HRA Agenda 02-05-2003 . AGENDA MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPME:NT AUTHORITY Wcdncsday,FcllI'uary 5, 2003 - 6:00 p.m. 50S Walnut StJ'cct - Bl"idge Room Comm issioncrs: Chair Rrad Barger, Vice Chair Steve Andrews, Darrin Lahr, Dan Frie, and Rill Fair. Council Liaison: Roger Carlson. Staff: Rick Wolfsteller, Ollie Koropchak, and Lori Kraemer. I . Call to Order. 2. Consideration to approve the January 8, 2003 I-IRA minutes. 3. Consideration of adding or removing itenlS from the agenda. 4. Consent ^genda. A. Consideration to adopt a resolution decelti(ying TIF District No.1-IS. 5. . 6. 7. 8. Continued - Consideration to hear an update on the progress for redevelopment of a portion of l3lock 52. Continued - Consideration to hear an update on the progress for redevelopment of a portion of Block 51. Continued - Consideration to hear an update f"(lr redevelopment of Block 36, Phase II. Consideration to discuss the resignation of HR^ Attorney Dan Circensweig from Kennedy & Graven. 9. Consideration ora request by City Council to review City Vision & Governing Policies f(lr input and to develop a I ist of goals. 10. Consideration to authorize paynlent of lIRA bills. 11. Consideration of Executive Director's Report. 12. Comllliuee Reports - Marketing. 13. Other Business. 14. Adjournment. . . . . MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDI;~VELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, .January 8, 2003 - 6:00 p.m. S05 Walnut Street - Bridge Room C0111m i ssioners: Chair Brad Barger, Vice Chair Steve Andrews, Darrin Lahr, Dan Frie, and Bill Fair. Council Liaison: To be determined at the January 13,2003 City Council meeting. Staff: Rick Wol['ltcller, Ollie Koropehak, and Lori Kraemer 1. Call to Order. CHAIR BARGER CALLED THE MEETING TO ORDER AT 6:00 P.M. AND DECLARED A QUORUM. 2. Consideration to approve the December 4, 2002 HRA minutes. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BILL FAIR TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 4,2002 HRA MEETING. DAN FRIE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addinl! or removing items from the agenda. None. 4. Consent Agenda. None 5. Considenation to review Specifications and Bids for the .Front Street Grading proiect and authorize payment to Veit & Comnany. Inc. Executive Director Ollie Koropehak provided a brief background regarding the Front Street grading rrojeet, including specifications and the initial letter from Bret Weiss, City Engineer, and the advertisement and tabulation of bids. Bret Weiss was also rresent and provided further information and advising that Bart Anderson, Veit Companies, was also present. Weiss gave a brief summary on how WSB caine ur with their estimates, stating there is always the unknown, and unfortunately the actual removal amount was over by about 4 \12 it, increasing the excavation yards. It was noted also that there was debris buried in several locations that had to be removed, as well as additional stumps that were not discovered previously. Bart Anderson advised that there was no way to anticipate the stumps as they were covered. Weiss advised that Monticello has a standard spec which does not allow increased unit prices for higher or lower quantities. Anderson added that they bid the job thinking they would be using belly dumps vs tandems which are less efficient, stating he is only asking for additional money on the overrun, not asking li)r more on the base bid as that was his expense. Weiss added that Monticello's specs are very fair in their policies. He also . . 5.5 . HRA Minutes - 0 I/OX/03 stated he undcrstood that V cit had to cross the fi'ecway which Anderson stated they were not aware of initially and that this also added to their additional expenses. Weiss stated there is a clause in thc specs tl)r that reason and although he fclt they did a good job, they also had a calculated risk when bidding the project. Weiss added that Veit needed to notify the City of additional expenses prior to, not after the fact. Again, he added thcy did a good job and in a timely manncr. He didn't feel the lIRA should approve the increased amount requested by Veit as it would not be a good prceedencc fill' thc City to set. Barger asked about the exccss topsoil and Weiss advised thc City kept it and