City Council Minutes 06-10-2002MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, June 10, 2002 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2. A. Approve minutes of Assessment Policy Workshop BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE ASSESSMENT POLICY WORKSHOP OF MAY 28, 2002. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH CLINT HERBST ABSTAINING. B. Approve minutes of May 28, 2002 regular Council meeting. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 28, 2002 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH CLINT HERBST ABSTAINING. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda Roger Carlson added a discussion of the Wright County Drug Task Force to agenda. Bret Weiss added Prairie Road alignment and Bruce Thielen added an update on code enforcement. 4. Citizens comments/petitions, requests and complaints. None. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of ratifying new hires for the Community Center, Public Works and City Hall. Recommendation: Ratify the new hires as identified. B. Consideration of appointment to Planning Commission vacancy. Recommendation: Appoint Lloyd Hilgart Jr. to complete the term left vacant by the resignation of Roy Popilek. 1 Council Minutes - 6/10/02 C. Consideration of appointment to the Design Advisory Team. Recommendation: Move to approve Roberta Gerads as a member of the Design Advisory Team with her term expiring December 31, 2003. D. Consideration of concept stage PUD approval allowing for mixed residential and institutional uses in the R-1 Zoning District. Applicant: Church of St. Henry's and Hope Evangelical Free Church. Recommendation: Approve the concept stage PUD, utilizing parking lot option A with conditions that the applicant provide a site survey, building elevations illustrating exterior changes, utility plans and landscaping plan. E. Consideration of concept stage and development stage planned unit development and preliminary plat allowing off-site sales and display associated with principal car dealership use. Applicant: Gould Brothers Chevrolet. Recommendation: Move to approve the PUD and preliminary plat based on findings that the project is materially the same as that previously approved with the CUP and with conditions that engineering review is completed and the project is found to be consistent with that review and motion is contingent upon recording of a document linking parcels, thus eliminating potential sale of necessary parking area need to support the principal use. F. Consideration of resolution accepting petition and calling for a feasibility study on develop- ment of Cedar Street roadway and utility improvement from Dundas Road to Kjellberg East Mobile Home Park. Applicant: Ocello Recommendation: Adopt the resolution accepting petition and authorizing City Engineer to complete a feasibility study on construction of utility and roadway improvements along the Cedar Street right-of-way from the northern boundary of Kjellberg East Mobile Home Park to the intersection of Cedar Street and Dundas Road. G. Consideration of resolution accepting bids and awarding contract for construction of the Groveland 3rd Street and Utility Project No. 2002-02C. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution awarding the bid to C.W. Houle in the amount of $660,868.60 contingent upon execution of a development agreement for Groveland 3rd Addition, receipt of all necessary funding and recording of the final plat. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent aa-enda for discussion. None. Council Minutes - 6/10/02 7. Public Hearing - Supplemental hearing on CSAH 75 Improvements, Project No. 2000-16C (Prairie West Additions). Public Works Director, John Simola, noted that representatives from Wright County were to be at the meeting to make a presentation on the preliminary plans and specifications and asked that the public hearing be tabled until they arrived. Mayor Belsaas noted that he had received letters from two property owners concerning the assessment for the CSAH 75 project and added that the public hearing would not be addressing questions relating to the assessments for the project. Those questions would be addressed at the assessment hearing held after the project was completed. A resident expressed his concern about not knowing actual assessment costs before the project starts. The Council explained that the City's share of the project is approximately $2,000,000 and that in order to bond for this project the City would have to assess 20% of the cost or approximately $400,000 but how this $400,000 would be split among the properties involved had not been determined. The Council stated that the assessment policy they develop will be used on future reconstruction projects so. they want to make sure it is a sound policy. The resident also questioned if other reconstruction projects would be assessed or if they would be financed from taxes collected. City Engineer, Bret Weiss, indicated that it would be likely that there would be assessments on most reconstruction projects as he did not anticipate that the City would have sufficient revenue generated by taxes to cover all reconstruction project costs. Bret Weiss added that the City is looking at establishing a rate that would be applied for all parcels in a reconstruction project. This rate, adjusted for inflation, would then be utilized in any reconstruction project so basically all properties regardless of when their street is reconstructed would be paying the same assessment rate. A resident questioned the number of properties abutting CSAH 75. Bret Weiss responded that there are 109 residential properties with frontage on CSAH 75 and 67 commercial properties with frontage on CSAH 75. 