Planning Commission Minutes 04-06-1999 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, April 6, 1999 Members: Rod Dragsten, Dick Frie and Roy Popilek Staff: Fred Patch, Steve Grittman and Jeff O'Neill Council Liaison: Clint Herbst Absent: Richard Carlson and Robbie Smith 1. Chair Frie called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Consideration of approval of the minutes of the regular meeting held March 2, 1999. The Planning Commission reviewed the minutes of March 2, 1999. On the conditions listed for preliminary plat approval for Pine Meadows it was clarified that the lots must meet the minimum lot requirements which includes lot frontage of 80 feet. ROD DRAGSTEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF MARCH 2,1999. ROY POPILEK SECONDED THE MOTION. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Roy Popilek requested that an item from MCP (Monticello Community Partners) regarding Sunny Fresh Foods and United Methodist Church be added as item #15. 4. Citizen Comment. There was no citizen comment. 5. Public Hearing-Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit within the 1-2 Zoning District to allow a subdivision and Planned Unit Development for a lot without public street frontage and a CUP to alter the surfacinQ: and curbing materials. Applicant: Riverside Oil. Steve Grittman presented the staff report on the applicant's request. The applicant is proposing to purchase approximately 6 acres of the Electro-Industries parcel for use as a bulk oil business. The lot split would make the southerly portion of the parcel available for the bulk oil operation. The southerly portion of the property, however, would not have street frontage but would have access by way of Electro-Industries driveway to the public road. The zoning ordinance allows creation of a lot without street frontage only as -1- . Planning Commission Minutes - 4/6/99 a Planned Unit Development and all PUD's require a conditional use permit. The ordinance also specifies that in an 1-2 Zoning District deviations from the paving requirements also require a conditional use permit. Steve Grittman then reviewed the site plan sketch with the Planning Commission noting that the driveway would be extended from Electro-Industries to provide access to the property occupied by Riverside Oil. There is a stand of pine trees located on the property which serves a buffer and screening function for the bulk oil facility. The staff recommended that thesc trees remain and recommended that landscaping be placed along the freeway frontage. This would improve the aesthctics of the project. Provisions are set forth in the 1-2 Zoning District to allow for the phasing in of curbing as a project develops. This is done under the conditional use permit process. The staff recommended approval of the conditional use permit to waive thc curbing rcquirements subject to additional review by the City if there is further development on this site. It was noted that since thcre is no curbing proposed, the City Engineer will revicw thc site plan and address drainage concerns. . Chair Frie opened the public hearing. Rosemary Prudhomme, 235 Crocus Lane, expressed her desire that thc pine trees remain and asked about the level of noise and the amount of traffic that would be generatcd by the facility. JefTMichaelis, 630 East 4th Street, who is the applicant, spoke to the traffic issue stating that generally there is only one delivery a day and only occasionally is there a delivery in the evening. The storage tanks are 2500-3000 gallons in size and would be 25'-30' in height. The facility would comply with all Pollution Control Agency standards to protect the area from environmental hazards. Jeff Michaelis further explained that they have attempted to screen the tank from visibility from the freeway as well as from the residential area. The applicant was questioned about the number of buildings proposed for the site, lighting for the area and fencing. Jeff Michaelis responded that of the three buildings being located on the site only one is being built. The other two buildings will be moved in from another site. It is the intent of the applicant to have security lighting in place and they will at some point in the future be placing fencing around the tank area. Jeff Michaelis also stated all areas other than the driveway would be in grass which would minimize the areas of exposed soil. The question was raised about access to the site by emergency vehicles such as firc trucks. Jeff Michaelis replied that the Fire Department has adequate equipment and sufficient water supply to protect the property. Fred Patch added that the applicant had agreed that within five years a fire hydrant would be brought to within 300 feet of the facility and Fred Patch recommended that this be included in the conditions of the conditional use permit. The Planning