City Council Agenda Packet 01-28-2008AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday January 28, 2008 — 7 p.m. Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 2A. Approve minutes of January 14, 2008 Regular Council meeting. B. Approve minutes of January 16, 2008 — Economic Development Workshop 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and concerns. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures(Admin) B. Consideration of approving contributions. (Admin) C. Consideration of approving a temporary liquor license for the Hi -Ways Liquor wine tasting event on March 14, 2008. (Admin) D. Consideration of setting date of Tuesday, April 29, 2008 for Board of Review. (Admin) E. Consideration of approval of contract with Wright County for police protection. (Admin) F. Consideration of a resolution giving final approval to issuance of Public Project Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2008A (City of Monticello, Minnesota Lease Obligation) related to certain public facilities and agreements related thereto. (Econ Dev) G. Consideration of to approve the transfer of funds for costs associated with the consolidation of the EDA and HRA. (Econ Dev) H. Consideration of a request for preliminary plat, conditional use permit for development stage planned unit development, conditional use permit for drive-through facility and conditional use permit for joint parking and access for the proposed First Federal Addition, a commercial subdivision in a B-4 (Regional Business) District- First Federal Bank. (Comm Dev) I. Consideration of a request for extension of a conditional use permit for a concept stage planned unit development for Kjellberg Estates, a 372 unit mixed -residential development — Ocello, LLC (Comm. Dev) J. Consideration of a request for extension of a conditional use permit for joint parking and drives and a conditional use permit for drive through -facility for a commercial development in the CCD (Central Community District).— Masters 5th Avenue (Comm Dev) Agenda Monticello antra Crty CO Page 2 28, 2008 uracil Co L nsideratiOn of COnsidera approving II M tion ofarne quor provider (Consido eratio riding union s for SCC' f IV � D"v) n of Contract contract fore or20082049. Consider g a registered stablishing foreman(�ICC� 0. Consideration atron of waiV land surae positi and sideration er ofPOteny for St Bene °n. (Adm 6 CO Bechtold of award Of tial conflict dict s simple nsidera7.tion o Pope y ( � ontract for (Fina -need subdivision. Public fltems rem0 re Public emolition 8. nea6n on V ed Worn th orks site), City Public �Ie delinquent u e consent a ity PrOject N t Cedar Str pylon sig ea% on con tilrties and c Benda for disc O.240� 2pCet Garden C 9• CO ge• Applicanderation O f ertr�•catiOn Of ussion. <pubile Works) ter and sideration O ' �OOn Motor ofde delinquent 10 disPlaY A Of torsPOs nral of valiance accounts to pplicant rat CO rat consider,, . �°°nto cOnd ' - to Chat u .YAuditor 11• tion On O10 sportsal us, • Per 3_9 regal r onsiderati blishIng a s (COQ Det for open a ating wall a �o uired ft " ofa reque econd precrnc v) and outdoor st rad 1 ntrcell0 �C0 g� IScre,)e O 1, t for amend t for the 2 p p °rage and Outdoor 2. mm Div g and la rnent to 8 gener sales lt?pVED T > ndscapin the l�Ont. al electio 13' CO O CANS g and requirrcellO ZOni n. Admin A nslderatio ENT AGE ed screeni ng Ordina ) Travel off- NDA ng for Offs Ce, Chapter 14 Re and Reimb 1 policies• treet parkin3 regulatin conofbids f ursement Po Inance� g City o f g 15 tract (,ng) or vehicles licy Review storage buildi 16 °f bids for di ng, PrOject 2 tConside Consideration gester mixer 40,190 an rat he month• n °f establ s, protect d consider, . 1 � C (Admin) rshing a re 200 180 a tion of a Wa fawa 18. onsideration o gular tv°rksho and cOnSiderat' rd of Ad f aPPrOvin p meeting ion °faward nr. gpayment °f error to theof contract bills for Ja second COunc (Eng) nuary, 2008. i meeting of Council Minutes: 1/14/08 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday January 14, 2008 — 7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Woj chouski Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. Approve minutes of December 10, 2007 Regular Council meeting. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 10, 2007 REGULAR MEETING. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2B. Approve minutes of December 12, 2007 Special Council meeting — Comprehensive Plan. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 12, 2007 SPECIAL MEETING RELATING TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH CLINT HERBST ABSTAINING. 2C. Approve minutes of December 20, 2007 Special Council meeting. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 20, 2007 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2D. Approve minutes of December 5, 2007 Special Council meeting — EDA. Tom Perrault noted in Section 4, Page 3 that the comments attributed to him were actually made at a different meeting and asked that the language be removed. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE MNUTES OF THE DECEMBER 5, 2007 SPECIAL MEETING RELATING TO THE EDA WITH THE CHANGE NOTED. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2E. Approve minutes of January 2, 2008 Special Council meeting. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 2, 2008 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Council Minutes: 1/14/08 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. The following items were added to agenda: 1) Light pole by 113 Broadway; 2) Timing of the lights at the new interchange, at CSAH 39 and CSAH 18 and at Highland Way and CSAH 75; 3) Speed limit on Fenning Avenue; 4) Establishment of second precinct; 5) Update on Comprehensive Plan and 6) Proposal to send staff and/or Council to Virginia to look at a fiber optics system management program. 4. Citizens comments, petitions, requests and concerns. No one spoke under citizens comments. 5. Consent Agenda A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures. Recommendation: Approve hires and departures for Parks, DMV and Finance Department as identified. B. Consideration of approving contributions. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution approving the contributions and authorizing use of funds as specified by donors. C. Consideration to approve a Second Amendment to Contract for Private Development by and among the City of Monticello EDA, the City of Monticello and First National Bank of Elk River, as assignee of Front Porch Associates, LTD. Recommendation: Approve the Second Amendment to the Contract for Private Development by and among the City of Monticello EDA, City of Monticello, and First National Bank of Elk River, as assignee of Front Porch Associates, LTD. D. Consideration of contract with Peterson-Grimsmo Chapel for Cemetery Caretaker Services for Riverside Cemetery. Recommendation: Approve the new Agreement for Services with Peterson-Grimsmo Chapel to perform those duties as listed in the Agreement for Services at Riverside Cemetery for a lump sum of $316 per month. E. Consideration of final payment in the amount of $7,000 for the mural at the Community Center. Recommendation: Authorize final payment of $7,000 to Parker McDonald for completion of the mural at the community center. F. Consideration of approving Change Order No. 1 for the Tower Drive Improvement Project, City Project No. 2007-08C. Recommendation: Approve Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $2,597.00 for Doboszenski & Sons, Inc. for the Tower Drive Improvement Project. G. Consideration of approving reduction in retainage for the Meadow Oaks and CSAH 39 Lift station and Forcemain Improvements, City Project No. 2003-02C. Recommendation: Approve the reduction of the 5% retained amount ($84,343.62) to 1% retainage ($16,868.72) and authorize payment to Barbarossa and Sons, Inc. in the amount of $67,474.90 for Meadow Oaks and CSAH 39 Lift Stations and Forcemain Improvements. 2 C'o nsid DevelOpin tion °f Fina Accept the eats' City pr Acceptant he street aPublic - OJect V, c for the Fe Council Menu L CO d utility warrant vemenIt f° 03-03C andtherstone 1 sr tes' 1114lo8 Consideration o rrantypersod f eatherston 005-2,5p• and 2nd Add . m'n fpurc °r Feat e 1 and nRecol?ltne Itlon Equipinentndatlon: Phasing a sid herstone 1 St 2 Addit ndatlon • J. of Sha Parch e mount Additi0 Ions and REMO kOpee inclu the wing ed winplowg n t° 1 yea reduce K. VE D FRO ding tax for and in 1Ow for 612 r Conside �I AEND '18,31 g0tallation ase LoadO iced ation o fa `�. 0. °m St Jose er to pprovi ph 1 -ions ambling Control Club. ng a request Club for ntrO1 Board Rec014in for a chars L• RI ver Cit to Issue a ch dation' Adtable gainbl Bet Iew OfprO y Lanes locaarltable a opt a res01 Ing license cons told grope orals for de ted at 38 g S ling IiceutlOn auth0 for the Award eration e � �f tune pinOlition of School BO Ise to the mo ng the Stat ub11c strut evard ontice110 to their lotvhe�0intprontingent awOrks Siures at C refere Proposal Project to F, and o fc Ite), C'it Cedar str 2008 aces, fnan°f $24, go EX ntract ford Project No et Garden Al,al resources contingent avating ofeln0litIon 2007 20C,Center and COnside and a siin upon veil-GOOdhue� Re�ornjnen and Re�om ration of Ilan approv cation O fb innesota b dation: and the endationppr°val o fO f al fZ-°in the lding demos. upon N. ecution °f Approve th�er to sell andDA on JanulitlOn Considerate he Quit Cla . resolutsOn conveyan ary 16� trand Feather t0 Of Im deed approving the Of quit clae ane ferrsng the e Devel°ng deed for t Off to se111n deed. donated �Ia-yer propertyoments' RetheOcello at $836,9Inonatedbu comment the City ommendapropertybgitty � that be aW uggesting th d on #SB re With nO pay ien: `accept the the Au the Riv ed t° res at maybe • lacing t° nt t° Ocellohe deed fro m -- ban Ridge ds erfest CO urrecting t Instead of do m Ocell Inn11tt he usl t0 t O Nynee has contracted ng f nds t he Csty, t tr ohank. City se Mayer nO acted wet marchl g b It a ing t the not re ted on h sOrn and Susi nds for R ose Who h eL- laxi #SK ne t° le Iverf ad info ns chat ng their 5 a charsta handle the °.Ichousks , esti it rmation w�11ab1egamb ilositlOn °n fblegalnbl. schedulin Indicated BRIA be Submitte g Icenses nancial in fo g license for g °f the REMO IV STUM pF d at that to will c°me urmatio r the Monts MOTI UAL OF I7,A/, EDT n1e. p for renewa the licensee110 Lions t N. MOTIo US #SC O APPROV I In March t holders buhat the N CARRIE SF, #SL A E THE CO he financial since D UNANI ND #SM NSE NT A 11.10USLY OM pE GENDA W17, � ULT S � THE ECONDED THE 3 Council Minutes: 1/14/08 #5C Second Amendment to Contract for private development —City of Monticello EDA, City of Monticello and First National Bank of Elk River as assignee of Front Porch Associates: Brian Stumpf asked if a one year extension would be enough time to allow the three townhomes to be built. 011ie Koropchak stated the three homes have been built but will not be finished until they are sold and then they are finished to the buyers' specifications. 011ie Koropchak noted the EDA approved the extension just through this year. Wayne Mayer asked about the legal cost and if it was applied against the TIF District or if the developer was paying the cost. 011ie Koropchak responded that the developer is not paying any costs relating to the amendment. If the Council desired the developer to pick up any of the cost the EDA would have to change their agreement. Wayne Mayer asked if this could be placed on the agenda for the next EDA meeting. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT FOR PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT BY AND AMONG THE CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA, CITY OF MONTICELLO AND FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ELK RIVER, AS ASSIGNEE OF FRONT PORCH ASSOCIATES, LTD. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH WAYNE MAYER VOTING IN OPPOSITION AS HE FELT THE DEVELOPER SHOULD INCUR SOME OF THE COST OF THE AMENDMENT. #5F Change Order No. 1 for the Tower Drive Improvement Project, City Project No. 2007-08C. Brian Stumpf asked why the change order was necessary. Bruce Westby stated the elevation on the plan was 1' off and most of the pipe was installed before they realized the error in elevation. The as -built information was incorrect. Clint Herbst asked if language could be incorporated into the specifications that the plan information needed to be verified in the field by the contractor. Wayne Mayer asked why it was up to the city inspectors to provide this information to the contractors as he felt this was the responsibility of the contractor. Legal counsel, Joel Jamnik stated that if the City changes their contract so that the risk of loss is switched to the contractor, the contractors will be bidding higher to cover their risk. The City has to weigh the cost of an occasional oversight that results in a change order against every bid coming in higher because the contractor is protecting himself against that risk. Putting the burden on the contractor means the City could pay substantially more on all the contracts that are bid. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 IN THE AMOUNT OF $25597.00 FOR DOBOSZENSKI AND SONS, INC. FOR THE TOWER DRIVE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, CITY PROJECT NO. 2007-08C. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY #5L Proposals for demolition of structures at Cedar Street Garden Center and Bechtold property (future Public Works site), City Project No. 2007-20C. Brian Stumpf asked if the projects were bid separately. If one part of the project was awarded and not the other would the contractor still be obligated to construct the awarded part at the bid price. Bruce Westby felt the contractor would not be obligated to do so since it was bid as a total project. Brian Stumpf questioned the urgency of demolishing the Cedar Street site. El Council Minutes: 1/14/08 Bruce Westby brought up another item relating to this project. John Simola, Public Works Director had requested references from both contractors and he also wanted a letter from the bank stating the contractor's financial capability to complete the project as bid. As of meeting time one contractor had not submitted a letter of financial resources. Brian Stumpf questioned whether the contractor understood the scope of work. John Simola had talked to both contractors and they stated they understood the work and they would be standing by their bid. Wayne Mayer asked Joel Jamnik, legal counsel if the lowest bidder had not supplied the information specified and since this contract is over $50,000 could the City not use the lowest bidder. Joel Jamnik said he would not recommend that since there is no criteria established that he was comfortable with that he would allow him to recommend going with the second bidder. Brian Stumpf reiterated his question on the urgency to remove the garden center site. It was felt by staff that the City didn't want the vandalism to occur at this site that occurred at the Monte Club site. For security issues as well as having the site ready for future development it was felt the structures should be removed. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO TABLE THIS ITEM UNTIL THE JANUARY 28, 2008 MEETING. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. #SNAccepting Deed for the Ocello property between the Autumn Ridge and Featherstone Developments: Wayne Mayer asked Shibani Bisson if where the utilities were placed was existing right of way. If so, why weren't other utility companies sharing in the cost of relocating the utilities. Shibani Bisson responded it was not so much a relocation of utilities as an extension of utilities. It was thought that utilities were stubbed out to the right-of-way but it was discovered later that it was outside the right-of-way. Wayne Mayer asked if other utility companies had erroneously placed their utilities there shouldn't they share in the cost of correcting it. Shibani Bisson explained that the utility companies get a permit from Public Works to place their utilities in the right-of-way so the City had given permission for the utilities to be placed where there were. At the time it was not known that this sliver of land did not have the standard drainage and utility easement. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO ACCEPT THE DEED FROM OCELLO TRANSFERRING THE PROPERTY TO THE CITY WITH NO PAYMENT TO OCELLO. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Public Hearing for the vacation of a portion of the 90th Street and Chelsea Road West right-of-way. Shibani Bisson noted that this item related to #5N. When it was discovered there was no easement through the property, the City contacted Charlie Pfeffer to obtain an easement. Because of all the utilities located on the property Ocello wanted to deed the property to the City and requested the area of the Chelsea Road West and 90th Street realignment be vacated and added to the outlot in Groveland Addition owned by Ocello. 5 Council Minutes: 1/14/08 Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. There was no one present who spoke for or against the proposed street vacation. Mayor Herbst then closed the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION VACATING PORTIONS OF 90' STREET AND CHELSEA ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY WITH THE CITY MAINTAINING A DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT OVER THE AREA. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. Public hearing on adopting an ordinance establishing fees for 2008. The Council reviewed the listing of fees proposed for 2008. The fees set up in the rental housing ordinance were added to the list. There was a change in commercial plumbing and mechanical permits with it being based on value rather than a flat fee and a per fixture charge. Fees were also established for fire alarm/fire suppression systems. In the past the Council had annually increased the trunk fees for sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water main by 4%. Staff was suggesting that due to economic conditions and the fact that construction cost had not increased significantly that the City not make the 4% increase this year. The Council had questions on the fire alarm fee which is based on the 1997 Building Code fee schedule which utilizes a formula based on square footage of building and occupancy to calculate the fee. The City is proposing to set a fee at 106% of the 1997 fee schedule. It was also questioned whether the fee for chipping actually covered the cost of the chipping crew. Park Superintendent Tom Pawelk will look into this and report back to the Council. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. There was no one present who spoke for or against the proposed fee schedule. Mayor Herbst then closed the public hearing. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE APPROVING THE FEE SCHEDULE FOR 2008 WITH NO INCREASE IN TRUNK SANITARY SEWER, TRUNK STORM SEWER AND TRUNK WATER FEES. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION SINCE HE DID NOT FEEL THE PARK DEDICATION FEE WAS REASONABLE. 9. Public Hearing — Consideration to approve a resolution amending the amended and restated resolution enabling the Creation of the Citv of Monticello Economic Development Authoritv; Superceding Ordinance No. 172 of October 22, 2007. Economic Development Director, 011ie Koropchak noted this was a housekeeping item to clarify certain items in the enabling resolution previously adopted by the Council. The terms of the Commission members were not clear in the enabling resolution. Tom Perrault questioned whether there would be any appointment after year six. 011ie Koropchak said the attorney assured her that there would be an appointment at the sixth year but she would add it for EDA discussion on Wednesday night for further clarification. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. No one spoke for or against the resolution. Mayor Herbst then closed the public hearing. 0 Council Minutes: 1/14/08 SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE AMENDED AND RESTATED RESOLUTION ENABLING THE CREATION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY; SUPERCEDING ORDINANCE NO. 172. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Consideration to adopt a resolution giving final approval to issuance of Public Proiect Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2008A (City of Monticello, Minnesota, Lease Obligation) related to certain public facilities and agreements related thereto. 011ie Koropchak explained this resolution gives final approval to the authorization previously given by the Council to allow the EDA to move forward with the refinancing of Public Project Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2008A. Ehlers and Associates will be at the EDA meeting on January 16, 2008 and will provide the interest rate on the bonds and what savings will be generated by refinancing the bonds. If the rates are not favorable the EDA would not approve the sale of bonds. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION GIVING FINAL APPROVAL TO ISSUANCE OF PUBLIC PROJECT REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2008A (CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA LEASE OBLIGATION) RELATED TO CERTAIN PUBLIC FACILITIES AND AGREEMENTS RELATED THERETO. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. Consideration of annual appointments for 2008. Wayne Mayer questioned the appointments to various committees. The City does not have a list of people who are interested in volunteering that the Council can draw from. However the City does keep the applications from those who were not selected to fill the vacancy and they can be contacted when other vacancies occur. The Council discussed whether there was merit in opening up each appointment for new applications or whether those individuals who have served and are doing a good job should be reappointed automatically. The Council also discussed whether there should be limits on the time an individual can serve on a commission. While the Council felt continuity was important on commissions they didn't necessarily feel it was something that should automatically be awarded without opening it up to others. It is not something that an individual should consider he is entitled to. This is something that will be come back for further discussion. Council talked about ways of acknowledging those volunteers who serve on the various commissions. As far as recruiting Susie Wojchouski suggested as article in the newsletter in July so that applicants could be in place for the appointments for the next cycle of appointments. Tom Perrault stated he had always been interested in serving on the Police Commission and wondered if Susie Wojchouski would be willing to take on the Planning Commission instead. Brian Stumpf said he felt it was good to have council members serve on various commissions as it gives them a good understanding of the workings of the City. Susie Wojchouski said she would be willing to serve as Planning Commission liaison. It was noted the Planning Commission will be looking at updating the zoning ordinance so planning would involve two council members one as the permanent liaison and one serving 7 Council Minutes: 1/14/08 on the task force to update the zoning ordinance. Susie Wojchouski agreed to be the primary liaison and Tom Perrault said he would serve as backup and also serve on the Police Commission. Tom Perrault noted that Clint Herbst and Wayne Mayer serve on the IDC, EDA and Personnel Committee which are committees of significant influence. He questioned whether other Council members should take a role in serving on these committees. Clint Herbst responded that he and Wayne Mayer have worked hard to build a good relationship with the IDC. 011ie Koropchak noted that the IDC guidelines require appointment of a Council member and the Mayor. Gary Anderson brought up appointments relating to emergency preparedness. One is a Wright County Advisory Task Force for planning to handle natural disasters. The other is for emergency planning for a nuclear facility emergency. Tom Perrault will attend the 1/31/08 Wright County Multi -hazard Mitigation Planning Meeting. Clint Herbst and Tom Perrault will serve on the Nuclear Preparedness Committee. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE APPOINTMENTS FOR 2008 WITH THE CHANGES NOTED. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 12. Consideration of Financial Policies. Finance Director Tom Kelly explained the need for the financial policies stating they guide the way the finance department works for the City. He presented two policies: 1) Investments which includes language requirements as part of GASB and 2) Purchasing. Tom Kelly's goal is to update existing financial policies and bring them before the Council on a regular basis. On the draft investment policy Tom Kelly noted highlights relating to purchasing highly sensitive securities. At the present time the City has some investments that could be classified as highly sensitive. The City would retain these investments until their renewal date but would not renew them. He explained that there are investments that are considered sensitive because of their call features. No more than 5% of the City's portfolio can be invested in the securities of a single issuer. The general fund will receive 3.5% of the interest earnings on the investments to cover staff time for the cost of administering the investments. The Finance Director will provide the City Council a summary of the investment portfolio on a quarterly basis. This would be an informational item and would not require Council action. There were minor revisions to the purchasing policy made for clarification purposes as the state has increased some of the guidelines as to when quotes are needed. Copies of bids and quotes are required to be made available for the auditor. The policy also sets forth guidelines for purchasing used equipment. The section of credit card purchases has been removed. Clint Herbst questioned the time spent by staff getting quotes. Clint Herbst suggested that standard items be sent out on a quote form to various vendors. Tom Moores said some of Council Minutes: 1/14/08 the firms allow the City to do that but not all. Some of these vendors are on the state bid which the City utilizes. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE INVESTMENT AND PURCHASING POLICIES AS PRESENTED. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 13. Consideration to review for recommendation proceeding with a Request for Proposal for a Natural Resource Inventorv. Angela Schumann, Community Development Coordinator presented information to the Council for a proposed natural resource inventory. The need for the natural resource inventory is driven in part by the comprehensive plan. The comprehensive plan calls for identification of natural resources, features and open space such as parks. The comprehensive plan also talks about move up housing and how natural characteristics make for a good neighborhood. It is also important to know which land areas do not have natural features to preserve because that is where growth should focus. For these reasons it is important to identify the natural resources and set up a plan to protect them. A natural resource inventory is a listing of natural resources for a specified geographic area. It is an important tool for planning as development impacts natural features. The Planning Commission recommended proceeding with the RFP for a natural resource inventory. If the Council authorizes the RFP, staff will prepare the RFP and set up the selection process. If everything goes as projected the consultant would start work in March. Clint Herbst asked how the YMCA property would fit in. Should the natural resource inventory wait until a decision is rendered on the YMCA property or should it proceed without including the YMCA. Susie Wojchouski asked if funds were budgeted. $20,000 is set aside for this in the 2008 budget. Susie Wojchouski understood when the Council discussed budget cuts for the 2008 budget this was not a project that had to be done this year. Staff felt that now when development is slow is when the City should be preparing the natural resource inventory. Staff also felt the natural resource inventory would let them better plan the zoning ordinance update. Tom Perrault expressed some discomfort about the proposal. Wayne Mayer asked once the natural resource inventory is complete will the community get a chance to respond to the identified features and how they are to be treated. Wayne Mayer asked if a feature is identified on the natural resources inventory does that mean it is protected from development. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO RECOMMEND THAT THE CITY OF MONTICELLO PROCEED WITH A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) FOR A NATURAL RESOURCES INVENTORY. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI AND TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. G� Council Minutes: 1/14/08 14. Update on School Boulevard pedestrian facilities and turn lane improvements review. City Engineer Bruce Westby provided an update to the Council on proposed pedestrian improvements on School Boulevard. The review of School Boulevard was in response to the concerns of two residents who came before the Council in October about pedestrian safety. Bruce Westby talked about some improvements that have been made such as the temporary bump -outs at two locations, installation of a four-way stop at Fallon Avenue, a pedestrian pathway west of Fallon Avenue between Farmstead Avenue and School Boulevard and other improvements such as curb cuts and pedestrian curb ramps. City staff with WSB, consulting engineer, is looking at other improvements that can be considered which include mid -block crossings with bump -outs, signing and striping for crosswalk areas, crosswalk signals and street lighting. Bruce Westby also discussed the feasibility of adding turn lanes at the high school entrance. This could be done within the existing right-of-way with the removal of parking lanes along the outside shoulder of School Boulevard. Clint Herbst questioned the cost estimate for the permanent bump -outs and also asked if there was any statistical data on accidents or other incidents on the roadway. Bruce Westby will also check with the school district to see if the school is going to go back and look at the bus routes again. Initially the change in bus routes was the impetus for doing the pathway work. No Council action was required on this matter. 15. Report on closed meeting regarding possible YMCA acquisition. Mayor Herbst stated that the City Council and Wright County Commissioners met in a closed session to work on a counter proposal for the YMC property. Added items: Light pole on Broadway. An accident on Broadway took out decorated light pole which has not yet been replaced even though the accident occurred some time ago. Street Superintendent Tom Moores reported that the pole was part of the Streetscape Project and a replacement pole had to be special ordered. The globe for the light is custom made and the Street Department is trying to get the parts to get the pole replaced. Tom Moores stated the wires were capped right after the accident. Timing of signal lights: Council noted a problem with left turn arrows on the signal lights at CSAH 39 and CSAH, the new interchange and Highland Way and CSAH 75. Bruce Westby did not know if the lights were vehicle activated or what but he would check into the matter. Council would also like an update on the guide cable along the new freeway exit. Speed Limit on Fenning Avenue: Wayne Mayer asked about the speed limit on this street. Bruce Westby said this corridor used to be posted at 55 mph. The township changed the posting to45 mph and the city posted it at 30 mph.. These postings were not authorized by MnDOT. When MnDOT completes their speed study, which may take up to a year, it will be posted at the appropriate limit designated by MnDOT. 10 Council Minutes: 1/14/08 Establishing a second voting precinct: The Council was provided preliminary information to consider in determining whether a second voting precinct should be established. The number of voters is of a sufficient size to make it difficult to handle at one site. This matter will come before the Council on January 28, 2008. Wayne Mayer felt since the election was only one day it could still be handled as it was done in the past.. There was brief discussion on possible boundaries for the precinct and location of a second polling place. Comprehensive Flan Update: On January 30, 2008 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Mississippi Room there will be an opportunity for the public to comment on the draft Comprehensive Plan. The consultant will be present to answer questions. The draft Comprehensive Plan can be viewed on line and a copy of the plan is available for review at City Hall and the Monticello Library. 16. Consideration of approving payment of bills for Januarv, 2008. Tom Perrault asked about the use of temporary employees. In this case it was for a four hour period and he wondered why other staff members could not provide back up for this position. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE BILLS. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 17. Adi ourn. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 9:40 P.M. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 11 Special Council Meeting Minutes: 1/16/08 MINUTES SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING JOINT MEETING EDA AND CITY COUNCIL Wednesday, January 16, 2008 — 7 p.m. Members Present: Council: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer Tom Perrault and Susie Wojchouski. EDA: Bill Demeules, Bill Fair, Dan Frie, Bill Tapper and Bob Viering. Members Absent: Brian Stumpf The Monticello EDA and City Council participated in a joint workshop on tax increment financing and other economic development tools. Todd Hagen from Ehlers and Associates and Steve Bubul from Kennedy and Graven presented information on the use of tax increment financing and tax abatement as tools for economic development. The purpose of using tools such as tax increment financing is to create jobs, redevelop blighted areas, cleanup of polluted sites and construct affordable housing. Todd Hagen explained what tax increment financing is and how it works. He noted that the laws on tax increment financing have changed dramatically since it has come into use. At one time the tax increments generated by the district could be spent outside the specific tax increment financing district (pooling) but that is no longer the case. Todd Hagen stated that the tax increment financing regulations in effect at the time of the creation of the TIF district applies for the duration of the district. There are different types of tax increment districts and different regulations apply to each type of district. The type of tax increment district determines the duration of the district, which can run from eight years to twenty-six years. The most common tax increment districts are redevelopment districts and economic development. There are other district types such as housing and soil conditions. Steve Bubul stated that the criteria for determining substandard structures has changed significantly and some of the redevelopment districts the City has would not meet the current criteria. Within any redevelopment district 50% of the existing structures must be found to meet the definition of substandard. Current criteria requires an interior inspection of a substandard building and identifying code violations. This was not the case for example when TIF district 1-22 was established by the City. In establishing a tax increment financing district there is the "but for" test. This means the City has to show that if not for tax increment this development or the increase in market value due to development would not have occurred. Tax increment financing can capture only new value generated by the improvements. When the City establishes a tax increment financing district, the Planning Commission must present findings showing that the proposed development conforms to the City's plan. After explaining other requirements of tax increment financing, Todd Hagen and Steve Bubul discussed tax abatement and how that is used as an economic development tool. Tax abatement is a relatively new economic tool since the original law was only adopted in 1997. Todd Hagen defined tax abatement as a rebate wherein the City collects the City's share of local property tax from the Special Council Meeting Minutes: 1/16/08 parcel and then turns it back to the property owner. However, in any one year the City can rebate no more than 10% of the City's current levy or $200,000 whichever is greater. A tax abatement process requires a public hearing and a statement of public benefit. The statement defines why the tax abatement is in the public interest. Steve Bubul and Todd Hagen discussed the advantage and disadvantages of the use of tax increment financing and tax abatement as development tools covering what development scenarios are more suited to tax abaternent and which ones are better suited for tax increment financing. Steve Bubul talked about the development contract and what it should contain. A key provision of the development contract is what type of financing will be used to finance the improvements which could be bonds, an interfund loan or pay -as -you go. The pay-as-you-go method probably has the least financial risk to the City. In this case the developer constructs the improvement and the City reimburses the developer in the amount of tax increment. These agreements can be redevelopment agreements, agreements for private development or loan agreements. In a loan agreement because the EDA is loaning money to the developer, the EDA can impose more restriction on the development than just compliance with zoning or building codes. Todd Hagen thought that tax abatement might be more difficult for staff to administer since you are collecting revenues and issuing checks to the affected property owners. There is nothing in the state statute for tax abatement that requires a "but for" test but he felt that was a good criteria to apply when considering tax abatement. Authority to approve tax abatement comes from the City Council and not the EDA. After the formal presentation Steve Bubul and Todd Hagen answered questions and discussed some of the City's tax increment financing districts. Economic Development Director, 011ie Koropchak had presented a map showing the location of the City's active tax increment financing districts. The workshop session closed at 9 p.m. Recording Secretary 2 Council Agenda: 1/28/08 5A. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for MCC. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC. It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring/departure of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. A.1 BUDGET IMPACT: None A.2 STAFF WORK LOAD IMPACT: Until the positions are filled again, existing staff would pick up those hours. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hire/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. C. RECOMMENDATION: By statute the City Council has the authority to approve all hires/departures. There is no other recommendation but for the Council to exercise the authority given to them by state statute. D. SUPPORTING DATA: List of new employees. NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Gauer, Courtney Slide Attendant MCC 1/4/08 PT TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class Jones, Sarah voluntary MCC 1/1/08 PT Jones, Cynthia voluntary MCC 1/1/08 PT Ewert, Shandee voluntary MCC 8/15/07 PT Bogart, Lauren voluntary MCC 1/1/08 PT Gudmundson, Sarah voluntary MCC 1/1/08 PT Mitchell, Krysta voluntary MCC 1/1/08 PT Charlton, Stephanie involuntary MCC 1/14/08 PT employee council list.xls: 1/22/2008 Council Agenda: 1/28/08 5B. Consideration of approving contributions. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City has received donations totaling $250.00 from Center Point Energy. The use of these funds will go towards defraying the cost of the City's newsletter. As required by state statute, if the City accepts the donation of funds, the City Council needs to adopt a resolution specifying the amount of the donation and its use. A.1. Budget Impact: The donation has negligible impact. A.2 Staff Workload Impact: None A.3 Council Prioritv: Not applicable B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the contribution and authorize use of funds as specified. 2. Do not approve the contributions and return the funds to the donors. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommendation is to adopt the resolution accepting the contributions. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Resolution No. 2008-10 City of Monticello RESOLUTION NO. 2008-10 RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Said gifts may be limited under provisions of MN Statutes Section 471.895. WHEREAS, the following persons and or entities have offered to contribute contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONOR/ENTITY I DESCRIPTION VALUE Center Point Energy Cash Contribution $250.00 WHEREAS, all said contributions are intended to aid the City in establishing facilities, operations or programs within the city's jurisdiction either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello as follows: 1. The contributions described above are hereby accepted by the City of Monticello. 2. The contributions described above will be used as designated by the donor. This may entail reimbursing or allocating the money to another entity that will utilize the funds for the following stated purpose: DONOR/ENTITY I RECIPIENT PURPOSE Center Point Energy City of Monticello Defray cost of Newsletter Adopted by the City Council of Monticello this 28th day of January, 2008. Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Council Agenda: 1/28/08 5C. Consideration of approving temporary liquor license for Hi-Wav Liquors wine tasting event. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Hi -Way Liquors is requesting a temporary liquor license for their wine tasting event at the Community Center on March 14, 2008 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve a temporary liquor license for Hi -Way Liquors for their wine tasting event to be held on March 14, 2008 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. 2. Do not approve the temporary liquor license. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council approve the temporary liquor license for Hi -Way Liquors. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. Council Agenda: 1/28/08 5D. Consideration of approving the date for annual Board of Review., (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Wright County Assessor's office has scheduled Tuesday, April 29, 2008 at 7 p.m. as the date for the Monticello annual Board of Review. The County had initially set the date for Monday, April 28th which conflicts with the City Council meeting. If this alternate date is not acceptable to the Council, we need to let the County_ Assessor know as soon as possible. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve setting Tuesday, April 29, 2008 at 7 p.m. as the date for the 2008 Board of Review. 2. If this date is not acceptable, the Council should suggest an alternate date or starting times. C. SUPPORTING DATA: None Council Agenda: 1/28/08 5E. Consideration of approval of contract with Wright Countv for police protection. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The contract for police protection services with Wright County expired December 31, 2007. Wright County has submitted a contract for the 2008-2009 contract period for Council approval. The hourly rate for 2008 is $54/hour and $56/hour for 2009. Under this contract the City is receiving 48 hours of police protection a day. The Wright County Sheriff's Department has indicated that 48 hours per day is adequate to allow them to continue to provide basic protection services in 2008, but should the City desire enhanced law enforcement services they would not be able to provide such services without more hours. In July of 2007 the Police Advisory Commission recommended that an additional 4 hours of service be added to the contract. The 2008 budget does include the additional four hours with these hours to be added starting in July. However, the City was to have notified the County prior to August 15, 2007 of the additional hours requested so that the County could plan and budget for additional hours. The City's request for the additional hours was not submitted to the County. Richard Norman, Wright County Coordinator, stated that if it is still the City's intent to add the additional hours, the City should let him know as soon as possible so they can determine if the hours can still be added to the 2008 contract or if it needs to wait until the 2009 contract year. A.1 Budget Impact: As indicated the City's 2008 budget includes 48 hours a day coverage from January through June and 52 hours a day coverage from July through December. The budgeted hours was based on the hourly rates noted above. A.2 Staff Workload: Approval of the contract for police protection has no impact on the work load of city staff. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the 2008-2009 contract with Wright County for police protection services as is. 2. Table approval of the 2008-2009 contract with Wright County for police protection services until a later date. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Wright County Sheriff's Department will present their year-end report to the Council at one of the regularly scheduled Council meetings in February. Staff therefore recommends that the Council approve the contract tonight as is and wait until the meeting in February to address the issue of the additional 4 -hours. This will allow Council to ask the Sheriff s Department questions as needed, and it will allow staff the time needed to contact the County to see if they have a better understanding of whether they can provide additional hours of service in 2008. If they can the contract can be then be amended accordingly. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposed contract. LAW ENFORCEMENT CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 2007, by and between the COUNTY OF WRIGHT and the WRIGHT COUNTY SHERIFF, hereinafter referred to as "County" and the CITY OF MONTICELLO hereinafter referred to as the "Municipality"; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Municipality is desirous of entering into a contract with the County for the performance of the hereinafter described law enforcement protection within the corporate limits of said municipality through the County Sheriff; and WHEREAS, the County is agreeable to rendering such services, and protection on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, such contracts are authorized and provided for by the provision of Minnesota Statutes 471.59 and Minnesota Statutes 436.05; NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to the terms of the aforesaid statutes, and in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, it is agreed as follows: 1. That the County by way of the Sheriff agrees to provide police protection within the corporate limits of the Municipality to the extent and in the manner as hereinafter set forth: a. Except as otherwise hereinafter specifically set forth, such services shall encompass only duties and functions of the type coming within the jurisdiction of the Wright County Sheriff pursuant to Minnesota Laws and Statutes. b. Except as otherwise hereinafter provided for, the standard level of service provided shall be the same basic level of service which is provided for the unincorporated areas of the County of Wright, State of Minnesota. C. The rendition of services, the standard of performance, the discipline of the officers, and other matters incident to the performance of such services and control of personnel so employed shall remain in and under the control of the Sheriff. 1 d. Services purchased pursuant to this contract shall include the enforcement of Minnesota State Statutes, including but not limited to the Traffic Code and the Criminal Code, as well as all local ordinances enacted in conformance therewith. Statutes and ordinances which prescribe enforcement by a different authority; i.e., the State Electrical Code, the Uniform Building Code, etc., shall be excluded from this agreement. Ordinances pertaining exclusively to purely local city management matters; i.e., sewer and water collection, etc., shall be excluded from this agreement. The Municipality shall be responsible for enforcement of the Municipal Zoning Code, except that the Sheriff will enforce nuisance ordinances conforming to State law; i.e., junk cars, etc. and traffic ordinances; i.e., parking and erratic driving. 2. That it is agreed that the Sheriff shall have full cooperation and assistance from the Municipality, its officers, agents and employees so as to facilitate the performance of this agreement. In order to facilitate a local presence of Sheriff's Deputies, the Municipality shall, if requested by the Sheriff, provide a local telephone line and space for a computer workstation in the respective City Hall or other suitable city owned building at no cost to the County. The Municipality shall allow a sign indicating the location of its Sheriff s substation with appropriate telephone numbers to be displayed on the exterior of the building. 3. That the County shall furnish and supply all necessary labor, supervision, equipment, communication facilities for dispatching, cost of j ail detention, and all supplies necessary to maintain the level of service to be rendered herein. 4. The Municipality shall not be liable for the direct payment of any salaries, wages, or other compensation to any personnel performing services herein for said County. 5. The Municipality shall not be liable for compensation or indemnity to any of the Sheriffs employees for injuries or sickness arising out of its employment, and the County hereby agrees to hold harmless the Municipality against any such claims. 6. The County, Sheriff, his officers, and employees shall not be deemed to assume any liability for intentional or negligent acts of said Municipality or any officer, agent, or employee thereof. 7. This agreement shall be effective from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2009. I 8. The Municipality agrees to pay to the County the sum of $54.00 per hour for law enforcement protection during the calendar year 2008 and $56.00 per hour during the calendar year 2009. If salaries of Deputy Sheriffs are increased at any time during the term of this contract, the hourly rate of this contract shall not be increased. 9. This contract shall be extended automatically for successive one year periods at a rate to be established by the County, unless the County or Municipality shall notify the other of termination, in writing, prior to August 15 of each year. 10. The number of hours of service to be provided pursuant to this contract are as follows: 48 hours per day - 17,520 hours annually and shall provide 24-hour call and general service. An additional 48 hours will be provided in 2008 because it is a Leap Year. The Municipality shall notify the County in writing prior to August 15 regarding any change in the number of hours for the subsequent year. 11. The County shall provide for all costs and prosecution efforts with respect to violations charged by the Sheriff in the performance of this agreement. All fines arising from such prosecutions shall accrue to the County. Violations of municipal ordinances excluded from enforcement by this agreement shall be prosecuted by the Municipality at its expense. All fines arising from city prosecutions shall accrue to the Municipality unless otherwise provided by law. 12. Pursuant to law, the County Auditor/Treasurer shall remit to the Municipality its share of all fines collected. The Municipality shall return to the County within 30 days all fine money attributable to prosecutions initiated by the Sheriff in accord with Paragraph 11 of this contract. The Municipality shall keep and retain any fine money submitted by the Auditor/Treasurer attributable to prosecutions initiated by the Municipality. 13. For the purpose of maintaining cooperation, local control and general information on existing complaints and problems in said Municipality, one member of the Municipal Council, the Mayor or other person or persons shall be appointed by said Council to act as police commissioner(s) for said Municipality and shall 3 make periodic contacts with and attend meetings with the Sheriff or his office in relation to the contract herein. 14. The County shall save, hold harmless and defend the City from any and all claims arising from the acts or omissions, including intentional acts and negligence, committed by employees or agents of the County or Sheriff while in the performance of duties in furtherance of this contract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Municipality, by resolution duly adopted by it governing body, caused this agreement to be signed by its Mayor and attested by its Clerk; and the County of Wright, by the County Board of Commissioners, has caused this agreement to be signed by the Chairman and Clerk of said Board, and by the Wright County Sheriff, effective on the day and year first above written. Dated: ATTEST: Clerk Dated: ATTEST: Richard W. Norman County Coordinator Dated: Approved as to form and execution: Tom Kelly, Wright County Attorney 51 Mayor WRIGHT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: Jack Russek, Chairperson Gary Miller Wright County Sheriff City Council Agenda - 01/28/08 5F. Consideration to Adopt a Resolution Giving Final Approval to Issuance of Public Proiect Revenue Refunding Bonds. Series 2008A (City of Monticello. Minnesota. Lease Obligation) related to certain Public Facilities and Agreements related thereto. (O.K.) - A. Reference and background: The City Council is asked to adopt a resolution giving final approval to issuance of the $6,180,000 City of Monticello Economic Development Authority Public Project Revenue Refunding Bonds related to certain public facilities (community center) and agreements. This resolution supercedes in its entirety the resolution adopted by the City Council on January 14, 2008. The changes made to the resolution were necessitated because of the commitment letter received from Banc of America Public Capital Corp, low bidder, which results in a private placement of the EDA's refunding bonds. Therefore, no Trust Indenture or Assignment & Security Agreement is needed for issuance of the Bonds. The Ground Lease, Lease -Purchase Agreement, and Escrow Agreement are revised to more accurately reflect the terms of the bond sale. Also and therefore, another resolution will be prepared for the EDA to consider at a special meeting, January 30, 2008, which will contain the terms of the sale and more specifics. At the EDA meeting of January 16, 2008, Todd Hagen, Ehlers & Associates, presented the results of the bond sale. The low bidder of the $6,180,000 Public Project Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2008A was Banc of America Public Capital Corp, Troy, Michigan, at a true interest rate of 3.2003%. With the interest rate of the old bonds at 6.23%, Mr. Hagen projected a total savings of $287,760. Closing on the bonds is scheduled for February 20, 2008. Said resolution before the City Council this January 28, 2008, supercedes Resolution No. 2008-6 and simply outlines the background and actions previously taken and associated with the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) 1998 Bonds and the 2000 Refunded Bonds and various agreements, steps taken to consolidate the EDA and HRA, and previous Council action. The Financing Documents identified within the city resolution for approval and authorization to execute include the: a) Amended and Restated Ground Lease between City and EDA (Community Center). b) Amended and Restated Lease -Purchase Agreement between City and EDA (Community Center). c) Escrow Agreement (Series 2008) between the EDA and US Bank National Association, the Escrow Agent. 