it was used within the City. Wciss statcd that the City left this matter vague as to ifit was going to be the City's dirt or not, not knowing ifit was good or bad, but also that Veit was taking it across thc li'eeway near thc same spot thcy werc getting their granular. Anderson added that they had only 14 days to complete the job, but did it in 7 days. ] Ie also asked why the invoice had not becn paid as the job was completed in July. Weiss stated he necded more information tl-om Anderson and it took 4 months to gct a phone call back from him, stating he had numerous calls into him. Anderson was under thc impression that they would at least get paid the basc bid. Koropchak added that the lIRA hadn't received an invoice until December and Anderson statcd that he had invoiced wsn in August. Weiss advised the lIRA to pay the $91,379.55, along with the $5,000, for a total of $96,189. He stated that thc $5,000 was the 5% retainer. It was adviscd that this amount is what has been certified, without the additional costs being requcsted by Veit. Bill Fair stated hc would not rceornmend paying anything higher than what was in the bid. Dan Frie agrecd and noted that costs to redevelopers is much higher than expectcd. The membcrs werc in lilvor or Weiss's recommendation. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BILL FAIR TO AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF TIlE FRONT STREI:T SITE GRADING INVOICE TO VEIT & COMPANY, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $96,189.00. STEVE ANDREWS SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Weiss further rccommcnded that they stick with the samc policy they have in placc, adding that typically thcy are closer with their engincering estimates, but unfortunately not this time due to uniilrsecn issues. Consideration of request from Front Porch Associates. Ltd. to amend the Contract for Private Develonment dated Mav 1, 2002. Mike eye Front Porch Associates, addressed the f-IRA and advised that hc was not asking for additional moncy but rathcr requesting to amend the contract to retlect his requests. Koropchak providcd invoices fi:om Cyr as wcIl and advised him of the TI F boundaries. She also advised that the original contract stated he would bc reimbursed il)r 2 . . . liRA Minutes - 01/08/03 sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water service fees. She advised that paving costs were added as weII and were quite large. Koropchak recommended they request a written acknowledgment fron} First National Bank as well as h'OI11 Big Lake Lumber. She statcd Big Lake Lumber and Front Porch did not J()lIow their agreement, therctore the request for the consent letter. Koropehak advised Cyr that she would like verification from him tor costs incurred and aIso that the developer incur the cost of amcnding the contract. At that time the funds could be advanced to the developer on that date, not the date of when the costs were paid. Cyr advised that he felt it was just a simple change of money going from one spot to another, and he did not realize trunk fees could be assessed. He would like to change the c1igibIe costs for what has been spent. Bill Fair asked if this was allowable under TIF rules and Koropchak stated yes. Also Koropchak advised that 6 town homes were to be completed by the end of December and only one had been completed, adding that two townhomes will be on the tax rolls in 2003, two at 70%, and the other two at 50%. Cyr stated 8 are in the ground, 4 are sold, they arc negotiating on another one, and thereforc they are behind in getting certificates of occupancies. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BILL FAIR TO AMEND THE CONTRACT FOR PRIV ATE DEVELOPMENT BY AND AMONG TI IE FRONT PORCI I ASSOCIA TES. LTD., TIlE I-IRA. AND TilE COUNCIL AMENDING TI-IE SITE IMPROVEMENT COSTS ON PAGE 7, SECTION 3.5, LAND ACQUISITION. III. FROM (UP TO $27,700 OF COST or THE TRUNK FEES pAID BY Tf-IE DEVELOPER AND ASSOCIATED WITII PROVIDINCi' SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER, AND WATER SFR VICES TO THE DEVFLOPM!::NT PROPERTY) TO (UP TO $12,665 or COST OF THE DEMOLITION AND CLEARING PAID BY THE DEVELOPMENT AND ASSOCIA TFD WITH THI': DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY). AND IV. FROM (UP TO $12,300 OF THE