City Council Minutes 05-13-2002 Joint Board of Review . MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL RECONVENED BOARD OF REVIEW Monday, May 13,2002 - 6:30 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Roger Carlson, Clint IlerbsL Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Melllbers Absent: None At 6:30 p.m. on May 13, 2002 Mayor Belsaas reconvened the Board of Review that had been recessed from May 8, 2002. There were three parcels that were to be reviewed by the assessor and brought back fiJr Council consideration. Greg Kramber from the Wright County Assessor's Office brought the valuation for the fiJllowing-parcels up for Council consideration: 155-023-00 1110 (1311 West Broadwav): The assessor reviewed the property and reconHncnded that no change be made. BRIAN STUMPf< MOVED TO MAKE NO CIIANGE IN TI-IE VALUATION SFT FOR 155-023- 0011] O. BRUCE -TlIIUj~N SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIl~D LJNANIMOLJSL Y. . I 55-080-()()7090(l...50 Oak Rid2C Cil'de): The assessor reviewed this property. He noted that the increase in other properties in the area were in the same range with the exception of two parcels where construction had been done. The assessor also presented pictures of comparable property sales to the Council which supported the value placed on the parcel. BRUCE TIIIFLEN MOVED TO ACCEPT THE VALUATION ON 155-080-007090 AS SI.:T BY 'f) II-: ASSESSOR. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED TIlE MOTION. The property owner stated that the home sales in the neighborhood averaged $178,000 and there were four sales over $200,000. He noted that the comparable sales specified by the assessor were not in the area. Ill' felt the homes in his area were lovvw in value. Greg Kramber concurred that this was probably the most expensive house in the area but also noted that even though there were properties valued at $150,000 there were interspersed in the area properties valued at $180,000 and higher. UPON VOTE BEING TAKEN. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 155-086-00230 ~lUd 002140 (6166 and 6144 Mill flun Road): The assessor had reviewed the twin homes in this area and was recommending a 5% reduction f(Jr the ten units in this area. . . . . Reconvened Board of Review - 5/13/02 ROGI:R CARLSON MOVED TO APPROVE T'IIL~ Y% REDUCTION IN V A LlJATION FOR THE TEN TC)WNHOUSI': UNITS. BRIAN STUMP SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIFD LJNANIMOUSI,Y. Mayor Belsaas closed the reconvened Board of Review at 6:45 rU11. 0~ ~S~)L--- Re~ording Secr~tary ". 0 2