City Council Minutes 01-14-2008Council Minutes: 1/14/08 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday January 14, 200$ - 7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Woj chouski Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. A rove minutes of December 10 2007 Re ular Council meetin . BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 10, 2007 REGULAR MEETING. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2B. A rove minutes of December 1Z 2007 S ecial Council meetin - Com rehensive Plan. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 12, 2007 SPECIAL MEETING RELATING TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH CLINT HERBST ABSTAINING. 2C. A rove minutes of December 20 2007 S ecial Council meetin . BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 20, 2007 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2D. A rove minutes of December 5 2007 S ecial Council meetin -EDA. Tom Perrault noted in Section 4, Page 3 that the comments attributed to him were actually made at a different meeting and asked that the language be removed. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE MNUTES OF THE DECEMBER 5, 2007 SPECIAL MEETING RELATING TO THE EDA WITH THE CHANGE NOTED. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2E. A rove minutes of Janua 2 200$ S ecial Council meetin . TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 2, 2008 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Council Minutes: 1/14/08 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. The following items were added to agenda: 1) Light pole by 113 Broadway; 2) Timing of the lights at the new interchange, at CSAH 39 and CSAH 18 and at Highland Way and CSAH 75; 3) Speed limit on Fenning Avenue; 4) Establishment of second precinct; S) Update on Comprehensive Plan and 6) Proposal to send staff and/or Council to Virginia to look at a fiber optics system management program. 4. Citizens comments, petitions, requests and concerns. No one spoke under citizens comments. 5. Consent Agenda A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures. Recommendation: Approve hires and departures for Parks, DMV and Finance Department as identified. B. Consideration of approving contributions. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution approving the contributions and authorizing use of funds as specified by donors. C. Consideration to approve a Second Amendment to Contract for Frivate Development by and among the City of Monticello EDA, the City of Monticello and First National Bank of Elk River, as assignee of Front Porch Associates, LTD. Recarnrnendation: Approve the Second Amendment to the Contract for Private Development by and among the City of Monticello EDA, City of Monticello, and First National Bank of Elk River, as assignee of Front Porch Associates, LTD. D. Consideratian of contract with Peterson-Grimsmo Chapel for Cemetery Caretaker Services for Riverside Cemetery. Recommendation: Approve the new Agreement for Services with Peterson-Grimsrna Chapel to perform those duties as listed in the Agreement for Services at Riverside Cemetery for a lump sum of $316 per month. E. Consideration of final payment in the amount of $7,000 for the mural at the Community Center. Recommendation: Authorize final payment of $7,000 to Farker McDonald for completion of the mural at the community center. F. Cansideration of approving Change Order No. 1 for the Tower Drive Improvement Froject, City Project No. 2007-08C. Recommendation: Approve Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $2,597.00 for Doboszenski & Sorts, Inc. for the Tower Drive Irnpravement Project. G. Consideration of approving reduction in retainage for the Meadow Oaks and CSAH 39 Lift station and Forcemain Improvements, City Project No. 2003-02C. Recommendation: Approve the reduction of the S% retained amount ($84,343.62) to 1 %retainage ($16,868.72) and authorize payment to Barbarossa and Sons, Inc. in the amount of $67,474.90 for Meadow Oaks and CSAH 39 Lift Stations and Forcemain Improvements. 2 Council Minutes: 1/14/08 H. Consideration of Final Acceptance for the Featherstone 1St and 2°`t Addition Developments, City Froject No. 2003-03C and 2005-25P. Recommendation: Accept the public improvements for Featherstone 1St and 2°d Additions and reduce the street and utility warranty period far Featherstone l St Addition to 1 year. 1. Consideration of purchasing a side mounted wing plow for 612 Case Loader. Recommendation: Purchase the wing plow and installation from St. Joseph Equipment of Shakopee including tax for $18,318.00. J. REMOVED FROM AGENDA. K. Consideration of approving a request for a charitable gambling license for the Monticello Lions Club. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to issue a charitable gambling license to the Monticello Lions Club for River City Lanes located at 3875 School Boulevard. L. Review of proposals for demolition of structures at Cedar Street Garden Center and Bechtold property (future Public Works Site), City Project No. 2007-20C and consideration of contingent award of contract for demolition. Recommendation: Award the joint project to Fitzgerald Excavating of Goodhue, Minnesota based upon their low proposal of $24,900 contingent upon verification of building demolition references, financial resources, and a similar approval from the EDA on January 16, 2008. M. Consideration of approval of offer to sell and conveyance of quit claim deed. Recommendation: Approve the resolution approving the offer to sell at $836,977 and the execution of the Quit Claim deed. N. Consideration of accepting deed for the Ocello property between the Autumn Ridge and Featherstone Developments. Recommendation: Accept the deed from Ocello transferring the property to the City with no payment to Ocello. Wayne Mayer commented on #5B relating to donations to the City, thanking those who had donated but suggesting that maybe instead of using funds to attract bands for Riverfest, it might be applied to resurrecting the Monticello marching band. Susie Wojchouski indicated that the Riverfest Committee has contracted with someone to handle the scheduling of the bands. Wayne Mayer noted on #SK, a charitable gambling license for the Monticello Lions that the City is not relaxing their position on financial information from the license holders but since the Lions charitable gambling licenses will come up for renewal in March the financial information will be submitted at that time. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEMS #SC, #5F, #SL AND #SM. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Council Minutes: 1/14/08 #SC Second Amendment to Contract for private development -Ciry of Monticello EDA, Ciry of Monticello and First National Bank of Elk River as assignee of Front Porch Associates: Brian Stumpf asked if a one year extension would be enough time to allow the three townhomes to be built. O11ie Koropchak stated the three homes have been built but will not be finished until they are sold and then they are finished to the buyers' specifications. O11ie Koropchak noted the EDA approved the extension just through this year. Wayne Mayer asked about the legal cost and if it was applied against the TIF District or if the developer was paying the cost. Ollie Koropchak responded that the developer is not paying any costs relating to the amendment. If the Council desired the developer to pick up any of the cost the EDA would have to change their agreement. Wayne Mayer asked if this could be placed on the agenda far the next EDA meeting. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT FOR PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT BY AND AMONG THE CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA, CITY OF MONTICELLO AND FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ELK RIVER, AS ASSIGNEE OF FRONT PORCH ASSOCIATES, LTD. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH WAYNE MAYER VOTING IN OPPOSITION AS HE FELT THE DEVELOPER SHOULD INCUR SOME OF THE COST OF THE AMENDMENT. #SF Change Order No. 1 for the Tower Drive Improvement Project, Ciry Project No. 2007-O8C: Brian Stumpf asked why the change order was necessary. Bruce Westby stated the elevation on the plan was 1' off and most of the pipe was installed before they realized the error in elevation. The as-built information was incorrect. Clint Herbst asked if language could be incorporated into the specifications that the plan information needed to be verified in the field by the contractor. Wayne Mayer asked why it was up to the city inspectors to provide this information to the contractors as he felt this was the responsibility of the contractor. Legal counsel, Joel Jamnik stated that if the City changes their contract sa that the risk of loss is switched to the contractor, the contractors will be bidding higher to cover their risk. The City has to weigh the cost of an occasional oversight that results in a change order against every bid coming in higher because the contractor is protecting himself against that risk. Putting the burden on the contractor means the City could pay substantially more on all the contracts that are bid. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,597.00 FOR DOBOSZENSKI AND SONS, INC. FOR THE TOWER DRIVE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, CITY PROJECT NO.240'7-0$C. