City Council Minutes 05-11-1998MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, May 11,1998 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Bill Fair, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None 2. A. A r f ' 1 h 1 2 1 A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD APRIL.. 27, 1998, AS WRITTEN. Voting in Favor: Bill Fair, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen. Abstaining: Clint Herbst. Motion carried. B, f f h r A' A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD APRIL 27, 1998, AS WRITTEN. Motion carried unanimously. C. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROGER CARLSON AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD MAY 4, 1998, AS WRTI'TEN. Motion carried unanimously. 3. r in in i h A. 1 fv ~ 1 f r Mayor Bill Fair requested that Council consider approving continued negotiations with the post office facility landlord regarding sale of the adjacent vacant parcel owned by the City. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO CONTINUE NEGOTIATIONS FOR 60 DAYS REGARDING THE SALE OF THE CITY'S VACANT LOT TO MR. CHARLES EHLEN AT A PRICE OF $24,000. Motion carried unanimously. 4, i' n mm n i i n~ r ~ n m l in . A. Mr. Faul Thielen, resident of Mississippi Drive, requested that the residents of Mississippi Drive be given the opportunity to discuss with the City the landscaping plan far the new wastewater treatment plant facility and that the trees be planted in 1998 rather than 1999. Page 1 Council Minutes - S/11/98 Public Works Director Jahn Simola suggested that staff meet with the residents on Monday, June 1S, at 6 p.m, to discuss the landscaping plan and trail system in the area. S. Consent agenda. Cauncihnember Herbst requested that item 5C be removed from the consent agenda for discussion. Councilmember Stumpf requested that item SE be removed from the consent agenda far discussion. City Administrator Rick Walfsteller noted that another condition should be added to item SF. The item was removed from the consent agenda for discussion. A. n -R hrh i hr x nin. Recommendation: Approve a resolution adopting assessment agreement accepting bids, and awarding the contract for the Resurrection Church and Methodist Church utility extension to Kuechle Underground, Inc., from Kimball, MN, at a cost of $40,804.24. SEE RESOLUTION 98-18. B, i f rn f r Recommendation: Authorize City staff to prepare bid documents based upon consultation with the Parks Commission for ornamental fencing for Hillside Cerr~tery, with a phase I and II approach and an option for only half the work. C. - n i n Fin t i n .Removed from the consent agenda for discussion. D. Estates III. Recommendation: Adopt the development agreement and approve the final plat for Klein Farms Estates III. E. i D' i 1 1 L Removed from the consent agenda for discussion. F. i r fr ii' -1 Removed from the consent agenda for discussion. Page 2 Council Minutes - 5/11/98 G. _onsid .ration o a zan"ng r~~mendrr~ent from ggri . ~l ur 1 to S (~ P~bli~./~ 1?ublic Usk) and consideration of a conditional se permit within the PS Zonin Section 13. A~yLcant: United Methodi~s h arch. Recommendation: Approve the ordinance amendment to rezone from Agricultural to PS based upon the finding that the proposed use is in conformance with the objectives of the comprehensive plan and is compatible with the surrounding land uses. SEE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 309. Approve the conditional use permit to allow a church facility in a PS zone based upon the finding that the proposed use has or will meet with appropriate changes and the conditions as defined in the ordinance, including adequate traffic access, adequate setbacks to protect adjacent properties, adequate parking to accommodate the proposed use, and compatibility with the area and comprehensive plan objectives. Approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant and the City, as the property owner, determine the improvements to be constructed and responsibility for the costs associated with the installation of a shared driveway, which satisfies the minimum design standards of the zoning ordinance, to be located on the city property along the length of the east property line of the subject site. 2. The applicant provide building elevation plans subject to review and approval of the City Council. 3. The applicant provide a landscape plan that demonstrates unique treatments to the sloped areas adjacent to the parking areas, including retaining walls/terraced gardens, as a means of controlling storm water run- aff and erosion. 4. All drive aisles be designed to a minimum width of 24 feet. 5. The site plan be revised to designate five (5) disability accessible stalls, one of which must be van accessible. 