City Council Minutes 01-14-2002MINUTES REGULAR MEETING- MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, January 1=1, 2002 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Roger Carlson. Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. aild declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Alleg; rc0 was s icl. 2. Approve minutes of December 10, 2001 regular Council meeting_ BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 10, 2001 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Clint Herbst asked that a discussion of the pedestrian bridge. the library and the revised RI district standards be added to the agenda. Bruce Thielen requested that a discussion of the intersection of Prairie Road and West River Street be added. 4. Citizens comments/Petitions, requests and complaints. None. 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of resolution approving renewal of gambling license for Land Of Lakes Choir Boys. Recommendation: Approve renewal of charitable gambling license for Land Of Lakes Choir Boys at J.P.'s. Res. 42002-1. B. Consideration of ratifying new hires for Community Center and liquor store. Recommendation: Ratifv the hiring of the employees for the community center and liquor store as identified. C. Consideration of resolution adding an additional deferred compensation provider. Recommendation: Adopt_ a resolution allowing Wenzel & Associates to provide deferred compensation plan options to all eligible city employees. Res. 42002-2. D. Consideration of issuing a pawn shop license at 149 West Broadway. Recommendation: Approve the issuance of a pawn shop license for 149 `'Fest Broadway. 1 Council Minutes - 1/14/02 Economic Development Authority: 1. Roger Carlson, Council 12/2006 (6 -year staggered terms) 2. Clint Herbst. Council 12/2002 3. Ken Maus 12/2002 4. Darrin Lahr 12/2003 5. Barb Schwientek 12/2004 6. Bill Demeules 12/2005 7. Ron Ho0und 12/2007 Engineer: WSB & Associates Police Advisory Commission: 1. Brian Stumpf. Council 12/2002 (3 -year staggered terms) ?. Dick Slais 12/2003 3. David Gerads 12/2003 4. Brad Fvle 121/2004 5. Liz DeMarais 12/2002 Parks Commission: 1. Earl Smith 12/2004 (3- year staggered terms) 2. Larry Nolan 12,2002 3. Fran Fair 12/2003 4. Nancy McCaffrey 12/2002 5. Rick Traver 12/2004 DAT (Design Advisory Team) 1. Pam Campbell 12/2002 (2 -year staggered terms) 2. Susie Wojchouski 12/2002 3. Dennis Sullivan 12/200' 4. Carl Sorenson J2!2003 5. Ron Hovland 12/2003 6. Mike Cvr 12/2003 7. Vacant 12/2001 MCC Advisory Board 1. Harvey Kendall 12/2003 (3 -year staggered terms) 2. Bob Murray 12;2003 MCC established 9/111/00 and members 3. Wanda Kraemer 121/2002 appointed 10/9/00. 4. Roger Belsaas 12/2002 5. Idella Ziegler 1.2/2004 Council liaison (ex -officio) appointments to City committees: HRA Brian Stumpf Planning Commission: Clint Herbst Parks Commission: Roger Carlson Police Commission: Brian Stumpf Library Board: Bruce Thielen MCP: Bruce Thielen G. Consideration of change order =+1 to the Liquor Store Expansion Project. Recommendation: Approve change order &'1 in the amount to the Liquor Store Expansion Project in the amount of $13.885.00. Council Minutes - 1/14/02 i 1-1/2" $1,200 +materials 2" $1,534 + materials 3" $1,97 + materials 4" $2,600 + materials 6" $3,27 + materials 8" $4,300 + materials Mayor Belsaas noted that Gordy Jacobson who was on the Library Board had moved out of town and the City would need to find a replacement. Bruce Thielen requested that agenda item #7 be added to the consent a�c2enda. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEM 47. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent aggenda for discussion. None. 7. Consideration of modification to snow/ice removal policy. Included with consent agenda. 8. Consideration of a request for payment of MOAA expenses. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO NOT AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF REQUESTED AMOUNTS FOR THE MOAA MEETINGS HELD AFTER JUNE 25, 2001. Clint Herbst stated that he didn't care if he received his meeting reimbursement because he felt someone should be at the meetings for the City until the courts determined whether the MOAA was a valid entity but he did feel the City should reimburse the clerk and the county supervisor for their meetings. Mayor Belsaas concurred with this. Bruce Thielen noted that the City had sent a letter to the MOAA stating that the City no longer recognized the MOAA Board as a valid entity. To reimburse them for meetings conducted after that point would acknowledge the MOAA's existence and Give it credibility. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH CLINT HERBST AND ROGER BELSAAS VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 9. Review current application of trunk fees and project administration fees for redevelopment projects in the core area of the City. In response to a letter from Mike Cyr regarding fees associated with his proposed development. the UCity Council was asked to review the manner in which trunk fees and project administrative costs were applied particularly for redevelopment projects in the "core" areas of the City. Council Minutes - 1/14/02 Engineer, Bret Weiss did not feel these fees should be written off because these fees finance the expansion of new infrastructure as well as replacement of existing infrastructure. Redevelopment as well as new development places demands on the system. The City charges an administrative fee on developments, currently 8% of the estimated cost of improvements. to cover costs of engineering, planning, inspection and legal. It was noted that on smaller projects the 8% does not cover the actual costs the City incurs. Brian Stumpf suggested reducing the percent on the administrative fee for this project by 2%. Rick Wolfsteller pointed out that reducing the administrative fee would not greatly reduce project costs since this would only come to $4,000 (2% x $200,000, estimated cost of improvements). BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO 1) REDUCE THE PARK DEDICATION FEES BY 50%; 2) REDUCE THE ADMINISTRATIVE FEES BY 2% WITH A CAP OF $5,000 AND 3) HAVE THE HRA REVIEW THE OTHER FEES AND DETERMINE IF THEY ARE ELIGIBLE COSTS FOR TIF ASSISTANCE. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Consideration of request for approval of a parking lot in the CCD district that would provide less than the required 60% of joint parking stalls and determine source of funds offsetting stall deficiency. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, provided the background information on this item. It was noted that the proposed development will have a parking stall deficiency of 19 stalls. Earlier the City had considered another proposal for this site which had a 22 parking stall deficiency and at that time the City had agreed to waive the parking deficit fee and to use general hinds to cover this deficit fee. The proposed development has changed in scope from what was originally considered and the question was whether the Council would waive the parking deficit fee and propose to use general fields to cover it. Clint Herbst noted that the Planning Commission had discussed this issue at length. While it was felt this was a good project there was concern that there was no joint parking agreement in place. There was also concern about the number of stalls for the 8 residential units. He felt that there should be 8 stalls marked for the residential use. Brad Johnson spoke to the Council noting that this was a major redevelopment project in the City. He felt there was all kinds of parking downtown that was not being utilized and felt that the survey done by Steve Grittman the City Planner supported this view. Mr. Johnson gave the Council a history of the parcel including the previous development proposal as well as the current proposal. He noted theN, have an easement through the Hammond property. He stated he felt that getting the letter from Foster/Franzen on the shared parking was the City staff s responsibility. Clint Herbst reiterated his belief that the 8 residential units should have individual stalls that they could access at an- time. b Council Minutes - 1/14/02 Library: There has been discussion of a future site for the library. Possible sites that have been mentioned are the Marquette Bank Building, the old St. Henry's Church and adding a second floor to the existing city hall building. Concerns noted in these discussions included taking additional property off the tax roll and the cost for relocating the library oR upgrading the existing building. It was suggested that the City consider a firm that could look at the various options available and provide a recommendation on the feasibility of the various options. Residential Standar(Is: Clint Herbst noted that revised standards have been prepared for the R1 district and also standards for a new RI -A district which have been presented to the Planning Commission and are being reviewed by the City Attorney. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE A 60 DAY MORATORIUM ON ALL SINGLE FAMILY HOUSING THAT DOES NOT MEET THE PROPOSED STANDARDS FOR THE RI DISTRICT. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 12. Consideration of approving payment of hills for .Tanuary, 2002. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS FOR JANUARY, 2002. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 13. Ad-journ. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 8:55 P.M. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10 �, Recording Secretary 9