COS'!, OF CURB AND GUTTER IMPROVEMENTS PAID BY THE DEVELOPER AND DESIGNED TO SERVE TIlE DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY) TO (UP TO $27,335 OF COST OF CURB, GUTTER, AND PA VING IMPROVEMENTS PAID BY THE DEVELOPER AND DESIGNED TO SERVE TI-H~ DEVELOPMENT PROPERry) SUBJECT TO A CONSENT LETTER FROM FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ELX RIVER AND BIG LAKE LUMBER, COpy OF FRONT AND BACK OF CHECK NUMBERS I666, ]691, AND 1695, AND DEVELOPER INCURS COST FOR AMENDING CONTRACT. DARRIN LAHR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 6. Continued - Consideration to hear an update on the progress for redevelonment of a portion of Block 52. a) Consideration of an update of the Pre-Design Concept meeting between Johnson Team and City Staff/Consultants. Koropchak updated the liRA that a IJre-design meeting was held and went well, with 3 . . . HRA Minutes - 01/08/03 discussion being on concepts for Phase I and II. She also received a preliminary agreement which has been signed, and a deposit had been made. The applicants should be back to the HRA with sketehes and numbers in February. Koropchak asked the I-IRA meJllbers to eonsider if they would be comfortable if Phase 11 did notnlOve fixward. b) Consideration to discuss terms and conditions of the Contract for Private Redevelopment between the HRA and SCJ Development Group, LLC. This item was not discussed. c) Consideration to authorize an appraisal ofthe HRA Broadway lot and eall for a public hearing for disposition of lands. City Achllinistrator Rick Wolfsteller suggested that the HRA use the appraisal that the applicant provides rather than spending dollars on a separate appraisal. After a brief diseussion it was the consensus of the HRA to use the developer's appraisal as the value. The consensus felt it was premature to call fix the public hearing. 7. Considnation to hear an update on the prol;!ress for redevelopment of a portion of Block 51 (Sawatzke). Koropchak advised that this item would be discussed at the next meeting with the developer providing numbers. 8. Consideration to hear concept plans for redevelopment of Block 35. Phase II. (Masters Fifth Avenue. Barry Fluth). Koropehak introduced Dale Sonnichsen, representative working with Barry fluth on thc project. who provided information regarding Phase 11. lie advised that the original plan was to purchase 3 properties and they have had discussions with the property owners who are receptive to working with them. This next phase consists of 6 units, upper [-lats and lower llats, as well as a garage with a carriage unit above, located behind the 6 units, for a total of 18 units. It was advised that they still need to go through concept approval to make sure they can lit in all 6 units. Sonnichsen advised that these could be sold as condos, and there would be an association. lie also added that the drive aisle would be widened and there will he more parking. The HRA asked about selling price hut he could not advise as this would be a different Illarket than the units built in Chanhassen. lIe advised that they vary in price due to size, etc., and the ones in Chanhassen vary hetween $110,000 and $160,000. If they receive positive feedback lfom the HRA. they would antieipate 30 to 60 days to put together linancials and solidify the project. Koropchak advised l3arry and Brad ofthc June 30. 2004 deadline. She also advised that eligible costs would be part of acquisition and demolition, and this would have to occur and be paid f(x hy that date. Koropchak advised that they need to provide square J<wtages to get numbers. Sonnichsen stated they arc just looking for support from the HRA at this time and then thcy will move forward. 