1 City Council Agenda - 01/28/08 The revised documents have been reviewed by the City Finance Director, City Administrator, EDA Executive Director, and the City Attorney. The Financing Documents are available at City Hall for Council review and will be available at the Council meeting. Mr. Hagen, Ehlers & Associates, does not plan to attend the Council meeting of January 28, 2008. Budget Impact - Issuance fees associated with the refunding of the Bond are identified within the Bond. Total savings of $287,760. Staff Impact - Time associated with the review of bond documents and agenda preparation. B. Alternative Actions: 1. A motion to adopt a Resolution giving final Approval to Issuance of Public Project Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2008A (City of Monticello, Minnesota, Lease Obligation) related to certain Public Facilities and Agreements related thereto. 2. A motion to deny adoption of a Resolution giving final Approval to Issuance of Public Project Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2008A (City of Monticello, Minnesota, Lease Obligation) related to certain Public Facilities and Agreements related thereto. 3. A motion to table any action. C. Staff Recommendation: The City Staff recommends Alternative No. 1 as the resolution supercedes the resolution approved by the City Council on January 14, 2008, the prepared documents were revised accordingly, and the refinancing of the bonds results in a savings to the City/EDA. D. Supporting Data: Copy of resolution for adoption. 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION GIVING FINAL APPROVAL TO ISSUANCE OF PUBLIC PROJECT REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2008A (CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA LEASE OBLIGATION) RELATED TO CERTAIN PUBLIC FACILITIES AND AGREEMENTS RELATED THERETO BE IT RESOLVED By the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota as follows: Section 1. Recitals. 1.01. The City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City") is authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Section 465.71, as amended, to acquire real and personal property under lease -purchase agreements. 1.02. Pursuant to a Ground Lease, dated as of December 1, 1998 and amended as of March 1, 2000 (the "Original Ground Lease"), between the City and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "HRA"), the HRA acquired a leasehold interest from the City in certain property located within the City (the "Site"). 1.03. Pursuant to a Lease -Purchase Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1998, between the HRA and the City, the HRA leased the Site to the City in connection with the acquisition, construction and equipping of a community center, armory and city hall (the "Facilities") financed by the issuance of the HRA's $7,385,000 Temporary Public Project Revenue Bonds, Series 1998 (the "Series 1998 Bonds"). 1.04. The HRA refunded the Series 1998 Bonds by the issuance of its $7,555,000 Public Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2000A (the "Series 2000A Bonds"), which issuance required an Amendment No. 1 to the Lease -Purchase Agreement, dated as of March 1, 2000 (such agreement, as amended, is referred to as the "Original Lease"). 1.05. By Resolution No. 2007-85, adopted on October 22, 2007, the City Council transferred the control, authority and operation of all projects of the HRA, including the Series 2000A Bonds and all agreements related thereto, to the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "Authority"), pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.094, Subdivision 2. 1.06. The Authority is authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 469, as amended, to issue and sell revenue bonds to finance the construction of the Facilities and related costs, and to issue bonds to refund such bonds. 3264990 AJP MN190-128 1.07. In order to refund the Series 2000A Bonds in advance of maturity, the Authority proposes to issue a series of revenue bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $6,180,000, designated as "Public Project Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2008A (City of Monticello, Minnesota Lease Obligation)" (the "Bonds'). 1.08. Proceeds of the Bonds will be used to pay costs of issuance of the Bonds and to fund the escrow account established to effectuate refunding of the Series 2000A Bonds, all pursuant to the Escrow Agreement (Series 2008A), between the Authority and U.S. Bank National Association, as escrow agent, dated as of February 1, 2008 (the "Escrow Agreement"). 1.09. Concurrent with the issuance of the Bonds, the Authority has deemed it necessary to enter into an Amended and Restated Ground Lease, dated as of February 1, 2008, between the City and the Authority (the "Ground Lease"), and an Amended and Restated Lease -Purchase Agreement, dated as of February 1, 2008, between the Authority and the City (the "Lease"), which supersede in all respects the Original Ground Lease and the Original Lease, respectively. 1.10. The Authority's terms of proposal for the sale of the Bonds assumed a public sale of the Bonds and issuance thereof pursuant to a trust indenture, to be entered into by the Authority and a bond trustee. However, on January 16, 2008, the Authority received a commitment letter from Banc of America Public Capital Corp (the "Purchaser") requesting private placement of the Bonds with the Purchaser. Therefore, the issuance of the Bonds will not include elements typically required of a public sale of lease -revenue bonds, such as a trust indenture, trustee, paying agent or official statement. Instead, the Bonds will be issued pursuant to a resolution of the Authority, to be approved on January 30, 2008 (the "Bond Resolution"). 1.11. On January 14, 2008 the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2008-6, entitled "Resolution Giving Final Approval to Issuance of Public Project Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2008A (City of Monticello, Minnesota Lease Obligation) Related to Certain Public Facilities and Agreements Thereto" (the "Prior Resolution"). The Prior Resolution approved all documents required for the public sale of the Bonds, including a trust indenture and an official statement. Because the commitment received from the Purchaser will result in a private placement and not a public sale of the Bonds, the City Council has determined to adopt this Resolution, which supersedes the Prior Resolution in all respects. 1.12. Forms of the Ground Lease, the Lease, the Escrow Agreement and the Bond Resolution (collectively, the Financing Documents") have been prepared and submitted to the City and are on file with the City. Section 2. Financing Documents. The City Council has reviewed the Financing Documents and has determined that approval of the Financing Documents will be in the best interests of the City and its residents and will further the public health, safety, and welfare. Section 3. Approvals. 3.01. The Financing Documents are hereby approved, and the authorized officials are directed to execute all Financing Documents to which the City is a party or signatory, subject to 326499v3 AJP MN190-128 modifications that do not alter the substance of the transactions and are approved by such officials. Such officials are hereby authorized in their discretion to execute and deliver, on behalf of the City, such other affidavits, certificates, and other documents in connection with the issuance, sale, and delivery of proceeds of the Bonds. Execution of the Financing Documents and any other affidavits, certificates, and other documents is conclusive evidence of their approval. 3.02. This Resolution hereby supersedes the Prior Resolution in its entirety. 3.03. The City hereby approves all actions taken or to be taken by the Authority with regard to the issuance of the Bonds, including but not limited to the Authority's actions in awarding the sale of the Bonds. 3.04. City staff and consultants are authorized to take all actions necessary to implement the agreements hereby approved. [The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank.] 3264990 AJP MN190-128 Approved by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota this 28th day of January, 2008. CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Mayor ATTEST: City Administrator 3264990 AJP NtN190-128 City Council Agenda - 01/28/08 5G. Consideration to approve the transfer of funds for costs associated with the consolidation of the EDA and HRA., (O.K.) A. Reference and background: At the EDA meeting of January 16, 2008, the commissioners approved payment of bills associated with the consolidation of the EDA and HRA and requested the City Council transfer funds from General Fund 101 to EDA Fund 213. The total amount requested for transfer is $4,576.50. The amount includes Kennedy & Graven invoices of $4,121.58 and $264.00 and a Monticello Times public hearing notice invoice of $190.92. It is anticipated additional invoices are forthcoming. The request is made by the EDA because: 1) the EDA and previous HRA operate on a cash - in and cash -out basis (no operating budget or tax levy). The developers pay a deposit and are responsible for administrative over -run costs. Acquisition, demolition, redevelopment costs are reimbursed through tax increment and/or land sales in compliance with Purchase and Development Contract and Minnesota Statues. Likewise, the accumulative GMEF dollars are used for job creation or in compliance with the Business Subsidy Law. 2) According to EDA Attorney, typically, cities both initiate and pay for expenditures associated with consolidation of EDA/HRAs. 3) The process to transfer funds is recommended by the Finance Department. Budget Impact - Not in City Budget. Consolidation authorized by City Council. Staff Imaact - Time associated with agenda preparation and consolidation process. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to approve transfer of $4,576.50 from General Fund 101 to EDA Fund 213. 2. A motion to deny transfer of $4,576.50. 3. A motion to table any action. C. Staff Recommendation: City Staff recommends Alternative No. 1. as this reimburses and preserves the EDA Funds in accordance to MN Statutes and current policies. City Council Agenda - 01/28/08 D. Supporting Data: Copy of invoices. s Page: 3 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 MY City of Monticello or October 31, 2007 MN 190-00130 EDA and HRA Consolidation Through October 31, 2007 For All Legal Services As Fallows: Hours Amount 8/7/2007 MNI Voicemail from 011ie K regarding need for agenda 0.30 49.50 summary for council meeting; research status of consolidation. 8/8/2007 MNI Review consolidation file and documents; draft notice of 2.10 346.50 public hearing on EDA/HRA merger; draft email memo to 011ie K on schedule and required steps. 8/8/2007 MNI Phone conversation with 011ie about schedule for 0.20 33.00 consolidation, change in planned council workshop date. 8/14/2007 MNI Phone conversation with 011ie K regarding various issues 0.50 i 82.50 on EDA membership, consolidation of HRA and EDA. 9/17/2007 MNI Review EDA/HRA consolidation documents in preparation 0.60 99.00 for council worksession on 9-24. 9/20/2007 MNI Tbd 0.60 99.00 9/23/2007 MNI Review EDA and HRA Acts; review consolidation 1.20 198.00 requirements and documents; review enabling resolutions and ordinances. 9124/2007 MNI Meeting preparation - HRA/EDA consolidation. 1.10 181.50 9/24/2007 MNI Summary of steps needed for consolidation of HRA/EDA 1.00 165.00 for meeting. 9/24/2007 MNI Travel and meeting with Council regarding consolidation of 3.00 495.00 HRA and EDA. 9/26/2007 MNI Draft notice of public hearing for EDA/HRA consolidation. 0.30 49.50 9/26/2007 MNI Phone conversation with Dawn at City regarding 0.20 33.00 publication of hearing notice; email notice. 9/2712007 MNI Draft enabling resolution for EDA with HRA powers. 0.30 49.50 9/27/2007 MNI Draft resolutions: HRA transferring powers, EDA consent. 0.50 82.50 10/1/2007 MNI Phone conversation with Joel Jamnik at Campbell 0.50 82.50 Knutson regarding enabling ordinance amendment; draft Page: 4 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 City of Monticello October 31, 2007 I amendment to enabling ordinance. 10/3/2007 MNI Draft enabling documents for EDA/HRA consolidation; 1.60 264.00 office conference with J Eddington regarding same. 10/4/2007 MNI Draft amended and restated enabling resolution, transfer 1.90 313.50 resolution, ordinance. 10/5/2007 MNI Revise Enabling Resolution and ordinance. 0.30 49.50 10/7/2007 MNI Revise enabling resolution and ordinance, EDA consent 1,30 214.50 resolution. 10/8/2007 MNI Review and revise resolutions and ordinance. 0.60 99.00 10/10/2007 MNI Email correspondence to 011ie K at HRA regarding status 0.20 33.00 of consolidation documents. 10/10/2007 MNI Review and finalize resolutions and ordinance and send to 2.30 379.50 City for review and comment. 10/12/2007 MNI Draft EDA transcript of proceedings and resolution 0.40 66.00 consenting to transfer of HRA powers. 10/14/2007 MNI Finalize and circulate EDA resolution. 0.30 49.50 10/15/2007 MNI Phone conversation with 011ie regarding suggested 0.30 49.50 changes to HRA/EDA merger resolutions. 10/17/2007 MNI Phone conversation with 011ie K regarding changes to 0.90 148.50 resolutions; revise and send resolutions. 10/23/2007 MNI Revise Enabling Resolution per comments by 011ie K. 0.30 49.50 10/26/2007 MNI Revise HRA resolution; voicemail to 011ie K regarding 0.50 82.50 information needed to complete exhibits. 10/26/2007 MNI Phone call with 011ie K regarding need for information to 0.20 33.00 complete NRA resolution transferring powers to EDA. 10/29/2007 MNI Review attachments for HRA resolution from City; 0.80 132.00 (( Corporate into resolution. �0/ 0l20.0LUL& nalize resolution and send to 011ie at City. 0.40 66.00 Total Services $ 47075.50 ` nn i z_ Page: 5 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered C 200 South Sixth Street Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 City of Monticello 0 19' OK TO PAY? tree �n� October 3 1 ���7 Code: ,.,.. ...... . , Initial: For All Disbursements As Follows: 9124/2007 Martha Ingram; Mileage Expense Total Disbursements: Total Services and Disbursements:$ C VE -� Pl #�C � yu I ,,-1, 46.08 $ 46.08 4,121.58 Page: 2 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered \ 2OOSouth Sixth Street Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 City ofMonticello 1140vember,30, 400, MN 190-00130 EDA and HRA Consolidation Through November 3O.2O07 For All Legal Services As Follows: 11/1/2007 K8N/ Finalize HRA resolution based onbond information from 011ie K. 11/14/2007 &4N| Office conference with B Bubu| regarding lease -purchase obligations and consolidation documents; email toD Koropohahregarding reading ofordinance. Total Services : Hours Amount 1.10 181.50 0.50 82.50 $ 264.00 Total Services and Disbursements:$ "%V rjNTERED n 1k," Tn ID A, V�� ��'% / �� o �� �� (]x�r| ed -. MONTICELLO TIMES 10917 VALLEY VIEW ROAD EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55344 :) 392.6890 Fax(763) 295-3080 Advertising Memo Bill +iei 'i CITY OF MONTICELLO Amount Paid: ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE S TE 1 Comments: 505 WALNUT ST MONTICELLO MN 55362 Ad #: 799910 :1c------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please Return per Portion With Pairrna, _ 1121:141441 TfinA?OnI©) , $ o l�vl"4I ui3GiJt�pi t}9f(lalYtffniSr�1 19�t0 (ros$•£,Artta461 'Billed,units oirrt:'tL;S - _2/27/07 799910 PHN EDA RESOLUTION" 1X 7.2- 2 LEG 12/27,01/03 7.25 190.82 190.82 190.82 MTI/MO OK TO AY? E F -L- I.,�.Code: JA N 7 2008 = Initial: .ue . .r-. .,.o.... x. -:1'v.... wwFvO i•.o.G.-.1K�. �6v.�.-s.:dv�na.� P f as... --e T ' n • :mat:io:n du ; : an aux r�:c�n.��- n.d �t� �-i��;n>�:. you pre --y t.h-eman.tb-e.nd 0.001 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 190.82 1TICELLO TIMES (vo2) 392-6890 ` UNAPPLIED AMOUNTS ARE INCLUDED IN TOTAL AMOUNT DUE _-._._.._......_.__�........W.,-...__"..„.a..d,-4�-.,au.�...-,amu,-.f,t:�.. .r +m� ?07133 12/2007 ' 133 133 CITY OF MONTICELLO City Council Agenda — 01/28/08 511. Consideration of a request for Preliminary Plat. Conditional Use Permit for Development Stage Planned Unit Development, Conditional Use Permit for Joint parking and access. and Conditional Use Permit for a drive through lane for the proposed First Federal Savings Bank Addition. a commercial subdivision in the B-4 (Regional Business) District. Applicant: First Federal Savings Bank. (NAC) The Planning Commission heard this item at their January 2, 2008 regular meeting and recommended approval of the request for a Conditional Use Permit for development stage Planned Unit Development, Preliminary Plat, and Conditional Use Permits for joint parking, and joint access. The Commission also made a motion to recommend approval of a Conditional Use Permit for a drive-through lane. In review of the conditions of approval, the Commission expressed concern with the condition that the applicant provide a barricade within the dead-end drive in compliance with the City's standard plate. The standard plate for a barricade is a fence design. The Commission felt the fence design would be visually obtrusive and unnecessary. In lieu of this design, the Commission recommended an alternate barricade design consisting of three signs, which has been used in other locations. The applicant expressed agreement with the conditions of Exhibit Z, as modified by the Commission. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: First Federal Savings Bank is seeking a Conditional Use Permit for development stage Planned Unit Development for the construction of a bank, Preliminary Plat approval and a Conditional Use Permits for a drive through lane and joint parking and access. The subject site is currently platted at Outlot A of Union Crossing. The applicant is proposing a 4,365 square foot commercial building with accessory parking and a drive through lane. The underlying zoning is B-4, Regional Business. ANALYSIS The subject site is located north of 7th Street, east of Highland Way, and southeast of the Home Depot property. The existing Planned Unit Development contains Home Depot and Target, a commercial strip center and additional retail users. An additional pad site is located directly east of the property. A concept review was performed for the entire PUD site in 2004. The applicant is now requesting Development Stage PUD and Preliminary and Final Plat approval. As part of the PUD, the applicant is requesting joint access and joint parking. For purposes of this review, all directional references, with the exception of the building design section, are based off of "plan north," not "true north," as indicated on the plans. Comprehensive Plan: The Comprehensive Plan designates this area for commercial land use. Zoninz: The subject site is zoned B-4, Regional Business. The purpose of the B-4 regional business district is to provide for the establishment of commercial and service activities which draw from and serve customers from the entire community or region. Council Agenda — 01/28/08 CUP/PUD: A Planned Unit Development allows for flexibility in performance standards with the understanding that the development will be held to higher standards of site and building design than would ordinarily be required. It is the applicant's responsibility to design the development with significant benefits and communicate those benefits to the City for allowing a CUP/PUD. Preliminary and Final Plat. The site is currently platted as Outlot A. The applicant is proposing to plat the site as Lot 1, Block 1 of First Federal Savings Bank Addition. The lot is proposed at 46,930 square feet in area (1.08 acres). Parking. The proposed building is 4,365 square feet in area and is proposed as a single - tenant building to accommodate First Federal Savings Bank. The parking requirement for professional offices is one space for each 200 square feet of floor area. In determining the parking requirement, 10% of the building is presumed to be reserved for utilities, hallways, bathrooms, and other facilities. As such, the estimated parking requirement is as follows: Area (90%) Requirement I Stalls Bank 4,365 sf 3,929 sf 1/200 square feet of floor area 20 Total Required 20 The use requires a total of 20 parking stalls. The site plan illustrates 30 parking stalls, exceeding the minimum requirement for the use. The majority of the parking stalls are located on the west side of the site, with six stalls proposed in the southeast corner. One of these stalls crosses the property line to the east. This parking arrangement may be accommodated as part of the PUD. Four angled parking stalls are also proposed on the south side of the bank building. All parking stalls meet the minimum dimensional requirements of 20 feet in length by 9 feet in width. The site plan illustrates one handicap accessible parking stall. However, a minimum of two handicap accessible stalls are required for the use. The applicant shall be required to revise the site plan to designate one additional handicap accessible parking stall. Said stall shall be properly signed and designated. Drive Through. The applicant is proposing a drive through lane on the east side of the bank building with four remote teller lanes. Each of these four lanes is proposed to be 9 feet in with, with the exception of the far east lane which is proposed to be 10 feet in width. This lane is proposed to contain an ATM machine. A bypass lane is proposed on the east edge of the site, adjacent to the ATM lane, with a drive aisle width of 11 feet. The site plan illustrates stacking space for a minimum of five cars in each drive through lane. Patrons choosing to exit the site without utilizing the drive through may do so via the bypass lane on the east side of the site or the primary access on the west side of the site. In the fixture, circulation will also be provided through the adjacent property to the east. Drive through establishments are allowed in the B-4 District by Conditional Use Permit. The Zoning Ordinance contains the following provisions for such uses: 2 Council Agenda — 01/28/08 • The architectural appearance and functional plan of the building and site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing buildings or area as to cause impairment in property values or constitute a blighting influence within a reasonable distance of lot. • At the boundaries of a residential district a strip of not less than five 5 feet shall be landscaped and screened in compliance with Chapter 3 Section 2-G of this ordinance. • Each light standard island and all islands in the parking lot landscaped or covered. • Parking areas shall be screened from view of abutting residential districts in compliance with Chapter 3 Section 2-G of this ordinance. • Parking areas and driveways shall be curbed with continuous curb not less than six 6 inches high above the parking lot or driveway grade. • Vehicular access points shall be limited shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic movements shall comply with Chapter 3 Section 5 of this ordinance and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. • All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source is not visible from the public right of way or from an abutting residence and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3 Section 2-H of this ordinance. • The entire area shall have a drainage system which is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. • The entire area other than that occupied by buildings or structures or plantings shall be surfaced with a material which will control dust and drainage and which is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. • All signing and informational or visual communication devices shall be in compliance with Chapter 3 Section 9 of this ordinance. The proposed drive through is consistent with the conditions of approval for such uses and appears to function well with the site. Landscaping. For commercial sites, a minimum of one overstory tree per 1,000 square feet of gross building floor area, or one tree per 50 lineal feet of site perimeter, whichever is greater, is required. The subject site has 890 lineal feet of site perimeter, requiring 18 overstory trees versus the 5 overstory trees required under the floor area calculation. Therefore, the perimeter requirement shall prevail. The applicant is proposing 16 overstory trees, two short of the minimum requirement. The Zoning Ordinance does allow for the equivalent of up to fifty percent (50%) of the required number of overstory trees to be created through the use of overstory trees in combination with other landscape design elements, such as understory trees, shrubs, flowers, and ground cover materials. The applicant is proposing 2 ornamental trees, over 150 shrubs, and perennials throughout the site. As such, the provided landscaping appears appropriate under PUD, and the additional plantings may serve as credit toward the two overstory trees. The overstory trees are proposed primarily around the perimeter of the site. The applicant is proposing six Black Hills Spruce, five Sienna Glen Maple, three Skyline Honeylocust, and two Sugar Maple trees. Foundation plantings are proposed on the south, west, and north sides of the building. The applicant is also proposing plantings around the monument sign in the southwest corner of the site and a fieldstone rock garden northeast of the building. All areas not otherwise proposed for improvements will be sodded. 3 Council Agenda — 01/28/08 Lighting. The applicant has submitted a photometric plan. The applicant is proposing eight freestanding light poles throughout the site, each with full cutoff fixtures. Additional lighting is proposed in the drive through lanes. The provided plan shows readings up to .3 footcandles along the south and west property lines, adjacent to the 7th Street right-of-way. This is within the parameters allowed. Footcandle readings along interior property lines, specifically the north and east property lines, are as high as 3.5. However, this may be due to the existing parking lot lighting adj acent to the site, within the remainder of the PUD. The applicant shall be required to revise the photometric plan to include lighting within the subject site only. The revised photometric shall demonstrate footcandle readings under 1.0 at the property line, as required by the Zoning Ordinance. Any wall mounted lighting not shown on the site shall be required to consist of full cutoff fixtures, reducing any potential glare. Signage. An overall sign plan for Union Crossings has been previously approved. Said sign plan allows a 24 -square foot monument sign in the southwest corner of the site. In addition to the approved monument sign, the site is eligible for wall signage. The total maximum allowable sign area for any wall shall be determined by taking 10 percent of the gross silhouette area of the front of the building up to 100 square feet, whichever is less. For single or double occupancy business structures, the total maximum allowable signage on the property shall be 300 square feet. The site has legal frontage on both 7th Street and Highland Way. As such, wall signage is permitted on two walls of the building. The total silhouette area of the south and west elevations, the elevations facing public streets, is 2,818 square feet, permitting up to 100 square feet of wall signage per frontage. The applicant is proposing two walls signs, one each on the north and west elevations. The proposed sign on the north elevation is approximately 71 square feet in area. The proposed sign on the west elevation is also 71 square feet in area. The proposed wall signage is within the parameters allowed for the site. The applicant is also proposing one monument sign for the site, 24 square feet in area, as approved with the overall sign plan. The proposed sign is within the parameters allowed by the Ordinance, and is consistent with the sign previously approved for the site. In terms of directional signage, the applicant is proposing numerous signs throughout the site, indicated "ONE WAY', "RIGHT -TURN ONLY," and "DO NOT ENTER" where appropriate. Staff recommends that additional directional signage be posted in the southeast corner of the site, as the drive lane in this location is proposed to come to a dead-end in this location until such time as the site to the east develops. The additional directional signage shall be placed on the west side of the six parking stalls, near the "RIGHT TURN ONLY' sign. Access and Circulation. The primary access into the site is provided via a driveway extending south into the site from an existing private drive on the north side of the site. This private drive is part of the existing PUD. The curb cut in this location is 24 feet in width, allowing for two-way traffic circulation into the parking lot. However, if exiting the site southbound out of the parking lot, the drive aisle in this location is 18 feet in width and 4 Council Agenda — 01/28/08 accommodates one-way traffic only. This drive aisle extends to the east, providing a future connecting to the adjacent property. In the interim, the applicant shall be required to provide barricades and directional signage in this location, indicating that the road is a dead-end. The joint access arrangement proposed may be accommodated by PUD. This drive lane also provides access to the drive through lanes. As stated above, the applicant is proposing four drive through lanes with an additional bypass lane on the east side of the site: The curb for the proposed bypass lane is located approximately one foot from the east property line, within the drainage and utility easement. The Zoning Ordinance requires curbs to be setback a minimum of six feet from the property line. However, the ordinance also states that an exception to the setback requirement shall be granted in Business Districts where adjoining business provide for private cross access between parking lots, as is the case with the subject site. The proposed drive aisle is permitted within the drainage and utility easement, as it is not adjacent to a public street. However, any disruption of private structures due to work within the drainage and utility easement would be at the expense of the property owner. No striping is proposed to delineate the drive through lanes, with the exception of a 4 -inch, painted white lane delineating the separation between the ATM lane and the bypass lane. With proper directional signage, this arrangement is appropriate. Pedestrian access is accommodated by a series of sidewalks extending from the parking lot to the building entrance. An existing concrete sidewalk is located south of the site, along 7 t Street. Building Design. The applicant has submitted color elevations for all sides of the building. The building will be constructed primarily of stone in dark Earthtones, with significant glass coverage on the north, east, and west elevations. The building is approximately 28 feet in height, as measured from the top peak of the roofline. A varied roofline is proposed with E.I.F.S dormers to provide articulation. The applicant has provided a quality design for the back side building as well, proposing a stone wall with glass coverage along the top. Additional windows are provided to provide visual access for the drive through tellers. The drive through lanes will be covered by a canopy supported by stone pillars, each with a stone sill cap. Grading and Drainage. The City Engineer has reviewed all grading and drainage plans and has provided the following comments: 1. Correct the scale on the drawing. 2. All detail plates should be revised to reflect the current plates from the City General Specifications dated April 2007. 3. Extend the drainage and utility easement over the existing storm sewer pipeline on the west edge of the property to allow for City maintenance. The proposed sign in this location should be shifted outside of the easement. Council Agenda — 01/28/08 4. Show how the proposed contours will tie into the existing contours along the east property line. 5. Show the proposed storm sewer pipe sizes and the structure invert elevations on the grading plan. 6. Add catch basins along the north side of the property so that the property is serviced by a local storm sewer system to accommodate drainage from the north. Please provide more detail on how this area will drain. 7. The radius at the northwest corner of the site appears to have flat grades. Please provide more detail on how this area will drain. 8. Connect roof drains from the building to a catch basin within the on-site storm sewer system, or drainage also can be directed overland to a catch basin within the on-site storm sewer system. Utilities. Regarding the utility plan submitted, the City Engineer has provided the following comments: 1. Correct the scale on the drawing. 2. CBMH-2 is planned to accommodate drainage from the lot to the east. Please size the manhole to accommodate a 15 -inch pipe extending along the south curb line of the future parking lot. 3. CB -5 should be a minimum 4 feet deep as per City design standards. 4. Reduce the slope of the 15 -inch pipe from CB -1 to the existing manhole to 4.5% to reduce the maximum velocity below 12 fps. 5. The City does not allow sanitary sewer services to extend directly to a manhole. The City will be reviewing this issue as the service was extended with the Home Depot project. 6. Show where private utilities will extend from the mainline to the building in addition to what is shown on the plan. 7. Verify required hydrant locations and sprinkling requirements with the City Fire Chief. 8. Show the existing 8 -inch gate valve at the end of the water stub. An 8 -inch water service is required to be extended if the building is to be sprinkled. Additional engineering comments include the following: 1. Provide barricades at the east drive access as per City detail plates. Council Agenda — 01/28/08 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS. Decision 1. Regarding the request for a Conditional Use Permit for Development Stage Planned Unit Development approval, Preliminary and Final Plat approval, and a CUP for joint access and parking for a single -tenant commercial building, the City has the following options: The Planning Commission recommends alternative 1 below. 1. Motion to approve the Development Stage Planned Unit Development, Preliminary and Final Plat and Conditional Use Permits for cross parking and cross access, based on a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the intent of the existing PUD and the B-4 District, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the Conditional Use Permit for Development Stage Planned Unit Development approval, Preliminary and Final Plat, and Conditional Use Permits for cross parking and cross access, based on a finding that the proposed use is not consistent with the intent of the existing PUD and the B-4 District, and the use may not be supported by the site. Decision 2. Regarding the request for a Conditional Use Permit for a drive through facility, the City has the following options: The Planning Commission recommends alternative 1 below. 1. Motion to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit for a drive through facility, based on a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the intent of the PUD and the use satisfies the conditions of approval. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the Conditional Use Permit for a drive through facility, based on a finding that the conditions for approval have not been met. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Regarding the request for a Conditional Use Permit for Development Stage Planned Unit Development approval, Preliminary and Final Plat approval, and a CUP for cross access and cross parking, staff recommends approval subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. The proposed use is consistent with the performance requirements for the district, and the intent of the PUD. The applicant has proposed a quality building design with a desirable site layout, justifying the use of PUD. Regarding the request for a Conditional Use Permit for a drive through lane, staff also recommends approval. The proposed drive through is consistent with the conditions of approval, and will function well with the site. Significant stacking space has been provided, as well as a bypass lane, to ease traffic flow though the site. The overall drive though design is also consistent with the overall PUD. Council Agenda — 01/28/08 D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A: Site Location Map Exhibit B: Applicant Narrative Exhibit C: Applicant Submittal Packet, including: Overall Site Plan Title Sheet Certificate of Survey Final Plat Preliminary Plat Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan Utility Plan Site Plan Landscape Plan Photometric Plan Lower Level Floor Plan Main Level Floor Plan Building Elevations Exhibit D: Memo from WSB dated December 19, 2007 Exhibit E: Memo from City Engineer dated December 18, 2007 Exhibit Z: Conditions of Approval <V `•• Request for Conditional Use Permit for Joint Parking, Joint Drives, Conditional Use Permit for Drive - Through Facility and a Con- `, ditional Use Permit for nz n T De llopment Stage PUD. r • . Q! -- Ar BLVD. f C. ROAD ml �j T + z� NE LAPSE gu _ mp OAK OL 10 Sctw�Ln- RLYD MARTINFALCON DRi 1 IN URIVE JL 1AliUNU _ fi=t FA ONo PrRIT �tsL� !� KING C :' �. Zv SUMMIT PT Rid PRt �b 8 "1 Aw - ARCHITECTS 28 Novemeber 2007 Angela Schumann, Community Development Coordinator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Re: Proposed First Federal Saving Bank T.B.D. Monticello, MN 55305 Dear Angela, City Planning and City Council Members: First Federal Saving Bank in currently located in Big Lake, and would like to develop a new presence in Monticello. The name and logo for the new bank has not been decided. For now, we will refer to the proposed bank as First Federal Savings Bank. First Federal Savings Bank is currently submitting an application for: Preliminary and Final Plat, two (2) a Conditional Use Permits, and a Planned Unit Development — Development Stage. The proposed site is located along East 7th Street in front of the Home Depot in Monticello. It is currently Out -lot A. It will be Lot 1, Block 1 of Union Crossings, Third Edition and is zoned B-4. The actual address is to be determined. The proposed building would have approximately 4,365 sf of the main level and a lower level for mechanical and storage will be 1,865 s.f. The total square footage for the building will be approximately 6,230 s.f. The bank would like to provide a drive -up service for its customers including four drive-thru teller lanes with the last lane having an ATM machine. The approval of the Conditional Use Permit #1, Drive Thru, would allow First Federal Saving Bank to provide completive and necessary banking service to its customers and provide an easy access for cash for the shoppers and residents in the area. The four lane drive-thru service is located discretely off to the east side of the building and allows for the stacking of 5 cars in each lane. The drive-thru service is an integral part of the design and the function of the building. It will also be well lit for the safety and security of their customers and employees. The approval of the Conditional Use Permit #2, Cross Parking and Cross Access, would be similar to the PUD- concept plan where there is cross parking shown. We are proposing the same cross parking at the southeast corner of the lot. At the east property line, we are proposing a by-pass lane. This allows traffic from both parcels of property to exit. First Federal Savings Bank understands that the by-pass lane and curb is within the interior 6' Drainage and Utility Easement. HTG ARCHITECTS 9300 Hennepin Town Road Mpis MN 55347 (952) 278-8880 www.htg-architects.com The orientation of the building is due to three major factors: 1) The irregular shape and dimensions of the lot for the functionality of a bank with a drive -up teller service and the vehicular circulation that goes along with that, and 2) The orientation of the proposed strip mall going in on the adjacent lot to the east. The back side of that building is what will be visible from the bank and to its customers. First Federal Savings Bank would like the area next to their east property line tastefully and beautifully screened to help hide the service side of that building. 3) Best visibility while accommodating the above. The proposed site design has a parking requirement of 23 spaces and 30 parking spaces are shown. The proposed site has 67% impervious surface and 33% of pervious surface coverage. Thank you for your consideration. We appreciate your time. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, or if additional information is needed. Sincerely, Sonya Kraft Project Architect cc: Mr. Kevan Sorenson, First Federal Savings Bank Mark Kampmeyer, Ryan Companies Inc. r'7"(` ! r -n T {� n tJ F r, r j�n `� �.f r, ,. 1( '7 ,'G'`=�1 r; G ,-�P HI 300 , fsn.,iepi, raw, oa _ i ( r� /r 5�� - �, -1/ 8880 WWW.htg-architscrs.ccr FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK OWNER: FIRST FEDERAL SAVI1465 BANK 240 JEFFER50N BOULEVARD BIG LAKE, MINNE50TA 5530q tel: (163) 262-2265 Fax: (163) 262-1266 Contact: Kevan Sorenson 1 991 19JOATj PROPOSED NEW BRANCH FACILITY MONTICELLO, M/NNESOTA 55305 ARCHITECT: H.T.G. ARCHITECTS 41300 HENNEPIN TOWN'ROAD EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNE50TA 55341 tel.: (4152) 218-8880 Fax: (152) 218-8822 Contact: 50V Kraft INDEX OF DRAWINGS Ts TITLE SEET, ORA~ INDEX I VKATY MAP Wz.fy FINAL FLAT CA FREL14HARY PLAT eR051oM CONTROL PLAN c7 PRELmmay SmOvIe, oaAwAM 63 PRELMNARY WMITY PLAN AU M FLAK TRA"r, SM EL�AIeW T�AIEVAM1p N"ATION ESTE PLAN NOTES LI LND5GAPE PLAN I DETAILS PEI FHOTOPETRIG FLAN 11 DETAILS AW LOVER LEVEL FLOOR FLAW A2.2 MAIN LEVEL FLOOR" AW EXTERIOR ELEVATION5 CIVIL ENGINEER: ANDERSON ENGINEERING 13605 Ist. AVENUE NORTH SUITE 100 PLYMOUTH, MN 55441 tel.: (163) 383-1084 Fax: (163) 383-I0Sq COntact: Troy Gamble MATERIAL SYMBOLS STOW FAGS OR" CONCf+ETE am kjo Q C.ONCaETEfamT &rFSM BONO OR PLASTER PROD M0.9 Ie QNIERMEDIATE Pow BLMXM I" VOW EARTH SND OR ORAVEL 5fiaXTDRAL STEEL OR METAL sTWS ® BATT MLATION PLYPIOOD ® ACMTIG ILE EXTERIOR pISILATION t FINISH 5Y5TEM PARTVAE BOARD SOLD %RFACW OR GORLAN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: MARKELL - LABEREE DE516N GROUP Sq5 PARK KNOLL DRIVE EAGAN, MINNE50TA 55123 tel.: (q52) 414-2260 Fax: (152) 414-0155 Gontact: SGOtt Mar0tz \\14 W ��v MECH/ELEC ENGINEERS: EMANUEL50N-PODAS INC. 4g80 LINCOLN DRIVE EDINA, MN 55436-1011 tel: (152) 830-0050 Fax: (152) q30-0111 Contact: Mech: Brian Rim �sven Elm: Matt Eieckett www. htg-arch itacts.com 9300 Hennepin Town Road Eden Prairie, MN 55347 Tel: 952.278.8880 Fax: 952.278.8822 GOPTMISI 9 2007 by HTO MGMetb PROJECT FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK NEW BRANCH FACILITY MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA ISSUED SET CITYSUBMITTAL 12.03.2007 REYISIONS DATE NO. I HEREBY CFRIiFY TALI r r REAL SPEprIG/fpM OR REPDRIIS PAEPIIE><'D BY W OR WEN MY WRE6r AVMX MID nuT I AM r LXFWD AWRIEcr WWR THE L� OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA -ICFFe-mV PT1IPfOn E4 NDATE NIL TITLE SHEET DRAWING INDEX VICINITY MAP s ° w*m DJM CIf=Ert SDK TS0 m 0 d, em COUiyn,ROgD75Y�,rQR�'9Dbyq y as%J as wlne �e - • i ► ��R0110WAY I i BURL/NGTONNORTHERN&SANTEFERq/LROAO - .. ( I' Qulmos H M:N0703EPOT ?- �ti y ;: e 1 cExnp 102,513 -41V 24irs. CON4TRUCTIOM 1 ;0 11 SUPER TARGET I w ENTRY CGiA174,550 •Y r .•r 1 , SF 1-OT1 j, U OMOT S I 611LT LfiQ OP Access 1R it Ct _ uL.�+�.i\OCK I 1 2QQe LOY1 -ZO'`�- •� 'I mwut owHRTu G,..... �Y _ --- R�o2Wunrn o ccc"..RiwoOWA -n ♦ 'i:+,Y .+r• CZ) cm (Lf�4j "-�1aYvJ •,.n,,l C=D L ' NOYE OHPOico r 7 {II,0.) ( 4TAOMQ AREA r,', ' I 1•� a.t ( 0 0 ` �,'' ..� ,-• y // �� O L_ . LLL •-•- - ��\ 2 4JPER TAl1UCT ` ` A- L 7 i s Z 0 m w C W u a i 414OIs1A31:1 9� I E i I5 a ✓� /�~ I - L`/1 V , 7I STAQM AREAD CD :,�• "- 1 F _.-- /, _ � C� 1-D , �... •' �- • i •.. • ; . �o- CD Q [� d olm°_____ • ' t -- ,y 1'' _ FtllU..._ � T7th STREET _...- ^ _� - _-:. ............ OLM 3 �3 Ll__--- 1NTERS7ATE HIGHWAY .94 j5Asr7th srREEr f, -' f 4' ee:1•� nJ �' �,� TI (! �r GENERAL LEGEND OUTLOT C IFUTUREI DENOTES EXISTING PROPERTY LINE OUTLOT A [FUTURE) DENOTED EXISTING CURB AND BUILDING OVERALL SITE BLOCK 1, LOT -SUPER TARGET SITE BLOCK 2, LOT 2 !PHASE 21 1.077 Ac LOT MLA 3.855 Ac LOT AREA: 19.200 SF DENOTES PROPOSED PUBLIC CURB (BY OTHERS) LOT AREA: 6.227 AC 5.000 SF BUILDING MEA: EXISTING 2UNING: I-1 (LIGHT IIJOUSTRIAL) LOT AREA: 14.089 AC BUILDING AREA DENOTES PROPOSED PRIVATE BUIIDDIG BIRLDNIC AREA: 54,000 SF PARKING PROVIDED: 205 PROPOSED ZONING: 1 ( (HT 114DUS) IN PROGRESS BUILDING AREA 174.550 SF BUILDPARK ING PROVIDED: 309 PINNING PROVIDED: 28 (ACCESSIBLE PARKING INCLUDED) BUILDING SETBACK fOR D-4 0' PER LDDC 3.3.0 ppRKING PROVIDED: 827 SPACES (ACCESSIBLE PARKING INCLUDED) 5.6 SP/1000 SF PARKING RATIO (205/19.2): 107 SP/ 1000 SF DENOTES PROPOSED PRIVATE CURB AREA (ARKING OLC PARKING INCLUDED, (ACCESSIBLE PARKING INCLUDED) PARKING RATIO (28/5): PARKING AREA: 74,486 SF CART CORRALS NOT INCLUDED) PARKING RATIO (309/54): 5.72 SP/1000 SF PING AREA: 13,3112 SF PARKING LANDSCAPE REOUIRED: 2,681 SF DENOTES FUTURE PRIVATE BUILD'NG BLOCK 1, LOT 1 14.089 AC PARKING MFA: 105.705 SF PARKING LANDSCAPE REQUIRED. 482 SF (LBO S.F. PER 5000 S.F) BLOCK 7.. LDT 1 10.404 AC PARKING RATIO (827/174.5): 3AB. SP/1000 SF PARKING LMIDSCME REOVIRED: 3.BC5 SF (LBO SF, PER 5000 S.F) PARKING LANDSCAPE PROVIDED. 5.366 SF DENOTES FUTURE PRIVATE CURB 578.045 SF (100 S.F. PEP. 5000 S.F) 6 227 AC PARKING MEA: PARKING LANDSCAPE PROVIDED: 574 SF BLOCK 2. IDT 2 1 265 AC PARKING LANDSCAPE RF.OUIRED: 11,450 SF PARKING LANDSCAPE PROVIDED: 7,688 SF BLOCK 2. LOTS 1.077 AC (180 S.F. PER 5GOO S.F) OUTLOT A 3.830 AC PARKING LANDSCAPE PROVIDED: 16,856 SF OUTLOT B 3.855 AC OUTLOT C 0.487 AC OUTLOT D fi.419 AC R.O.W. DEDICATION TOTAL 47.653 AC OUTLOT B IFUTUREI BLOCK 2, LOT 3 (PHASE 2t BLOCK 2, LOT 1 -NOME DEPOT SITE 3.83 AC DEVELOPABLE LOTS (EXCLUDING OUTLOT D k R.O.W.) 1,265 AC LAT AREA' 10.404 AC LOT AREA: 11.300 SF Bl11LDI11G MEA: 22.000 SF LOT MEA 40.93 AC LOT AREA: 102.513 SF BUILDING AREA.: 74 PARKING. PROVIDED: 166 BUILDING AREA: 388.849 SF BUILDING AREA: (28.OB6F) PARKING PROVIDED: (ACCESSIBLE PARKING INCLUDED) PARKING PROVIDED: 2,094 (GARDEN CENTER): 485 (ACCESSIBLE PARKING INCLUDED) PARKING RATIO (166/22): 7.55 SP/1000 SF ARKINGI PR PARKING INCLUDED, PARKING PROVIDED: PARKING RATIO (74/11.5): 6.43 SP/100D SF PARKING AREA: 65.347 SF CMT CORRALS NOT INCLUDED) (ACCESSIBLE PARKING INCLUDED, PARKING AREA: 27,778 SF PARKING LANDSCAPE REOUIRED: 2.552 SF PARKING RATIO: 5.39 SPACES CART CORRALS NOT INCLUDED) PARKING LANDSCAPE REQUIRED 1,000 SF (180 S.F. PER 5000 S.F) PARKING AREA 789,957 Sr PARKING RATIO (485/102.5): 4.73�SP/1000 SF (180 S -F. PER 5000 S.F) PARKING LANDSCAPE PROVIDED: 6.679 SF h1 28.438 SF PARKING MFA: 185..14 SF PARKING LANDSCAPE PROVIDED: 4,451 SF PARKING LANDSCAPE REQUIRED: PARKING LANDSCAPE REOUIRED• 6.668 SF b (180 SF PER 5000 SF) 48.769 SF PARKING LANDSCAPE PROVIDED: PARK S.F. PER 5000 PRO PARKING LANDSCAPE PROVIDED: 7.157 SF p IOD 200 300 r� 1 SCALE IN FEET IT �.. , iI 1 TOP=956.3 ' ill Ino -- I — 7. - - — - - -- - - — — 24 - —229 S 54'00'35• E °�''- - - - - - - - - -- -. .I. _ .' , O u• U EA�EIAErI • p,,.,.• q�- E GE or elTu�.,;rlous — _�= /i'_ r `•� t0 ',ys�': f Na FIELD '.1AF. F:IM ,S FGR L(JCAiIGr! OFSAM, AR)' S'UB o,i 1 MV -9.17 2 -I II ` -� � �I I lfd'J-1hlACCE SSIL+LE - � i ;•` qi 111 I CD w • Vin nI NI 9� I in, I i l zico. TGF -857,6 L it Irly-9n20 ;O BUILDINGS O!•l `SITE I a I i o o N " lI V Co 601 �1 \ m I, - in TOP=960.0 INV -943.0 -_....._-.,'r V SOF'-95C•^l "",w` _ CIyF-rF S1 'Vu, YRF,,,! 563>'',� 'So• l rOf%=9a U.^ M=945.9e= ==945.9 / , ps •-.._ _ \\� \ `. U `\ i =_� \ \ I ^ __-i 6 7 air' Ctj i 00 i0P=958.5 99 / ` `/ I �-=•-,.�-. \.�� �� CP=959.2 `` `J ` �� ` T,;P-958 7 IN`l=954.5 S -i SURVEY FOR: HTG ARCHITECTS . PROPERTY LOCATION: East 7th Street, Monticello, Minnesota. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Outlot A. UNION CROSSINGS, Wright County, Minnesota. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this survey was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Dated this 27th day of November, 2007 Anderson Engineer'ng of Minnesota, LLC b Y Jack Bolke Minnesota License No. 20281 NOTES: 1. The orientation of this bearing system is based on the east line of Outlot A which is assumed to have a bearing of South 35 degrees 59 minutes 25 seconds West, 2. The area of the property shown hereon is 46,930 square feet or 1.0774 acres. 3. No title work was provided for the preparation of this survey to verify the legal description or the existence of any easements or encumbrances. 4. According to the City of Monticello the property lies in Flood Zone C per Community Map Panel No. 2705410005B Dated November 1, 1979. 5. The property described hereon is zoned B-4 P.U.D. (Planned unit development) and has no building setback requirements. 6. BENCHMARK: Top nut hydrant located at the south side of property along East 7th Street. Elevation = 962.50 LEGEND l _ MANHOLE TELEPHONE BOX CATCH BASIN z ELECTRIC BOX 1 ? HYDRANT A HAND HOLE SIGN a GATE VALVE ` POWER POLE LIGHT POLE 0 20 40 60 SCALE IN FEET ---,,:,-GAS MAIN -- ---SANITARY SEWER —STORM SEWER — ' --UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE -- •---WATER MAIN Anderson Engineering of Minnesota, LLC C I V I L E N G IN E E R1 N G A N D L A N D S U R V E Y I N G 13605 1ST AVENUE NORTH, SUITE 100, PLYMOUTH, MN 55441 TEI., (763) 412-4000 FAX (763) 412-1090 FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK ADDITION That Ry KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: an Companies U.S., Inc, a Minnesota Corporation, fee owner of the following described property situate in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, to wit: outlot A, UNION CROSSINGS, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota f /f\ I 9 N B as shown on this plat. Has caused the some to be surveyed and plotted as FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK ADDITION and does hereby donate and dedicate o the public for public use forever, the easements for drainage. and utilitypurposes 200_. / officer this day of In witness whereof said Ryan Companies U.S., Inc, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper Signed: Ryan Companies U.S., Inc. �O by its STATE OF MINNESOTA t<, COUNTY OF _ da of S The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this — of RyonCampoU.S., Inc, a Minnesota Corporation, on behalf of the R� �Py / \ ssr. \ gyp• 200_ Y b :h Corporation. ��h .Signature P�a \ \ Printed �\ 2/ County, Minnesota Notary Public, °\ -1' 1 My Commission Expires: JO'�00ry Plat as \ D ��� and lotting of the land described on this p lotted or directly supervised the surveying P oil mathematical data and labels 55�� I hereby certify that I have surveyed and p ail water boundaries FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK ADDITION; this plat is a correct representation of the correctly and labeled; and all public ways are shown \\ �6NO�1� ,,• \6ro BLOCK \ P are correctly designated; all monuments depicted on the plat have been or will be correctly set within one Year and wet lands as of this date, as defined in Minnesota Statutes 505.01 Subd. 3, \` '{ :' ,2 \ and labeled. s n � Jack Solke, Land Surveyor Minnesota Ucense No. 20281 \ \ \ s STATE OF MINNESOTA do 200_, by \ / COUNTY OF The foregoing surveyors certificate was acknowledged before me this y of Jack Bolke, Land Surveyor, Minnesota License No. 20281 a� \ Signature \ 7. F \ / Printed �P / County, Minnesota \ o Notary Public, �' 'L � My Commission Expires: Minnesota roved b the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, This plat of FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK ADDITION was app 200_ a � at a meeting held this __ Y Chairperson \ / By. \\ \ Al approved an200_. Dpa1T10of was d accepted by the city Council of the City of Monticello, This plat of FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK A Minnesota at a meeting held this __ Y !Ci \ / a DENOTES BE / 4 SET MARKEDBYC H IRON MONUMENT TOLICENSE NO. 20281 City Administrator / By. Mayor BY �\ \' / CD FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS PLAT, THE SOUTHEAST LINE OF a A UNION CROSSINGS SECONDS SWEST 70 BEAR SOUTH 35 DEGREES9 MINUTES 2 da Reviewed and approved this_.___-- Y of 200_ � VICINITY MAP By. � Wright County Surveyor �� °` �A p 40 3r \\ N \ O I v 1 's• els and transfer entered this day of 200_ wE ' F \, Taxes paid for all years through year_ S i \ BURLINGTON NORTHUN RAIUMD i By �jI Wright County Auditor !< ' \ , \t! 'J i o x lands herein described are paid this __ day of srt> on I hereby certify that taxes payable in the year 200__. 90 �i 0 30 60 By Wright County Treasurer vavnc_ SCALE IN FEET No SCAL r'. \ 1 INCH = 30 FEE ___ da of Sleeve I hereby certify that this instrument was filedo,nclockoffice M f and Cour duly recorded corder �n rCati net ecord n this ___ Y ! ^ ! /\ �\\ zoo_ of �� cN , , �� \ Anderson Engineering of Minnesota, LLC 0 Document Number ! U LAND s v R v E Y I N c C I V I L ENGINEERING A N D BY Wright County Recorder ----=---------- ---------------- --- --------+---------- -------- -- 1 --r , ...... ------ ... 4__..,......_,..,....._._ I -------- ----------- .--------- I _ ...... _.. .. _.. .. _. _. _... .._ 1 -__ .. .. .... .. .... .. .... -t"---' - L _.. .... ...... ...... _..._._.. .... _.. .. ITOP=956 I ... .... .. ... :.. ..... ! --. ..j --INV=940.5 ..................�� l�• mil 1\\\ _ r_ m1� B I T U �C�4 r - - - - - - - 955--•-. —..—, f I N D U S - - - - - - - E 0 - - - - -T U M _ I ---- _. O 8 1 - - - - - - - - { �- - _ - - NO FIELD MARKINGS FOR----__�/ �57._._ r - - - - - - - - LOCATION OF SANITARY STUB TOP=954.5 INV -947.. ....._.I n2 u �> _...r -=------ ui - - TOP=955.1 INV=INACCESSIBLE ------- In -_ m -957, i1y A 111 � I III I / I •I h TOP=957.6 ' I LU7 �� i . .._.-..til BLOCS •i.r-•_ _-..35+7__ ?0 /h , ,i -960- TOP=960.0 n '^L INV=943.0 TOP=960. CA IC �� 0'^;.,"::,•_. CRF I INV=946.2 SIDE /OP 9 U H / � T NO Q� N TH R 1 ^ r y5 ` 962. Sp AN _9 _ INV=94•'.1'.9_ - `J `�C�:• , TOP -958.5 INV=947.1 00 >-TP-959.2 = ..._ _ _.. .-.-.. 11991PREPLAT i DESIGNED: I HE—, cmn� THAT THIS ",' SPECIFIOATI�• � REPORT uIAS PREPARED 8Y ME CR UNDER YY DIRECT SUpFJ2N40N ANO THAT 1 AM TJG A DULY L CF?7`ED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAME OF THE 1 I _ DRAWN: PRINT NAAMtf E: NEsoTA TR� GAMBLE P.E. IL PH r�J Anderson Engineering Nof Minnesota.. nesota... LLC N G C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G 13605 jut AVENUE NORTH, SUTrE 100. PLYMOUTH. IRI 55441 TEL (763) 383-1084 FAX (763) 383-1089 fly' 20 40 SCALE IN FEE PRELIMINARY PLAT; FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK ADDITION Monticello, MN FIRST FEDERAL MINNESOTA AVINGS NK O MONTICE , HTG ARCHITECTS LEGAL DESCRIPTION. OUTLOT A, UNION CROSSING, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA ZONING B-4 (P.UD) LgT AREA 46,930 SQ,FT, (t07T4 ACJ OWNER RYAN COMPANIES U.S. INC. APPLICANT' FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK 240 JEFFERSON BLVD. BIG LAKE, MN 55909 KEVAN SORENSON, PRES. (763) 283-0427 ARCHITECT. HTG ArchttwM Inc. 9300 Hennepin Town Road Eden Praire, MN 55347 SONYA KRAFT (962) 278-8880 ENGINEER S SURVEYOR: Anderson Engineering of MN, LLC Suite 100 MN 65441 13605 let Avenue N Pt ffm t4 TROY GAMBLE (763) 412-4000 jt. SITE VICINITY MAP PRELIMINARY PLAT COMM, N0. � PLOTTED: _..