Parks Commission Minutes 04-17-2003 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, April 17, 2003 - 4:30 p.m. "To enhance community pride through developing and maintaining city parks with a high standllrd of quality." Members Present: fran fair, Nancy McCaffrey, Larry Nolan, Rick Traver and Council Liaison, Robhie Smith. Members Absent: None Stalf Present: Parks Superintendent, Adam Hawkinson; Public Works Director, John Simola and Deputy City Administrator, Jeff O'Neill. 2. 1. Call to Order. Chair Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. Approve minutes of March 20, 2003 re2:ular meeting. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO APPROVE TI IE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 20, 2003 REGULAR PARKS COMMISSION MEETING. RICK TRAVER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addin2: items to the agenda, Chair Nolan indicated that representatives from the baseball association and school would be present to speak to the Commission on installation of lights at the school balltields. 4. Citizens Requests. None. 12. Review of park land issues - Wild Mcadow. Because John Simola had to leave for another appointment, this item was moved up on the agenda. At the February 20, 2003 meeting the Parks Commission had given approval of the layout of the parks and trail system in the proposed Wild Meadows development. John Simola presented a drawing of the Wild Meadows development showing the two sites designated as park. His concern was with the five acre park land parcel in the northeast corner of the plat. He noted that the developer has been filling in certain areas including the area under the gas line casement. He indicated a16' drop in elevation in this area. John Simola and Bret Weiss, City Engineer, had reviewed the property and discovered there is a culvert that drains runoff from the Tyler East Parks Commission Minutes - 4/17/03 . development into the proposed park area. The park area, although not delineated as wetland, is serving as drainage area. John Simola had gone before the County to request exemption of the proposed park land from any future County Ditch #33 assessments. He noted that County Ditch #33 is not in very good condition and is in need of improvements. John Simola stated that the City is taking a lot of the runoff from this development and running it to Gillard Avenue and then out to the river. Kerry Saxton, from the Wright County Soil & Conservation office indicated that they would look at this matter but County Commissioner Pat Sawatzke stated that ditch laws prohibit the County from exempting properties. The ditch laws are somewhat cumbersome laws and difficult to work with. The City is faced with the fact that any improvements to County Ditch #33 will result in assessments on the proposcd park land. . Adam Hawkinson provided photographs of the park area for the Commission members to review and John Simola had a drawing with the development overlayed on an aerial map so that the Commission could see where the stormwater ponding takes place. Because the City can't get the park land exempt from County Ditch #33 assessments and because ofthe amount of property that drains into the park area, John Simola and Adam lIawkinson felt the Parks Commission should reconsider the park land dedication for thc Wild Meadow development. The Park Commission discussed options that could be considered. The first question the Commission discussed was whether a park was needed in the area. It was noted that most of thc usable land in the devclopment was designated for housing so the only way to gct additional usable land for park was to eliminate some of the lots. River Mill is the closest existing park for the area but with the Wild Meadow developmcnt proposing to have 280 units, it was gencrally felt it should have some park land within thc development. John Simola stated therc are a number of tile lines in the area but there is no record of where they arc located. Bccause Tyler East is outside the City limits any improvemcnts to drainagc in the area could not be assessed against the Tyler East development. The Parks Commission asked John Simola what his rccommendation would be. John Simola replied that all usablc land in the development was designatcd for housing and the other land is wetland or within the easement area so there is not extra space available. There was discussion about setting critcria for accepting park land and then secing if the developer is able to layout his development in such a manner that meets the criteria. Somc of the criteria to be considered included: I) The land must he relatively flat; 2) The land must be frec of utility lines and easements; 3) The land must be above the high water elcvation which in this casc would be 935-936; 4) It should drain; 5) It should front public roads and 6) In this case the issuc of future assessments for County Ditch #33 should be resolved. There was somc discussion on the usable acreage of the proposed park land. John Simola felt there would be only about 2 acres of usable park land. If the developer filled some of the areas, there could be at the most 4 acres of park