Planning Commission Minutes 10-14-2002 (Special Meeting) . MINlJTKS SPECIAL MEKTING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Monday - October 14, 2002 5:30 P.M. Mem bers: Absent: S tafT: Dick Frie. Robbie Smith, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten and Lloyd llilgart Council Liaison Clint Herbst Jeff O'Neill and Fred Patch 1. Call to order. Chair hie called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. and declared a quorum. 2. Consideration of allowinl.! a 36' pylon sil.!n to be incorporated into an approved planned unit devclonment. Anplicant: Dave Peterson Ford/JeffSclL West Metro . .leffO'Neill provided the report advising that the applicant is asking for a separate pylon sign to advertise a new franchise. This sign is to replace a sign that has already been approved via PUD when the overall sign plan was approved. lIe stated normally that would be acceptable, but in this case there was no record of what the sign height or area was. The proposed sign makes it 4 feet taller than what is currently allowed and therefore would be in violation of the code. O'Neill stated the question was how tall the original sign was. adding that they asked Mr. Sell and Mr. Peterson to provide this information, but they had no record orthis either. Today Mr. Sell informed O'Neill that he did find information that the original sign height was 36' and tberef()re would be allowed. Jeff SelL Metro West. 1001 Ilwy 25, stated he received a letter from Ford Motor Co. dated 10/1 0/02, verifying that the sign was 36 feet. Sell advised that the letter was signed by Tom McShane, Marketing Rep Specialist in charge of Ford's marketing. lIe added that they are placing this sign within 5 ft. of the original sign. He also stated he was not aware of the 32' limit, he was going by what appeared to be the height of the other signs in the area, adding that this is a basic, medium size sign of the Ford Motor Co. Frie stated that from his conversation with O'Neill, what the applicant has now provided and put on record justifies what was initially intended to be put up. Frie advised Mr. Sell that the Planning Commission must start maintaining a consistency in the code regarding signage, and the need for bringing them into conf()fmance. Frie added that if they can base their decision on what was originally approved they would feel comfortable with that. O'Neill concurred and stated itis up to the Planning Commission to determine if the letter from Ford is acceptable. Fred Patch advised the sign is approximately 135 sq. ft., stating they would be allowed up to 200 sq. ft., comparing this sign to the Dunlo sign which is 200 sq. 1'1.. it is considerably smaller. Pateh also stated that the freeway ramp changed elevations when it was redone, lowering it by about 4 feet. and therefore the sign will end up being approximately 8 feet . -1- . . . Special Planning COll1rn ission Minutes - 10114/02 higher than what is now allowed by code, but only due to the L1ct that this is a replacement for what was originally approved. There was further discussion on verifying the original sign height, consistency, and that the Amoco site across from the applicant's site was not allowed to replace their existing sign at 36 feet. Patch advised that Amoco has chosen to keep the existing sign and make no changes at this time. A MOTION WAS MADE BY RICHARD CARLSON TO APPROVE THE INST ALLA nON OF THE SIGN UNDER THE ORIGINAL PUD STANDARDS, BASED ON A FINDING TIIA T THE SIGN IS WlTI!IN THE INTENT OF 'I'HE ORIGINAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT. ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED Tl--JE MOTION. There was further discussion to add to the motion that the sign width be limited to 135 sq. 1'1.. and height to 36 feet, as well as staff to verify the letter from Mr. McShane of Ford Motor Company. RICHARD CARLSON AMENDED HIS MOTION TO ADD THE LIMITED SIGN HEIGHT AND WIDTH, AS WELL AS STAFF VERIFICATION OF THE LETTER FROM MR. MCSI-IANE. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. , -) . Consideration of an amendment to conditional use permit for planned unit devclonment allowing. for expansion of truck narkinl.!. bulk LP storal.!e, service bay additions. pavinl.! fl.)]' bulk waste Droduct transport. sidewalks and landscaning. AnDlicant: Sunny Fresh Foods Jeff O'Neill provided the report stating that Sunny Fresh Foods was requesting an amendment to their CUP and noted there were a numbcr of concerns such as a license agreement, employee count for the area, and that staff wanted to use this opportunity to address these concerns. Thcir redevelopment plan is positive for this area of the city, but they want to make sure all these issues are taken care of as well. O'Ncill statcd that Sunny Fresh put together a site plan, but that it was somewhat rushed to have it ready for this special meeting. Unfortunately, the plans submitted on Wednesday were changed and not received back from Sunny Fresh until late on Friday, so ncither staff nor Steve Grittman had sufficient time to review. I-Ie added that the Planning Commission could request that Sunny Fresh go through another planning cycle so a full report could be provided by Steve Grittman prior to the next City Council meeting, adding that they could still get the project started before the snow. O'Neill also advised that stalThas been trying to work with Sunny Frcsh to get this project through quickly due to thc construction season. O'Neill provided comments received from Grittman via e-mail relating to the original site plan which included the following issues: 1. No setback for on-site landscaping adjacent to railroad/pathway. 2. Inadequate screening of trailer area from south. -2- Special Planning COll1ll1ission Minutes - 10114/02 . 3. Crushed granite material for trailer surface areas - paving only in automobile parking lot area. If semi-trailers will damage asphalt. applicant should consider concrete - gravel/crushed granite does not meet City code. 4. Curbing around parking area? Plan not clear. 5. No landscaping adjacent to property to north - fence will not screen view of trai lers. 6. Drainage issues based on City's Storm Sewer system - Engineer indicates that pipe size may not be adequate. 7. Plain gravel surface shown in right of way of Linn Street - should be paved to provide access to parking and storage areas. 