Planning Commission Minutes 06-01-1999 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 1999 Members: Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten, Dick Frie, Roy Popilek and Robbie Smith. Staff: Steve Grittman and Jeff 0' Neill Absent: Council Liaison Clint Herbst 1. Chair Frie called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of May 4. 1999. ROY POPILEK MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 4, 1999 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANTh10USL y. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Roy Popilek requested that an update on the Danner property be included as item #9b and HRA request for input as item # 10. 4. Citizen Comments. There was no one present under citizen comments. 5. Public hearing-Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit within the B-3 Zoning District to allow an automobile repair facility and a variance from the City's parking rewlations. A9plicant: Royal Tire. Steve Grittman presented the staff report. The property is located along T.R. #25 with access off of Cedar Street and is currently zoned B-3. A conditional use permit is required to operate a minor automobile repair in a B-3 zone. Under the ordinance the proposed use of the property would require 24 parking spaces on site. However, the drawing submitted did not show designated parking spaces. Steve Grittman pointed out that generally commercial retail uses would require more parking spaces than the use proposed. He noted that because of the existing building and the limited property area additional parking spaces could not be had on site. A preliminary review of the plan showed approximately 19 parking spaces and that would mean that a variance would be required. In considering a variance the Planning Commission must find that a hardship exists or that circumstances exist wherein compliance with the provisions of the ordinance would deny the owner reasonable use of his property. Steve Grittman stated that only a survey had been submitted for review and not a full site plan so that actual number of parking spaces had not been verified. It was pointed out that the applicant is currently occupying the building. A letter from an adjacent property owner expressing concerns about parking and congestion was submitted to the Planning Commission 2 Planning COmmission Minutes _ 6/1/99 . Chair Frie opened the public hearing. Brett Stinar and Dan O'Neill, representing Royal Tire were present and submitted a plan which detailed the parking spaces. There would be 16 parking spaces with an additional 6-8 parking spaces that could be utilized in front of the storage area. Mr. Stinar noted that the southerly 75 feet of the building is proposed to be used for storage only. Mr. Stinar also pointed out that some of the problems experienced with parking and congestion was because of contractors who were working on the building. Dan O'Neill explained that they were not able to extend their lease at the other location which put them under considerable pressure to get the other site ready. Scott Hill asked about the number of employees the firm had and how many parking spaces would be left for customer use. Brett Stinar responded that the firm has ten employees. Most of the work is by appointment so customers will be dropping off their vehicles and picking them up within a relatively short period of time. Vehicles left overnight would be stored inside the building. It was noted that 6-10 vehicles could be worked on inside the building at one time. There was discussion on what could be done to provide assurance that Cedar Street would not be used for overflow parking and it was suggested that perhaps some "No Parking" signs would be effective. Chair Frie closed the public hearing. . Rod Dragsten asked how many customers a day the business services. Mr. Stinar stated that at the Monticello site they were averaging 40 customers a day. He noted that most of the work could be done in 30-60 minutes and that it was done by appointment. For that reason generally there is not a backup of vehicles. Mr. Stinar did concede that there may be anywhere from 1-5 vehicles that may be left overnight. Richard Carlson asked about working on commercial vehicles and how that would be handled. Dan O'Neill stated that commercial vehicles make up a very small portion of their business. The Planning Commission asked whether the applicant had look at acquiring additional land. Landscaping requirements were also discussed. Steve Grittman explained that the staff has not reviewed a landscape plan but that no parking spaces would be lost because of landscape requirements. In addressing the landscape concerns, Mr. Stinar stated that they would be required to have one tree for every 15 lineal feet and they are proposing some additional landscaping along the T.R. #25 side of the building. There was additional discussion on how many parking spaces were available on the site. It was not clear whether the applicant met the required 24 parking spaces or whether he was short. The Planning Commission also discussed the basis for granting a variance. Richard Carlson stated that the City had allowed parking up to the property line as long as there was sufficient green space. The Planning Commission questioned whether a variance in the setback requirements for parking might be more acceptable than a variance in the number of parking spaces required. It was felt that more review was needed to determine the number of parking spaces available on the site. Since the applicant is being allowed to operate the business while he is taking the necessary steps to bring it into compliance with the ordinance, the Planning Commission felt it appropriate to table action on this matter to allow adequate time for the parking issue to be reviewed and a determination made if a variance was needed. . ROY POPIT..EK MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON THE CONDffiONAL USE PERMIT AND V ARlANCE REQUEST AS PER DISCUSSION DUE TO THE POSSffiLITY THAT THE V ARlANCE MAY NOT BE REQUIRED AND TO ALLOW STAFF TIME TO RESEARCH TIIE ITEM AND BRING IT BACK AT THE JULY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. RICHARD CARLSON SECONDED TIIE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED wrrn ROBBIE SMIrn VOTING IN oPPOSmON. . . . 