-. 11991 -- DRAWING NO. _ - C1 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN NOTA 1. GRADING CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATIONS ANO ELEVATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND MIUMES WITH THE RESPECTIVE UTILITY COMPANIES PIWOR TO CONSWM110K 2 ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES CALMED FOR ON THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. WHICH MAY INCLU SILT FENCE SEDIMENTATION BASNS I OR TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAPS. SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND SERVICEABLE I IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER: I . - A ROM CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES A MINIMUM OF SO FEET R SILT FENCE C. TEMPORARY CULARTS 1 D. TEMPORARY SEDIMEMARp/ BASINS AND OUTFALL FACILITIES. ---------- T---------- E. STORM WIRIER POND CONSTRUCTION. F. COMMON EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT (GRADING ) G. SEED AND MULCH OR $0,j N. BI0-ROLL BARTERS IN FINISHED GRADED AREAS. AREA I. INLET ANO OUTLET FACILITIES SUBSEQUENT TO STORM SEWER WORK. --------------------- I i GRADING CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AND MAINTAIN ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES IN ACCORDANCE I `MRI CITY AND NPIRS PHASE 11 PERMITTING REOUIRIE ENTS AS WELL AS EROSCH CONTROL MEASURES AS -------- I --------- Y MAY BE SHOWN ON THESE PUNS OR SPECIFICATIONS. GRADING CONTRACTOR $NAIL IMPLEMENT ANY ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AS MAY BE REWIRED TO PROTECT ADJACENT PROPERTY. 4. ALL EROSION CONTROL FAOUrIES SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE 1 1T CONTRACTOR DURING GRADING OPERATIONS. ANY TEMPORARY FACILITES WMON ���_Qg____________ U --------------- ARE L BE REMOVED VIED AS CALLED FOR O TELT Pt -ANS AND SPECIFICATIONSBy ----------------- =5_1 SHALL DE REMOVED BY THE GRADING CONTRACTOR WHEN DIRECTED BY RHE ENGINEER. THE IN AC CONTRACTOR STALL THEN RE510I1E THE SUBSEQUENTLY TLY DISTURBED AREA w ACCORDANCE WITH THESE PUNS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 5. THE GRADING CON'TRACTOFI SHALL SCHEDULE THE 5045 ENGINEER SO NAT CERTIFICATION OF ALL CONTROLLED FILLS WILL BE FURNISHED TO THE OWNER DURING AND !P,OVNtECCOOMP COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT. b. P N. TURN ED COVEPETWT AREAS MIMUM B4E 0 V P�Shcl. 0! ARBEDLLY ADSGNEDBY A NALL BE SEEDED k MULCHED AT THE PRESCRIBED RATMULCH _E 1 2ES � WITHIN 72 HOURS OF FINAL GRADING UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. SEED WX: MNDOT N0. SOB RXNS�ACM DISK 41tl10Fm) FEAlIl1IIR 150#/ACRE RAT�OIIS/ARPUCATON 2C-10-11 ----_- ALL EXPOSED SGL AREAS WN A CONTINUOUS POSITIVE SLOPE WITHIN 200 LINEAL FEET OF ANY SURFACE WATER, MUST HAVE TEMPORARY ER09ON PROTECTION OR PENIANFIR COVER FOR THE EXPOSED SOK. AREAS YEAR BOILING, ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING TABLE O SLCPM AND TIME FRAME TYPE OF9 IBI1 (MO[.11nUtYM T - >p can _TM .rlM[.0 P.n n IT. OM not nPc aFUYNy O.M9 WorKW) STEEPER THAN 3:1 7 DAYS IO 1 TO ""14 DAYS FLATTER THAN 10.1 21 DAYS 7. THE EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY AND CONTOUR ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON THE PUN WERE TAKEN FROM A PLAN FURNISHED BY OWNER. eCONTRACTORS GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL OPERATORSU SHALL TAKE PCE WITHIN THE CONSTRUCTION UNITS, 9. IT IS REQUIRED THAT SOBS TRACKED FROM THE STE BY MOTOR VEHICLES BE CLEANED DAILY FROM PARD ROADWAY SURFACES THROUGHOUT TE DIARATION OF CONSTRUCTION. TOPROVIDE TEMP MY SECAMENTATON BASINS AS COECTED BY THE ENGINEER. 11. ALL REOU!REMENTS O THE LOCAL WATERSHED DISTRICT SHALL BE SATISFIED PER ME APPROVED PERMIT. 12 ALL EROSION a SELXRFIIT CONTROL MEASURES SHOWN ON THIS PUN AND IMPLEMENTED IN THE FIELD AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER SHALL COfORM TO THE MPCA'S 'PROTECTING WATER GUAUTY IN URBAN MEAS: BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES FOR MINNESOTA'. 11 DEWATERING ANp/RP BASIN DRAINING DISCHARGE SHALL BE DIRECTED TO SEDIMENTATION BASKS WHENEVER POSSIBLE ALL DISCHARGE PONTS SHALL BE ADEQUATELY PROTEC1Ep FORM ENCSIOM k SCOUR THROUGH USE OF APPROVED ENERGY DISSPAn04 DEVICES 14. ALL SOLA WASTE/ CONSTRUCTION DEWS SHALL BE DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPCA NEWIREMENTS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SHALL BE STORED/ DISPOSED O' IN CO!FUANCE LITH MPCA REGULATIONS IS CONTRACTOR SHALL USE RAPID STADIUUION METHODS PER IMnDOT 2573 AS NEEDED DURING THE COARSE OF THE WTURK TO MAINTAIN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY AND HPMS Y PERMIT REQUIREMENTS THIS WORN SHALL CMSST OF OPERATIONS NECESSARY TO RAPIDLY STABILIZE SPALL CRITICAL AREAS. 10 PREVENT OF SITE SEDIMENTATION MD/OR TO COMPLY WITH PERMIT REOURE MEMS THE WORK MAY BE PREFORMED AT ANY TIME DURING THE CONTRACT AND DURING NORMAL WORMING HOURS THIS WORK WILL BE CONDUCTED ON WALL MEAS THAT MAY OR MAY NOT BE ACCESSIBLE WITH NORMAL EQUIPMENT. THIS WORK SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE MN)OT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONSTHE DETAILS WOW N N THE PUNS, AND THE FOLLOWING, THEM ME FIVE STABILIZATION METHODS APPROVED FOR THESE OPERATIONS THESE METHODS MAY BE CONDUCTED INDEPENDENTLY OR IN COMMA M METHOD FI: APPLY TYPE 1MULCH AND MSC ANCHOR METHOD R2: APPLY TYPE 1 MULCH AND TACK WITH TYPE 5 HYDRAULIC SOL STABILIZER METHOD i1 HYOROSPREAD SFFDYERTUZER ANp TYPE 8 HYDRAULIC SOL STABILIZER METHOO N: HMD INSTALL SID. FERMLrM AND EROSION CCNTROL BLANKET CATEGORY 3 METHOD at AND PLACE GEOTEXTILE ARP RM CLAW B N VARIOUS COPICURArONS THESE EFFORTS WTI. BE INCIDENTAL TO TRE EROSION CONTROL SID ITEM. 16. CHANGE OF COVERAGE: FOR STORM WATER DISCHARGES FROM CONSINUCTON PROJECTS WHERE THE OWNER OR OPERATOR CHANGES, (EG.NN ORK9NAL DEVIIAPEIL SELLS PORTIONS OF THE PROPERTY TO VARIOUS BUILDERS) THE NEW OWNER OR OPERATOR MUST SUBMIT A SUBDIVISION REGSU STRATON WITHIN 7 DAYS OF ASSUMING OPERATIONAL. CONTROL OF THE SITE COMMENCING WORK ON THEIR PORTION OF THE SITE . M OF THE LEGAL AN TRSFER, SALE M CLOSING ON THE PROPERTY. 17. INDIVIDUAL SITE GUIDERS SHAD. BE RE5PON9BLE FOR PROVIDING ANY AMD ALL NECESSARY EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AS MAY M REWIRED. REQUIRED ECM•S SHALL CONSIST OF BUT NOT BE UNITED TO THE FOLLOWING: A STAKED FIBER LOS ROLLS AT BACK OF ALL CURB EXCEPT AT CONSMUCTON/DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE 8. SILT FENCE ON ALL DOWN CRAWNT SLOPES FROM CONSTRUCTION AREA. SILT FENCE SHALL NAVE THE BOTTOM DUG IN LITH SOL FIRMLY COMPACTED. ROCK CONSTRUCT CONSTRUCTOR "MANGE HAVING I' TO 2' CLEAR ROC( OVER 6EOTEXIME FABRIC D. STREET CLEANING AS MAY BE REWIRED SHOULD VEHICLE TRACKING OCCUR. INDIVIDIIAL STE BUILDERS ARE REWIRED TO MAINTAIN ECM'S UNTIL SUCH TIME AS INDIVIDUAL YAROS/VEGETATION ME ESTABU9ED. 1B. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A TEMPORARY SEDWENTATION BASH ON STE FOR CONSTRUCTION WASH OUT USE --- -' TEMPORMY BASIN SHALL BE LOCATED AS TO PROVIDE EASY ACCESS FOR CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES AND CONCRETE TRUCKS AS NECESSARY. 19. INLET SEDIMENTATION CONTROL IS TO BE PROVIDED TO ALL STORM SEWER CATCH BASINS TWOUGI/OUT CONSTRR'TON. MEASURES APPLIED SHALL COMPLY WITH BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES FOR MINNESOTA ANG APPLICATIONS OF NPOES PU.g B AS APPROPRIATE FOR PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION. STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SCHEDULE OF INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE Lmi INKTA`•110N INSPECTION$ MAIu NAut'J 9A W INSPECT k MINT. ALTER TRIBUTARY 9L7 FENCE PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT AFTER EACH RUN-OFF DRAINAGE AREA IS W EARTHWWX WEHATCNS EVENT. REEDGVE SF3111ENT5 RESTORED.AS TOP -960.0 ROCK CONST. PON TO COMMENCEMENT INSPECT REGAMLY.INV=943.0 ENTRANCE OF EARTHWORK OPERATIONS MAINTAIN AS NEEDED, MOR TO PAVING CUTLET SO HER AFTER POND GRADING INSPECT MG LMLY. PERMANENT. STRUCTURE IS COMPETED. MAINTAIN AS NEEDED. RIP -RAP t UPON COMPLETION O INSPECT • MAIMAINTAINTA RIP-RAP POND GRADING. CONC. AT LEAST ANNUALLY PERMANENT. 1 SWALE CONST AND AND AFTER HEAVY OUTLET NSYALLATION. RAINFALL EVENTS ONINSPECT Y MAINTAIN PERMANENT. DETENTION PD DURNO EARTHWCAK AFTER HEAVY RAINFALL OPERATIONS EVENTS REMOVE SEDIMENTS AS NEEDED. INK FGRADING E AF MULCH AFTER INSPECT t MAINTAIN NO REMOVAL SEED h I AFTER HEAVY RAINS, NECESSARY - OPERATIONS - REPLACE WASH-OUT AREAS IMMEDIATELY. INLET PROTECTION UPON INLET CONSTRUCTION WHEN 1/3 CAPACITY OF AFTER TRIBUTARY AREAS ` BMP IS REACHED ARE FULLY RESTORED / r NOTE: CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE AND REMOVAL OF ALL APPOCMLE EROSION a SEDIMENT CONTROL ITEMS ._ X, GILL 48 HOURS BEFORE MGM GOPHER STATE ONE CALL TWIN CRY AREA (551) 454-0002 MINNESOTA TOLL FREE 1-80O-252-1166 11991 ,RAD g I I 2 Ili -28-071 CITY SUBMITTAL 1 111-27-071 80X SET NO. I DATE _ •�:.^ DESCRIPTION OF REVISIONS AI _--_-_--__---------- _----___-_ ----------- _------------ L_____ I I I I I I I I I I -----_-_I 1 1 _------__-1 O I 1 ! ! 0 10 20 __________.r---------- _----_----! ----_ _------_-_I _--___-_-_I ---------- '-_--..__ ' I I I I 1 1 ! I 1 I ! TT-______ I I I I I SCALE IN FEET ----- H ------ - _-_-,r__=---_'r --_-- I ------ ----- I ------ TOP=956.2______ -' ---- I - ----- INV=940.5 _ _ Y----- _- tea- nnn=ce a=�. m ` == c___a_______=.r CONC.-Him ------ '----------------' -------------' '- CORC-tT1REr--"' ---------------- PROVIDE TEMP. ROCK f f PROVIDE SILT FENCE OR 810 -ROLL !' ENTRANCE 0 CONSTR. B 1 T U M I N 0 U S BARRIER AT EDGE OF BIT. DURING \ ACCESS LOCATION SITEWORK CONST. fig. �cfPZ qhb' CLEAN ADJACENT PAVEMENTS AS NEEDED. — r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n°J` !°/ 41� •1 �� 0 F B U M I N 0 U S a5�h _ / / ►4/ _ _ �yb� _ me 1NMX _ � r- FIELD MARKINGS FOR------------------ /. •rff ,f ,� __ '� _ 957 � ennKI ne eeNlTeov cn la LIQ / ��-i+'-"g �� �! 2'-3' HIGH BERM ALONG COMMON LOT UNE 7 i !I I 1 H q -'I ---------- _1_9 �`•'- PROVIDE SEDIMENT ONALL INLETS UNTIL �,!�—PROTECnm SITE IS FULLY )! STABILIZED. li Iii ♦ i. I' ' f J S Q � Q DESIGNED: 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PUN, SPECFICATON, OR REPORT WAS TJG Wt�� ONALa��ERTM�WSa� Anderson Engineering of Minnesota, LLC FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK STATE DRAWN: PSH PRINT NAME: OTA. MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA PRINT NAME: TROY J. GAMBLE, P.E. CIVIL ENGINEERING AND LAND SURVEYING CHECKED BY: I SIGNATURE 13805 1111 AVENUE NORTIL SUTIT 100. PLYMOUM, MN 55441 HTG ARCHITECTS DATE NOVEMBER 26, 2007 LICENSE # 23137 TEL (763) 383-1084 FAX (783) 383-1080 9 AO PO F�C 4S A fK>V� � ED �B 1-1/2' COARSE AGGREGATE GE07EAIU FABRIC 6 YINDEPTH Mtf . GRAVEL Standard Plate Library for CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE the City of Monticeilo patr. IIPmte Na SI 03-05 5015 I A) Inst08otion eeSTEEL FENU G 4' MAX �WAGPOEI�T 1 S:1' s i+Q 2 NKMRNr T. EM M b'If 6• M LHE M M POUF• FILTER FAHNC 3 ArrAw TIC EtTER 4 BAIXfR1 M TuwH i_ TO THE1e ONCE t WO EXCAVATED SOIT LS THE TRENCH WN"ACTED WKKF BALTKFWL BOTTOM EI..+A,Kw �I POMs • .. SHPWNK➢ BF IYaER THIN 4 B) Maintenance • ILIO NRlpp SII4L XWIa[<RP [.CAAT6Y I. SWFIiK OVG9rs 9�ouP K WINOV{D IFYM [ACM AFTP ( RMMAL ANp AT lEI4T IMLv OUWR STPW EKNT. MY Misr t WEMOv[a ,np RIJYIS K Eva[ .WepAAYX IIIKMNI LT NA' 1C4R1DI IPIIIS Mllt AEAON HgppMTCY NMI M IDITOL K M fWIMQ , - AW II[AEM [tTP.MIs RryANWK N I1A[S HERR M L 9HtlLD M IA1.L tEWM'O>t 02 ■CO[1[ ISLE RA[T a1 IATq IVIFpH s Ma LOI1101 K[¢F®, IOr[CTNe P1WR TO M a0 IF M fAl01m W WL R N65fa io Cd/NY .m1 M [xn1NS THE: tlR Np M NIFm1 SILL a I[IXSTPA[, M RAMC M1NL a AWrm NRVLY. SYNTHETIC Stondprd Plate Library for FILTER FABRIC MEWthe City of Monticello Ubte: Put. Nn 03-05 ` R..b.a02-O6 1 1004 COMM. NO. I PLOTTED: PRELIMINARY GRADING, 11991 DRAINAGE & EROSION DRAWING NO. CONTROL PLAN C2 L 77 4 CBMH-2 R. 958.0 mllrnlRa SCHEDULE CASTING 1. 948.0 (VERIFY) 24'x36' r m1O°wxMOw a .c WNW RCP END ...,. ,a "°��� rocx�RR •oo zz yr I JJ I .� 1 YCRDx - �I --» n �A� 6.: Stand do h Basin C. _h Standord Plate L'ibrory for w�• N.. �ppy� the City of Monticello D•�.: 03_05 1I 4006 [moi ¢•N..h I I Standard Plate Library for the Ctty of Monticello llk Blocking for Watermain m 03-05 N•. 2002 �•N°�°` 02-06 i , Z - A wmR A / Av mr (\ µ... / i , • wDor . ivs enuwxws rrAR (WN.1 . _Tzvr uu wAT PUN 21 MDOT 2bO VFAR(W) xws xox I �u.� xmr¢I�ss.. �- 6.D• YNDDT TJ! D1A55 ! io�w Wmi n°`iv..'ixpl AwzcnTE ers MwJ wr".`m�c •�• wa _-- >rrno�en wxlRAnc ^- ,p 1 r.cuclJT cFCT10N 11 scA� _ _ _ - oic Nalsr rA.zic+a s m�uort�luc�" nva* .oD ncwlRo.wrs r 3 RecD,xExoATaxs aea ro CWSrRDDrIM I � _ c avnm ro .aw . sloo+x u�xwT�z �ro a� Twx .x. vE � zai '' m omn. s aTlm SECnoN x; am ro c �w+m xlalr aR our wnlR s�ovpecs Aver T ' nor. ` •. .�~ Catch Basin Standard Manhole Plate Library for z.o• xxoor zxD wD the City of Monticello o•a: Me. N' i mluWxwa vw (_103-05 4007 uxoor'21 ua -- _ \ tenni Ia i xw rw (wl l-- o• xxoor nDe flAss e A4VIExAiE BAY (WIN.) / �� \�� / ♦ I W �,\, leucon' SFGTIW4 r I \ HFA�D1jTY PAIS dI1�11GK- N;r rANDcxr YGrxRI orsa� N+ � � Jlll 1 l�# "su�xR�WD IewlxeycRn wm ccorzaexvi uroRT j ` AxD xzcoxuwo.>Wl+s PPldt ro cws+RDcrw.. uWEM OF DIADWAI. RAW PLAN ,�, a ��p�DlN,lt RI.1P os�x•••+ .a.c,... e,,....0 �R,.. x.xm oo 2R -2560-A YrnoN A -A "'~r- a BEEHIVE �•! � I �� } � CASTING - EIEVAnDN1� or RAuv 12• HDPE p.. ,...ac......r.,..v.... ��..a,..,. �.....I..,�........�.,m� HOPE END I 12' HDPE _ 1. 954-5 I Pedestrian Standard Plate Library for Curb Romp Mw the City of Monticello . %�• "• CB -5 DETAIL 03-05 1� 5009 pt'NMa. 02-06 t-vw Inl {DESIGNED: I TUG DRAWN: { PSH 2 11-28-07 CITY SUBMITTAL { CHECKED BY: 1 11-27-07I 80% SET NO. DATE DESCRIPTION OF REVISIONS i --------------': ______-':%_________________ CONNECT TO DC- III --0017C-CURB 6• PVC (VERIFY MATCH EX- BIT, B I T U M I N O U S LOC. & ELEV.) (SAW -CUT EDGES) S MADE CCNC., . VALLEY (XJGUTTER TIP -OUT -- - - -- -_ - (SEE DETAIL) IGUTTER -- - E 1) G.E_ ._0 F.. B i T„I M-I_N MATCH EX. CA -G-\ I 3' WIDE CONC. T a•� . ! CB -1 VALLEY GU7TEF 956.0 (SEE DETAIL) _ - - - - - - - I. 952-0 .2 CJ ii li \ TO X5.1 II ; \CCESSIBLE (947. , PLAN)' xl f PI I r ml15 LF - o 18' HDP II SED > i �CONINE �I' i-l�rw EX. CBM )' eUILDNG FFE 958.5 `Y wQ •a DOM. WATER SERVICE OFF FIRE UNE O l \\\\ METER (INSIDE BIDG.) a- - VERIFY ALL UTILITY LOCATIONS INTO BtD� II TOP=957.6 -\1 III INV=942.0 W/ ARCH PLANS 1' I II -- li III I I I(I / iii ii v �--�. - CB -5 (SEE DETAIL) [3V 95 5 1.R1157.5 1. 954.. 5 \ lI R X11 L�4' CONCRETE (MIX 3A32) 4' MIN. CL. 5 CONCRETE WALK SECTION I CERTIFY THAT HAT THIS PLAN. SPECIRCATioK OR REPORT WASAM lYpERV`9oN AND THA LICF115ME ORLINDER y ENGINEER THE LAWS OF ITHE STATE OF AMNESOTA(7TROY J. GAMBLE, P.E. PRINT NAME: SIGNATURE: 23137 DATE NOVEMBER 26. 2007 . LICENSE N W / � I➢ CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER. i IIS / I CBMH-2 R. 958.0 mllrnlRa SCHEDULE CASTING 1. 948.0 (VERIFY) 24'x36' CONCRETE WALY, AND DRIVES 1. RCP END I l II 'I I II \v \ 0. 6' GV �I --» FROM I i i' I I II i' � I I i ill D li ;I III �I II - W \ V0 TOP=960.D'-_f_" ` CONCREfF mO W INV=946.2 _ SID @'ENS, NUrHYDP 962 pRANr_ TOP=960.2%/[�, `� \ L�4' CONCRETE (MIX 3A32) 4' MIN. CL. 5 CONCRETE WALK SECTION I CERTIFY THAT HAT THIS PLAN. SPECIRCATioK OR REPORT WASAM lYpERV`9oN AND THA LICF115ME ORLINDER y ENGINEER THE LAWS OF ITHE STATE OF AMNESOTA(7TROY J. GAMBLE, P.E. PRINT NAME: SIGNATURE: 23137 DATE NOVEMBER 26. 2007 . LICENSE N W / � I➢ CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER. i IIS / I CBMH-2 R. 958.0 mllrnlRa SCHEDULE CASTING 1. 948.0 (VERIFY) 24'x36' CONCRETE WALY, AND DRIVES 1. RCP END 8612 CdDG INSTALL 8'x6' REDUCER 0. 6' GV �I --» FROM I i i' I I II i' � I I i ill D li ;I III �I II - i - I II I II I, i; l III END B612 C&G mO W ' \ CBMH-2 R. 958.0 mllrnlRa SCHEDULE CASTING 1. 948.0 (VERIFY) 24'x36' CONCRETE WALY, AND DRIVES -.--- > -- RCP ONNECT TO IX- 8' DIP O t ONNECT TO IX, 18' -INV. 947.96 (RECORD PUN) INSTALL 8'x6' REDUCER VERIFY ELEVATIONS 6' GV ;' INSTALL 18' RCP (-3 LF) STUB RO CBMH-2 --» FROM LF RCP PROPOSED STORM SEWER mO W Anderson Engineering of Minnesota, LLC C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G A N D L A N D S U R V E Y.1 N G 13605 1st AVENUE NORTH. SUITE 100, PLYMOUTH. MN 55441 TEL (763) 363-1064 FAX (763) 303-10B9 GALL 48 HOURS BDDRE DIGGING: G Pure eTeTF ONE CALL ,WIN L'1fY AREA (651) 4b4-0002 MNNESpIA lIXl FREF 1-800-252-1166 o to zo !o SCALE IN FEET ® II EGEND HEAVY-DUTY PAVEMENT AREAS mllrnlRa SCHEDULE CASTING STANDARD DUTY PAVEMENT AREAS 24'x36' CONCRETE WALY, AND DRIVES -.--- > -- EXISTING SAN. SEWER > PROPOSED SAN- SEWER --_; --- EXISTING WM I PROPOSED WW --» EXISTING STORM SEWER �. PROPOSED STORM SEWER NOTES• 1. TOPOGRAPHY h SITE SURVEY BY ANDERSON ENGINEERING. 2. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SOIL ENGINEER UNLESS DIRECTED OTHERWISE. 3 SALL TANDARDS UNLESS DIRECTED PLY WITH OTHERWISE- -n OF MONTCELLO ENGINEERING 4, ALLCONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE MUNICIPAL, WATERSHED DISTRICT, COUNTY, MPCA. DEPT. OF HEALTH• AND MNDOT PERMITS. PLY WTH 5. CALL HANCAPPED URRENTDI IADA STANDAR DS- SEE AR Ii TECTURAL p SRAMPS SH OFOR EXACT LOCATION OF BUILDING ENTRANCES. ON 11 6. ATMRE LFOR¶G�ENERAL I FN ORAOIA ON ONLY. TITHE IINFOR'ASHOWNA 7 S NOT WARRANTED TO BE ACCURATE OR COMPLETE. TI4E CONTRACTOR, IN COOPERATION WITH 1HE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANY OR MUNICIPALITY. IS RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING T14E LOCATION AND DEPTH OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. 7. EXISTING UTILITY INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM RECORD PLANS AND CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR THE AREA CONTRACTORS S& VERIFY ELEVATIONS LEVACTUALINSC PRIOR TO NS DIFFER CONSTRUCTIONFROM THE PLAN.FY ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY IF H4.wE •m mllrnlRa SCHEDULE CASTING CB -1 24'x36' R-3246 (TYPE 'L' GRATE) CBMH-2 48' DIA. R-3246 (TYPE 'L' GRATE) C13MH-3 48' DIA. R-3246 (TYPE 'L' GRATE) CB -4 24'x36' R-3246 (TYPE 'L' GRATE) CB -5 SEE DETAIL R -2560A (BEEHIVE) -7' CONCRETE WITH x14 BARS 12' O.C. EACH -6' AGG. BASE CL. 5 CONCRETE DRIVE LANE COMM. N0, I PLOTTED: 11991 FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLDRAWING NO. MON TICELLO, MINNESOTA AN C3 HTG ARCHITECTS SITE PLAN NOTES= LOT ZONING, REGIONAL BU51NES5 COMMERCIAL - D4 TOTAL eUILOINO 50. FT, 5,421 5f. LOWER LEVEL: 1�5b SF.(NO OFFI( E. ME(H. 4 STORAGE ONLY) MAIN LEVEL: 4,%5 5F. ALITOBANK CANOPY: 1.220 S.F. TOTAL SF - 10% - 5F FOR PARKING 4-30 -436 = 3929 PARKING REQUIRED: (11200 s). + 3 stalls) 3,q2q / 200 . 1,1h . 3 t 23-STALL5 PARKING SHOWN: 30-5TALL5 PARKING STALL SIZE ('I'-O'x20'-O.) TOTAL LOT AREA 415930 S.F. EXALPIN6 FOOTPRINT 4365 SP. LANDSCAPE SHOWN 121730 5F. IMPERVIOUS SURFACE COVERAGE 29935 S.F. miNiMtH,REGUIREMENT (1&0 SF GREEN SPACE / 5000 SFIMPERVIOUS) mjMBeR OF STORIES I BLRLDIWv HEIGHT (AVERAGE KpSLOPEV ROOF) TOP OF ROOF PEAK EIPLOIN15 a PARKING SETEALKS FROM PERIMETER PLATLINE FRONT- 12' SIDE- 7 REAP- 17 61.111-011,161 4 PARKING 5ETBA( K5 FROM INTERIOR PROPERTY LINE FRONT- 6' SIDE- (" REAR- 6 NOTES, LIMITS OF PAVEMENT I CARE111415 SHALL BE WITHIN THE PROPERTY LINES. T WAS TAKEN FROM CCCIIIIII-11ENT FILE IlqqI 5-4 DATE SURVEY "A= BIXKF REG to 202L)l HT6 ARLSITE6175 15 NOT .IF ANY. EILE FOR Oml�610W CONTRACTORSHALL EXISTING CONDITIONS. MONUMENT 5ION ELEVATION OALI I/4"= I'-0" AGRYLIr FAZED 5I&NA6F - TYP- BE N RIVE -UP ONLY TURN 0 GIS L ONE WA N WRONG WAY ATM 0 Q Q TRAFFIC SIGN ELEVATIONS 0 E)Ui ONLY � WELCOME CI.EMD Br. SDK .ill m i OSITE FLAN ALI I" =20'-0" 0, N LIMITS OF PAVEMENT to aIN5 SHALL M WITHIN THE PROPERTY 3' WIDE C4014C. VALLEY— __In LINES TYP. 3' HOE &oW_ VALLEY— GUTTER (SEE CIVIL) LINE GqTTER (SEE CIVIL) 554.0035E 0 1 U EASEMENT� 42'-3" -0 1001-21 51 24'' I t 5 & & ii I ED _O. ii,qi. 21. 1 -0. !l F_ . 1 -0. A �\ I b5' -O -0' 2.0-0 24' IO'_O' TYP. (4). I TYP. MIN. 3 l�pIoa)n"se n (21 lua�_O' TBAC, A;A Entfq FRF`05E[) 101-01 ll...01 BuILDINcs LW Approx. 4* WIOE- q E aX r L PANTED _ �HAWICAP !7 Iliwal I 5TRIPF- AaESNELE SFjACE SIGN111 4 :1E 0 PAINT�O En STRIPE5 - TYP. LI _j I J 11 r—­NEH CONCRETE SIDEWALK II I 4 It, 411 2 (bi I I I I � h'-, 516N AIJ R25' -O• 26-7 b) (4) 35-5 aRvEo PAINTED I II fyR2'.0 I 4 ARROI15 3 LL=_ 'e PANTED ;zlV05,'b_THLI5) +11. 93, _LIMIT5 OF PAVEMENT 4 CURBING $HALL 13E 3 WITHIN THEE PRO LINES TYP- I� \�"°" '\ ` ��,� OF � / • 7 1_7 ,,ww.htg­arclhitaCta.00'r" 9300 Hennepin Town Road Eden Prairie, MN 55347 Tel: 952.278.8880 Fax: 952,278.8822 COPYRIGHT ® 2001 N HTr7 ArChIt8Gt5 PROJECT FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK NEW BRANCH FACILITY MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA ISSUED SET CITY SUBMITTAL 12.03.2007 REVISIONS DATE NO. 10/30/01 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN. SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED By ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION. AND THAT I A44 A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA _je,FF1&_L3 F'PIIPSC' IF DATE REO. NO. SITE PLAN/PAVEMENT "PAIN FIFING/ TRAFFIC PLAN TRAFFIC SIGN ELEVATIONS MONUMENT SIGN ELEVATION i`7 fV SITE PLAN NOTES ..... DpAWNBy,. AAT, DJM Al 01 SP 07173 PLAN NORTH TRUE NORTH INTERNALLY LIT SIGN CABINET- NIC. T.0.516N EL.= 105'-b' v FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK TO. STONE STONE CAP _—A _± _ I EL.- 101'-b' GRADE Z4 STONE 515E EL.: VFY ------------- T.O. BRGKLEDGE '_O. EL.= VFY. T.O. FOOTING ------------------------ -------------------- EL.= VFY. MONUMENT 5ION ELEVATION OALI I/4"= I'-0" AGRYLIr FAZED 5I&NA6F - TYP- BE N RIVE -UP ONLY TURN 0 GIS L ONE WA N WRONG WAY ATM 0 Q Q TRAFFIC SIGN ELEVATIONS 0 E)Ui ONLY � WELCOME CI.EMD Br. SDK .ill m i OSITE FLAN ALI I" =20'-0" 0, N LIMITS OF PAVEMENT to aIN5 SHALL M WITHIN THE PROPERTY 3' WIDE C4014C. VALLEY— __In LINES TYP. 3' HOE &oW_ VALLEY— GUTTER (SEE CIVIL) LINE GqTTER (SEE CIVIL) 554.0035E 0 1 U EASEMENT� 42'-3" -0 1001-21 51 24'' I t 5 & & ii I ED _O. ii,qi. 21. 1 -0. !l F_ . 1 -0. A �\ I b5' -O -0' 2.0-0 24' IO'_O' TYP. (4). I TYP. MIN. 3 l�pIoa)n"se n (21 lua�_O' TBAC, A;A Entfq FRF`05E[) 101-01 ll...01 BuILDINcs LW Approx. 4* WIOE- q E aX r L PANTED _ �HAWICAP !7 Iliwal I 5TRIPF- AaESNELE SFjACE SIGN111 4 :1E 0 PAINT�O En STRIPE5 - TYP. LI _j I J 11 r—­NEH CONCRETE SIDEWALK II I 4 It, 411 2 (bi I I I I � h'-, 516N AIJ R25' -O• 26-7 b) (4) 35-5 aRvEo PAINTED I II fyR2'.0 I 4 ARROI15 3 LL=_ 'e PANTED ;zlV05,'b_THLI5) +11. 93, _LIMIT5 OF PAVEMENT 4 CURBING $HALL 13E 3 WITHIN THEE PRO LINES TYP- I� \�"°" '\ ` ��,� OF � / • 7 1_7 ,,ww.htg­arclhitaCta.00'r" 9300 Hennepin Town Road Eden Prairie, MN 55347 Tel: 952.278.8880 Fax: 952,278.8822 COPYRIGHT ® 2001 N HTr7 ArChIt8Gt5 PROJECT FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK NEW BRANCH FACILITY MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA ISSUED SET CITY SUBMITTAL 12.03.2007 REVISIONS DATE NO. 10/30/01 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN. SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED By ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION. AND THAT I A44 A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA _je,FF1&_L3 F'PIIPSC' IF DATE REO. NO. SITE PLAN/PAVEMENT "PAIN FIFING/ TRAFFIC PLAN TRAFFIC SIGN ELEVATIONS MONUMENT SIGN ELEVATION i`7 fV SITE PLAN NOTES ..... DpAWNBy,. AAT, DJM Al 01 SP 07173 PLAN NORTH TRUE NORTH -- — ---- — 4 1-SKL 5-DWE 4-LPS ......... ,. r 1 ' Sod I 1 i ( I li( " _P"t'nrL- 2''-12_- D -1 D e u EA. 1:IJENT- �_ _ _ _ `° _ — _2 -SUM -- 48"-60" Fieldstone Outcropping Stone 3;DEVr --1 _Sod L �} S ! 7 -TAY I Chilton Flagstone 6lDWE; 141 I t i3) . g -1---7 �1 '•J I '1 coir PPS, !SED a ". j I i y B; 'L { ;' AUTOBANY. j 18"36"Fieldstone I " Outcropping Stones I I II , r. - /Employee Ell {_' Ili! I Sod 3-DKL; 2-B ! I II 4 -BHS L -GMS 1 ! ITh 4-MJJ— ,Sod i ! t i III 2 -BHS i \ Sod �� .. Sod I Site p��ZnNORTH SCALE: 1" = 20' LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENT Greater of the two: ---- 5421 gross bldg. sq.ft. (5421/1000)=5.421 = (6)2.5"/6' BB Trees Required or == 889.28 Ln. Ft. of Site Perimeter (889.28/50)=17.79 = (18)2.5"/6' BB Trees Required TOTAL TREES REQUIRED = 18 TREES 1 TOTAL TREES PROVIDED PER PLAN = 18 TREES JnL 'nI V u II— I I I�I I 'i 1i 18"-36" Fieldstone Outcropping Stones Fill gaps between Flagstones with 5 e" Clear River Rock I — 48"-60" Fieldstone 1 Outcropping Stone 1 Chilton Flagstone �— 4" Sand Setting Bed Compacted Indigenou — _ Soil Material Note: Gaps between flagstones to be larger further from building Rock Viewing Garden Detail �.":. - I .. ..- .. T 11 I r] Approved tree wrap to be applied prior to vdnler season. Do not albw ba kfie W mulch metshal to come into —led with tool collar. Wood match or other specified matadaL (3' Depth) Bakfia with loosened sal indigenous W site. 'NOTE: Tree to be staked & gWed Only on an as needed bests. ,I Shade Tree Planting Detail yl� Sloped Location - - 0 20 40 10 60 PLANT SCHEDULE KEY I OTY I COMMONIBOTANICAL NAME I SIZE IROOTI REMARKS OVERSTORY TREES SIENNA GLEN MAPLE I SGM 5 Ace, x/r"emanii'Slanna' KL 3 GS SSKYLINE HONEYLOCUST I 2 I Be leditsis inecanthos varmemris'Skyab! 2.5' BB I SUM 2 SUGAR MAPLE I 2.5' BB Acer a9rohamm ORNAMENTAL TREES IMAC1 2 1 MADONNACRABAe PLE I 2.5 I BeMalusMadcan I EVERGREEN TREES BHS 18 1 aLAL;K HILLS Awe gleuce donaltaE I 8 I BB I SHRUBS & PERENNIALS Ie- 12 SLUt 1111 JUNIren r5 cont. 1 JunlQyryB hy/rjprRNld'81ue Chip' 13RJ 5 EfAI(1FFJMt!(1KJLNIvtN 95 cont. I 1Jiu rsabina'&oedmoor' CPB -10 MpUN 1laMY bANtlCNNY #2 Ant aerbads Mwborgd'Com1-2 P z DEV 3 UWAnr tUHOrtJw vroun p2 can'.I Vrbumum apv us'N..m` DKL 3 UWA KUNtAN UTAU Aril Syringe meyeri'Pa"'m OWE 11 UWAKIr WINUtUtttUNYM— p10 Ani i Euo"ymus alatu9'ComP9olUs' GFS 12uuLUrtAMt awnrA d2 Ant 1 Spirsea x bumalda'Goldflame GMS 35 UULUMUUNU �rIKk y2 Mat I Sprees r 'Gddrnound' IKFG 24 KAr.L rutnbrerc lanASb kt cont Ca/amegrosb's x ecuk8ora'Ked Foenlet j LPS B LI I I Lt FrUN—*6 bVlKtA a2 CPM. 1 Spraoa;aponica'w8e Princess i MJJ 38 MINI JULtY JUNIrtN 112 rolls Jumerus c phlnensis'Moalep' SCJ 12—Arvula, JuNlrtn p5 cont. i Juniperus saane'scano. 11 1 TAY r TAUNTON YEW I M5 cont I rexVs x media Tarminn' 11 LANDSCAPE NOTES: 1. ALL PLANTING BEDS TO BE EDGED WITH BLACK DIAMOND OR EQUAL BLACK VINYL EDGING AND MULCHED WITH MULCH INDICATED ON THE PLAN. 2 LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTACTING GOPHER STATE ONE CALL FOR UNDERGROUND UTILITY LOCATIONS PRIOR TO DIGGING 3. PLANT TREES & SHRUBS AFTER FINAL GRADES ARE ESTABLISHED AND PRIOR TO PLANTING OF LAWNS, UNLESS OTHERWISE ACCEPTABLE TO GENERAL CONTRACTOR OR OWNER. IF PLANTING OF AT NO &(OSDTOBB 1FIE OWAIEER DAMALAGEE TM SSULTING FFROM�PLANT AND OPERATIONS. TIONSAIR. 4. IF SPECIFIED MATERIAL IS NOT OBTAINABLE, NOTIFY GENERAL CONTRACTOR OR OWNER, ALONG r/ A DESCRIPTION OF EQUIVALENT MATERIAL 5. IF THERE IS A DISCREPANCY BETWEEN THE NUMBER OF PLANTS SHOWN ON THE PUN AND THE NUMBER SHOWN ON THE PLANT LIST, THE NUMBER SHOWN ON THE PLAN SHALL GOVERN. 6. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL WARRANTY TREES & SHRUBS FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR AFTER DATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE AGAINST DEFECTS INCLUDING DEATH, POOR GROWTH, AND PLUMB ORIENTATION. 7. PROVIDE SOIL AMENDMENTS AT ALL TREE & SHRUB PLANTING HOLES CONSISTING OF EQUAL MIX OF ORGANIC MATERIAL, BUCK DIRT, AND SAND. 8. ALL MATERIAL SHALL BE RATED FOR APPROPRIATE TEMPERATURE ZONE AND SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF THE AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK, AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMAN. 9. ALL LAWN AREAS TO HAVE IRRIGATION AND SOD TO PROPERTY LINES AND/OR TO BACK OF CURBS ALONG RIGHT OF WAYS. 10. SOD SHALL BE CULTURED KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS, FREE OF WEEDS & CLUMPS. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR WILL WATER AT TIME OF INSTALLATION AND ROLL ALL SOD AS NEEDED TO ASSURE A SMOOTH TURF SURFACE. ALL SLOPES GREATER THAN 3:1 SHALL BE STAKED. ANY SLIDING OF SOD SHALL BE REPLACED BY THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR. 11. ALL SOD IS TO BE IRRIGATED. S 12. ALL TREES PLANTED SHALL RECEIVE 3' SHREDDED WOOD MULCH SAUCERS WITH A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 4' AS SHOWN N DETAILS, I& ALL TREES SHALL BE STAKED IF DEEMED NECESSARY AND WRAPPED AT THE END OF THE GROWING SEASON. 14. LANDSCAPE BID TO INCLUDE A COMPLETE LAWN IRRIGATION SYSTEM AS REQUIRED. R"., Indicates 1-1/2" Multi -Color River Rock Mulch (4" depth over 4 mil. poly weed barrier) M Indicates Shredded Hardwood Mulch (4" depth over typar weed barrier fabric) Approved tree wrap to be applied prior to winter season. Do nor alba backfill or mulch material to come Into bardaa with rod roller. Wood mulch or other spec Bed material. (3' Depth) Backfill with loosened 909 indigenous to site. 'NOTE: Tree to be staked & guyed only on an as needed bests. rI Shade Tree Planting Detail Level Location - 0 -- Commemal grade black Poly edger. --Wood mulch or other specified 4. material to be placed at X depth. ` --" ---BackfAl with loosened sod indigenous to site. Shrub Planting Detail cos.. MARKELL — LABEREE DESIGN GROUP 15 BRENTWOOD AVE. EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 PH; 651-222-9250 FAX; 952-474-0155 I bereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Lee Markel] Date: License No. ! ---- Z J a W -- 2 oatC W U o C) 0LL o� U O Z J I_ U W 0 a PREPARED FOR: HTG Architects 9300 Hennepin Town Rd. Eden Prairie, MN 55347 NO. I REVISION/ISSUE II DATE ----�! ---- !I __- ,I DESIGNED: SKM Ij SHEET: _ DRAWN: SKM- i L 1 CHECKED: JRK II I: DATE: 1129.2007 !; /Ii L/THL7N/A Ll6HVIVO I 1 I FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS i i P -P2 I PJT .t• u8J - ' At<bli-I n11 A- A fl -d -Y lcmtppo//as .CT Y ABMTj� 11 r�-4 cu 'r. -r •• METAL. NAW HF -KI-) ORDERING INFORMATION . As2 PaM SRJSC 120SPA SF DNA LPI if •e+) LP•taV! .. pspe f^,! _ ,• Z. ASs ,"+kM M SFA :•e Hwd kt. .) d NdAr Y[f r:Wh FL iiH £ AV ix'M CCAS it •Jfn x Y W. FASB ,.N• � P 11N '.L'l aad SW CI, :.F.AH�•. .• LNSG ',b el'I iftr'1,f iSPll ► l SA !•f t¢b LJV tm). It4'A.a� tiA, M1)aS Pit W"ll SM V• .r Wd+fx it V,.. it lu•n . 1naxJ J.w :'f d. :. •4'x ,)�;�^ py p •.w n -. - ... _ itr•riCN Wlep MMMU 7K£rity. -..• . n a.II } w r Lb aaTJ•+M . a t. A."Pt tY.. ASs T.. ICF ASIR-ni AKt'+1id AStM1.»i AS!1'rM w, ., .a•). ,_, �.-m) •u AAM W. urn.JY WS iW wrnl•P Ai'n MA)idJ •� Sh°Vla ASZ•M :-L 1:3 Oa.tlnm b.4 b.a • b.3 b.4 b.4 b5 b.7 _-, b.7-. _b.7 b.6 b.7 b.7 _ b.e b.6 _..5 b.0 b.0 b.l b.2 b.4 b.4 b.6 b.7 b.e b-9 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.1 1.2 1:3 1.3 1.1 b.9 b•e b.e b.6 b,5 b.b_ b.2 �i b.l .a l 8.1 bs b.e b.a 1.2 1.4 1s 1.7 9a.0 °z.a 92.1 1.8 1s 92.3 12.2 is 1.7 1.5 14 1.1 b.9 b.9 b.3 b.l b"1 L/TXLTAflA LlGH77W /G' _ •-------- . F b 0 51 - - _ -- -- -- - - .3 .9 z .1 _.__. .1 FEJ1TUflE5 & SPECIFICATIONS b.0 bl b•2 1.4 °G.2 '2.0 92.2 92.3 92.4 '2.a 2s °2.6 93.5 °3.1 9.s b.s 12.6 2.5 '�.s g.s 1?.s b•2 lAli•.L b 9 IJP • b.0 b.1 5.2 12.6714 93.3 14.2 9 3.6 93.2 92.9 92.6 92.8 �.1 �.7 � i.2 °4.1 92.7 92.9°.3.5 `4.3 °4.3 °3.3 93.8 .3 3Q4 b.2 ° ° ° axe OtOESSEO SU:ARE b.0 b.l 92.6 4.0 93 92.8 92.8 4.9 5.3 93.5 4,1 .5 �.4 �.0 4,6 93.6 92.7 93.1 °3.5 4.7 4,4 4:1 4,6 1.3 bl Jn.l a nlx.:J.).t..)••..e� 11ii .,.. :' „ 1}i._ni•• b.0 b.l NR;. 93.0 47 93.5 93.8 93.1 •'12.4 92.3 92.6 92.4 93.1 92.8 92.9 92.5 93.7 4.4 �.6 �.3 �.1 $.6 95 �5 b.z per° b.2 - .. IDA 106 1.3 43.3 .7 a ..._.. 46 934 9.i. 92.9 . - �.z 19 9e :, , � _',:e•..,..1•Jr•w.... a•:...., - __. - - b.0 11.1 • : 93.1�_- 7 °2.2 �s 1 0 '4 72W 934.4 432 ,.. •I,�,. 4. �. :' ° 93.9 93.1 92.2 .-.i.6_.__.1.5 p,6i �.-r it 3 6 4.5 ,, _ a.o .. -.3... jl a -_6.T' 11,2 92.6 b.b....-_b.3 M 2 „ °3 F nm b :.a.... ...... .. ..+.... ,, .�.......: -- 'b.0 b0 LR; 928 93.7._..._-93.1-... 93.9 ...�q .5 .3 .3 92.4 9.e: � D ��--yy ba ; ; F �� I • ;4,. `�" 4 137 .1 ,, _ _ .. .. --- 1 , `` \ I$36 �'S2 52.2 86.a� ' 3.6 Wo b.o b.r 26 9s' '3:0" 9.o b.o 4 1,T - 1.1-- �e ;f..E. , o b.A - b.z -. ... i �. ' • .2 12.3 15.6 13.1 �.3 • I,4 I'i�92. C--1:923.2 920 .2 92.7 93.6 '13.4 't.4 93.5 .... b•BI III I a 0 4j.5 '62 4.7 4.4 3 b.2 a.. ... .... � 1. t•rr: . G2V 175M RW Al2GL TE 12.7 4.1 93.3 93.9 93.2 ;43 1s 1.5 .Olt I I a;5 ° ° ORDERING INFORMATION `b0'1 `• 4a gy 4.6 1 ba 92. 4 .; _92.9 93.9 b 2 _ . to b.] b.3 93. 4.9 93.7 93.9 932 92.6 92.2 t2- L1,11-1 - - II3... . -- ...4.l 1 1B _ _ __ __ __ _ '66 3 92 93 .0 4.6 93.4 4.0 93.4 .2 2 , � J 92.6 93.6 $.0 93.7 19.0 '922 b 3 2 9� k' `il r>,. .,• ,., . a•.v .. .))•r 4 5 13 B 4.3 Ir4;6 14.3 93.8 93.2 92.5 92.4 12.01 11 :w+! : .w• .W a 92.61:; 93.9 93.6 n - e. J ° b a b.l b.1 3 92.7 93.4 ,... 0 .... ° : 9�.a 93.0 93.9 4.5 93.8 4.2 1.9 'p.2 .2 WIT. • - ' -�} ... - x: ,�• _ 93.6 13.4°4.6 91.3 �P .B t.2 �.0 °4.4 938 931, 8 I. y' • Y ! - •• .I titr IT �..,•w.. ., .., Jxa •ap .1.7 1.6 92.2 92,6 93.1 __ 4.1 48 't.7, .-.�.3 ' �.2 t.5 1 b.� J 4.1 .'9d.5 93.4 93.9 93.9 °d:5 93.8 1.8 11.5 b.3 93.9 °4.1 93:9 b.0 �.6 93.4 93.1 12.8 13.0 92.9 "b.a b.e b6 .{., __. an.v y.,,. _d • ...... , .... _ ®: - b.3 - b.6 ':.. b.9 1.0 1.e �s '93.0 'b.0 9J3 _ _ g 1 b 9 Shat a:G2v ITL: u::0 b,] bR' pduu b.l b2 b.3 b.5 b.7 1.0 , 1:A 1.a 92.5 93.1 92.8 93.4 93.6. 93.7 '4.] °4.7 3 4,5 93.6 93.0 93.4 93.3: 93.3 .9 92. i 6 1.2 --b.6- \ b.9 1.1 92.6 93.3 93.9 93.7 93.7 9J.3 93.6 93.5 12.8 °2.5 93.3 °4.1 4.5 b.4 ,93.3 d2.2 ` l `b.1 b.1 b.2 b3 bs _ b.7 b.e b9 1.2 1.5 92.6 92.2 92.5 93.2 93.0 93.4 92.9 13.0 92.6 92.3 92.8 °4.1 �1-£Z �•0 42 93.0 1.9 ��_PPPP b.o ba b.1 b.2 ` �bs- , a4 b.e b.T, bs 911 >1.4 14 1.7 _ 92.1 �.e 92.6 12.7 .to t.492.7 93.3 5.e °s.a 93.6 $.5 9s b.o b.o b.l bt b.2 bz b.3 $.s_ _ `b.6 bs-- b.9w ` 1.0 9.s 1.5 1.6 1.9 1.s 1.9 92.3 .9:4 92.5 93.0 92.5 92.6 92.6 15 1.0 b.3 b•3 b.5 ; b•5. b.6 D - 1.0 11 _. 1.3 1.4 1.7 1.7. „ - 1.7 ;' 92.3 92.4 ; 92.5 , 92.1 ' '92.1 1.4 b.9 b.l bz b.3 b.3 b.a 6 _ b.6 1.2 1.5 1z ` 1`9 1.'e 1.7 1.5 b.e b.2 b2 .. b.3 b.a b,6 h.6- b,7 b.9 _ bs\ b.9.. b.9 1.1 1.0 1.0 .. t?b,3 b.3 b.4 b.6b.6 b.6 b6 b.6 - 112 11.2 5.3 11.4b.3 b.4 b.�` ' b.4 5.6 bA --bs b.3 b.3 b 4 b SITE PLAN - PHOTOMETRIC PE, SCALE: 1"-20'^0" UGG. CWNG ,,,. r_HEDULE IVTIIRF C -- - T-- 1pe1'- CFfillOf - -gIIYPE IIOOeI - I Tim - 4lC7PIAM -- tAlIPN111 un -.wr s - _ _ II iRAIMPN VlflJ.lAMS=--'�CIN5024-150-0Y _ I 1 A 1 NCtl� tJIICIUUN IJUNNUIiNI. I 1`•�1 ,�p4gJ0 RECESSED - G07C,L9/A-15�- _-- pOpq/LENS S. PWC . 120 , I YN i 185 � :___ - i ACRYLIC LENS. PROVIDE GlSKET ON DOOR. 1 I g�ygpgE RDS250M-5f53iiC IUM1N AK- N: _lr'w-�l.rlA . 3S0•A ; I TEMPERED It.X, UaU°dUt4M r'Ult rUUNILU IIAI UI4. PER GET GLASS POLE -^ I25' SOUNtE STEEL POLE. MOUNT ON POLE BASE 208 1 MN 400 -_-- I ► BRGNZE W COLOR. ; � ', - -- - - ----- '--' - _--_ _----- I1VPE MV UISINmuIIUN wic MOUNTED FO(NRL. 3.SOPJ TEMPERED EOUF15 POLE. MOUNT ON POLE BASE PER DETAIL.208 1 1 I MN 400 GLASS I POLE _ I I25" UE -;m, - n IeRa�zE PS TEMPERED EQUALS_ I Irre n urnJndu,4A'J •ixc rwnlLu •IAlulte.. ' 1350w I, 400 i POLE _---1- -----'--- Jf 25' SQUARE STEEL POLE. MOUNT ON POLE 845E PER DE7Nl. 1 2� GLASS PS r__--_.-.____ (K .BRONZE W COLOR. www. htg-architects. com 9300 Hennepin Town Road Eden Prairie, MN 55347 Tel: 952.278.8880 Fax: 952.278.8822 I PROJECT FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK NEW BRANCH FACILITY II MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA j I I BID SET 12007 REVISIONS DATE NO. I I Ii emanuelson-polos connulting engineers 10401 8ren Road East Minnentonka, MN 55343 ph: 952-930-0050 faz: 952-930.0777 ! NFjWy CERTIFY THAT TW PLAK vEmumr OR R9W WAS PROVIRED er ME OR MW Jar DIRECT 9FERYWX AAV TMT I AM A DEXY LICO o E INNEIER LWER 7W LAaB OF THE STATE OF A,ePyyEBOi'A , HOW"" K ft" 4BseT0! am Ko. UCNT POLE z' C HMD HOLE - RASE COVER -� 3-#3 REBAR, T 1111 I ON CENTERS J ELECTRM CONDUIT C6rr j L �� -J .J3 WRAP-AROUND TIES, 1f ON CENTERS 4-J4 REES'1RS - r MIN. COVER PROVIDE 10' GROUND ROD, BOND TO POLE 24" 02 LIGHT FIXTURE SASE DETAIL PE, S('At F: NONE b.4 b.a • b.3 b.4 b.4 b5 b.7 _-, b.7-. _b.7 b.6 b.7 b.7 _ b.e b.6 _..5 b.0 b.0 b.l b.2 b.4 b.4 b.6 b.7 b.e b-9 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.1 1.2 1:3 1.3 1.1 b.9 b•e b.e b.6 b,5 b.b_ b.2 �i b.l .a l 8.1 bs b.e b.a 1.2 1.4 1s 1.7 9a.0 °z.a 92.1 1.8 1s 92.3 12.2 is 1.7 1.5 14 1.1 b.9 b.9 b.3 b.l b"1 L/TXLTAflA LlGH77W /G' _ •-------- . F b 0 51 - - _ -- -- -- - - .3 .9 z .1 _.__. .1 FEJ1TUflE5 & SPECIFICATIONS b.0 bl b•2 1.4 °G.2 '2.0 92.2 92.3 92.4 '2.a 2s °2.6 93.5 °3.1 9.s b.s 12.6 2.5 '�.s g.s 1?.s b•2 lAli•.L b 9 IJP • b.0 b.1 5.2 12.6714 93.3 14.2 9 3.6 93.2 92.9 92.6 92.8 �.1 �.7 � i.2 °4.1 92.7 92.9°.3.5 `4.3 °4.3 °3.3 93.8 .3 3Q4 b.2 ° ° ° axe OtOESSEO SU:ARE b.0 b.l 92.6 4.0 93 92.8 92.8 4.9 5.3 93.5 4,1 .5 �.4 �.0 4,6 93.6 92.7 93.1 °3.5 4.7 4,4 4:1 4,6 1.3 bl Jn.l a nlx.:J.).t..)••..e� 11ii .,.. :' „ 1}i._ni•• b.0 b.l NR;. 93.0 47 93.5 93.8 93.1 •'12.4 92.3 92.6 92.4 93.1 92.8 92.9 92.5 93.7 4.4 �.6 �.3 �.1 $.6 95 �5 b.z per° b.2 - .. IDA 106 1.3 43.3 .7 a ..._.. 46 934 9.i. 92.9 . - �.z 19 9e :, , � _',:e•..,..1•Jr•w.... a•:...., - __. - - b.0 11.1 • : 93.1�_- 7 °2.2 �s 1 0 '4 72W 934.4 432 ,.. •I,�,. 4. �. :' ° 93.9 93.1 92.2 .-.i.6_.__.1.5 p,6i �.-r it 3 6 4.5 ,, _ a.o .. -.3... jl a -_6.T' 11,2 92.6 b.b....-_b.3 M 2 „ °3 F nm b :.a.... ...... .. ..+.... ,, .�.......: -- 'b.0 b0 LR; 928 93.7._..._-93.1-... 93.9 ...�q .5 .3 .3 92.4 9.e: � D ��--yy ba ; ; F �� I • ;4,. `�" 4 137 .1 ,, _ _ .. .. --- 1 , `` \ I$36 �'S2 52.2 86.a� ' 3.6 Wo b.o b.r 26 9s' '3:0" 9.o b.o 4 1,T - 1.1-- �e ;f..E. , o b.A - b.z -. ... i �. ' • .2 12.3 15.6 13.1 �.3 • I,4 I'i�92. C--1:923.2 920 .2 92.7 93.6 '13.4 't.4 93.5 .... b•BI III I a 0 4j.5 '62 4.7 4.4 3 b.2 a.. ... .... � 1. t•rr: . 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MOUNT ON POLE 845E PER DE7Nl. 1 2� GLASS PS r__--_.-.____ (K .BRONZE W COLOR. www. htg-architects. com 9300 Hennepin Town Road Eden Prairie, MN 55347 Tel: 952.278.8880 Fax: 952.278.8822 I PROJECT FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK NEW BRANCH FACILITY II MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA j I I BID SET 12007 REVISIONS DATE NO. I I Ii emanuelson-polos connulting engineers 10401 8ren Road East Minnentonka, MN 55343 ph: 952-930-0050 faz: 952-930.0777 ! NFjWy CERTIFY THAT TW PLAK vEmumr OR R9W WAS PROVIRED er ME OR MW Jar DIRECT 9FERYWX AAV TMT I AM A DEXY LICO o E INNEIER LWER 7W LAaB OF THE STATE OF A,ePyyEBOi'A , HOW"" K ft" 4BseT0! am Ko. DATE SITE PLAN - PHOTOMETRIC I I Dwwrr+sr: MAB mer. MWF i 7E� J ---I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LJ I I I I ONF�(GAVATED I LJ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ----------- LOWER LEVEL FLAN nj i/g°_P-0" J 29'-4 r� LJ r -i LJ www. htg-8 rch itBcts. co m 9300 Hennepin Town Road Eden Prairie, MN 55347 Tel: 952.278.8880 Fax: 952.278.8822 WpYf216HT O 2001 by HTG Architects PROJECT FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK NEW BRANCH FACILITY MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA ISSUED SET CITY SUBMITTAL 12.03.2007 REVISIONS DATE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TH15 PLAN, SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WA5 PREPARED BY M AOR UNDER MAM A DULY LICENSEDDIRECF P NO ARCH'FECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA JgfF�By PFIIpSBn DATE REG. NO. i LOWER LEVEL PLAN DRAM 8, DJM OtCxED Br. SDK A2.1 AN NORTH PLM rwlE NORTH LL -071M 07173 � I I htg-arohite-ts.00m X9'-4^ _ _------�--------------------------------- � ------------------- r ------------ - III - - - P r--- ------ _ I I , 9300 Henne in Town Road I Ede Wn Prairie, M 553 4 7 Tel: 952.278.8880 Fax: 952.278.8822 7!77 t SRr^PMIGHT 0 2007 TG Architects GOFFIGE OFFICE ----- ------------------------------- PROJECT I i ' MANAGERS I I I '4• - BANKER .i BA '" ' '.ir-t I � I s . FIRST FEDERAL I 1 �- - SAVINGS BANK PERSONALI k -"'s _ 4 -'.'} I TELLERS '-'--..-.. BANKER _ I -- ,I"'y .2J i CASH -I--I- Now sU., TGR ATM. ' I! 'i` I I Ia- ? iI1 �, � 'II \lyvord � J�� � ,1• 1_ .-_'_ La6-cREECHECK � Q� , '•. G(3OJNCi�E'RGE TER COFFEE/—TDISP. 'II I NEW BRANCH FACILITY D�'P'R. D neL WAI ------------ MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA - DESK zi ! I �--- i i--•• BANKER.- AREA tv. AUTOBANK i -kJ i HOMENS ; (4 -tones) ISSUED SET CITY SUBMITTAL 12.032007 TOILET 1 I I S t. i•:� �� WORK REVISIONS I I v,p AREA i NO. KISS: _ I DATE - � — . MEMS I \ i - ••�=-, U 'RO0m TOILETIk av ; i - !, \ I L_-, ROOM.._> ---------- 7t-- �/ 1 - IRE.Ir U 7 LENDER LENDER _. , i� i EMPLOYE — LOIMGE T:LJ -...o I' , l �II III i ----------- ,�I, J P I i I — enclosure l J 4J I --"� 19'-8' � I• 10 I: l i 35'-9' / ,'\ i �• I/ .' I HEREBY CERTIFY THAI TMS PLAN. Mf OR UNDER MY DIRT SUPERVISION• ANDPREPARED THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF .ti II I MINNESOTA ` 1 ..lefPrry PPllpsen REG. NO. DATE MAIN LEVEL PLAN - I pppI Br. RES, DJM QfCKED Br SDK A2 2 M nm+ r� MAIN LEVEL PLAN flANW)WTN 7RiIF"?RT" h TD. PEAK V EL - 12-1111" TD. PEAK EL = 120'-2' BD. FA5GIA EL = II4'-1' 5.0. FA%1A EL = 111'-0' h W. FRAME Y EL - IOH'-O' �EL=0FFE. 100' ' WEST ELEVATION h TD. PEAK V EL = ITT -11' }. T.O. PEAK V EL - 121'4' BO. FASCIA EL - 115'-2' TD. STORE -41 EL - II3'-10' BD, STONE EL = 109'-5' B.O. PRAME EL = 105'-0' hh FFE. 4 EL - 100'-0' METAL WORK 5OUTH ELEVATION TD. PEAK EL = IT1'-11' TD. PEAK = 119'-9' 'L _%_j I A-10' 50, FASCIA I- EL = 116'-6' BD. FASCIA EL - III' -0' h ED' MAME V EL = 100'-0' h FFE. V EL = 100'-0' 3 EAST ELEVATION TD. PEAK EL = 0'-11' TD. GAHOF r EL : IIB' -11' h BD. GANO'( V EL - III' -0' FFE. vwvvv. htg-o rch itectls. co m 9300 Hennepin Town Road Eder. Prairie, MN 55347 Tel: 952.278.8880 Fan: 952.278.8822 C, MIGHT ® 2WI by HT6 Architects I PROJECT FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK NEW BRANCH FACILITY MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA ISSUED SET CITY SUBMITTAL 12032007 REVISIONS DATE NO. I I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY A �YLAND Ahl LICENSED ARCMTECT THAT I UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF KMNNESOTA JOFFrey PfI1POen REG. NO. DATE i EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS pRAVM EIV DJM CHEM St. SDK A3ml � EE Q7173 h TD. PEAK V EL = 125'-10' / TD. PEAK V EL = 127-6' BD. FASCIA V EL = 111"I V2' BD. FASCIA BD. FfZ0f V EL = 108'-0' 41 Ml. FIN15H FLOOR = 1001-0' 0,51WEST ELEVATION TD. PEAK 125`10' EL = TD. PEAK r EL = 123'-2' TD. PEAK L = Iv -B' h BD. FA5CIA V EL = I11'-9 1/2' BD. FASCIA 4L = 111'-0' hBD. FRAME V tL = I00'-0' TD. SCREEN WALL L =103'-0' ML. FIN154 FLOOR. �L = 100'-0' MET ADDRES5 gYE pTCH�ERS METAL WORKTD. PEAK EL = 125'-10• 94IN6LED ROOF 0' MAX B 1. 1A51 A I T 0. STONE .LOWER - PAINT . 51 BD. STONE �L STONE SILL I l\ —STONE /��gD. FRAME 1V t� 1L --- L. FINISH FLOOR . \ .METAL 6ATE L ALUMINUM FRAME w/ 6LAZIN5 9HIN6LED ROOF E.IF5. 96NA6E - BY OT1ER5 METAL WORK 4.15 51w'eE BY - OTHER5 TOb 55. 5 y S S I 5 I 5 I S S I STONE SILL I I �" II STONE II I STONE L A FRAME SOUTH ELEVATION OA3.1 SNIN6LED'ROOF 3 EAST ELEVATION A3.1 h TD.PEAK V EL = 125'-10' h T.O. CANOPY V EL = 117-11 3/4 BD. CANOPY.," " EL = III' -0' --METAL WORK III W FRAME r I I 'ZIN6 I SILL I I I I I I I I FFF. er EL = 100'-0' a NORTH ELEVATION A3.1 118"=I' -O" 5H145LED iZOOF E.IF.S. METAL WORK 12 4.15� 516NA6E BY �W -htg-arch ite cts -co m 9300 Hennepin Town Road 55347 Eden Prairie, MN F Tel: 952.278-8880 Fax: 952.278.8822 GOPYRI MT 0.200 I by HTG Architects w/ 6LAZIW PROJECT FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK NEW BRANCH FACILITY MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA ISSUED SET 30loPROGRESSSET 1210.07 REVISIONS IDATE NO. I I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN. ' SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY MH OR AM A DULYLICENSEDRECT PEARCHITECT�D TAT IUNDER THE LAWSF THE MINNESOTA TE OF jeff—y Pfljge-n I DATE REG. ND. EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS DRpWN BY: DJM CIfCRED Br. SDK A361 EE enr� w om ' w Al twvA • I;y'—t Z ' z Z i ♦\ �\ , / +\�•/ Al i ,• Vii` _ .d+{-_•. i /% // y IN i MVAE s '' r' i/��r • 1 y y l ■ M , z a ! a f z a a 5 e y: 1, •� = % ; `� • � � �v. ''.`2� � \\_=t--= •'7.•-'' .... :'� r r.._ � . � y / \ ��''/ 1 -- anTa:,•. �Bank r }'4 { <, 1 •°+:.� / �6� f\ �y111 ' j\. 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Tower Ride; '~ i t6 i e jilt t l i{y 1 �FY C `,�_' _ i 1 1.. '_ ? •r • , �-1 1 �- ,r -. '..1 }.�� :A '. X' F• f t ,.,_ .. - �i i 12A 11 t `. / { �L�••+. 1 -may �,, • I, '� /-~ �+��''•T � t(\i , �, - � ,� 14 fir,', � i>rr/ � l� �✓^' �� 1 I I � _s t !� 4 � } �°}�""1 � . • i � ......-- -_» J � 1/ /; / i IM McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. f 14800 28th Avenue Northo- suite 140 plymouth, i phone 763/476-6010 • lox 763/476-8532 `\ Client \ Oceilo LLC \ Monticello, MN Project PUD Residential Transition Plan Monticello, MN Sheet Title -�a Concept Plan b certify that this plan was prepared by y} I hereby y direct su ervision and that art me or under c P d I Licensed Professional Engineer .05 ��. ., it �� ^nom' • \�� „' ' I � �y�/ � � � ar ' `-�..._�_- (Or� r �.�. �•�- A7 ,� A ,. Designed MJG Checked . .^ '/ °i;�>/t,e \ [ ..T-■� Unit v, v. j/\` \, r i�`C �`� ? Lots �� / \ . Drawn JRC, Approved Sing s am Y ,r D t F iI 61 L ,.�,. I Q Ie 24 Units `� ' !_W--\4 Quads 42 Units �'.- �i 1 '-,� `�' ��� o e B/3/o5 �. - �'�' Six Units 1�� -rC��-~\, a--"" Eight Units 144 Units j i < t t • 2 .CJtOrtr Rr1W 62 Units / z � Row To Homes 39 Units / �.,� �i Revision � -_�_:_�� �. J 2 Lots/Units +I''-e�'. -j,.;t f ' Total 37 rl C 10 .k ��-oj►_-Yd "ted - HE� ;I I J .._..'. J rPfSw--` •..+ A r:V■ EY Wr ! lJrp Y ' .fig Ii �- F Hot n= �U �a z No. Date By Remar s Sheet Revision NORTH MFRA FILE No.: 14136 400 800 0 100 200 lama u under the aws of the State of Minnesota. Signature Name Date License .05 ��. ., it �� ^nom' • \�� „' ' I � �y�/ � � � ar ' `-�..._�_- (Or� r �.�. �•�- A7 ,� A ,. Designed MJG Checked . .^ '/ °i;�>/t,e \ [ ..T-■� Unit v, v. j/\` \, r i�`C �`� ? Lots �� / \ . Drawn JRC, Approved Sing s am Y ,r D t F iI 61 L ,.�,. I Q Ie 24 Units `� ' !_W--\4 Quads 42 Units �'.- �i 1 '-,� `�' ��� o e B/3/o5 �. - �'�' Six Units 1�� -rC��-~\, a--"" Eight Units 144 Units j i < t t • 2 .CJtOrtr Rr1W 62 Units / z � Row To Homes 39 Units / �.,� �i Revision � -_�_:_�� �. J 2 Lots/Units +I''-e�'. -j,.;t f ' Total 37 rl C 10 .k ��-oj►_-Yd "ted - HE� ;I I J .._..'. J rPfSw--` •..+ A r:V■ EY Wr ! lJrp Y ' .fig Ii �- F Hot n= �U �a z No. Date By Remar s Sheet Revision NORTH MFRA FILE No.: 14136 400 800 0 100 200 NORTH PO Dl G ARE LRE SINLiL F Ml TIAL IAL -j El MEDIUM UENSI\Y -CESID-NT AL UE FOU W IN SEC ON OPEN SPACE SING EJAMILY RESIDE TIAL LSES MEDIUM I)EN-SITY RESIDENTIAL USES RESIDENTIAL USES =ER YARD CTURED HOME PARK POSSIBLE EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS *A FUTURE CONNECTION TO HIGHWAY 25 Planning Commission Minutes 9/6/05 MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION BY COMMISSION HILGART TO APPROVE THE REQUEST FOR THE CUP FOR CONCEPT AND DEVELOPMENT STAGE PUD, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS LISTED IN EXHIBIT Z AS FOLLOWS, BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE USE IS APPROPRIATE FOR THE ZONING DISTRICT AND THE PROPOSED SITE. 1. The applicant shall provide proof that there will be no substantial conflict in the operating hours of the buildings who are proposing to share parking facilities. 2. All parties involved in the joint parking agreement shall execute a contract approved by the City Attorney and filed with the County Recorder. Applicant shall propose an alternate parking lot configuration for the new building that would provide better circulation and drainage, subject to City staff review and approval. 4. The landscape plan must be revised to show the required number of plantings for the overall site as well as the residential bufferyard, subject to City staff s review and approval. 5. The applicant must submit plans showing the proposed locations and dimensions of any outdoor storage, if any, as well as the location and screening materials for trash enclosures, subject to City staff approval. 6. Prior to consideration of a final plat, a lighting plan must be submitted compliant with regulations outlined in Section 3-2.H of the Zoning Ordinance. 7. The applicant shall submit a signage plan compliant with Section 3-9.E.2 of the Zoning Ordinance. 8. All grading, drainage and utilities plans and easements are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. 9. Recommendations of other City Staff, Planning Commission and/or City Council. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER SPARTZ. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. PublicaHearin', Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a�Cortce t Sfa e ped,Unit DeveYo merit fora 372 ur ttmulti- and single D family residential dev6lopinerit: Av pdica�Ocello; LLC' O'Neill reviewed the staff report, noting the site location near Jefferson Commons, between commercial and residential property. O'Neill explained that a small piece of the site is designated within the guide plan as commercial. O'Neill noted that the boundaries of the comp plan guide map are not necessarily strict zoning boundaries. However, the Commission will need to determine if the proposed use is consistent with the comp plan. Mike Gain, engineer for MFRA, addressed the Commission representing applicant Ocello, LLC. Gair stated that this plan represents a transition from residential uses within the proposed Poplar Hill development, to commercial and trailer park uses. Gair recognized that the current applicant is for concept review, with more steps to follow. They have also incorporated the 2100 feet of frontage along trailer park, and provided open space and park under the power line area. Gair 12 Planning Commission Minutes 9/6/05 stated that the site presents a complex set of conditions. He commented that the concept attempts to achieve and accommodate these conditions, including existing and proposed development and stated that the applicant believe they've offered a reasonable transition. Gair indicated that the applicant has been working with the adjacent property owner, in arriving at this plan and gaining his support in moving this project forward. The plan represents 5.5 units per acre, overall, including 62 single family units. Gair recognized that the the staff report noted that subsequent review will require additional plans and a more sophisticated design for the roadways. Frie asked if this project is contingent upon the construction of School Boulevard through this area. Gair stated that this project becomes an economic factor in paying for School Boulevard. Posusta confirmed that School Boulevard is going to be put in through Weinand's property. Frie asked about a timeline for School Boulevard. Gair stated that it would be constructed through this site in October of 2005. Gair discussed the old sewage pools, which have been approved for development by MPGA. The applicant's plan has them developed as storm water ponding for the area. Gair concluded by reviewing some of the 17 development stage conditions outlined within the staff report. Gair stated that there is a solid rational for the shown transitions of land use. The applicant is providing guidelines for buffering, both along the trailer park and School Boulevard. The City's transportation plans are also being accommodated. O'Neill agreed that Gair had addressed a number of the issues outlined by Grittman. However, one of staff's primary concerns was that the plan could be modified to have like homes to like homes, with transitions between uses made in rear yards. Other items that will need to be addressed at the next review stage are ample buffering, design of townhomes on the perimeter, and the realignment of Redford Lane. Shawn Weinand, property owner and applicant, made himself available for questions. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Shannon Dobbick, 3692 Redford Lane, spoke to the Commission. Dobbick indicated that the reason she and her husband had purchased their lot along Redford was because it was not a through street. In talking with neighbors, Dobbick and others are concerned that this will be a through street with a connection to School Boulevard. Dobbick noted the number of children in the neighborhood and stated that she would rather the street go south. Mike Sullivan, 3554 Redford Lane, addressed the Commission. He noted that he is the last lot on the current cul-de-sac. He stated that he would like to keep it as a cul-de-sac. He stated that he is also worried about if the road continues and connects to School Blvd. Dobbick indicated his concern about property values in light of this proposal. Weinand noted that Redford Land was always designed to be a through street; the cul-de-sac was temporary. He explained that it will provide an alternative route to Chelsea and School. He stated that he doesn't know if anything can be done about the alignment of Redford, as it was known that Redford would be a through street. To answer questions regarding dollar values, he noted that they had developed Groveland 1-4, which he believed to be nice developments. Weinand stated that he can't say we'll bring high-end housing, but that they will provide a transition to the adjacent high-end housing. He noted that they are still working with builders. Weinand stated that at this point, they are trying to get a layout and density established that will allow them to move forward to product type. 13 Planning Commission Minutes 9/6/05 Frie asked Weinand to comment on whether he is receptive to the street extension to the south. Weinand indicated that he is. Kimberly Cahill, 3676 Redford Lane, spoke to the Commission, stating that she had purchased her lot because of the location and cul-de-sac. She stated that she had no idea it was a temporary cul-de-sac. Cahill stated that her concern is the through traffic on Redford. Frie stated that regardless of what happens with this proposal, Redford was intended to go through. He encouraged residents to keep track of this proposal in that regard. Cory Kirk, 3712 Redford, also addressed the Commission on the issue of traffic, which is his main concern. He stated that there are always a lot of people out and about in the neighborhood. Hearing no further comment, Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. Hilgart asked O'Neill what the maximum units per acre is when designated medium density. O'Neill stated that it is typically somewhere between 8-12 units per acre. Weinand stated that at the time Chelsea Road was put into the Groveland area, a site they owned was designated as medium density. At that time, they were encouraged to change that property to commercial. It was discussed at that time, that this area would instead take the place of that residential. Weinand expressed his opinion this area is not particularly conducive to commercial. Weinand stated that he had committed to School Boulevard with the idea that this site would be looked at for some density. Weinand again noted all the site constraints, and stated that given those, this would still be a nice -looking project. Hilgart asked how long the trailer park would remain. Weinand stated that the more value is created around the park, the sooner it will become of value to sell. In the distant future, it will be replaced with developments of this nature. O'Neill confirmed Weinand's recollection of the residential and commercial sites, stating that could have been followed up with a comp plan change at that time, but it may be better to deal with it now. Frie asked if the subject site needs to be annexed. O'Neill confirmed that id does. Hilgart stated that it is nice to see a development come in with a lower density than what would be allowed. Weinand indicated that staff had provided some direction in that regard and a decision had also been made on what was sellable. Dragsten stated that in terms of commercial and residential uses, he doesn't know if this is the best use of this site. He doesn't know if changing to residential is the best use of the property. Dragsten agreed with Grittman's idea of back to back units and the elimination of private roads. He recommended additional park areas and trail connections with the proposed number of units. Dragsten also expressed concern over the size and design of units, indicating that these should not be starter units. Frie asked if the Parks Commission had reviewed the plan. O'Neill stated it is a condition of approval for moving forward to development stage. Frie asked what a quadriminium is. Weinand stated it would be a 4-plex. Spartz stated that he likes the recommendation on the southern access to Highway 25 and Grittman's suggestion on the unit arrangement. Suchy asked for proposed lot sizes. Gair stated that they are about 140' x 80', the other tier is 125' x 60' or 120' x 60'. Suchy asked if they would be opposed to Grittman's design. 