Commission questioned what would trigger a review of the curbing. Steve Grittman responded that sale of the property or further development on the sitc would bring about a review. . Tom Moores representing Edgar Klucas, who owns 15 acres adjacent to this site addresscd the Planning Commission making the following points: 1) Before the Planning -2- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 4/6/99 Commission acts on the CUP request, a site plan should be submitted. The drawing submitted by the applicant was a sketch and not a site plan; and 2) Fire protection for the area should be rcviewed. Fred Patch stated that Scott Douglas, the Fire Chief: was satisfied that therc was sufficient water supply for fire protection purposes. Steve Grittman explained the buffer requirements of the ordinance. The stand of pine trees provides an adequate buffer f()r the proposed activity. If future development takes place on the site it may necessitate additional buffering. It was noted that additional uses or a change in use would require an amendment to the PUD and an amendment would require Planning Commission review. Torn Moores asked whether the site was served with utilities. Jeff Michaelis said utilities would be extended to the site. Tom Moores asked if a PUD was normal in an 1-2 Zoning District. Steve Grittman responded that while it wasn't typical to have a PUD in an 1-2 zone it was not unheard of. Tom Moores questioned whether the City was trying to put this proposal through because of the need to have this business relocated from the community center site. He wanted to make sure the City wasn't trying to just put this business anywhere. Torn Moores stated that the Klucas property had earlier been rezoned by the City to R-2 and that perhaps an 1-2 zoning would have been more appropriate for the Klucas property. Chair Prie closed the public hearing. Chair Frie asked if the applicant understood that at some future point curbing/paving of the site may be required Jeff Michaelis replied that he understood that eventually the curhing and paving would go in but he questioned whether the entire area would need to be done. ROY POPILEK MOVED AND ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED THE MOTION TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT PUD TO ALLOW THE SUBDIVISION OF A LOT WITHOUT STREET FRONTAGE SUBJECT TO A REQUIREMENT THAT THE PINE TREES ARE RETAINED FOR FUTURE SCREENING AND BUFFERING AND THAT ADDITIONAL LANDSCAPING ALONG THE FREEWAY IS CONSIDERED TO HELP BUFFER THE VIEW OF THE SITE FROM FREEWAY EXPOSURE AND THAT WITHIN FIVE YEARS A WATER HYDRANT WILL BE BROUGHT TO WITHIN 300 FEET OF THE BULK OIL F ACILlTY. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Public lIearing-Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit within the CCD Zoning District to allow for a shopping center. Applicant: Amcon Constmction. Jeff 0' Neill gave the staff report on the proposal for a shopping center to be located at Locust and 7th Street. Because the site is in the CCD District OAT is responsible for reviewing the proposal and making a recommendation to the Planning Commission. Some concerns that were noted were 1) Lack of a landscape plan for the rear side, and 2) -3- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 4/6/99 Parking concerns and a lack of traffic circulation. DA T made several recommendations which were accepted by the developer and includcd development of a buffer yard, placing of ornamental lighting on the site and bringing the structure closcr to the property line. DA T recommended the site layout shown as Exhibit E to this agenda. Other suggestions by DA T included 1) Cornice detail carried all around the building and not just on the back; 2) Enlarge the landscape island in the parking lot; 3) Additional plantings on the southeast corner of the building; 4) Decorative lighting be added to complement the lighting on Walnut A venue; and 5) Other lighting around the building should be shielded. Chair Frie opened the public hearing. No one spoke for or against the proposal. Chair Frie closed the public hearing. Chair Frie asked if the developer had any concerns with the DA T recommendations. Scott Quiring of Amcon indicated that they did not and added that Amcon is aware that this site is in a transition area. Scott Quiring could not give the Planning Commission a definite timetable as to when work on the project would commence. ROD DRAGS TEN MOVED AND ROY POPILEK SECONDED THE MOTION TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A SHOPPING CENTER IN THE CCD DISTRICT AS PRESENTED BY THE APPLICANT SUBJECT TO A REVISION RECOMMENDED BY OAT AS SHOWN IN EXHIBIT E (6-2E OF THIS AGENDA) WHICH THE APPLICANT SUPPORTS. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for a conditional use pcrmit to allow a convenience gas operation. car wash and restaurant use with drive throul2.h window in the PZM Zoning District and variance from the sign provisions for the PZM District. Applicant: MMC Land Companv. LLC. Jeff O'Neill presented the staff report stating that the Planning Commission has previously approved the preliminary plat for River View Square and that the proposed car wash/restaurant operation is the first development within the plat. Commercial activity in a PZM District requires a conditional use permit. Because the car wash/restaurant utilizes a drive through it also requires a conditional use permit. In their review, the staff found a number of items that the developer has responded to which include: 1) Stacking spaee at entrance to the drive through - The developer moved the drive through to the end of the restaurant which created an additional 2-3 stacking spaces for a total of 8 stacking spaces; 2) Car wash - There was a concern that traffic would cut through and create problems with the drive through canopy. The developer redesigned this making a 24' wide drive which should improve the circulation; 3) Parking stalls - Original plan had 35 stalls and at least 66 stalls would be needed. The developer redesigned the parking layout and came up with 60 parking spaces; and 4) Island delineator for each 1000 square feet of parking -4- . Planning Commission Minutes - 4/6/99 area. The developer added this. There was also some question on the intcrpretation of the sign ordinance as to whether 100 sq. or 300 sq. ft. was the maximum signage allowed. Jim Coen from MMC reviewed a couple of items with the Planning Commission: Semi- Trailer Circulation - It is not the applicant's intent to develop a truck stop. Becausc they are not cncouraging semi truck traffic they don't feel the circulation qucstion is pertinent to the design. Building Materials - It is a steel frame building with brick on the lowcr 36" of the building. Lights - Lights arc Richmond design canopy lights which do not crcate a glarc. . Chair Frie noted the importance of thc Planning Commission gctting the drawings in advance of the meeting so that there is adequatc time for review. In looking at the plans it was noted that no plans had been submitted for the canopy. Jim Coen rcsponded that the canopy plans are normally submitted at the time of the building permit application. the Planning Commission asked whethcr it would be appropriate to table this item to the next meeting or did the staff feel that all the items in Exhibit Z had been addressed. Stcve Grittman responded that he had not gotten thc revised plans in time to do more than a cursory examination but it did appear that the applicant made an attcmpt to address the issues raised in the staff report. Roy Popilek stated that hc was uncomfortable with the number of changes to revicw on such short notice. He would prefer tabling this to the next mecting or conducting a spccial meeting so that there was adequate time to review the changes. Jeff O'Neill pointed out that the development agreement is being considered at the April 26th councilmecting. Dan GassIer from A Glorious Church, which is just to the east of the property felt that the signage and lighting should be looked at. He believes the signage should be minimized and that no variance should be granted on the signage rcquirements. He also asked about screening. The Planning Commission responded that a landscape plan had been submitted but there had not becn adequate time for review. Jim Shun, 109 Mississippi Drive, asked about the entrance to the property and was informed it was a right-inlright-out. City staff requested that the applicffilt also submit a photometric plan for the lights and cut sheets as well as design specifications. Chair Frie thcn closed the public hearing. DICK FRIE MOVED TO TABLE ACTION UNTIL A SPECIAL MEETING ON APRIL 26, 1999 AT 6:00 P.M. ON THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A CONVENIENCE STORE AND RESTAURANT USE IN A PZM ZONE SUBJECT TO SUBSTANTIAL REVISIONS TO THE SITE, BUILDING AND SIGNAGE PLANS TO ADDRESS THE CONCERNS OUTLINED IN THE STAFF REPORT AND THE SUBMITTAL OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AS REQUESTED BY STAFF. ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED THE MOTION. Motion carried unanimously. . -5- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 4/6/99 Based on the staffs interpretation of the ordinance that the sign provisions would allow up to 300 sq. ft. of signage, the applicant withdrew the request for a variance from the sign area limits in the PZM District. DICK FRIE MOVED AND ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED THE MOTION TO TABLE ANY ACTION ON THE REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE FROM THE SIGN REQUIREMENTS IN A PZM DISTRICT. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Public Hearing - Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit for outdoor storage in an 1-2 zone and consideration of a variance to reduce the five foot setback to the curb to one foot. Applicant: Morton Buildings. Jeff O'Neill gave the staff report. The Planning Commission earlier approved a change in the alignment of the lot line and this change was also approved by the City Council. The applicant was coming before the Planning Commission for a conditional use permit to allow for outside storage. The staff was recommending approval of the conditional use permit with the conditions noted on Exhibit Z which are standard conditions for outside storage. Jeff O'Neill suggested that the fence be pulled off the property line to allow for plantings. The applicant indicated that the open areas would be grassed and the driveway areas would be Class II or Class V material. The applicant is requesting a variance from the 5' setback from the placement of the curb. The staff felt that the lot could be developed and meet ordinance standards without a variance and did not recommend granting of the variance. Chair Frie opened the public hearing. Richard Rothstein from Morton Builders explained the reason they are requesting a variance stating that by moving the curbing to l' from the property line it would allow them to place rock and decorative shrubs along the building. The applicant believed that by going with a wood fence of slatted design instead of a steel fence the City would not require additional plantings. If the City requires the plantings, the applicant will install steel fencing. There was a review of the lighting for the property. Mike Thein, 1322 Barry Avenue NW, Buffalo, owner of the well drilling business proposed to move to the site spoke regarding the variance. There was discussion on whether it would bc better to have a variance from 30' to 25' on the building setback or from 5' to I' on the curb setback. Steve Grittman felt it would be better not to change the building setback. The applicant stated that they had made efforts to fit the building to the lot. The building size was reduced from 82' to 66' but they couldn't reduce it further bccause they are trying to keep three 14' bays as part of the building. It was suggested that the driveway width be reduced from 24' but the applicant felt that less than 24' was not adequate. Richard Rothstein brought up the possibility of a 30' easement from Russ Martie to be uscd for additional parking. It was suggested as an option that the applicant might want to consider a conditional use permit for joint parking. Chair Frie then closed -6- . Planning Commission Minutes - 4/6/99 the public hearing. Rod Dragsten commented that he felt that the plantings would look better on the building side than on the curb side and also brought up snow removal concerns. Roy Popilek asked if the proposed lighting would af1ect adjacent properties. The Planning Commission then discussed on what basis a variance could be granted. ROY POPILEK MOVED AND DICK FRIE SECONDED THE MOTION TO APPROVE A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR OUTDOOR STORAGE IN AN 1-2 ZONE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND BASED ON THE FINDING THAT THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT IS CONSISTENT WITH THE CHARACTER AND GEOGRAPHY OF THE AREA, WILL NOT RESULT IN THE DEPRECIATION OF ADJOINING PROPERTY AND IS CONSISTENT WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. I. The area is fenced and screened from view of neighboring residential uses or, if abutting a residential district in compliance with buffer yard requirements. 2. Storage is screened from view from the public right-of-way in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2(G) of the ordinance. . 3. Storage area is grassed or surfaced to control dust. 4. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the public right-of-way or from neighboring residences and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2(H) of the ordinance. 5. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. 6. Development of an opaque screening fence around the entire perimeter of storage area. Material and equipment storage must not rise above the screening fence. 7. Screening fence detail to be submitted for staff approval prior to construction. 