Planning Commission Minutes 02-02-1999 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, February 2, 1999 Members: Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten and Roy Popilek. Staff: Steve Grittman, Jeff O'Neill and fred Patch. Absent: Dick Frie, Robbie Smith and Council Liaison, Clint Herbst. 1. Acting Chair Richard Carlson called the mceting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Consideration of approval of minutes of the regular meeting held January 5. 1999. Roy Popilek noted that in the council consideration of the preliminary plat of River View Square there was discussion about a remnant parcel. Steve Grittman informed the Planning Commission that the developer was asked to revise the plan to include the remnant parcel and that the revised plan will be reviewed at the staff level and will not come back before the Planning Commission. ROD DRAGSTEN MOVED AND ROY POPILEK SECONDED THE MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 5,1999 REGULAR MEETING AS PRESENTED. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. No items were added to the agenda. 4. Citizen Comments. There were no citizen comments. 5. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit within the 1-1 Zoning District to allow co-location of a wireless antenna placement on an existing tower Applicant: MCTC - Minneapolis Cellular Telcphone Company. Steve Grittman presented the staff report noting that currently a tower and antenna setup exists on this property which is located at 1400 West Broadway. The applicant proposes to add a second set of antennas on the tower and to construct a shelter to house the equipment. The second set of antennas would be placed below the US West antenna. Under the ordinance this would require a conditional use permit. The staff recommended approval of the conditional use permit with the recommendation that some additional plantings be required. The Planning Commission asked about lighting for this structure -1- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 2/2/99 and Steve Grittman informed them that the ordinance did not require any. Fred Patch asked about the setbacks from County Road 75 (Broadway). Steve Grittman stated that at the time the original tower and antenna were placed on the property all setback requirements were met. It was noted that the fence around the tower site and structures were not subject to the 40' setback requirement. Acting Chair Carlson opened the public hearing. There was no one present who spoke on the request. Acting Chair Carlson then closed the publie hearing. In Planning Commission discussion of this item, concerns were raised about the aesthetics ofthe existing facility. The ordinance provides for antennas and antenna support structures to be painted a neutral color. Rod Dragsten felt that the existing tower should be repainted. Fred Patch will check into this. ROY POPILEK MOVED AND ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED THE MOTION TO APPROVE A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR MCTC BASED ON THE FINDING THAT THE CO-LOCATION MEETS THE INTENT OF THE CITY'S WIRELESS ANTENNA REGULATIONS AND SUBJECT TO THE CONDITION THAT LOW EVERGREEN SHRUBS ARE ADDED TO THE EAST AND NORTH SIDE OF THE ENCLOSURE TO ENHANCE THE LANDSCAPING AND SCREENING OF THE GROUND FACILrrIES. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Public hearing - Consideration of a request for a zoning district amendment from A-O (Agricultural-Open Space) to R-4 (Mobile Home Park) to allow the expansion of the Kiellberg West Mobile Home Park - Applicant: Kiellberg's Inc. Steve Grittman presented the staff report noting that Kjellberg's West Mobile Home Park has been annexed into the City. The property proposed for rezoning lies in the southwest portion of the orderly annexation area adjacent to the mobile home park. The parcel is approximately 60 acres and is proposed to provide an additional 136 mobile home sites. In the City's Land Use Plan this area is designated for mid-density residential (4-8 units per acre). The proposed density for the mobile home park expansion is 2.3 units per acre. The appropriate zoning for a mobile home park would be a R-4 District. Under the MOAA guidelines, the City must review this before it goes on to the MOAA Board. Steve Grittman also dealt with the issues of street layout and park dedication. It was felt by the staff that adding 136 homes to a single access point would bc problematic. It was also noted that 10% of the developed area is to be set aside for park land. The land shown as park in the proposal included ponding area and this would not meet park dedication requirements. The staff recommendation was not to approve the rezoning at this time. The question the Planning Commission needs to resolve is what is the appropriate use for this land. -2- . Planning Commission Minutes - 2/2/99 Acting Chair Richard Carlson opened the public hearing. Kirk Kjellberg, representing the applicant, explained their request. lie stated sinee the inception of the mobile home park this area was meant to be included as part of the park. The project was designed with lower density in order to aesthetieally mateh the surrounding communities. However, from a design standpoint they are not inflexible. In addressing the street concerns, Mr. Kjellberg stated the streets in the park are wider than typical streets in mobile home parks and therefore should be able to handle