Planning Commission Minutes 11-07-2002 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICli:LLO PLANNING COMMISSION Thursday - November 7, 2002 8:00 P.M. Memhers Present: Dick Frie, Robbie Smith, Richard Carlson, Lloyd l-lilgart and Council Liaison Clint Herbst Rod Dragsten Jeff O'Neill, Fred Patch, and Steve Grittman Absent: Staff: ] . Call to order. Chair frie ca1Jed the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and declared a quorum. 2. Approval of the minutes of the regular Planning Commission meeting held October 1.2002. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROBBIE SMITH TO APPROVE THE MINUTI.:S OF 'fIlE REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINeJ HELD OCTOBER 1,2002. RICIIARD CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. ALmrovaJ of the minutes of the special PlanninQ Commission rneeting held October 14. 2002. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROBBIE SMITH TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF TilE SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING HI.:IJ) OCTOBER ]4,2002. IJ,OYD HILGART SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Approval of the minutes of the special Planning Commission meetinQ held October 28. 2002. A MUflON WAS MADE BY RICI lARD CARLSON TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF TlIE SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING HELl) OCTOBER 28,2002. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED TIll.: MCYTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Chair Frie noted he would not he available for tbe Decemher meeting Chair Frie asked to address handicap parking on West Broadway hetween Walnut and Locust. This was placed as item 9 on the agenda. 4. Citizens comments. None - 1- . . . Planning Commissioll Minutes - 11/07/02 5. Public IlcarinQ - Consideration of a re(]LIest for a conditional use permit and variance allowing construction of accessorv structure in excess of 1200 square feet. Applicant: Craig and Naomi Schihonski Fred Patch, Building Official, provided the staff report advising of the applicant's request for conditional use permit and variances. Patch advised thc Planning Commission of conditions that staff felt should he included for both the conditional use permit and the varIances. Chair Frie opened the public hearing. Naomi Schibonski, applicant, stated several reasons for their requests such as parking for a fourth vehicle, the length of their truck being 23 feet long which is longer then the existing garage, as well as wanting a shop area for personal use. She added that they felt the request for an additional driveway would add to the neighborhood as tbey would not be driving over their grass to get to the accessory structure which would preserve their lawn, and stated that there are 2 other corner lots in their neighborhood that have 2 driveways. Their plan includes matching siding, windows of the same dimension as their house, as well as shingles, stating it would be aesthetically pleasing. They would like this to be a nice addition for storing equipment and cars versus storing in the driveway or backyard. Chair Frie asked Schihonski if when she came in f()r the building permit was she advised of the tbings that were not allowed hy ordinance and she stated she was but that they needed the additional size of the accessory structure due to the length of their truck and the driveway was again due to not wanting to ruin their yard. She also noted that the placement of the proposed structure is due to thc house initially being constructed on the wTong side of the property by previous owners. They had already had their plans drawn up by the builder prior to coming in Cor a permit and hearing of the conditional use permit and variances necessary. Rohhie Smith asked about the truck and she again stated it's size and type, and that they wish to have it enclosed. She noted they have no other detached buildings on thcir property. Lloyd Hilgart asked O'Neill f()r clarification of the ordinance's intent for accessory structures and were they intended for storage or for vehicles to be entering/exiting from. O'Neill advised that it was not necessarily defined in the ordinance, hut that the intent was f(Jr existing driveways to be used for entering/exiting storage structures. He did slate also that in the applicant's case that would not be possible. Paul Zemke, 107 Hillcrest Road, next door to the proposed oversized garage, advised that he sent a previous letter to the City in regard to this matter stating they are very opposed to this structure. He also ITlentioned that this whole process has been stressful as they have lived in the Hillcrcst Addition for many ycars and are now having to come and defend their property. Thc garage would he within 10 feet of their bedroom, the variance for the driveway would place it right past their hedroom and he noted that the applicant likes to work in his garage late into the evenings whieh will cause noise right by their bedroom window. He also stated the proposed structure would obstruct their view to the east and they would he "boxed" in. -2- Planning Commission Minutes - 11/07/02 . He felt also it would be a value loss to their property. Ilis opinion is that the