4 . HRA Minutes - 01/08/03 The conscnsus of the HRA was liworable. They discllsscd l~lcades and amcnities. Lahr and Andrews preferred that not everything bc rental. Sonnichsen stated he presumed that they would be for~sale propertics and Andrews added he would like to see an effort to develop thcm into more privately owned and not purchascd to be rented out. Dan Frie also felt it was a good project. Bill Fair agreed with this project in thc ceo, adding that thcre possibly be lower levels for seniors, but he also thought the CCD was for higher dcnsity. Would like to add some variety/diversity in extcriors. Sonnichsen added that they irrigate the front yards and have maintenance scrvices as wel I. ConsensLls was to rcqucst that the dcveloper givc the projcct some divcrsity and character, and move f(ll'ward. 9. Consideration to authorize pavment of HRA bills. A MOTION WAS MADI~ BY STEVE ANDREWS TO AUTHORIZE PA YMENT OF THE HRA BILLS. DAN FlUE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 10. Consideration of Executivc Director's Reno."t. . Koropchak providcd hcr rcport and advised she would be going to the County on Monday to discuss TIF documents as there are discrcpancies regarding parcels and valucs. CMIIP had not completed all :) homes by ] 2/1/02, two of the units will be at 60%. Authorizcd scmi payments ofTIF districts. Front SI - cxpenditures are right in on budget, exclusivc of the Carlson house. Stcve Andrews statcd hc was willil~g to serve anothcr term on the liRA. . . 11. Committee Repo."ts. Koropchak stated she would like to havc thc Marketing Committee meet, asked if Darrin and Brad would scrve again, which they both agrced to. Brad adviscd thaI thcy had heen approach cd by the Hockey Association to sec i1"the HRA would be intercsted in advertising through thcm. 12. Other Business. None 13, Adiournment. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm. - "!!II""" -"-"-..-"-- "-'.-'.'- lIRA Chair - .-....-..,..-....--.-...- Recorder 5 . lIRA Agenda - 2/05/()3 4A. Consideration to adopt resolution decertifying TIF District No. 1-15 (Custom Canopy). A. Reference and Baekground: TIF Distriet No.1-IS was approved as a ten-year Economic District in 1993 to assist with the land write-down and public utility costs for the Custom eanopy projeel. The pay~as- you~go assistance was in the amount of $59,413. Required decertification date is April 12, 2003. Upon completing the 2001 TI F Reports for the State Auditor, the December 31,2001 fund balanee for TIF District No.1-IS was $35,143. The last payment on the pay-as-you-go note was $6,768.54 and was issued February 1, 2003. There is no TIF deficiency. Because of the HACA Penalty, Custom Canopy paid the City a total of $19,413 f(lr public util ity installation. B. 1. 2. . , ~. c. Alternntive Aetion: A motion to adopt a resolution decertifying TIF District No.1-IS. A motion to deny adoption of the resolution decertifying TIF f)istriet No. 1-15. A motion to table any aetion. Recommendation: Alternative No.1. Required by the Statutcs. I Iousckeeping item. D. Sunportin2: Data. eopy of resolution for adoption. . . . . HOUSING AND HEDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO STATE OF MINNESOTA Resolution Nu. BEING A RESOLUTION APPROVING TI-m DECERTIFICATION OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-15 OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO. WHEREAS, on April 12 , 1993 the I-lousing and Redevelopment Authority (the "Authority") in and for the City 01' J\ilunticello (the ""City") created Tax Incremcnt Finance District No. ---L:.l.;i (the "District") within the Ccntral J\ilonticello Redevelopment Project No. I (the "Project"); and WHEREAS, as of the date hereof all bonds and obligations to which tax increlnent from the District have been pledged have been paid in full or deleased and all other costs of the Project have been paid: and WHEREAS, the Tax Increment Financing Plan adopt on April 17, 1993 for Tax Increment Financing District No. ~ requires, pursuant to J\il.S. 469.176, Subd. I, that the duration of the Tax Increment Financing District 1-15 will be eight years after the date of receipt by the City orthe first tax increment or ten years from approval orthe tax increment f'inancing plan, whichever is less, and WHEREAS, the receipt of first tax increment was _~ of 1995, and WHEREAS, April 12.2003 is ten years from the approval of the tax increment financing plan. wh ich is the lesser, and WHEREAS. the Authority desires by this resolution to cause the decertification due to its expiration of the District alter which all property taxes gencrilted by property within the District will be distributed in the same manner as all other property taxes beginning. April 13, 2003 , NOW TI IEREFORL BE IT RESOLVED by the I-lousing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City or Monticello, Minnesota, that