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY #SL Proposals for demolition of structures at Cedar Street Garden Center and Bechtold property (future Public Works site), Ciry Project No. 2007=20C. Brian Stumpf asked if the projects were bid separately. If one part of the project was awarded and not the other would the contractor still be obligated to construct the awarded part at the bid price. Bruce Westby felt the contractor would not be obligated to do sa since it was bid as a total project. Brian Stumpf questioned the urgency of demolishing the Cedar Street site. 4 Council Minutes: 1/14/08 Bruce Westby brought up another item relating to this project. Jahn Simola, Fublic Works Director had requested references from bath contractors and he also wanted a letter from the bank stating the contractor's financial capability to complete the project as bid. As of meeting time one contractor had not submitted a letter of financial resources. Brian Stumpf questioned whether the contractor understood the scope of work. John Simola had talked to both contractors and they stated they understood the work and they would be standing by their bid. Wayne Mayer asked Joel Jamnik, legal counsel if the lowest bidder had not supplied the information specified and since this contract is over $50,000 could the City not use the lowest bidder. Joel Jamnik said he would not recommend that since there is no criteria established that he was comfortable with that he would allow him to recommend going with. the second bidder. Brian Stumpf reiterated his question on the urgency to remove the garden center site. It was felt by staff that the City didn't want the vandalism to occur at this site that occurred at the Monte Club site. For security issues as well as having the site ready for future development it was felt the structures should be removed. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO TABLE THIS ITEM UNTIL THE JANUARY 2$, 2008 MEETING. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. #SNAccepting Deed for the OceClo property between the Autumn Ridge and Featherstone Developments: Wayne Mayer asked Shibani Bisson if where the utilities were placed was existing right of way. If so, why weren't other utility companies sharing in the cost of relocating the utilities. Shibani Bisson responded it was not so much a relocation of utilities as an extension of utilities. It was thought that utilities were stubbed out to the right-of--way but it was discovered later that it was outside the right-of way. Wayne Mayer asked if other utility companies had erroneously placed their utilities there shouldn't they share in the cost of correcting it. Shibani Bisson explained that the utility companies get a permit from Public Works to place their utilities in the right-of--way so the City had given permission for the utilities to be placed where there were. At the time it was not known that this sliver of land did not have the standard drainage and utility easement. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO ACCEPT THE DEED FROM OCELLO TRANSFERRING THE PROPERTY TO THE CITY WITH NO PAYMENT TO OCELLO. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Public Hearin for the vacation of a ortion of the 90th Street and Chelsea Road West right-of wav. Shibani Bisson noted that this item related to #SN. When it was discovered there was no easement through the property, the City contacted Charlie Pfeffer to obtain an easement. Because of all the utilities located on the property Ocello wanted to deed the property to the City and requested the area of the Chelsea Road West and 90th Street realignment be vacated and added to the outlot in Groveland Addition owned by Oce11o. 5 Council Minutes: 1/1}/08 Mayor Herbst apened the public hearing. There was no one present who spoke for or against the proposed street vacation. Mayor Herbst then closed the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION VACATING PORTIONS OF 90TH STREET AND CHELSEA ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY WITH THE CITY MAINTAINING A DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT OVER THE AREA. TOM FERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. Public hearin on ado tin an ordinance establishin fees for 2008. The Council reviewed the listing of fees proposed far 2008. The fees set up in the rental housing ordinance were added to the list. There was a change in commercial plumbing and mechanical permits with it being based on value rather than a flat fee and a per fixture charge. Fees were also established for fire alarm/fire suppression systems. In the past the Council had annually increased the trunk fees for sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water main by 4%. Staff was suggesting that due to economic conditions and the fact that construction cost had not increased significantly that the City not make the 4% increase this year. The Council had questions on the fire alarm fee which is based on the 1997 Building Code fee schedule which utilizes a formula based an square footage of building and occupancy to calculate the fee. The City is proposing to set a fee at 106% of the 1997 fee schedule. It was also questioned whether the fee for chipping actually covered the cost of the chipping crew. Park Superintendent Torn Pawelk will look into this and report back to the Council. Mayor Herbst apened the public hearing. There was no one present who spoke for or against the proposed fee schedule. Mayor Herbst then closed the public hearing. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE APPROVING THE FEE SCHEDULE FOR 2008 WITH NO INCREASE IN TRUNK SANITARY SEWER, TRUNK STORM SEWER AND TRUNK WATER FEES. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION SINCE HE DID NOT FEEL THE PARK DEDICATION FEE WAS REASONABLE. 9. Public Hearin -Consideration to a rove a resolution amendin the amended and restated resolution enablin the Creation of the Ci of Monticello Economic Develo meet Authori • Su ercedin Ordinance No. 172 of October 22 2007. Economic Development Director, Ollie Koropchak noted this was a housekeeping item to clarify certain items in the enabling resolution previously adopted by the Council. The terms of the Commission members were not clear in the enabling resolution. Tom Perrault questioned whether there would be any appointment after year six. Ollie Koropchak said the attorney assured her that there would be an appointment at the sixth year but she would add it for EDA discussion on Wednesday night for further clarification. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. No one spoke for or against the resolution. Mayor Herbst then closed the public hearing. 6 Council Minutes: 1/14/08 SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE AMENDED AND RESTATED RESOLUTION ENABLING THE CREATION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY; SUPERCEDING ORDINANCE NO. 172. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Consideration to ado t a resolution ivin final a royal to issuance of Public Project Revenue Refundin Bonds Series 200$A Ci of Monticello Minnesota Lease Obli ation related to certain ublic facilities and a reements related thereto. Ollie Koropchak explained this resolution gives final approval to the authorization previously given by the Council to allow the EDA to move forward with the refinancing of Fublic Project Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 200$A. Ehlers and Associates will be at the EDA meeting on January 16, 2008 and will provide the interest rate on the bonds and what savings will be generated by refinancing the bands. If the rates are not favorable the EDA would not approve the sale of bonds. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION GIVING FINAL APPROVAL TO ISSUANCE OF PUBLIC PROJECT REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2008A (CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA LEASE OBLIGATION) RELATED TO CERTAIN PUBLIC FACILITIES AND AGREEMENTS RELATED THERETO. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. Consideration of annual a ointments for 2008. Wayne Mayer questioned the appointments to various committees. The City does not have a list of people who are interested in volunteering that the Council can draw from. However the City does keep the applications from those who were not selected to fill the vacancy and they can be contacted when other vacancies occur. The Council discussed whether there was merit in opening up each appointment for new applications or whether those individuals who have served and are doing a good job should be reappointed automatically. The Council also discussed whether there should be limits on the time an individual can serve on a commission. While the Council felt continuity was important on commissions they didn't necessarily feel it was something that should automatically be awarded without opening it up to others. It is not something that an individual should consider he is entitled to. This is something that will be come back for further discussion. Council talked about ways of acknowledging those volunteers who serve on the various commissions. As far as recruiting Susie Wojchouski suggested as article in the newsletter in July so that applicants could be in place for the appointments for the next cycle of appointments. Tom Perrault stated he had always been interested in serving on the Police Commission and wondered if Susie Wojchouski would be willing to take on the Flanning Commission instead. Brian Stumpf said he felt it was good to have council members serve on various commissions as it gives them a good understanding of the workings of the City. Susie Wojchouski said she would be willing to serve as Planning Commission liaison. It was noted the Planning Commission will be looking at updating the zoning ordinance so planning would involve two council members one as the permanent liaison and one serving 7 Council Minutes: 1/14/08 on the task farce to update the zoning ordinance. Susie Wojchouski agreed to be the primary liaison and Tom Perrault said he would serve as backup and also serve on the Police Commission. Tom Perrault noted that Clint Herbst and Wayne Mayer serve on the IDC, EDA and Personnel Committee which are committees of significant influence. He questioned whether other Council members should take a role in serving on these committees. Clint Herbst responded that he and Wayne Mayer have worked hard to build a good relationship with the IDC. Ollie Koropchak noted that the IDC guidelines require appointment of a Council member and the Mayor. Gary Anderson brought up appointments relating to emergency preparedness. One is a Wright County Advisory Task Force for planning to handle natural disasters. The other is for emergency planning for a nuclear facility emergency. Tom Ferrault will attend the 1/31/08 Wright CauntyMuiti-hazard Mitigation Planning Meeting. Clint Herbst and Tom Perrault will serve on the Nuclear Preparedness Committee. BRIAN STUMFF MOVED TO AFPROVE THE APPOINTMENTS FOR 2008 WITH THE CHANGES NOTED. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING 1N OPPOSITION. 12. Consideration of Financial Policies. Finance Director Tam Kelly explained the need for the financial policies stating they guide the way the finance department works For the City. He presented two policies: 1) Investments which includes language requirements as part of GASB and 2) Purchasing. Tom Kelly's goal is to update existing financial policies and bring them before the Council on a regular basis. On the draft investment policy Tam Kelly Hated highlights relating to purchasing highly sensitive securities. At the present time the City has some investments that could be classified as highly sensitive. The City would retain these investments until their renewal date but would not renew them. He explained that there are investments that are considered sensitive because of their call features. No more than 5% of the City's portfolio can be invested in the securities of a single issuer. The general fund will receive 3.5% of the interest earnings on the investments to cover staff time far the cost of administering the investments. The Finance Director will provide the City Council a summary of the investment portfolio on a quarterly basis. This would be an informational item and would not require Council action. There were minor revisions to the purchasing policy made for clarification purposes as the state has increased some of the guidelines as to when quotes are needed. Copies afbids and quotes are required to be made available far the auditor. The policy also sets forth guidelines for purchasing used equipment. The section of credit card purchases has been removed. Clint Herbst questioned the time spent by staff getting quotes. Clint Herbst suggested that standard items be sent out on a quote form to various vendors. Tom Moores said some of 8 Council Minutes: 1/14/08 the firms allow the City to do that but not all. Some of these vendors are on the state bid which the City utilizes. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE INVESTMENT AND PURCHASING POLICIES AS PRESENTED. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 13. Consideration to review for recommendation roceedin with a Re uest for Pro oral for a Natural Resource Inventor . Angela Schumann, Community Development Coordinator presented information to the Council for a proposed natural resource inventory. The need for the natural resource inventory is driven in part by the comprehensive plan. The caxnprehensive plan calls for identification of natural resources, features and open space such as parks. The comprehensive plan also talks about move up housing and how natural characteristics make for a good neighborhood. It is also important to know which land areas do not have natural features to preserve because that is where growth should focus. For these reasons it is important to identify the natural resources and set up a plan to protect them. A natural resource inventory is a listing of natural resources for a specified geographic area. It is an important tool for planning as development impacts natural features. The Planning Commission recommended proceeding with the RFF for a natural resource inventory. If the Council authorizes the RFP, staff will prepare the RFP and set up the selection process. If everything goes as projected the consultant would start work in March. Clint Herbst asked how the YMCA property would fit in. Should the natural resource inventory wait until a decision is rendered on the YMCA property or should it proceed without including the YMCA. Susie Wojchouski asked if funds were budgeted. $20,000 is set aside for this in the 2008 budget. Susie Wojchouski understood when the Council discussed budget cuts for the 2008 budget this was not a project that had to be dane this year. Staff felt that now when development is slow is when the City should be preparing the natural resource inventory. Staff also felt the natural resource inventary would let them better plan the zoning ordinance update. Tom Perrault expressed some discomfort about the proposal. Wayne Mayer asked once the natural resource inventory is complete will the community get a chance to respond to the identified features and how they are to be treated. Wayne Mayer asked if a feature is identified on the natural resources inventory does that mean it is protected from development. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO RECOMMEND THAT THE CITY OF MONTICELLO PROCEED WITH A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFF) FOR A NATURAL RESOURCES INVENTORY. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI AND TOM PERRAULT VOTING 1N OPPOSITION. 9 Council Minutes: 1/14/08 14. U date on School Boulevard edestrian facilities and turn lane im rovements review. City Engineer Bruce Westby provided an update to the Council on proposed pedestrian improvements on School Boulevard. The review of School Boulevard was in response to the concerns of two residents who came before the Council in October about pedestrian safety. Bruce Westby talked about some improvements that have been made such as the temporary bump-outs at two locations, installation of a four-way stop at Fallon Avenue, a pedestrian pathway west of Fallon Avenue between Farmstead Avenue and School Boulevard and other improvements such as curb cuts and pedestrian curb ramps. City staff with WSB, consulting engineer, is looking at other improvements that can be considered which include mid-block crossings with bump-outs, signing and striping far crosswalk areas, crosswalk signals and street lighting. Bruce Westby also discussed the feasibility of adding turn lanes at the high school entrance. This could be done within the existing right-of--way with the removal of parking lanes along the outside shoulder of School Boulevard. Clint Herbst questioned the cost estimate for the permanent bump-outs and also asked if there was any statistical data on accidents or other incidents on the roadway. Bruce Westby will also check with the school district to see if the school is going to go back and look at the bus routes again. Initially the change in bus routes was the impetus for doing the pathway work. No Council action was required on this matter. 1S. Re ort on closed meetin re ardin ossfble YMCA ac uisition. Mayor Herbst stated that the City Council and Wright County Commissioners met in a closed session to work on a counter proposal far the YMCA property. Added itemc~ Light pole on Broadway. An accident on Broadway took out decorated light pole which has not yet been replaced even though the accident occurred some time ago. Street Superintendent Tam Moores reported that the pole was part of the Streetscape Project and a replacement pole had to be special ordered. The globe far the light is custom made and the Street Department is trying to get the parts to get the pole replaced. Tom Moores stated the wires were capped right after the accident. Timing of signal lights: Council noted a problem with left turn arrows on the signal lights at CSAH 39 and CSAH 75, the new interchange and Highland Way and CSAH 75. Bruce Westby did not know if the lights were vehicle activated or what but he would check into the matter. Council would also like an update an the guide cable along the new freeway exit. Speed Limit on Fenning Avenue: Wayne Mayer asked about the speed limit on this street. Bruce Westby said this corridor used to be posted at 55 mph. The township changed the pasting to45 mph and the city posted it at 30 mph.. These postings were not authorized by MnDOT. When MnDOT completes their speed study, which may take up to a year, it will be posted at the appropriate limit designated by MnDOT. 10 Council Minutes: 1/14/08 Establishing a second voting precinct: The Council was provided preliminary information to consider in determining whether a secand voting precinct should be established. The number of voters is of a sufficient size to make it difficult to handle at one site. This matter will come before the Council on January 28, 2008. Wayne Mayer felt since the election was only one day it could still be handled as it was done in the past.. There was brief discussion on possible boundaries far the precinct and location of a secand polling place. Comprehensive Plan Update: On January 30, 2008 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Mississippi Room there will be an opportunity for the public to comment on the draft Comprehensive Plan. The consultant will be present to answer questions. The draft Comprehensive Plan can be viewed on line and a copy of the plan is available for review at City Hall and the Monticello Library. 16. Consideration of a rovin a ment of bills for Januar 2008. Tom Perrault asked about the use of temporary employees. In this case it was for a four hour period and he wondered why other staffinembers could not provide back up for this position. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE BILLS. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 17. Adjourn. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 9:40 P.M. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 0~.~?~ ~J `~%o~ Recording Secretary 11