64 of the 109 residential properties have direct access on to CSAH 75. The questioned was raised whether the properties in the Prairie West development would be treated as having one access or two. Bret Weiss stated that a determination has not been made but felt it could be likely that the assessment would be made based on total frontage on CSAH 75 and then split equally among the units in the development. The Council indicated that once an assessment policy has been determined, the City will most likely hold an informational meeting on the assessment policy as well as the public hearing as they feel it is important that residents understand the policy and how it will work on future projects as well as the CSAH 75 project. 8. Consideration of accepting_ plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids on the Gillard Avenue Pathway Project, No. 2001-10C. City Engineer, Bret Weiss gave a brief summary of the project which proposes to construct an 8' foot pathway approximately five feet off the paved surface of Gillard Avenue. He noted that the feasibility report took the pathway all the way to the south end of the road and although they could stop the trail at the existing pathway at River Forest Drive he felt it made sense to take it all the way Council Minutes - 6/10/02 to the end. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE GILLARD AVENUE PATHWAY AND TO AUTHORIZE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. Roger Carlson asked how they determined that the pathway should be located five feet off the paved surface. Bret Weiss responded that the homeowners did not want the pathway crossing the front of their property. This location was the least disturbing to the property owners but also addressed the safety issue. UPON VOTE BEING TAKEN, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. Consideration of ordinance amendment setting procedures for establishing water ban. Public Works Director, John Simola, explained the features of the proposed ordinance and the research that was done in order to come up with ordinance. The ordinance would establish an annual odd/even schedule for watering from June 1 - September 30. This schedule could be modified if and when the City would have additional capacity in the system. There is also a provision restricting watering from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. and a provision that would add penalties for violating the ordinance as a surcharge to the utility bill. Mayor Belsaas asked about enforcement of the ordinance. John Simola felt that the residents would be informing the City of violations and that once the residents were aware of the ordinance there would not be a large number of violations. John Simola also pointed out that the ordinance contained a provision that would allow for a permit, up to 30 days, for sprinkling of seed/sod or newly planted trees. The ordinance also requires that rain sensors be added to sprinkling systems. Upon adoption of the ordinance any new sprinkling system will be required to have them and existing systems will have until June 1, 2003 to be retrofitted with a sensor. The sensor device runs about $20. Private wells can be used for sprinkling but the wells need to be registered with the City. The Council had concerns about the provision restricting watering from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. particularly enforcing it. John Simola stated that when the watering ban was put in place last year the odd/even system was effective. The Council felt it was important that the residents receive adequate information about the ordinance and the watering restrictions. They suggested that a flier be sent out or that it be covered in the next newsletter. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, questioned whether adding the charge to water bill was the most efficient means of collecting the penalties for violation of the ordinance. John Simola indicated that having the penalty as a surcharge to the water bill would easier than trying to collect it as a misdemeanor fine. Rick Wolfsteller suggested changing the language to state that the charges would M Council Minutes - 6/10/02 be billed and staff could determine the most efficient method of billing. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE IMPOSING WATERING RESTRICTIONS ELIMINATING PROVISION #3, RESTRICTING WATERING FROM 5 PM TO 11 PM AND TO REVISE THE LANGUAGE IN PROVISION #7 TO STATE THAT THE CITY WILL BILL THE PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Public Hearing - CSAH 75 Improvement Project No. 2000-16C. Bret Weiss made a brief presentation on the improvements proposed. This project is a continuation of a previous project on CSAH 75 that had stopped at Washington Street. This project takes the improvements from Washington Street west to approximately Otter Creek. The project includes replacement of paving, construction of left turn lanes, providing replacement of utilities, some storm sewer, replacement/repair of curb and sidewalk and medians. The engineer noted the City's share of the project cost is estimated at $1,900,000. It is expected that construction should be starting in approximately six weeks with the work to be completed this year. Landscaping and the second lift of blacktop may not be in place until next