the Authority's staff shall take such action as is necessary to cause the County Auditor or Wright County to decertify the District as a tax increment district and to no longer remit lax increment from the District to the City. DATED: , 200] I-IRA Chair ATTEST: Executive Director (Seal) . . . liRA Agenda - 2/5/03 5. Continued - Consideration to hear an update on the pr02"ress for redevelopment of a portion of Block 52. Update by Fred KaUer as of January 27,2003. ^ final survey has been completed of the site. Building docs require steel shorings along Highway 25 side. The field has been narrowed down to three builders who agreed the preliminary costs were reasonablc for Phase I and II. They expect to select a builder this Friday and then proceed with costs. Select leasing company next week. Looking at Terrance Johnson or Jeff Johnson to complete appraisal of existing building. Financing perhaps with the mortgage broker, the Pinnacle Group. Mayor may not be at HRA meeting. They were informed that the HRA did not call tor a public hearing on the disposition of lands. Soil borings not completed. A. Consideration to discuss terms and conditions of the Contract for Private Redevelopment between the HRA and Sc.J Development Group. LLC. Mr. Katter and I discussed the need to begin preparation of the Contract. However, we both agreed without builder's cost and financing pending, it appeared premature. Johnson agrees. Unless new information is presented at the HRi\ meeting. no action is necessary relati ve to the Contract. B. Consideration to call for a public hearing for disposition of raw lands. Again, unless new infiJrmation is presented, no action is necessary to call for a public hearing. At the lIRA Il1eeting in January, the cOll1missioners agreed to use the appraisal of the applicant for the 1 IRA lot. Although the Statute states: the authority may cause a t~lir market value appraisal to be made ......, f()f consistency and readiness to establish fair market value the Executive Director suggests an independent appraisal be authorized. C. Update on parking spaces needed bv Planner Grittman. Attached for your information is a copy of Grittman's parking calculations f(n Block 5 I and Block 52. This takes into consideration the existing building square f()otage and use, the proposed Sawatzke and Johnson Phase I and II, and the 60% rule. Needed Block 5 1- 167 spaces and Block 52 - 218 spaces. Assuming the proposed projects arc built-out, need to compare actual existing and proposed private/public parking spaces to see if short or long. , f :1 ~ 'I ';1 ,'I~';' ,:' ~ ..' iii' ~.j.......... I'.' It I I Sf ~t >t 469.0305 ECONOMIC DEVELOl'MENT ing finance agency. The reporl must be submitted to the commissioner of the housing finance agency no later than March 15 of the following year. History: /997 c 200 ar1 4 s 22 469.031 PROVISIONAL ACCEPTANCE BY AUTHORITY OF FUND OR PROP. ERTY. As an aid in the acquisition of the real property of a project area, the authority may ac- cept a fund, or, at an agreed value, any parcel or propeliy within the area, from any partner- ship or individual. Acceptance shall bc subject to a provision that, ifthe supplier ofthe fund or the conveyor of the property purchases the project area or any part thereof, the fund or the agreed value ofthe propelty shall be credited on the purchase price ofthe area or partthereof and, if there is an excess above the cost of acquisition of the area, the excess shall be returned' and that, ifthe supplier or conveyor does not purchase the area or any part thereof, the amount of the fund or the agreed value of the property shall be paid to the supplier or conveyor. History: 1987 c 291 s 31 469.032 USE VALUE. Subdivision I. Determination. Prior to lease or sale of land in a project area, fhe aufhor- ity shall, as an aid in determining the rentals and other terms upon which it will lease or the price at which it will sell the area or parts of it, place an estimated fair market or rental value upon each piece or tract of land within the area which, in accordance with fhe plan, is to be used for private uses or for low-rent housing. The value shall be based on the planned use. For the purpose of this valuation, the authority may cause a fair market appraisal to be made by two or more