City Council Minutes 11-08-1999M)CNUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, November S, 1999 - 'I p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. A royal of minutes of October 25 1999 re ular Council meetin . BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ACCEFT THE MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 25, 1999 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AS PRESENTED. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addin items to the a enda. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, added to the agenda setting a date for a closed special meeting to review litigation. 4. Citizen comments/ etitions re nests and com taints. Residents from the Kjellberg's Mobile Home Park were in attendance at the meeting..iean Weisbrich acting as spokesperson for the group addressed the Council about water quality issues relating to the water supply for the mobile home park. She expressed the anxiety the residents have about possible health concerns from drinking the water and questioned whether the testing standards have been met. The residents were requesting that the mobile home park be connected to the City's municipal water system. The residents were advised that since the mobile home park was outside the City limits, the City could not provide service to the area. Even if the City annexed the property, it is questionable whether the current water distribution system at the park meets the City's design standards. The Council stated that while they are sympathetic to the plight the residents are in, the City does not have jurisdiction or authority to require improvements to be made to the water system at the mobile home park. The Council heard additional comments from residents about the water quality at the mobile home park. The Council reiterated that the City did not have the authority to take any action on this matter. The Council did support the residents efforts to bring about change at the mobile home park and encouraged them to continue their efforts. S. Consent A enda A. Consideration of Change Order No. 23 -Project No. 93-14C WWTP. Recommendation: Council Minutes - 1 1/8/99 Approve change Order No. 23 to Project No. 93-14C deducting $13,733 from the wastewater treatment plant project. B. Consideration of an amendment to the Recycling Policy. Recommendation: Amend the recycling plan eliminating the paragraph regarding establishing a longevity date for containers and replacing it with a paragraph stating that the City would pay for one half the cast of the bins, stickers and logos on initial containers and replacements. C. Consideration of authorizing Monticello Country Club to be a liquor provider at the Monticello Community Center for calendar year 2000. Recommendation: Approve the request of the Monticello Country Club to be a liquor provider at the Monticello Community Center for calendar year 2000. D. Consideration of adopting a resolution extending the term of the cable franchise granted to Bresnan Telecommunications Company, LLC. Recommendation: Adopt the resolution extending the current franchise with Bresnan Cable until ,Tune 30, 2000. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. GLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. None. 7. Public Heariang -Proposed issuance of Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds.and the Related_Housing Program - St. Benedict's Senior Community. This public hearing was required so that the City of Cloud and the City of Monticello could issue revenue bonds on behalf of the St. Cloud Hospital Corporation to finance the St. Benedict's Senior Housing Project which consists of 60 units of independent living and 60 units of assisted living within the City of Monticello. A representative from the St. Cloud Hospital Corporation was present to address any questions from the Council. Mayor Belsaas opened the public hearing on the issuing of revenue bands for the St. Cloud Hospital Corporation. No one came forward to speak on the matter of issuance of revenue bonds. Mayor Belsaas closed the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT' A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ISSUANCE. OF REVENUE BONDS ON BEHALF OF THE ST. CLOUD HOSPITAL CORPORATION AND APPROVAL OF THE ASSOCIATED HOUSING PROGRAM REQUIREMENT. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. $. Consideration of an offer for purchase of Senior Citizen Buildiu~. The Council was requested to table this matter because the use originally proposed for this 2 Council Minutes - 1 1/8/99 property may no longer be economically feasible. The prospective buyer of the property is checking into other possible uses that would be suitable for this site. The Council directed that the advertisement for the property should be continued and the staff should research the ordinance to determine what other uses would be appropriate for the site. 9. Re_v_iew of Liquor Store and Library space needs stud Susan Blumentals was present at the meeting to review with the Council the space needs study that was done for the library and the liquor store site. She explained that the library because of its close proximity to the Community Center did not want to relocate but would prefer to expand at its existing site. There is expansion room on the north side of the building or towards the parking lot on the south side. The proposed expansion would al law the trees on site to remain. The estimated cost of the expansion is $1,195,990. The proposed expansion of the liquor store would take place on the 5`" Street side of the property leaving a 50' strip of land on the Walnut Street side that could be developed for shops. The estimated cast of the expansion is $588,000. It was noted that funds far the expansion could come from the development of the Ferrell Gas site. There was brief discussion on what options were available such as adding on to the existing facility, constructing a satellite facility or some combination of both. Toe Hartman, the liquor stare manager, noted that there had been some damage done to the existing facility and he asked whether the Council wanted him to go ahead and have the repairs done or bald off nn it. The Council directed him to make the necessary repairs. 10. Consideration of authorization to roceed with rocess of sale and develo ment of Lots 11-16 Block 14 PID 155-400-000040 Ferrell Gas Site The Council had earlier issued a request for proposal for development of this site. With the current information on the expansion needs for the liquor store, the staff was requesting Council direction to proceed with the development of the site and to incorporate the 50' strip of land on the Walnut Street side of the liquor store parcel. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED 'T'O DIRECT THE STAFF TO UPDATE THE PROSPEC'T'IVE DEVELOPERS ON THE AVAILABILITY OF ADDITIONAL LAND ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE LIQUOR STORE BUILDING FOR REDEVELOPMENT. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ] O.B Consideration of setting a date for a special meeting. The attorneys representing the City in current legal action have requested an opportunity to meet with the City Council to update them on lawsuits. A closed meeting was scheduled for G p.m. on November 22, 1999. Council Minutes - 1 1/8/99 11. Approve bills for November.. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 8 P.M. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary r 4