Planning Commission Minutes 12-03-2002 . . . Members: Absent: Staff: MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday - December 3, 2002 7:00 P.M. Robbie Smith, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten, Lloyd llilgart and Council Liaison Clint Ilerbst Dick Frie Jeff O'Neill and Steve Grittman 1. Call to order. Vice Chair Richard Carlson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and declared a quorum. 2. Approval of the minutes of the reuular Planninu Commission meeting held November 8. 2002. ., .L 4. 5. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROBBIE SMITII TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEI~TING HELD NOVEMBER 8, 2002. LLOYD lllLGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Rod Dragsten requested an update on the recent court decision regarding annexation. This was placed as item (1 on the agenda. Citizens comments. None Public Hearinu - Request for preliminarv plat of the Monticello Marketplace Commercial Subdivision and consideration of conditional use permits allowing a convenience store. car wash. and ioint parking in a B-3 District. Applicant: Richard BrendseL Brendsel Properties Steve Grittrnan, City Planner, provided the staff report and noted that the applicant would come back at a future date regarding development of the north side oCthe property. Grittman advised that there was good access to the property, circulation was good, although there would be some cross car access, and all uses are within the intent of the zoning ordinance. He did add however that the landscape plan needs to provide for approximately 9 additional trees to meet ordinance standards. Regarding parking, stall estimated the need for 37 stalls which is one more than what the applicant had provided. Grittman stated this would most likely be adequate and they would be able to determine this after the building plans are submitted. lIe also noted that if the parking ends up short, joint parking would be used. -1- Planning Commission Minutes - 12/03/02 . There was also a concern with the required 5 foot separation between curb and landscaping to a]]ow a 10 foot island. The plan shows only a 3 foot setback so staff was recommending the lot I ine be moved 2 feet to the north, although Grittman stated that shifting to the south may also be an option. Staff would also ask that dumpsters be screened, and Inaterials similar to the principle building be used. He added that stailwould prefer the dumpsters be attached to the building although the code states detached is allowable. With the conditions listed in the report, stail recommended approval of prelim i nary plat as well as the conditional use permits. There was discussion as to whether the property to the north would be developed fix certain and also if stall knew what would be proposed. They also discussed joint parking and Grittman advised that this was necessary due to the lots being connected. Again, Grittman stated he felt there would be adequate parking and if spaces that arc often informally counted such as pump islands, car wash drives, etc., were included they would most likely have more parking than what is required by code. They also discussed necessary easements for cross access and this would be looked at more closely with the project to the north. . Jeff 0 'Neill added that easements on the perimeter have to be updated and they need 12 feet. He also noted that there is a potential for a community entrance sign to be placed at the corner of llighway 25 and School Blvd., but that this would be a low profile sign and they would work with the applicant to make sure that it did not interfere with his sign plan. O'Neill advised that this would be in the area of the City's ROWand that this matter just recently came up. Brendsel stated it would seem that the sign should be moved south and he fclt it would detract lh)m their signage on their site. O'Neill stated they have limited options and would like to talk in detail with the applicant at some point in the near future. Vice Chair Carlson opened the public hearing. Richard Brendsel, applicant, addressed the Planning Commission and gave a brief history of his background in the area. He stated he has been looking at this sitc for approxilnately two years and feels that now is the best time to get this project started. He added that timing of the development to the north would depend on demand, and they are looking at a possible restaurant at that site. Brendsel advised that after receiving the staff report with the list of conditions, they revised their site plan. He felt that landscape plans were premature and added that it would be much more extensive once they see what the buildings will look like. Parking was rcvised by shifting the entrance to the north which gave them an additional parking stall. The dumpster was shown on the north side of building and will be attached and enclosed. The lighting will be designcd with the building design. They havc also increased the northern houndary to meet the 5 foot green space requi rement. Brendsel requested that preliminary plat and site plan be approved subject to comments, as well as the conditional use permits with conditions. He added that he would also like final plat approval to be recommended. O'Neill clarified that final plat would not be reviewed by . -2- Plann ing Comm ission Minutes - 12/03/02 . the Planning Commission, only by City Council. There was further discussion as to whether they should address the community entrance sign at this time and O'Neill stated it should be a separate issue and that it could be worked out between stafTand the applicant. Clint Herbst added that the sign was only 5 ft. long by 4 ft. high, sits on the ground, and really was low profile. The applicant agreed that this could be discussed mnong staff as wcll. Vice Chair Carlson then closed the public hearing. There was no further discussion. Dccision 1 A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROD DRAOSTEN TO RECOMMEND APPRO V AL OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAT, SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS LISTED IN EXI HBIT Z WITII THI': ADDITION OF CONDITIONS II AND 12 AS FOLLOWS: I. A