14 Planning Commission Minutes 9/6/05 Weinand stated that they would rather have a full neighborhood along pond, with a softer transition between three and four units and the six and eights. He indicated that they don't think it's as nice of a transition. Suchy stated she would also like to see more park land. Weinand noted the green space near the pond and along School Boulevard. Weinand thinks the pond will be nicer amenity. He also noted the wetland complex and Poplar Hill park. Suchy stated that she also likes the recommended access onto 25. Weinand stated that they are opposed to an emergency entrance into the park, as they feel it will create problems. Frie noted the Parks Commission recommendation and the requirement for 13.3 acres of dedication. Frie asked if the City wants the 13.3 acres of park full dedication. Dragsten and Suchy stated that Parks Commission should comment on the issue. Frie noted the purpose of a PUD, which is to provide flexibility in exchange for a development of superior quality. The attributes that Planning Commission will look at in particular are superior building quality and landscaping. Weinand stated that they can provide that as long as it is not out of context for the location of this project. Frie stated that his attitude on townhomes is that the City's current ratio of single family to townhomes is unbalanced. He also noted the required plans for development stage approval. Posusta addressed the Redford Lane resident comments. He stated that he doesn't believe that people will use Redford as a short cut; they will use School Boulevard instead. Posusta stated that he takes offense that the City would make the developer dedicate parkland when there are 40 acres next door. Posusta stated that this is the developer's land and money. Additionally, the City will have to maintain it and take care of it. Posusta indicated that he agreed with Weinand that there should not be a connection to the mobile home park. It will create issues with both sides. Posusta asked Weinand if he is aware of what the areas shown as pond were previously used for. Weinand stated that Bret Weiss has provided a letter from MPCA regarding soils. The MPCA had cleared the area for development and Weinand noted that they could put units there, but he believes the ponds create a nice dimension. Posusta stated he doesn't see any drive areas into the quads. Gair replied that there is a drive -aisle between the buildings. Posusta asked if there is adequate parking. Gair confirmed. Posusta commented that the fire department would review this plan for any issues. Posusta stated that the unit number is a bit high; it should be scaled back and the lot size should be increased. He asked if the lot sizes are similar to Groveland. Weinand stated that there are some 60' lots in Groveland. Weinand responded that for a transitional area, it is difficult to get larger lots. He noted he has to also achieve a certain density to afford the assessment for School Boulevard. They also tried to keep all unit access off Redford Lane. Weinand reported that he also worked with Kjellberg to obtain as much land as possible. He noted that the medium density would also allow much more density, which they have given up to get the single family transition. Weinand stated that he is trying to get a consensus on whether this is a desirable project that can move forward. Posusta asked if these are all City streets. Weinand confirmed and stated that the interior streets are driveways, the balance are 60' streets right of way. 15 Planning Commission Minutes 9/6/05 MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HILGART TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR CONCEPT STAGE PUD BASED ON THE COMMENTS FROM THE STAFF REPORT FOR THE SEPTEMBER 6, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, AND BASED ON THE FINDING THAT THE CONCEPT STAGE PUD IS CONSISTENT WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER DRAGTSEN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. Public Hearing — Consideration of a Request for a Preliminary Plat for the Monticello Travel Center 2nd Addition, Conditional Use Permit for a Development Stage Planned Unit Development to Allow a Drive-in Convenience Food Establishment, Motor Fuel Station/Convenience Store, Car Wash, Joint Parking and Drives, Open and Outdoor Storage, and a Retail Commercial Development and a Variance to Parking Requirements in the B-3 Zoning District. Applicant: IRET Properties O'Neill reviewed the staff report for the application, stating that the applicants are seeking a development stage PUD, preliminary plat and related variance request. In outlining the comments from the report, O'Neill noted the relationship of the Oakwood access alignments with the McDonald's site. The developer has worked through these options and this pian represents the best alternative. O'Neill stated that the one minor problem on the site from a staff perspective is parking. The parking is sufficient for the Holiday and Wendy's PUD, however more is supplied on the Holiday side than the Wendy's side, which staff believes may pose a problem for users. As -part o -f -the -PUD; O'Nei-ll --- --- ---- -- -- explained that the Commission can grant approval of cross -parking as long as it is functional. In terms of consistency with the original concept stage PUD for this part of the site, O'Neill noted that this plan does incorporate the central through drive. The request for preliminary plat is needed to simplify the land sale for the Wendy's site. O'Neill explained that the applicants are also seeking to purchase additional Cedar Street right -of --way. The right -of way on Highway 25 is public land, and might be in control of the state. As far as access, there is a right turn in only at the access point closest to Highway 25 and full movement access across from McDonald's. O'Neill indicated that Exhibit Z outlines additional concerns, including the need for a complete sign package. O'Neill cited that as critical, as there is currently no cohesive sign package that detail the entire PUD. Staff would recommend approval subject to the sign package coming back to the Commission. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. A representative for IRET Properties, made himself available for questions from the Commission. He explained that Holiday and Wendy's also had representation to answer more specific questions. The IRET representative stated that they had been working with the City to make the whole block as a unit. Victor Sacco, Holiday Companies, reviewed the items listed in Exhibit Z. Specifically, Sacco asked the Commission to consider the removal of item 3, which requires the construction of future parking at an earlier time. Sacco stated that this is not possible as the applicant doesn't own that property. Sacco stated that they have accommodated Wendy's employee parking behind Holiday. He noted that Wendy's has also reduced the size of their building to increase there parking. 16 City Council Agenda — 01/28/08 5J. Consideration to approve an extension of a Conditional Use Permit for Joint Parking and Drives and a Conditional Use Permit for Drive Through-Facilitv for a commercial development in the CCD (Central Communitv District). Applicant: Masters 5th Avenue (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission reviewed the request for extension at their January 2nd meeting and recommended extension of the Conditional Use Permit to January 1St, 2009. The applicant had requested a two-year extension. The Planning Commission added two conditions to the original list of conditions. The additional conditions are related to the currently vacant property for which the development is proposed. On September 6th, 2005, the Planning Commission reviewed and recommended approval of a Conditional Use Permit for Joint Parking and Drives and a Conditional Use Permit for Drive - Through Facility, submitted by Masters 5th Avenue. The City Council approved the Conditional Use Permits on September 12'h,2005. The applicant proposed a commercial building located within the CCD, Central Community District which incorporated a mix of retail and professional uses. The preliminary proposal also included adrive-through facility. The Planning Commission and City Council's approval of the request was conditioned on a number of items, which were required to be addressed with any development stage application. Due to non-use, the conditional use permit for PUD would have expired on September 12th, 2006. The Monticello Zoning Ordinance requires that conditional use permits expire due to non- use after one year. The Planning Commission requested that staff notify applicants of their expiration and offer a one-time opportunity to seek an extension. The extension letter sent by the applicant does not reference a specific timeline for the extension period. The planning report for the original item has been provided for reference. It should be noted that the variance for parking was approved by the Planning Commission. Additionally, it must be clear that if the applicant seeks to deviate from the plans presented, an amendment to Conditional Use Permit will be required as a separate process. If the Commission chooses to recommend denial of the extension, and the Council concurs, the applicant has the opportunity to immediately re -apply with a new concept plan. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The Planning Commission recommends alternative 1 below. 1. Motion to approve an extension of the September 12th, 2005 Conditional Use Permit for Joint Parking and Drives, and a Drive -Through Facility for Masters 5th Avenue to January 1 St, 2009, with the condition that all previously approved conditions be assigned to the extension, and with the addition of the following conditions: a. Disconnection of existing water and sewer connections on vacant lots proposed for development at the direction of the Public Works Director. City Council Agenda — 01/28/08 b. Continued maintenance of the vacant lots proposed for development in accordance with City ordinance. 2. Motion to recommend denial of an extension of the September 12th, 2005 Conditional Use Permit for Joint Parking and Drives, and a Conditional Use Permit for Drive - Through Facility for Masters 5th Avenue based on a finding to be made by the Planning Commission. ?. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the extension request. The request is consistent with current and proposed objectives for the Central Community District. The project presented illustrates a plan and building which are consistent with standards outlined within the Downtown Revitalization Plan and Zoning Ordinance. D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A: Applicant Extension Request Exhibit B: Staff Report for September 6th, 2007 Exhibit C: Conditional Use Permit Plan documents Exhibit D: Planning Commission minutes of September 6th, 2005 Exhibit E: City Council minutes of September 12th, 2005 2 November 27, 2007 City of Monticello Planning Commission Dear Planning Commission Members: I hereby request an extension of the Conditional Use Permit that was previously granted for Landmark Square 11. Thank you. •Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc. Barry D. Fluth, president Planning Commission Agenda — 09/06/05 7. Public Hearing: Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a drive-throuLyh facility in the Central Communitv District and to allow ioint parking and drives, and consideration of a request for Variance from parking lot standards as required by the Monticello Zonine Ordinance. Applicant: Masters 5t" Avenue. (NAC) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Masters Fifth Ave, Inc. is proposing a lot combination to allow for a 10,800 square foot commercial building located on the northeast corner of Locust Street and Third Street. The subject site is zoned CCD, Central Community District. The only user specified thus far for the proposed commercial building is a coffee shop that is proposing to have a drive-through. Drive through windows that are accessory to other principal uses are permitted in the CCD District by conditional use permit (CUP). The applicant is requesting a variance from the off-street parking requirements to allow for a reduced number of parking stalls than that which is required by the Ordinance. Development of the proposed project will be preceded by the demolition of the existing three homes and accessory structures on the site and the applicants have provided a demolition plan, which is subject to the approval of the building official. Comprehensive Plan. The subject site is guided for commercial'uses as designated by the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed development is consistent with the future land use plan for the site. Zoning. The subject site is zoned CCD, Central Community District, which allows for commercial/retail buildings and accessory drive through establishments by CUP. CUP Criteria. The proposed drive-through must comply with the CUP criteria outlined. in Section 14B -5.E of the City's Zoning Ordinance: Service through drive-through facilities is accessory to interior on-site or sit- down service within the same building. 2. Drive-through lanes are designed to avoid disruption of pedestrian and vehicular traffic flow, both on and off-site. 3. Landscaping and other site improvements are included, which screen automobile stacking space from the public street. 4. The principal building occupies no less than forty (40) percent of the property, exclusive of easements devoted to public pedestrian use or other outdoor public spaces. Planning Commission Agenda — 09/06/G_ - The building, site and signage meets the standards for the CCD District, and design review approval is granted by the designated Design Advisory Team. 6. The proposed use demonstrates compatibility and consistency with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Downtown Revitalization Plan. Comment: The proposed drive-through will bean accessory use to the coffee shop located within the principal building. The drive-through design will not interfere tivith traffic and pedestrian flow. The landscaping plan shows an increase of plantings near the drive-through area which will screen it from adjacent properties, however, additional plantings may be necessary to further screen the area from the public street. The proposed building materials and design have not been filly disclosed to City staff at this time, thus it is unknown whether or not the design and materials will be consistent with the Downtown Revitalization Plan. The proposed coffee shop, retail and restaurant use is consistent with the intent of the CCD District. Building and Landscape Plans are also subiect to review and approval of the Design Advisory Team. Downtown Revitalization Plan. The proposed project is located within the. Walnut District as depicted in the Downtown Revitalization Plan. The Walnut District is designed to support small to mid-sized retail, personal and business services, eating establishments and office and upper level residential or office. Furthermore, two- story buildings and orientation towards Walnut Street (depending upon frontage) is encouraged. Lot and Building Requirements. The proposed project is expected to meet the general standards of the CCD District, outlined in Chapter 14B.6 of the Zoning project's compliance along with some general site design comments. Lot Width and Lot Area. The applicant is proposing to combine Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 36 of Townsite of Monticello. Dimensions of the existing lots are all approximately 1`1,088 square feet (66' x 168')': Combined, the lots will create a lot that is approximately 33,264 square feet (198' x 168'). The CCD District does not have any regulations for lot width or area, thus those proposed by the applicant are acceptable. Setbacks: Building setback minimums and maximums shall be consistent with the recommendations for the use and location and shown in the Downtown Revitalization Plan. The Downtown Revitalization Plan recommends that buildings within the Downtown area are placed near to the street to encourage passers-by to look at/into the building and allow views of the street from inside the building. For the Walnut District, the plan suggests a build -to line of zero feet. Parking. The new retail building is proposed to be approximately 8,100 square feet of retail space and 2,700 square feet of restaurant area. According to these proposed uses and dimensions, the applicant would need to provide 37 spaces for the retail Planning Commission Agenda — 09/06/05 portion (8,100 x 0.9 /200 =37) and 51 spaces for the restaurant portion (2,700 x 0.9 x 65% seating area/ 40 =40 and 2,700 x 0.9 x 35% kitchen area/ 80 = 11), for a total of 88 new spaces. The proposed plan shows a total of 88 off-street parking stalls for both the existing retail building and the new retail building. The applicant is proposing a shared parking arrangement with the existing businesses to the north of the subject site. Per the City's joint parking requirements, the proposed new building must supply at least 60% of the required parking stalls, in this case, 53 stalls. The existing retail building is required to provide 52 off-street parking spaces. Thus, the total number of off-street parking stalls that should be supplied by both buildings is 105 stalls to comply with joint parking requirements. Since the applicant is only proposing to provide a total of 88 spaces, they are requesting a variance for 17 stalls. It is important to note that on -street parking spaces cannot be added to the total number of spaces provided for off-street parking for the site. However, the City acknowledges that the applicant is proposing to create additional on -street parking adjacent to the site be reconstructing the existing on -street parallel parking into on - street angled parking for a parking stall gain of approximately 20 additional spaces, 11 more than the current on -street supply. As a result, the overall parking supply in the area will be 8 spaces short of the standard requirement. The applicant should contribute to the City's public parking supply fund for the 8 -space shortage. The site plans shows the required handicap stalls as on -street parking. As a condition of approval, the plans must be revised to show the handicap stalls within the required off-street parking area. Additionally, the applicant must redesign the corner between the on -street parking areas to leave 40 feet from the corner to the curb. The applicant is requesting a variance from the required parking provisions since they will not be able to provide for enough off-street parking on-site. If the variance is approved, the applicant will be required to pay a fee based on the shortage to the downtown parking fund, subject to City approval. Access/Circulation. The proposed site will have access off of Third Street and will also be able to utilize the existing access point to the north off of Locust Street. The proposed drive-through window traffic will exit from the site onto Locust Street. The plan does not clearly show the placement of sidewalks along the exterior of the building. The applicant shall install sidewalks along Third Street and Locust Street within the subject development and provide for connectivity to the sidewalk along Locust as it connects to Broadway. Landscaping. The applicant has submitted a landscaping plan indicating the addition of 13 trees and several smaller shrubs along the eastern perimeter of the proposed parking area. The applicant must submit a plan showing more detail around the perimeter of the building, as well as more dense plantings surrounding the parking area to provide for buffering and screening of the parking area from the adjacent Planning Commission Agenda — 09/06/05 properties and the roadway, as outlined in Section 3-5.D.9(p) and (o) of the Zoning Ordinance. The parking area is proposed to be surfaced in bituminous and the patio is proposed to be concrete. The landscape plan does not indicate whether or not the parking island will be landscaped. Parking islands must be landscaped following the regulations outlined in Section 3-2.G.11 of the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant must complete landscaping, lighting and sidewalk construction from Landmark Square I Building Materials. The applicant has submitted building elevations, but did not provide detail on proposed building materials. The proposed building design and appears to be consistent with the provisions outlined in Section.4.0 "The Design of Buildings" in the City's Downtown Revitalization Plan, in that the building will be two-story and will provide individual entrances for each tenant. The building elevations show a variety of windows and brick and stone materials consistent with the Downtown Revitalization Plan guidelines. The applicant must submit proposed building materials, subject to City staff approval. The applicant has suggested that due to the costs of relocating an electrical pole, they may want to reduce building material and/or landscaping quality for the project. Planning staff would suggest that material changes to these elements will require further Planning Commission and City Council review, due to the City's TIF contribution, the interest in building quality in the Downtown Redevelopment area, and the variance to the City's parking requirements being considered for the project. Lighting. The submitted lighting plan shows the addition of five, twenty -foot high frill -cutoff lights placed within the parking area. The applicant shall also install street lights along Third Street and Locust Street, consistent with the existing ornamental street lighting pattern. The proposed lighting is consistent with the permitted foot candle measurements for off-street parking areas as regulated by Section 3-2.H of the Zoning Ordinance. Signage. The applicant has not submitted a detailed signage plan for staff review. Signage shall be consistent with the City's Downtown Revitalization Plan including signs that are incorporated into the building facade, windows or awnings up to a maximum of 1 square foot of sign area per linear of street fagade (measured at the front yard). Proposed signage must also comply with Section 3-9 of the Zoning Ordinance. Easements. Proposed easements, including cross access easements for the entire project as well as sidewalk easements, are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. 0 Planning Commission Agenda — 09/06/05 Grading, Drainage and Utilities. The applicant must obtain sanitary sewer service connection via Locust Street rather than digging a new service via Third Street as indicated on the site plan. All grading, drainage and utilities are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow a drive-through facility in the CCD District and to allow for shared parking and drives. i. Motion to recommend approval of the CUP with the comments listed in Exhibit Z and based upon the finding's that the application would comply with the City's Comprehensive Plan, Downtown Revitalization Plan and long-term development goals for the area. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the CUP based upon the findings,that the application does not comply with the goals set forth by the Comprehensive Plan and/or the Downtown Revitalization Plan. 3. Motion to table the application to permit further City review and refinement of the proposed plans. Decision 2: Variance from required off-street parking requirements. 1. Motion to recommend approval of the variance with the comments listed in Exhibit Z and based upon the findings that the proposal will comply with the Comprehensive Plan and Downtown Revitalization Plan. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the variance based upon the findings that the proposal will not comply with .the goals set forth by the Comprehensive Plan and the Downtown Revitalization Plan.. 3. Motion to table the application to permit further City review and refinement of the proposed pian. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the CUP for an accessory drive-through and a variance from the required parking provisions for the proposed development. The proposed uses and the retail building design are consistent with the goals for the CCD District and the provisions outlined in the Zoning Ordinance and the Downtown Revitalization Plan. 5 Planning Commission Agenda — 09/06/0. ".t SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A — Site Plan (Existing Conditions) Exhibit B — Demolition Plan Exhibit C — Preliminary Plat Exhibit D — Grading Plan Exhibit E — Utility Plan Exhibit F — Lighting Plan Exhibit G — Building Elevations Exhibit H — Landscape Notations Exhibit Z - Recommended Conditions of Approval Planning Commission Agenda — 09/06/05 Exhibit Z Conditions of Approval for Landmark Square Phase 11I The applicant must submit a revised landscape plan showing screening of the parking and drive-through areas from adjacent properties and the public street. All proposed parking lot islands must also be landscaped. 2. The applicant shall construct the on -street angled parking spaces at his own expense, and pay a fee to the general downtown parking fund for any deficiencies in required parking provided. Planning staff calculates the remaining deficiency at a total of 8 parking spaces. On -street parking areas shall be redesigned to show the corner between the on -street parking areas as 40 feet from the corner to the curb and to remove all handicap stalls from the on -street areas to the off-street parking area. 4. The applicant must submit proposed building materials, subject to City staff approval. Material changes to the building duality or landscaping shall require further review by Planning Commission and City Council. The applicant shall install street lights along Third Street and Locust Street, consistent with the existing ornamental street lighting pattern. 6. The applicant shall submit a detailed signage plan upon building permit which is consistent with the City's Downtown Revitalization Plan and Section 3-9 of the Zoning Ordinance. 7. All easements, grading, drainage and utilities are subject to the City Engineer's review and approval. Recommendations of other City Staff, Planning Commission and/or City Council. 7 A U C, WSB &Associates, Inc. Infrastructure ■ Engineering ■ Planning ■ Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 December 19, 2007 Mr. Troy Gamble, PE Anderson Engineering of Minnesota, LLC 13605 — 1St Avenue North, Suite 100 Plymouth, MN 55441 Re: First Federal Savings Bank Plan Review City of Monticello Planning No. 2007-033 WSB Project No. 1627-82 Dear Mr. Gamble: We have reviewed your civil plans dated December 3, 2007, for the above -referenced project. We offer the following comments. Sheet C2 — Preliminary Grading, DrainaLye, and Erosion Control Plan 1. Correct the scale on the drawing. 2. All detail plates should be revised to reflect the current plates from the City General Specifications dated April 2007. 3. Extend the drainage and utility easement over the existing storm sewer pipeline on the west edge of the property to allow for City maintenance. The proposed sign in this location should be shifted outside of the easement. 4. Show how the proposed contours will tie into the existing contours along the east property line. 5. Show the proposed storm sewer pipe sizes and the structure invert elevations on the grading plan. 6. Add catch basins along the north side of the property so that the property is serviced by a local storm sewer system to accommodate drainage from the north. Please provide more detail on how this area will drain. 7. The radius at the northwest corner of the site appears to have flat grades. Please provide more detail on how this area will drain. C. -Documents and SettingsL4ngelaSchumannlLocal SeitingslTemporary Internet FilesIOLK3IL77?-t gamble-111907.doc Mr. Troy Gamble, PE December 19, 2007 Page 2 8. Connect roof drains from the building to a catch basin within the on-site storm sewer system, or drainage also can be directed overland to a catch basin within the on-site storm sewer system. Sheet C3 — Preliminary Utilitv Plan 1. Correct the scale on the drawing. 2. CBMH-2 is planned to accommodate drainage from the lot to the east. Please size the this manhole to accommodate a 15 -inch pipe extending along the south curb line of the future parking lot. 3. CB -5 should be a minimum 4 feet deep as per City design standards. 4. Reduce the slope of the 15 -inch pipe from CB -1 to the existing manhole to 4.5% to reduce the maximum velocity below 12 fps. 5. The City does not allow sanitary sewer services to extend directly to a manhole. The City will be reviewing this issue as the service was extended with the Home Depot proj ect. 6. Show where private utilities will extend from the mainline to the building in addition to what is shown on the plan. 7. Verify required hydrant locations and sprinkling requirements with the City Fire Chief. 8. Show the existing 8 -inch gate valve at the end of the water stub. An 8 -inch water service is required to be extended if the building is to be sprinkled. Sheet AIA 1. Provide barricades at the east drive access as per City detail plates. Please give me a call at 763-287-7162 if you have any questions or comments regarding this letter. Thank you. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. Shibani K. Bisson, PE Project Manager cc: Bruce Westby, City Engineer, City of Monticello srb C.- Documents and .SettingvL4ngela.Schumann"cal SettingslTemporaty Internet Files!OLO9 LTR -t gamble-111907.doc & L December 18, 2007 Mr. Troy Gamble, P.E. Anderson Engineering of Minnesota, LLC 13 605 — 1St Avenue North, Suite 100 Plymouth, MN 55441 Re: First Federal Savings Bank Plan Review City of Monticello Planning Project 2007-033 Dear Mr. Gamble: The City of Monticello received your set of civil plans for the above referenced project dated December 3, 2007. Upon reviewing these plans the Engineering Department has the following comments to offer: General Notes 1. Provide one additional handicapped parking stall. The site requires two HC stalls based on the number of parking stalls provided. 2. Standard plates must reflect the most current version, which are available electronically upon request. Plan Sheet C2 1. Show all drainage and utility easements, including dimensions. 2. Grading and pavement construction along east edge of site will require access to adjacent easterly parcel. Coordinate work with owner of adjacent parcel as required. 3. Drainage at radius in northerly corner of site will likely result in standing water (and ice). Revise drainage design to direct runoff from northerly portion of site into storm sewer system to prevent site runoff from draining across pavement of Home Depot entrance. Plan Sheet C3 1. 6" gate valve at connection to 8" service stub is called out twice ... omit one. 2. The City's Fire Chief has not yet had a chance to fully review the plans. Once this review is complete the City will inform you if additional hydrants are required. The City's Engineering Consultant, WSB and Associates, has also reviewed these plans and has additional comments to offer. In the meantime, please call me at 763-271-3236 should you have any questions regarding the comments above. Troy Gamble December 18, 2007 Page 2 Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO Bruce Westby, P.E. City Engineer cc: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator John Simola, Public Works Director Angela Schumann, Community Development Coordinator Steve Joerg, Fire Chief Shibani Bisson, WSB and Associates Project File Council Agenda — 01/28/08 EXHIBIT Z Conditions of Approval First Federal Bank Outlot A, Union Crossings 1. The applicant shall submit a revised photometric plan, illustrating footcandle readings no greater than 1.0 at the property line. 2. Any wall mounted lighting shall contain full cutoff fixtures. 3. Any disruption of private structures due to work within the drainage and utility easement would be at the expense of the property owner. 4. The site plan shall be revised to include one additional handicap accessible parking stall with proper signage. 5. The applicant shall provide directional signage in the southeast corner of the site, prior to the dead-end. 6. The applicant shall comply with all recommendations of the City Engineer, as outlined in the memo from WSB and Associates dated December 19, 2007, and as amended by the Planning Commission on January 2nd, 2008, in relationship to barricade design. 0 City Council Agenda — 01/28/08 5I. Consideration of approval on a request for extension of a Conditional Use Permit for a Conditional Use Permit for a Concept State Planned Unit Development for Kiellber2 Estates. a 372 -unit mixed - residential development. Applicant: Ocello. LLC (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission reviewed the request for extension at their January 2nd meeting and recommended extension of the Conditional Use Permit to January 1St, 2009. On September 6th, 2005, the Planning Commission reviewed and recommended approval of a concept stage planned unit development request for the proposed Kj ellberg Estates project, submitted by Ocello, LLC. The City Council approved the concept stage PUD on September 12'h,2005. The Concept Stage PUD approved for the Kj ellberg Estates project is a 372 -unit mixed residential development project adjacent to the Kj ellberg West homes property and the Jefferson Commons commercial district. The project is proposed to consist of both single-family uses and a mix of townhome styles. The Planning Commission and City Council's approval of the request was conditioned on a number of items, which were required to be addressed with any development stage application. Due to non-use, the conditional use permit for PUD would have expired on September 12th, 2006. The Monticello Zoning Ordinance requires that conditional use permits expire due to non-use after one year. The Planning Commission requested that staff notify applicants of their expiration and offer a one-time opportunity to seek an extension. The extension letter sent by the applicant does not reference a specific timeline for the extension period, but rather references the market conditions as a factor in a development timeline. The planning report for the original item has been provided for reference. In considering the request for extension, Commission should consider the surrounding land use context of the proposed plan, and the objectives outlined within the draft comprehensive plan. The plan proposed in 2005 may no longer meet the objectives of the City. However, the plan may be suitable, given the constraints presented by the surrounding uses. If the Commission chooses to recommend denial of the extension, and the Council concurs, the applicant has the opportunity to immediately re -apply with a new concept plan. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The Planning Commission recommends alternative 1 below. 1. Motion to approve an extension of the September 12th, 2005 Conditional Use Permit for Concept Stage Planned Unit Development for Kj ellberg Estates to January 1 St, 2009, with the condition that all previously approved conditions be assigned to the extension. 2. Motion to recommend denial of an extension of the September 12th, 2005 Conditional Use Permit for Concept Stage Planned Unit Development for Kj ellberg Estates, based on a finding to be made by the Planning Commission. City Council Agenda — 01/28/08 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION At this time, staff does not have a specific recommendation for either the approval or denial of the extension. The objectives of the draft comprehensive plan may suggest that a reevaluation of the unit mix and density is appropriate. While a conceptual stage approval grants no development rights, it does infer that the general pattern of development is acceptable. Commission should carefully weigh this in light of recent discussions on the types of housing desired for the community. It was noted that the draft Comprehensive Plan guides this area for residential development, but does not specify particular housing densities. The Planning Commission did not express any specific concern over the mix and density of units, but did comment that any development stage approval would require an in-depth review of the unit mix and configuration. D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A: Applicant Extension Request Exhibit B: Staff Report for September 6th, 2007 Exhibit C: Concept Stage PUD Plan documents Exhibit D: Planning Commission minutes of September 6th, 2005 Exhibit E: City Council minutes of September 12th, 2005 TH L LAND 5 FECIAL15T5@ November 29, 2007 Ms. Angela Schumann City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362-8831 RE Ocello, LLC, Request for Extension, Concept Stage Planned Unit Development, Kjellberg Estates Housing Development, Monticello, Minnesota Dear Ms. Schumann: On behalf of Ocello, LLC, we respectfully request an extension of subject Concept Stage Planned Unit Development, a housing development known as Kjellberg Estates. Based on current market conditions, there is no established date for moving forward with the development at this time. However, as soon as market conditions improve to a degree that would indicate absorption of the proposed product types, it is intended that the development will move forward accordingly. You will recall that access to the proposed development is to be via Redford Lane at its intersection with School Boulevard. In that Ocello, LLC does not own the property needed to provide right-of-way for that access, it is our understanding that the City was handling the acquisition of the necessary right-of-way required, from the land owner, in order to facilitate access. Thank you for handling this requested extension. Ve._ .truly yours, r m Chanes C- r-leI Ie; , Jr. cc: Shawn Weinand Pfeffer Company, Inc. 7200 JYemlock Lane, Suite 101 - Maple Grove, MN 553 69-558 7 763.425.2930 •FAX 763. 425.2823 • pfefferco@aol.com • wwwpfeffereo.com www.TheLandSpecialists.com Planning Commission Agenda - 9/06/05 10. Public Hearing: Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a Concept Stage Planned Unit Development for a multi- and single-family residential development. Applicant: Ocello, LLC. (NAC) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Ocello, LLC. has requested Concept Stage PUD approval of a mixed residential use development upon an approximate 68 acre site located south of School Boulevard and west of State Highway 25. The subject site is presently zoned A -O, Agricultural Open Space. The proposal includes a mixture of single family residential lots and townhomes totaling 372 units. This results in an approximate residential density of 5.5 dwelling units per acre. Planned Unit Development. The processing of a planned unit development (PUD) is necessary to accommodate the proposed mixture of uses and multiple buildings upon the subject property. In considering requests for planned unit development, it is important that the City apply the purpose of the Planned Unit Development approach - allowing flexibility from certain zoning standards to achieve a higher quality project than what would otherwise be achieved through conventional zoning, Examples of quantifiable PUD design attributes are superior building quality and extraordinary landscaping details. Whether or not the purpose of PUD has been achieved with this particular project will become more evident as more detailed project information is submitted. Land Uses. As previously indicated, the development proposal calls for a mixture of residential units including standard single family lots and townhomes. The following is a breakdown of the various proposed land uses: Unit Type/Use Lots or Units Single Family Residential 61 Quadraminiums 24 Six Units f 42 Eight Units 144 Two -Story Row Homes 62 Row Townhomes 3 9 Total 372 Planning Commission Agenda - 9/06/05 Zoning. As part of future processing, the site should be rezoned from A-0, Agricultural Open Space to the various residential zoning districts which correspond to the use locations depicted on the concept plan. Access. Primary access to the site is proposed via a westerly extension of School Boulevard (a collector street). A future street extension opportunity has been provided to the west. As previously indicated, a future extension to the south which ultimately connects to State Highway 25 should be provided. The acceptability of the access points should be subject comment and recommendation by the City Engineer. Streets / Circulation. The proposed development includes variety of features which influence site circulation. These include limited site access (along School Boulevard and Redford Lane), the manufactured home park and future commercial development to the east. Recognizing the existence of these activities, a well -conceived plan for site circulation is both very important and very challenging. As previously indicated, a street extension to the south (which ultimately will connect to State Highway 25) should be provided. Some concern also exists in regard to the proposed jogged intersection along Redford Lane in the western area of the site. A reconfigured, four way intersection should be provided in this area. The majority of townhome dwellings appear to be served by private streets, many of which have "dead-end" configurations. To the extent possible, dead-end streets and parking areas should be avoided. Some question exists in regard. to an apparent turn around area within the manufactured home.park. Such turn around area encroaches into the eastern boundary of two of the six-plex buildings and presents some setback and buffering concerns. Consideration should be given to utilizing such feature as an opportunity for emergency vehicle access to the manufactured home park. This issue should be subject to further comment by the Fire Marshal. Lots. Specific lot size information has not been provided. As a condition of PUD Development Stage approval, all lots should be provided lot and block numbers and satisfy the minimum dimensional requirements of the applicable zoning district. Redford Lane is a designated collector street. Thus, direct lot access to such street should be avoided. In the west -central area of the site (north of Redford Lane), three single family lots are provided access to such street. These lots should be reconfigured. Planning Commission Agenda - 9/06/05 Building design issues have focused on varying roofline heights, varying front building lines, and avoiding garage -front buildings that emphasize the garage doors from the street. Off -Street Parking. Considering the proposed residential density, it is considered advantageous to include some visitor parking areas. Generally- speaking, a visitor parking supply of one half stalls per dwelling unit is considered desirable for townhome developments. This translates to a total of 16 visitor stalls for the proposed development. Because visitor parking is not a requirement of the ordinance however, this issue (the number of required spaces) is considered a City policy matter and should be subject to recommendation by the Planning Commission and a determination by the City Council. Landscaping. As a condition of Development Stage PUD approval, a landscape plan must be submitted. Such plan should indicate the location, size and variety of all site plantings. Specific landscaping should be provided in the following areas: The street median feature at the intersection of Redford Lane and School Boulevard. • Within the rear yards of lots abutting School Boulevard and the manufactured home park. • Within the townhome building lots. Signage. Details regarding site signage have yet to be submitted. As a condition of Development Stage PUD approval, all site signage must comply with the applicable requirements of the Sign Ordinance. Grading Drainage and Utilities. As part of the Development Stage PUD, a grading and drainage plan and a utility plan must be submitted. Such plans will be subject to review and comment by the City Engineer. Design Alternative. To illustrate some of the design recommendations cited previously, a design alternative has been prepared. The alternative is intended simply as a tool to be referenced in the preparation of an improved site design. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: Consideration of Conditional Use Permit for Concept Stage PUD I. Motion to recommend approval of a Conditional Use Permit for Concept Stage PUD based on the comments from the staff report for the September 6, 5 Planning Commission Agenda — 9/06/05 6. Consideration be given to providing some medium density uses directly west of the proposed "pond amenity". 7. Intended use of the open spaces and "pond amenity" be clarified. 8. The acceptability of the proposed access points shall be subject comment and recommendation by the City Engineer. 9. To the extent possible, dead-end private streets and parking areas be avoided. 10. Consideration be given to utilizing manufactured home park turn around area (along the east boundary of the subject site) as an opportunity for emergency vehicle access to the manufactured home park. This issue should be subject to further comment by the Fire Marshal. 11. As a condition of PUD Development Stage approval, all lots should be provided lot and block numbers and satisfy the minimum dimensional requirements of the applicable zoning district. 12. Direct single family lot access to Redford Lane be prohibited. 13. Park and trail related issues be subject to comment and recommendation by the Park Commission. 14. City Officials provide comment and recommendation in regard for the desire for designated visitor parking stalls. 15. As a condition of Development Stage PUD approval, a landscape plan be submitted. Such plan shall indicate the location, size and variety of all site plantings. Specific landscaping should be provided in the following areas: A. The street median feature at the intersection of Redford Lane and School Boulevard. B. Within the rear yards of lots abutting School Boulevard and the manufactured home park. C. Within the townhome building lots. 16. All site signage comply with the applicable requirements of the Sign Ordinance. 17. As part of the Development Stage PUD, a grading and drainage plan and a utility plan be submitted. Such plans will be subject to review and comment by the City Engineer. VA yy((¢¢ti, ` F'� r.'i'i ' 6/FFi tr-y 7--v ( "i, - r - q r ' ��rr�'^ �'Y.i-''I � ( r�; � ^ It f) ��. �� •' � 1� Y �,�• i i..f,•+A ,rrld. 9 " C� F, ' vG it L� � tl, . !at� • � e° u . v r t�., '� �'(., r . .' o ''a;, j aa^i:N a•,r,; +�+'tr 'W'i( ;=I •� l :b f t"'.�";,� '{. , ,Q •. i i' t"� s. f 9; , t. e yr ri r.•+tr i�r � afy��. ,In, �,,r f_�:Tek _ 'S v. i f t ti ' a ' Ivy' i�i:� +. (+ _f'� 'i}ll,kl� R 5 ?k ty� , �JSyj7� .�,�15 +' .. K C .�.�) ,;/. ( ^7 ,.1•G �,.�,,�l,, �4+"". 7 �Y R P AF: -, i p,b ,I r , t?wi� 'S:ib vJrt i ►,�'�:(I,G .M1'�ip- 't lFdJ. f; yI.. lf,' .IMt4rr,:i1.. 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IM�rf.:hiv t t 4(r .yT�r' y 1, 1 { {��ytkr, '�• Edi f ;�{i(� itr V�� 'rJlat{i. ��� . o. •, 1�.9��i.1'.-„»v -Y, y ,y�;I: YiG e ttt •�,fpJ71F. {!a %xi.:.1k�','�l7Y?�i,,� Y� R�'lildi��l,9�vii1 �N.r n.a� °h `.� r�'La�'r��,k��r�k"�^'} ' ��r. ,'„ a �I{�."i� 7` d , .,,4 t C, ,.�'rN.'..;ri ,"'1' • 6 �,;1 Fr�"Zii+�>.i ii'G �°•�I_f �u;�lj "�"p J. r, PROJECT DESCRIPTION A 70 Acre Residential Plan MFRA #14136 Perhaps the most significant planning issue associated with this project is the property's location and its adjoining land uses: • NE Groveland Residential Development • NW Future Residential (Insignia) • W Future Residential Development (Insignia) • S Large Lot Residential • SE Residential Trailer Park • E Proposed Residential The subject 70 acre development site is currently owned by two entities. The northerly and easterly -most 20 acres is under the control of Ocello, LLC and the southern and westerly 50 acres is controlled by Kent Kjellberg. By combining these two properties, several land use compliance issues can be dealt with to the best interest of the City, the property owners and future residents of the new subdivision. The following is a partial list of the advantages and merit available to the 70 acre dual ownership property: 1. This proposal will physically contain the trailer park on the westerly boundary. 2. This proposal offers reasonable land use buffer guidelines along common boundaries with the existing trailer park and any future adjoining residential development. 3. By combining the two properties, City infrastructure such as road connectivity, storm water ponding and utility extensions can be done more efficiently and comprehensively. 4. By combining the properties, issues of land use transition can be dealt with along the West and North trailer park property lines. The trailer park and the proposed residential development (Poplar Hill) west of the trailer park will be dealt with comprehensively. 5. City transportation and other infrastructure implementation needs can be dealt with along with solutions for unanticipated problems. 6. The proposed residential plan is expected to generate revenue essential to the payment of assessments associated with extending School Boulevard westerly. The proposed residential plan seeks to accommodate the above important planning issues in the following manner: • The proposed residential project will prohibit westerly growth of the trailer park. Property Description August 19, 2005 Page 2 • With this proposed residential plan, reasonable buffer and transition guidelines will be implemented and will include design elements as earthern berms, privacy fencing, plantings, and most importantly, compatible housing types, all of which are considered effective in land use transitioning. • Property consolidation enables comprehensive planning and engineering solutions, easements, and utilities and storm water design. • Land use transition and land use buffer guidelines will be comprehensive and effective. • Vehicular transportation right-of-way, alignment and location of future roads will be efficiently implemented with larger, two properties (70 Acres) plan. • A revenue source for School Boulevard construction costs will be available as this development proposal moves toward fruition. The site plan consists of four (4) residential unit types. The variety in housing type has been selected based on existing or future adjoining land uses. Land use compatibility is essential in protecting property values and neighborhood integrity. The proposed residential development consists of for sale attached and detached housing types. A continuum of housing types is apparent on the subject property's west boundary adjacent to the future Poplar Hill single family lots. This transition is from single family lots to attached row townhomes and concludes with 6 and 8 -unit manor or villa homes on the east boundary line, common with the trailer park; a classic land use transition model. This transition west to east from single family to 8 -unit townhomes extends over a distance of 920 feet and will establish land use compatibility, sustain property values and accommodate socio-economic demographics for the various residential types. Additionally, housing types contribute to transitioning by utilization of a continuum of home types including single family with various lot sizes, row townhomes, twin homes, quadraminium homes and 6 to 8 -unit villa or manor homes. In addition to establishing development compatibility through the use of land use and density transitions, road network and transportation plans play an equally important role in establishing the consistency and compatibility of a plan. A collector status road has been identified for this property. This collector road begins at the future intersection of School Boulevard and Redford Lane, which extends from the Groveland development. At the intersection of School Boulevard and Redford Lane a four -legged collector road extends south and west through this site and to the subject property's west property line at a location consistent with the preliminary plans prepared by Insignia. It is from this collector road (Redford Lane extended south and west) and School Boulevard that all local residential streets within the subject site will connect. Property Description August 19, 2005 Page 3 The subject concept plan, consisting of approximately 70 acres and 374 mixed density housing units is an important "missing piece" in the greater land use plan for S.W. Monticello. The concept plan establishes land use compatibility with adjoining uses, existing or future. The concept plan as presented anticipates generating revenues sufficient to pay its share of School Boulevard and appurtenant infrastructure. This residential concept plan provides housing variety and choice based on lifecycle and lifestyle needs. On behalf of Ocello, LLC, we respectfully request thoughtful deliberation of this request for Concept Plan approval. In conclusion, the following key factors, we believe, will support favorable review of this application. ➢ School Boulevard and appurtenant public improvement costs are expected to be paid on a benefit -based ratio by the owners of these properties. This proposed residential project is expected to generate revenues that are necessary to pay these public improvement assessments. ➢ The goal of the Developer has been to prepare a residential plan which accommodates future low density residential to the west, to provide right-of-way for the collector road that passes through the site diagonally and to implement a land use transition, particularly where the trailer park adjoins this site. ➢ This concept plan is based on solid planning and site design principles. It is thoughtfully conceived, is responsive to adjoining existing and future land uses, and should preserve residential property values in the area. ➢ The site plan provides for housing choices based on lifestyle and an aging demographic; and lastly ➢ The concept plan, is intended to immortalize land use, storm water and roadway concerns for the immediate area. The concept plan determines the boundary of the trailer park and offers solutions for buffering dissimilar land uses; i.e., trailer park adjacent to market -rate, owner -occupied housing. This concept, the "missing piece" (the hole in the doughnut) in this area of Monticello's growth area plan, when approved, will bring to a conclusion speculation as to how these properties will be developed and how they accommodate City infrastructure needs. s:\main:\Oce14136\corres\property description l At -At I j T i C I I '••� F= V 1�I%:5� LL-=== LL---- LL Ll 'J DRAWING INDEX T I TITLE SHEFT CIVIL BARRY FLUTH MASTERS FIFTH AVE, INC. C I CERTIFICATE OF 5URVEY C2 DEMO PLAN C3 SITE PLAN GRADING and ER0510N CONTROL C4 C5 UTILITY PLAN ARCHITECTURAL L I . I LAND5CAPE PIAN 7G3 -G82-1818 51TE LIGHTING PLAN ,-. LIGHT FIXTURE SPECIFICATION A3.I 51GNAGF OPTION5 GENERAL INFORMATION OWNER: BARRY FLUTH MASTERS FIFTH AVE, INC. 19577 108TH AVE BIG LAKE, MN 55309 NEL50N BUILDING 4 DEVELOPMENT, INC. CONTRACTOR: 2 DIVISION 5TREET EA5T BUFFALO, MN 55313 7G3 -G82-1818 NELSON BUILDING 4 DEVELOPMENT, INC. ARCHITECT: 2 01V151ON STREET EA5T BUFFALO, MN 55313 7G3 -G82-1818 CIVIL D-HEILLY ENGINEERING € A550C. INC. ENGINEER: 72 OAK AVE 5. ANNANDALE, MN 55302 320-274-7221 0 I hereby certify that thin, specircoi'ion, or report prepared bl me w ur' n'1' direct superv'sion �t I em a duty t:xensed Arc t under the los of the s of N'mnesoto. 