the traffic. He did cheek with MnDot and they stated that the traffic warrants required for installation of a signal are not met in this area. Mr. Kjellberg stated that they did not oppose an aceess to Sehool Boulevard. He also indieated that they were willing to work out the requirements for the park land. Kirk Kjellberg stated he was requesting a meeting with residents of the Dunes development and he was requesting the Planning Commission to table action on this matter because of the MOAA and annexation issues. Mr. Kjellberg also referred to a legal question regarding previous zoning action on the Kjellberg property. . Rod Dragsten asked about the lot sizes in the proposed expansion. Kirk Kjellberg stated that the border lots would be 12,000 sq. ft. and the others would be less than that. Roy Popilek expressed his cone ern about adding the additional units and only providing about one acre of usable park space. Mr. Kjellberg responded that the existing facility has a fairly large play area and stated they were not opposed to increasing the park area. Mike Quinn, a resident of the Dunes, asked whether the R-4 zoning would allow for lot size changes at some point in the future and he also asked about what type of housing would be allowed. Steve Grittman responded that the property would be developed according to an approved plan and the lot sizes would be whatever was shown on the approved plan. Chris Scribner who lives adjacent to the site, complained about pedestrian traflic from the existing park cutting across his property and that the owners of the park did not address this issue. He also stated his concerns about the impact the expansion of a mobile home park would have on the property values. Mr. Scribner asked how the area designated for park was currently being used. Mr. Kjellberg responded that one of the park areas is currently being used as a wastewater treatment site and the other park area is open with grass and trees. He noted that the wastewater treatment area would be reclaimed before being utilized as a park and pointed out that reclamation of this type was not uncommon. Mr. Seribner also asked about the setbacks from the power line easement. Steve Grittman pointed out that the power line runs along the southerly property line. Mr. Scribner added comments on the aesthetics of the mobile home park and vandalism in the area. Kirk Kjellberg stated that the storage areas have been improved and talked about their efforts to curb problems within the park. . Peter Niergard, a resident of the Dunes development, felt that if the City approved this -3- . Planning Commission Minutes ~ 2/2/99 dcvelopment it would be a betrayal of the residents by the City. He felt it was inappropriate f()r the City to continue to push the growth of the town and he would prefer to sec the small town atmosphere retained. Mike Riley stated his concerns about outside storage since there arc no garages. Roxanne Rogers stated her opposition based on the impact the development would have on property values and safety concerns related to the additional traffic generated by the development. The type of housing she would like to see in the development would be double wides with a permanent foundation on one acre lots. InSik Jang also voiced his concern about the vandalism which he felt was a result of the mobile home park presence. Rob Sauter stated his belief that low income and rental housing in an area bring additional problems citing crime and vandalism as examples. He felt the City should think long and hard before allowing any expansion of a mobile home park. He questioned whether in five years the structures in the mobile home would be appreciating or depreciating in value. There was some discussion on what the price range would be for mid-density housing or what the income level would be of the people in this type of housing. Concern about what type of manufactured housing would be allowed in the park was voiced a number of times by the residents. Residents also asked if there wasn't room for the expansion on the east side. Kurt Kjellberg responded that the park on the east side had expanded to its limit and land adjacent to it was not available for sale. . Acting Chair Richard Carlson suggested that Kurt Kjellberg meet with the residents to address their concerns about police calls, criminal activity and other issues. Acting Chair Carlson then closed the public hearing. In Planning Commission discussion the question was raised whether the legal issue on the land would have any bearing on what the City did. Steve Grittman stated that the City's position is that any approval given under county zoning authority would not affect the City's zoning decision. It was noted that both the MOAA plan and the City's plan considered this area as mid-density residential. Rod Dragsten felt that a lot of questions had been raised that need to be addressed and that by tabling this item until the next meeting it would allow time for some of these questions to be answered. Thcse issues should be addressed: I) Traffic issues; 2) Compatibility with adjacent land uses; and 3) Park land. Roy Popilek stated that if the proposal does not meet the City's Comprehensive Plan and the MOAA's plan should the Planning Commission be reviewing it further. Fred Patch asked if the plan was changed significantly, could the Planning Commission reopen the public hearing. Steve Grittman stated that the Planning Commission could take additional comments if they desired but if they wanted to reopen the public hearing that would have to be noticed. The public hearing could be continued to another meeting. . -4- . . . Planning Commission Minutes ~ 2/2/99 ROD DRAGSTEN MOVED AND RICIIARD CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION 'ro crABLE 'fT-ns ITEM AND CONTINUE TIlE PUBLIC HEARING UN'fIL THE MARCH 2, 1999 MEETING WITH THE APPROPRIATE NOTICE BEING GIVEN AND SUBJECT TO SUBMISSION OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. Motion carried with Roy Popilek voting in opposition. 