land value experts employed by it for the purpose or it may use fhe land ap- praisal services of the municipality. Nothing contained in this section shall be construed as requiring the authority to base its rentals or selling prices upon thc appraisal. The aufhority may redetermine its estimated values both prior to and after receipt by it of any proposal or proposals to purchase or lease propelty. Subd. 2. Use value. The aggregate use value placed for purposes oflease or sale upon ~1I land within a project area leased or sold by an authority pursuant to sections 469.001 to 469.047 shall exclude the cost of old buildings destroyed and the demolition and clearance thereof. History: /987 c 291 s 32 469.033 PUBLIC REDEVELOPMENT COST; PROCEEDS; FINANCING. Subdivision 1, Financing plans authorized. The entire cost of a project as defined in section 469.002, subdi vi sion 12, i nel uding admini strati ve expense of the authority allocab~e to the project and debt charges and all other costs authorized to be incuITed by fhe aufhonty 111 sections 469.00 I to 469.047, shall be known as the public redevelopment cost. The proceeds from the sale or lease of propeliy in a project shall be known as the capital proceeds. The capital pro,ceeds from land sold may pay back only a portion of the public redevelopm~nt cost. An authority may finance the projects in anyone or by any combination ofthe follow1l1g methods. Subd. 2. Federal grants. The a~tho~'ity may accept grants or other finan~ia1 assi:~~~~ from the federal government as prOVided 111 sectiOns 469.00 I to 469.047. BefOle ItUSe ds for financial methods authorized by this section, the authority shall use all federal fun which the project qualifies. 'd d Subd. 3. Bond issue. An authority may issue its bonds or other obligations as proVi e in sections 469.001 to 469.047. - df om Subd. 4. Revenue pool; use. The authority may provide that all revenues r~c~lve1 o~ all its redevelopment areas be placed in a pool for the payment of interest and pnn~l)fbepaid bonds issued for any redevelopment project, and the revenue from all such areas s a into the pool until all outstanding bonds have been fully paid. . . develoF~ Subd. 5. Special benefit tax fund. If the authority issues bonds to fll1anc~ a Ie f the apc ment project, it may, with the consent of the govell1ing body obtained at the tlIl1e 0 1008 j()()9 proval of th to set aside the real esll' in excess 0 quisition 0; of funds sl: propc11Y th to August Subd- within the oflevying able prope fited by pri consent b) authority I extended, municipal with the p, collected '. known as turned OVt for the cit' 469.001 tt an author' governin; authority of the ci t) gets are n shall be l' Sub: transfer t, or used b levied pu transfer, of seetio, exclu si v curred f( sets, cas; has not e lie housi lie heari city, the the auth any age.1 opment thority ~'_ and the tive. Th trade aT erning 1 Used b\ cash o~ rights ( by the H c 209, 1994 ( DEC 16 '02 11:~~ ~ITY OF MONTICELLO ".I r ..... ~ lIo, ~ ~ t'\ - ... ~~ "'ij'.( ".0 - Ordinance Parking Requirements: P.3/3 ~ S~ , --' -- ....... . RE: Block 52 Project Proposed project: Office: 3 + 1 (200) Retail: 1 (200) 34,500 Sq4 ft. := 19,800 sq. ft. ~ 176 p~king spaces 99 parking spaces >ztJ 'laD Total = 275 parking spaces 1 fJ,'b7 0 'pi 1- Existing Uses: Douglas Carpet: Retail: 1 (200) 8.376 sq. ft, = 42 parking spaces Pawn Shop: Retail: 1 (200) 2,450 sq. ft, = 12 parking spaces b Antique Shop: Ol J~ Retail: 1 (200) 5,600 sq. ft. = 28 parking spaces \ .\t~ V Hair Salon: ~t~ _ Retail: 1 (200) 2,640 sq. ft. = 13 parking spaces Kjellberg ~V Ret~il: 1 (200) 3,250 sq_ ft. :: 16 parking spaces ~Vif Kjellberg Office: 3 + 1(200) 836 sq. ft. :: 7 parking spaces Springborg ~ Zj '('~ Retail: 1 (200) 3,388 sq. ft. = ,17 parking spaces ~ k; :\' "tv I') '-{O Total = 135- parking spaces ~V 1. ''l '(Yi;h lIe) , . Total parking spaces 410 parking, es . ,~? .~ ~51- ~. -;(0~7(:;;:\ ..... ~I -----~~~..........- . G~ t> ~ \.. "')..- . Block 51 Parking for redevelopment with Block 52 Broadway Square - 28 unit senior subsidized rental. 1-:; / dv. ) 42- (Ii; Previous Topel building = 4,830 sq ft (previous use mini mall) rcbil Taylor Land Surveyor = 2,300 sq ft 600 sq ft storage H&R Block (Douglas bldg) = 2,100 sq ft Goeman Realty = 3,036 sq ft River Park View = 31 unit senior subsidized rental J'5(d.v ) 4\0 (\5) Proposed Sawatzke:::: 8,000 sq ft first floor retail/commercial 2 floor - 6 units residenti.