1fy Sig rotur•• vO Ceo C. Fantouzza NA Reg. No.: Q�11695 cr r Dote:. -O This document is byNelson Wilding k Development, Inc. (Ngp) and conlairx nrrr_kaed and li ' inlormation intended for use by cNaBcDlo personnel only. My or d'slrllwtion of this document orinlormo'ion contained herein, ,ithm l Prior pritten consent of NBD, is prohibite& rna,Bcr ram it l i aqw B1': G E� DATL 08-23-2005 Tl.l SURVEYORS NOTE: UNDERLYING EASEMENTS MAY EXIST AND ARE NOT SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING' 46!t� 04b rA S610 / 247 p Sss2 / Z4, .7S(4 PA t i (All. Ij ERTIFI CATS C OF SURVEY PREPARED FOR NELSON BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT of Wright, State of Tract of land lying and being in t ewi�unty Minnesota, Described as follows, of 14, and 15 and the West 16.00 fee Lots Lot S, all Lots 1,2,3,9,10,11,12,-13 MONTICELLO as of public in Block Thirtysix in h e TeOSWNSITE otaOF record, Wright County, Subject to easements of record. Containing 1.71 acres, more or less. 0 15 30 60 130 SCALE IN FEEL' • INDICATES IRON MONUMENT FOUND • INDICATES CATCH BASIN 0 INDICATES MAN HOLE INDICATES WATER VALVE ooa INDICATES HYDRANT INDICATES TREE e INDICATES POWER POLE mINDICATES TELEPHONE PEDESTAL v INDICATES LIGHT POLE CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY OWALLEY & BOE LAND SURVEYORS, INC. 210 MAIN STREET COLD SPRING, MN 56320 328 SW THIRD STREET PH. 320-685-5905 WILLMAR, MN 56201 FAX 320-685-3056 PH. 320-235-4012 FAX 320-2214-9380 J IT THAT THIS SURVEY, PLAN AM ORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR A DULY REGISTERED LAND SURVE I HEREBY CERTIFY SUPERYOR NAND THAT UN DER MY UNDER TILE LAWS OF'I'HB STATE OF "4 N"JE-SOT . REG. NO. 42300 DATE: 8-15-05 BENJAMIN C. O'MALLEY ONLY FOR THE BENEFIT NTENDED NOTE: THIS RTY TO OF THEE PARTY APA WHOM IT WAS PREPARED FOR IED UPON BY ANY OTHER AND SHOULDR NOT BE O. HER PURPOSE WITHOUT FIRST U PARTY O CONTACITNG THE SURVEYOR WHO DEVELOPED AND00 MADE THIS DRAWING. RDA 09 M / 9/ Q7y,.92<1I DA w =9Z2'nu 49I% BUILDING C� ST / tilos LATS J /\ BUILDING / N oo Ob / A r /BUILDING / STUMP \ / \ 0 15 30 60 130 SCALE IN FEEL' • INDICATES IRON MONUMENT FOUND • INDICATES CATCH BASIN 0 INDICATES MAN HOLE INDICATES WATER VALVE ooa INDICATES HYDRANT INDICATES TREE e INDICATES POWER POLE mINDICATES TELEPHONE PEDESTAL v INDICATES LIGHT POLE CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY OWALLEY & BOE LAND SURVEYORS, INC. 210 MAIN STREET COLD SPRING, MN 56320 328 SW THIRD STREET PH. 320-685-5905 WILLMAR, MN 56201 FAX 320-685-3056 PH. 320-235-4012 FAX 320-2214-9380 J IT THAT THIS SURVEY, PLAN AM ORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR A DULY REGISTERED LAND SURVE I HEREBY CERTIFY SUPERYOR NAND THAT UN DER MY UNDER TILE LAWS OF'I'HB STATE OF "4 N"JE-SOT . REG. NO. 42300 DATE: 8-15-05 BENJAMIN C. O'MALLEY ONLY FOR THE BENEFIT NTENDED NOTE: THIS RTY TO OF THEE PARTY APA WHOM IT WAS PREPARED FOR IED UPON BY ANY OTHER AND SHOULDR NOT BE O. HER PURPOSE WITHOUT FIRST U PARTY O CONTACITNG THE SURVEYOR WHO DEVELOPED AND00 MADE THIS DRAWING. AREA OF OEM CCNSTRUCTION NOTES: 1. REMOVE ALL EXISTING TREES AND BUSHES FROM STE. FIELD VERIFY OUANTTTiY. 2. REMOVAL OF BUILDINGS INCLUDE ANY BASEMENTS AND/OR FOUNDATIONSEAS OF DEMO TION SHALL HAVE COMPACTED FILL AND TESTED PER \\LyndiV,,jcds\250726\dwg\250726DEMO.dwg, 8/22'2005 2:38:19 PM (MiG7I LAI r a 0 Wd 99 Q J �z a a y� o a �o ;:Z 0 2 W Z o G o°C. 42 mi PROJECT N0. 250726 SHEET NO. C2 CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. ALL BUILDING N PROPERTY UNEIN PROPERTY ARE PARALLEL OR PEgPENDIGULAR ROPERTY LINE. 2. DIMENSIONS ARE TO BACK OF CURB. BUILDING ALL pAD OR P N STREET SHAD_ BE 86118 CONCRETE CURB,CONCRETE 4. NEW PARKING STALL S17E- 9x20 5. PARKING POSTING PARKINGN 5 113 PROPOSED A NEW PARKING SPACES --61 PROVIDED PARKING REWIRED FOR RETAIL 8,100 X0,9 D"DED BY 2D0=36.45 REQUIRED PARKING REQUIRED FOR RESTAURANT 2,700 x .9 x 65% SEATING DIVIDED BY 40 `10.6 2 700 x .9 x 33X KITCHEN DIVIDED BY BO ` 0.12 5076 SHARED =25.06 TOTAL PARKING REQUIRED- 25.06+36-45- 61 SPACES 5, SETBACKS FRONT = 0 SIDE = 0 ` REAR 0 \\Lynda\p%IeGs1250726\dw8\250726SITE.dwg. 8/22/2005 2:38:59 PM i LLI CC Qous a z Z �? J Q L CC O W Z N W Z o cc IL Qm J PROJECT N0, 250726 SHEET NO. C3 J `a� Our .{' �_ ..' � i' /y V � 2, J j{'A.��� 1 ~•` „ate ��1 � ` f n . rr J r'!! '' AZ , `r4,4yf > ! (R'44fA \ e4C t 1 r' r� \•� J 2 2 C S 61 17Arif J J ' t {K% • Qo C& 401, , .a"'"A�-`` E:t• „'� JrSj it l "�,; i ..i ' - _�`--.�,��' ��'L<iy4.i • j �!� / 1, p�?'` ` -9P4r`57' \ .a,1 e-' -` ` fy �� I 21 i �r'�� ; � t f f,` � � ?`S� �'"�•.� f,/ <ti �; i''! ley„ y �� ( : LLI CC Qous a z Z �? J Q L CC O W Z N W Z o cc IL Qm J PROJECT N0, 250726 SHEET NO. C3 Our .{' �_ ..' � i' /y V � 2, J j{'A.��� 1 ~•` „ate ��1 � ` f n . rr J r'!! '' AZ `r4,4yf > ! (R'44fA \ e4C t 1 2 C 17Arif J J ' t {K% • Qo C& 401, r Oji i G d �1,`• T C # ` � f F'1�_,vr if _ - i � J' 1 -•'� f fa i b l�Y-�+ ca `1 c F,. • Arr Y LLI CC Qous a z Z �? J Q L CC O W Z N W Z o cc IL Qm J PROJECT N0, 250726 SHEET NO. C3 p ySirm CLNIROL N011SL 1- (A�adn:==-'v1 cenyaatm �� verity locattone and dewtione �ti.�c uat tltty underground utAltles Wt°f to canstrUction with the reap companies. ane and 2- NI a orlon car" measures cdIed for on these PI lot on basins apecifti am, which may mdud31 arrstmcted ard sQ1��° of trmPamry mdimrat traps. n the .1.11, order. a. Rack eanstructlon entrance o minimum of - f«*- c. Sith`"n wq ex`atlon and embankment (grading) Commo Seed M4 ulch or sod. e. Straw Ede bank's In fritshed graded Oremf. Inlet and outlet focltUes subsea" to etorrn sewer work j Cra]i g u rt—...eta roll prwde and maintain Oil erosion weird meoe r -e as so, m thaw Pisan and �� Ynplrn aant any additional erosion control meaaurm necessary in order to Prated adjacent prwer'tY• 4. At eroeiwm wxxrtrd facilites shalt W makrtaam by the facilitles which CU or during grading oP0mtions My .Psora aPedryoa{lens are to be r,aioved as coli, for on thea° a drscted 1Y the shdl be rema'red by the grading aontraaen when tho eubaej*j ayy enginsm'. Ths grading aant"� email than rvetars edfltattons. disturbed area In accardon- with thea, Plans and aP ctor shot &,adult the sola "ncr ser that 5. The grading contra of corytroNad 111, wit be famished to cerUfwarion the owner during and upon canpiedon of the Prolect- NI dfaturbed areas, se''-'*ostreets• shall bo covered with 6, o mnimum 4" of top eat. NIS areas s,dl tw ssew�ed k muldied Per the fallowing IF NOT WOWED St_,, then 3'1 7 4-)- 10:1 to a-1 14 day* Rattwr then 10:1 Z S COMPLETED' GR 1*01 FINAL ADING Steeper than 3:1 4 dap 10'1 to xl 7 days Flatter then 10'1 10 days unties not- ptherwba The seat mix shall be BW 7. the mdwUng topography end cantour devotion shown on the Plan were taken from a plan tamiahed by armor. shall take 6, Contractors 7mdln9 ondl,radon control operations poo -'Rhin yrs oonstruotion Grey:. from the site th M a+t es S. It k rpuired that sans tracked the be das+ad logy tram paved roadway duration of ca sbildtion• b the engineer. IM Provide temparay aedimentatbn basins ere directed by 6- MINN 1•_ Y V#-'4iEI RO(K' M=K COMMUCTWU ENTAD POST WOOD (Y�Z") AL ! 36" MAX WJCHT.) T ER FABRIC 5'x6' TRENCH DIRERUNOFF F OFND RUNOFF FL[»'l �,— :-- WILL POSTS SI1Al l BE SPACM 4.0' APART. seLT FENCE DETAIL. NOT To SCALE EyjST. CONTOURS SURVEYOR LE CONTOURS o1NDICATrS IRON M _-901 PROP• r INDIGTtS WATER nac.o POST. SPOT --4- t?2"o 11 PROP. Sw uT INDICATES HYDRA DRAINAGE ARROW INDICATES 'TREE EOST• CS a INDICATES POA0 IN PROP. C8 Q INDICATES Tau �>--- POST. STORM SEWR •> PROP. STORM SEVER INDICATES LIGHT POLE EfOST. FES d PROP. FES DaST. MH ® PROP. MH y — f7CrST. SAN. SEWER PROP_ SAN. SEWER Ei,St. WATERMAIN W_ PROP, WATEFAIAIN SILT FENCE u f totaty ys f2}€t.dlvg. 882/2005 2:40:11 PM \LyndMp ro Jcasl)g i Z o s /1 W fi so 4 i t 1KFW) I ber�SA d O V G M V N O *- N x N y 00 Q m 1M N O N t6 O ") a N Cl�*�NN n O L U) 4 M M C' Qi > O x Q O tW >Ql � C 0• C v � W OQ N O Q a0 —7. J 0 to �Z OJ Q. Viz W a 0 cdo. O Z a zz - wra o� a0W cc Z O L 11. Q eJ PROJECT N0. 250726 SHEET NO. C4 0!7777777--: u oil 1Av, e wti, 10,1111 -5nV/­-D u n C xiffy u wooYv A47 ILIA\ L Al w �Pqu�)Fuo�;mn puno SCHEDULE LLF Watts LUMINAIRE Fie Lumens Symbol Label Qty Catalog Number DescriPtion Lame oNE250-WATT CLEAR Ltl10214m.,es 20500 0.74 446.2 EM25 250M MOG EUROTIQUE ED28 METAL HALIDE. O A 7 GCF SR4SC W1 ARCHITECTURAL LUMINAIRE WITH SR4SG HORIZONTAL Poi EAL4tl • REFLECTOR, CLEAR FIAT GLASS LENS. ONE 250 -WATT CLEAR LTL-10217m.1es 20500 0.74 444.2 EM25250M MOG EUROTIQUE ARCHITECTURAL E028 METAL HALIDE. POS. O f3 2 GCF SR2,W/ LUMINAIRE WITH SRZ HORIZONTAL EAL411 • REFLECTOR. CLEAR FLAT GLASS LENS. ❑ STATISTICS Mal Min AvgMlin Max Min Symbol Description Symbol Avg 0.3 is 5.8:1 1.8 1c 5.3 tc PARKING LOT ❑ LUMINAIRE LOCATIONS Aim Location MH Orientation T� X y 2 No. Label X I Y Z -54.5 0.0 q -528.5 -69.9 20.0 20.0 180.0 0.0 -528.5 .468.5 -54.5 0.0 1 I q -468.5 -49.9 zo.o 20.0 180.0 0.0 .4064 -54.5 0.0 2 I '49.9 20.0 20.0 180.0 0.0 0.0 3 N A -408.5 20,0 1800 0.0 -3465 .54.5 - -348.5 A -49.9 20.0 -366.1 -276.9 0.0 4 q -361.5 -276.9 20.0 20.0 270.0 0.0 -366.1 -209.1 0.0 5 -361.5 A' z0.0 409.1 20- 270.0 0.0 -148.3 U.0 6 e .5009 -152.9 2p o Z0.0 0.0 0.0 -500.9 -374.1 -141.1 0.0 7 B -374.1 -145.7 20.0 20.0 0.0 0.0 "tfi9.3 -208.5 0.0 O 8 z0.0 20.0 90.0 0.0 A -473.9 9 -206.5 NOTES 1. LEVELS SHOWN ARE TAKEN AT GRADE 2. MOUNTING HEIGHT USED IS 2o• -0' A.F.G. 3. FIXTURES Al . A4 ARE SHOWN TO APPROXIMATE EXISTING LIGHTING GHTING AND ARE NOT PART OF ARI a l Southwest View Nath 5 V I I 0 J i BROADWAY Y ❑ 248.75 S 61'55'52' E ST. I `• � 19 R.e I R2I ,.o � 1 • .� UA -1 9.5 .Cba .5tR. .7.1z�T .5 'i,RA e Ra R.T e.9 � co R6 4e e., R.v R.9 1.7 O N q0r O O ,.T ,.sO ,.e ,.T R.o ,s to ,.e ,., ,.T 'lJ 1.2 1.1 1'12 ,a ,2 J 1.0 ,.6 e.7 i! l,.o ,.o .o .o ai e.8 e.9 e.e e.9 e. e.8 e.8 eA ed 9.8 _ fI 1.3 •1A e.T e.6 '65S e. e.5 ,a '1.1 ,2 O e.5 .6 O O v.f v. ,.e el e.e e.e 9.7 ,.6 ,.1 e.8 e.6 ,.9 ,.6 ' e.9 'by 'OJ ee a ,a Ne.9 ,A ,.1 ,.0 ,a , �A Z 7 J -j,5 R.6 R.o b � ., ,a •.s R, 2.e - 20 ,.4 ,2 ,.o �-1 f'S ,s ,a R.1 • W R.o !J e.9 e.0 ,.T e.s ,.6 12 R2 ,.3 s.' • a-��2 O N 61'59'48' 49.17 Ci i. R2 10 S.1 n•: 5,3...�j. a �..: -0.6 e.9 ,f 1�BLOCK 0 C K e.e e.9 ,.1 e.e to T _ / RS R.9 R.e e.5 R.6 R.9 ,.7 ,.1 ,.0 �= - :� R.9 R.9 ,.T N 2 ��. O ZoL, 0,9 .,0 ,.1 %D CO /. 'b e.9 N Z ' y e.e e.9 ,s ti9 z,�.-�'6 3 ,s 1.9 8 e.9 ,2 7 .k/J ' N 2�5 r THIRD O 00 r Plan View ficek 1-=25 ❑ -. 4 O Designer JLC Date Aug 19 2005 Scale As Noted Drawing No. 1 of 1 _ ark -Skies Luminaires EU[raaLueTM series Flat Glass Lens C.UTOF:F Sag Glass Lens Munich EM25ST GCF 17"w 19.5'h EM17ST GCSG EM25ST GCSG Hanover i6'w 16"h AdIVIN EH16ST GCF EH22ST GCF "w L1"8h" Eli 16ST GCSG EH22ST GCSG T^� roducts, ill.cludillo, Posts""""" """ ANTIQUE Street La -aps" For t{le colripiete line o f E UROTIQUE P' A„�cr,0cor y other lrodliets and their specif cations, sec the EUROTIQLtE"` catalog. l Specifications CONSTRUCTION The ballast housing and reflector housing shall be cast alumi- num, seal -welded together for a one-piece ass (GCSG), All it. Lens is shall be clear flat glass (GCF), or clearg g hardware shall be stainless steel. INSTALLATION. PI at top for The luminaire shall hav e3/4" arms. mounting to Eurotique °r t The lens le,shall I be ga�keted and which is hinged to the housing mounted on an aluminum ring re-lamping. The and furnished with a captive screw for easyw for reflector shall hinge and be secured pailast p ative te shalehave easy access to the ballast plate. - The ballast and socket 3 keyhole slots for easy removability. assembly shall be furnished with quick disconnect plugs. DARK -SKIES OPTICS. I The Dark -Skies luminaires utilize suph eAo superiorsTm uniformity lectors. They egmented for and control.anodized and s Inter- Reflectors are available in 5 different distributions, are r hall be changeable and use a horizontal lamp. allast andke t assembly. Luminaires furnished with an H.I.D. b shall be UL listed and labeled as suitab for wet locations. Sockets shall be glazed r mogul base, with a I'f porcelain, medium or ickel-plated screw shell and copper alloy nF center contact. Ballasts shall be corend coil, high power factor, regulating type. AM' RERECTOR. FINISH Finish of the luminaires shall be powder coated with apre- ter powder. Before coating, the parts shall mium TGIC polyes e pretreatment process includ- be treated with a seven stagcoat- ing blasting, heated alkaline cleaner, rise, phosphate n ing, rinse, sealant, and a final rinse. Standard ard color are black (ANBK), dark bronze (ANDB), or darkgreen stom Selected colors can be chosen from a wide ection of Ro to colors and Is represented by (CS). Custom Mat match a specific color chip or color sample that is provided by the specifier and is represented by (CM), For more information on finish, see the "Finish" section in the ANTIQUE Street Lamps catalog or contact ANTIQUE Street Lamps Munich Series luminaire with EurotiqueTm arm and post Pg. 4 POCK rPce CMU CIA fulTo5fm IRON C'PUE I m15ffrl FL ry 0— EL. 'nq ��ll 0 WF -5T ELEVATION 3/lG—t'-O" I bmvby C-gy w oli� or. V,,,d by 1w mo�� wdO of ve of Z= 0 F."a. Ri, 60mot is by *- FINI`kED R OM &A&M & k"bwnerA. W. (4BD) wd WMAim 2&'Ad md 0064ord waffr4lion Wndad W use by WO omy, kri dsctowle ,,w,6A;on of M ot ww"tion of .'s 1.0—P ent 13uild MA A" 1-jo MN ions Signwre O'Pt' ipjan for Landmark Squar, 11 HR require, jn6vld`la�'Y Thq- s�gmagc 'V -,, area Of CaCh Re-aSed SP'%Ce. AccaUtu 11LAI'A", ---- = n zo],ling orainance. orolher equivalenl s't') at the city of luonlikeflo ZD AH signage wiRl cOmPly W* i -Jr 6.1 �e RcsidcntinI ttrca on West sideol'Locust Street View From Uevelohmunt Across'Ihird Street View li-om Development Across Third Street View from Development Across Third Street Existing Access Location to Landmark I Relocate sidewalk Current Conditions— I louse at Corner Existing Conditionson Development side of Third Strect A I-Cll I 'Ll h] iC I lark inu A vai I abi I itv j Private Ilarkinu, in Vicinity \/ie\\ 1rom Adjacent Properly to East ol'Sitc VA, Zk- I Claraue Located \vilhin Ilarkino Arca. L Barriers ObSt-LICtillU (11-iVC ICCCS.q to lCli',ICCI)t prollo-tv 5 741J 5 ilk 910, - neo CIO OV� O CL) _--q O CG ilk 910, - neo CIO OV� O CL) _--q CL) cl) CL) m c z CO 2-4 CY) ilk 910, - neo CIO OV� �V Planning Commission Minutes 9/6/05 MOTION BY CHAIRMAN FRIE TO RECOMMEND DENIAL OF THE CUP, BASED ON FINDINGS OF FACT AS FOLLOWS. 1. The proposed use is located in a neighborhood dominated by low density, single family residential houses. 2. The PZM District allows for business uses in areas of transition to high density residential, or mixing of commercial and high density residential uses. 3. The uses in the surrounding neighborhood do not support the conditions necessary for the introduction of a commercial use as required by the Zoning Ordinance. 4. The property, if converted to business use, would not be able to accommodate the required parking supply as required by the Zoning Ordinance. 5. The property requires significant buffering and landscaping to screen the use and activity from the adjacent residential property. 6. No hardship exists to support the request for a variance from the parking regulations. 7. The property can be put to a reasonable use under the PZM regulations without the need for a variance. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER SPARTZ. MOTION CARRIED 3-2, WITH COMMISSIONERS DRAGSTEN AND HILGART IN DISSENT. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HILGART TO DENY THE VARIANCE FROM THE CITY'S PARKING REGULATIONS FOR COMMERCIAL OFFICES. MOTION SECONDED BY SPARTZ. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Continued Public HearinLy — Consideration of a request for Conditional Use Permit to allow a drive-through facilitv in the Central Communitv District and to allow ioint DarkinLy and drives, and consideration of a request for Variance from narkinLy lot standards as rea_uired by the Monticello ZoninLy Ordinance. Apulicant: Masters Fifth Avenue, Inc. O'Neill presented the staff report, noting that the subject site is within the Central Community District. O'Neill explained that the applicant is seeking the removal of single- family homes and replacement with commercial/retail space. In terms of the comprehensive plan, O'Neill reported that the proposed use is consistent, and consistent with zoning standards. O'Neill stated that Drive-throughs are allowed by CUP in the CCD, and are intended to be designed to create little obstruction to the downtown. O'Neill referred to Exhibit Z, stating that the site does have issues relating to screening of the parking areas, and reported that there is a deficiency of parking stalls. That is when taking into account that the whole site will be open to the public. As allowed by the parking standards for the CCD, the applicant provide 60% of required parking and then supplied funds to build parking nearby. O'Neill explained that the site plan includes on -street parking, but is still 8 short of the required 60%. As far as the other conditions, there is some additional lighting and landscaping needed and the signage package is incomplete. O'Neill reported that DAT is working with the applicant on those items. O'Neill indicated that DAT did review and approve the plans in terms of the information available on materials, lighting, and signage. Planning Commission Minutes 9/6/05 MOTION BY CHAIRMAN FRIE TO RECOMMEND DENIAL OF THE CUP, BASED ON FINDINGS OF FACT AS FOLLOWS. The proposed use is located in a neighborhood dominated by low density, single family residential houses. 2. The PZM District allows for business uses in areas of transition to high density residential, or mixing of commercial and high density residential uses. 3. The uses in the surrounding neighborhood do not support the conditions necessary for the introduction of a commercial use as required by the Zoning Ordinance. 4. The property, if converted to business use, would not be able to accommodate the required parking supply as required by the Zoning Ordinance. 5. The property requires significant buffering and landscaping to screen the use and activity from the adjacent residential property. 6. No hardship exists to support the request for a variance from the parking regulations. 7. The property can be put to a reasonable use under the PZM regulations without the need for a variance. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER SPARTZ. MOTION CARRIED 3-2, WITH COMMISSIONERS DRAGSTEN AND HILGART IN DISSENT. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HILGART TO DENY THE VARIANCE FROM THE CITY'S PARKING REGULATIONS FOR COMMERCIAL OFFICES. MOTION SECONDED BY SPARTZ. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Continued Public, Hearitap--- Consideratiota of a requestfor Conditional Use Permit`t6 allow a drive-through facility in the Central Communitv District and to allow iointvarkinQ ono drives, and consideration of a request for Variance from parking lot standards as required by the Monticello ZoninR' Ordinance. Applicant: Masters Fifth Avenue, Inc. O'Neill presented the staff report, noting that the subject site is within the Central Community District. O'Neill explained that the applicant is seeking the removal. of single- family homes and replacement with commercial/retail space. In terms of the comprehensive plan, O'Neill reported that the proposed use is consistent, and consistent with zoning standards. O'Neill stated that Drive-throughs are allowed by CUP in the CCD, and are intended to be designed to create little obstruction to the downtown. O'Neill referred to Exhibit Z, stating that the site does have issues relating to screening of the parking areas, and reported that there is a deficiency of parking stalls. That is when taking into account that the whole site will be open to the public. As allowed by the parking standards for the CCD, the applicant provide 60% of required parking and then supplied funds to build parking nearby. O'Neill explained that the site plan includes on -street parking, but is stili 8 short of the required 60%. As far as the other conditions, there is some additional lighting and landscaping needed and the signage package is incomplete. O'Neill reported that DAT is working with the applicant on those items. O'Neill indicated that DAT did review and approve the plans in terms of the information available on materials, lighting, and signage. 0 Planning Commission Minutes 9/6/05 With those notations and others listed in Exhibit Z, O'Neill stated that staff is recommending approval. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing Brad Johnson, representing Masters 5`'' Avenue as the developer, explained that they had spent time with DAT in a review of the downtown design standards. Johnson introduced George Fantauzza, project architect. Frie asked Johnson about the noted conditions. Johnson stated that they are in agreement with all conditions. Fantauzza indicated that they had worked through parking on the site, making improvements that they believe improve parking as a whole in the downtown area. Fantauzza noted that they are working with Xcel on the powerlines in the area. Fantauzza restated that they have no problem meeting the outlined conditions. Hearing no further comment, Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. Dragsten asked about the parking deficiency. O'Neill stated that when calculating the total amount needed, then what 60% of that amount is, then adding back what is available on - street, they are short about 8 spaces. O'Neill stated that there is available parking in other areas to absorb the deficiency. Spartz asked about barriers obstructing a clear drive aisle through the parking areas. Johnson explained those barriers are on property they do not own. He responded that there is a waterline which runs under the road. The current property owner is concerned that heavy trucks would disturb the waterline. Johnson stated that they would like to work with the property owner in the next phase to improve that parking area. He commented that for this phase, they believe the proposed loop arrangement improves parking in the immediate area. Suchy asked about on -street angled parking in terms of Public Works and snowplowing. Patch noted that Public Works had made comments on this plan in regard to plowing, which the applicants have agreed to. Frie asked about landscape plans and the recommendation to increase the number of plantings. Frie asked if there is now a building landscape plan available. Fantauzza responded that a draft landscape plan is available, but that the ultimate powerpole relocation will affect the final landscape plan. Frie commented that plan is also subject to the review and approval of the City. O'Neill illustrated the draft plan and stated that as part of the permit process, another will be submitted. Frie made note of staff's landscaping requirements. Fantauzza stated that the final plans will meet City approval and type. Fantauzza also noted that staff had requested that the paver and lighting pattern continue down from the insurance agency. They will be tearing out the sidewalk at Locust and bringing that into compliance. Frie noted that if a variance is approved, the applicants will still be required to pay into downtown business fund. Frie commented on the condition requiring a detailed signage plan. Fantauzza stated that as III - not all tenants are known, each time they apply for a sign specific to the tenant, they would apply for it with a detailed plan. Frie asked if they are familiar with the sign ordinance. 7 Planning Commission Minutes 9/6/05 Fantauzza stated they will comply and they understand the requirements. Posusta noted the parking issue. Posusta stated that he doesn't understand the downtown efficiency parking fund. He inquired where the funds go and how they are utilized. O'Neill responded that the ordinance requires a certain amount of parking. The applicants are allowed a reduction up to the 60% mark if they allow their parking areas as public parking. O'Neill stated that the theory behind this is that the parking goes further if everyone can park everywhere. He stated that the method has been working and has consolidating parking. In this case, the parking is below that allowable 60%, but still requires the applicant to contribute funding. It is up to the Commission and Council to determine if it is acceptable based on surrounding conditions. Posusta asked how much they would pay into the fund. O'Neill stated it would be approximately $2000 per deficient stall. Posusta asked how this helps. O'Neill responded that it funds parking in other locations downtown. Koropchak reported that DAT has approved materials, lighting, pavers and landscaping. They would see the signage package at a later date. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER SUCHY TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A DRIVE-THROUGH FACILITY IN THE CCD DISTRICT, AND TO ALLOW FOR SHARED PARKING AND DRIVES, WITH THE COMMENTS LISTED IN EXHIBIT Z AS FOLLOWS. THE RECOMMENDATION IS BASED UPON THE FINDINGS THAT THE APPLICATION WOULD COMPLY WITH THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION PLAN AND LONG-TERM DEVELOPMENT GOALS FOR THE AREA. 1. The applicant must submit a revised landscape plan showing screening of the parking and drive-through areas from adjacent properties and the public street. All proposed parking lot islands must also be landscaped. 2. The applicant shall construct the on -street angled parking spaces at his own expense, and pay a fee to the general downtown parking fund for any deficiencies in required parking provided. Planning staff calculates the remaining deficiency at a total of 8 parking spaces. 3. On -street parking areas shall be redesigned to show the corner between the on -street parking areas as 40 feet from the corner to the curb and to remove all handicap stalls from the on - street areas to the off-street parking area. 4. The applicant must submit proposed building materials, subject to City staff approval. Material changes to the building quality or landscaping shall require further review by Planning Commission and City Council. 5. The applicant shall install street lights along Third Street and Locust Street, consistent with the existing ornamental street lighting pattern. 6. The applicant shall submit a detailed signage plan upon building permit which is consistent with the City's Downtown Revitalization Plan and Section 3-9 of the Zoning Ordinance. 7. All easements, grading, drainage and utilities are subject to the City Engineer's review and approval. 8. Recommendations of other City Staff, Planning Commission and/or City Council. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HILGART. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8 Planning Commission Minutes 9/6/05 MOTION BY COMMISSIONER SUCHY TO APPOVE THE VARIANCE WITH THE COMMENTS LISTED IN EXHIBIT Z AND BASED UPON THE FINDINGS THAT THE PROPOSAL WILL COMPLY WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION PLAN. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER FRIE. Spartz and Dragsten commented on parking situation in the downtown area. O'Neill noted that a recent parking study found ample parking in the downtown area. He noted that the City has been using parking on -street to help support redevelopment. Dragsten noted there was also a parking deficiency in Landmark L O'Neill confirmed they were about 15 spaces short, for which they put in funding. O'Neill illustrated other parking improvements in the immediate area. MOTION FAILS 3-2, WITH COMMISSIONERS HILGART, DRAGSTEN AND SPARTZ IN DISSENT. MOTION TO DENY THE VARIANCE BY COMMISSIONER HILGART. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER DRAGSTEN. MOTION CARRIED 3-2, WITH COMMISSIONERS SUCHY AND FRIE IN DISSENT. Frie asked the other Commissioners if they were receptive to tabling the item for further review rather than denying the variance. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HILGART TO RESCIND THE PREVIOUS MOTION. MOTION TO RESCIND SECONDED BY COMMMISSIONER DRAGSTEN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HILGART TO TABLE THE MOTION ON THE PARKING VARIANCE FOR LANDMARK SQUARE II TO ALLOW FURTHER REVIEW OF THE PARKING DEFICIENCY. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER DRAGSTEN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Posusta asked why Hilgart voted to deny the variance. Hilgart stated that the Commission needed to be consistent and he was persuaded by the presented arguments. Dragsten stated that there is no available land to expand parking in this case, in the last there was. Hilgart stated that there is also already a lack of parking. Dragsten stated that tabling allows the applicant and staff an opportunity to review current and available parking. Suchy asked if the Commission can approve the request subject to City staff to work out the details. Frie stated that the previous motion allowed for that scenario. 9 lot Council Minutes - 9/12/05 E. Consideration of approving preliminary plan and final plat for Gould's Addition. Recommendation: Approve a resolution adopting the preliminary and final plat for Gould's Addition subject to the addition of drainage and utility easements as required by the Monticello Subdivision Ordinance. F. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit to allow a drive-through facility --"' in the Central Community District and to allow joint parking and drives and consideration of a request for a variance from parking lot standards as required by the Monticello Zoning Ordinance - Applicant: Master's Fifth Avenue. Recommendation: Approve the conditional use permit to allow a drive-through facility in the CCD District and to allow for shared parking and drives subj ect to the conditions noted below based on the findings that the application would comply with the City's Comprehensive Plan, Downtown Revitalization Plan and long-term development goals for the area. I . The applicant must submit a revised landscape plan showing screening of the parking and drive- through areas from adjacent properties and the public street. All proposed parking lot islands must also be landscaped. 2. The applicant shall construct the on -street angled parking spaces at his own expense, and pay a fee to the general downtown parking fund in order to ensure that adequate and required parking is provided. 3. On -street parking areas shall be redesigned to show the corner between the on -street parking areas as 40 feet form the corner to the curb and to remove all handicap stalls from the on -street areas to the off-street parking area. 4. The applicant must submit proposed building materials, subject to City staff approval. Material changes to the building quality or landscaping shall require further review by Planning Commission and City Council. 5. The applicant shall install street lights along Third Street and Locust Street consistent with the existing ornamental street lighting pattern. 6. The applicant shall submit a detailed signage plan upon building permit application which is consistent with the City's Downtown Revitalization Plan and Section 3-9 of the Zoning Ordinance. 7. All easements, grading, drainage and utilities are subject to the City Engineer's review and approval. 8. Recommendations of other City staff, Planning Commission and/or City Council. G. Consideration of final plat of 90" Street 3rd Addition. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution approving the final plat of 90`x' Street 3rd Addition. H. Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a Concept Stage Planned Unit Development for a multi- and single-family residential development. Applicant: Ocello, LLC. Recommendation: Approve a conditional use permit for concept stage PUD based on the comments from the staff report for the September 6, 2005 Planning Commission meeting based on the finding that the concept stage PUD is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Consideration to adopt a resolution approving the elimination of parcels from TIF District No. 1-22 located within Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1. Council Minutes 9/12/05 buildings who are proposing to share parking facilities. ?. All parties involved in the joint parking agreement shall execute a contract approved by the City Attorney and filed with the County Recorder. 3. Applicant shall propose an alternate parking lot configuration for the new building that would provide better circulation and drainage subject to City staff review and approval. 4. The landscape plan must be revised to show the required number of plantings fol- the overall site as well as the residential buffer yard subject to City staff review and approval. 5. The applicant must submit plans showing the proposed locations and dimensions of any outdoor storage, if any, as well as the location and screening materials for trash enclosures subject to City staff approval. 6. Prior to consideration of a final plat, a lighting plan must be submitted compliant with regulations outlined in Section 3-2.1-1 of the Zoning Ordinance. 7. The applicant shall submit a signage plan compliant with Section 3-9.E.2 of the Zoning Ordinance. S. All grading, drainage and utility plans and easements are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. �. Recommendations of other City staff, Planning Commission and/or City Council. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. #SFMaster•'s Fifth Avenue Conditional Use Permit: Wayne Mayer questioned 47 on Exhibit Z asking if the review was going to be done by the new city engineer or WSB. Clint Herbst responded that if the new engineer felt comfortable doing the review he could do it or any overflow could go to WSB & Associates. Glen Posusta stated that while he would like to see the project go forward, he questioned the parking situation. If the project goes forward it should go forward with the required parking stalls. He felt if the angled parking was done on the east side of Locust Street as well as the west side of Locust Street and Third Avenue it should provide the required parking spaces. Brian Stumpf felt that angled parking was not appropriate in a residential area. In addition the residents would have to give up an additional 7' of land in order- for angled parking to be constructed and he didn't think the property owners would be willing to do that. Clint Herbst shared the concern about adequate parking in this area. John Simola, Public Works Director, indicated that money collected for parking stall deficiencies does not cover the cost of acquiring any land for parking. City Planner, Steve Grittman reviewed the parking calculations for the development and had come up with a parking stall deficiency of 8 stalls. It was discussed whether agreements could be made with any of the nearby commercial properties for shared parking. Glen Posusta didn't feel it was the City's responsibility to purchase additional land for parking. Jeff O'Neill stated that although there were still 8 stalls short it bettered the deficiency from what it was. Clint Herbst disagreed with that comment stating he felt they should have the required parking and he didn't feel the City should have to drum up parking spaces for these developments. .Teff O'Neill stated that the developer had met the parking requirements for this phase and had corrected some of the parking deficiency created in the first phase. Clint Herbst reiterated that while the Council felt this was a good project the parking situation was a major concern. 5K. Consideration of approving liquor providers for MCC for 2008-2009., (KB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND:, We are asking our caterers and liquor providers to commit to a two year agreement with us beginning in 2008. Most weddings are planned twelve to eighteen months in advance so a longer commitment to the community center makes sense. In 2009, we will be working to commit our caterers and liquor providers much earlier in the year again for a two year commitment. We have an excellent group of caterers and liquor providers for our renters. The renter is required to use the same caterer for food and alcohol. This is allowed by State Statue whereby a licensed caterer, holding a retail on -sale liquor license, may sell alcohol as a part of their license. Our Event Coordinator maintains copies of their catering license, their liquor license as well as the required insurance coverage information. The caterers and liquor providers we are looking to have approved are as follows: 1. Crostini Grille Monticello 2. Cornerstone Cafe Monticello 3. Russell's On the Lake Big Lake 4. Classic Catering by RJ's Zimmerman 5. Henry's Catering Foley 6. CH Professional Catering Little Falls B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. To approve the above list of caterers and liquor providers for 2008 and 2009 for the Community Center Mississippi Banquet room. 2. To not approve the list of caterers and liquor providers. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: The City Administrator recommends alternative number one. D. SUPPORTING DATA:, None 5L. Consideration of amending union contract for establishing a foreman position. (JO/KB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In 2007 Tom Moores, Street Superintendent, requested adding the foreman position to the Streets Department. The Personnel Committee reviewed the request and the position and corresponding job description were approved by the City Council in November 2007. The union contract, which is in force until April, 2009 needs to be amended to identify this new position. The amendment is in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The Personnel committee, after reviewing the MOU, requested language changes to include (1) that the position be established on a trial basis until April, 2009 and (2) the weekend on-call pay of three and a half hours for a two day weekend and five and a quarter hours for three day weekend be paid as straight time above the base compensation. The language on the Memorandum of Understanding was changed to reflect these requests and has been signed by the union's Area Business Representative. A.1 Budget Impact: Negligible. The impact of this on budget will be very small as Tom Moores will not frequently seek foreman assistance/support on weekends. A.2 Staff Workload: The Foreman position will provide some supervision in the field and will act as Supervisor when the Superintendent is on vacation or otherwise unavailable. The work will still be directed by the Superintendent and carried out by the Foreman. This Foreman is a working Foreman position. This will allow the Superintendent to perform administrative duties as needed and take time off for vacations while continuing to maintain the workload effectively. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The Council can approve the Memorandum of Understanding amending the union contract to include a Foreman position. 2. The Council can not approve the Memorandum of Understanding amending the union contract. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff and the Personnel Committee recommend approval. D. SUPPORTING DATA: 1. A copy of the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the Area Business Representative for the Union. 2. A copy of the pay scale for the Foreman position. MONTICELLO CI17 OF MONTICEUG AND LOQ 6, 2 The ouroose of this Memorandum of Understanding is to assist both Laborand Management in dealing with the addition of the maintenance Foreman Position to Article Il - Recognition in the current collective bargaining agreement. WHEREAS, the City of Monticello (hereinafter "Employer") and the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local No. 49, (hereinafter "Union") are parties to a collective bargaining agreement that is currently in force; and WHEREAS, the Parties desire to reach an agreement and understanding of the addition of a Maintenance Foreman Position to the collective bargaining agreement; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the parties agree as follows for the period ending March 31, 2009, which coincides with the expiration of the current collective bargaining agreement: 1) The established rate of pay for the Maintenance Foreman Position will be added to Appendix #1 (See attached pay range). 2) The title of Maintenance Foreman shall be included in Article II - Recognition. 3) The Maintenance Foreman Position shall be covered by all terms and conditions of the collective bargaining agreement currently in effect between the parties on a trial basis until April 1, 2009. 4) The Maintenance Foreman shall be subject to Article X - Overtime, Section 10.8 when the Maintenance Foreman is assigned to a weekend schedule to carry a City provided communication device while on and off duty he/she will be compensated an additional three and a half (3'/2) hours straight -time pay for a two day weekend and five and one quarter (51/4) hours straight -time pay for a three day weekend above the base compensation for the weekend period. 5) The Maintenance Foreman will follow Article X - Overtime, Section 10.02 and will assign overtime acco rd iIn. giy. THE PARTIES have caused this Letter of Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives whose signatures appear below. CITY OF MONTICELLO Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Date F V,DMINIWo dP—XUNIONIMEMO OF UNDERSTANDING • FOREMAN POSITION -STREET DEPT - 2008.wpd LLI.O.E., LOCAL 49 Kent A. Korman, Area Business Rep. Date PAY RANGE S9FRM MAINTENANCE FOREMAN CITY OF MONTICELLO November, 2007 TIME OF SERVICE First 6 months 6-12 months 12-24 months 24-36 months 36-48 months 48-96 months Top Rate Points = 124 Grade = 8 PAY SCALE $18.28 $19.19 $20.07 $20.91 $21.77 $22.82 $23.82 City Council Agenda- 01/28/08 5M. Consideration to approve a Registered Land Survev for the St. Benedict's Senior Communitv Simple Subdivision. (AS/WSB). A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND As the City Council may recall, the St. Benedict's Senior Community received approval of a simple subdivision, which was initiated in order to replace a monument sign at the facility's entrance at 7th Street. The property on which St. Benedict's wished to locate their entrance sign was owned by Home Depot USA. Home Depot agreed to deed a small portion of land to St. Benedict's in order to accommodate the needed signage. All required City approvals have been granted to allow the simple subdivision, and a quit claim deed for the property has been signed by Home Depot and St. Benedict's Senior Community. However, in the process recording the simple subdivision authorization and quit claim deed, Wright County has requested a registered land survey, due to the parcel's status as a Torrens property. A registered land survey has been prepared for review and authorization by the City Council. Council approval of the survey is required as official signatures are needed for recording purposes. The survey has been reviewed by the County and is consistent with the property description conveyed within the quit claim deed. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to recommend approval of the Registered Land Survey for the St. Benedict's Senior Community sign parcel. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the Registered Land Survey for the St. Benedict's Senior Community sign parcel based on a finding to be made by the City Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and staff that the City Council approve the Registered Land Survey for the St. Benedict's Senior Community sign parcel, as prepared. D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A: Registered Land Survey REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA I hereby certify that in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 508, Minnesota Statutes of 1949, as amended, I have surveyed the following described property in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, to wit: Lot 1, Block 2, UNION CROSSINGS, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. I further certify that this Registered Lard Survey is a correct delineation of said survey. Taxes paid for all years through year , and transfer entered this day of Dated this _ day of , 20_ , 20 Steven V. Ische, Land Surveyor Minnesota Liscence No. 22703 Wright County Auditor 1 hereby certify that taxes payable in the year on lands herien described are This Registered Land Survey was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City paid this_ day of , 20 of Monticello, Minnesota, at a meeting held this _day of , 20_ Wright County Treasurer Mayor Office of Registrar of Titles, Wright County, Minnesota Administrator Doc. No. Certificate No. I hereby certify that this instrument was filed in the office of the Registrar of Titles for Reviewed and approved this _day of , 20_ record on this _ day of 20 , at o'clock - M., and N33'15'WIIA \0.34 was duly recorded in Volume , on page Wright County Surveyor Registrar of Tides Wright County, Minnesota SO vpcATEDQoc N� T 34116 v TRACT B / . b i / Mer73.� 9T C �`Or 1rs'X WR �Y N33'15'WIIA \0.34 0 y0 FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS SURVEY THE MOST h NORTHWESTERLY UNE OF LOT 1, BLOCK 4 UNION ` CROSSINGS IS ASSUMED TO BEAR N27'22'23 -E �` �'�• `\ DENOTES FOUND RON MONUMENT r 0 DENOTES 1/2. 14' IRON MONUMENT SET AND MARKED WITH LICENSE N0. 22703. u A �� \ IN I IN IN \ \ �4} \ h IN TRACT A 6 i hyo jv / i ryry i i \ NI i \ La36.21 \ \ M2O'44'41� •e; \ \ R-100.00 \ 2QS) /T 44'06"w tib V, GRAPHIC SCALE D so 100 Council Agenda: 01/28/08 5N. Consideration of Waver of Potential Conflict. (TK) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The law firm of Kennedy & Graven has acted as the City of Monticello's bond counsel and EDA counsel in the past. As part of the proposed YMCA land purchase Wright County would issue bonds to finance the purchase and the City would agree to pay its share of the debt payments. Kennedy & Graven has been approached to provide bond counsel to Wright County for this project. Based on this, Kennedy and Graven are required to inform both the County and City of a potential conflict of interest representing both entities. However, Kennedy and Graven could still represent the County on the bond issuance if both the County and City agree and sign a waiver of potential conflict. The waiver would only be for the issuance of bonds on this project. This should not be a problem as issues arising from this project will most likely be on the project itself and not on the bond issuance. The County and City would use their County and City attorneys to resolve those types of issues and not bond counsel. Finally, if any issues did arise, the City would use the City Attorney to represent the City. Al. Budget Impact: The Waiver of Potential Conflict should have no budget impact unless at the time of bond issuance the City and County have a dispute and the City would need to retain the City Attorney to represent the City in the dispute. A2. Staff Workload Impact: This action should have no workload impacts. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Approve the Waiver of Potential Conflict. 2. Do not approve the Waiver of Potential Conflict. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator, Finance Director, and City Attorney have reviewed the Waiver of Potential Conflict and support, Alternative 1. A D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the Waiver of Potential Conflict. E-mail from City Attorney. Offices in 470 U.S. Bank Plaza • , 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis Minneapolis, MN 55402 • (612) 337-9300 telephone raven Saint Paul (612) 337-9310 Fax St. Cloud http://www.ken.nedy-graven.com C H A R T E R E D Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer STEPHEN J. BUBUL Attorney at Law Direct Dial (612) 337-9228 Email: sbubul@,kennedy-graven.com January 22, 2008 Mr. Jeff O'Neill City Administrator City of City of Monticello 505 Walnut Avenue Suite I Monticello, Minnesota 55362 RE: Waiver of Potential Conflict — Cooperative Agreement with Wright County Dear Jeff- It eff It is my understanding that Wright County (the "County") is considering the possibility of acquiring land within the County to reserve the land for park or open space purposes. The County is further considering the possibility of proposing some type of cooperative agreement with the City of Monticello (the "City") to share the costs of acquisition of such property. Kennedy & Graven, Chartered acts as the City's bond counsel and development counsel and we also act as bond counsel to the County. Kennedy & Graven, Chartered has been approached by the County's financial advisor, Springsted Incorporated, to assist in determining what legally appropriate structures exist to establish a partnership between the County and the City. It is my understanding that both the County and the City want to work together to accomplish the goal of creating additional park space for County and City residents and that if the County decides to proceed with the purchase of land for park purposes, the County and City would cooperate to accomplish this goal. However, given our prior and ongoing representation of the County, there may be a technical conflict of interest with respect to Kennedy & Graven's representation of both . the County and the City in this matter. Pursuant to the Minnesota Rules of Professional Responsibility, a potential conflict of interest of this type may be waived by both parties, and must be done so in writing. Therefore, please discuss this potential conflict with the City Council. If the City agrees to waive any potential conflict of interest arising by reason of Kennedy & Graven's representation of both the City of Monticello and Wright County, please sign below where indicated, return this tetter to me and retain a copy for the County's records. Letter to Jeff O'Neill January 17, 2008 Page 2 of 2 Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for your assistance. Ve truly yours, Step 1 J. ?Bub4ul VelcoC400* Mr. Thomas Kelly, Finance Director The undersigned hereby waives the aforementioned potential conflict of interest. CITY OF MONTICELLO - By: Clint Herbst Its: Mayor By Jeff O'Neill Its: City Administrator Page 1 of 2 Dawn Grossinger From: Tom Kelly Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 1:03 PM To: Dawn Grossinger Subject: FW: Conflict Waiver Here is Joel's response. Tom Kelly Finance Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 From: Joel Jamnik [mailto:JJamnik@ck-law.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 10:44 AM To: Jeff O'Neill Cc: Tom Kelly Subject: RE: Conflict Waiver I am okay with one bond counsel representing both parties, since both the city and county are unlikely to proceed unless all bond counsels are fully in agreement anyway. Joel J. Jamnik Campbell Knutson, P.A. 317 Eagandale Office Center 1380 Corporate Center Curve Eagan, MN 55121 Direct Dial: 651- 234-6219 Fax: 651-452-5550 Email: Jamnik(&k-law.com CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email is not, nor shall it be deemed to he, legal advice or counsel, unless the recipient already has an attorney-client relationship with the firm or me. This email does not create an attorney-client relationship. Information contained in this e-mail transmission is privileged, confidential and covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. Sections 2510-2521. If you are not the intended recipient, do not read, distribute, or reproduce this transmission. If you have received this e-mail transmission in error, please notify us immediately of the error by return email and please delete the message from your system. Thank you -----Original Message ----- From: Jeff O'Neill [mailto:Jeff.Oneill@ci.monticello.mn.us] Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 4:47 PM To: Joel Jamnik Cc: Tom Kelly Subject: FW: Conflict Waiver 1/23/2008 Page 2 of 2 Joel Please review and comment. Based on your earlier comments via phone I presume you support the concept of one Attorney representing both sides with regards to financing of this important purchase... Are you OK with the conflict waiver document as written? Thanks for any comments you may have on the topic. Jeff O'Neill City Administrator City of Monticello 763-271-3215 Froin: Forli-1i, Kuri A. Lmai,to:KForon@Kennedy-Graven. comJ Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 4:29 PM To: Tom. Kelley@ci.monticello.mn. us; Jeff O'Neill Cc: Bubul, Stephen J. Subject: Conflict Waiver Dear Tom and Jeff, Steve Bubul is out of town on a business trip today, Thursday, January 17, 2008 and tomorrow, Friday, January 18, 2008. In his absence, he has asked me to e-mail you the attached Conflict Waiver letter. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to leave a voice mail for Steve at (612) 337-9228. He will be checking his voice mail frequently during his absence and will return your call as soon as possible. If I can do anything for you in our office, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you. Kim Fortin Legal Secretary Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 470 U.S. Bank Plaza 200 South Sixth Street Minneapoils, Mn 55402 Direct dial: (612) 337-9211 Fax: (612) 337-9310 1/23/2008 Council Agenda: 1128108 50. Consideration of awarding bid for demolition of structures at Cedar Street Garden Center and Bechtold property (future Public Works Site), Citv Proiect #2007-20C. (J.S. / B.