Planning Commission Minutes 02-08-1999 (Special Meeting) . . . MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, February 8, 1999 Members: Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten, Roy Popilek and Robbie Smith. Staff: Jeff O'Neill and Fred Patch. Absent: Dick Frie and Council Liaison, Clint Herbst 1. Acting Chair Richard Carlson called the special meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. No items were added to the agenda. 3. Citizen Comments. There were no citizen comments. 4. Continued Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for a Preliminarv Plat and Conditional Use permit for a Development Stage PUD approval within the Monticello Orderlv Annexation Area. Applicant: Gold Nugget Development. Inc. Jeff O'Neill summarized what had taken place to date on this development. Action on the development had been tabled pending input from the MOAA Board. Since there has been no agreement between the City and the MOAA Board on the land use designation for this property, the Planning Commission could table this matter until such time as information was received from the MOAA Board or the Planning Commission could make a recommendation to forward to the City Council. Robbie Smith stated that he was leaning towards going with the residential designation for this property and felt that the Planning Commission should take a stand on this. Rod Dragsten felt that residential was the best use of the land but he felt there were other things to ensure the quality of housing and amenities to enhance the development that could be incorporated into the covenants or development agreement and the Planning Commission should look at these items. There was discussion on what details supporting the claim that this was upscale housing could be addressed in the restrictive covenants. Shawn Weinand felt this could be accomplished as long as there weren't too many restrictions placed on the developer. However, he cautioned the City not to expect $175,000-$250,000 homes in this development but stated that the homes would be a step up from what was in the area. The Planning commission discussed the need for upscale -1- . Planning Commission Minutes - 2/8/99 housing and how it could be achieved. The Planning Commission discussed the ponding areas in the proposed development including the capacity of the holding pond and what could be done to enhance its appearance. Horst Graser suggested plantings or prairie grasses in the ponding area but stated that it may take 2-3 years for the plantings to become established. The developer in his etlorts to make this development a desirable place to live had made considerable financial commitment to the trail system as well as other amenities for the development. Rod Dragsten felt that some of the problem was a result of the property being such a t1at piece of land. He felt that some contouring of the land would create a better lot that would command a higher price. A higher priced lot would more likely have a higher priced house on it. In discussing the development the Planning Commission felt the need for assurances that this development would be a step up from what is existing. . Dave Klein asked what the major concern of the Planning Commission was. Was it to encourage construction of higher price homes in order to increase the tax base. He noted that changes in the energy code would add $5,000.00 to the cost of home so he felt it was inevitable that higher priced homes would be coming in. Dave Klein indicated that in a market study that he had done he found that housing in the price range of $11 0,000 to $125,000 was what was in demand. Dave Klein stated he was in support of the Gold Nugget Development and keeping the 220 acres as residential use. He stated that it would be harder to attract upscale housing if the housing is adjacent to the freeway. The staff noted that there was time before the next meeting to have the developer come up with the items that he was proposing to utilize in this development in order to entice upscale housing. When asked ifhe would be comfortable waiting until the next regular meeting, Horst Graser responded that he would like to have the Planning Commission make a decision on the development at this meeting and make review of the covenants a condition of the approval that could be met later. Rod Dragsten stated he had reservations about forwarding something on to the council for their consideration that was not complete. He felt if more time was taken to work out the details on the development, the City Council would be more receptive to the Planning Commission's recommendation. Horst Glaser indicated the restrictive covenants submitted would be based on 500+ lots. If the property use is changed in whole or part, such as designating a portion of the land for industrial use it would impact the restrictive covenants. He also felt that the residential portion of the development should not havc to pick up the drainage from any portion of thc property that was designatcd for industrial use. Richard Carlson stated that there is pressure to dcmonstrate that this wi11 be a step up from developments that the City has had in the past and therc is pressure to supply the industrial designation to some . -2- . Planning Commission Minutes - 2/8/99 other land. In order for this 220 acre parcel to remain residential there is the need to find some other land area for industrial use. Fred Patch indieated that in 1997 approximately 128 homes were built and in 1998 a total of 207 home were bui It. The cunent inventory of available platted lots (approximately 220) could be depleted in 18 months if the current building trends continue. The industrial land inventory is adequate to supply the City for 40 years. Horst Grascr stated that there was some redesign work on the development and he would like to defer this until he has a definitive answer as to whether the City wants the land as residential or industrial. He will, however, deal with the other issues raised at this meeting, such as the restrictive covenants. ROY POPILEK MOVED AND ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION TO RECOMMEND -1'0 THE CITY COUNCIL THAT THE 220 ACRE PARCEL KNOWN AS THE GOLD NUGGET DEVELOPMENT SHOULD REMAIN DESIGNATED AS RESIDENTIAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND THE AREA REFERRED TO AS CHADWICK/BOHANON IS BETTER SUITED FOR LIGHT INDUSTRIAL BECAUSE OF ITS LOCATION RELATlVE TO THE FREEWAY. . In further discussion on this item, Richard Carlson stated that on Gold Nugget Development the Planning Commission was following what was set forth in the City's Comprehensivc Plan which is the basis for its finding that the property should remain residential in usc. Rod Dragsten questioned whether the motion should just cover the residential as the other areas were still open to discussion. ROY POPILEK AMENDED HIS MOTION TO S1 A TE THAT AI;rERNA TIVE AREAS CLOSER TO THE FREEWAY WOULD BE BETTER SUITED TO LIGHT INDUSTRIAL USE RATHER THAN RESIDENTIAL. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE AMENDED MOTION. Motion canied unanimously. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED AND ROY POPILK SECONDED THE MOTION TO APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR PINE MEADOWS BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE PROJECT IS CONSISTENT WITH THE EXISTING AND FUTURE LAND USE PLAN, IS CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, AND COMPLIES WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ANNEXATION AS OUTLINED IN THE MONTICELLO ORDERLY ANNEXATION AREA AGREEMENT AND WITH THE CONTINGENCY THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION WILL BE REVIEWING THE COVENANTS AND BUILDING RESTRICTION INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY THE DEVELOPER AT THE MARCH 2, 1999 MEETING. . -3- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 2/8/99 Upon further discussion, Rod Dragsten stated he believed that the Planning Commission should have all the information before them bcfore they acted on the plat. Roy Popilek rescinded his second to the motion madc by Robbie Smith. The motion died for a lack of second. ROD DRAGS TEN MOVED TO TABLE ACTION UNTIL THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING ON THE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR THE GOLD NUGGET DEVELOPMENT PENDING SUBMITTAL OF INFORMATION BY THE APPLICANT RELATING TO COVENANTS AND BUILDING RESTRICTIONS. RICHARD CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. Motion eanied with Robbie Smith voting in opposition. There was a brief general discussion of the North Anchor/Bridge Park. It was felt that the property between Front Street and the river would not bc suitable for privatc development as it could not meet current setback requirements. It would seem logical, ultimately, for the City to become the owner of the property. This property should not be purchased by a privatc developer or be allowed to be exchanged for park land in the area. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED AND ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED THE MOTION TO TABLE DISCUSSION ON THE NORTH ANCHOR/BRIDGE PARK ITEM UNTIL THE MARCH 2,1999 PLANNING COMMISSION SO THAT STAFF COULD PREPARE A LISTING OF PRIORITIES AND GOALS FOR PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW. Motion carried unanimously. ROD DRAGSTEN MOVED AND ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:15 P.M. Motion carried unanimously. (J a..u..,~ ~ '-^-Os.:"S 4 Q..r- Recording Secretary -4-