8. No barbed wire or razor wire per City Ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. . It was noted that the condition on Exhibit Z dealing with the fence setback was omitted from the motion. Jeff 0' Neill informed the Planning Commission that the ordinance requires one tree for each 50' of property and there are also buffer yard requirements. There was discussion on where the required number of trees could be planted on the site. It was noted that 50% credit for the trees can be given for plantings around the building. Based on the lot dimensions approximately 30 trees would be required. If the 50% credit -7- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 4/6/99 is given for building plantings they would still need 15 trees on the site. Mr. Rothstein felt they could meet this requirement. ROD DRAGS TEN MOVED AND ROY POPILEK SECONDED THE MOTION TO APPROVE A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE IN THE CURB SETBACK FROM 5' TO l' BASED ON THE FINDING THAT A HARDSI-:lIP IS DEMONSTRATED WITH SNOW REMOV At BECAUSE OF THE LENGTH OF THE BUILDING WHICH WAS DESIGNED IN ORDER TO MEET ALL SETBACK REQUIREMENTS AND TO MEET THE LANDSCAPING PROVISIONS OF THE ORDINANCE. IT WAS FURTHER NOTED THAT ALTHOUGH THE LOT IS A CONFORMING LOT, THE LOT IS MORE NARROW THAN MOST INDUSTRIAL LOTS AND THE BUILDING AREA IS MORE RESTRICTED. Motion carried unanimously. 13. Presentation by Kent Kiellberg regarding: mobile home park expansion. This item was moved up on the agenda. Kent Kjellberg and Brian Southwell, his legal counsel, made a presentation on the request for expansion of the mobile home park which was denied earlier by the Planning Commission because it did not comply with the mid-density zoning shown on the City's Comprehensive Plan. The proposed mobile home park expansion had a density of 3 units per acre. Mid-density zoning would have 4-10 units per acre. The property has been surveyed and designed to accommodate 8 units per acre which would address the concerns of the Planning Commission and City Council as far as compliance with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Complying with the mid-density use would change the number of lots from 136 to 358. Chair Frie stated that traffic concerns were also a factor in the Planning Commission's decision and requested a copy of the traffic counts and MnDot's findings on the traffic issues. Mr. Kjellberg stated that he would submit this information. There was general discussion on traffic issues, park dedication requirements and the City's desire for higher scale housing. Mr. Kjellberg stated that the proposed expansion of the mobile home park was something that had been on board for 25 years and would be ill1 expansion of an existing business. The Planning Commission informed Mr. Kjellberg that the appropriate step would be to submit the revised design to the Planning Commission. Mr. Southwell stated that he purpose in coming before the Planning Commission at this point is to address the issue of density so that when another application is submitted this topic will not need to be addressed. Chair Frie suggested that Mr. Kjellberg may wish to attend the MOAA meeting on April 7th since this item would be on their agenda. 9. Consideration of an amendment to the Zoning Code. City Ordinance Title 10. Chapter 3. Section 2-2, Subsection (FK) and eFt) modifying the definition of Floor Area and Livable Floor Area. Applicant: Zoning Administrator. -8- . . . 11. Planning Commission Minutes - 4/6/99 Fred Patch provided the background report explaining that the definitions as they stand now are conflicting and the proposed amendment would resolve the conflict. Rod Dragsten questioncd the floor area definition noting that if some use is thcre it is counted as floor space but if nothing is there it is not cOlU1ted even though at a later date something could be added. Chair Frie opened and closed the public hearing. ROY POPltEK MOVED AND DICK FRIE SECONDED TrIE MOTION TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT TO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE 10, CHAPTER 3, SECTION 2-2, SUBSECTION (FK) AND (FL) PROVIDING DEFINITIONS OF FLOOR AREA AND LIVABLE FLOOR AREA NOTING THAT THIS AMENDMENT SHOULD RESOLVE TI-IE CONFUSION OF REAL TORS, DEVELOPERS, BUILDERS AND STAFF WITH CONFLICTING DEFINITIONS. Motion carried unanimous I y. 10. Public Hearing: - Consideration of amendment to City Ordinance Title 10. Chapter 3 by adding Section 3-6A Grading and amending Section 3-7 Land Reclamation and Section 3-8 Mining. Applicant: Zoning Administrator. Fred Patch gave the staff report on this item. It is felt that there is a need for the ordinance amendment to give authority for procedures the staff has been utilizing. The City Council had earlier established fees for grading permits. A grading permit would be required if 400 cubic yards or less of material was being moved. Anything in excess of 400 cubic yards would be covered in the mining/land reclamation portion of the ordinance amendment and would require a conditional use permit which requires Planning Commission approval. Chair Frie opened and closed the public hearing. Chair Frie questioned whether requiring a conditional use permit for mining or land reclamation was consistent with what the county requires and he asked if the staff felt comfortable with issuing grading permits. Fred Patch responded that the City Engineer is more than qualified to make the decision on grading permits