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On January 14, 2008 the City Council tabled awarding this project to the contractor providing the lowest proposal cost, Fitzgerald Excavating of Goodhue, Minnesota, pending receipt of a letter of financial resources from their bank verifying they have the funds available to complete the project based on their proposal cost, and pending verification that Fitzgerald's can complete the asbestos removal work per the project specifications based on their proposal cost. On the evening of January 14, 2008 the City received a fax from Fitzgerald's bank, White Rock Bank, verifying that they have the financial resources necessary to complete the project. This fax is included as supporting data. In addition, staff has since discussed the project in more detail with Fitzgerald's Excavating and has verified that they understand the scope of the project and have made the appropriate provisions for completing the asbestos removal work, which Fitzgerald's verified will be completed by a subcontractor that is licensed in asbestos removal work. Based upon the proposal tabulation, which is attached as supporting data, the lowest proposal for the project was received from Fitzgerald Excavating in the amount of $24,900. However, since receiving the proposals Fitzgerald's informed the City that they neglected to include the cost for securing the necessary Performance and Payment Bond. Fitzgerald's subsequently submitted an invoice in the amount of $600 via fax to the City for the additional cost required to supply the bond. This invoice is attached as supporting data. They are requesting that the City include this in the cost of their proposal bringing their total proposal cost to $25,500, which is significantly lower than the second lowest proposal cost of $34,700 received from Schluender Construction. As Council may recall, this is to be a joint project between the City and the EDA. The first part of this project, including the demolition of a two-story farm home, a small pole - barn with living quarters and a machine shed at the former Bechtold property at 8617 Edmonson Avenue NE, including asbestos removal, is to be funded by the City in the estimated amount of $12,800, which includes $300 to cover one-half the P&P bond cost. The second portion of the project, consisting of the building demolition of the Cedar Street Garden Center buildings, including the removal of asbestos, and the pumping, removal and disposal of a buried heating oil tank, is to be funded by the EDA in the estimated amount of $12,700, which again includes $300 for one-half the P&P bond cost. Approvals for the joint project must come from both the City and the EDA. On January 16, 2008 the EDA approved a motion to award the joint project to Fitzgerald Excavating of Goodhue, Minnesota, based upon their low proposal cost of $25,500, contingent upon approval by the City Council on January 28, 2008. Council Agenda: 1128/08 As mentioned in the January 14th Council agenda item, the two projects were combined to save money. By combining the work for the pre -demolition hazardous materials investigations the City and EDA realized a savings of approximately 16%, and a similar savings is expected by completing these projects jointly. A.1 Budget Impact: This project is not included in the budget so funding for the City's portion of the project will be taken from the general fund, whereas funding for the EDA's portion of the project will be coded to an old tax increment finance district (TIF District No. 1-5) which has the necessary funding. And since this is a pre -1990 tax district the funds are non-restrictive and are eligible for tax increment expenditures. In addition, approximately $100 will be expended to disconnect the power from the three buildings to be demolished, and a simple alarm system will be installed in the remaining large pole barn at minimal cost to deter vandalism. However, once the buildings are demolished we can reduce the insurance on the property to insure only the remaining large pole barn. A.2 Staff Workload Impact: Staff workload impacts will be minimal. Our construction observers have a lighter workload this time of year so they should have no problem inspecting the work. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to award the joint project to Fitzgerald Excavating of Goodhue, Minnesota based upon their low proposal of $25,500. 2. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: It is the recommendation of staff that the City Council award this project to Fitzgerald Excavating as outlined in alternative action #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Project mapping: Figure A — Project site location map Figure B — Site A layout Figure C.1 — Site B layout (west side) Figure C.2 — Site B layout (east side) Proposal Tabulation Summary Letter of financial resources from White Rock Bank Invoice for Payment and Performance Bond CITY Off' MULCREST CIR LI.CRESf is P • Row o \ - � � wu.me oAvE qN AIONTICELLO m i Is ' x _ ATTACHMENT A h I�{ a eery l y, R �,\ — `-",. �•y r `� 94�Ro c- . _•��, S'.'/`���=--�. '� �.�--�• AREA MAP -. b •-: - �� L /� y 1rNA,,, Cedar 5t Garden Ctr . 201 East Broadway <w " Monticello, MN LE COURM R �< DOW - .-.. CCUNTT STATE MHWAV M 5� Rz CK r, 1/2 STREET. ATE + n RQ 9s < < R+INCTON _ ju Nqq ��` ��_ s U s _ `� ��r v r c P m ILI ASvnaK �/ . +n f q S 1t7SSLSSIPP! ' Iy14 N Cr SAVANNANP 'S�� _ s MLI. CHELSEA ROAD W r Cr R _ P WmEu CT) ? �+ Ly,� �q7E• •••<ttt'''(h 'S p�yVE _ < OSP E) 3 PU 0cr Q \ L9 z 7I Rc+a4r. m n' An CT EAGo W • R <` NOA .� A CT Z . G44 N U • . _94 UNE MAYK CT C�LpEN � ...• > EULCiSTON GE � � OUL11R� TnsU IT KAT CT ELACELLANE� ..^_ D GOLDENW SQCCL B� N �, r•.;� . '�. Q� � o TQFALCON O _-1 c ELnExeERRr P�OF Lig o MAR ><OR!J K C r. Cr, wlr wus RD of �: --•• <� p£ KR+c SvuulrPTRD >z OMu.UE000RT s, ny coo 5 CL RIVEZ/`��EA5I OAK GAVE G _ - o aLw' a e cr • ?_ � LI Se" �� <�. �' J+4 z J��� C vAA ,h �,C} F . COURT z . F LL �1�•'�Jf n z1.1 8A ANEW 91TE A. T7 C �y Farmsi,} e in Is per . SiREET . �/ (Future Public Works) a�99 STR Edmonson Ave NE 3617 ,ORATE �snirs 84,N Monticello, MN y' O Frc,u R-kE5 A, �Q FARM SITE (FUTURE PUBLIC WORKS SITE) 8617 EDMONSON AVE NE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Building 1 S�`1c yar0 NO Coup BAuilding SA✓` hydrant*n uilding power .� pole pole n=M� •/yard light UE, X [:.Ei hydrant iK] Bolding power septic pole :/ 6 - cleanout rC:fCVE SEPTIC SYSTEM gravet driveway G_ ATTACHMENT B SITE MAP 5 d s 0 85th Street FUTURE PUBLIC WORKS SITE/ FARM SITE 8517 ED14DNSON AVE DECEM3ER 17, 2007 t Fx<2,u� Q . FS.k{7Vc. N 2SYS;E; septic risers n-rrr� C C Buitding 4 Atta ed aarag - Sealed Well tastic Vater Line ASCE fico Val- gravet driveway G_ ATTACHMENT B SITE MAP 5 d s 0 85th Street FUTURE PUBLIC WORKS SITE/ FARM SITE 8517 ED14DNSON AVE DECEM3ER 17, 2007 t Fx<2,u� Q . ( �r-T G f� ) Mt3rrt SctRer PRoPE.,,Tr 'LINE 1 Wao� j�s� t wj� .s Tj 8; CArrsJ 1 Sae C)Tr1figS / �` 23 SOO. ; � 1 (4Pta��. LoCAT10VS) i !60.5,x 7' W,ao�' 7Kn5, ENttOSvRE I sTi mol c c t i t i Pa rv! o , 1 JET IN Cch:AiTE [ 1 t}� z tu Ulf' y� V 1 V r' s < <cc'1 � •� y C �L Q �! i 35X 91 Pope 860e j GaAIE� Aat� 9.5 X 6 W000 FAa,y a t? w/C0Kau.AT ac 1 ENTFZY WAY aIQ FtBEiiG�AS�CTNIs S,pi j ul 1 > 1 34�x3i"w000 FsIAmI r ' i 1 & SrAUCTLIRE Om- t___ - -t 8,,Sl-ArACC'A' COVC _: SLAG ----i-- w �-.f APP AJL, 5eb Sa.Yo, j 35C Sol yo. 1 � 0� f� ArvacAis SY Vv i.koM1(16LT Allo, C.Ap t v cu , 3/4" tiVA ET-- y 6t " ` yy ; � CLAY S-EwtR D.f i 3 1 OvTst'cg $v(r.:orNG � i i 22 y EMO EA R BRICK PLANTEAS F,,u O 16 TA.N V. Vers l FVsl.O,�T.,HK F,66c/l \ v o \ f�EMO4.E B JAiQDFu-LTANK (1,000 GAL) Awo pI'F.tuG, TIr,6_a RCTAININ6 WA« ca AAO.ND MhPL.E TREE i •p Sir S.+AaACE B` hPPR�x. J.2z Ss.To, r a NYr- ` S -r SJRFktL'C' A TPgzX 2 54 5r Y DE I1siT;CoNC. 1_ t51 So, Yo C.A-r i 1 y D.Ar t � 1 z _ T", CE 1_I A R 8,r 3iar APP,a,o,c. r, e 1 RT PLANTING v Y L Q � W J h F Ca TREET IURSERY EAST isR,rArwA,Y A5'—SAM WYE {DIjThNI( F CTrr.cA(1 yIF- u Q.-� C i 35X 91 POLE 8L0O `' GaavE,, AREA K y Z w��0u4YGAfGO i � ” FrOE�GLASaCTkis S/�e _,� E I i 31�Wpaa Fxar,c E 1 SLA$ all O/W �I Sn►Yo. Aeviket6SSY,� i �£M-6 AREA `BRICK PLANTERS vzwr , L Ot% TANK F•i_r.66A, Iovr a 'B,vnif . u,cL T n1x C► t?b t>A (INC, WAIF. i Raft E 64.E fZ, r.&a 4r. tt Salo C,ar+c. �1 ts, So, Yo (; ti ATTACHMENT B BLQC't $,NS To c3e REnovee Br 0 -,HL s B,r 3�Its,acE � Arrx:r. ca3 ss.Yo T ti v D iRT PLAKTING AR=_a a i a Q W J PON'� /� %�"�SA4 �.Jrc �j(T4NCA��OM C A, .ST Fd�aJ`4., © C EDA; � T RENET V t nSERY :.� G F EAST C SITE MAP — — — t Waao FRAME ! ! j G4AA,;I 'ON ! 2C'x25I ` C0NC. SLA8 f 1, 56 5o Yo � D Ergo AREA s:.L M1E-fE.1 So:het FA F,iTf i.iy; ! j '2 kZL< ,. Tj 8� C.rrE� i Bf Q—„4Giis c ! (ArrROA. 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OF PROPOSALS RECEIVED: 6 BUILDING DEMOLITION, SITE PREPARATION AND APPURTENANT WORK CITY PROJECT #2007-20C SITE A: 8617 EDMONSON AVENUE NE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN SITE B: 201 EAST BROADWAY PROPOSALS OPENED: THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 2008 AT 10:00 A.M MONTICELLO, MN 55362 I hereby certify that this is a true and correct tabulation of the proposals as received on January 10, 2008 Bruce R. Westby, P.E., Monticello City Engineer C,xx,XXK) eogT =mcekes P4 P f1c, F:WDMIN\WordProckJOHN\BIDTABS\BID TAB FORM - DEMO - FARM - CEDAR ST - PROJECT 2007-20C: 1/10/2008 -PAGE AGE 1 of 1 - BASE PROPOSAL GRAND TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL BASE PROPOSAL CONTRACTOR SITE A SITE B SITES A & B 1. FITZGERALD EXCAVATING 20865 - 390TH STREET $ 12,500.00 $ 12,400.00 $ 24,900.00 GOODHUE, MN 55027 . , .. Ozaoo) (z5:150®) 2. SCHLUENDER CONSTRUCTION 3391 - 90TH STREET NE $ 20,800.00 $ 13,900.00 $ 34,700.00 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 3. VEIT & COMPANY 14000 VEIT PLACE $ 26,000.00 $ 10,811.00 $ 36,811.00 ROGERS, MN 55374 4. LANDWEHR CONSTRUCTION PO BOX 1086 $ 18,000.00 $ 22,000.00 $ 40,000.00 ST. CLOUD, MN 56302 5. J.L. SCHMITZ & SONS 13667 MERIDIAN AVE N $ 30,315.00 $ 20,699.00 $ 51,014.00 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 6. FYLE'S EXCAVATING 9697 HARDING AVENUE NE $ 39,545.00 $ 29,865.00 $ 69,410.00 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 I hereby certify that this is a true and correct tabulation of the proposals as received on January 10, 2008 Bruce R. Westby, P.E., Monticello City Engineer C,xx,XXK) eogT =mcekes P4 P f1c, F:WDMIN\WordProckJOHN\BIDTABS\BID TAB FORM - DEMO - FARM - CEDAR ST - PROJECT 2007-20C: 1/10/2008 -PAGE AGE 1 of 1 - WHITE ROCK L_0 A_ N BUILDING ON SOLID GROUND � � • SToo�//u� �raCsso�r 6J� 923445 January 14, 2008 City of Monticello Attn: Bruce RE: Jason Fitzgerald dba Fitzgerald Excavating & Trucking Inc I have been asked by Jason to forward you a letter in regards to his business & business practice. I have been with the White Rock Bank for the past 10 -years as Vice President here in Goodhue. Jason has been a customer of the bank since 1993. Jason has had numerous business loans with us and has handled all of them as expected. In fact he carries a low to mid 6 figure balance in his check book. in addition I was involved with Jason in 2006 when he was awarded a $700,000+ project for the City of Goodhue and provided him a Letter of Credit for it. My understanding was that project was completed as required as the Letter of Credit was never advanced on. I have had numerous other customers that have had work completed by Jason and have never heard anything derogatory about him or his business. I am sure that the current mayor of Goodhue, Arland Voth, would also verify that the above is true. From my experience with Jason and his business reputation in this area, I would definitely not be afraid of having hire work for me or the bank. Sinc ly, w 11 Paul Althoff - VP White Root Bank ire .Rock Bedlich= IN Cannon E91k Mz ..,6er FDIC �YWW. f P��1l�eroc�gn�t� �P� Goodhue. Red ftg Fitzgerald Excavating and Trucking Inc 20865 390th St Goodhue, MN 55027 city of Monticello P.O. # Terms Date V14/2008 Invoice # 2377 Ship To, :,• Ship Date 1!1412008 Due Date 1/14/2008 �.,.:.� a >:_�.,..,:..:: Qes.trip't��tY Pace:':.. Misc. Payment And Performance bond in addition to proposal 1 600.00. 600.00 Fitzgerald Excavating and Trucking Inc jflt-z@sleepyeyetel.net 651-923-4060 Fax 651-923-4080 Total T3 dd 080b226TS9 9NIIHnHDX9 07H2Gn7. 1 T - PP. : RT AAAP-+7Z-IA Council Agenda: 1/28/08 7. Public Hearing -Consideration of a resolution adopting proposed assessment roll for delinquent utilitv bills and certification of assessment roll to Countv Auditor. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is again asked to adopt an assessment roll for utility billing accounts which are delinquent more than 60 days and to certify the assessment roll to the Countv Auditor for collection on next year's real estate taxes. The delinquent utility accounts that are included with the agenda are accounts that are at least 60 days past due and include all new delinquents from the last time we certified them. In addition to the delinquent amount, the Council also previously approved the establishment of an administrative fee of $50 per account that is added to each delinquent assessment. The amounts shown on the enclosed delinquent utilities list include the additional $50 administration fee for the preparation of the assessment roll. It is recommended that the delinquent accounts be put on an assessment roll for certification at an interest rate of 6% as allowed by state statute. As in the past, if any accounts are paid within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment roll, they can be paid without the additional interest. After 30 days, payments will be charged interest. A.1 Budget Impact: Certification of delinquent utility accounts for third quarter 2007 is collection of revenue the City should have received in 2007 but because of the non- payment will not be collected until 2009 when it will appear on the tax rolls. A.2 Staff Workload - The process for collecting delinquent utility amounts is time consuming with preparing and mailing delinquent notices; preparing and mailing notices of the public hearing on the assessment of delinquent notices as well as other clerical work in preparing the amounts for certification. The most time consuming step of the process is verifying the delinquent account data against Wright County property tax records. The $50 fee that is added to the delinquent accounts helps defray the cost of staff time and publication expenses. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the assessment roll for the delinquent charges as presented. 2. Based on public hearing input, adjust the assessment roll as required. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is staff recommendation that the Council adopt the assessment roll as presented. All of the accounts are at least 60 days past due and have been given proper notice of this assessment hearing and ample opportunity to pay the accounts in full. All utility accounts were notified that there would be an additional $50 administrative fee attached to each outstanding balance if the account was not paid by noon on January 8, 2008. Council Agenda: 1/28/08 D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution adopting assessment roll Complete listing of delinquent accounts to be certified. CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2008-9 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL THIRD QUARTER 2007 WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for delinquent utility account charges, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessments against the parcels named herein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefitted by the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in one (1) annual installment payable on or before the first Monday in January 2008 and shall bear interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum from the date of the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the date of this resolution until December 31, 2009. 3. The owner of the property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this resolution. 4. The City Administrator shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment roll to the county auditor to be extended on the proper tax list of the county, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the City Council this 28th day of January, 2008. ATTEST: Clint Herbst, Mayor Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator tr� F U) CWh U 0 F U w a w J El a w ") z w O 00 H £ i F -14 Lna m U a a o n -1 •• w •H w W O q E 1-1 ao ri O o H N F U U q W U) W a D a4.)�i . W a _ri z q Q) a z w w w " w [Q H U F i a s w A F 01 a) O rH N w rH m .-I M O O rH O O m N N N d' w w rH W v N 0 Ol m ri Ol N M O W rH rH 1D M ri M W rH N r -I lD M m rH O O VI m r -i w m m M M 10 M H .H O M m m m L` v m N N O L` ro ro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 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N z £ 0 z x 0 Cl) M E w ,34 z `) Ol zz ° O al m w F U) U F a � z a z ED a F a W a4 u W m H a w C4 . w ao m r r -I cr) r - Ln w r m w m x a41 0 P P4 E- 0 0 0 0 a N 0 O O O 0 O d' Cl N O O O W O O O W Q Ln Ln H lfl Ln ri H Ln lfl In lfl W Ln 3k 1-1 0 0 O o Cl U 0 0 0 o 0 o Q U o 0 0 z eo O � m 00 � CD 0 0 0 0 0 W m o C) O O O O , , v w cq N N N « k 0 a a w U 0 W O E. F U City Council Agenda 01/28/08 8. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for an appeal to the Planning Commission's decision for denial of a request for a Variance from Monticello Zoning Ordinance Chapter 3-9 relating to signage. Applicant: Moon Motorsports (NAC). A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Moon Motorsports submitted an application for an amended Conditional Use Permit and a Variance from Chapter 3-9 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance for Planning Commission consideration on January 2, 2008. The Planning Commission recommended denial of the request for a Variance to allow 434 square feet of signage, as opposed to the 300 foot maximum allowed, and two pylon signs. Only one pylon sign is allowed for the site. However, the Planning Commission did express a desire to work with the applicant, and recommended approval of an amended CUP to allow up to 300 total square feet of signage on the site. The Commission indicated that the applicant could allocate that signage in any manner they chose on the site. The amendment to CUP is reviewed in the subsequent item. ANALYSIS Moon Motorsports has submitted a letter dated January 4, 2008, officially requesting an appeal of the Planning Commission's January 2nd decision. The appeal applies to the maximum allowable square footage for signs only. The applicant has accepted the Planning Commission's decision regarding the total number of freestanding signs. As part of the appeal, the applicant is now requesting a single freestanding sign 180 square feet in area and 194 square feet of wall signage. The total signage requested is 374 square feet. The original variance application requested 434 square feet of signage. While the applicant is proposing a reduction in response to the Planning Commission's recommendation, the proposed signage still exceeds the maximum allowed for the site and is not consistent with the Commission's direction. The following chart illustrates the total signage allowed for the site, compared with what was approved by the Planning Commission and what is now being requested by the applicant: Permitted by Ordinance PC recommendation Requested by applicant Wall signage in excess of maximum allowed Total signage in excess of maximum allowed Wall Signage 100 sf per wall (up to two walls) May vary, but cannot exceed 300 sf total signage for site 194 square feet on one wall 94 square feet 74 square feet Pylon Sign Maximum Total Signage 1 sign up to 200 sf 300 square feet 1 sign up to 200 sf 300 square feet 1 sign, 180 sf in 374 square feet area Summary City Council Agenda 01/28/08 Variance. While the applicant has modified the application to reduce the total signage, a variance would still be needed to accommodate the request. The applicant has still not demonstrated a hardship to justify the granting of a variance. Variance requests are considered where it is alleged by the applicant that a non -economic hardship in the reasonable use of a specific parcel of property exists. The applicant has cited lot depth as a hardship. However, the depth of the subject lot is common throughout the City and in the subject area. The parcel does not have any unique topographical or water conditions that would create further difficulties in sign visibility or placement. Due to the layout of the site and the placement of the building, any wall signage or pylon signage would be highly visible from I-94. The layout of the site has not changed over previous applications, nor has the orientation of the building. The applicant has also stated that the sign manufacturer has limited sizes available for wall signs and pylon signs. However, the applicant did indicate that smaller signs are available. In any case, this claim does not qualify as a non -economic hardship. B. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: In their denial, the Planning Commission found that no hardship was present to warrant a variance. Staff also maintains that no hardship exists to justify granting a variance in this case, and that the applicant has reasonable use of the property. Additionally, staff believes that approval without sufficient findings of hardship would set a precedent for approval of similar future requests and may impair the intent of the Zoning Ordinance. Therefore, staff recommends denial of the variance appeal as presented. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Exhibit A: Appeal Request Email: sates@moonmotorsales.com moonmotorsports.com P.O. Box 178 • 414 South Highway 25, Monticello, MN 55362 • Phone: 763-295-2920 • Fax: 763-295-5254 1/4/08 To Whom It May Concern: I hereby appeal the Denial of Variance made by the City of Monticello planning commission. Regards, "el 'z� oel Erickson Moon Motorsports Email: sales@moonmotorsales.com f 1K moonmotorsports.com P.O. Box 178 • 414 South Highway 25, Monticello, MN 55362 • Phone: 763-295-2920 • Fax: 763-295-5254 1/4/08 Mr. Mayor, Council Members, & Staff: We applied for two variances to the Monticello sign ordinance at the most recent planning commission meeting. The variances requested were for an additional freestanding sign, and for additional square footage for building signage. We were granted variances for neither, and we have subsequently appealed the decision. However, we've decided only to appeal the denial of variance for the additional square footage allowable for building signage. The additional freestanding sign requested was for a monument sign at the roadside entrance to our property, and we have deemed the much smaller directional sign that is allowable by rule to be sufficient. For a single freestanding pylon on the freeway side of the property, we have chosen a 180 square foot sign where the maximum allowable amount is 200 square feet. However, we are requesting 194 square feet of building signage, bringing the total signage on the property to 374 square feet; a number that is 60 less than the amount requested at the hearing, but unfortunately 74 more than the 300 allowed. As mentioned in the hearing, we are bound to the sign dimensions available from the manufacturers we represent. The choices are few, and there is only one appropriately sized sign per manufacturer, thus the request for the variance. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Joel Erickson Moon Motorsports D Council Agenda- 01/28/2008 9. Consideration of a request for an amendment to Conditional Use Permit for Open and Outdoor Storage and Outdoor Sales as related to site signage. Applicant: Moon, Motorsports (NAC/AS). The Planning Commission heard this item at their January 2, 2008 regular meeting and recommended denial of the request for a Variance from Chapter 3-9 based on a finding that the applicant has reasonable use of the property and that no hardship exists. However, the Commission recommended approval of an amended Conditional Use Permit, allowing the applicant to increase the overall signage on the site to not exceed 300 square feet. The 300 square feet of signage, which is the maximum allowed for the site by ordinance, may be allocated as deemed appropriate by the applicant. The Planning Commission indicated that the amendment provided a compromise which allowed the applicant flexibility with the placement and allotment of square footage, while avoiding a variance with no proof of hardship. The applicant expressed concern with the limitation on one freestanding sign, and stated that in addition to the sign on the freeway side, a sign is necessary adjacent to Chelsea Road to direct traffic into the site. Staff clarified that in addition to the 300 square foot maximum, the site is eligible for a directional sign up to ten square feet in area. With the motion for denial of the Variance request, only one freestanding sign is permitted. As the Planning Commission is the deciding body on variance requests, the applicant has submitted a formal appeal to the Commission's decision. Said appeal has been reviewed in a supplemental memo for the public hearing. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Moon Motorsports is seeking approval for an amended Conditional Use Permit and a variance for signage to accommodate their use on Lot 1, Block 1 of the Otter Creek Crossing development. A Conditional Use Permit was previously approved for the site in May 2006 and amended in June 2007. The subject site is approximately 5.25 acres in area and is zoned B-4, Regional Business. The approved Conditional Use Permit allowed for a building 24, 493 square feet in area, open and outdoor storage, open and outdoor sales and service, and minor auto repair. ANALYSIS The applicant is now requesting additional amendments to the Conditional Use Permit to allow for additional signage on the site. The proposed signage exceeds the allotted amount for the use, and therefore a variance has also been requested. Both previous Council Agenda- 01/28/2008 Conditional Use Permit applications for the use proposed signage that was within the parameters of the ordinance. Signage. For businesses in the B-4 District, a combination of wall signs and a maximum of one pylon sign may be utilized for a maximum of 300 square feet of signage per property. The site was previously approved for a single monument sign at the entrance to the site, in lieu of a pylon sign, as well as wall signage. The face of the monument sign was eight feet tall with a total face area of 96 square feet. The site was also approved for four product identification wall signs and one business identification wall sign, for a total area of 55.5 square feet. In regard to wall signage, the ordinance allows the site one business identification sign per street on which the property has legal frontage, and two product identification signs on the same wall. The total maximum allowable sign area for any wall shall be determined by taking 10% of the gross silhouette area of the front of the building up to 100 square feet, whichever is less. In this case, the maximum allowable sign area per wall is 100 square feet. The previously approved CUP allowed five different product identification signs and one wall business identification sign up to a total area of 100 square feet or less. With the revised plans, the applicant is proposing three product identification signs plus one business identification sign, for a total of 194 square feet of wall signage. The proposed wall signage greatly exceeds the 100 square foot maximum allotment per wall. The proposed signage is broken down as follows: Sign Yamaha sign BMW Moon Motorsports Polaris TOTAL 48 square feet 40 square feet 40 square feet 66 square feet 194 square feet Area The applicant is also proposing multiple freestanding signs. Pylon or freestanding signage in the B-4 District is regulated according to the speed limit of the street on which the property has frontage. In this case, the property has frontage on Chelsea Road, which is a collector with a speed limit of 40 miles per hour. The site is permitted a pylon sign up to 100 square feet in area and 24 feet in height accordingly. However, with frontage on I-94, the site is permitted a freeway standard pylon sign, increasing the allotted size to one sign up to 200 square feet in area and 32 feet in height. The applicant is proposing one freestanding monument sign at the entrance to the site. Said monument sign is proposed to be 6 feet in height with a face area of 60 square feet. This sign has been reduced over what was previously approved for the site. Said sign is within the parameters allowed for the district. However, the applicant is also proposing an additional pylon sign. The pylon sign is proposed to be 32 feet in height with a face 2 Council Agenda- 01/28/2008 area of 180 square feet, greatly exceeding the maximum allowable freestanding signage for the site. The freestanding sign is proposed to be located in the northeast corner of the site, approximately 20 feet from the north property line. The applicant is proposing a total of 240 square feet of freestanding signage and 194 square feet of wall signage. The total signage proposed for the site is therefore 434 square feet, greatly exceeding the 300 -foot maximum allowed for the site. Variance. Variance requests are considered where it is alleged by the applicant that a non -economic hardship in the reasonable use of a specific parcel of property exists. A hardship that by some reason of narrowness, shallowness, or shape of a specific parcel of property or lot existing and of record upon the effective date of this ordinance or that by reason of exceptional topographic or water conditions of a specific parcel of land or lot, the strict application of the terms of this ordinance would result in exceptional difficulties when utilizing the parcel or lot in a manner customary and legally permissible within the district in which said lot or parcel is located, or would create undue hardship upon the owner of such lot or parcel that the owner of another lot or parcel within the same district would not have if he were to develop his lot or parcel in a manner proposed by the applicant. Should the Planning Commission find that the conditions outlined heretofore apply to the proposed lot or parcel, the Planning Commission may grant a variance from the strict application of this ordinance so as to relieve such difficulties or hardships to the degree considered reasonable, providing such relief may be granted without impairing the intent of this zoning ordinance. In this case, the applicant has cited the depth of the site as hardship. The subject site is 593 feet deep. A lot of this depth is common throughout the City, and is not unique to the subject parcel or the surrounding area. The adjacent property at 3887 Chelsea Road S is approximately 593 feet in depth. The property at 3939 Chelsea Road S is approximately 575 feet in depth. In that regard, the lot depth does not create a hardship that is unique to the property. The parcel does not have any unique topographical or water conditions that would create further difficulties in sign visibility or placement. Due to the layout of the site and the placement of the building, any wall signage would be highly visible from I-94. The applicant has proposed to more than triple the wall signage that was approved with the previous plans. The layout of the site has not changed, nor has the orientation of the building. Therefore, it appears as though an increase in wall signage, up to the 100 square foot maximum allowed for the site, would adequately serve the needs of the use while staying within the parameters of the ordinance. In that regard, staff again finds that no hardship is present. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The Planning Commission recommended approval of the Conditional Use Permit in order to allow the applicant use of the full 300 square feet of signage allowed by the 3 Council Agenda- 01/28/2008 district standards. However, Planning Commission did not approve any variance to allow two -free standing signs, nor to exceed the allowable district square footage. Regarding the request for an amended Conditional Use Permit and a variance from Section 3-9 of the Zoning Ordinance relating to signage as requested by Moon Motorsports, the City has the following options: 1. Motion to approve the amended Conditional Use Permit for Moon Motorsports, based on a finding that a hardship exists which prohibits the applicant from having reasonable use of the property. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the amended Conditional Use Permit for Moon Motorsports, based on a finding that no hardship has been proven and the applicant has reasonable use of the property. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit consistent with the Planning Commission's recommendation. Staff believes that 300 square feet adequately serves the site and allows the applicant the flexibility to allocate the square footage in a manner that best serves their site. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Exhibit A: Site Location Map Exhibit B: Applicant Submittal Packet, including: Title Sheet Site Plan/Certificate of Survey Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control Utility Plan(s) Architectural Site Plan Architectural Landscape Plan Floor Plans Exterior Elevations Front Elevation w/Wall Signage Hi -Rise Sign Monument Sign Exhibit B: Site Images -suds uojXd 5uTTelaQ.l 6-£ aauVuipzp OuTuoZ 01100 -RuOW off. aauuuvA JOJ lsonba-Nd u puv Kvjdsi(j pue says zoopinp loj ltuuod asn 1Vu011ipuoD `oftiois .zoopinp T uodp .zoj ltuuad asn jUuoRipuoD 01 uauTpuau. V & j isonba-d ' •;' �••� NVNNVAVS 5 O ;o 41t Ao Ln _ n� ,r. W z - 133L1S j;/1 •9 �S di11's 33 '. N> l SOC b r co tmt 2 l - ovos 'VIO . V dAV YI 2sunoo j M) b r co tmt 2 l NOrM BOX •This project will be Merit Shop. Bidden should expect to be working on sits with other contractor who may be either union or non-union. No delay, extensions, eta. wall be allowed for labor issues brought about by your Finn or other rarms at this sate. The subcontract(s) issued on this project will carry a clause ensuring your complTanae with these Merit Shop codi ntions. Do not bid this project Tr you expect the Merit Shop nature or this project will cause a problem or concern for your rrrm.• SYMBOLS DRAWNS TITLE DthDER Q DRAWRI6, ASSREMATIONS 6TITLE F�OR PLAN MIAFa'LeASLANh! f. ,4RNrJIDIR BOLT F FV1D MpIICATE, FABRICATION FACE ReRlac P PAR PDD PARALLEL PARTICLE BOARD ABV ABOVE FAL PD. FLOOR DRAIN POLNOATION PG R@' PRECAST CONCRETE PERFORATED � AiR ITCOD�IONINS M74 FE FI E EXTIN UISFER PERM PERIMETER AACFL MILE FxJC. FAIL FIRE EXT it CABINET FINISHED ROOK HLJlVATbN PERM PL RWgU4;1 OJLARR PLATE ADDL LEVEL ONE WB'LECTED CMILIMM PLAN PJW- FIRE NOSH CABINET PL- L F•RDPIRTT LME AW ADMIN ADMIN ADAISTABLE ADMINISTRATION FN FINISH, F%"O A PLAO - APP. ABOVE FINISH FLOOR FLASH FLOOR KAGNINO FLEX M-KXIBLE F -1-P- F L NOS PER LINEAL FEET ALIT ALTERNATE RA FLANS! PLWD PLYWOOD � IANO=*1c E taM P 10N Pmeir, FRAMED, FRAMING: RK PINT PO. PANEL PANT FOLI&L FOL.ISHED AP. APr- ACCESS PANEL PRECAST FR FJIT, FIRE RIDESISTANT TREATED PO Y POLYETHYLENE Of HITECTIRAL PA PAR SEPAIM PRELIM PRELIMINARY AMP AMMOVED Pr FDOT�GtET F'IRPFAB PIn1EPABRICATED 'ABX APPROXIMATE AJ e , MAN04 PREM PRIMAIRI. PIREMARATION AurO AurctwTlc FFU7 RVI. PARE VALVE CABINET pas _ AVG AVERAGE AND P PSI POS PER GraIAR FEET POUR PER SOMAL! YARD • AT 6ALV dALnE G,AL ANIV ZED Pr P.T. I~ POST TENSIONED ISD BOARD ba 60AN BAR PT -0. PARR TOWEL DIS mmm ery ma 6C GElRAL CO rRACTOM GRADIDM PTN I ITION 6D GRADE, GASKET, GASKETED MTJR. PAPERTOOEl•I�CEPTOR POLTYMTL DH T OLK B1TU1MN ZIL OCKMdG BILI BL OCT 6L GLA54 6LAi1i0 GLASS MASONRY WIT PVC Q BLOM 6MU. am GRACE Q.T. ILE SGL BEAM BOTTOM GF GYP BD GYPSL'T BOARD CITYam CiiANT1Tl' am BOTTOM 6T'P &M 6YPaIM GMAT14MG R 01014 °es BRICK BASEMENT H w Rose em R MAD RC -P. �� IR!'LHCT[Q OHILMG PLAN WJL QTY BAT pIITIGN THHR'IAI. WIT ARL HL HGP HOLLOW CORE HANDICAP, HANDICAPPED RD. ROJ... LOOP ODRRAAFNN IRDOF 4l,RAOER ISTWNBUR. BETWEEN READ REV REVISED, REVISION CAD BUILT UP ROOFNo CABINET CAPACITY � ,IJt HOR IZ WEXA600MAL HOLLOW METAL HORIZONTAL IaECM REF LR�E�RJ:. RECEPTACLE REFERENCE REEL �RREFLIGTED CAP CCLCONCRETE BLOCK Hr HIEN POINT Md' REM CEM! CEMENT CEIRAMIC MR H.S. MGM STIRS HEADEDCCERP. WL IR�EEMMWOVE hqw moo CLASIC FOOT, FEET RM HEATIN11 RM RIGI•Ri ROOM CR CGA COMER 6UAIm CENTER OF GRAVITY WVAG NE,ATMGNHNTING AIR CODITIONING RA ROAL ROIGH OPENING =OF= 1lM'r CRAM OF STRAND C44AMFOR HOT WATER RM RR RAILROAD CN1AN CHALKS FA117 HYD WARD WOOD HYDRALLIC RP11. REVGI.UTION PER MINUTE COIR S OARP CIRCLE I IVA KWIC, ROQ TOP WIT RAINWATER cONDUGtOR GJP- CAST IN PLACE ID. INSIDE DIAMETER ClocumFERENCE IP MtlIDE RAGA S SOUTH K CIA CEILING MCL =A W-LWING rIATION SAN SBL SANITARY GET BACK LSE CLOW CL INBL INT EU l TION INTERIOR SOED MN Sm -NOLLE MA c�LSR �E CLEAR,VIaON M' INSIDE TCLE CMP CMJL SDMPIESSCD c0'PRES C CONCRiRTE MASONRY WIT SO IIENT PO.YIeOCYANURATC PoLyl GMT GHGTIONISPENSER C.0. CLEAN OUT 1 r` SP. SMAW POW, FEET CCAW 40L Come, C�� JGT A Joe OR JOINT e r 614T6 G� COMP GOMr'OSITE SL SGLLAW MCN, INCiis CONIC CONCRETE KITCHON SIM SIMILAR CONRt CON CONi41RN0H caNrEcrlaN RCD KNOCK ouTGLNT SL IINOM LOAD SEALANT CONST I..1 SND. SANITARY NAPKIN DISPENSER CONT CONTMIE, CONTNJOUs L LD4114 SNR SANITARr NAPKIN RECEPTOR CONTIR CONTRACTOR LAS LABORATORY LAMINATED GOA' SP GLAID ON GRAD! CDCM COORDINATE LAT LATERAL SPA SPACE sNeLE C C IIID LAV LB LAVATORY POND. PONDS SPEC rrPR. LYR S��IN(�GRAALI1E��FLY ROQM6 GO corn LJ -L Lip WEFT WAIQD LIBRARY 60 SR ST.A 60 STEEL CAD TTIL! CTR CSL CENTER COLD WATER LL LLUL L L� LOIS LEG HORIZONTAL STA SIL STATION STEEL C,Y. QAIC YARD. YARDS LA -v. LONG LEG VERTICAL STOR STORAGE Loc LOCATE. LocarlON sTPurT SLISP � SAPBNDED o D DECIBEL. DlGBCLS DECI GN. DE L.P.TLW S Des POL DO LT6 LIWTTING GYM SYMMETRICAL Ow Do '10 MI DOOMED DEMOL.i DEMOLITION LVR LINTELLTL LEL LOUVER TTREAD. BEAM ELEVATION DEM DEPRESS, DEPRESSED M MATL MATERIAL TPJ& TDP- TOP OF TOP OF OEOG ELEVATION DDEPT ET FETA b D MAbWAL TEL TTEER✓'I NATES, TERMINAL DIA DUNG DIAMETER DI,AGOOL MASONRY MAXII'MIM 'EEMY TEMP TEMPORARY Dim DIN DIMENSION DISPIDNION MMAX MED SANE NRAVO POOTINS ELEVATION DIVISION LOAD ME= MEZLWME TIL TOP OF � AND GROOVE DK DEA AcnawR PMOLE � 00 DITTO MMI- MIL MAW MILLME, TWIW TL THRMM TOTAL LOAD DA DOW SPOILT MINKIM TPD TOILET PARR DISPENSER owMIN DW- DOWEL MISE ML MISCELLANS" MATCH LINE TA TA JL TUB! STEEL TOP OF SLAB ELEVATION MR. MOISTURE RESISTANT TV TELEVISION E EAST MO. MAGONRY OP'INMNS TYP TYPICAL IIA r EACH EWANSI N JOINT MTV MTL MO JKMO METAL u RRL. I DERRYAITIRS LABORATORY -L EJFA INSULATION MALL MULLION UEXC U,�pOAVATED EL AND FINISHN STEM ELEVATION U NORT14 UNO. WLESS NOTED C"n4E AGE ELM ELECTII4 ELeCTRI.AL CAA NOT APPLICABLE LR� 0►NA,L ELEV EMIREMlRbENCY ELEVATOR N.I.C.NOT No M CONTRACTUTILITT' NIY V � == ETHYLPROPYLONE A NOMINAL NEAR SIDE vAP6 VE. VAPOR EARNER VINYL BASH NP.OETHYLENEPL DIENE THRPCLYMRR NOT TO SCALE VINYL Me !O COLAL O VV=. ERTVERTICALCCoMPosITICN EGLOP EGLII°N'BIf CA OVERALL CENTERS VEST Y.T. VESTIBULE VINYL TILE EST 12= lATM1AT! or_ HLHCTRIC WATER BOOI.HR O.D. ON CENTER OUTSIDE DIAM ETER VAIC. VINYL WALL COVE OOOFFFFFF W{EAD� �OVER W EX160 G0 WEST E�T EXT o(TIFGOe ON OPE NNI UWI WIDTH WITH ORD. OVERFLOW ROOF DRAIN WO WOOD OA OUTSIDE wow WATER TER OZ OCE, Q1'ICES N WP YMTEIRPRROOPINIGt WR WA WORKING FOM'(T WASTE RE0.FPTACL! WWF. WELDED WINE FABRIC Y YD YR YARD YEAR NOrM BOX •This project will be Merit Shop. Bidden should expect to be working on sits with other contractor who may be either union or non-union. No delay, extensions, eta. wall be allowed for labor issues brought about by your Finn or other rarms at this sate. The subcontract(s) issued on this project will carry a clause ensuring your complTanae with these Merit Shop codi ntions. Do not bid this project Tr you expect the Merit Shop nature or this project will cause a problem or concern for your rrrm.• SYMBOLS DRAWNS TITLE DthDER Q DRAWRI6, ®FINIeH WOOD 6TITLE F�OR PLAN MIAFa'LeASLANh! OR,41M10: SCALE F-r�gt •LlD6HSTQE JMTZ PCAST STONE LAGrERAGYPBM STCELALU'TNM1 eawlcm REFER NCE �DRAWMNG NY'E!R 1 f,4/J D DRAWN* NUMBER BATT OR 0011 RIGID MMILATION x � Mob N&LATION IIIIIIIII111111 FIRE SAVING SHEET LOCATION --S4EET LOCATION UTILITY PLAN (SANITARY a WATER MAN) �IaE UTILITY PLAN (STORM SEWER) i>UDSi.E LOCATIONR�- - �^--. DETAIL DETAIL 2�_ r � A I 1 OHM LOCATION MAIL REFERENCE - GINd" CONSTN=ION DETAILS DETAIL REFERENCE - MULTIPLE DETECTION s- OF VIEW m NU'RDER �0R" NJ -am } �DRAIIANGi ET LOCATION A7U,-GHQT LOCATION DATIN ELEVATION /-ELEVATION IDENTIFICATION TOP A T PANEL ELEVATION d"O IDENTIFICATION GRID IDENTIFICATION _ _ NORTH ARROW MATERIAL INDICATIONS i, In- FILA'.' GroNEAsLATE ®FINIeH WOOD LOOSE RLL MIAFa'LeASLANh! ® WOOD 1 F-r�gt •LlD6HSTQE JMTZ PCAST STONE LAGrERAGYPBM STCELALU'TNM1 ®WOOD 2 PLYWOOD ER ACE !•1 j'I /CONCIMTE' MASONRY WIT }-AaerONE BATT OR 0011 RIGID MMILATION x � Mob N&LATION IIIIIIIII111111 FIRE SAVING wow ® PRAWNS � BL OCKINd PROJECT LOCATION MAP r f' mniR�ha, •< , . 3g • ._ _-_. .�. -, , 8tY[°�r8�i:t1{-�'YC.YT' l_l. n PQM •��'a z � 4 - .}�d��'Ygl,�b �.. f KiePw,gh J 111 otoFerAepaw+t,b+ azoaereM.�ee> 91 PROJECT" INFORMA110IN _ DRAWING INDEX JEFF'S DREAM, LLC PA. BOX 121 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 PHONE: 163-295-2WO •nrwtrs� sheer.. 2DbLRm elatli loaYL;11aNS5T13 (7� E7,•1e16 z1x.RKRmsaelL lRdRo,aaNUJta t>mI era -1818 MEYER-ROHL.IN, INC. ENGINEERS - LAND SURVEYORS flit 2K &a*Aawe Ph {71 sir-iNI Poe (DHF) 661-9191 DXAXt AIN• AtRIo:R( ISSPAFnINNOVATIVE STRUCTURAL � YNSSI SOLUTIONS, P.A. 5279 Kylsr Ave. NE AlbertAls, MN 55301 Phone: 763-425-9960 Fal: 763-425-9958 ***Jsseng.com R.S. ENGINEERING, INC. 1498 BAVARIAN SNORES DRIVE CHASK,A, MN 55315 PHONE: S52 -443-2S40 WILLIAMS ENGINEERING, LTD 25" COUNTY ROAD B ROSEVILLE, MN 55113 PHONE: 651-631-3121 BARBARA MILLER MARKETING SERVICES 6925 WEST 82ND STREET 5LOOi'1MGTON, MN 55438 PHONE: 952-825-8214 coven &MET *La OOT TU TITLE SHEET CIVIL LEVEL ONE FLOOR PLAN CU SITE PLANKERrM1CATE OF SURVEY CU 6RADII'M ORAWAW, a EROSION CONTROL PLAN CU UTILITY PLAN (SANITARY a WATER MAN) CIA UTILITY PLAN (STORM SEWER) I TETMODH SUMMARY AU AIRCNITECTI RAL SITE FLAN AU ARCHITICTUIRAL LANDSCAPE PLAN AW LEVEL ONE FLOOR PLAN Ata ROOF PIAN A23 Asa ENLARGED FLOOR PLANS AND SECTIONS WCTERIM ELEVATIONS, AQ BUILDING SHCTIOFM A42 WALL SECTIONS A43 WALL SECTIONS AAA WALL SECTION) ASJ CONSTN=ION DETAILS ASJ GCHHDRJLEE A62 AU SCHEOLLES INTERIOR DETAILS AND ELEVATIONS Al2 INTERIOR DETAILS AND ELEVATIONS AkU FLOOR FINISH PLAN ASi LEVEL ONE WB'LECTED CMILIMM PLAN so GENERAL STRUCTURAL NOTES W FOU NDATIGN PLAN SWJ ROA' FRAMING PLAN Sit,) SECTIONS a DETAILS S!2 slcTIDNG a DETAILS MECHANICAL M HVAC FLOOR FLAN M MAraING FLOOR PLAN 1-2 PLUMBING DETAILS ELF_GTRICM. EI ELECTRICAL LIGHTING LAYO(T 02 lLOCTRICAL POKER LAYOUT ES ELECTRICAL RISER DIAGRAM a FEEDER SCHIWLE E4 MOCTIOCAL 804M RLE ED ELECTRICAL SITE FLAW n trarby alar tlr4 q.• parr. °Pmd by y d Fns r..sMm•and tI— early. ■ F., .ne mc:.• . err F••r6sM Md.6eoe tMr the YK• d 7flr rylr d M:mrrolr. Stn• 06FNIrrr►. 4rri Ttaj. Na: 22W4 Dake Tlr dmnruir y tId'ui ddrrra 4 D—d.". % Ire. OM Mrd Rwtw�i,N mNWtrn dmticn F4rdsi Ir' w MlRla Fwon"I era/• NM drda— a p,alra,te.a. ' O ALL FUC44M Rr3LRVm i D 30 60 90 &%4RRC SCALE W FEET o DENOTES IRON MONUMENT SET • DENOTES IRON MOML400 FOUND L07 1, on= 1. OTTER CREEK CROSSING. WRGN1 COUNTY. MINNESOTA. �mq and Wgmoed WPWVPhy, UMth . and fr t . eon be fou+�d on ShMb CZ. C3. 3 C4. --t=d Iondscap/W can W found on Shat Cb. –9ugdinq dtmr/donr can b found On ShNb A2.1–A2.3. fYGW B7UWWO S SUP*WX ] MWQSED WAVr DUM enwta— WMME PRaPOlSW WIT DUTY MnAW oM SLrrx" "m cavcaw mm PRt1VM QIKM SUMAOE' °❑ PROPOSED Loff POLE ) hsrday m's'N dnt un peepr.d N ma or udm mf dura unM an -A Lv W n d ixwythio l d L�oanad xid 9.r di. W. d nh. 5b" d I mm.t.. pabe.t�Fa1Mn - Lta.m. No. 7466 Uat �IIfYCjI Tlr fc,v� NNo.m ♦ Dararm."t. Ine. Mea) W omta. pw4A W—byN W - dum.tnn.esr.d er d N Neo d.b*" aM• - 6.--* a delr.Ntrmdthr Aoa Wha .i"rYon -*..4h—rtW p.or n.+mm o..rat d Nea. r - rM"bW. O ALL RIGHl9 FZ5MtVCD X �o5 O r W o� w� or�W_07 0&0&m 06 -u -M - 0614.OB 06-]B•07 o q OWI d o o to ® wrn � � a i i D 30 60 90 &%4RRC SCALE W FEET o DENOTES IRON MONUMENT SET • DENOTES IRON MOML400 FOUND L07 1, on= 1. OTTER CREEK CROSSING. WRGN1 COUNTY. MINNESOTA. �mq and Wgmoed WPWVPhy, UMth . and fr t . eon be fou+�d on ShMb CZ. C3. 3 C4. --t=d Iondscap/W can W found on Shat Cb. –9ugdinq dtmr/donr can b found On ShNb A2.1–A2.3. fYGW B7UWWO S SUP*WX ] MWQSED WAVr DUM enwta— WMME PRaPOlSW WIT DUTY MnAW oM SLrrx" "m cavcaw mm PRt1VM QIKM SUMAOE' °❑ PROPOSED Loff POLE ) hsrday m's'N dnt un peepr.d N ma or udm mf dura unM an -A Lv W n d ixwythio l d L�oanad xid 9.r di. W. d nh. 5b" d I mm.t.. pabe.t�Fa1Mn - Lta.m. No. 7466 Uat �IIfYCjI Tlr fc,v� NNo.m ♦ Dararm."t. Ine. Mea) W omta. pw4A W—byN W - dum.tnn.esr.d er d N Neo d.b*" aM• - 6.--* a delr.Ntrmdthr Aoa Wha .i"rYon -*..4h—rtW p.or n.+mm o..rat d Nea. r - rM"bW. O ALL RIGHl9 FZ5MtVCD X �o5 O r W o� w� or�W_07 0&0&m 06 -u -M - 0614.OB 06-]B•07 o q OWI d o o to ® wrn � � a screw cwaTw)cnoN NcTM 17 mNIRu.TURSIwLHIS. VmmrmtDrAT0sIND e7rvwraR�oRV-TJ%GGun",+AMT05 FROM "c 11115.txnRrosrARrorx7esaww�s. meartwcTaRSIwL IMWRDWTELY N011l'fmrRWec)mu mtor AAA' DECPCANODS 2) eaNDewTORyINLean'Aer,wmaesrARONeCAW FOR UnUTYlnurloN45+-0DD20Rl,WG-151-IIGGwttnWutiLrNMTOC VATKM. M NLCCNWnrrIONSNAuCOWORmTOMNNEWTADWARTIAMITOrTRAR9rmATIDN sTANDAxoSmaHUTaBraccanTu7cear. 41 CON7RAGIORSWLLAMLYrMNOOeTNITNCGMM*TOMWATr.KrffMrmRcORi77NONONACTrJWrFDMmM 095MAPODUDDN ODRR0.NGCiLY PgORIO Aenvvey. 5) CDNIRALTOR 5tWLWMRYMTN NL NraM AND LOCALWATC115M R87NNL1ADDD. 6) GRADING WORK AND 0OHSTW)gON)91pM &ALL NDr TUWA55 ON AWACRNT TIFNAR FROPf MM. T,,, RActDRaNA1L Be ROPOIBIDICTO ANY CLAK45 R[SULTING FROM SUCH ACTIONS. 71 IF AUK CLEARING, DRUBBING, Tx TRASH RSAOVALBNECC59ART'FOR CON51MJCMNOrTt�FRODCr IrMtKLBeINCDONTALTOrnCONNTRA[Td0AAIOUWNT. LL JI 050 R DEED ImAD+ALorrun.STUMPS.P=Nr,VEIBrATaN.cixvaaMANDA.MISCI DMMFOUND WITHINTMIFFOICTeolru�.TMOWuclacsrwLeelmeaaBlazralorr SOC.v9 ND0B7rO5ALOf ALL MATMIAL rat LOCA. DrATL AND 1131BtAL RIIyAR60rTD. _ 5HOWi CNTdTdf MAN5. DO NOT USe RCaII8/ OR5AV, AOf.Rl5JmA'r A2PHIALTIC PAVOAeNC C RU"H" 0 AD] C011LPCfC. SCRAP 9MNGl8• LDpmIB "ACAT SD COrITR/V:1OR 51AML L FURNISH ALL RMA ID MATmNS. 91 CY Rp101CmrLSUL RIGHT -0r -WAY. RQIAANY CONLRIflCURB MMM GM BftAVXXS rAVCMCNr. 510DNALA, ORVO:CUTNE CCVCR DIVA= B(m 0015 WCr"ALT1 ' Rt51OR OAIAAGl9 .= Wm190Wn1IN m n euc RNXTf-0M1WA'Y. m WORK AREA 51IOWII B COLRALANO MAY rRmro IK AOJU5TC0IN m eBO. IQ A115TRCEI'ROMMTON5HNLBe CDMFLERDrMCfLY5TA4WPM& I I) BTRAICdfT LIMSAWOrr BESTING W-MTNOUS OR CONMM SURFALIND AT m rOmNelnROr rAVMONT 'IWKAImAS. USC 5Av9 i17AirRowDe WARRromIWOC TACKANP MATCH ALL cowmr m To omtNG 5ITUMNIOU0 FAvaAo/r. IAIDHWORK WDFMOMCCONLRACTOK SHALLPeDORAN ALL rARBN�aBLOrG1ATION5 TO MILT ALL AITIICA= LAWS, ORDNM= AND 05M NW0R5TATE 5AMN GWDGNC5, rAaTrMORKDON7RAeroRBReroNveleTDRALL tDW.5aLCORJ=nONAND7wunINGPADr-ARATIONTo5U5sRA= MCH"'EwecaNrRAe7oR5rMUaeResrDlaLeLELaLAu FOUNDAl70N UR7IVATIDN ANO BILRF0.L Clllm WCIMULL SAND C,,,,DN, VAPOR BAR RM OWN 5A D CWHOM. DIADR DIRT MAY mullwORK CONTRACTORNLN SHSTALL BLACK DIKT AT LrAST C DITP W ALL FLAFTFN6 ARri17., CrIAR0 LL'MN'S, DTONC AND STICKS. GRADED AND MWf FOR PLANTING. al! TARN FROM ORGANIC ON 5m SaAR9. IF AVALAME rA1anWORKCONLnACTDKSHALLFwORAm pBCOMICNDATIORM Orm5MTr TRCP=FORALL EARn,"L MATM#0IMFMM To THE BITE Srw1 MWWTH BOL MUKEM ArrR�ALAF��,NL��rT,I��NDNODNTAMWA,m. _ mRmwaDcorvAcnoNorNLrAvrrAaTGRAaNc�rouN�iiAT�iDNwALw�.rRL�Sruu�nA«cmmINSTMN�n1MG' �T��NmI �nl�°,�°°DLAnDRw�ioRr�i coMrAeTeoro IDDTLorsTANONDrwerOKDBanT'. roRrieLLzornu.rORevna•z.eDOS.nrrneORArsw cnNrRADIO'L5HNL5LrrLYrnanLeRWTrHooeamllID SrDT'T. Al1D ALL COMI'ALT10N TDl9. ccNSiR cnON TOUMANCIMFOK GLRIHITORK 51LA11d<ILDORWNNA.110Or AFOOT. iNTUAINOIA PAVING PURNNL. BT 5H AND IIBTNLTUMNIXAF'AVNGAS CN1EDrCKMT"" 1Ai5. mum RCCm"MDATION50rm?JAND,IC,V.Rwsui RORro HNCGRNNNGOFm SIiEPAVWG SAMtX7NIRACIOIR SPNLINSPBCTmF'R1YeRTY AND AACRrYIHATTHe DIAGRADC BVARWN PLEA OR~ IAIOOFAfl70r.T. WnN OMTMACiORAND NOT F'to= UNTIL AOCI7r E MATenALRBATTvrroSaLmArACaNADMDISIua rTrRxmNDmaeARENOrrRaorr.rwwNcwNlRAc/oR OORI�:TMNCASURO HAVE JIM TARBL -A5UM OF A -ATM RDUM OR AS ADDITIONALLY rAVWCCpNTRKTTTRSHALLROLLrnrARDNGInrSUBGRAOErROR>MN��RaO°riLAdnsK75t►in �NeRADWITH �eDLEW TMMARrwsroADeUReraSmveDRAweeOPAL r wsO+� ro AenLvem Rm1 Imo 5 FSCRANx onA rc. FAV Ne CONTRACTOR LOT WIT"OUf MAT DPOM 500M MCTC. OFKIOKTO arSINGBOLCaLNK' MIAMCK. IND S rACm RC.WAA BOrr. U]OBE WMG 1 vm HrAW RUBBet'MCD FULLY IDAOD7TAIDOA NCE Ww.MTCKXWm TM B(nMB1T CDAT�i )CCNrORM TO MNDOI' ,2Jb71D 6IlUYNOIB WWc(X%1RDC+ MNDOT 25S I, IY1'E 41 A UQIr DUIYMVING T(7A565. 1-I?DASECa1R9C. i-I?WrNRCOUK'><- nrwvrDl/IY rAVING'vxva65.rBAx ca)Ime. N-I?wrAIR COURDE rARRINNG NDf 5TRR11NG w7+rRe WTIH BULE nBgwnrte HANNf7KAF MAIWNIfd. roW�"TRAr FIN. ;Y HNARODNG5NLDBDDCWMASTML*ftM�� w�AA�NmLr rwMDAM4ZOR%WABNG. MC, BuRe Gmm - NOPNS I, ACOre Or THE 5WP`F,Wl=w Do=OrALL IAP6TON R[rOR15. PLAN AICORTICO AND ORRRh7SDOAlID DDa1N1OLLS. MUST BE RETANIED AT IW PROJECT 5111! AT ALL TNIO DURING GOR9ne1C 1ON, 2. rn CONTRACTOR MU5T vmr rY AN GN07m cONTROLmrw50RWT7DSHALL B[ DIPMmfXADIEAND 6 NLm IN m ANTUC.AQTDN Or e0D5bN PR!veNT1oN MD DFOIMINT CONTROL a=MANAGDAINT PRALTI(2S. s, rn CRODIO N CONTROL WI � � � "2CRTO RE AND G O°Y°L'¢�7 T mow am 5wrrr. AND m INDrAUATmrL.1N5P7sIroN. ND MNNrBLN+ce orRZ V= l MVDRIDN 04ZK N rKCV AftQ f!hG Y2, pCC3M **JM COWL INITH CONTINUOUS `O5`TW 4 s"�iaewm+zDDurrALrsrOrA��wAaMOMwATM ATM arrsuvyESLOrM OR OWDSM 5015 T NDrMA,,,T�LF mMOUM_11CM TO S�AIMASYPA fXXW, AromrauOAFNGTAnE a SEER AND iWN! FTywLS' 5LQ15 T;C ►UUN.NIAR TRIC AN ARM STL rMM S.I 7 DAYS CAN RdNN OPEN WHeN fRa 10,1 TO S,1 14 DAYS TM ARrA B NOT AGENCY FNrTmTr" Iml 21 DAY5 DBNGWOwm. 5. mNORAMLWE=PtfiMETBR Or 70.1rORARROIRiYETMWNdr DRNNAGE TxrCLCS YALLBe DTAtUm7 WHIN ZOD R. FROM mPRaPTwYeorx. opt PaNTar oBOlAR6l'. STA31LIATION SMALL Be caArLERTr wrtrlN u r+aae a mlNrmcTTON. c RMouTLrmM15TBETOADmWTrHTOAPDRAR:yOR rnMweNreao6vDB57rATRnTWmNNunoueorcoWNBEnoNroAx7RrAriwATOI SwwAr TCONTROL rRALn , 7. RODIcertRANr�LOBLD51wLeEDArwmroMINI m=Vm-TRACUNG015MIMI rFROM mcoNsrwaDN5rMSTReasw�lNGswuaeTAmmmRDac OTIRANLCmIT9 ARC NOT ADEaIAR ro rrXVtWT 50DW M FROM WNG TRV= ONTO m ant= B, SmANHR CDINRDL rWnCLS SHALL SL9TADUSIMD ON ALL DOI N GRADIENT rBIMGIOB JIM= ANY OF GRADIENT LAND DBnIIm W, ACTRAM bMN. S. TMWORAm om 5rumtcs WITH MAK 5C R ABMT CONTKM1 AND WILL NOT BC FLA= IN 570M WATDL WNVMAWO ORWW= WAn57, 10. ALL STORM DRIAW IN= NO L W PRO = ey APPRIPM-11115 MAW cO eHRUCIRON UNTIL AL5OURM ntH FaFDT-OWIURaN" TO TIC KET HAve BM 5TA1NUnD.A _RM. IF IS 1 1. I ARE 10 � B Mo rLNNG OTUR!RUNOFTM S Rr Or D" SOL 0DRA ORMORE ON LOC DOL B 1DIINNING1WOPA TO A CJM`JNT L" LOCA JIIM TOTOApDrA B•5weA W OA IL NPLD WATER "'n"B,D510N N SM AND AMM CONTROLDBLUBNOUG, L2. SITMNCr.mNSTwaMNaRwLCE•ANgae°DlrRsurr"°LEP°Bwr�LE�SONO�T"oT'F"mDHw.eelNsrNIEDr7BaFLromSTART orANY ORAONLGORU+D IS. TOPSOIL 570=115 WILL W SIaID ON 5rm AND AvAaAMC P00.m HOIAtLIRIOOt TPNroRJKsrA)dU2ATION DILANL OPE F9TABUDHm 1K DrID AND NLILH. AND BFLl9IOI) CONTROL BIANKCr As sr=ra) W m MN 911B.T.1 rmae TD H mMVRAI Drm NAFCI, rCmAn �A,BrSVM MCA%N raw S1IBLMTTAL 14. m DLxwM SHALL INSTALL A CONDTTDIGRON Mff%V xS AND A= NAR r""A""R M05M CONTRDL aN ALL DOWNGRA"Wr 51L)R0 MOM TO LAW =TuRews ACTT TTY AS I DC ATe0 ON PLAINS. U WATIDDD AND IMM PKNWNG,. 15. ORWATCRING OIL DA'AN DRA2NNG ALTMnL9 OPNRBD ORSMM W NDd WAT WALL 51 DBC 111 TO A TL'MrONA1K OR F'eNMANNENT DmI.IORTAION TLA51N Olt nvrnE5 5 ALL TATE AAIR[N,)EA)BlA ppNpIlO1B.ONC5IDN IN RILOVMOAC}IVtlNG500.0N rADOWIdOrE ==7.AMYBF.7BY WEMNW.THT)NG OR DAM DRNNIC ALTVN®STALL NOT POLLUTION rMNONIDNI MAN IMUNT Mr aNARC51. I s. 5WD WA5M aR1LC11D SCDNMrWT, AWIWT AND coNculE MILLINGS. nwnrw DrDRB, rAPec nwsnc. FAIRE. CONSTRUCTION AND DraNOINTTON DmRA AND NDmexwAsio Dt1N1 BE OLx'Oem ar MOAN"" APD MAT CON'" WITH 1,VfA OBr03/'L Ref7APSC RT5 I7. NATARDC1I15 MAITRULLSi a4 G/SaINC, PNMT AND ANY tU17ARDOLA 51ABTANm 9HAL Be r'RDPERLY STORM. WQUaNG 9BCON ICONTAWMMT, TO PRl'VBRTSF'TLLD• I,wrAK5 � omen GLEE AArA . RPJTRICTm Art�9 ro StORAce AN=MWBT x rwArcO ro 1 -L W %DAU5M, STOMdZAD DnrmN Or t A7ARoo A WADI M1AT x w DD►uR AA a ROTI ..., RTEXIATI(M. 10. enBONL W76NNG OFTn)=AND OTMBR LON9TTUILTONN yrLIC1C9 N®9 TOa DMR®ro A tTB4Nm AREA OF m SM RIANOR N6776 To B[ CONTAINED AND MN\STC aSfOS® Or rR mmy. "5"C"m AND MAIN INANE,, IB. RBPCCTOFA DIfALL Br CONOUCTL9 ON.,l'VERY w m DAYS DURING AeCI1V[TDNDTLBIOTIONL AND INMIN 21f1W0 ArrTRA RAR4NL EVE11 GImAT[R TtWI JF INLYI IN?A HOUIB. 20. INSFIXT,0N5 AND MIVMDU KZ RT'LOK05 SHALL ISE WARN® ON DI'm VA FI m Swrrr. 21. AILNrnTRATLONAWAS5 ALx7 T?Cn) 9ro DK =-T,-mwn.T�TI�aNNw neBRrAaINamIW71TRAroNARv NDTLxSEAaxDN¢ FRUTCCTm FROM mMrACTDN 011e ro eaerRucT1ON AND MNNFNANc>! WILL TAKE TLACF 22. A7 =04A RUNLOr'r f7 a INS ORrKNrRTO RMUMING mTIB1CTOR WHIOIdeRCOMB7 FIMT- K45 OM 5 GROUND CONDITIONS. ItlPIT:TONm 29. NL 51r ro a M Ar x RaNRm. RenAe®. OR 5UPPLOAU D VMCM m T BcoME noNrt� OVAL aem SeD MnNT RrACT+o l6 aPm nBTxtr or m PBNce Mae R�Aro Musr Be MADe WTrLIN 24 HDI1R5Or D15cOVBB. OR A5 SOON AS FOO CONmTRUCf1ONAl1DM'U ACtaO• ?A IMVIIRAJW AMONG AID WAX MEAT p[COMPILfm Wrt19N MWRS rDISCGle6'. b500N A5/J rriDmGOf== INS MUST ec RLTAWm 25. lOCNL DIAmALD WTK) N Y4 L 5C DBCOV M CVM a or OFF -5M 5CRMSIT TRIMMNG ONTO PAVED 9lRrPA®• TRACTReT LEGEND NOTE SHOWN SHALL BE ro , ,"ORDER TO f ! DBrAIN INiOPER STIP vaLl81E BALANCE IF SUFFK2ENT SITE ' (PROPOSED) (E)(ISTING) IAATIJIAL IB NOT AMALAs<E 011E TO ",= VOLUME BAIMICE, WADES S" CONTOUR PPOPO6BT LOT UWALL LL BE SLOPED FROM �LOBXi t !�• - ro PROPERTY UNE THE PROAM CATCH DASIN (PROP) '--"k C7.- 5TO10A SEWER (CO ' ARa*TECT SHALL BE WOWED OF ' ANY 9EW REMOVALS OR STORM MAWTOLL' Rr m _ _ ,D__ _.._ __... INDB(CONTOUR ►FO�Tb PRTR ro NADA �8. .1 STORM CLUNOUT MmDrl mi-mma UTE CONTOUR r� ` t ! • A DRAINAGE AM WMtOr) X BD 51.8 SPOT M"ATON MM O SPERM Alw+loLE (O9 r / Dc - BACK OF CURB CH (BO DDG -GROUND GEV. 1'09 -PACE Or 5M MYAUC SLT FENCE (TYr: \ ✓ ' rG - GROUND ELEVATION f BIT-Bt1UMNOLL9 !y F01 f t FOB` GOND - mNr.T:Ere fi OSION -/BL /(INE•) - SORE AND f d Comet WON I• CON -BTT (100x CRUSHED CONCREO 0 30 60 90 GIJ PAMC Sr4LE NIM FEET l F31D90N \BLANKET c�a }\ FREEWAY FENCE (E1() 1 k ' rp LE gam$ �rltEcn VC /1Gag � .i0 CiGa 0 r 1 it p CLEAR a GMS TREES As NEEDED FOR GRADING ANDf / PRDpQSFD BUILDING ILm)rY ONSTALLATgN 1 ` F.F.E.m91 3.2 r` r r ! 1 f r. '•z•;:;; t i ALL COG AND j I x EM CURBING BUILDING SURROUNDING WALL 13E TpPEUT "'� _- �' � � �✓"` p� � �'.�,, - psi 8612 CLEAR t GRUB TREES AS . NEEDED FOR GRADING AND f f) UTILITY WWGLLLTION i \ J _ rRClTbCnON Im Lam. �,• CLEAR t GRUB TTEES AS \,•,.,� \'^ � "CLEAR FDR GRAOONC AND ~'��'` •�., +" f '"'�,'�y' `\ �'w F �'�' � � UIYJIY YLSTALLATION I 8612 CONCRETE CURS 4 GUTTER SIDEWALK CURBING DETAIL, CONCRETE PAVING SECTION 4' THICK RENPOR= 5EE PLAN FOR DIMEN510N5 TO BACK Or C UV CONC. 5IDEWALK-5EE FCB ® PACE Or A 171 1�- 510MAL1C I. %- TIP our CURS QG W.W.P. I, -a SLOPE 9/1' PER FOOT 1"�'><( } r NT5 REMIT ^ t I _+ G, C40MFACM FILL 13112. '::..: :'"•. , Ij .!i ' GRAN. PAVING AS 0=95 DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE III, X -GUTTER, •' NOTE: ALL CPG AND - 512 5rre RAN FOR .�-�• TAPERS) BITLAANOU5 9ECITON NFAMNG COMPoSmON I 5. IT HEAVY DULY PAVEMENT SECTION. LIGHT DULY PAVEMENT SECTION I ur BITUF_lx WEAR COURSE I l/2' BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE / T BITUMINOUS BASE CDURSE ._Tf ,., ... �11/2'000 INOUS .../..; 6'C1A955 ../ 7e CLA555 AIRROVED APPROVED 5UDGRADE NOTE, BITUMINOUS SECTION WITHIN CRY, ` LEGEND NOTE SHOWN SHALL BE ro , ,"ORDER TO f ! DBrAIN INiOPER STIP vaLl81E BALANCE IF SUFFK2ENT SITE ' (PROPOSED) (E)(ISTING) IAATIJIAL IB NOT AMALAs<E 011E TO ",= VOLUME BAIMICE, WADES S" CONTOUR PPOPO6BT LOT UWALL LL BE SLOPED FROM �LOBXi t !�• - ro PROPERTY UNE THE PROAM CATCH DASIN (PROP) '--"k C7.- 5TO10A SEWER (CO ' ARa*TECT SHALL BE WOWED OF ' ANY 9EW REMOVALS OR STORM MAWTOLL' Rr m _ _ ,D__ _.._ __... INDB(CONTOUR ►FO�Tb PRTR ro NADA �8. .1 STORM CLUNOUT MmDrl mi-mma UTE CONTOUR r� ` t ! • A DRAINAGE AM WMtOr) X BD 51.8 SPOT M"ATON MM O SPERM Alw+loLE (O9 r / Dc - BACK OF CURB CH (BO DDG -GROUND GEV. 1'09 -PACE Or 5M MYAUC SLT FENCE (TYr: \ ✓ ' rG - GROUND ELEVATION f BIT-Bt1UMNOLL9 !y F01 f t FOB` GOND - mNr.T:Ere fi OSION -/BL /(INE•) - SORE AND f d Comet WON I• CON -BTT (100x CRUSHED CONCREO 0 30 60 90 GIJ PAMC Sr4LE NIM FEET l F31D90N \BLANKET c�a }\ FREEWAY FENCE (E1() 1 k ' rp LE gam$ �rltEcn VC /1Gag � .i0 CiGa 0 r 1 it p CLEAR a GMS TREES As NEEDED FOR GRADING ANDf / PRDpQSFD BUILDING ILm)rY ONSTALLATgN 1 ` F.F.E.m91 3.2 r` r r ! 1 f r. '•z•;:;; t i ALL COG AND j I x EM CURBING BUILDING SURROUNDING WALL 13E TpPEUT "'� _- �' � � �✓"` p� � �'.