Parks Commission Minutes 12-18-2003 . . . Parks Commission Minutes .~. 12/18/03 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, December 18,2003 West Prairie Room "To enhance community pride through deve/oping and maintaining city parks with a high standard (dquality. .'.' Members Present: Fran Fair, Ben Hitter, Nancy McCaffrey, Larry Nolan and Rick Traver. Members Absent: Council Liaison, Robbie Smith StafT Present: Adam Hawkinson, Park Superintendent .lefT O'Neill, Deputy City Administrator (for portion of the meeting) 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Approve minutes of November 20, 2003 ree:ular Parks Commission meetine:. RICK TRAVER MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 20, 2003 REGULAR PARKS COMMISSION MEETING. FRAN FAIR SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addine: items to the ae:enda. A request by TDS for an easement in the Sunset Ponds development, information on the dock that will be instalIed at West Rridge Park and play equipment for Country Club Park was added to the agenda. 4. Citizens comments and requests. None. 5. Park Maintenance. Park Superintendent, Adam Hawkinson, submitted a list of the work compIcted by staff for the month. Two skating rinks, West Bridge Park and 4th Street, will be operated this year. Rick Traver suggested looking at a skating rink in the Groveland area or at least to serve that side of the city. Grovcland and Pioneer parks were suggested as possible sites for the rink. There was some discussion on the lIse of the sliding hills and safety measures installed by the Parks staff. Adam Hawkinson stated that with Rill Kearns, the caretaker for Riverside Cemetery not returning in 2004, the Parks staff will have more input and duties relating to the Riverside Cemetery. 6. Revisions to the Comprehensive Plan. A copy of the park inventory was provided to the Parks Commission members. Nancy McCathey reviewed the contents of the inventory. Some additions and revisions were made. -~ . . . Parks Commission Minutes- 12/18/03 The Fallon A venue Park was discussed. This is a small park of limited use. Because it is not suitable for development as an active park, it was suggested that Adam Hawkinson and Jeff O'Neill look into the possibility of selling the land. The Mississippi Drive Park (Swan) was also discussed. Because of the increasing interest by people in the swans this park is attracting more visitors. Nancy McCaffrey noted that the park is listed in the DNR brochure. Since the park is commonly referred to as the "Swan Park" there was some discussion on whether the name should be changed to reflect that. Chair Larry Nolan suggested that the Park Commission members consider this matter and bring it back at the January meeting. Battle Rapids Park was also mentioned as a viewing area for the swans. There was discussion on the use of the Battle Rapids park area. Nancy McCaffrey felt the park should be a passive park with the primary focus the view of the river. The Parks Commission felt this park might be a possibility f()r a grant application. With the revisions to the park inventory that phase of the Comprehensive Plan update will be complete. At the November meeting, the Parks Commission made recommendations fCJr changes in the city ordinance to clarify what is acceptable land for park dedication. Larry Nolan asked if this matter had been taken forward to the Council for consideration. Jeff O'Neill stated that since there are not any subdivisions immediately coming up, he felt this item should be reviewed by staff before it went any further and added that as of this date it had not yet come up at site review. This will be brought back at the next meeting so that the Parks Commission can consider statI comments on the proposed changes. The Parks Commission also discussed the need to update the maps in the comprehensive plan. Although the maps will be done by the either the planner or engineer, the Parks staffwill need to identify the locations of parks that have been added since the comprehensive plan was prepared. An update will be brought back at the next meeting. Jeff O'Neill stated that a developer is looking an area east of the proposed Carlisle Village. This area was identified as a site for a neighborhood park. Adam Ilawkinson raised a question about when park development is initiated. He questioned whether a certain number of lots in the development had to be built on before the park is devcloped. Larry Nolan stated he did not believe there was anything in writing that specilied when park development takes place. Adam Ilawkinson felt that by developing the parks earlier before the development is extensively built up, you eliminate thc issue of residents not knowing how close they are to the park site or what type of park is in their development. The offset to that is that there may be some residents who would question why a less built up development would get a park earlier than a development that is built up and would have a greater need Jor a park. 7. Updates. 8. Jeff O'Neill stated that at an earlier Parks Commission meeting there was discussion of applying park dedication fees to commercial property. Jeff O'Neill stated he would try to get this issue before the Council in January. Parks Commission Appointment. The tcrm of Fran Fair expires on December 31,2003. She indicated her willingness to serve anothcr term i r the Parks Commission was willing. 2 . . . Parks Commission Minutes 12/18/03 RICK TRAVER MOVED TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THE APPOINTMENT OF fRAN FAIR TO A THREE YEAR TERM ON 'fHE PARKS COMMISSION COMMENCING JANUARY 1,2004. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. Identifvinl! 