year. Mayor Belsaas opened the public hearing. Jeff McIntosh, 613 East Broadway, asked about sidewalk between Washington Street and Palm Street. Bret Weiss indicated that sidewalk would be installed in that area. Mr. McIntosh asked if that would require the taking of any of his property. Mr. Weiss indicated it would not but it is possible that a temporary construction easement may be needed. The engineer was asked the length of time the project would take and if there would be a detour because of the project. Bret Weiss replied that construction would done so that one lane of traffic would be opened at all times. He added that the most time consuming portion of the project would be the utility line replacement. He also informed the Council that a signal light is scheduled for Elm Street. Mayor Belsaas then closed the public hearing. Virgil Hawkins, Wright County Highway Department, gave a brief summary of the design and the changes that had been made since the project was first initiated. Clint Herbst asked if it was aesthetics or was there a standard that was triggered that necessitated the construction of sidewalk. Bret Weiss stated that it was the City's decision to go forward with the sidewalk and that traffic and safety issues figured in the City's determination to have the sidewalk constructed. Virgil Hawkins indicated that they are about a week away from having the final plans completed. He reviewed the some of the changes, covering the main entrance at Pinewood Elementary and relocation of the crosswalk to the Otter Creek Road area. Realignment of Otter Creek Road will not be done as part of this project. Bret Weiss stated that they had some problems with getting right-of-way and getting other items lined up so that it could be included. Clint Herbst asked if they would have to fill the drainage ditch. Bret Weiss indicated if curb and gutter was put in the drainage ditch would have to be filled. Virgil Hawkins stated that it made sense to wait since they would have to go back further and that was beyond the scope of the county project. Brian Stumpf questioned if Otter E Council Minutes - 6/10/02 Creek Road was being realigned why would they want to move the crosswalk to that location. Virgil Hawkins stated that West Side Market had agreed to that their access closest to the intersection would be eliminated which should alleviate some concerns with this area. Brian Stumpf asked how much the realignment would add to the project. Bret Weiss indicated he could look into it and report back but in realigning the road they were dealing with more issues than they had time for right now. Bret Weiss felt the City could hold off on the alignment until next year. Trying to add it on now to the CSAH 75 project might delay the project to the point where it might not get done this year. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE WRIGHT COUNTY PROCEEDING WITH PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CSAH 75 IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. 2000-16C. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRIAN STUMPF VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 10. Consideration of proposal from Wells Fargo for land exchange. (Marquette Bank site) City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, summarized the discussions with Wells Fargo representatives and the proposal received relating to the land exchange involving the present site of the library. Wells Fargo has indicated that they would need additional space to expand their drive-through banking facilities. The Council discussed a number of factors to be considered in any land exchange including building and remodeling cost, loss of property value from the tax rolls, preservation of trees on the library site, public parking agreement with Towne Centre, land values and other related issues such as loss of TIF district revenue. It was noted that at this time, Wells Fargo does not have a proposal for any major expansion of their present facility on the site nor were they looking at creating any other additional commercial development on the site. There was some concern by Council and staff about having the area utilized solely for parking. Fred Patch indicated that the Wells Fargo representatives were amenable to a contribution to the City if there was a loss of tax revenue as a result of the land exchange. The Council's feeling was that there should be "no net loss of tax revenue" if there was a land exchange. It was also noted that there is concern about the property tax liability for this year The City would have to own the property and file a tax abatement by July 1St in order to be exempt from the current years taxes. Fred Patch stated that in their discussions there was no reference to the loss of TIF revenue. Bruce Thielen suggested that perhaps the City look at adding a second story to the Community Center and that it made more sense to keep the City property on one site. He also felt that the Library Board should be involved in this decision. Clint Herbst felt that the City should not be rushed into this decision and believes there needs to be additional meetings and information gathering. Bruce Thielen concurred saying that the City did not have information on other options that would be available to the City. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller stated that the City would 0 Council Minutes - 6/10/02 be looking at costs to expand at the existing library site as well as costs to repair the existing building. Fred Patch noted in feasibility report done by Blumenthals that they estimated an expansion cost of $500,000. The Council compared the square footages of the buildings and possible expansion areas and parking area of the two sites. It was also felt that the City should get cost estimates for building new an 8,000 sq. ft. building. Roger Carlson stated that while he was not opposed to studying other options, he did not know lho\\ long this offer would be in place and he did feel it was a good option. Bruce Thielen suggested tabling action for 30 days which would allow studying of other options and would allow the Library Board an opportunity to be involved and make a recommendation. Fred Patch indicated that Wells Fargo is in process of preparing some plans for the use of the library site and tabling this matter for 30 days would allow time for the plans to be completed and reviewed. Bruce Thielen felt that some type of development in that area would make it easier to make a decision on the land exchange. Clint Herbst asked how concrete the proposal was and whether tabling it 30 days would undermine their proposal. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON THE PROPOSED LAND EXCHANGE FOR 30 DAYS, REFER THIS ITEM TO THE LIBRARY BOARD FOR THEIR REVIEW, AND IN THE MEAN TIME HAVE STAFF GATHER INFORMATION ON COSTS OF VARIOUS BUILDING OPTIONS AND SITES. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. Consideration of implementing recommendations from City Engineer in preparation of setting assessment policy for reconstruction projects. At the assessment workshop the Council had discussed various steps that the City should take in getting the assessment policy formulated. However, the Council did not authorize proceeding with any of the steps. The City Engineer and staff were requesting directions on what steps the Council wanted to take next. There was some discussion on the appraisal such as the number of appraisals needed and what type of properties would be appraised. Bret Weiss felt that with 4-5 appraisals the City could determine what the property will support in the way of assessment. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY ENGINEER/CITY STAFF TO PROCEED WITH THE PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN, UPDATING THE RATE STUDY AND HAVING A LIMITED NUMBER OF APPRAISALS DONE TO DETERMINE THE AMOUNT OF ASSESSMENT THAT COULD BE SUPPORTED. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 12. Discussion on status of realignment of Prairie Road with CSAH 75. Concerns about safety issues initiated a review of the alignment of Prairie Road at its intersection with CSAH 75. City Engineer, Bret Weiss submitted a preliminary drawing showing the proposed 7 Council Minutes - 6/10/02 alignment and requested that the Council authorize working with Wright County to do this realignment as a project or possibly to have it done by Public Works staff. There was some discussion on whether the realignment could be done within the existing right of way or whether additional land would have to be acquired Bret Weiss felt that most of it could be done within the right of way. Bruce Thielen asked if it would be a rural design section and Bret Weiss indicated that it would. John Simola stated he did not know if the Public Works staff could get it accomplished this year. Bruce Thielen asked about the possibility of getting additional street lighting in there as well which staff felt could be done. Bret Weiss stated that the survey work was not completed and asked about remnant parcels as a result of the realignment. The estimated cost for the realignment work is $30,000. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE PROPOSED ALIGNMENT OF PRAIRIE ROAD AND CSAH 75 AS PRESENTED. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. AdAd, l ltPmc- 1) Wright County Drug Task Force - Roger Carlson reported on the meeting he had attended which focused on funding for the Task Force. Roger Carlson will try to attend future meetings of the Drug Task Froce when possible. 2) City Owned Land - Bruce Thielen had some questions about the maintenance on City owned lots on Front Street in the area of Bridge Park/Hans Hagen Development. Fred Patch and 011ie Koropchak will look into this further. Bruce Thielen also asked for an update on the blight enforcement. Fred Patch reported that staff was making sweeps of the area and sending out notices. Bruce Thielen suggested a simple, informal but proactive brochure for residents that would cover the weed ordinance, junk vehicles and other blight issues. The handbook could be distributed to all residents making them aware of these issues. 3) Cable TV installation - Roger Belsaas asked about the covers being off of the boxes that the cable company had installed. John Simola indicated that he had talked to Charter Communication and they weren't certain whether that was something their contractor failed to do. The company is supposed to be submitting a drawing of what they are proposing to install. Clint Herbst asked if Xcel will burying their lines along CSAH 75. John Simola stated that had not been able to get a price on that from Xcel. Clint Herbst suggested that the City keep working on getting that done. 13. Approve payment of bills for June. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS FOR JUNE. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. �69 Council Minutes - 6/10/02 14. Adjourn BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 8:30 P.M. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 0