Planning Commission Meeting Minutes - 08/15/2023 (Special)MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING — PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, August 15, 2023 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Chair Paul Konsor, Vice Chair Andrew Tapper, Teri Lehner, Melissa Robeck Commissioners Absent: Eric Hagen Council Liaison Present: Councilmember Charlotte Gabler Staff Present: Angela Schumann, Ron Hackenmueller, Hayden Stensgard 1. General Business A. Call to Order Planning Commission Chair Paul Konsor called the special meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. B. Roll Call Mr. Konsor called the roll. C. Consideration of Additional Agenda Items None D. Approval of Agenda ANDREW TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE AUGUST 15, 2023 PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA. TERI LEHNER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 4-0. E. Citizen Comment None 2. Public Hearings N/A 3. Regular Agenda A. Tabled - Consideration of a request for an Amendment to the Haven Ridge 2nd Addition Planned Unit Development District for proposed amendments to the PUD Design Standards Applicant: Tamarack Land Community Development Director Angela Schumann provided a brief recap of the August 1 Planning Commission regular meeting, where the original item was tabled, then presented the agenda item to the Planning Commission and the public. The Planning Commission moved to table action on this item previously, due to their interest in ensuring a variety of home designs in the 2nd Addition that exceed the minimum requirements as proposed by the applicant. Ms. Schumann indicated that since the time of the August 1 meeting, the applicant has provided additional information to ensure variety in home designs would be a priority, without having to establish a quota or threshold of sorts. Ms. Schumann reviewed the strategies proposed by the applicant, including anti -monotony code, lots reserved for homes meeting the minimums, and facade elevation variety. Staff recommended approval of the request, subject to the revised conditions identified in Exhibit Z. Revisions to the conditions in Exhibit Z presented for approval were amended from the original discussion between the Planning Commission and the applicant at the August 1 regular meeting. Mr. Konsor asked about the original conditions of approval presented on August 1, and if Staff's position on the conditions remained the same or changed. Ms. Schumann clarified that the conditions had been revised based on the August 1 regular meeting discussion and clarified the applicant's request and staffs recommendation. Mr. Konsor asked for clarification on the anti -monotony provisions proposed by the applicant for the proposed home design elevations. Ms. Schumann said that each home plan provided includes variations to those home facades, whereas the plan layout of the home would be the same. The design of the homes' fagade, such as placement of garage, windows and entry door can vary from one other. Within the variations described above, there is also variation to the fa�ade's treatment, such as siding, roofing, and other finishing materials including color. Mr. Konsor asked how strictly the anti -monotony plan described in the agenda item is followed. Ms. Schumann deferred to the applicant to answer the question as that is a standard applied by the builder. Mr. Konsor asked if something like that could be included within the conditions of Exhibit Z, to ensure this standard is followed by the builder. Ms. Schumann noted that Planning Commission has the ability to include a condition related to that as part of the decision at hand. Ron Hackenmueller, Chief Building Official & Zoning Administrator, added that the building department has done something similar before, and can manage monitoring something as such, but believed that the builder would stress the anti -monotony program they implement to provide variety in what they have to offer. Teri Lehner noted that she did not have a problem with the proposed amendments and revised conditions of approval. Also, the fact that staff has not historically had precedents set by a development being overwhelmingly filled with smaller home styles, when given the option, made the potential quota condition unnecessary. Melissa Robeck added that the additional home styles provided by the applicant will further help with the variation of home styles in the neighborhood. Andrew Tapper noted that precedents may not have been set on prior developments, due to the builder of the developments. This proposed development is introducing a new, national builder that Monticello has not seen before. Mr. Tapper asked for clarification on why there were 10 lots identified in the agenda that would not have smaller home designs built on them. Ms. Schumann said that the applicant has identified those specific lots due to the grading and configuration of the lots. Councilmember Charlotte Gabler asked what were to happen if a new home design were to be added to the provided designs for the development. Ms. Schumann said that the conditions established as part of the approval allow for new home designs to be included in the development, provided they meet the standards established by this proposed amendment. Paul Konsor asked for clarification on why Staff's recommendation is to not establish home design maximums in the development and if it was related to Staffs inability to monitor the development in that regard. Ms. Schumann clarified that Staffs recommendation was not based on their inability to regulate the development, but rather the strategies proposed for ensuring a variety of homes plans within the development, as well as that design minimums have often been exceeded within. Monticello's recently developed or developing neighborhoods. Another reason for Staffs recommendation is the current single-family lot inventory in Monticello, and the lack of sufficient housing opportunities. Additionally, these 59 single-family lots of discussion are a part of a 300-lot overall residential development, where a variety of housing types is planned and expected. TERI LEHNER MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PC-2023-022 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR THE HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION, BASED ON FINDINGS IN SAID RESOLUTION. PAUL KONSOR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 4-0. 4. Other Business N/A 5. Adiournment ANDREW TAPPER MOVED TO ADJOURN THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION. TERI LEHNER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 4-0. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 6:32 P.M. Recorded By: Hayden Stensgard �� Date Approved: September 5, 2023 ATTEST: Angela S u nn, Community Development Director