6. All grading, drainage, and utility plans be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. H. ~o~,sideration of a request for a conditional use permit ithi_n he P~ zorLne district for a con fi~~t plan royal of a 60-unit townhouse develo~~~ent ~ li and; S r ~Z.y Buil_ders. Recommendation: Approve the conditional use permit and concept stage PUD fora 60-unit townhouse development subject to the following conditions: Page 3 Council Minutes - 5/11/9$ 1. Provision of a bufferyard along the north boundary per zoning ordinance requirements. 2. Submission of a survey docut~nting the length of the common boundary with Ruff Auto and the limits of development on the Ruff Auto side of the line. 3. Submission of proposed homeowner's association language which would ensure the proper maintenance and future reconstruction of the private street. 4. Compliance with the recommendation of the Parks Commission regarding park dedication land or cash. 5. Alteration of the design to resolve driveway and paving expanse issues raised in the staff report. 6. Alteration of the design to resolve street width and turning radius concerns as noted in the staff report. 1 I, n o f n f R-P nR- 1 f z i n 1 in 1 A 1 F P r Recommendation: Approve the concept stage PUD for Elm Street Crossing; Approve the development stage PUD for Elm Street Crossing contingent upon the following conditions: 1. Revised site plan illustrates proper access to all garages. 2. Submission of landscape plan illustrating intensified landscape treatments as detailed in the staff report to Planning Commission. 3. Final approval of the preliminary and final plats. Approve the preliminary plat for Elm Street Crossing contingent upon the following conditions: 1. Submission of final utility plan for review and approval by City staff. 2. Submission of final grading plan for review and approval by City staff. r~ ~, 3. Submission of revised preliminary plat illustrating lot dimensions and common space. Page ~ Council Minutes - 5/11/98 r 4. Submission of lot covenants and homeowners association bylaws demonstrating adequate provisions for common area maintenance. 5. Final approval of the planned unit development. ni r n f rMill A ii r 1 1 li n• R i n' 1 D vel n .Recommendation: Approve the preliminazy and final plat of River Mill 4th Addition based upon the finding that the project is consistent with applicable subdivision and zoning ordinance requirements, subject to the following conditions: 1. The existing design of Mill Trail Lane/Mill Trail Drive as platted by River Mill 3rd Addition be maintained. The extension of Mill Trail Lane as platted by River Mill 4th Addition shall intersect the existing street design at a 90-degree angle, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. L 2. Propased preliminary plat, Lots 13-17, Black 2, shall be designated as Outlot B, River Mill 4th Addition, subject to final platting at such time as the adjacent property to the east is platted to provide the remainder of any street right-of way. The City does not guarantee any such platting, nor does the City guarantee the development of any of Outlot B. 3. The City Council accept Outlot A, River Mill 4th Addition, as adding to previous park dedication. 4. The preliminary grading, drainage, erosion, and utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 5. The City Engineer recommend and approve the need and location of easements to be included on the final plat. b. The applicant enter into the standard development contract and disbursement agreement with the City. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY CL1NT HERBST TO APPROVE ITEMS SA, 5B, SD, SG, 5H, SI, AND SJ OF THE CONSENT AGENDA AS RECOMMENDED. Motion carried unanimously. 6. h n 1 SC. r h r - 4 Plant Ex„,pansion (e tension. f interiox_ mpl~l' n ' Public Works Director John Simola reported that the contract for the Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion required that two 5BR tanks be operational by Februazy 1, 1998; however, actual operation of the 5BR tanks occurred on Page 5 Council Minutes - S/11/98 February Ib. The contract calls for liquidated damages for the delay in the amount of $500 per day, and Adolfson & Peterson requested that the damages be waived due to construction delays beyond their control. The Public Works Director suggested that the damages could be waived contingent upon the entire project being completed by a speck date. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY GLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO APPROVE THE EXTENSION OF TIME FROM FEBRUARY 1, 199$, TO FEBRUARY 16, 1998, FOR OPERATION OF THE SBR TANKS CONTINGENT UPON COMPLETION OF THE ENTIItE PROJECT BY OCTOBER 15, 1998. Motion carried unanimously. The Public Works Director also noted that Adolfson & Peterson requested that the retainage amount be reduced from 5% to 1.