ordinances are in place to protect the property owners and this has a significant impact on them. Fred Patch stated he also received a phone call from the neighbor at 102 Ilillcrest Road which is to the south of the applicant, registering an objection to the structure as well. Steve Grittman, City Planner, addressed the commission providing a possible alternative. He stated one of the problems is definition of front yard. lIe stated that staff could have discretion as to defining this which would allow the applicant to construct within 10 feet of the sidewalk and build out to the rear, although it would not be as large as they had wanted. Grittman advised that the applicant could do this by building permit process and no variance would be needed. hie stated that if everything was in compliance this would be within their right. This addition, along with the existing garage, would be close to the 1200 sq. ft. allowable. . Craig Schibonski then addressed the commission and stated that hc would not be able to get the large truck in where the current garage door is and that they would have to park the vehicles back to back as they would only have one entrance. Grittlnan stated that was true in this case and that would be the down side to this alternative. lie also added that it may be possible to build out to the side, but it would not be very effective. Frie asked the Zemke's if from this option do they have any concerns and they stated they were not opposed to this alternativc. Clint lIerbst asked what size the new building would have to be to fit into compliance and (Jrittn1an stated 634 sq. fto, or approximately 20 x 32. Patch advised Ci-rittman of another zoning aspect in that the R-l district allows for a 6 ft. setback on the garage side and it may also be possible to build a 3,d stall garage as they would have slightly more buildable area. Chair Frie then closed the public hearing and it was clarifIed that if the Planning Commission denied one of the requests, the others would also be denied. Action 1: ConditionallJsc Permit A MOTION WAS MADE BY DICK FRIE TO TABLE AND CONTINUE THE PUBLIC IIEARING TO THE DECEMBER PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. . There was further discussion regarding thc applicant's options if the Planning Commission were to deny the requests. Also, if the applicant wcre to comply with the ordinance it would not be necessary to come back to the Planning Commission. Fred Patch stated that the structure could possibly be moved in closer to the house as wcll, but did not know how that would affect the neighbor. Patch felt that Grittman' s options were good as well, somewhat more expcnsive but may add valuc in the long run. ] lilgart recommended that they keep the structure to the 1200 sq. ft. maximum. Robbie Smith comlnented that the neighborhood is " -j- Planning Commission Minutcs - 11/07/02 . quaint and he felt this proposed structure would have an adverse affect. He added that their property is a beautiful piece ofland and perhaps they could look at other options as stated by Grittman and Patch. Frie again stated that if they felt comfortable, Planning Commission could continue the public hearing if the applicant wanted to meet with staff in regard to other options. He stated he felt the intent of the ordinance for conllmning, detached garages, was for indoor storage. Naomi Schibonski stated their preference would be to have a vote on the detached accessory structure and then consider the other options. Chair Frie then rescinded his motion. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROBBIE SMITH TO RECOMMEND DENIAL OF A CONDITIONAL, USE PERMIT' ALLOWING CONSTRUCTION OF ACCESSORY STRUCTURE IN EXCESS OF 1200 SQUARE FEET. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . Clint Herbst asked for clarification by stail whether they wanted the appl icant to build within 1200 sq. n. There was further discussion again as to the dellnition of side yard and rear yard, and that the Planning Commission would have to determine that. They also discussed that the side yard/rear yard has already been determined. Smith asked Mr. Schibonski how he would feel if his neighbor was proposing this structure instead of him and he stated that he would feel that it was their property and could do whatever they want with it. O'Neill added that the applicant does have the option to build to a smaller size but would still need the variance fl)r a curb cut. Patch added that the curb cut was not a necessity, but rather sorncthing thcy desire. .10 Ann Zemke statcd that no matter how it is determined as far as hont or rear, the structure is still going to be in the samc spot and out of place. Action 2: Variance - Second Curb Cut A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROBBIE SMITH TO DENY A VARIANCE PROVIDING FOR A SECOND RESIDENTIAL CURB CUT. RICHARD CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Action 3: Variance -Front Yard Accessory Structure A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROBBIE SMITH TO DENY A VARIANCE ALLOWING CONSTRUCTION OF AN ACCESSORY STRUCTURE IN THE FRONT YARD OF TIlE SUBJECT PARCEL. LLOYD llTLGART SECONI)ED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . Chair Frie added that he fclt there is still an opportunity fiJr the applicant to work something out, possibly with the other options as presented. ~4- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 11/07/02 6. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for preliminary plat approval Il11' Monticello Business Center 2nd Addition. Applieanl: Michael Krutzig: and Darvl Krutzig Steve Grittman, City Planner, provided the stall report advising of the applicant's rcquest for preliminary plat approval and also that since the time he wrote the staff report the owner of the property advised that he has decided to retain Outlot A and would not be selling to the applicant. Grittman stated that in lieu of this information, stafT would then alter their recommendation with a condition that the owner of Outlot A continuc to work with the City on the alignment of the property with Cedar Street. Chair Frie opened thc public hearing. Shawn Weinand, property owner, clarified that during the process of negotiations with the applicant, it was determined that it would not be feasiblc for the applicant to purchase and develop the cntirc property. Weinand did ask that the City dedicate a ROW to Cedar Street and allow some t1exibility. lIe states it's an awkward piece as wcll as expensive. Krutzig added that he agrees with this compromise. Chair Frie closed the public hearing. Frie askcd what the intent for the purpose of the propcrty would be, asking if it fit with the intcnt of the Comprehensive Plan. Grittman statcd that the zoning and lots are fully in compliance. Krutzig added that it would mainly be retail and professional offices and he would like to start building this spring. Clint Herbst asked if they would have to bring that road through to Kjellberg's Park, questioning if they arc allowing enough room f()r this. Weinand stated there would be and that with the present alignment. Kjcllberg would not lose many units. It was clarified that the cxtension of Cedar Street would happen prior to Chelsea Road. Grittlnan added that Chclsea will be extcnded based on development demand and Cedar is ready to go. Weinand stated they havc buyers on both sides of School Blvd. that are ready to start next Spring. They would like to work out the alignment soon with staff and City Engineer. A MOTION WAS MADE BY I J.,OYD HILGART TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF TIII-: PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR MONTICELLO BUSINESS CENTER SECOND ADDITION, WITH TIlE CONDITION THAT THE OWNER OF OUTLOT A CONTINUE TO WORK WITH THE CITY ON TIlE ALIGNMEN'r Of THE PROPERTY WITII CEDAR S-rREET, WITI-I THE APPROPRIATE RICH.IT OF WA Y. MOTION CONTINGENT ON INTEGRATION OF FUTURE SITE PLAN DEVELOPMENT/FINAL PLAT WITH TilE CITY ENGINEER'S ROAD AND UTILITY PLANS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF CEDAR STREET RIGHT OF WAY. RICHARD CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED lJNANIMOUSLY. Shawn Weinand requested this move to final plat stage at the City Council meeting in November and O'Neill stated it would. -5- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 11/07/02 7. Review revised sketch plan for the "Bruge:eman" residential PUD, now referred to as M. W. Johnson residential pun. Steve (irittman advised that this item is a review of a revised sketch plan that has been proposed by Bruggeman, stating the developer is looking at another company to partner with to construct the hOlnes. They also got a resolution fronl MnDOT regarding the I-94 project which had been interfering with this project. Grittman summarized the new proposed sketch plan, stating MnDOT would drop I-94 underneath the railroad bridge rather than go over Co. Rd. 75, but basically the same aIigmnenL After this is complete, the bulk of the land would still remain. There are some changes, although general layout is silnilar. access will be from Gillard, which allows for central access for single family homes in the NW corner, with the NE corner for townhouses, as well as in the SE corner. The developer is looking at R-2A standards and row townhouses that are not back to back as previously sketched. These changes as reported by staff would be more acceptable, giving a more private feel, and small lot single bmily seem to be a good solution to the twin homes which staff is rnore supportive of. Density is relatively similar. The developer is asking the Planning Commission if there arc any issues that would interfere with thern proceeding with preliminary plans, other than annexation. Mike Gail', MFRA, representative for Bruggeman, as well as Mark Gergen with MW Johnson, the builder. addressed the Planning Commission. O'Neill stated to (Jail' that there had becn some concern as to why they were back again since there were no major changes. Gair stated that they wanted to introduce the builder and advise of the MnDOT plans. lie noted the two temporary bypass lanes and that previously there was a potential to lose some of the homes, but this has been resolved. Gail' advised that in regard to density there will be one less unit. He also stated that previously thcy were proposing ten 8 unit buildings, back to back, and now they are proposing row townhomes and 50 n. wide lots for the R-2A. Frie asked if the Parks Commission had reviewed this and O'Neill stated that happens at development stage. Frie asked Herbst about a previous comment on the intent of the City Park that is proposed, stating it was to be both for residents of the development and the public. O'Neill advised that this project t~llls under the R-I requirements. Frie asked about sale price, and Mark Gergen stated that possibly in the townhome project they would have two different t100r plans with different prices, approximately frorn $130,000 to $150,000 for one style, the other style slightly higher. The small lot single family homes would be higher in value than a twin home. 