\1 rental 7.-{ du > 2.i 3 floor- 6 units residential rental 7..1,( f) . PLEASE ESTIMATE P ARKJNG NEEDED FOR BLOCK 51 AND 52 USING PROPOSAL BY SA W A TZKE AND JOHNSON WITH EXISTING BUILDINGS AND WALNUT STREET AS PUBLIC PARKING. f2t? ) ,? wt! ~L-3 1\ L- ( r-vt )" v ~). h ~ c) ~/ 0 ) ('C {,vlA ! t. O'A.1l\l\ - 20 ,-Z--~ ~ L'D I 'It I \ { dt";u.I"- r (Jv- C"Uf.X'Y' ,': 4hA/-), L :) 000 ~/ rf " ... ,,/ ~~~ . 'P1'2... .1, (d/'x.~..,., r 4v '1fM') ,b ~f2t.-e~ fr.w c~~./'fA 1'kvcf''iCdMf; l!,lo~~; ~~-f.. r [/ (g 7. c,(lZ(ti] ttUctct:' ttV" h,..k( d /",-?I ']J At ~~ . . . HRA Agenda - 2/5/03 6. Consideration to hcar an update on the progress for rcdcvclopmcnt of a portion of Block 51. On January 27, Sawatzke gave a progress report. He has prepared a proforma fi)f his proposed project and he and the Executive Director witl meet on Monday, February 3, to review prior to presentation to the commissioners. Pat expects Mr. Gustafson back from Florida in April/May. Additional architectural designs have not been produced. Pat may or may not be ready to present his proforma at the February meeting. 1 . . . HRA Agend~, - 2/S/03 7. Consideration to hear an update for redevclopmcnt of Block 36, Phasc II. January 27, Barry l,'luth was checking with Dale Sonnichsen for update or if necessary to attend the BRA meeting. . . . HRA Agenda - 2/5/03 8. Consideration to discuss the resignation of HRA Attornev Dan Greensweig from Kennedy & Graven. A. Reference and background: This item is to inform thc HRA and EDA that Attorney Dan Greensweig is leaving Kennedy & Graven and will be employed by the State Auditor's Office, cfTective about February lO. The law firm of Kennedy & Graven has long served thc HRA. Initially and prior to Grcensweig, Steve Bubul served as the HRA contact person. I havc left a message for Mr. Bubul asking of his interest to represent the lIRA. and FDA and as to his rate per hour. As a senior member of the firm, his rate may be higher than Grcensweig and what is his availability. I believe the commissioners have great respect f(Jr Mr. Bubul. The HRA has never had a written contract with a law firm. Is the liRA interested in retaining the firm of Kennedy & Graven, Bubul or an associatc? Would the HRA prefer to solicit a request J()f proposal (RFP)? The City recently hired a new attorney, Matt Brokl, with Campbell Knutsen. Don't know thc firm's spccialty. Is it bettcr for the liRA and the City to contract with an indepcndcnt law firm? . . . BRA A~enda - 2/S/03 9. Consideration of a request bv Citv Council for commissions to review Citv's Vision & Governing Policies for input and to develop a list of 2oals. A, Reference and background: The City Council held a specialmceting on January 27 to begin the process for setting goals. The Council members briefly reviewed the City's Vision & Governing Policies and Project Priority List. Council was pleased with the number of projects con1pleted on the List. Each Counci I member was asked to share their list of proposed goals or projects. Engineer Weiss presented a preliminary schedule f()\" core street reconstruction. The Council has requested the city commissions review the City Vision & CJoverning Policies for input, suggestions, comments, etc. Bascd on the City Vision, cach commission was asked to make a list of goals or projects which would lead to or support the City's Vision. They requested a prioritized or ranked list be submitted to the Council for the follow-up meeting of March 24. Here's how each liRA commissioner can have a voice in local govcrnment. I. Review the City's Vision & Governing Policies f()J'input, suggcstions, or comments. 2. Using the list of the values and intended results: aesthctic/environmentaL social/community, cultural, economic, recreational, and spiritual develop a list of goals or projects which will accomplish thc city's vision. At the HRA llleeting of March 5, cach HRA commissioncr will share his list of goals or projccts. Through a voting process, the 10 HRA goals or projects will be ranked f()r submission to the Council. Please submit your goals or projects to the Executive Director by February 28. E-mail: ollic.koropchakip>ci.monticello.mn.us Or would you rathcr write theln on a chart board at the meeting? , , , CITY OF MONTICELLO COMMUNITY VISION & GOVERNING POLICIES "It/' cfQp; SEPTEMBER 8. 