3 Planning Commission Minutes - 6/1/99 6. Continued Public Hearing; - Consideration of an amendment to the Monticello Comorehensive Plan relating to the land use desi2nation of the propertY west ofKiellberg West Mobile Home Park. Aoplicant: City of Monticello. Steve Grittman updated the Planning Commission on this item. The Planning COmmission had previously recommended that the land west of the existing Kjellberg West Mobile Home Park be designated as R-2 which they felt was the more appropriate land use and was more consistent with the City's land use plan. This recommendation was passed on to the City Council. The matter is now in the hands of the MOAA Board. The property is currently zoned agricultural under the County's land use plan. The Planning Commission was informed that the MOAA Board had set a hearing in July to consider land use changes for this area. Chair Frie opened the public hearing. There was no one present to speak on this item. Chair Frie closed the public hearing. ROD DRAGS TEN MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON THE R-2 ZONING DISTRICT AMENDMENT FOR KJELLBERG PROPERTY UNTIL THE JULY PLANNING COM:MISSION MEETING. RICHARD CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. ntinued Public Hearin - Consideration of a Zonin Ordinance amendment addin tattoo parlors as a permitted use in a B-4 District. Applicant: Citv of Monticello , Steve Grittman reported that the staff has been working with the county in an effort to put together an ordinance amendment dealing with the licensing procedures and regulations for tattoo parlors. It is hoped to have something more definitive by the July meeting. DICK FRIE MOVED TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT TO ALLOW TATTOO PARLORS AS A PERMITTED USE IN A B4 DISTRICT UNTIL TIIE 1UL Y PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. ROD DRAGS TEN SECONDED TIIE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. endicular JeffO'NeilI reported that the City Council had reviewed the proposed amendment to the ordinance and decided to table any action on it until they received additional information. However, the data requested by the Council has not yet been assembled. The variance request was continued to this meeting. The Planning Commission could act on the variance request or they could continue it until such time as the Council has acted on the ordinance amendment. Steve Grittman reminded the Planning Commission of the 60 day limit. ROD DRAGS TEN MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON THE VARIANCE REQUEST FOR A PERPENDICULAR SIGN PENDING COUNCIL RECEIPT OF REQUESTED DATA AND ACTION ON THE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT AND TO HAVE TIlE STAFF CONTACT THE APPLICANT INFORMING HIM: THAT THE CITY IS EXTENDING THE 60 DAY . . . 4 Planning Commission Minutes - 6/1/99 LTh1IT ON THIS :MATTER. RICHARD CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIl\tlOUSL Y. Scott Hill asked for clarification of the proposed amendment and whether it would allow for multiple signs for businesses housed in one building. He felt that the proposed amendment was open ended and vague. He felt there should be clarification as to whether there was an appeal process and more ofa definition of the authority ofDAT in reviewing the sign applications. 9. Discuss status ofMOAA Land Use Plan. Jeff O'Neill updated the Planning Commission on what took place at the MOAA meeting of May 5, 1999. The MOAA Board at this meeting adopted a land use map which had significant changes from what the Planning Commission and City Council felt fit the Comprehensive Plan. One area in question was the Gold Nugget property. The MOAA Board adopted the map and imposed a moratorium. A public hearing has been set for July to consider land use for this area. There was some question whether a land use map constituted an agreement and there was concern that the narrative for the map was that of the county's land use plan. Since there had been significant changes to the map it was felt that there should have been another public hearing. The Planning Commission discussed the impact that the dissolution of the Municipal Board will have on annexation issues. 9b. Danner Prooerty Update. Jeff O'Neill reported that Danner Trucking entered into a purchase agreement for a triangular piece of land that the City obtained through eminent domain. The land lies north of Dundas Road and the acquisition would allow Danner Trucking to meet the requirements of the conditional use permit which was previously granted. 10. The HRA requested Planning Commission input on whether to swap an HRA owned parcel or hold onto it for future development. Richard Carlson expressed the concern that a developer will maximize the use of the lot with a building up to the lot line. He felt it should be retained and worked in with a proposal that would utilize open space. Rod Dragsten who is a representative of the Planning Commission on the North Anchor Committee felt that since the North Anchor Committee has not completed the scope of their work it would be premature to sell this parcel. The Planning Commission feels the parcel is in the short term redevelopment stage of the North Anchor Committee study area. What happens there will affect the whole block. It was also felt that the potential for the City for open space and development makes the property too attractive to let go. The Planning Commission's recommendation to the liRA is to retain the parcel in question. The City acquired the Ferrell Gas site when they purchased the railroad right-of-way. In the development plan the core area was from T.R. #25 to Maple Street. With the development of the community center the question was raised whether it would be acceptable to allow some retail development in the area. Although proposals are being requested there is also an option to keep it as public space such as library site or open space. The Planning Commission felt that if proposals are being looked at there are two crucial items to be considered; 1) that the community center has . . . 5 Planning Commission Minutes - 6/1/99 visibility from T.H. #25 and 2) what are the City's long tenn plans for the liquor store While the easy access and visibility from T.H. #25 is desirable from the liquor store's point of view it may be a detriment to those coming out of the community center to see the back side of the liquor store building. ROBBIE SMIrn MOVED TO AJDOURN AT 9:00 P.M. ROD DRAGS TEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. \){11l~ ~IS~OJ-- Recording Secretary 0