7. Continued Public Hearing ~ Consideration of a request for a Preliminary Plat and Conditional Use Permit f()f a Development Stage PUD approval within the Monticello Orderly Annexation Area. Aoplicant: Gold Nugget Development Inc. Jeff O'Neill presented the staff report explaining that the Planning Commission had previously tabled the matter pending input from the MOAA Board. The question that is unresolved is what should the designation of this area be. The MOAA Board felt it should be industrial and the City in their comprehensive plan designated it as residential. This was discussed at the joint meeting of the City Council and MOAA Board held on January 27, 1999. The Township and the City will address the issue at the meeting of their individual boards and then bring it back to the MOAA Board so at this timc there is no formal input from the MOAA Board. Jeff O'Neill reminded the Planning Commission of the special meeting with the City Council scheduled for February 8, 1999 at 5:30 p.m. The staffs recommendation was to continue the public hearing until a later date pending input from the MOAA Board. Acting Chair Richard Carlson opened the public hearing which was a continued from the January meeting. Petcr Niergard questioned the constant rapid growth that the City was pursuing. Aeting Chair Carlson asked how the residents felt the growth could be stopped. If the property meets the guidelines set forth in the City's ordinance the City could not prevent that property from developing. While the City cannot stop growth it can attempt to control it. Dave Payzant at 8634 Davern A venue stated that he had just recently purchased his home and he was dismayed that the information about proposed developments was not disclosed to him. Bill Holland, 3407 80th Street, felt that the County Road 106/T.H. 25 intersection posed a safety hazard and adding more residential development in the area would only aggravate the traffic situation. Horst Graser from Gold Nugget Development gave a presentation on his proposed development and answered questions from the residents. Horst Graser also talked about his concerns about the property being designated as industrial. These concerns included the traffic, much of it truck traffic, that would be routed through residential streets and having streets and utilities that were not designed for industrial use. A resident asked whether a signal installation is included in the improvement plans for T.H. #25. Steve Grittman indicatcd that it was not at this time but when the warrants were met, signals would be installed. In response to the residents comments about the rapid growth, Steve ~5~ . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 2/2/99 Grittman stated that although the residents may prefer not to see any development in this area, the City and Township had come to an agreement that this area would become part of the City's long term growth area. The question is not whether it will be developed but whether it will develop as residential or industrial. Jeff O'Neill asked about factors that were causing the shift in the designation of industrial land. Steve Grittman stated that residents in area whcre there were designations for industrial land were lobbying the MOAA Board to go with residcntial and put the industrial land designation in other areas. The MOAA Board has chosen this site in lieu of others for the industrial land use designation. Acting Chair Carlson asked if the freeway exposure wasn't more desirable for industrial development than for residential development and Steve Grittman concurred with that. The Planning Commission discussed tabling this item until the March meeting and whether that would create any problem for the City with the 60 day requirement. It was pointed out that the MOAA Board would not be considering this item until their March meeting which falls after the March Planning Commission meeting. It was suggested that the Planning Commission address this at the February 8, 1999 meeting. ROD DRAGSTEN MOVED TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING TO FEBRUARY 8,1999 AT 7:00 P.M. ROY POPILEK SECONDED THE MOTION. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Consideration of a request for Simple Subdivision within the 1-2 Zoning District to allow the subdivision of an industrial parcel into two lots. Applicant: Greg Ebert. Steve Grittman presented the staff report. This property is located at Dundas Road and Oakwood Drive. The staff presented this as a subdivision of an existing platted parcel into two lots. However, the applicant stated since these were two previously existing parcels and there is no creation of a new parcel, this should be a lot line adjustment and not a subdivision. Steve Grittman stated that the existing building encroaches significantly into proposed lot line setback and it was suggested that the property line be moved to the east so that the 30' setback could be met. Greg Hayes from Shingobee Builders, Greg Ebert and Russ Martie were present. It was reiterated that a new lot is not being created but rather the boundary lines are being shifted to make adjustment for the fact that when the building was constructed it extended over the property line. Greg Ebert stated that making the lot more narrow creates problems with the drainage. He also stated that the lot line jogs proposed by the City staff would cost them parki ng spaces. Russ Martie stated the reason for the jog was to allow for the unloading of trucks without traveling over the other parcel. -6- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 2/2/99 Rod Dragsten indicated that the property should meet all setback requirements and although he didn't like to see lot line jogs, he felt strongly that the setbacks be maintained. The other Planning Commission members agreed that the setback requirements must bc met. Greg Ebert stated that the jogs in the property line would allow them to meet the setback. Richard Carlson stated that in granting a variance based on hardship it had to be shown that the hardship was not created by the actions of the applicant. In this case it was since extending the building onto the adjacent parcel creatcd thc hardship. Greg Ebert asked that if a lot line was creatcd that would meet the setback requirements would the Planning Commission approve it. The Planning Commission talked about which was the lesser of two evils granting a variance or creating an irregular lot line. ROD DRAGSTEN MOVED AND ROY POPILEK SECONDED THE MOTION TO DENY THE SIMPLE SUBDIVISION BASED ON THE FINDING THAT IT DOES NOT MEET THE SETBACK REQUIREMENTS OF THE 1-2 DISTRICT. Thcre was lengthy discussion on the problem with having the irregular lot line. Steve Grittman stated that he thought it would be helpful for the Planning Commission to set out what they would approve so that the applicant could make revisions to his plan. Richard Carlson stated that as long as the lot line was drawn so that all the setback requirements were met it would be acceptable. Fred Patch asked about the part of the building encroaching onto the other parcel. Russ Martie stated that an underground auger system was located there and he didn't think it would be practical to remove that. The staff felt that there were more issues with variances and setbacks when trying to develop an irregular lot. It was stated that the fact that an irregular lot line was approved would not constitute grounds for granting a variance at any future point. Acting Chair Carlson noted that a motion was on the floor and called for a vote. The motion carried unanimously. 9. Discussion on five ofthe most important items to be considered for the North Anchor/Bridge Park. Also naminlZ two Planning Commission members to the North Anchor Planning Group. The Planning Commission expressed some reluctance about establishing priorities and goals for this area without having the full board present. However in general discussion, the following items were brought up: 1) Acccss; 2) Open public space; 3) The public retaining a sense of ownership; 4) Retail is not the focus; 5) River frontage between Front Strcet and the river is not suitable for privatc development; 6) Create as much river's edge as possible; 7) Safe meeting place with scheduled events; 8) Enhance visibility of the river; 9) Taking steps to provide access to the open area and provide better pedestrian traHic access from the downtown area with consideration being given to vacation of -7- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 2/2/99 streets, if necessary, to accomplish it and utilization of the trail connections; 10) Incorporate the river and make the river accessible for use; 11) Restrict parking by the river. Vehicles may drive down to the river but would not be allowed to park; and 12) Housing - The Planning Commission feels that medium/high density housing would be appropriate as long as it did not occur in the public space and would prefer to see the units owned rather than rented. Another concern the Planning Commission had was that the boundaries of the area need to be established before the City can determine what facilities it wants located here. Rod Dragsten and Richard Carlson volunteered to be on the North Anchor Planning Group. 10. Discussion on length of terms for Planning Commission Members The Planning Commission felt that if the City Council was going to conduct an annual review of the those members on the Planning Commission there would be very little value in setting term lengths. The staff responded that because of the specialized knowledge and pertinent related history of the City, a major turnover of the Planning Commission members for whatever reason would have a significant impact on the City. Increasing the length of the term and staggering the terms could provide the City some protection from that happening. ROY POPILEK MOVED AND ROD DRAGS TEN SECONDED THE MOTION TO TABLE THIS ITEM UNTIL THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING WHEN THE FULL COMMISSION WOULD BE PRESENT. Motion carried unanimously. RICHARD CARLSON MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 11 :00 P.M. AND ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED THE MOTION. Motion carried unanimously. Do..u lY'-. J:!J ,...u> S 7:> v~. Recording Secretary -8-