revised landscape plan providing an additional 9 overstory trees and additional landscaping along the sitc perimeter should be submitted and approved by the City staff prior to subm ittal ofthe final plat. Landscaping of the parcel per revised landscape plan subm itted prior to issuance of a building permit or via a landscape bond. The f~nal plat site plan should be revised to show location and screening of dumpsters as required in the zoning ordinance. A lighting plan meeting the requirements of the zoning ordinance, Section 3-21 HI, is submitted and approved by City staff prior to final plat. The 11011her lot line is to be moved two (2) f"cet north as needed to providc the required flve (5) f()Ot green space separation from all lot lines. Detailed building plans are to be submitted and reviewed by City staft~ as required by zoning ordinance, prior to final plat approval. Paving plan is to be submitted and reviewed by City staff, as required by the zoning ordinance, prior to final plat approval. An in depth sign plan is to be submitted and reviewed by City staff, as required by the zoning ordinance, prior to final plat approval. The required amount of park ing sta lis, as JeteI'm ined by the zoning ordinance, are achieved. Recommendation of other City staff, including the City Engineer. A 12 foot utility easement around the perimeter of the propet1y be provided, except along the interior lot line where a 6' easement is acceptable as long as a 6' casement area is provided alongside on the adjacent lot. 12. Cross casements for parking be provided by the applicant. ') 3. . 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. . LLOYD HILGART SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Dccision 2 A MOTION WAS MADE BY LLOYD HILGART TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF TIlE CUP FOR A CONVENIENCE STORE, SUBJECT '1'0 THE CONDITIONS LISTED -3- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 12/03/02 IN EXHlGn 'I., BASED ON TilE FINDING TIIA T TilE USE IS APPROPRIATE POR TilE ZONING DISTRICT AND THE PROPOSED SITE. ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Dccision 3 A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROD DRAGSTEN TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE CUP FOR A CAR WASH, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS LISTED IN EXHI8IT 'I., BASED ON THI': FINDING THAT THE USE IS APPROPRIATE FOR THE /'DNING DISTRICT AND THE PROPOSED SITE. LLOYD IIILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Decision 4 A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROD DRAGSTEN TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE CUP FOR JOINT PARKING, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS LISTED IN EXHIBIT L BASED ON THE fiNDING THAT THE TWO ACCESS POINTS CONNI';CrING 'rI IE PARCEL TO THE NORTII WILL IMPROVE CIRCULATION BETWEEN THE TWO PAIZCELS. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Richard Carlson then publicly thanked Clint I Icrbst for his time on the City Council as well as on the Planning Commission. Herbst also thanked the Planning Commission members for thcir time and elTort as well. 13. lJ pdatc regardi ng annexations. Jeff O'Neill providcd an update regarding the recent court decision on thc MOAA agreement. lie stated that it looks as though the previous MOAA agreement is no longer valid and now the question would be how thc City would want to proceed with the annexation process in the future. lie statcd this was discussed at the last City Council mceting and the consensus was to proceed with putting together a joint resolution that the Township would sign, and for now in lieu of joint resolution they would go by State statutes. There will also be a task forcc with 2 City Council membcrs working with the Township on a new agrcement. O'Neill added that he was not sure if the Township had appealed the court decision but that he did hear from Township Clerk Darlene Sawatzke that the Township's priority is to work with the City on a new agreement. O'Neill then provided a map showing the areas that are to bc considcred for annexation and advised of the current annexation requests. He stated it is likely that if the annexations are supported by State statues they could be on the City Council agenda as soon as the first meeting in February. O'Ncill added that the City Council is moving ahead with present annexations of the parcels closest to the City and would work with the Township for parcels beyond the first tier of properties, and also that there is a substantial amount ofland that is under the control of Wright County. Robbie Slnith added that he was very glad to see the -4- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 12/03/02 large amount of R-l A zoning. O'Neill advised of the 60 acre Chadwick parcel as well and relninded them that there had been concept approval for that site already for a mix ofI-IA and commercial/retail. They also discussed the extension of Chelsea Road and the most recent design. 14. Robbie Slnith then asked for an update on the proposed hockey arena and O'Neill advised that City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller has had continued conversations with both the Hockey Association and the Soccer Association. They discussed that this would be a very expensive endeavor for both associations but even without the support ofVeit, they could still have a nice facility, just not as nice as what they had first anticipated. O'Neill added that it is not uncommon to start with a more basic arena and add to it at a later time. He advised that the Council will still have a say in whether they sell them the land or not, based on the project. Clint Herbst added that the way it had been previously proposed seems ideal and hopefully they can go back and do what they initially intended. Getting this parcel back on the tax rolls is important and O'Neill added that this property with it's freeway frontage is a big asset to the hockey and soccer associations as well. 15. Adiourn. A MCyrlON WAS MADE BY ROBBIE SMITII TO ADJOURN THE MEF"rING AT 7:50 P.M. ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED 'n-IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10YJ~/. ~ ,~ -5-