(%. However, it was his view that it would be more difficult to close the project without the customary 5% retainage. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY GLINT HERBST TO KEEP THE RETAINAGE AMOUNT AT THE CURRENT S%. Motion carried unanirnausly. 1 SE, r 1 ll h B- i n i 1 Br L Councilmember Brian Stumpf requested clarification of the proposal for an outdoor display and sale of swimming pool products by Skippers Pools and Spas on the HRA's property. He noted his concern regarding issuance of a conditional use permit for a parcel that may be sold ain the future. Economic Development Director Ollie Koropchak reported that the HRA's motion included a termination date of August 31, 1998, for use of the property. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ALLOWING OUTDOOR DISPLAY AND SALES SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: ENTERING INTO A SATISFACTORY LEASE ARRANGEMENT WITH THE HRA. 2. ALL LIGHTING MUST BE DIRECTED AWAY FROM THE PUBLIC RIGHT- OF-WAY. 3. PARKING STALLS MUST BE CLEARLY STRIPED AND MARKED. 4. NO PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY SIGNS SHALL BE ERECTED ON THE OUTDOOR DISPLAY. Page b Council Minutes - 5/11/98 S. ANY SWIMMING POOL OR SPA DISPLAYED OUTDOORS MUST BE PROVIDED WITH A CONTINUOUS SURROUNDING BARRIER TO PREVENT ENTRY. 6. OUTDOOR SWIMMING POOL OR SPA DISPLAYS MUST NOT CONTAIN ANY WATER. 7. THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE AUGUST 31, 1998, PER THE HRA. Motion is based an the finding that the proposed outdoor display and sales use is connected with the principal use and limited to no more than 30% of the gross floor area of the principal use; is compatible with the comprehensive plan and the geographical area and character of the surrounding area; is justified by a demonstrated need far such use; and does not substantially depreciate the area in which it is proposed. Motion carried unanimously. 5F. n i r f r r 1 i i i n h nin i +~ rra~+p +~_~~ S mily 1 t from one xistine narce A~licant• Dazvl Tines. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller reported that this property was originally planned for one lot and may have only been charged for one sanitazy sewer in 197b. The City's policy has been to establish another assessment charge for utilities if the lot is split, as it allows the City to recapture same of its cost far the project. He also Hated that there may be an opportunity to give a credit against the assessment for a small piece of land that may be donated for park land. It was suggested that approval of the simple subdivision be contingent upon staff investigation of the past assessment to the property. Chief Building official Fred Patch noted that he discussed the assessment issue and possible credit for the park land donation with Mr. Tindle and that Mr. Tindle understood and was in favor of the assessment. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO APPROVE THE SIMPLE SUBDMSION CREATING ONE ADDITIONAL BUILDING SITE AND A SMALLER PARCEL DESIGNATED AS "AREA 3" FOR DEDICATION AS PARK LAND, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. WRITTEN APPROVAL OF ACCESS PERMIT IS RECEIVED FROM WRIGHT COUNTY. 2. A CERTIFIED SURVEY IS COMPLETED WHICH VERTFFIES LOT DIMENSIONS AND II.LUSTRATES THE ABILITY TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE SETBACKS AND BUILDING AREAS PER ZONING ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS, WITHOUT VARIANCE. Page 7 Council Minutes - 5/11/98 3. CTI'Y ENGINEER REVIEW OF DRAINAGE AND UTILITY PATTERNS AND EASEMENTS IN THE AREA. 4. AREA 3, AS NOTED ON THE CONCEPT SUBDIVISION PLAN, WOULD BE DEDICATED TO THE CITY FOR PARK USE. S. CITY STAFF WILL INVESTIGATE THE PREVIOUS ASSESSMENT CHARGE FOR SANITARY SEWER. IF ONLY ONE CHARGE WAS ASSESSED, AN ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT WILL BE PLACED AGAINST THE ADDITIONAL PARCEL CREATED BY THE SIMPLE SUBDIVISION. Motion carried unanimously. 7. R i n r h n ' Church site. Assistant Administrator Jeff O'Neill reported that staff met with St. Henry's Church officials on May 7 to review the latest cost figures far utility and road extensions, bridge alignment alternatives, identify steps for obtaining a building permit, and incorporation of the St. Benedicts Center into the financing program. Three options were reviewed for the 7th Street extension. Option #1 proposed an angled alignment at an estimated cost of $1,00$,200, option #2 proposed a straight bridge at an estimated cost of $989,600, and option #3 proposed a straight bridge with bulb-out road at an estimated cost of $625,200. Option #3 was the City's original choice for extension of 7th Street; however, St. Henry's Church requested that the City review other options because it would cause the road to cut through the Church's pazlcing lot and run too