�,, - psi 8612 CLEAR t GRUB TREES AS . NEEDED FOR GRADING AND f f) UTILITY WWGLLLTION i \ J _ rRClTbCnON Im Lam. �,• CLEAR t GRUB TTEES AS \,•,.,� \'^ � "CLEAR FDR GRAOONC AND ~'��'` •�., +" f '"'�,'�y' `\ �'w F �'�' � � UIYJIY YLSTALLATION I 8612 CURB + • FACE Or GUTTER r EWAN54ON XXNT GUTTER exrrNDrD E)fPAN510N � CONCRETE PAVING SECTION JOIN19 LOT WI.4xWl.4 W.W.P. I. %- TIP our CURS t1� � ^' 5ELmr GRANULAR 1"�'><( � rz Neer .. - F7aDTW:Tial AM-ROM5UBGRAM . a-� HIGH TO MATCH TRENT Or LOW TO MATCH MDW UNE Or BITUMNOUS MAT (A9 PER C1UKD + GUTTER GRAOC CURB 4 GUTTER GRADE STREET 5ECr70N) ENTRANCE MOTH \ 5-v i. /y 14 DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE III, X -GUTTER, xM�pi�p. TRAhaTION CURD VARIC545M PLAN TAPERS) BITLAANOU5 9ECITON TAr6Rm BITUMINOU5 A(YROVED BG 16 (CHN5PA f 5ECITON 91.115GRADE ROAD) TO 8612 ' 7.5' CONCRETE Ga mm Nam,- DRIVEWAY NO 1. RMNrORCE VAUEY GUTTER MID TRIANGULAR 8612 CURB + • FACE Or GUTTER r EWAN54ON XXNT GUTTER exrrNDrD E)fPAN510N � 1. � JOIN19 ) 5' RADII% TTYP) BG 16 CURB ♦ (A GULTrx f? , a ( • : j . .- 5 4 I. %- TIP our CURS t1� COARSE PALE Of GUT IRJ DOENDEDLPROVIDE CONTRACTION •1011419 "SPACING a a 5ECITON A -A rAABwc � HIGH TO MATCH TRENT Or LOW TO MATCH MDW UNE Or BITUMNOUS MAT (A9 PER C1UKD + GUTTER GRAOC CURB 4 GUTTER GRADE STREET 5ECr70N) ENTRANCE MOTH WATT 5-v i. /y 14 A 0 0� �rROfCCriON OT'r) AIR 3. TAPERS) BITLAANOU5 9ECITON TAr6Rm BITUMINOU5 A(YROVED 5ECITON 91.115GRADE 7.5' CONCRETE Ga mm Nam,- DRIVEWAY NO 1. RMNrORCE VAUEY GUTTER MID TRIANGULAR - 4' C A55 5 BASE _ 6' % C /G WELDED "RE M[BH 5ECrION5 WITH GAG'#G WELDED VERU ME511. 2. CONTRACTION JPNM 5HA4I?f_ IA'Rf )N EN '.f Bop at ua/ BC 1290 /c N1F4 A 0249 6 RAMP BITUL6NOU3 IIP ro hEET 70P OF CURB Wnr6IN r1APmLCAP TAM ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE DETAIL (L TUARNID US B�JR BMW 1111111,0111 AOJACEXr STANDARD STN1S• PLATO NO. 5015 RAMP CONCRETE WAUC UP WITH BLruL s0A TD MEET TDP OF CRR r FE NCE HARD SURFACE PUBLIC ROAD / J II) 8612 CAG } �^ `�\ RE(iUIRED W MIN ) I ¢ - COARSE AGGREGATE SIDENALK 'PER OETALL( (TV) rAABwc � .� ENTRANCE MOTH WATT .� A5 REQUIRED A 0 0� �rROfCCriON OT'r) AIR N%, SWT �:.�Q►�gpli �T • 01113- 1 4 ti g f RNMY SILT swam ENTRANCE F04 FENCE (27i x-SLOPE)(FYP) r lT 8612 _. CkG t OUTLOT A 1 r" t oun.or G rcaiam�aF.L"�ori • " I` ER0510N CONTROL BLANKET DETAIL. ANCHOR SLOT ALTERNATIVE NOTE: ANCHOR. OVrF6W \ 5TAnf A5 IM MANUFACTURE 51FECIFICATiON5 3' LEVO. DAN,) 4' OVERLAP rOD UNDER G' I' 5FAQNG ON 5TAPLC t� y hT / ✓ "' C tC" CONTROL MOTE'S, ONfRANCPNS) 9W1LL Ll= PRIOR TO ANY rA THWOML THDE eWrKANC15 SHALL be IMIHrAINCD UNTIL FEV1 GRADING ' O GONY'IEIE. S®NG �TUFRBED AREAS SHAM. BE g@DEO W ATI MEOURE NIRABEK 506 PER MW�}WW776 OVF SHALL BE PLACED ON ALL MOM S, I OR GREATOL LS' CONCRETE STOOP. (CRETE 9DEroWJt (SEE DUAL FOR SECTION REOUWERTEMW). E; SEE STRUCTURAL ALLN OMER CONCRETE SECTIO ENT REOCIREMENTS. CRETE PARING - 6' DEPTH U W/"' W1,4xW1.4 WWF ON 6' SELECT DIVAN AM BASE FOUNDATION (SEE DETAIL) Z >E �i lit I hm.I p merr the th. JAM apDc�r+HBn. or roro,t WRB r WIN by Dd a UndR my A..a eureFvaoR .d Fhd I m 4 Auly lrene.d Pror.Il,orl: EnBRArer under the )RRA f ON, Stk d A4RAm.t.. Oda fVl447 No. 6210 Tk. a-." ■ rp Nm^ DMA,Y! r Da I.P .d, Mro. TRIER xnd iAu..Nel .bended Tor uR. y NBD r.yAny dale-. ar _ dsbn*,A- bMon d Nns domR,.nb a e4x.eh. mn�d lemn..0.4 r„Q . w ao,.e.s d NmD, . . ALLR7GHT5 RiE5CRVED x EY y�L' o oa°a Q � 4c E)6snw )mrrMDus SLO*?WE Q iPROPOSED WAW DULY emALNNIOUS 9, ACE PROPOSED UafF DLIII' W N INDUS SURACE MNN P100P0.4.D L1aNCJE7E SUYFAC£- �>' PROPOSED GOVEL SIWACEERDSM - �' 11 9AMfET EROSION CONTROL SILT -FENCE 51.T PENCE NOTE: RECOMMEND® 1. 51LT PENCE 5HAU. BE IRSTAL, D DUVRE - OORA STRENGTH FILTER 5TORAGE HT' ANY EXCAVATING. FABRIC NEEDED WITHOUT DING HT. 2. INSPECT AND REPAIR PENCE AFTER EACH WAMAIW SUIFFORT STORM ENT AND REMOVE 5EDIMONT VL/ WHEN NECE55AKY. pnv 5TM OR WOOD P05THQM S. REMOVED SEDIMENT SHALL BE 06-08-08 105.07-M - FI 2 C DEP05Tfm TO AN AREA THAT WILL NOT 06-0646 06-11-07 CONTRIBUTE 5tnMENr OTr-5" AND CAN P"'1 06.14.68 06.18-07 10 FT MAX SPACING WITH GRAVEL BE PMRMAN6NTLY 5TA5ILIZCD. WIRE SUPPORT PENCE 6 FT MAX SPACING WITHOUT ALTERNATE DETAIL 4. SILT FEN= SHALL Be PLACED ON 5LOPE MARE 5UPPORT PONCE TRENCH WTRI GRAVM_ CONTOURS TO MNCIMIZE PONDING _ 25x2' WbOD F05T 1j Q 8 OVERLAP CAX T LE STEN. T STUDDED POST 4' MM. LENGTH AT FABRIC E AND PA9TEN T -"5' MIN. LENGTH ATB �-4' MIN.MAX. ENGTHSPACIA �S e AT r INTERVALS -; MAX. SPACING MARE ME5H l--GOOTOCITLE FABRIC REINFORCEMENT l f �GEarncttLE rABwc rA=C ANCHORAGE DIRCt.THON or - FABRIC ANCHORAGE DIRECTION OrTRE NC.H BACKML WITH FF RUNOFF FLOW TRENCH BACKFILL WITH RUNORDW J]TAWED NATURAL SOIL TAMPED NATURAL 501L a OCTOID 1NItc 1 MIN rn r� Q W a � � � ��•--sC' MIN. - god 51LT FENCE - HEAVY DULY 51LT FENCE - PREA95EMHU D ® UI r1 U FON T . y Gia" i UCT PED. RAMPS O D•!� CROSSM F CB INLET ¢ - PROTECTION! ! RAMP am7MrNous UP TO MEET TDP OF CURB WTTHHN AND .� AIDE iDICAP �ER eMA04 BAIL DDIIIN COOTER) A0.NCENT STANDARD t� y hT / ✓ "' C tC" CONTROL MOTE'S, ONfRANCPNS) 9W1LL Ll= PRIOR TO ANY rA THWOML THDE eWrKANC15 SHALL be IMIHrAINCD UNTIL FEV1 GRADING ' O GONY'IEIE. S®NG �TUFRBED AREAS SHAM. BE g@DEO W ATI MEOURE NIRABEK 506 PER MW�}WW776 OVF SHALL BE PLACED ON ALL MOM S, I OR GREATOL LS' CONCRETE STOOP. (CRETE 9DEroWJt (SEE DUAL FOR SECTION REOUWERTEMW). E; SEE STRUCTURAL ALLN OMER CONCRETE SECTIO ENT REOCIREMENTS. CRETE PARING - 6' DEPTH U W/"' W1,4xW1.4 WWF ON 6' SELECT DIVAN AM BASE FOUNDATION (SEE DETAIL) Z >E �i lit I hm.I p merr the th. JAM apDc�r+HBn. or roro,t WRB r WIN by Dd a UndR my A..a eureFvaoR .d Fhd I m 4 Auly lrene.d Pror.Il,orl: EnBRArer under the )RRA f ON, Stk d A4RAm.t.. Oda fVl447 No. 6210 Tk. a-." ■ rp Nm^ DMA,Y! r Da I.P .d, Mro. TRIER xnd iAu..Nel .bended Tor uR. y NBD r.yAny dale-. ar _ dsbn*,A- bMon d Nns domR,.nb a e4x.eh. mn�d lemn..0.4 r„Q . w ao,.e.s d NmD, . . ALLR7GHT5 RiE5CRVED x EY y�L' o oa°a Q � 4c E)6snw )mrrMDus SLO*?WE Q iPROPOSED WAW DULY emALNNIOUS 9, ACE PROPOSED UafF DLIII' W N INDUS SURACE MNN P100P0.4.D L1aNCJE7E SUYFAC£- �>' PROPOSED GOVEL SIWACEERDSM - �' 11 9AMfET EROSION CONTROL SILT -FENCE 51.T PENCE NOTE: RECOMMEND® 1. 51LT PENCE 5HAU. BE IRSTAL, D DUVRE - OORA STRENGTH FILTER 5TORAGE HT' ANY EXCAVATING. FABRIC NEEDED WITHOUT DING HT. 2. INSPECT AND REPAIR PENCE AFTER EACH WAMAIW SUIFFORT STORM ENT AND REMOVE 5EDIMONT VL/ WHEN NECE55AKY. pnv 5TM OR WOOD P05THQM S. REMOVED SEDIMENT SHALL BE 06-08-08 105.07-M - FI 2 C DEP05Tfm TO AN AREA THAT WILL NOT 06-0646 06-11-07 CONTRIBUTE 5tnMENr OTr-5" AND CAN P"'1 06.14.68 06.18-07 10 FT MAX SPACING WITH GRAVEL BE PMRMAN6NTLY 5TA5ILIZCD. WIRE SUPPORT PENCE 6 FT MAX SPACING WITHOUT ALTERNATE DETAIL 4. SILT FEN= SHALL Be PLACED ON 5LOPE MARE 5UPPORT PONCE TRENCH WTRI GRAVM_ CONTOURS TO MNCIMIZE PONDING _ 25x2' WbOD F05T 1j Q 8 OVERLAP CAX T LE STEN. T STUDDED POST 4' MM. LENGTH AT FABRIC E AND PA9TEN T -"5' MIN. LENGTH ATB �-4' MIN.MAX. ENGTHSPACIA �S e AT r INTERVALS -; MAX. SPACING MARE ME5H l--GOOTOCITLE FABRIC REINFORCEMENT l f �GEarncttLE rABwc rA=C ANCHORAGE DIRCt.THON or - FABRIC ANCHORAGE DIRECTION OrTRE NC.H BACKML WITH FF RUNOFF FLOW TRENCH BACKFILL WITH RUNORDW J]TAWED NATURAL SOIL TAMPED NATURAL 501L a OCTOID 1NItc 1 MIN rn r� Q W a � � � ��•--sC' MIN. - god 51LT FENCE - HEAVY DULY 51LT FENCE - PREA95EMHU D ® UI r1 U FON T . y Gia" i GaIERAL ✓ otommacm. ON lRJTFS, MGRMPAGIf(le5 AT A SUTT]CMT NUAWEROP LOCATIaNs iN O�"'�. RTO !�L� THAT I. PORIOIt TO VEDFYTTL pp9Tf10N5 OP �T'9 ANDS THAT' GURANQ 15 AVNLACILL NO wNnJCf Wrrn The Hrnr05m WORJc COVDt9. AND SIMILAR SIMILAR TO 2. ADJUST ALL CURB 3TOP5, VALVE BOWS. MAINTENANCE H= CASTINGS.. CATCH 5ASHN CABTiNG5, T3eAIJ0Ur MNL5hED GRAD[-ECTION. COMMENCE PIPE LAYING AT M laW®T 1'ONLT IN T1([ e.INSTALL ALL PIP[ WITH M A9T1A Ip@Ti1flUtT10N NUNLBCR9 ON THE LID WW TH[ 1'IP[ POINTMG INGRADC.'TING NK FRIX05[D SEYM.R UNG u=r rift WITH TN[ 8011 EID OR R[C2TRr1 IN THE TROPDBCD UNE AND GRADE EB'Y1IRE AN FUSING PIP[. UNCOVER THE mnNG rite IN Orom TO NLOW ANYAD.L.6TMR(19 HPE WIm The CIN ENMM Et9 A550VIAlION Or 4.GON9TRUCT BAN(TARY 9[WER'A=::,='=' 9eVRRlfilllTlP,f IN ACCORDANCE MMNC50TA 9TANDARO 9PECInCA2600.2E. I I . AND 2621 DATED 1999.ORTHIE U7L'0ST RM9ED mIT10N• WATER DISTRIBUTION 5Y5TCA. YATM MINr(r9OTA RUU5. PART 4715.1710, 1. 5rrARATION 0r WAIIR ND 5T-WBU, CON91RLCr 5[WER AND "TER 9ERVICL9IN ALCORDANQ SUtWAKI 2, FRLJV117e A MINIMUM S�ARATION OP 18 INCME9 AT All WATER WATERr or THE LI AND O The UNE CRp651N09. VERITY EJEVATION Or PROrO5CD 2. WATERMNN DOTH: MAINTAIN D P[ET Or COV[R RThN9'MLL'R1[ WARR 191CS AST GRlJ11ER ND�R(9IN ORDER TO CLEAR 5TORM 5LN2R9. JVwI ..AL.Is.AH� BE 00. UNCI AT ALL UTILITY CROSSINGS. ...�y., rmm, OR aRRR UTILrnCJ A5 M=WRD. INCLUDE 00870 TO IDI2R WATER UNCI IN TH4 GIF 9. D191NFfiLTiONs D491NPLGT NL WODONUOU5 FEED MRETED WATERMAII� IN ACCORDANCE WITH AWWA STANDARD 0651. RThCOOMDA OR VAT" WNN[5OTA THE. CHLORINE. R[ QUAL AT The ENO U5[D. D191NrCCf USNG WAiTRTHAT CONTAINS AT lLl9T 50 PPM OP AVNUDU CHLORIN[ M RULI9. PARE 4715.2250. RETAIN M TRLATLD WATEt R( T I NCL 0 MGtT MN 9UR[D AT Nf ITTHE MN 2MEASUREMENT Or .OR U51NG OP 7tr[ 24 MOL1R Pti9tlODTIOt(�R�UI�AR�Nf� KAL9 5tW1.8E IN A WIC STANDARD M[f110O5. TTI[ p1LORIN[ CONC[NIRA APPRAPRIATE Qy17RM[ TEST KITS. ION Or THL CRY PUBLIC WORK% 4.TE57ING: PRG9BURL TE57 AND PCLrORM BAGfI'RIOtDI''CN'TEST'S ON NL WATER UNC9 UNDGRTHE WTTi[ NC TO I OS4a(P+ (I W -P-0 p�191aeNT. NOT1ryTIL CrIYAT IPA9T 24 WOWONG HOURS PRIOR TD ANYTESTING PR68URI5INA GAUGE FRL%IME LM[ASUI�D AT THE PC71Nf a LDN/CBT ELEVATION) CY MPAr19 Of A R1ArY CONNr1.TtD TO THC HTo PE MAINTAIN TAIN The REQUIRED TORY MANNER DROP Or �f Pa'i M"imlpDry�ptTT THt MAIN PRS9URE TSTNG. TTC TCfT 9[LTION Of VMA[ L9ALC>SfABIE WI7N PRL9DURE OR LL45. 5. Lae C A55 52 DUCTILE IRON PIPE P) WIM '�'N 15 FOR ALL DIF WATIIrMNN. (DI G. U5E ONLY 5TAINLC55 5TM BOL.T5 AND NUTS ON ALL WATER'" F`rnNGD. VALVP3. AND IttDRANTS. Or 22-1/2 DFGRE[5 OR GRFARR ALL VALVES. STUDS, E0eN91ON5. T®. CRO55M, PLUT7J. ALL HYDRANT VKV NNT�S1(� (SM D 7. USE MEQIANICK JOINT R!`9'ITW NT DEVIL® FOR JOINT RE5TRNNT ON ALL WATEMNN DeMDS HAVING A VM`ICAL OR WR=KrAL DEFLECT ACGORDNRE WITH CTIY RLOHNRE.CIViD• IJBC'BER1ta 1 100 MCGAIUGP MAMIPAONRED 8Y ®AA 6+DN IrIG, eAgT1ND. (DUAL. tN9TAUID Ri I'L'GOLR�Na W((H MAN11rAGT11REC9p,�/pAT10N5 FOR RESTRNKT ON DUCTYE IRON HPL RG91UM SLATED iRpl'y 9Etlt9 2500 DUCTILE IRON R61lEVT WmGE GAT[ VALVE. AST AAD OR B.AT NL VALV[ IDC.ATIONS WHICH RGOUIRL4 A 12' OR SMALLER VALVE INSTALL GAT[ VK TO GD60-C WmH ND. ARDV D EQUAL GATE G MPOR MAWALENT. (CRS) 7WL USE AMEUCArI HOW r0Y5tm C,RADL DROP t'JOV[RS ON VALVE DLV2'S 5nAU.CC ROUND VALVES 9NALL OONrtMM TD AW WA L.509. NCiTALL WT IRON VKVC DLL® GOlLOIDA 9KMT. pR[CKYVAIENT. VALV[ BOIS9 ^,.H'I/V.L HAVE AT lEA9T C l7r ADJLriTMENT ABIJVE AND � COVBLS WITH DIIaD® AID BrAR THC WORD PATE! CAST ON THE TOP. U9e TYLEt 6860-G 9. FIRE HfiDRANT5 5HNA.BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RECIUIRtAAE:T9 4"h 1 OO fST Or SANITARY 9t1VHt9 ORSIORM 9lMRii9.D WEN HALING 5AWTARY SEWOrS OR STORM 5GWM• DO NOT LOCATE MMRANr9TER TAW f5 _ 911NrAQ. Ri1G TIL: 111'DRAKr DRAIN FIRE K(DKWM IN LOCATIONS WERETHE q'r TING G NEW FIJMPING Al'fIX use. THE GROUND PIOUS AND t Urr THE tT}ORA'ATTS 5AN(TAKY SEWER (A"6'IAMEf[R OR LE99. USE 50UD-CORE. ASTM D30S4 PSM (PO(•Y "m CHUJRIOPJ (PVQ nr[ FOR =*-- PVO `.aNNTARY 9[WERS D INQ1C5 I. Fir[+ USE SDUD-CORG SgLDULE 40, RIDE (rVQ FLA 71C MM rOK DESIGNATED TVG SAN S ASTM D2GG5 rOL)MNYL CHLORIDE IJ5[ TO 15 INQHr 5 IN DIAME161- Jol POR N15ANDAW 5[VVLR M m VtNTCEMENTJOINT5 N ryC MUST INClLDE Use Or A TRIMER WHIGN W 50LVENT LEMCI(T JgNEB L9 AUDVALD TOR DURDING BLRVIGED, WITH MINNr50TA RRL9. rAKT 4715.0810.5UHN'Altf 2. PIR yATT190.V[Nf Or COMTR/BTING COUJRTo THE riM ANO ITMGITT IN AL.COIRDAWT CEMENT JOINI9 5MAl1BE JOINED WITH PVL CEMW CD ORAAING 10 ABTM D25G4. INSTALL rVC RPE ON A t'JWMAR BED YV WDM A57M 02921. IN ACCORDANCE WT" A JAf5 PART 4715.1 OIO. THE DI5TANCE ON ALL SANTURY 9[W[R9[RV15OrEETrORnPE54-INOIANDANDOVBRIN515. CLrANOUT-95W18L OFTHE 2, OU15� INSTALL IN HORIZONTAL ON AND SOUD LID (NT'17RNH R -1914-A OR AFPRDVED FAIINJ aVCitNl LIT A5TM M2ZDHTKey5MV1WL� AG(C MDOD(mme sAAx NOALNN.S¢e A9TH! nPEs TMCY 5150/:. QrANOM. _ _ _47 9.1E5TTNG: PR1�5URE TEST N.L SANITARY 5EW'rR UNl5 IN I UNE HAS, BEEN IMAM DTA RUL. L PART BEEN IN 020. TET ALL SGWHt UN® FOR DCM=DN 57�TME 7L9�1' rNl3. MMQ NK•C1'1ARY AIRS AND RbTLgr� IN HALE FOR AT IPA4( 90 D11Y5. ND flPE SHALL EOC.QD A D 4. UNLm5 OrHCRWISr INDICATED. USE KONrOK=- PR[CAST. DO ,-,O, '. CONrORAMNG TO ASTM C47SL�E CONN6CMONS FOR ALL x5UrruroWEmPRE �UI�joilim P MNMO=5ECTION55MNLHAVE IiA515. SANITARY 51Y2R MAMHOILJ SLNL BHIALL NOT Be LE55 THAN 48 R*WC9. IAT[RAL. UNCJ 15 INCHES IN DIAMETER OR L55. UNl1n(n 29. THE RbiO[ BARREL OIAACi'ER CONPttI[D. RllBBER'a.IDN6 GASKETS IN ACCORDAKa �N. ON All5AIIITARY SEWER MN#KXM' 5. �� SMANAH LL UNDW C ' R.1 r4a SOWER' IABEL-DErBE1WNG. SCUD. lM D UD. OR ArPROVm BEAR hyr) ANT WITH VALVE IN5TAUATION, LEGEND GROUNDLYC P09f BJgCATORVNVC GROOVE V4TNA 1NINV rnaxAMNotR rpmw' WAT0005 rACM nts I MORANT rB1DW aur a oRocKTAG To BE NOTAU D ON FUMFM CONK. SrQR[tr APER BACR.rL1BCAKCr r nAWZ fl49BNG OR !UNITE wRB aRG ma uNe . ABOVE PIN&WFN65Mm I I VALVMrp"= A3 arwrim GWNC WATAMNN TI•T�+ EXI5TING) ( I I z W 2 UYBC Or POLY (4 RY (PROPOSED) MW CI YD orGRAVM V F 1J4'xPII.VALY[BOIH ADAr1OR WDM r1[01STIVE CCATNG A9 I O Md.NUG1� MAIIUrAL1I1i®QYADKIORINC• OR APPROVW COUTAL . Lar LINE SAAYTARY 5EACK(PRM MWALUG }RCCA7T am;I E DIDOR (2 a2' BLM![D GAS OBIYIMG 9URMLA �gTCptICLCfEBAY AB,nzmm(187, in 47 WORM 9DNER(PROPI I. SNIRNK SENMMQ _I-- WATERAWN QROFI _- 5TORM Brwm(w 0 5NRTARY1rUtY(Olt(PROPI 1-- WAT[RAWN(511 0 STORM MANHOLE (PROP) SANRAW MANH OU! 0 0 CATCH DASM (PRM CATCH DAMN l80 ® GATE VALVE (PRar') <PkROP% HYDRAV:T (CA CIYANOUT N WE VALVE (50 ® ® THBHONE R1 m E0f.TR1C ME= UNOEHGI000ND Gm SIGN j GaIERAL ✓ otommacm. ON lRJTFS, MGRMPAGIf(le5 AT A SUTT]CMT NUAWEROP LOCATIaNs iN O�"'�. RTO !�L� THAT I. PORIOIt TO VEDFYTTL pp9Tf10N5 OP �T'9 ANDS THAT' GURANQ 15 AVNLACILL NO wNnJCf Wrrn The Hrnr05m WORJc COVDt9. AND SIMILAR SIMILAR TO 2. ADJUST ALL CURB 3TOP5, VALVE BOWS. MAINTENANCE H= CASTINGS.. CATCH 5ASHN CABTiNG5, T3eAIJ0Ur MNL5hED GRAD[-ECTION. COMMENCE PIPE LAYING AT M laW®T 1'ONLT IN T1([ e.INSTALL ALL PIP[ WITH M A9T1A Ip@Ti1flUtT10N NUNLBCR9 ON THE LID WW TH[ 1'IP[ POINTMG INGRADC.'TING NK FRIX05[D SEYM.R UNG u=r rift WITH TN[ 8011 EID OR R[C2TRr1 IN THE TROPDBCD UNE AND GRADE EB'Y1IRE AN FUSING PIP[. UNCOVER THE mnNG rite IN Orom TO NLOW ANYAD.L.6TMR(19 HPE WIm The CIN ENMM Et9 A550VIAlION Or 4.GON9TRUCT BAN(TARY 9[WER'A=::,='=' 9eVRRlfilllTlP,f IN ACCORDANCE MMNC50TA 9TANDARO 9PECInCA2600.2E. I I . AND 2621 DATED 1999.ORTHIE U7L'0ST RM9ED mIT10N• WATER DISTRIBUTION 5Y5TCA. YATM MINr(r9OTA RUU5. PART 4715.1710, 1. 5rrARATION 0r WAIIR ND 5T-WBU, CON91RLCr 5[WER AND "TER 9ERVICL9IN ALCORDANQ SUtWAKI 2, FRLJV117e A MINIMUM S�ARATION OP 18 INCME9 AT All WATER WATERr or THE LI AND O The UNE CRp651N09. VERITY EJEVATION Or PROrO5CD 2. WATERMNN DOTH: MAINTAIN D P[ET Or COV[R RThN9'MLL'R1[ WARR 191CS AST GRlJ11ER ND�R(9IN ORDER TO CLEAR 5TORM 5LN2R9. JVwI ..AL.Is.AH� BE 00. UNCI AT ALL UTILITY CROSSINGS. ...�y., rmm, OR aRRR UTILrnCJ A5 M=WRD. INCLUDE 00870 TO IDI2R WATER UNCI IN TH4 GIF 9. D191NFfiLTiONs D491NPLGT NL WODONUOU5 FEED MRETED WATERMAII� IN ACCORDANCE WITH AWWA STANDARD 0651. RThCOOMDA OR VAT" WNN[5OTA THE. CHLORINE. R[ QUAL AT The ENO U5[D. D191NrCCf USNG WAiTRTHAT CONTAINS AT lLl9T 50 PPM OP AVNUDU CHLORIN[ M RULI9. PARE 4715.2250. RETAIN M TRLATLD WATEt R( T I NCL 0 MGtT MN 9UR[D AT Nf ITTHE MN 2MEASUREMENT Or .OR U51NG OP 7tr[ 24 MOL1R Pti9tlODTIOt(�R�UI�AR�Nf� KAL9 5tW1.8E IN A WIC STANDARD M[f110O5. TTI[ p1LORIN[ CONC[NIRA APPRAPRIATE Qy17RM[ TEST KITS. ION Or THL CRY PUBLIC WORK% 4.TE57ING: PRG9BURL TE57 AND PCLrORM BAGfI'RIOtDI''CN'TEST'S ON NL WATER UNC9 UNDGRTHE WTTi[ NC TO I OS4a(P+ (I W -P-0 p�191aeNT. NOT1ryTIL CrIYAT IPA9T 24 WOWONG HOURS PRIOR TD ANYTESTING PR68URI5INA GAUGE FRL%IME LM[ASUI�D AT THE PC71Nf a LDN/CBT ELEVATION) CY MPAr19 Of A R1ArY CONNr1.TtD TO THC HTo PE MAINTAIN TAIN The REQUIRED TORY MANNER DROP Or �f Pa'i M"imlpDry�ptTT THt MAIN PRS9URE TSTNG. TTC TCfT 9[LTION Of VMA[ L9ALC>SfABIE WI7N PRL9DURE OR LL45. 5. Lae C A55 52 DUCTILE IRON PIPE P) WIM '�'N 15 FOR ALL DIF WATIIrMNN. (DI G. U5E ONLY 5TAINLC55 5TM BOL.T5 AND NUTS ON ALL WATER'" F`rnNGD. VALVP3. AND IttDRANTS. Or 22-1/2 DFGRE[5 OR GRFARR ALL VALVES. STUDS, E0eN91ON5. T®. CRO55M, PLUT7J. ALL HYDRANT VKV NNT�S1(� (SM D 7. USE MEQIANICK JOINT R!`9'ITW NT DEVIL® FOR JOINT RE5TRNNT ON ALL WATEMNN DeMDS HAVING A VM`ICAL OR WR=KrAL DEFLECT ACGORDNRE WITH CTIY RLOHNRE.CIViD• IJBC'BER1ta 1 100 MCGAIUGP MAMIPAONRED 8Y ®AA 6+DN IrIG, eAgT1ND. (DUAL. tN9TAUID Ri I'L'GOLR�Na W((H MAN11rAGT11REC9p,�/pAT10N5 FOR RESTRNKT ON DUCTYE IRON HPL RG91UM SLATED iRpl'y 9Etlt9 2500 DUCTILE IRON R61lEVT WmGE GAT[ VALVE. AST AAD OR B.AT NL VALV[ IDC.ATIONS WHICH RGOUIRL4 A 12' OR SMALLER VALVE INSTALL GAT[ VK TO GD60-C WmH ND. ARDV D EQUAL GATE G MPOR MAWALENT. (CRS) 7WL USE AMEUCArI HOW r0Y5tm C,RADL DROP t'JOV[RS ON VALVE DLV2'S 5nAU.CC ROUND VALVES 9NALL OONrtMM TD AW WA L.509. NCiTALL WT IRON VKVC DLL® GOlLOIDA 9KMT. pR[CKYVAIENT. VALV[ BOIS9 ^,.H'I/V.L HAVE AT lEA9T C l7r ADJLriTMENT ABIJVE AND � COVBLS WITH DIIaD® AID BrAR THC WORD PATE! CAST ON THE TOP. U9e TYLEt 6860-G 9. FIRE HfiDRANT5 5HNA.BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RECIUIRtAAE:T9 4"h 1 OO fST Or SANITARY 9t1VHt9 ORSIORM 9lMRii9.D WEN HALING 5AWTARY SEWOrS OR STORM 5GWM• DO NOT LOCATE MMRANr9TER TAW f5 _ 911NrAQ. Ri1G TIL: 111'DRAKr DRAIN FIRE K(DKWM IN LOCATIONS WERETHE q'r TING G NEW FIJMPING Al'fIX use. THE GROUND PIOUS AND t Urr THE tT}ORA'ATTS 5AN(TAKY SEWER (A"6'IAMEf[R OR LE99. USE 50UD-CORE. ASTM D30S4 PSM (PO(•Y "m CHUJRIOPJ (PVQ nr[ FOR =*-- PVO `.aNNTARY 9[WERS D INQ1C5 I. Fir[+ USE SDUD-CORG SgLDULE 40, RIDE (rVQ FLA 71C MM rOK DESIGNATED TVG SAN S ASTM D2GG5 rOL)MNYL CHLORIDE IJ5[ TO 15 INQHr 5 IN DIAME161- Jol POR N15ANDAW 5[VVLR M m VtNTCEMENTJOINT5 N ryC MUST INClLDE Use Or A TRIMER WHIGN W 50LVENT LEMCI(T JgNEB L9 AUDVALD TOR DURDING BLRVIGED, WITH MINNr50TA RRL9. rAKT 4715.0810.5UHN'Altf 2. PIR yATT190.V[Nf Or COMTR/BTING COUJRTo THE riM ANO ITMGITT IN AL.COIRDAWT CEMENT JOINI9 5MAl1BE JOINED WITH PVL CEMW CD ORAAING 10 ABTM D25G4. INSTALL rVC RPE ON A t'JWMAR BED YV WDM A57M 02921. IN ACCORDANCE WT" A JAf5 PART 4715.1 OIO. THE DI5TANCE ON ALL SANTURY 9[W[R9[RV15OrEETrORnPE54-INOIANDANDOVBRIN515. CLrANOUT-95W18L OFTHE 2, OU15� INSTALL IN HORIZONTAL ON AND SOUD LID (NT'17RNH R -1914-A OR AFPRDVED FAIINJ aVCitNl LIT A5TM M2ZDHTKey5MV1WL� AG(C MDOD(mme sAAx NOALNN.S¢e A9TH! nPEs TMCY 5150/:. QrANOM. _ _ _47 9.1E5TTNG: PR1�5URE TEST N.L SANITARY 5EW'rR UNl5 IN I UNE HAS, BEEN IMAM DTA RUL. L PART BEEN IN 020. TET ALL SGWHt UN® FOR DCM=DN 57�TME 7L9�1' rNl3. MMQ NK•C1'1ARY AIRS AND RbTLgr� IN HALE FOR AT IPA4( 90 D11Y5. ND flPE SHALL EOC.QD A D 4. UNLm5 OrHCRWISr INDICATED. USE KONrOK=- PR[CAST. DO ,-,O, '. CONrORAMNG TO ASTM C47SL�E CONN6CMONS FOR ALL x5UrruroWEmPRE �UI�joilim P MNMO=5ECTION55MNLHAVE IiA515. SANITARY 51Y2R MAMHOILJ SLNL BHIALL NOT Be LE55 THAN 48 R*WC9. IAT[RAL. UNCJ 15 INCHES IN DIAMETER OR L55. UNl1n(n 29. THE RbiO[ BARREL OIAACi'ER CONPttI[D. RllBBER'a.IDN6 GASKETS IN ACCORDAKa �N. ON All5AIIITARY SEWER MN#KXM' 5. �� SMANAH LL UNDW C ' R.1 r4a SOWER' IABEL-DErBE1WNG. SCUD. lM D UD. OR ArPROVm BEAR hyr) ANT WITH VALVE IN5TAUATION, L 1'-O ORB IN BALK Or CURB }� 11r WHORER WALK OR ' I pf(UMINOUS rATH ARE GROUNDLYC P09f BJgCATORVNVC GROOVE V4TNA 1NINV rnaxAMNotR rpmw' WAT0005 rACM nts I MORANT rB1DW aur a oRocKTAG To BE NOTAU D ON FUMFM CONK. SrQR[tr APER BACR.rL1BCAKCr r nAWZ fl49BNG OR !UNITE wRB aRG ma uNe . ABOVE PIN&WFN65Mm I I VALVMrp"= A3 arwrim GWNC WATAMNN TI•T�+ L --J I I z W 2 UYBC Or POLY (4 RY IO I vRmARm I ImLA1 MW CI YD orGRAVM V F 1J4'xPII.VALY[BOIH ADAr1OR WDM r1[01STIVE CCATNG A9 I O Md.NUG1� MAIIUrAL1I1i®QYADKIORINC• OR APPROVW COUTAL . � . MOGALIIG . GATE VALVE[ 77S MWALUG }RCCA7T am;I E DIDOR (2 a2' rW%IDC 2 ANC ODA= M WW AND GALVN1Qm ACCCSSaRIC rROM OBIYIMG 9URMLA �gTCptICLCfEBAY AB,nzmm(187, in 47 TRL7N WMlOBAA1N TO VKVG r}OVWE 2 ANC COAIID Tie ROW Nm GNVNY�'I vN.ve To HIYDRDIrANT- 0 30 B0 99 Ga4rrac SaVE IN FEET 1 oa9TING BITUMINOUS SURFACE ` 1 PROPOSED HrAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS 5URPAGY IIIc J) PRAPO5W LIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUS SURFACE r.. PROPOSED CONCRETE SURFACE PROPOSED GRAVE• SURFACE IN LINE CLEANOUT. USE 4- OK W OLSP7 fjN8HW GRAD[ PLUG AND CAP EsCUANWT C15F CLEANOUT R15M Nate, SHAHS: _wrmRGIDWBRAW CAPMINNCAT" PU1G IAr4220KVOUA. xANDMV W FVC R198t rORCOAYAIXOAI VAW6 l_4' PVC I_m mK ROOHlIIAL 4' V80YAL WYE rJQ IIB VEND 2000 r51 CONC m cwCA58AmT 12- AIL AROUND RNCW[NTAU WArM TIGHT CAB= CJfADTTm NJG �HOlY7Ot7TKWrE PVC1 '-AVG 7H Rum 5omw. raleaeAW4 VOIA",OR PVC PIPE BEDDING DETAIL + z CD�,uNDLSTURem SOIL 12 MM \ k T DIP PIPE BEDDING DETAIL, ``\ \A-1 NO coArAcrm PILL I, W 0( TMAL A9 P k Sg � 5065 \ ;Ol-UNOI7TUIMCD SOl ,� ^.t. •.- /A"li /�'''� .'+.,- k\y � OPTIY pU150C�MaTRL OIAM.ifR �Po TPC BARTLB,raRATlWT50i pROPOSED BUILDING rm-963.20 RW�P T BUILDING. INSTALL W DIP B)SID 4 BRING WATHtMA1N gTRAIGHT UP TO 1.O ABOVE P.P.L \ C SANITARY 5MtR \ 5ERVICE STUB -DITEND INTO BUBDING 3 1 IllWl 9W5LL 2 / ; I \\ I ( P05T INDICATOR VALVE 22.5'-6' ar 5mo NNO(�OTTEEE-�; MAINTAIN RK.�MINIMUM AA&J, LINA 5 1f'IWWr�111CRIN - l:LEmOUT RIM -961.30. INV. -950.68 \` EX. &' 5ANITAKY 5MVM SERVICE STUB 1 g -g rVC v \ APITROX. INV- 947.20 ®0.4496 ctiF� /6j LXISTING HYDRANT `ylby 1 TO REMNK GATE VALVE DETAIL. +UArmmwm ON COMM L.I. ADJUVA5E `� VN.K ixac 9 r16'D MM 0.O COVOt ir2• Ry1BBI9l GA5KET / 0f� ORfOBV6C RLxNIH7 BMW= TIL VGATE VA NLD GATE ALVE N7NTOR lµ'BTQ1 VN�r �rROTECTK COATING Ire CI. A9 MANUrACILLIm W. WAVL _ BN ADArraRING OR ARRDYMD MUAL WATI30"WATDMNN GATE VALVE NORs IP WR VAIVe EDLS ARL DODIOED• TIM TO yuli'ee�MRV._ :,ren nAa. ro 4Vk' P05T INDICATOR VALVE. GROUNDLYC P09f BJgCATORVNVC GROOVE V4TNA 1NINV STANOflre '---,-ADAI5TRKs RJNW IIDfE� 36' TO 4 UBE h2 JOINT TOR ALL NAM OZ JOINI5 I / ftwDI.g 8516' DP REOUC G. GATE VALVE 4 GROUND El" Dw INP EE T 000'/ SMPUNG MH- I TDM -95D.95 INV. IN -948.41 INV. OUTr947.25 WM W22.5*4y BEND ONNtaT TO tx5fiNG a' WM OL'TLOT A ' NOTE, CONTRACTOR SHALL, C DIP WMT9 r TI W4r� OLT u, I ANY. ~+'A W 1 DE max I NOTE,1, ALL _ afiR'NC[}OATGD I.Nmm�)xlNDIfATIONYKVE95N WM IIWI75dD LUKR+, IDENTIPIm u ro ITS FIrICT101'I AND WRVQTHEY 9[RV[. TH[ SEAL BHA, BE AWMMUM'NITH A MINYAUM OLCAIf.SB or one MDI. THE B/LTGRDIMD. ALL DAQGRO(IND SCM' AND U:Re119119D 5WL DC Nam lwnN N SMALL Be MOUNTED YDMM UTMm WORM ATrACLD TOA IlY THE RI98l 6Y 9TAYLffi �51FfOV WlGDIR7HER URJ5.B0VJ5. >yili r I haal+y m,t* tAL WPI PW% arecAEAHop, a r°Pat am - PrePred by m Gr Yndw Bot a.a wpaVwon and Mut I am . A alt L.&Wd rrdYe w E,y imMr tM W I d OW Site d Mewwlm, 4,y/Js r. Data y I W7 4 N.- 621 D ♦ Da A-rrra. I,_ MBO7 a,d ooryn.„mow .s_e r,s mAersrW .�antm.b+ds+trwlry lDD - peond cAy. Ary darw.re hren. d.adarAdNa.I A �er4on awar,ra wLMiR r,v w,ttsrl m,rart d NBD, r 0 ALL wRJ o ALL GHr.J Itr9[RveD MANrM 5TrI5 SHALL BE CA5T [VON aR MA MOOe1.P51-7T QPr AN NUUxRIAL WCJ Cp1YDRMNG ro ALL09HA RBGIAA71ON5 AND SPACED I W Oc xNmARD MAWICLE FRAME AND 0048 '---,-ADAI5TRKs RJNW GIUMMI6 BEIWIDI rY'E AND ENNW ' MIN W - AW( I2' 21NCa 2Y OIA s. N IXOIWNEr9PAL b UBE h2 JOINT TOR ALL NAM OZ JOINI5 I t � .• BARIMTOCONrOWIt C-475 a t` ID ASTM UT77T REVI5ION 1 A 5AMPLING MANHOLE DETAIL _ -ONMN I OIL AM DrDO1NAl ORD(1EIYMU 'CR[I51 RROVm 80UTAC xArYwm MNYIOLE PMUA[AIm GWCR GROUTING BTWBm PIPE AND MAw%NE BARR11911NL tY , N7111110N-5t9NMLIKC LD.�Tr i NL Mmm= T � AORWTING OHM INSIDE DROP WCTPON i MHN W - LW i 2• 5HNLBE9DIAY.DJ ZT OV,i 4 L aim MANHOLE 5=ON TO VC A5TM u7B� N LNRNL9Y7r1 ( -. It 4B' MA . I IM E R.2 JOINT KIR !t 51TIMI AT A l 1COC 7 i R B' } o a VARLAME x , z i Y` t\. ;� �: • CMN PREaf9f BOTTOM 5CTION ✓r - _ WRm wvm h AAT 12.00 EACH WAY NOIT9, MANI%NE BEaS SHALL Be CI7T IRON OR WA MDoarS+rr oHBY MA IN0119TRIAL R+a.1 aOwaMNNGro AuoSv. REGIAATIONS AND SrAQa I c aG @ C Dwr D awAlmyr" ze INCHO. USC OUTSIDE OROr. ®MANHOLE MANIC 4 Covet N- R.I G42 teMMM-"WARYSDVDE W(M 2 CON=ALm HCKIMM 4 A-mrWAL" Im. INN. SU1D TNIODICIS Q' W TOR 14' OTTIH. WON rNmIew 1. FORT ©FM�IFRF PQ!TI VAN 11 x , I Fr_>=KIp STANDARD 2'x3' CATCH BASIN -4' OoNcRETE DOLLAR r ''\ ,� A (PROP05ED) CLM INLET FROWE AM �BOX SANITARY SCUM (PROM pop STORM SEWER mmn p_ WATCRMAIN TROs 0 SANITARY AMNHOU: (PROP) O STORM MANHOLE SROM 0 CATCH BASIN OROn • 0 GATE VALVE (PROM CLEANOUT MKCM STANDARD 2'x3' CATCH BASIN -4' OoNcRETE DOLLAR r ''\ ,� A (M5TING) CLM INLET FROWE AM �BOX LOT LINE =!Kl' Gam- BURIED GA% p_ EANITAWSCWU Vo BC ASE IN E 5T'CRM 5CVaMMQ _.-I_I----I- WATMOAIN MQ ' 5ANRARY MANHOLE MO / C,A5KEM CONCRETE DOGHOUSE REWIRED oN OUTsloe AND robe or 5TFAJM Fm f.WIQGTION CATCH WIN (CO AND RR_ HYDRANT IPSO Q GATE VALVE MQ TELITHOW ROM o m EIECTWC mm RCr RI4 nJ UNDERGROUND GAS SIGN it CONCRETE CATCH BA51N MANHOLE AND BASE TO BE CREEL TYPE 438 OR ArwDveOBouK STANDARD 2'x3' CATCH BASIN -4' OoNcRETE DOLLAR r ''\ ,� A _ A 35 1/4 ' 43' CLM INLET FROWE AM �BOX _ ® =!Kl' L . E BC ASE IN E PLAN IN LINE CLEANOUT. U5E 4' OR 6' COP MN15MM GRADE ruse AND G4r --\ y N� gENDl1T \ a9P CLEANOUT RESER CAP SttALL 18 �- WITH THREA0C0 BRA55 CAF 5 AL LB PLUG L15P 422 OR EQUAL STANDARD. I.=Z4 6' PVC RI5Et FOR ODMMMa& VARIES l�4' PVC RI90t POR RE31D[NTUL 4' VERTICAL, WYE (PVC) 1/8 BEND 20)00 PSI CONCRETE MCASEAENr 12' ALL AROUND ONC IDENTAL) WATER TIGHT GA5KET } %OR CEMENTED PWG `PVC HORIZONTAL wm op va THRUST BLOCKING rM CLEANING EQUIPMENT STANDARD 48" CATCH 13A51N A % IU \\\ A 1 35 IH' 43' I - I PLAN I r ''\ ,� ALL SEWER W'T ON PLANS RAVE BELOW curTnt ELEVATION f 81814'THIC r LZ= OVER HPE cv oEVREssm aTo• aeLow Lx El.EVAT191 (SEE LTE.TNL 31a MANHOLE COVER ro uE 48' DIA CRETOT TL'P[ R WITH 24130 AQIIISTW6 RINGS 1 -� BC ASE IN E . I OR ODKX)% RPOLY PLA5TTC• CARR IIB( iDR C!%1NE ' I Y 24' / C,A5KEM CONCRETE DOGHOUSE REWIRED oN OUTsloe AND robe or 5TFAJM Fm f.WIQGTION - 24' a..) . AND RR_ 2' I �:�•' 3'- Ei RCr RI4 nJ 1 CONCRETE CATCH BA51N MANHOLE AND BASE TO BE CREEL TYPE 438 OR ArwDveOBouK 34• rlanEs SECTION A -A RE7t11FORCI IG TO CONSIST OF 04 EARS AT B' Oc Wm WAYS POUR A 3' TD 4' CONCRETES ACASTING PRElJLST SECTION IN LINE CLEANOUT. U5E 4' OR 6' COP MN15MM GRADE ruse AND G4r --\ y N� gENDl1T \ a9P CLEANOUT RESER CAP SttALL 18 �- WITH THREA0C0 BRA55 CAF 5 AL LB PLUG L15P 422 OR EQUAL STANDARD. I.=Z4 6' PVC RI5Et FOR ODMMMa& VARIES l�4' PVC RI90t POR RE31D[NTUL 4' VERTICAL, WYE (PVC) 1/8 BEND 20)00 PSI CONCRETE MCASEAENr 12' ALL AROUND ONC IDENTAL) WATER TIGHT GA5KET } %OR CEMENTED PWG `PVC HORIZONTAL wm op va THRUST BLOCKING rM CLEANING EQUIPMENT STANDARD 48" CATCH 13A51N A % IU \\\ A 1 35 IH' 43' I - I PLAN I r ''\ ,� CASTING TO BE 5Ef D.1 O -r CURB RNLLf rRAME AND CURB BWf STAND D cw9nNG - Ncrw Ra24r BELOW curTnt ELEVATION f 81814'THIC r LZ= OVER HPE cv ADJUSTING RINGS 4' MLN I r MN( ENCASE WITH CONCRETE MANHOLE COVER ro uE 48' DIA CRETOT TL'P[ R WITH 24130 COLAK 6' ortmms MANHOLE Si'mm 16' O.C. ALUMINUM . I OR ODKX)% RPOLY PLA5TTC• ALL JOINTS IN MH WILL HAVE RIMBEt I Y 24' / C,A5KEM CONCRETE DOGHOUSE REWIRED oN OUTsloe AND robe or 5TFAJM Fm f.WIQGTION AND RR_ a L RCr RI4 nJ 1 CONCRETE CATCH BA51N MANHOLE AND BASE TO BE CREEL TYPE 438 OR ArwDveOBouK NO(E5: roxUovo SMOOTH 1.NVNSVTo o 5EGTION 2. Rrr Cur-our9 To BE LOCATED WHERE BRED. STANDARD 5TORM SEWER MANHOLE, AD "TING RINGS 4' MIN - I r w"STANDMD rRAaAE 4 COJBt FROADWAYMWACE 5VE MrGOT STANDARD RATE 4020 rOK CDVBt RBOUIRZMENT5 ,,. ;.o; ••,':v y.L ' WNL CON5TRU&-- 9I1NL ISE CLAW r :'•j x; ;.t!;,a!•.ti" R4YAST M'C. Me f 46- MA MAY BE ASTM C 476 CONCRETE RPE. 5a "NUARD i e ] RATE 3DOO (NO TONGUE OR GROOVE AT Tor ii Zate - OR BOTTOM Or TM15 SELDON)CAff4N•RACE ® . •, CONCRETE OR MASONRY CONSTRUCTION !v y,' 4'ro 10 (BWLK OR DlOL7J Al1OWm ONLYU'APrROVED L•, B1 FUER ;:. DUMDE DDGHOu5rOWEO STRUCTLDN MrE AND OOON NECTION SiR1ICTURE oI ( I I Ulm 1 I I 6 STRUCTURE ---i a POURED CONASDR CRETE BT. PALTEMATE PRECAST CONCRETE BASE. SEE MiOOf 9TAADAW) RATE 401 1 (MACIdrY pIAMlTPRAND r RAISED AM TO M REDUIRED DIAMErM k\ OI REntTo STANDARD MANS POR HEIGHT AND DIMACf lR RECb111tm• ® MANHOLE ff E 5HW at CASE IRON OR MA MODEL M4 -R• (BY MAIND119TRIAL INC.) WIfORMNG A. SrTDALO5HAREGUTATION5 AtII7IcoD. ® MINIMUM STEEL KmrORCEAER 0 EQUIVALENT 5TEM AREA IN WIRE AIG)f• 1 MAY LY Lm GENERAL DTMEN510NS -CONCRETE ABLY vT0 BRJOC AND CONCRETE MA9DNIrJ' UNIT CON9TRUC110N Algp, EXCCPY A9 NOTED. I r MINIMUM POR PRECAST, 3 BRIC0 OR o I ISLO175,MINIMUM PORMA90NRYCON-LIC ION / © RENTauEdrNT A5 PER, SPEC SSO 1. GRADS ISO. CB -I RJM-960.21 INV. IN -957.59 INV. OUT -957.25 / CLEANOUTc'. INV -959.14 4'-8• STORM 57 STUB 0Er DETAIL) 1.0496 05wa O BUILDINGr/, RM S[WER PAST INTERIOR WNL NOTE. 5TU8 NE®1.04°1606910 INV -957.60 TO BE ROUTNTO3'INTO BUILDINGBUILDj- W;ERIOR WALT•MtE.C.21 l 5LC=MQl'ANOUT 4• CONCIRETE COLLARI DCiNyNOTE: COORDIN^��A�TR�EEy�/O(I W-7, 030 60Ayk.RIILUt `OWITI'1. GRApW SCAv IN FEET C 5TORM 5EWEL 5TUB _ `.: -_ •�s:,'*v":� '' -EXTEND V INTO 15UIMNG N..• �'7 PAST INI73OOR WALL INV -957.11 .5.. ..e,. PVC # HDPE PIPE BEDDING DETAIL - of BC � I r MIN ) 20-24° HDPE ® 2k' STORM SEWER STUB ' I 0.558 APY'RO%, INVERT -90 -GIS UNDLSTURBED '�.. (7'-24' RI.P UN yti 01.14% 5TMH 6• MIN RUM -956.75 •,9 2y�;;a INV. IN(M-949.07 �m960.93 3TINV. CUT -940.57 INV. INOCI-954.03 ♦ ` y (PROVIDE MARKER INV. INM-953.08 COMPACT® PER DEfNU INV. OUT -959.03 CAUTION. `P GRANULAR.om ,, ! / WA $T.BANN TTOP MATERIAL /> `~, �.,�•. INV. INK -951-59 UTILITY CONFLICT PROFILE. INV.INV.OUT-951INMI.54 -951.54 UTIUTYCONFLICT PROFILErIN(5HED (la5TORM SENCR48'WATERAIAIN) ^•,� GUSHED (18• CA STORM 5EW4 W WATCRMNN) GROUND -\� \}, \� �\ 4' ��._ - 1 GROUND -\ r NO'(E5: PRORO5CD w�� � 4- OM; gyp; PROP05LO AMINIMUMQPM 5TORM 55MR axI 214.5TYRor0AM MI35 MINIMUM I.5' QEAR moroA SEWEL SPACE BETWEEN PIPE BRAND MASTIC rOAM OR 5rACE BETW17 N PIPE 8112D STYROFOAM 09 ppPROV® [Y.Q1AL- BRAND PIA%TIC FOAM OR CONTRACTOR TO BEGIN USE APPROVED EQUAL Or BCND5 AT APPROPRIATE 22.5' N . CONTRACTOR TO BEGIN USE LOCATIONS AB NMED TO OM05 (MJ OP BCNOB AT APPROPRIATE 22.5' GAIN 9UPRQETT DEPTH. U LOCATIONS A5 NEEDED TO BENDS (TVP.) PROPOS® GAIN 5UM ICIENT DEM. BOTTOM WAT'CRAiWN 1 PROPOS® STORM95-953.12 6' BOTTOM Or WATE MIMN r ] `•r - 5TOKM-953.09 6' TOPOr } Top VARI= W/M-951.62 I r VAWG9 TOP 12, 1 ~� Top Or 1.09 MEGA -WG MEGA -WG 20, 1 (MJ (IIT.) 20 P- I r HDPE 08.0% r45ULATC CRO55ING _,", . C5 -G O(TTI-OT A RIM -958.79 INV. OUT -953.% • `q•I}y ouTLOT G .. J 9DQC T 5TMDFOAM HI.35 B PLASTIC FOAM OR Al EQUAL o49a a+� TOP CATCH BASIN 5CHEDULF. CB- I , 48' MWCA5T. NEENAH R-3246 CASTING CB -2, 48' PRECAST, NEENAH R-3246 CASTING 5TMH-3, 48' MECA5T. NEENAH R-1642 CASTING CTS -4, 48' PRECAST. NEW R324G CASTING C6-5. 48' PRECAST. NEENAH R-3246 CASTING CEI -6. 2'x3' PRE.C.AST. NEENAH R-3246 CASTING C5-7. 48' PRECAST. NEENAH R-3246 CASTING 5TMH-8' PRECAST. NEENAH R.I 642 GASTING / f CB -2 RIM -959.74 INV. IN -956.44 INV. OIJT-956: 6 INSULATION DETAIL. r ''\ ,� STORM DRAM CROSSING Y 81814'THIC r LZ= OVER HPE cv 44' �yy If t herobNo N ire eradraton, ax report port ww - d"A' IPme ora msTHP and the I auy Lsaeed Profeeecr.l n4mm under the Iroe of the _ 5taa d Mnamota. P, D,a W I dw/Rqa' No. 6218 Th. dom-t. by IYann bAd " ! Oaoabrm.t• Lm. mm) --a = �y�W aaaAdeeA+d airrreon rp.wM Tone y Ne r of _ paw. o.d.dowe or d.I.buhon d tt- doaarnart or - nbnrrm -4. Ilan. rw..t ra,en.rtLen or...t of NSD.. _ O ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - 5WH-5 RIM -960.45 '-INV. IN (N)-955.96 INV. IN OM -956.24 �1 INV. OUT -955.91 Sao V4 c I� 4 ao 0 RIM -958. J O Lci "-INV. IN -954.4- 49 INV. OUT -953.99 W so 105-07-m De.OEI-o6M-T-L- O&ia.w 1M -1-1-070&18-m v STRUCTURE MARKER 51GN, 0 F" C� �`Izt�z 0 rl K V z M F�1 H P4 0.063' THI KAWMINUM 9R;f1. BllJat lPfiHtS ON WHITE HIGH INRN m REPLECmRm - BAGKGROLNND. a-rw G. G, Low, POST. MINIMUM 1.2 LS.Tf. � ' a w L ' G. , PANTED GREEN. ' TOP OF BLOCK 1' -4 - ABOVE GRADE 15 VERT ° EACH COINER — - BOND BEAM W/ 7 5 / f1l /"�r ift TOP OF FOOTMG ELEVATION a 6'-0" BELOW GRADE 14'-0" X 5'-6" X 11" FOOTING W/ 6 S LOW DIRECTION end 14 5 LONG DIRECTION 6" CONCRETE BLOCK WALL W/ I S .74. OG. VERTICAL B" FULLY GROUTED CONCRETE BLOCK PEIR OMONUMENT SIGN FOOTING 4 FOUNDATION 3 N.T9. 3" • POWDER Rt0'-4• COATED PIPE r_T — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 'l r s I: TDP VIEW 6• I' -h• — 3• • POWDER COATED PIPE �` �� 4• L STEM v 3 I � a I II I II SIDE VIEW 40MONUMENTSIGN PLAN 4 ELEVATIONS 114. DIA STEEL PIPE / GUARD POST FILL W/ _ C04C 4 PAINT �t 9 1 SLOPE TOP OF CDW— I" I AWAT FROM POST '^ ALUM PANEL 516N BOARD W/ TKsHT SEAM 0 I I I y ANGLE 9TL I COI"IPOSItE ALLM END PANELS 9/ -• � I i it _ 9• I I F'REFIN. METAL CAP .n•� I I I �- ROCKFA.CE CMU -,1 1 1 I I 1 I �� I I I ISEE 3/ALI FOR FRONT '\— STRL,O01CTURA�DE -------------- L_ 1 — — VIEW 1 1 — — — — — — — — — — - — L — 3 I � a I II I II SIDE VIEW 40MONUMENTSIGN PLAN 4 ELEVATIONS 114. DIA STEEL PIPE / GUARD POST FILL W/ _ C04C 4 PAINT �t 9 1 SLOPE TOP OF CDW— I" I AWAT FROM POST '^ GRADE OR DRIVE I I ' I I I SURFACE I I y ANGLE 9TL I FRAME. WELD TO F STL. PIPE (GATE T i I!I" EJ. MAT'L CONC. SLAB I I IB" DIA CONCRETE BASE /FOOTING I I I DETAIL CBOLLARD 3/4" HDPE LUMBER FENCE I I ' I I I I I y ANGLE 9TL I FRAME. WELD TO F STL. PIPE (GATE / t0 MATCH) 4. 0 STL. PIPE SET IN CONG. FTG. 5'-0" Or- CMAX MAX I � _ 1 I I \FENCE DETAIL OARCHITECTURAL 51TE PLAN I" . 30'-0• L SEE CIVIL DRAWINGS FOR PAVEMENT, UTILITIES, 4 ° HORIZ. CONTROL. A I nereNy cuaH we an plan, pred W a.e ar onee• ny d.«e eVpuve�m xw duc I am, dM' rqn a A��c �nm cne laws of tNe drtc d M•+newta. Sgnature: s.epna r. e.ek Reg. No.: 22664 Date: T dminert e by Nebon 0• 4 Dcvcbp . Inc. INOW and ,aMrrts M�ri�d +rd mr�M1dcMul mbmuEa�.te•d°d la• ue by NCO paawd oMy. 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AM WL " 11 �61 Tt NV A, 4 p,: Council Agenda: 1/28/08 10. Consideration of establishing a second precinct for the 2008 general election. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In a previous memo to the Council, election officials pointed out some concerns about the upcoming 2008 elections. The City's current polling place, the MCC gymnasium has worked well for elections that generate lower voter turnout. When there is a higher voter turnout, such as the presidential elections, the facility is cramped and the voting process is hampered. The following statistics show the growth in the City's registered voters. YEAR REGISTERED VOTERS 2000 3792 2002 4288 2004 1 4892 2006 5651 2007 5830 BALLOTS VOTED 3374 3561 5261 4023 1409 NEW REGISTRATIONS 1066 898 1774 887 114 Various options were presented for the Council to consider which include: 1) Continue to use the present single precinct with the polling place at the MCC gymnasium. Advantages: a) Site is established and known by the voting public; b) Only one site to equip and staff. Disadvantages: a) Crowded conditions because of multiple uses of the building; b) Parking; c) Only one handicapped accessible entrance which is not immediately adjacent to voting area. 2) Maintain one precinct but the change the polling place to a larger facility that could handle a growing number of voters. Advantages: a) Only one site to equip and staff, b) Only one ballot needs to be prepared. Otherwise each precinct has their own ballot; c) Easier for voters since there is only place they have to go. Disadvantages: a) Finding a building large enough and with sufficient parking to serve the polling place function for a number of years. 3) Establish a second precinct; thus splitting the number of voters between two locations. Advantages: a) Trying to find a facility that can handle 3,000 voters might be easier than finding one for 6,000 voters; b) Handling less people at one site should mean there would be less congestion at the polling place and less time waiting in line for the voters. Disadvantages: a) Two sites to set up, equip, staff and take down; b) Each precinct would have a separate ballot and separate voting equipment which could impact the City's ballot cost and programming costs; c) Finding a second polling place that meet handicapped accessibility requirements, has sufficient parking and is large enough to handle a growing voter base. Council Agenda: 1/28/08 The recommendation of the election officials is to establish a second precinct although a preliminary review of sites for a second polling place has raised some issues. Initially the first thought was to locate the second polling place in one of the school facilities. Eastview Elementary School and the arena area of the Middle School were two suggested sites. Although no discussions have taken place with school officials, school staff has indicated that Eastview Elementary is used for pre-school and special education students and there is the possibility that the school could be reopened a few years down the road. The arena area of the middle school is the area the school district holds their elections. In the 2007 referendum approximately 3000 voters were processed through this area. Some of the city election judges who also served as judges for the school district commented about the crowded voting area. If the City could utilize this site, the question would be for how long? The City is already near the 6,000 mark for registered voters. With the length of time it takes to go through the process of establishing a precinct, the need for an intensive inventory of available sites and time to negotiate the use of these facilities, we are concerned whether there is adequate time to accomplish all of this before June 1St. With that in mind an interim proposal is being submitted for Council consideration. Under this interim proposal: 1) The 2008 elections would be held at the MCC gymnasium; 2) Funds budgeted for the 2008 election for costs related to a second precinct would be utilized for additional voting booths and other equipment needs; 3) A committee of staff and/or Council will be established to identify a second polling place, negotiate the use of the facilities for the long term and do further study of precincts and precinct boundaries prior to the next election (2010). In order to prepare for the 2008 elections, staff is asking the Council to make a determination on which option to utilize for the upcoming election. A.1 Budget Impact: $22,700 has been budgeted in 2008 to cover election costs. This includes $6,500 for an additional ballot marking machine if a second precinct is established. A.2 Staff Workload: Any of the options provided will generate a certain amount of work for the election judges as far as conducting the election. There will be additional work load if a second precinct is established in that it requires a posting notice of precinct change, submission of corrected boundary maps to the Secretary of State and County Auditor, investigating and selecting a second polling place and negotiating use the facility. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS.- The CTIONS: The Council may opt to continue with the Monticello Community Center as the sole polling place for the City. If this option is selected, staff would like to use funds in the 2008 budget to acquire additional voting booths and election equipment. 2. The Council may direct staff to maintain one voting precinct but change the polling place location to a site that can handle the flow of voters, meet handicapped accessibility requirements and provide adequate parking. 3. The Council may approve the establishment of a second precinct. Council Agenda: 1/28/08 4. The Council may select the interim proposal which would call for the 2008 election to be held at the same polling place, the MCC gymnasium; with the use of budgeted funds to be used for voting booths and other necessary election supplies and to establish a committee of staff and/or Council to work on the steps necessary to establish a second precinct prior to the next election (2010) including inventorying possible polling sites, negotiating for the long term use of a facility and defining precinct boundaries C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The growth in the number of registered voters has made it difficult to conduct election activities in just one polling location. Although the election officials and staff recommend the establishment of a second precinct, they are cognizant of the fact that identifying suitable sites for long term use, negotiating the use of the facility and defining precinct boundaries may be difficult to accomplish by the June 1St deadline. It is better to do a thorough and well thought out planning effort for the second precinct even if it means it will not occur until the 2010 election rather than rush to meet the deadline for the 2008 elections and end up with something that may not serve the City well in the long run. For these reasons it is recommended that the Council approve the interim proposal as outlined in Alternative Action #4. D. SUPPORTING DATA.- January ATA: January 9, 2008 Memo MEMO TO: Mayor, Council And City Administrator FROM; Dawn Grossinger and Richard Quick, Election Officials DATE: January 9, 2008 RE: Establishment of election precinct. At the 2007 budget meeting the Council was informed that funds had been budgeted under elections to cover the cost of additional equipment and other expenses relating to the establishment of an additional precinct for the 2008 election. At the present time there are approximately 6,000 registered voters within the City of Monticello with all the voters on election day being processed through one precinct. State statute requires a minimum of one precinct for each community with additional precincts being required if the city is divided by a county, congressional or legislative district. The establishment of precincts is not tied to population size. Most communities establish additional precincts when the number of voters processed through one precinct becomes unwieldy. Technically because the City of Monticello is not split by a county, congressional or legislative district, the city is not required to have more than one precinct. However the elections of 2004 and 2006 have indicated that conducting the voting process at one location may no longer be practical for the city. The current polling location is the gymnasium of the Monticello Community Center. While the Community Center gymnasium works well for elections that draw a smaller number of voters (such as the special election for fiber optics or the special election to fill the vacancy for the 6th district congressional seat), there are problems using this facility for elections drawing larger voter turnout like the presidential election. Problem areas include: Multiple Use Facilitv: The facility houses the community center, national guard, senior center, city hall and other rooms that are rented out for various uses. With the elections being held at this site a highly intense use is added to an already heavily used facility. What makes this situation difficult is that there is no feasible way to separate or segregate the various uses. The election generates a huge amount of foot traffic that uses the same entrances and aisle space as the people who are coming to workout, the people who are conducting business at city hall and the senior citizens. As a result people wanting to use the community center or city hall have to maneuver their way through the line of people waiting to vote. Conducting elections at the Community Center is a benefit to the facility because it brings people in to see what is available at the Community Center. If another precinct is established the Community Center would still be utilized as a polling place. Entrances: The only handicapped entrance is by the Senior Center. The people who need to use this entrance still have to maneuver past the Community Center counter which is a hub of activity so for the handicapped voters it is a difficult trek to get from the handicapped entrance to the voting place. The voters use all of the entrances coming into the building. The traffic from the three entrances has to funnel down into the one entrance (which is also the exit) to the gymnasium. In a large election like the presidential election this creates a backlog of people which creates congestion and interferes with the flow of people who are using the facility for other purposes. Parking: On most days with the various uses of the facility parking is just adequate. However on election day the parking becomes tight and parking is a common complaint of the voters. Setup Space: Although the number of registered voters continues to grow there is not a corresponding increase in area in the gymnasium where the polling place is set up. (Registered voters increased from 5613 in 2006 to 5981 including new registrations in 2007) The city has had to add equipment (we currently use two ballot tabulators and a ballot marker), additional voting booths including one set up for handicapped voters, and additional judges. The more equipment and booths needed to handle the voters, the less room there is in the gym to hold the people voting. That means there are more people waiting outside the gymnasium in those areas that are used for the other facility activities. The city with each election has made every effort possible to accommodate the voting public without severely restricting the other activities that take place at this facility. The 2006 general election seemed to demonstrate this facility was at its maximum. With 2008 being a presidential election it is expected the voter turnout to be higher than normal. Previously the Council to was asked to consider establishing another precinct but did not take any action on the request. As election officials, we are again asking the Council to look at this matter. Options for consideration: 1. Make no change to existing polling place: As indicated earlier, the City is not required to establish another precinct just because they have a larger number of voters. At the present time, the following communities have more than one precinct: St. Michael (two), Buffalo (four). Hanover and Rockford have multiple precincts because their boundaries are split by the Wright/Hennepin county line. The number of registered voters (2006 data) for these communities range from 5,000 to 7,000. If the Council determines that there should be no change in the polling place, there should be some consideration given to making changes that would improve the voting process at this facility. 2. Change polling place but do not establish another precinct._ If a polling place could be located that could be utilized only for conducting the election and had ample parking, it would make it more conducive for handling approximately 6,000 voters at one site. If the Council selects the option to change the polling place but retaining only one precinct, Section 204B.16, Subd. 1 a states that if the polling place has been changed, the governing body establishing the polling place shall send to every affected household in the precinct a nonforwardable mailed notice stating the location of the new polling place at least 25 days before the next election. Notices returned as undeliverable must be forwarded to the County Auditor. 3. Establish another precinct. This option is the one recommended by the city election officials. Under this option the Community Center gymnasium would still be used as a polling site but another precinct would be established. For example, the city could be split along some feature such as having one precinct covering the area east of TH 25 and the other precinct covering the area west of TH 25. If the Council opts to establish a new precinct, they must by resolution adopt the change by June 1St in the year of a state general election. The notice of precinct change must be posted at least 60 days. Corrected boundary maps must be submitted to the County Auditor and Secretary of State. Notice is also provided to the voters. At this time, no information has been gathered as far as other possible polling locations. Communities have utilized schools, public buildings and church facilities as polling locations. If the Council looks at options #2 or #3, either staff or a committee established by the Council could research possible sites for polling places and the establishment of precinct boundaries. Because of the limited time frame for establishing another precinct, this matter will be coming before the City Council on January 28, 2008. Although establishing another precinct is the option being recommended by the election officials, if the Council determines to make no changes for the 2008 election, it is suggested that the Council consider when to establish a second precinct, where the polling location should be and what the precinct boundaries should be. Attached is a map that shows the location of residential developments in the City. If you have any questions or areas you would like to see further researched prior to the January 28, 2008 meeting please let us know and we will make every effort to obtain the information requested. Attachment: Map City Council Agenda — 1/28/08 11. Consideration of a request for an amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 3, regulating required fencing, screening and landscaping, and required screening for off-street parking. Applicant: Citv of Monticello. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In light of recent concerns with commercial parking areas adjacent to residential properties, the City has reviewed its parking lot screening requirements and recommended an amendii'ient to Chapter 3-5 regarding off-street parking requirements. The proposed amendment would create additional restrictions in instances where non-residential parking abuts residential parking. The proposed amendment is intended to reduce the impact of headlight glare on residential properties. The Planning Commission considered this amendment at its January meeting and recommended adoption, with a specific question relating to "institutional" parking lots such as schools or government facilities. The draft language applies these improvements requirements to "non- residential" parking lots adjacent to residential property, so this condition would be covered. It is also noted that this requirement is a screening technique that does not overrule the bufferyard requirements, but rather works in conjunction with existing bufferyard requirements. Finally, this design requirement is optional for property owners in that they may design their site plans to avoid the headlight glare problem. By ensuring that parking spaces do not "point" toward residential property, this screening requirement would not apply. Where physically impractical, property owners may seek a conditional use permit to propose an alternative screening design. ANALYSIS The existing ordinance requires a buffer yard where commercial or industrial property is located adjacent to residential uses. Said buffer yard requirements state a minimum number of plant units and a minimum yard width, depending on the intensity of the conflict between uses. For example, where industrial property is located adjacent to low-density residential property, a landscaped yard 40 feet in width with 160 plant units is required. Where commercial uses abut low-density residential property, a landscaped yard 30 feet in width with a minimum of 120 plant units is required. In either case, the non-residential property is only responsible for one half of this requirement. The ordinance also requires all open, non-residential, off-street parking areas of five or more spaces to be screened and landscaped from abutting or surrounding residential districts in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2, of the Zoning Ordinance. However, there have been recent cases where the landscaping and buffer yard requirement have not been sufficient in mitigating the impact of off-street parking facilities, and specifically headlights, from adjacent residential properties. This is specifically a concern with commercial and industrial properties adjacent to residential uses, which have not yet been developed. In instances where non-residential off-street parking facilities are located adjacent to or surrounding residential property, there is potential for nuisances to arise from the glare of vehicle headlights. As such, staff has drafted an ordinance amendment that would require additional screening in locations where non-residential development may occur adjacent to residential properties. The proposed amendment would require a specific half -berm design in all locations where non-residential parking lots are designed to as to direct headlights towards residential properties. This requirement is in addition to the existing ordinance language regarding landscaping and buffer yard requirements. This City Council Agenda — 1/28/08 half -berm design would require a four -foot retaining wall followed by a down-sloping berm directly adjacent to any parking stalls designed to face residential properties. It is expected that this design would create a 100 percent opaque screen, high enough to shield headlights from adjacent residential uses. The proposed design requirement is illustrated and attached as an exhibit. Staff recognizes that there may be instances where grades or drainage requirements do not permit the proposed design. In those cases, the applicant may request an alternate design by conditional use permit. Said design would follow the typical procedure for conditional use permits, and is subject to full review and approval by the City. Other options in lieu of this required design or in lieu of pursuing a conditional use permit include: 1. Move the parking lot to another location on the property. 2. Redesign the parking lot to avoid pointing vehicles toward residential property. 3. Increase the setback from the adjoining residential property to provide for drainage or utilities if necessary. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The Planning Commission recommends alternative 1 below. 1. Motion to approve the amendment to Section 3-5 [D] 9 with the creation of Section (u) as prepared, based on a finding that the proposed amendment is necessary to assist in protecting the health, safety, and welfare of the City. 2. Motion to deny the amendment to Section 3-5 [D] 9. 3. Direct staff to modify the proposed amendment, or table for further study. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff and the City Administrator believe that an ordinance amendment with additional language for such situations is necessary. Recent experience with residential and commercial use conflicts seem to support such an amendment. Draft language has been prepared and is attached as Exhibit A. Staff recommends approval of the ordinance language as prepared, or as modified by the City. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Draft amendment to Section 3-5 [D] 9. B. Half -berm illustration C. Existing ordinance language EXHIBIT A. ORDINANCE NO. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA City Council Agenda — 1/28/08 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PARKING LOT SCREENING REQUIREMENTS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: SECTION 1. Section 3-5 [D] 9 shall be amended with the creation of subsection (u). (u) HEADLIGHT SCREENING. In open, non-residential off-street parking areas, parking areas shall be designed to screen headlights from abutting or surrounding residential districts through the use of a half -berm design. Said design shall be required in all instances where headlights are directed at surrounding or abutting residential properties. A half -berm is required in addition to any buffer yard or landscaping requirements, with a design as illustrated below: In the event that drainage or other conditions do not permit a berm of this size, a solid, maintenance free fence may be permitted for all or a portion of the retaining wall to the extent necessary to permit property drainage. Examples may include a two -foot retaining wall and berm, with a four foot tall fence section. This alternative may be allowed by Conditional Use Permit. Any fence proposed in lieu of the required design must be 100 percent opaque and in character with the surrounding area. Rape`"1 In the event that drainage or other conditions do not permit a berm of this size, a solid, maintenance free fence may be permitted for all or a portion of the retaining wall to the extent necessary to permit property drainage. Examples may include a two -foot retaining wall and berm, with a four foot tall fence section. This alternative may be allowed by Conditional Use Permit. Any fence proposed in lieu of the required design must be 100 percent opaque and in character with the surrounding area. as one (1) seat for the purpose of determining requirements. (c) Should a structure contain two (2) or more types of use, each shall be calculated separately for determining the total off-street parking spaces required. 