covering 400 cubic yards or less. ROD DRAGSTEN MOVED AND ROY POPILEK SECONDED THE MOTION TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AMENDING CITY ORDINANCE TITLE 10, CHAPTER 3, BY ADDING SECTION 3-6A GRADING, AND AMENDING SECTION 3-7 LAND RECLAMATION AND SECTION 3-8 MINING. Motion carried unanimously. Public Hearing - Consideration of rezoning Lots 5-13, Block 2, Hillside Terrace from I-I to I-IA. Fred Patch gave the staff report. There is a proposal for industrial mId wholesale business -9- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 4/6/99 uses. The I-I zoning does not allow wholesale business such as an outlet store but the I -I A does. Changing the zoning from I-I to I-I A allows basically the same uses as before but the I-IA district has stricter requirements on building facades. Fred Patch stated that the City had received comments in favor of the zoning from Ken Maus who owns property in the area affected by the zoning change. Chair Frie opcned and closed the public hearing. Rod Dragsten questioned what type of development was being proposed. The staff responded that it was an "incubator" development which they likened to a spec commercial building that would lease space to both commercial and industrial uses. ROY POPILEK MOVED AND ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED THE MOTION TO APPROVE THE REZONING REQUESTED FROM I-I TO I-IA FOR LOTS 5-13, BLOCK 2, HILLSIDE TERRACE BASED ON THE FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED ZONING IS CONSISTENT WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND COMP A TIBLE WITH THE ADJOINING LAND USE AND WILL NOT RESULT IN DEPRECIA TION OF ADJOINING LAND VALUES AND THAT THERE IS A DEMONSTRA TED NEED FOR THE USE. Motion carried unanimously. 12. Discussion regarding a presentation by a Planning Commission member to the Monticello Area Chamber of Commerce on June 17. 1999. The Plmming Commission discussed the request to have a Planning Commission member make a presentation to the Chamber of Commerce. Chair Fric felt that Richard Carlson because of his experience and longevity in the area of planning would be a logical choice to make the presentation. If Richard Carlson is unable to do so another Planning Commission member will make the presentation. 14. Consideration of discussion of violations of zoning ordinance regulations - outside storage and other requirements - Morell Transfer - SW corner of Dundas and Fallon A venues. Jeff O'Neill reported on the violations on the property owned by Morell Transfer and askcd for Planning Commission comments and direction as far as bringing the property into compliance with ordinance requirements. DICK FRIE MOVED AND ROY POPILEK SECONDED THE MOTION TO DIRECT CITY STAFF TO UPDATE THE CITY COUNCIL ON THE VIOLA TIONS, TAKE ACTION TO INVENTORY THE VIOLATIONS, DISCUSS THE VIOLATIONS WITH -10- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 4/6/99 MORELL TRANSFER AND PROCEED WITH AN EFFORT TO GAIN COMPLIANCE. Motion carried unanimously. 15. MCP Update Roy Popilek reported on an MCP meeting where there was a discussion on the United Methodist Church site. Sunny Fresh would like to purchase the property and the church would like to see the building preserved since it is a registered historical site. Roy Popilek felt the City staff should be aware of these discussions. Chair Frie asked Clint Herbst, Council Liaison, to inform the Planning Commission on the Council action on the Riverside Oil conditional use permit approved earlier in the evening by the Planning Commission. The City Council at their special meeting approved the conditional use permit. The Planning Commission discussed the proposed zoning for the area of the Kjellberg mobile home park expansion. The City's Land Use Plan would need to be amended to R-2 which would be mid-density and would be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. Steve Grittman noted that mobile home parks are allowed in R-2 Zoning District as a conditional use permit ROY POPILEK MOVED AND ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED THE MOTION TO CALL FOR A PUBLIC HEARING TO DISCUSS THE LAND USE PLAN FOR THE PROPOSED KJELLBERG PARK EXPANSION. Motion carried unanimously. Fred Patch informed the Planning Commission that the recording secretary for the Planning Commission had submitted her resignation and he thanked her for her work with the Planning Commission. Chair Frie added his thanks as well. He suggested that perhaps even though she was no longer an employee of the City something could be worked out where she could continue to take minutes adding that he appreciated having someone doing the minutes who could spell. ROD DRAGSTEN MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 10:35 PM ROY POPILEK SECONDED THE MOTION. Motion carried unanimously. U a..V.)Y' ~~/'-'J ,5 :s"'----v'~~. Recording Secretary -11-