'rhey arc proposing splits, ramblers and two stories, with splits selling for under $200,000 and the two stories in excess of $200,000. Frie stated that his concern is that he feels we have a shortage of single bmily detached homes. lIe was also concerned with phasing and how quickly there could be sewer and water to this project, and then extend further cast of town. Herbst stated that the major issue would be the bypass. O'Neill stated that the new alignment for the interstate will now be a road that -6- . . . 8. 9. Planning COll1mission Minutes - 11/07/02 will almost tunne\through and be at grade, and in order to accomplish that design there will have to be a frontage/bypass road, and the question would be when the freeway is reinstated, should they leave that bypass road as a collector road f()r properties to the east. Initially Cillard Avenue will be the primary entrance to the development. He stated in discussions with MnDOT there would be costs and land acquisitions. MnDOT needs to acquire the land for ROW now and the City does not know of all the costs at this point. GaiT adviscd that the meeting in August was with MnDOT and staff, and so the connection with them has been made. Gair explained the buffcr they propose which will not be a fence but rather a planted landscaped buller. adding that this is an important part of their project. Thcre was no further discussion. A MUrION WAS MADE BY ROBBIE SMITH ^CCEPTJNG THE Rr~VISr:[) CONCEPT PI,AN PRESENTED BY MW JOIINSON ^S BEING CONSISTEnr WrlTI THE ORIGINAL CONCEPT PL^N SUBMITTED BY BRUGGEMAN HOMES. RJCIIARD CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION C^RRIEn UNANIMOUSL Y. It was advised that the developer will now proceed to the preliminary plat/development stage PUD. Summary or the Fair Jlousing discussion at the llR^ meeting of October 2. 2002. Chair Frie asked if everyone had read the sLlmmary provided to thenl by Ollie Koropchak, Economic Developlnent Director, and it was noted that they had and there were no questions. No action was needed. Handicap parking on Wcst Broadway. Chair Frie advised that he had been approached by a business owner on West Broadway who stated a conccrn with the lack of parking fiJr their block during the construction of the new restaurant on the corner of Broadway and J .ocust. I-Ie stated there was no rear entrance to this particular business and this Inakes it difficult for an employee who is handicapped to get to the building. It was also noted that this will be even more dill'icult once it snows. fric stated that this is somewhat of a unique situation in that there are 2 businesses on this block with no cntrances from the rear of their building. It was noted that parking on Broadway in front of their business is limited to two hours so the cmployee could not park in front to get access to thcir building during business hours. It was discussed that this should be brought to the attention of John Simola and Roger Mack with the Public Works Department to see ifthere is a solution for this. O'Neill advised that he would contact thenl. 1 (). Robbie Smith asked about the I Jolthaus proposal, which is scheduled to be on the next agenda, in regard to a letter received from Ed Solberg and his comment that the applicant had previously slated that he would not ask for re-zoning. -7- Planning Commission Minutes - 11/07/02 . It was noted that this statelnent was made a number of years ago, in f~lct it was prior to some staff members who have been employed for 15 years. Herbst added that it is hard to hold someone to a statement like that from so long ago as there have been Inany changes. Ilerbst also stated that his perception is that the residents aren't opposed to honles, just the density and where driveways and yard areas were placed, and felt these were legitimate concerns. Fric also stated that hom comments from the residents they would be happy if nothing happened on that property but that would not be good f(x the City. Frie added that with the conditions previously stated for this proposal this could be a nice project and I lerbst added that this is a unique property. O'Neill added that referring to the roadway in the back as an alley really is not that, it is just a private drive to one side of the home. Carlson stated he 1ert possi bly putting driveways in the front and pushing the units l<.}[ward to allow for a nice rear yard would make more sense. O'Neill added that the proposed 1100r plan is 1,400 sq. ft. and that these would be nice units. II. Adiourn A MOTION WAS MADE BY RICHARD CARLSON TO ADJOURN TilE MEETING AT 9:40 P.M. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED. . . -8-