close to the Church building. After reviewing vazious options, the Church preferred option #2, the straight alignrr~nt with a hill. This option would be the least expensive for the Church but the most costly for the City because of the large amount of fill needed to raise the road. Oversizing expense and minimum road width for 7th Street was discussed, and it was noted that development of the Church and the 120-housing facility would require construction of a 36-ft wide road; however, if the Church could demonstrate that it generated less than the city standazd of 750 trips per day on average, the minimum width could be established at 32 ft, which would result in the City paying the oversizing cost difference between 32 ft and 44 ft. In regard to water main, the azea would require a 12-inch water main according to the water plan; however, since development of the Church and housing facility would require a 10-inch line, the City would pay the oversizing cost. Mr. John Olson, Business Administrator for St. Henry's Church, stated that the Church has offered 8 acres far senior housing, dedication of property for roadway and bridge development, has set aside approximately 3 acres for storm water ponding, and would Page 8 Council Minutes - 5/11/98 provide fill far the roadway under option #2. In return, the Church requested that the trunk fees be based on the developed site of 10 acres; the street assessment be based on a 32-ft road; the City pay oversizing fram an $-inch line to a 12-inch line for both water and sanitazy sewer; the project cost be assessed for 20 years at 6.5%; and the Church, City, and HRA pazticipate equitably to develop the project. City Engineer Bret Weiss responded that, after further study, a recommendation will be given for the roadway width and minimum requirement for water and sanitazy sewer lines. In regard to the dedication of 3 acres for storm water ponding, he noted that credits could not be given against trunk storm sewer fees because ponding was not anticipated in this area. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller added that in the last few years the City has kept assessment roIls to 10 years but could be extended if approved by Council. However, he noted that if the assessment is extended to 20 yeazs, the interest rate would likely be higher than 6.5%. Council discussed the assessment roll as well as the 7th Street extension and bridge options, noting that the City must take into consideration the City's portion of the project cost. It was suggested that the City use as a base the cost of option #3 as originally planned, with the Church paying additional costs for alteration of the plan and receiving credits where due. After discussion, it was the consensus of Council to allow the assessment to be paid over 20 years at the current interest rate at the time of bonding. It was also the consensus of Council to use option #3 as the base cost for the street and bridge project and table the other issues until recommendations aze received at the meeting scheduled for May 26, 1998, at which time the Council will also make a final decision on the assessment agreerr~nt. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY CUNT HERBST TO TAKE A 5-MINUTE RECESS. Motion carried unanimously. $, in f n of li n Assistant Administrator Jeff O'Neill reported that a significant concept of the comprehensive plan is to direct future growth to the south and west of the city by investing in infrastructure improvements to serve growth in that direction rather than to the east. The proposed amendment to the comprehensive plan was modified slightly from the original draft, which reflected input from landowners between County Raad 39 and 90th Street. Additional industrial land was identified to the south of the Chelsea Road alignrr~nt, and an area of future study was identified which contemplates the expansion of the proposed industrial azea along the remainder of the Chelsea Road corridor. The text Page 9 Council Minutes - 5/11/98 was also modified to allow added flexibility and emphasize that it is a guide plan and is intended to illustrate a pattern of land use. Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the amendments to the comprehensive plan. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE AMENDMENTS TO TIDE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AS PROPOSED IN THE SOUTH/WEST AREA PLAN. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Consideration of bills for the first half of Mav 1998. A MOTION WAS MADE BY GLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO APPROVE THE BILLS FOR THE FIRST HALF OF MAY 1998 AS PRESENTED. Motion carried unanimously. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY GLINT HERBST TO ADJOURN. Motion carried unanimously. Kar n Office Manager LJ Page 10