Planning Commission Minutes 08-14-2000 (Special Meeting) , , . Special Planning Commission Minutes -08/14/00 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, August 14,2000 5:15 P.M. Members Present: Dick Frie, Robhie Smith, Roy Popilek, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten and Council Liaison Clint Herbst Staff Present: Fred Patch, Steve Grittman, Cindy Sherman and Lori Kraemer 1. Call to order. Chair frie called the meeting to order 5:25 p.m. 2. Citizens comments. None 1. Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development 01'22 townhouses in a CCD Zoning District. Applicant: Silvcr Creek Development. Cindy Sherman, NAC, provided the staff report regarding the Silver Creek Development plans for a Development Stage PU D approval of 22 townhouses on a parcel along East ]lh Street. The City has considered its zoning density restrictions and the option of allowing townhouse development at densities similar to multiple family housing. A zoning am.endment is being considered by the City Council which would permit thc same density calculation, and add a green space req Llirement to all developments. If that amendmcnt is adopted by the City Council, the proposed townhouse project would be eligible for up to 25 units. Without the amendment, a townhouse project would be held to just 16 units on this site. The proposed ordinance requires a minimum of 500 square feet of open space pcr unit, or 30% green space (as defined) whichever is greater. The site plan illustrates approximately 34% green space in compliance with the draft standard. Sherman also noted that previous concept discussions had raised a number of issues. Additional review has generated some additional comments. These were summarized for the Planning Commission including increased driveways to 24 feet in width, garage and parking area for units 9 and 10, parking circulation pattern, and the visitor parking, unit 15, a handicapped accessible unit with the only single car garage in the complex, increase central or internal landscaping areas, radius on the northwest corner of central island should be increased, alternative paving materials in the central area, plan for a highly -1- , Special Planning Commission Minutes -08!l4/00 intensified landscape plan, particularly at the perimcter, including well-designed patio areas, fencing, and other sidelrear yard improvements, and address outward appearance of buildings to Inaximizc aesthetic impact on neighboring property. Other comments supplicd by staff included grading and drainage, utilities, and the possibility of recreation space. Chair frie opened the public hearing. Bruce 1laverly, Oakwood Builders representing Silver Creek, addressed the commissioners stating they had received the stan'report on Friday and have already addressed most items in this Sh011 period oftime, and that thcy are also working with Jon Bogart on driveway widths. He did note that thcy have a substantial amount of parking and can remove more parking, still having a substantial amount left. He stated regarding the island landscape that they could increase the radius providing bctter access or an increased green space. He stated that practicality would be to lose a few feet of green space to make circulation bctter. , Haverly noted that they had shown sevcral types of paving materials and fcel that concrete is best, but also noted that they are opcn to staff s comments. Rcgarding the n011hwest corner unit they've proposed eliminating that stall and modifying backing area. Regarding landscaping, he noted that they've reviewed the guidelines given and feci they have exceeded thcm, but again would work with staff to meet further requirements. Jon Bogart, Bogart & Peterson, addressed the commissioners providing copics of grading and drainage plans stating they spent a considerable amount of time with Public Works Director John Simola to have the plans meet the City's spccillcations. lie also commentcd on thc utility issue which rcvolves around the sanitary sewer which is very shallow near the end 2 units and they may require a small lift. He commented on the layout of parking and curb, and fcel they have met aU requircments listed in statfreport. Bogart advised on landscaping stating thc berms on thc adjaccnt properties which cannot be lowcred and that thcy wouldn't nccd a retaining wall if the berms were not already there. Mr. Havcrly again addrcssed thc members regarding recreational space and stated they do have availability on the property and can accommodate City staHifnecessary, hc just asked for direction from staff. Haverly and Bogart also stated thc timing bfthis projcct due to construction and it is thcir hopc that the Planning Commission would move forward on this project and let Silver Crcek work with City stall on remaining issues. . Chair Frie closed thc public hearing. There was furthcr discussion by statT and commissioners addressing the above mentioned -2- , I . Special Planning Commission Minutes -08/14/00 issues as well as noting the previous requirements that have already been met by Silver Creek. Mr. Popilek was not comfortable with approving this item at this time noting the staff recommendation in this report was to table action. Overall, it was noted that most of the issues listed above have been complied with and most commissioners felt comfortable with having stalTwork with the applicant on rcmaining details. Mr. Grittman did state that he would encourage a significantly enhanced landscape, patio, fence, and retaining wall plan as a minimum step in ITleeting the intent of the City's PUD ordinance. Chair hie asked Mr. Haverly about several issues noted above including the backing of cars from the units stated above which was already addressed. He also asked again about landscaping which Mr. Haverly stated they could suggest a landscape architect work with staffto meet staffs requests. Recreational area was also discussed further noting the requiremcnt for Monticello Village Apartments to provide recreational space in their project. It was noted that there was not a recreational area near the Village Apartment project, but there are areas nearby to thc proposed East 7\h Street project. It was also stated that this is a townhouse project versus an apartmcnt complex. Fred Patch, Building Ofllcial, raised some questions regarding water and sanitary sewcr hook-ups, noting that if these units were rcntals they would not havc separatc conncctions, but if the units were to be for sale, the connections would be separate. Mr. Bogart advised that these units would be rental but with the possibility of selling them at some point in the future. Patch also discussed elevations i:U1d aesthetics on the north side and this was clarified by Mr. Haverly. Thcre was further discussion rcgarding the engineering issucs and it was notcd by Mr. Grittman that he felt confident that this would be worked out appropriately. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROBBIE SMITH TO RECOMMEND APPROV AL OF THE CONCEPT AND DEVELOPMENT STAGE C1JP/PUD FOR SILVER CREEK REAL ESTATE FOR A 22 UNIT TOWNHOUSE PROJECT ON EAST 7TII STREET, BASED ON THE CONDITION THAT THE ABOVE ISSUES ARE ADDRESSED IN A SATISFACTORY MANNER TO THE STAFF PRIOR TO FINAL PUD APPROVAL. ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED THE MOTION. Motion carried 4 to I with Roy Popilek voting in opposition. 4. Continued Public Hearing - Consideration of an application for a Conditional Use Permit/Planned Unit Development and a Preliminary Plat to allow the development of a townhouse proiect to bc known as Klein Farm Estates 4th Addition. Applicant: D. Klein Construction. Cindy Sherman, NAC, provided the report noting the revised plan consisting of a site plan, utility plan, grading and drainage plan, and a conceptual landscaping plan from Mr. -3- , Special Planning Commission Minutcs -08/14/00 Klein which address most of the issues noted at the previous meeting. Sherman also advised the Planning Commission that they will have another opportunity to review this item as this is a concept stage plan. The proposed project has been reduced from the previous 11 units to a total of 8 units - 4 twin home huildings. Each unit has a two car garage with a driveway space for open parking, as well as eight visitor parking spaces on the east sidc of the pri vate street. The new plan has adjusted setbacks to meet the minimum requirements on all sides, including the buffer yard to the industrial on the north. In addition, although the west side yard setback could be as little as ten feet to meet the district standard, the applicant has proposed approximately 25 feet, consistent with the adjacent development. I The project plan shows an illustration of landscaping on the north and east houndaries. The north boundary has a bufTer yard requirement to meet of about 320 plant units, as defined in the zoning ordinance. Other landscaping is generally ornamental, although the adjacent twin home project was required to create a significantly enhanccd landscape to help justify the use of PUD on that project. A complctc plan should be designed and suhmitted for review on this projcct as well, including both common area and unit landscaping. Special attention to the front yard spaces was emphasized on the adjacent property, and should be made a part of this project as well. It was noted that the huildings are arrayed along the west and north sides of the private drive, with visitor parking along the east side. The wide twin home driveways create a continuous expanse of pavement at the curb line, particularly around the cul~de-sac. This design both creates problems for snow removal, as well as limits the opportunity for grecn space. Narrower driveways would help to reduce the impact of this pavement area. An alternative to consider would be a central island design which incorporates both the visitor parking and a central landscape element. Because there is ample room to work with adjacent to thc Fallon Avcnuc right-of-way, a creative concept could be applied to this project. In addition, it would permit greater spacing hetween the garage fronts and the private drive. An optional layout was providcd as a skctch attached to the report. With regard to utilities and drainage, complete public works and engineering review is pending. Water line size is one item which has been identified as a potential issue. Building 1100r plans and elevations have not been submitted with this package, and will need to he reviewed prior to final approval. Chair Frie opened the puhlic hearing. . Dave Klein, D. Klein Construction, addressed the planning commission advising several items that were listed in stafT report that have becn addressed. Stcve Grittman stated that everything was preliminary when reviewing the plans and at the ti me of the stair meeting they did not have time to work with the engineer but wanted the opportunity to look at -4- , , . Special Planning Commission Minutes -08/] 4/00 this more closely. They looked at it as a general land use - green space, would need to have full landscaping plans in detail showing perimeter around the units themselves as well as buffer yard landscapi ng. Although they feel the plan itself is well done, it was noted again to refer to the staff sketch provided which would address certain issues in this repOft. Chair Frie closed the public hearing. There was discussion by the Planning Commission that the applicant consider an alternative layout for the private street, such as the staff sketch attached to this report, as well as wOfking with the City Engineer for his review With a complete landscaping plan similar to the Ofiginal Klein Farms Estates project to the west, and resolution of engincering issues, this project could be reviewed t()r both Development Stage and final Stage pun in the next rounel. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROY POPILEK TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF TI--IE CONCEPT STAGE CUP/PUD AND PRELIMINARY PLAT, BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED PLAT IS CONSISTENT WITH THE ZONING DISTRICT AND NEIGHBORING ISSUES. ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED 1'1 IE MOTION. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Chair Frie asked Steve Urittl11an to clarify why the Silver Creek Real Estate application fpr the "Newtown" development was pulled from the agenda. Grittman noted that because of the elimination of the 2nd story residential and underground garages, staff felt this needs to be re-looked at and would need to go back to the Planning Commission with a public hearing. It was also advised that the purchase agreement part of this project will be on the City Council agenda. 6. Adjourn. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 6:30 PM. ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED THE MOTION. Motion carried. -5-