land but the question is whether it would be suitable park land. John Simola suggcsted that if the three lots adjacent to the proposed park land wcre rcmoved and the area filled then it would be usable for park. . Based on the new information prcsented, the Parks Commission felt it was necessary to rescind their 2 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 4/17/03 approval of the park and trail layout given to the Wild Meadow development in february. The Park Commission concerns would be madc known to the developer and he could revise his plat to meet the criteria for park land as set out above. If he is unahle to rneet tbat criteria, the Parks Commission would consider cash in lieu of land for park dedication. RICK TRAVER MOVED TO RESCIND PARKS COMMISSION APPROVAL OF THE WILD MEADOW PARK AND TRAIL LAYOUT BASED ON THE FACT THAT NEW INFORMATION WAS RI.:CElVED RELATING TO DRAINAGE ISSUES AND FUTURE ASSESSMENTS FOR COUNTY DITCH #33. FRAN FAIR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. RICK TRAVER MOVED TO SET CRITERIA FOR ACCEPTANCE OF PARK LAND FOR WILD MEADOW TO INCLUDE: 1) NO LESS THAN FIVE ACRE MINIMUM OF USABLE PARX LAND; 2) ELEVATION OF THE PARK LAND TO BE OUTSIDE THE 100 YEAR FLOOD ELEV ATION; 3) THE LAND MUST BE RELATIVELY LEVEL WITH NO MORE THAN A 2% GRADE. IF THESE CRITERIA COULD NOT BE MET, THE PARKS COMMISSION WOULD CONSIDER CASH IN LIEU Of LAND. NANCY MCCAFfREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. John Simola and Bret Weiss, City Engineer. will review these park dedication issues with the developer. 5, Carlisle Village - Review of Dark and traillavout. At a previous meeting, the Parks Commission had reviewed a preliminary layout of the Carlisle Village development. In conjunction with discussion of park development for the general southeast area, it was determined that this development would not contain a park but would utilize the existing park in the Rolling Woods development and the City would develop another park when the property adjacent to the this site developed. Jeff O'Neill stated an extensive tree survey was done in this area and the developer placed their lots in such a manner as to preserve as many of the trees as possible. Sidewalks are proposed along all intcrnal streets within the development. The other item the Parks Commission considered is connection to existing pathways in other developments. The developer indicated that there will he a pathway along County Road 18 which will run to the Wildwood Ridge Addition. JcffO'Neill stated that sidewalks are required if the development generates more than 200 trips a day. Adam JIawkinson asked since the City is not getting a park in this development will the adjacent landowners be made aware that when their property develops the City will be looking for a park site. Jeff O'Neill and Adam Hawkinson will meet and prepare a narrative or park land needs in this area which will be incorporated into the Comprehensive Park and Patbway Plan. They will check with Steve Grittman, City Planner, whether the amendment to the Comprehcnsive Plan requires a public hearing. The proposed narrative will come back to thc Parks Commission at thcir next meeting. It was also felt that a general statement should be made 3 Parks Commission Minutes - 4/17/03 . to the developer ofCarJisle Village of the need for them to determine a method to move the pedestrian traffic through the development whether by sidewalk or trail. The Parks Commission also felt it was important that the trails/sidewalks in this development connect with existing trails in adjacent developments. Added Items: Park Dedication Fees: Because .Ieff O'Neill had to leave, the Parks Commission considered the review of park dedication fees. Information had been gathered from other communities as to what they charge for park dedication fees. In comparison to the other communities, Monticello was considerably lower. Prior to submitting a request to the Council to consider a change in the amount of park dedication fees, it was felt that the Parks Commission should review the information and make a recommendation. It was pointed out that many of the communities surveyed applied their park dedication requirements to commercial and industrial land as well as residential development. RICK TRAVER MOVED TO INCREASE THE PARK DEDICATION FEES TO $1,500/PER UNIT fOR RESIDENTIAL LAND, $3,000 PER ACRE fOR COMMERCIAL LAND AND $2,000 PER ACRE FOR INDUSTRIAL LAND. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . Because this increase would affect industrial and commercial land it was suggested that it be presented to the IDe. Rick Traver also suggested that this be something that is reviewed each year. Lighting at school ballfields: Gary Revenig, the school baseball coach and representatives from the baseball association and Musco Lighting came before the Parks Commission to request support for having the City install lights at the ballfield at the school. The I ighting cost is estimated at $100,000-$120,000 and the baseball program over a year ten year period would contribute $60,000. They were asking the City to issue bonds to cover the cost of the lighting. Chair Nolan asked why they felt the City should fund this improvement on school property. Gary Revenig stated that the city fields arc not convenient for the amateur team to play at. If the school field was lighted the Polecats could play there freeing the Xcel ballfields for use for softball. Rick Traver stated that no funds were budgeted to cover this nor was he certain that the Council would approve bonding tl.1r this type of improvement. Fran Fair asked how many of the teams were actually from Monticello and whether they had approached the township about contributing to the project. Adam Hawkinson stated that in addition to some lights that are stored at the Public Works facility, he and Greg Engle were going to look at some lights which the City of Roseville had replaced that are only 3 years old. If these lights are suitable it might reduce the cost of the project. Chair Nolan asked what the school district's contribution would be towards this project. Gary Revenigindicated that the school district had contributed $150,000 to the fields and would not be contributing anything for the installation of lights. Robbie Smith asked about parking at the school fields. Gary Revenig stated that the City allows parking on one side of Chelsea Road, there is an area behind \eft field where there is parking and Twin City Die Casting . indicated that they would allow osc ofthcir parking facilities so he did not feel parking was a problem. 4 Parks Commission Minutes - 4/17/03 . Rohbie Smith asked what the Parks Commission saw as the value in doing this. Rick Traver indicated that it would alleviate some of the pressure on the Xcel ballfields. There is the possihility that the City could get additional fields at the Xcel sitc and then thc City could get away from having combination softball/haseball fields. Gary Revenig stated that there is talk about expanding to include a second amateur team and possibly a 35 and older tcam. Adam Hawkinson pointed out that there would be some additional cxpense to the City to convert the Xce\ fields from combination fields. The consensus of the Parks Commission was that while they were aware that the need is there and arc scnsiti ve to the concerns of the hallfield users financially they cannot commit to the improvement. 6. Park Maintenance Items: Park Superintendent, Adam Hawkinson suhmitted a list of work completed which was reviewed by the Parks Commission. 7. Alternative areas for use by vouth football. . Adam Hawkinson reported that Dahlheimer's would allow the City to use their facility for youth football. Dahlheimer indicated that the field has not been used for soccer for several years. Although the Dahlheimer field is not lightcd, there was too much damage to the turf at the softhall fields to the allow the fields to continue to be used for youth foothall. The Parks Commission felt it was important to make the Monticello Youth Foothall Leaguc aware of this as soon as possible. Rick Traver and Adam Hawkinson will meet with Gene Emanuel. 8. Sliding: Hill - Bridge Park. Adam Hawkinson stated that he brought this matter because there had been two injuries on the sliding hill this past year. The prohlems occurs because people are sliding down the hill towards the river. It was suggested that the sliding activities be directed to the River Mill hill but they didn't know if that would eliminate the problem. It was also suggested to contact LMCIT loss control people to get thcir suggestions on improving the hill from a liability standpoint. 9. Groveland Park Development. It is proposed to conduct the neighborhood meeting for the improvements in the Groveland development as part of the May Parks Commission meeting. Adaml-lawkinson obtained layouts of playground equipment from various vendors and presented them to the Parks Commission. The prices ranged from approximately $46,000 to $57,000. A subcommittee of Nancy McCaffrey, Fran Fair and Adam Hawkinson will meet to review the play structure and make a recommendation. . Adam Hawkinson also showed a preliminary sketch of the proposed sign for Groveland Park which is similar to the sign for the Otter Creek Park. 5 . . . Parks COlllmission Minutes - 4/17/03 )(). Country Club Park. Adam Hawkinson askcd what thc Parks Commission wanted done with this park. The equipment is old and the volleyball area is not used. L,arry Nolan suggested getting rid of everything and just having a small tot lot. Adam Hawkinson concurred that the volley ball arca and backstop should bc removed. The play structure could stay for now but would eventually be replaced. Rick Traver askcd if thc boundarics of this park had been delineated. If not that should bc done whcn thc backstop is removed. 11. Parks Commission Vacancy. Two applications were received for the vacancy on the Parks Commission. Rick Traver, Larry Nolan and Adam Ilawkinson will meet with the two applicants and a rccommcndation will bc passed on t.Jr Council approval. 13. Adiourn. RICK TRAVER MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 6:50 P.M. NANCY MCCAFFREY SF.TONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSI,Y. \)~ A~s~ Recording Secretary - 6