkinson and John Simola are in charge of the installation of the signs. Xcel Ballfields: Earl Smith informed the Parks Commission that I,ori Pagel is the contact person at Xccl Energy for \case of additional land for ballfields. She is aware of what is proposed but is reluctant to act on leasing the land until fall sinee it is currently beingbrmed. Xcel also has concerns that a portion of the land will be taken fl.)!" the heeway ramp. Parks Commission is asking for an additional 150 yards adjacent to the present ballfield boundary. Earl Smith suggested regular contact with Lori Pagel. The Parks Commission felt that this site provided the quiekest and least expensive way to get additional baIIfields. If the City could acquire the land, they should consider trying to seed it yet this fall. Walk & Roll: The Parks Commission felt that they should have an updated park and trail map for distribution to Walk and Roll participants. 5 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 3/20/03 Other: There was a bricf diseussion on the website and how it could be improved. This will be an ongoing project f()r staff. Parks Commission also discussed the need to have the Park Superintendent involved at the staff level in reviewing developments when they come in. Reco2nition of Earl Smith: This is the last Parks Commission meeting for Earl Smith who will be leaving the area. The Parks Commission prescnted Earl Smith with a certificate of apprcciation for his service to the Parks Commission and to the City of Monticello. 14. Adjourn. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 6:57 P.M. RICK TRAVER SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. It)~~ ~.' ~ '" ,",' ---.u, , .~ .~ ~"''''~ D Recording Secretary ~ ~ 6