2oals/projects for 2004 focus. Adam Hawkinson and the Parks Commission discussed upcoming projects and priorities Jor 2004. The following are items that were felt to be priorities: 1) Acquisition of land for ballfield complex; 2) Completion of the East Bridge Park trail and arboretum; 3) Completion of the Groveland Park; 4) The construction of the pathway along CSAII 18 and 5) The restrooms at Ellison Park. Another item that the Parks Commission felt deserving of focus was the development of a park and recreation department. At the present time the City's role in park and recreation is primarily on developing and maintaining parks. The recreational aspects are handled by a numher of different groups such as the school, the associations, etc. It was felt that a centralized focus on developing recreational programs and scheduling use of city facilities would be more efficient. The question was how to accomplish the merging of various programs operated by a number of different groups into one governing body for all recreational programs. The complexity of developing an entity to handle the recreation programs made it questionable whether this should be a goal for 2004. It was felt that at least there should be the beginning steps of meeting with the various groups operating the existing programs and starting discussions on how to set this up. It was suggested that perhaps having someone at the meeting from a community who had set up a recreation program would be helpful. Another possible resouree would be a representative from the Minnesota Parks Assoeiation. Adam Hawkinson stated that the question of charging for the use of the fields is something that is being considered. Jeff O'Neill stated that a decision like that should come from Couneil and not staff. Jeff O'Neill brought up the issue of crosswalks along major highways. At the last Council meeting discussion came up on the need Jar a erossing at CSAll 75 and Prairie Road and discussion on whether a pedestrian crossing should be located on TH 25 between ill Street and CSAH 75. Fran Fair cited Gillard A venue and County Road 39 as another location that should be considered. Larry Nolan stated that the Parks Commission could discuss it but because it was an area relating to traffic and public safety he didn't know if it should be a primary focus of the Parks Commission. Nancy McCaJlrey asked if sites were identified as meriting a pedestrian crosswalk who would pay for the cost of constructing them. Jeff O'Neill indicated that it would be likely that the City would pick up most of the cost. It was pointed out that since CSAII 75 and 'I'll 25 are county and state roads and the City could not do anything in their right-of-way without obtaining approval. Larry Nolan felt that perhaps lowering the speed limit might also need to be considered. Adam Hawkinson raised the issue of staffing. With the continuing increase in park land acquisition it may be necessary to increase staffing in the parks department to handle it. While the Parks Commission acknowledged that with the City's growth, the demands on the park staff continue to grow, they felt that staffing needs would be more in the realm of the Parks Superintendent with the Parks Commission supplying support f(lr obtaining budgeting f()r the stafl. The determination of how mueh additional staff is needed and whether staff should be full-time or part-time should be that of the Park Superintendent. ~ -' Parks C 0111 111 ission Minutes -- ] 2/ 18/03 . Nancy McCaffrey asked how often park inspections are done. Adam llawkinson responded that they try to do them 3-4 times a year. He added that another factor in determining how often inspections are done, is the amount of use the equipment receives. Adam Hawkinson stated that his staff, although small, has many talents. Because of the heavy load of routine work that must be done, staff does not have the opportunity to fully utilize their talents. A list of the goals for 2004 will be prepared and brought back at the next meeting. Added Items: Adam Hawkinson submitted a brochure showing the type of dock that will be going in at West Bridge Park. The dock wi II be located off of Front Street on land that was acquired as part of the Riverwalk development. The dock is a result of a grant application made in 2003. The Parks Commission felt it would be nice if installation was completed in time for the River Fest activities and if so then maybe some kind of event or activity could be done focusing on the dock. . TDS is requesting an easement for land in the proposed Sunset Ponds development for placement of equipment needed for their utilities. The easement area would house a 6'x8' pad with cream colored cabinets containing the equipment. The area would be screened and landscaped. At this time who will ultimately own the site is not certain. The Parks Commission has stated that the land would not be accepted as park land because the gas line easement makes it unusable. It was felt that if this was to be considered open space or common area then ownership should be by the developer. Although the ownership question has not been resolved, TDS was asking for easement approval if the city should end up owning the land at this time as this would allow additional time for planning. The Parks Commission discussed this at length. They were firm in their position that they did not want the area in question as park land or for any other use. Ilowever, if for some reason it did end up being owned by the city, the Parks Commission was not adverse to allowing the easement to TDS as shown on the attached drawing with the conditions that the area be screened and landscaped and that the structure be placed at least 12' off the property line to allow mowing with the city's equipment. Adam Hawkinson presented drawings and price quotes from Flanagan Sales, Game Time and Earl F. Anderson for play equipment for the Country Club Park. The price estimates were in the $20,000 range. The bids were to include the material, edging around the entire play area including the swings, playstrueture and installation of playstrueture. The swings from the existing site will be used with the new playstructure. $20,000 has been set aside in the park budget for this improvement. After reviewing the various sketches, the Parks Commission consensus was to go with the Earl F. Anderson structure, which included a digger. Adam Hawkinson updated the Parks Commission on grants that he will be considering applying for in 2004. At this time Sunset Ponds would not be ineluded in any grant application for 2004. . The restroolllS in Ellison Park will not be done until after the River Fest activities. The statIis trying to determine if the existing building could be retrofitted or uti lized in any way. It is proposed that the new restrooms will also have an electronic lock. 4 . . . Parks COll1ll1ission Minutes - 12/18/03 Rick Traver asked if Par West and Hillcrest Parks could be looked at and have staff come up with a revitalization plan. Even if work doesn't take place immediately having a plan will help keep focus on what needs to be done. to. Adjourn. RICK TRAVER MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 6:45 P.M. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED TI IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOlJSL Y. ~ ~~S~ Recording Secretary 5