8. I ,ighting plan - shows a light on power pole in rail/5th Street R.O. W, and "wall pack" lighting on buildings - need a photometric plan. 9. Wastewater hauling station on 4th Street side - should be moved to meet 5 foot setback, and provide landscaping/screening between edge of driveway/concrete apron and sidewalk. . Other issues are raised by this proposal, including location/need for LP Gas tank location, and subdivision necessary to split this parcel from the Little Mountain feed property. Grittman added that given the time frame, he did not think they should proceed. There a number of basic compliance issues, not to mention engineering/public works concerns that should be reviewed, as well as the need to analyze parking issues and elnployee counts. O'Neill addressed a few of the issues such as the current curb line and landscaping being placed on the ROW, stating that because the ROW is not currently being used the Planning Comlnission might allow them to place a buffer there. O'Neill also stated he was unsure of Grittlnan's response to outside storage area in that gravel/crushed granite did not meet city code as he felt that as long as Sunny Fresh was able to control dust it may be allowed. There was more discussion regarding the paving of Linn Street and submittal of photometric plans. The applicant had not indicated they would be paving Linn Street and staff wanted some type of material to control the dust. O'Neill stated that stall had suggested moving the "waste discharge" area also. Dennis Darnell, head of manufacturing at Sunny Fresh Foods, addressed the Planning Commission and stated they had looked into relocating the waste discharge area but that it was not possible, and he further explained the process. It was advised that the city did not want to vacate I ,inn Strcet as they may need the street in the future, thercfl.)re the city issued a license to Sunny Fresh to use the street. O'Neill added that perhaps the license agreement could state that Sunny Fresh would be required to maintain Linn Street. . -3- Special PlanningCOlllmission Minutes- 10/14/02 . O'Neill stated that the issues brought up by Grittman could be resolved by meeting further with Sunny Fresh and that there was no major concern regarding the expansion. Chair Frie opened the public hearing. Frie asked Mr. Darnell to address the commission. Darnell thanked the staff i()r their help in organizing this matter and stated they really have about 4 different projects at this time and are concerned with the weather. As far as the recommendations that have been made, he did not feel they were unreasonable. Darnell further stated they did not plan to pave Linn Street as they felt it was too expensive, and that they are not using it for anything other than egress for ear and trai IeI' parking. I n regard to the concern with the area where they currently pump the waste, he stated it was a physical problem in that they would need to add about 20 feet of hose and that would make it impossible fix one person to handle. He did state they have other plans for ventilation along that side of the bui Iding. They would do the best they can on north side with plantings, admitting it was bad right now. In regard to curbing, he felt they have enough room, but they would change plantings rather than break up the curb line, adding that he felt it looked pretty good right now and they have other plans that will dress it up further. It was advised that curbing still needs to be discussed as far as where they need to lay curb for future expansion. Darnell added that they are hoping to improve the area and make the traftic tlow safer as well. . Roman Svoboda, owner of a property on 4th Street and I,inn Street, stated he is concerncd about the whole project as the way it is now the noise is quite extravagant and people cannot sleep with their windows open. He asked if the project goes forward would it increase the noise or will there be a barrier? Darnell stated that one of the measures they have taken was to improve their refrigeration as a portion of the noise was from the pinions on the trailers running, stating previously they did not have the capacity inside the building to handle refrigeration. Darnell added that the plan for parking thc trailers in the area that they have suggcsted will also help, stating this should cut the noise 80% to 90%. Svoboda also added that thc trucks that move the trai leI'S back and forth do not appear to have the proper mu111ers either, and Darnell added they arc not street grade and it is certainly something that can be addressed and will takc that under advisement. Chair Frie then closed the public hearing. There was further discussion regarding the time frame, but the members not comfortable in making a decision on such short notice. They also felt that Sunny Fresh could work with staiTin resolving the issues and they were comfortable with the building department issuing a permit for the applicant to get footings in. It was stated that there wcre concerns maintaining Linn Street and this would need to be worked out with the Public Works Department and I':ngineering. Frie suggested scvera] options such as tabling thc matter and holding a special meeting in two weeks, prior to the City Council meeting, or tablc it to the November meeting. . Chair Frie asked Darnell if he was aware of the 9 concerns listed by Grittman, stating he felt -4- . . . Special Planning COllllllission Minutes - 10/14/02 that these could be worked out with staff, and Darnell stated he had not seen the list but was aware or some of the issues and felt confident that these issues could be worked out with staff Darnell added that the area they are asking for a building permit for was fix employee safety issues. stating it's a small part of the whole project. and asked that if at all possible could they get started on the f()otings due to the safety issues. It was the consensus of the Planning Commission to proceed with the building permit and table the other items to a special meeting. Patch agreed a permit could be issued, but added that there arc many site related issues that need to be addressed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROD DRAGSTEN TO 'TABLE ACTION AND CONDUCT A SPECIAL MEETING OF TI IE PLANNING COMMISSION ON OCTOBER 28.2002 AT 6:00 P.M. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOlION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROD DRAGSTEN TO APPROVE THE ADDITION FOR THE SUNNY FRESH PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT TO PROCEED WITH FOOTINGS AND CONSTRUCTION. RICI-lARD CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. Adiourn. A MOTION WAS MADE I3Y ROBBIE SMITH TO ADJOURN TilE MEETING Ar 6:30 P.M. RICHARD CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED. ~ -5-