9. STALL, AISLE, AND DRIVEWAY DESIGN: (a) PARKING SPACE SIZE: Each parking space shall be not less than nine (9) feet wide and twenty (20) feet in length exclusive of access aisles, and each space shall be served adequately by access aisles. EXCEPTION: Where desired, up to 25% of the parking spaces may be not less than seven and one-half (7-1/2) feet in width and not less than sixteen (16) feet in length when served adequately by access aisles to accommodate compact car parking and should be marked as such. (b) WITHIN STRUCTURES: The off-street parking requirements may be furnished by providing a space so designed within the principal building or one (1) structure attached thereto; however, unless provisions are made, no building permit shall be issued to convert said parking structure into a dwelling unit or living area or other activity until other adequate provisions are made to comply with the required off-street parking provisions of this ordinance. (c) Except in the case of single, two-family, and townhouse dwellings, parking areas shall be designed so that circulation between parking bays or aisles occurs within the designated parking lot and does not depend upon a public street or alley. Except in the case of single, two-family, and townhouse dwellings, parking area design which requires backing into the public street is prohibited. (d) No curb cut access shall be located less than forty (40) feet from the intersection of two (2) or more street right-of-ways. This distance shall be measured from the intersection of lot lines. (e) Except in the case of single family, two-family, and townhouse dwellings, parking areas and their aisles shall be developed in compliance with the following standards: Parallel Parking: Twenty-two (22) feet in length. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 333 WALL WALL TO INTERLOCK TO TO INTERLOCK INTERLOCK ANGLE MINIMUM MINIMUM MINIMUM 30 48.6' 44.5' 40.3' 45 56.8' 53.4' 50.0' 60 62.0' 59.7' 57.4' 90 64.0' 64.0' 64.0' Parallel Parking: Twenty-two (22) feet in length. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 333 (f) The maximum driveway width between the public street and the property line shall not exceed twenty-four (24) feet with the following exceptions: 1. Within all districts, a five foot radius curb may be constructed at the public street in addition to the maximum driveway width allowed. 2. Curb cut access in industrial and commercial zoning districts may exceed twenty-four (24) feet with the approval of the City Engineer and the Zoning Administrator. Denial by the City Engineer or Zoning Administrator of curb cut access in excess of twenty-four (24) feet may be appealed following the procedures outlined in Chapter 23 of the zoning ordinance. (1/10/00,#399) (g) Curb cut openings and driveways shall be at a minimum three (3) feet from the side yard property line in residential districts and five (5) feet from the side yard lot line in business or industrial districts. (h) Driveway access curb openings on a public street except for single, two-family, and townhouse dwellings shall not be located less than forty (40) feet from one another. (i) The grade elevation of any parking area shall not exceed five (5) percent. (j) Each property shall be allowed one (1) curb cut per one hundred twenty-five (125) feet of street frontage. All property shall be entitled to at least one (1) curb cut. Single family uses shall be limited to one (1) curb cut access per property. (k) SURFACING: All areas intended to be utilized for parking of passenger vehicles and driveways shall be surfaced with concrete, bituminous, brick, concrete pavers, or masonry pavers. Beyond the front building line of a single family home, crushed granite, crushed limestone, con -bit and landscape rock may be utilized as surfacing materials. The City Engineer shall annually review the list of acceptable materials to be used for surfacing of any parking space as provided by this ordinance. (4465, 8/27/07) Except in the case of single family and two-family dwellings, driveways and stalls shall be surfaced with six (6) inch class five base and two (2) inch bituminous topping or concrete equivalent. Drainage plans shall be reviewed by the City Engineer and subject to his approval. City staff may waive this requirement if it is determined that the drainage plans do not merit further study by the City Engineer. Staff determination in this regard shall be based on size of parking surface area, simplicity of design plan, and proximity/accessibility to existing storm sewer facilities. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE .3 ) EXCEPTIONS: See D. 9 (s) Stall Aisle and Driveway Design Conditional Use Permit. (#192, 7/9/90) (1) STRIPING: Except for single, two-family, and townhouses, all parking stalls shall be marked with white painted lines not less than four (4) inches wide. (m) LIGHTING: Any lighting used to illuminate an off-street parking area shall be so arranged as to reflect the light away from adjoining property, abutting residential uses, and public right-of-ways and be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2, [G] and [H] of this ordinance. (n) SIGNS: No sign shall be so located as to restrict the sight lines and orderly operation and traffic movement within any parking lot. (o) CURBING AND LANDSCAPING: Except for single, two-family, and townhouses, all open off-street parking shall have a perimeter curb barrier around the entire parking lot, said curb barrier shall not be closer than six (6) feet to any lot line as measured from the lot line to the face of the curb. In addition, no parking area may be located upon a public drainage and/or utility easement adjoining a public street. Grass, plantings, or surfacing material shall be provided in all areas bordering the parking area.. An exception to the setback requirement shall be granted in Business Districts where adjoining business provide for private cross access between parking lots. In such cases, driveway curb cuts up to 24 feet in width shall be permitted. Adjoining business properties may share full parking access of more than 24 feet with no curb barrier by Conditional Use Permit provided that: 1. The required landscaping and island areas within the share parking lot meet the combined minimum as required by this Ordinance. 2. The parking lot'meets the required setback at the perimeter of the parcels in question. 3. The curb cut access locations to the parking lot(s) are approved by the City Engineer. 4. A shared access and maintenance agreement is provided by the property owners and recorded against all subject properties. (4428, 8/22/05) EXCEPTIONS: See D. 9 (s) Stall Aisle and Driveway Design Conditional Use Permit. (4192, 7/9/90) (p) REQUIRED SCREENING: All open, non-residential, off-street parking areas of five (5) or more spaces shall be screened and landscaped from abutting or surrounding residential districts in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2, of this ordinance. (q) ALL DRIVEWAY ACCESS OPENINGS shall require a culvert unless the lot MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 3/3 J is served by storm sewer or is determined unnecessary by the Building Inspector. Size of culvert shall be determined by the Building Inspector but shall be a minimum of fifteen (15) inches in diameter. (r) CURBING: i. All commercial and industrial off-street parking areas and driveways in commercial areas shall have a six (6) inch non -surmountable continuous concrete curb around the perimeter of the parking area and driveways. ii. All off-street driveways and parking areas in the I-1, I -1A, and I-2 districts shall have a continuous, concrete, non -surmountable curb barrier. This requirement shall be modified only by the STALL, AISLE, AND DRIVEWAY DESIGN CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT as described in Section 3-5, Subd. [D] 9(s), or by a permit from the Zoning Administrator for a portion of the parking and driveway area which meets the following conditions: (#298, 10/13/97) a. The area is shown by adequate site plans and reasonable growth to be subject to a future expansion of the driveway and/or parking area. b. The area is shown by adequate drainage plans to be able to control drainage as recommended by the City Engineer. The Engineer may approve bituminous curbing as a temporary drainage control measure. C. The area is shown by adequate site plans to be able to control site traffic and circulation as recommended by the City Engineer. The Engineer may approve movable curb stops as a temporary traffic control measure. (4280, 6/10/96) iii. All curb designs and materials shall be approved by the City Engineer. EXCEPTIONS: See D. 9 (s) Stall Aisle and Driveway Design Conditional Use Permit. (s) STALL AISLE AND DRIVEWAY DESIGN CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: Stall aisle and driveway design requirements as noted in (k) Surfacing, (o) Curbing and Landscaping, and (r) Curbing, maybe lessened subi ect to the following conditions: Any reduction in requirements requires completion of the conditional use permit process outlined in Chapter 22 of this ordinance. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 3%36 ii. Final approval of parking and driveway drainage plans associated with conditional use permit request shall be provided in writing by the City Engineer. Engineering expenses greater than the portion of building permit fee allocated for engineer plan review shall be paid by applicant prior to occupancy of structure. iii. Only properties which have existing buildings and are being expanded or remodeled for a new use shall be eligible for this conditional use permit. iv. The applicant must show, and the Planning Commission must find, that there are existing non -conformities of the property which are being eliminated by the expansion or remodeling which justify a deferral to the paving, landscaping, or curbing requirements. V. A deferral shall be considered by the City as a part of an application which includes full site plans, drawn to scale, of both the immediate paving, landscaping and curbing improvements and the ultimate paving, landscaping, and curbing improvements. vi. A deferral of paving, landscaping, and/or curbing shall be granted for no more than two (2) years, after which the paving, landscaping, and curbing shall be brought into conformance with zoning ordinance and the approved plans. vii. In all districts other than the A -O District, this deferral shall apply only to the required paving, curbing and landscaping which is applicable to the existing portion of the use and building. Paving, curbing and landscaping attributable to any expansion shall be installed at the time of the expansion. viii. In all districts other than the A -O District, this deferral shall be available only to those properties where the total value of building expansion or remodeling (as determined by the City of Monticello's Building Official) is equal to no more than 25% of the Estimated Market Value (EMV) of the Building as established by the Wright County Assessor at the time of the permit request. Subsequent requests shall use the original EMV as the baseline value. (1/24/00, #341) (t) PERMIT REQUIRED: A permit shall be required for the installation of any surfacing material intended to be utilized for off-street parking. The fee for an off-street parking permit shall be set forth in a fee schedule adopted by the City Council. The fee payment shall accompany the permit application. (8/27/07, 4465) [E] MAINTENANCE: It shall be the joint and several responsibility of the lessee and owner of the principal use, uses, or building to maintain in a neat and adequate manner, the parking space, accessways striping, landscaping, and required fences. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 3/37 Council Agenda: 01/28/08 13. Consideration of Travel and Reimbursement Policies. (TK) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Financial policies are guidelines for operational and strategic decision making related to financial matters. Financial policies identify acceptable and unacceptable courses of action, establish parameters in which the City can operate, and provide a standard against which the City's fiscal performance can be judged. Policies offer guidance to staff and council unfamiliar with a government's finances. Financial policies also serve as an ongoing context for management decisions, thereby providing consistency and quality control. The attached draft Travel and Reimbursement Policy would cover all employees including fire fighters. The City currently reimburses employee based on memorandum from the City Administrator on education reimbursement and a policy on reimbursement for the fire fighters. This draft Travel and Reimbursement Policy was drafted using policies from other governmental entities and State Auditor recommendations. The draft describes in more detail what will be reimbursed and what is needed for reimbursement. The policy requires itemized receipts be submitted as required by the State Auditor. The policy also describes how employees will be reimbursed for mileage and travel time. It also requires the City Administrator to approve variations from the policy. Al. Budget Impact: The Travel and Reimbursement Policy should have no budget impact. Departments have some conferences/training/schools include in their 2008 and this policy just clarifies how and what would be reimbursed. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Neither of these policies would have a workload impact. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Approve the Travel and Reimbursement Policy as presented. 2. Approve the Travel and Reimbursement Policy with City Council adjustments. 3. Table the Travel and Reimbursement Policy. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator, Finance Director, and staff have reviewed the policy and support, Alternative I. to approve attached policy. D. SUPPORTING DAT A: Draft Travel and Reimbursement Policy. 1. 2. 3. City of Monticello, MN TRAVEL AND REIMBURSEMENT POLICY Purpose The purpose of the travel and reimbursement policy is to establish uniform and consistent guidelines for the reimbursement of money spent on official city business. The guidelines were developed using Ci practices, State Ci regulations, and State Auditor recommendations. y and procedures relative to such travel are contained in the follow, , , tatement. � Travely City officials and employees to att iii%, � a pro ii% onal or municipal i association meeting is beneficial to progrese focal go v- ent. A person engaged in such travel for the benefit�f"' e City has a resplity to keep % accurate, substantiated records andiii,. submit a�quest for rei Bent in accordance with this policy. Training Training must be approved f state training must be appro` City will prepay tuition or re sponsoring th ix 2. A a registrat�n fee must b bpfo�i l not possible -too, reimbursed the meals i by the depatnt head. All out -of - by Counc Whenever possible the t at cos 'fly to the organization , the con fe nce or meeting agenda listing s,mea included therein, and official starting and ending dates %, ed to the finance de ent with prepayment requests. If it is �i� rep 1� t tion or regi' ration cost the employee will be cost Reuess f�reimbursement of training costs must off ,conference or meeting agenda listing registration fees; Pere' Oficial start and ending dates and proof of payment. Mil, ft, will b eimbursed at the current IRS mileage reimbursement rate. Vii% % . Reimbi� �4;b; ,, ileage will be the lesser of actual miles driven from normal work locay";Ion to training/meeting/conference location or the actual miles traveled from departure location to destination less the mileage of commute to normal work location. If this results in the employee traveling less miles, the City will not reimburse the employee for mileage. When more than one City employee uses the same personal car for travel, reimbursement shall be based upon the IRS mileage reimbursement rate, payable to the owner of the vehicle. Out -Of -State Travel: All out-of-state travel must be approved by the City Council. A copy of the conference or meeting agenda listing registration fees, meals included therein, and official starting and ending dates must be provided. Airfare or train fare for out-of-state travel in coach or economy class or the lowest available fare shall be the preferred mode of transportation. When authorized, an employee may choose to drive their personal vehicle and will be reimbursed the current mileage rate or the cost of coach or economy class fare, priced at least 14 days in advance of the travels`clever is less. If the employee travels by some other mode than by airy e additional time required over the time the air would require will be taken Vacation or compensatory time for full and part-time employees. Fire drtmen, ",&rsonnel will not be reimbursed (paid) for extra time requirenmg. R=what sement for i/� vehicular travel (meals, mileage, and j tR ng) shall not the total ;A cost of what airline travel would hP;,,,�„ een. �� %//Of Local transportation such as taxicab and /i sport, train gyres to and from ai station' lodging and conference seminar or ' ing is reimbursable only if " '!%moi%, circumstances require such `awl Receipts m ;be submitted for reimbursement. Costs for logia tarisportation no''ning directly to City business will not be reimburse. /iii% Rental Vehi% imbursemer for the cods of renting a vehicle shall be made onlhen t�i Fcessity of such rental is for City purposes. TravelCrede j , ever public funds are used to pay for travel or vehicle rental by an eleelf., �r ,, employee, any credits or other benefits issued by the prove Nmust accrue to the benefit of the City of Monticello. Request for rcinburserrrt must include receipts or statements clearly stating dates and cost oravel-ares paid and/or cost of the transportation paid. Reim' bursement dor rental vehicles must include dates of rental, vehicle type and fees -paid 4. Meals The City will reimburse the elected official or City employee up to a maximum allowance of, $12.00 for breakfast, $20.00 for lunch and $25.00 for dinner, including sales tax and gratuities/tips, which ever is less, while on City business. The reimbursement for gratuity/tip should not exceed 15% of the total costs of reimbursable costs. Alcoholic beverages are not eligible for reimbursement. 2 5. 01 The limits do not apply when meal expense is included in the cost of the training, conference, or seminar. Additionally, the City does not reimburse cost on a per diem basis but for actual cost incurred. Itemized receipts must be submitted to qualify for reimbursement and must clearly state the date, name of the establishment (pre-printed form), itemized list of purchased items, total, and gratuity (if appropriate) of no more than 15%. Reimbursement request without a receipt or non -itemized credit card receipts will not be reimbursed. Elected officials or employees may occasionally be position of having to provide a meal for other persons who have off `=; , business with the City. In addition receipts for these meals must inclu���� h a of each person attendingthe meal 1 ��. along with a description, o e pubf S rpose/benefit of the meeting. The actual cost of the meals will b� reimbuin these , t instances however the cost of any alcoholic beverages will' e reimbursed. Lodging Hotel motel or other an auth zed accommodans will be reimbursed at actual cost not to exceed the baseftlww pcy rate and Aould be chosen based on reasonableness of cost and " ,to conferencein eting or trainin site. Each employee shall be allowed a 17ozn. Unlessrevrousl roved b t',�ity Ad /jun strator overnight stays within p Y pp Y ,. 60 miles a`the Citi will not be re bursed. IL., Detail lodg7i g' cce p,s ust be sub 'ted for reimbursement. The receipts r�nust elude the dates o the st""' ightly room rate and any incidental %%%////% ,ii �expen e arged.:Qn y incidental costs related to the room charges will be reimbursed a% ' ` %cadging costs,ess previously approved by the City Administrator, shall be /i'. reimbursable or from the night preceding a conference, seminar, or training throe he ni „°°immediately following such event. Miscellaridus Expenses Full-time employees may receive overtime pay if the training/seminar/meeting hours including travel to/from exceed normal work hours. The employee's supervisor will approve all overtime prior to registering for the training/seminar/meeting. If the trainingiseminar/meeting hours including travel to/from are less than the normal work hours employees will use vacation or compensatory time to achieve normal work hours. Employees will be paid eight (8) hours of paid for training/seminar/meeting, which require over night stays. 3 Telephone expenses incurred will be reimbursed only when their necessity for City purpose is fully accounted for. Reimbursable parking is limited to daily parking at destination business (meeting, conference, training, etc.) site and/or hotel site (when applicable). Valet parking and all other parking are not allowable. Detail receipts including date, times and costs of parking should be provided when requesting reimbursement. Gratuities/tips for service providers may be reimbur, hong as reasonable and serve the public purpose of the trip. 7. Non -Reimbursable Expenses The City shall not pay for any expense, of which the costs ��"' cluded in the registration fees. ,.,,/ j i Costs for alcoholic beverages shall not bb, ursed. *A/" 3?yho accompanies the city The City shall pay no expel a spouse/guy'%ri�i�j official/employee to a confee�minar, or meet including the '�%, MM ,,, ;, incremental lodging expensesf occ�e rates over base occupancy rates. %. i The Cit wil notimburse for"����� y sonal tel one calls, rental of luxury 11055/1 vehicles, orecreatfo�al expenses; ch as golf or tennis unless included as part of the tstratio fees or preN approved by the City Administrator. J// ursement Process Wv , To apply far,�gimburseent, an elected official/City employee must complete %o� an "Employe °�' imburnient Voucher" form. The completed form with 'AUenditures toed, detailed original receipts attached, and signed should be -fitted to th e artment Head, who shall review and approve b signing) sub p ,,,i� pp (Y g) suc ,request. ,.e Department Head shall forward the request to the Finance Ad Department for reimbursement. The Finance Department will review the report ancsupporting documentation for completeness and accuracy. If complete'the reimbursement check will be processed during the next regular accounts payable processing. If the request is not complete or supporting data does not meet policy guidelines, the request will be returned to the employee. Any exceptions to this policy must receive approval from the City Administrator whenever practicable prior to the conference, seminar or training. El This Travel and Reimbursement Policy is effective and supersedes all previous City T Travel and Reimbursement Policies. Adopted by the City Council of Monticello this day of 2 Attest: City Administrator /000/1 Mayor Ihh- VNIF /J/0I I �O 5 Council Agenda: 1128108 14. Review of bids for Vehicle Storage Building Citv Proiect No. 2007-19C. and consideration of award of contract., (J.S. / B.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND,: On January 15, 2008 bids were opened for the proposed Vehicle Storage Building at the City's Wastewater Treatment Facility. This project included a base bid for a masonry building, as well as an alternate bid item for a pre-engineered metal building. Contractors bidding the project were allowed to bid the base bid only, the alternate bid only, or both. The City received a total of twenty-two (22) bids, including nineteen (19) bids for the base bid item and nineteen (19) bids for the alternate bid item. Base bids ranged from a low of $328,674 to a high of $546,453.85, while the alternate bids ranged from a low of $245,922 to a high of $404,792. However, on the morning of January 16th the apparent low bidder on the alternate bid item withdrew their bid because of a bidding error, which they are allowed to do within 24 hours of bidding. Therefore, based upon the revised bid tabulation which is attached as supporting data, the lowest base bid was received from Kue Contractors from Watkins, Minnesota, in the amount of $328,674 and the lowest alternate bid was also received from Kue Contractors in the amount of $260,647. The difference between the low base and alternate bids is $68,027. The engineer's estimate for the base bid was $405,000. In order to accurately evaluate the cost differences associated with the construction and maintenance of a masonry building versus a pre-engineered metal building a life -cycle cost analysis is required. Therefore, in order to provide Council with this information City staff asked Bolton & Menk to complete a life -cycle cost analysis comparing the base bid (masonry building) and alternate bid (pre-engineered metal building) items over their anticipated design lives. This analysis is attached as supporting data. A summary of the life -cycle cost analysis shows that if the design life of the building is considered to be 20 -years, roughly the expected design life for a pre-engineered metal building before major maintenance work will be required, the difference in life -cycle costs favors construction of a pre-engineered metal building. If a design life of 40 -years is considered the life -cycle costs are nearly identical for the two building types. And if you consider a 60 -year design life, the average design life for a masonry building, the difference in life -cycle costs shows that a masonry building is more economical to construct and maintain. Therefore, the decision on which building type to construct ultimately depends on how long the building is expected to be in service and how much importance is placed on overall aesthetics. From an aesthetic perspective, the south and east sides of the vehicle storage building will be visible from CSAH 75 and Hart Boulevard, however the building will only be visible during quick glimpses when it is not hidden by other buildings, tanks and assorted appurtenances. Council Agenda: 1/28108 A.1 Budget Impact: The funding for this project was covered in the 2007 bond sale, which will be reimbursed over time with sewer fees. A.2 Staff Workload Impact: Staff workload impacts will be minimal. PSG staff and the City's construction observers will spend some time inspecting the project, though their time will be manageable. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to award the contract for City Project No. 2007-19C to Kue Contractors based upon their low bid of $328,674 for the base bid item (masonry building). 2. Motion to award the contract for City Project No. 2007-19C to Kue Contractors based upon their low bid of $260,647 for the alternate bid item (pre-engineered metal building). 3. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: It is the recommendation of staff that the City Council award the project to Kue Contractors per either alternative action #1 or alternative action #2. If the Council thinks the City will realize a greater benefit from constructing a building that is more aesthetically pleasing and will require little in the way of maintenance over the next 40 to 60 years then they should consider alternative action #1. However, if the Council thinks the City would benefit more by reducing construction costs now, regardless of the decreased aesthetics and increased maintenance costs in the future, then they should consider alternative action #2. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Bid Tabulation Bid award recommendation letter, including life -cycle cost analysis. Bid Tabulation January 15, 2008 Monticello Vehicle Storage Building Project No. M21.39935 -City No. 2007-19C G:\Monticello\M21.39935\Corresp\Bid Tabulation.doc Bidder Base Bid Alternative 1 Bid Bond Addendums ' 1. Arkay Construction $4409000.00 $372,000.00 Yes Yes 1 2. Cottonwood Construction $412,023.00 -- Yes Yes 1 3. Cobra Construction $3799905.00 $3049880.00 Yes Yes 1 4. Construction Results $3329900.00 $278,500.00 Yes Yes 1 5. Ebert Construction $379,920.00 $2759848.00 Yes Yes 1 6. EnComm Construction $3639636.00 $274,472.00 Yes Yes 7. W. Gohman $3939823.00 --$249 922.00 Yes Yes g'lp LJ � M ��A.riN 8. Gopher State Contractors $3569394.00 $2709359.00 Yes Yes 9. Kue Contractors $3289674.00 $260,647.00 Yes Yes 10. Lund -Martin Construction $3649000.00 $2969800.00 Yes Yes 11. Met- Con Construction $4599000.00 $3899000.00 Yes Yes 12. Prestige Builders of MN $3569000.00 $3299000.00 Yes Yes 13. Rochon Construction $3569000.00 $3159000.00 Yes Yes 14. Shingobee Builders $3569000.00 $3419000.00 Yes Yes 15. Gracestone Construction $4729907.00 $4049792.00 Yes Yes 16. KHC Construction $4429000.00 -- Yes Yes 17. Thor Construction $5469453.85 -- Yes Yes 18. Berg Construction Services $4609799.00 $3539734.00 Yes Yes 19. Ram General Contracting -- $2769500.00 Yes Yes 20. CS Arvola -- $2879945.00 Yes Yes 21. Structural Buildings -- $3079674.00 Yes Yes 22. K.C. Companies $3309000.00 $2769000.00 Yes Yes G:\Monticello\M21.39935\Corresp\Bid Tabulation.doc BC> & MSN K, ING. Consulting Engineers & Surveyors 7533 Sunwood Drive NW 1, Suite 206 • Ramsey, MN 55303 Phone (763) 433-2851 January 22, 2008 City of Monticello Attn: John Simola 505 Walnut Street, Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362 RE: Vehicle Storage Building City Project Number 2007-19C Monticello, MN Mr. John Simola: On January 15, 2008 bids were opened and read publically for the Wastewater Treatment Facility Vehicle Storage Building, with a base bid of a masonry building and an alternative for a pre-engineered metal building. General contractors were able to bid the base bid, the alternative or both. Twenty-two general contractors provided bids ranging from $245,922.00 to $546,453.85. The engineer's estimate on the masonry building is $405,000.00. W. Gohman, the apparent low bidder on the alternative metal building with a bid of $245,922.00, withdrew their bid on the morning of January 16, 2008 due to an error on their internal bid tabulation. The withdrawal is allowed within 24 hours of the bid opening and W. Gohman met the requirements to withdraw their bid. KUE Contractors from Watkins, MN is the remaining apparent low bidder for both the masonry base bid at $328,674.00 and the metal building alternate bid at $260,647.00. KUE Contractors has recently completed similar projects for the City of Big Lake, the City of Otsego, Mill Lacs County, Kandiyohi County and Wright County ranging from approximately $500,000 to approximately $4,000,000. KUE Contractors appears to be qualified and responsive to the proposal and I recommend award of the contract to them. City staff requested a life cycle analysis of the two building types for an accurate comparison. The following assumptions were made in conducting the life cycle analysis: 1. Design Life a masonry is 40 to 80 years: 60 years selected for analysis 2. Design Life of pre-engineered metal building (without major repair) 15 to 25 years: 20 years selected for analysis. 3. Masonry building will require re -roofing every 20 years. Present Value Cost of $30,000. 4. Major repair of the metal building will require removal and replacement of sheet metal and structural steel. The structural steel will have a salvage value at the time of demolition. Present Value of Replace minus Salvage Value of $90,000. 5. Plumbing, HVAC and electrical will have similar operation, maintenance and replacement cost and are omitted from the rest of the analysis. C:\Document I}oMa.BOFAggAd , MDoc , @y pppMA8at l i Oi%y4 rLO,cMN • CHASKA, MN WILLMAR, MN • RAMSEY, MN • AMES, IA www.bolton-menk.com An Equol Opportunity Employer X30 L.TON 8L M N K, i N (=_ Mr. John Simola January 22, 2008 Page 2 of 2 Summary Over a life of 60 years the masonry building costs $129.56 per square foot and the metal building costs $146.88 per square foot. Over a life of 20 years the masonry building costs $109.56 per square foot and the metal building costs $86.88 per square foot. The two construction types have different goals and design lives. The durability of the masonry construction results in a more economical building over the full design life of that type of construction. A metal building is successful in a shorter term (20 years) due to the reduced capital costs at initial construction. Analysis of a 40 -year term using the same assumptions described above results in the building types being essentially the same cost at per square foot. Building Type Cost Per Square Foot 20 -Year Design Life 40 -Year Design Life Masonry Construction $109.56 $119.56 Pre-engineered Metal $86.88 $116.88 All Dollar Values are in 2008 Present Worth Amounts Best Regards, �r Paul Saffert, P.E. Project Engineer C:\Documents and Settings\paulsa.BOLTON-MENK\My Documents\Monticello\080117buildingLtr.doe 60 -Year Design Life $129.56 $146.88 1 Council Agenda: 1128/08 15. Review of bids for Digester Mixers, Citv Proiect No. 2007-18C, and consideration of award of contract. (J.S. / B.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On January 15, 2008 bids were opened for the proposed Digester Mixer project at the City's Wastewater Treatment Facility. The City received a total of nine (9) bids. Bids ranged from a low of $356,557 to a high of $453,000. The engineer's estimate was $450,000. Based upon the bid tabulation, which is attached as supporting data, the lowest bid was received from Kraemer Trucking and Excavating from Cold Spring, Minnesota, in the amount of $356,557. Kraemer has provided references of the required experience to complete the project, including work performed at the Cold Spring Wastewater Treatment Facility. A.1 Budget Impact: The funding for this project was covered in the 2007 bond sale, which will be reimbursed over time with sewer fees. A.2 Staff Workload Impact: Staff workload impacts will be minimal. PSG staff and the City's construction observers will spend some time inspecting the project, though their time will be manageable. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to award the contract for City Project No. 2007-18C to Kraemer Trucking and Excavating based upon their low bid of $356,557. 2. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: It is the recommendation of staff that the City Council award the contract to Kraemer Trucking and Excavating per alternative action #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Bid Tabulation Bid award recommendation letter. Bid Tabulation January 15, 2008 Monticello Digester Mixers Project No. M21.39934 -City No. 2007-18C Bidder I1. I Kraemer Trucking & Excavating 2. I Di -Mar Construction 13. Magney Construction 4. Rice Lake Construction I5. I KHC Construction Inc. 6. I EnComm Midwest Inc. I7. I Shank Constructors 8. I Gridor Constuction 9. I Alltech Engineering 10. G:\Monticello\M21.39934\Corres\Bid Tabulation.doc Base Bid Bid Addendums Bond 3569557 I Yes Yes 3599100 Yes I Yes 3599500 Yes I Yes 3719000 I Yes I Yes 3799000 I Yes I Yes I 3799379 I Yes I Yes 3779000 I Yes I Yes 3949900 I Yes Yes I 4539000 I Yes Yes L.T'ON & M N K, I "C::,& Consulting Engineers & Surveyors 7533 Sunwood Drive NW 9 Suite 206 • Ramsey, MN 55303 Phone (763) 433-2851 January 22, 2008 City of Monticello Attn: John Simola 505 Walnut Street, Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362 RE: Digester Mixers Bid Evaluation City Project Number 2007-18C Monticello, MN Mr. John Simola: On January 15, 2008 bids were opened and read publically for the Wastewater Treatment Facility Digester Mixer Project. Nine general contractors provided bids ranging from $356,557 to $453,000. Seven of the bids were below $380,000 and within 6 percent of the low bid. The competitive bids indicate the scope of the project was clearly defined. The engineer's estimate for this project is $450,000. The low bidder is Kraemer Trucking and Excavating from Cold Spring, MN. Kraemer has provided references of the required experience to complete the project, including work performed at the Cold Spring WWTP. I recommend accepting the Kraemer Trucking and Excavating bid of $356,557.00 to complete the Wastewater Treatment Facility Digester Mixer Project. Best egards, `�E:D Paul Saffert, P.E. Project Engineer C:1DocumentsM&,M i4dM.Bpl.WRNkDW\Wdtu&6EJi@XoEtty&16%01'1781 fiw& MN • CHASKA, MN WILLMAR, MN • RAMSEY, MN • AMES, IA www.bolton-menk.com An Equal Opportunity Employer Council Agenda: 1/28/08 16. Consideration of Establishing a Regular Meeting date for the purpose of reviewing workshop items. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As you all know the current regular schedule of City Council meetings includes two meetings per month on the 2nd and 4th Monday. In recent years it has become practice to schedule special meetings on an as needed basis to cover a variety of topics in a workshop setting. The frequency of special meetings in a workshop setting has increased to the point where it may be more efficient if Council simply sets a regular date for Council workshops. For many growing cities it is quite common to have three regular City Council meetings per month. A look back at 2007 reveals that there were 23 special meetings covering 26 topics. Almost all of the meetings included subject matter that warranted significant time and attention. Progress on important items would not have been possible without these important sessions. As you can tell by the number of meetings, if this pattern continues, it may be necessary to conduct workshops in addition to the proposed regularly scheduled workshop. Please see that attached list prepared by Dawn for detail. Staff proposes that a regular workshop be scheduled to precede one of the regular meetings of the City Council. It would be staff preference to select the second meeting of the month (5:00 PM — 4th Monday) for the workshop date and time. This is because this date works best in terms of synchronization with the planning case cycle. Setting a regular date should be considered for the following reasons; • Efficiency — Currently every time a workshop must be scheduled it is necessary to provide separate public notice. While this is not a complicated or extremely time consuming effort it does require some effort. The effort includes preparing a meeting notice obtaining signatures and posting. If a regular workshop date is established then posting a notice would not be necessary. • Scheduling Ease — If a regular workshop date is established then everyone can mark their calendar accordingly. From a staff standpoint, it would be helpful to have dates known as available for reviewing special items so we can plan accordingly. • Future Considerations — Although development pressure has eased significantly, there remains a variety of subject matter for the Council to consider in the future that is likely to be considered in a workshop setting. It would appear to me at this time that the pressure for workshop meeting time is not likely to diminish greatly even though development pressure is down. In the event I am wrong in this regard, the regular workshop meeting can be canceled on a case by case basis. Following are reasons that you may wish to schedule workshops on a case by case basis. Council Agenda: 1/28/08 • Public Notice Benefit — When a notice of a workshop is posted, it includes a heading indicating subject matter for the workshop. If workshops are conducted on a regular basis, then it is not required that the subject matter be posted. Consequently, there could be an occasion where a citizen might be interested in a workshop item but not be aware that it is being discussed. This problem could be resolved by posting workshop agendas on the web site so that the public has a chance to review the agenda in advance of the meeting. • Council could take the position that the length of the regular meetings may be reduced due to reduction of development related items and that shift could result in more time to review workshop items during the regular meeting. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS; 1. Motion to establish the 4t" Monday of the month at 5:00 PM as a date for a regular meeting of the City Council for the purpose of reviewing workshop items. 2. Motion to establish a regular meeting for workshop items, but select a different date 3. Motion to table or deny request to set a regular meeting date for workshops and to continue establishing workshop meetings as needed. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION; Staff recommends alternative one for reasons noted above. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Listing of special meetings conducted in 2007 2007 SPECIAL MEETINGS January 8 Revenue Stabilization Agreement February 12 Nuisance/Rental Ordinance February 26 Nuisance/Rental Ordinance March 12 Public Works Facility March 22 Fiber Optics April 6 Annexation — Big Lake April 9 Biosolids April 23 Biosolids April 30 Board of Review April 30 Comp Plan — Joint Mtg May 4 Cancer Treatment Legislation May 14 Continued Board of Review May 14 Interview Firms — PW Facility June 25 Nuisance/Rental Ordinance September 10 Biosolids September 12 Budget September 24 HRA/EDA Merger October 4 Land — Public Works October 8 Lundsten & EDA Merger November 13 Budget November 26 Lundsten/Cedar Street November 28 Comp Plan — Joint Mtg. December 4 Review of projects and goals December 4 Truth in Taxation December 12 Comp Plan December 20 Pay Bills This list does not include any closed sessions of the Council. 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Thanks to staff members that provided input on this important update. COMMUNITY CENTER by Kitty Baltos Here are a few of the highlights of 2007 for the community center. The UV System is maintaining a combined chlorine level in our pool at 0 or .2. State regulation is .5 or less. • The Farmers' Market was a great success. The Advisory Board established a Market Steering Committee to help oversee the market. • Every year we have topped the previous year's attendance numbers. Here's a summary of attendance: 2003 105,468 2004 132,112 2005 146,587 2006 1659701 2007 1689923 • Our Program Revenue for 2007 was 26% higher than what was budgeted and 32% higher than the actual revenue in 2006. • We had 42 weddings in our Mississippi Room and are on track to meet or exceed that in 2008. • Operating revenues, before taxes and transfer from the liquor store, are up 3% over 2006. The operation of the City fields concession stand went very well. In 2008 we will take over softball leagues. Fire Department — by Steve Joerg 1) The carpet in the station is in bad shape. 20 years old. I plan on putting in a wood laminate floor in the meeting room and the officers office. The firefighters will do all the install work. 2) In February we will begin looking at bunker gear to be purchased by our grant fund. 3) I hope to have the new engine ready to go out for bid in late March, early April. I will need to have a meeting with you and TK, along with my engine committee. We need to be educated on the bid process. The cost is going to be in the $425,000 range. This is an estimate. It takes about 10 months to build and deliver the truck. 4) We need to secure a site for a satellite station south of town. Let's discuss sooner than later. 5) The Firefighters have raised, with the fire act grant money included, over $200,000.00 dollars. Money raised has purchased. a) A Polaris ranger atv b) new helmets c) rescue gloves d) TNT Rescue Extrication equipment e) sawzalls f) helmet lights g) specialized chainsaw that can run in low oxygen atmosphere. h) Utility 2- Ford 3/4 ton pickup used for grass fires,rescue,arson investigation. i) 1 ice rescue suit j) food for rehab at or after fires, and meetings. I am very proud of our fundraising efforts and the businesses and organizations that we have contacted for assistance. Parks Department — by Tolls Pawelk The Parks Department just started working on the Xcel ball field concession stand renovation for the upcoming season. The purpose of the project is to bring the concession stand up to code with the Department of Health. This is a joint project between the Community Center and the Parks Department. We are also working on our summer equipment. During the off season we perform all preventative maintenance to all of our equipment and department vehicles which consist of painting, replacing bearings, belts and etc. Currently some of the crew members are building a tool crib in the back park shop to secure our investment in tools. We also are working on picnic tables. The Parks Department has about 135 tables total in the parks system and about 35 are in need of repair. The Parks Department purchased 14 new table frames but we still need to assemble each of them from scratch. We also have 6 older toddler bouncers that we are refurbishing. The reason for renewing our existing bouncers is a cost factor. If we were to purchase new ones each bouncers would cost about $850.00. We also have a new team member his name is Derek Wipper. Derek is working out very well! Upcoming projects for 2008 Xcel field four concrete dugouts Finish the fencing at Xcel Sunset Ponds (new playground soccer field irrigation) Spring tree planting Start a city nursery River Mill Park (reseed, new playground, plant trees) Groveland Park (install basketball poles, grade for park shelter) Hillcrest Park (finish sidewalk, playground, install batting cage) East Bridge landscaping and gazebo Install new wood on Otter Creek pedestrian bridge Irrigation at Pioneer Park and install a boulder wall Ellison Park (new Bathrooms) 4th St Park (install basketball poles, redo the baseball field) Building Department — by Deb Ward 2007 Permit Totals; Total Number of Permits; 961 Total Valuation; $45,911,861.94 Plan Check; $162,113.20 Permit Fees; $5645014.61 2006 Permit Totals; Total number of permits; 1,323 Total valuation; $45,572,690.65 Plan Check; $168,282.25 Permit Fees; $835,361.51 Rental Licensing 2007 - 08; Licensing Fees paid; $28,680.00 Number of Applications; 1,147 Finance Department — Tom Kelly The finance department is processing year-end adjustment in preparation of the annual audit. The new Audit firm MMKR spent two days here going over legal compliance requirements and the various new fraud standards reports and creating audit work papers for when they come back in March for their field work. Paula Mastey has accepted a position of Supervisory Accountant at the City of Plymouth and has resigned as Senior Accountant of the City effective February 15th. Her last day at the City will be February 7th. In response to this departure the Personnel Committee and staff have posted the position internally at Grade 11. This grade was set based on a review of the preliminary j ob description by Sherrie Le. The current salary range for this position is $47,000 to $61,000 and thus this is the advertised range. However, it could occur that this range could change pending Council decision making in the next few weeks relating to establishment of a new pay scale. Mandy at the DMV on Tuesday, January 22nd was driving to the dealerships picking up their license application when another vehicle ran a red light and crashed into her vehicle. Mandy was taken to the hospital with possible head and neck injuries. Good news is other than being very sore, the x-rays and scans showed no injuries. However today (Thursday) Mandy is having trouble moving one of her arms and is revisiting the doctors and her car is totaled. The accident is causing concern with them driving personal vehicles and the desire for a city vehicle even more. Plus with Mandy being out on leave Ann needs to increase the other ladies hours to provide proper coverage during DMV hours until she returns. They do still plan on opening on Saturday's beginning in March. The liquor store security cameras are being installed and should be operating shortly. Mr. John Lundsten is appealing his green acres assessment for the reconstruction of Cedar Street and construction of Dundas Road (Project 2006-02C) in court. The City offered Mr. Lundsten the assessment with a lower interest rate. However he was only willing to accept a reduced assessment amount. The City Attorney is now working to have the property appraised in preparation of the court proceedings. Finally, MnDOT has received all the signed paper work for the transfer of land for the interchange project and the City should be receiving a check in the amount of $836,977.00 within a week. Communitv Development — Angela Schumann Comprehensive Plan A reminder that the community open house on the draft Comprehensive Plan is set for Wednesday, January 30th, from 5 PM — 8PM. Staff would request that as many Council members attend as possible. This is the community's chance to react and respond to the draft. It will be helpful to the Council to hear their perspective as the document continues to move forward to approval. City Website Angela Schumann is working on a comprehensive update to the City website. The redesign is already underway, as the basic structure or "skeleton" of the site is being created. Once the background design template has been completed for the new site, all Council members will receive the url address for the draft website. Using that address, Council members will be able to check in on the website's progress as it is being built. The City has 30 days to construct the website. (Our current web host allows us to maintain two sites free of charge for 30 days). After that point, Schumann will continue to add to and improve the site. The update is being undertaken to improve the site's design, consistency, and functionality. If you have any q»estions or comments, please contact Angela at 763-271-3224. Transportation and Engineering — Bruce Westbv 1) TH 25 Improvements WSB completed updates to our traffic model for TH 25 late last fall and is now working with the City of Big Lake to create a single, regional traffic model that can be used to evaluate impacts to traffic congestion by considering land use and traffic control changes along TH 25. Some of the traffic control changes being evaluated include the relocation of the existing signal system from River Street to 4th Street, the use of roundabouts at 7th Street, 4th Street and Broadway Avenue, the addition of turn lanes in select locations, and access control modifications to limit access onto and across TH 25 at various locations. I will provide a verbal update to the Council at the end of the meeting to elaborate on our evaluation of the use of roundabouts on TH 25, which Mn/DOT requires any time traffic signal modifications are being considered. 2) Fenning Avenue speed limit City staff has contacted Mn/DOT and was informed that a speed study has never been conducted on Fenning Avenue therefore the only posted speed that can be enforced is 55 mph. This issue was also discussed at the Police Advisory Commission meeting on the evening of 1/23/08 and it was the feeling of the Wright County Sheriff's Department that 45 mph is likely a more reasonable speed to post Fenning Avenue at. In addition, City staff also contacted the Wright County Highway Department to discuss this issue. Based on the available information and the fact that staff feels the speed study results will likely show that the road should be posted between 40 and 45 mph, staff is considering posting Fenning Avenue at 45 mph between School Boulevard and 86th Street while waiting for the results of the speed study to come back, which could be as soon as this summer based on Mn/DOT's current workload. 3) Wright County Sheriff's Department year-end report The Wright County Sheriff's Department will present their year-end report to the City Council at one of the regularly scheduled February City Council meetings. 4) Signal timing issue @ CSAH 18 & 7th Street signal system Staff is checking into this issue and will have a more complete update for the Council at their first February meeting. on of guard 5) Additi rail on -WB I-94 at CSAH 18 off -ramp Staff is reviewing this issue with Mn/DOT. A more complete update will be presented to the Council at one of the February meetings. General — Jeff O'Neill Regional River City Meeting.... Monticello invited! The City of Monticello was represented at the Joint Meeting held at Big Lake City Hall on January 10, 2008. The meeting provided a good opportunity to share news pertaining to topics of mutual interest. This sharing could result in future collaboration and cooperation on various projects and planning in the future. Topics discussed by Monticello included YMCA, Fiber, Transportation, Park Development, Comprehensive Plan. Please note that the discussion on transportation planning included very very preliminary talk on ideas for managing Highway 25 congestion which included improvements to signal timing, turn lanes and also included out of the box discussion on round -a -bouts. It appears that the writer of the article somewhat overstated the stage of planning with regards to our transportation plan and that no set plan for round -a -abouts is in place or approved by the City Council. There is significant discussion that needs to occur on the west side of the river before a plan for the Highway 25 Corridor is set. Posusta/Lundsten land ownership dilemma — vacated Cedar Street. It is proposed that a special meeting on this topic be conducted prior to the regularly scheduled meeting set February 25th 2007. 1�►U[�1_ No news to report on this project at this time. Territorial Road/Jamison Parcel/Busch property. Staff is getting closer to forming an agreement with the Busch family that would allow a drive access to the Jamison parcel Project Prioritization Job Description/Pay Equity Study Staff is currently working with the Consultant to develop position points and pay equity system pay scale for review by the Personnel Committee on Thursday, January 281h. It is our goal to have various options to review that will be framed in terms of the Personnel Budget as set for 2008. Presentation to Lion's Club On MLK day I had the nice opportunity to provide an update on City accomplishments in 2007 and outline goals for 2008 as discussed at a special City Council meeting in December. I also had the chance to answer questions from the group on a variety of topics. It was a positive and supportive crowd that seemed to be on board with most of Council's initiatives. I think it serves the City well to keep in regular contact with important organizations like the Lion's club. Feel free to volunteer me to speak to organizations or individuals that would benefit from knowing more about City activities etc. Consideration of Making Offer on Hoglund Property No update to report No reports on items below at this time. Work in progress as time is available. Personnel Policy/Personnel Handbook Draft has been completed. Additional review to occur upon completion of the job descriptions/pay equity update Financial Management Plan Work is likely to be delayed on this due to the recent staff turn -over however we will continue to make this a priority. CSAR 18 Roundabout Landscaping No report Zoning Ordinance Revision. Consideration of establishing a request for proposal process to be brought before Council soon.