1997 - As Adopted Bv City Council The Monticello City Council is an elected body representing the citizens, businesses and other taxpayers within the City of Monticello. As such, it is the intent of the Council to provide representative leadership to the community and direct the resources* of the City toward achievement of an intended vision (goals). Boards and Commissions serve in an advisory role to the City Council, assisting the Council to make broad decisions and support the City Council by focusing on the details required to accomplish the intended Vision. The EDAIHRA also act as independent political subdivisions working in partnership with the City Council to achieve the shared vision. * RESOURCES-- Direct resources of the City include but are not limited to its personnel, budgets, boards, commissions, consultants, machinery, buildings, public works, utilities and other capital improvements. Indirect resources of the City include its citizens, businesses, community groups (i.e. IDC, MCP, Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, etc.), affiliated governmental agencies (i.e. Wright County, Monticello School District, ECFE, Head Start, WIC, etc.). The following statement of values and related policies are adopted by the City Council for the purpose of providing a foundation for Council leadership and direction to the City Administration. I. VISION: (A definition of ends not means) These community visions will be the basis for the City Council in making policy to achieve intended results. A. Values and Intended Results- AesthetidEnvironmental 1. The image of our city will be as a friendly, thriving, and proud community that has retained its small town charm and identity. 2. The City will support paced growth and development so as to provide diverse, comfortable urban neighborhoods while preserving natural amenities for public use and enjoyment. GQVERN3.PCY: 918/97 Page 1 , , 4. 3. The City wiU support maintenance and reinvestment in existing owner occupied and rental housing and business properties so as to discourage blight. Blighting influences on existing housing and businesses must be controUed. 4. Our city wiU have abundant parks and recreational spaces for its citizens. Its streets and neighborhoods should retain a park-like atmosphere that takes advantage of the city's location on the river and our developing pathway system. 5. As "quality begets quality", public facilities and spaces should reflect pride by their construction and maintenance. MonticeUo should be clean, safe, weU forested, and visuaUy inviting. We will support pride in the place we caU home. Social/Community 1. The City will create and encourage opportunities for people to become involved and connected to their community on all levels (i.e. civic, church, community organizations, government, etc.). 2. We will encourage civic and community organizations that provide welcoming opportunities for people to become actively and cooperatively involved with their neighbors. 3. The City will seek constant renewal through community volunteerism and celebrations that reflect our history, our current accomplishments, and our vision of the future. The City will promote partnerships with other communities and governing agencies to share a broader view of community. 5. The City will strive to gain regional recognition as a desirable place to live and work ("Our kind of place") Cultural 1. The City wiU encourage and support frequent and diverse opportunities to celebrate as a community so citizens may experience the unique and historic aspects of our community culture. 2. Our history and the fine arts, including music and dance, will be promoted and facilitated in our city. They define who we are and what keeps us here. Economic 1. The City will adapt and respond to the regional marketplace and direct our resources to stimulate the development ofMonticeUo as a destination community that is self- sustaining and self-sufficient. , 2. GQVERN3.PCY: 918/97 The City will take economic advantage of our attractive regional location that provides ready access to transportation systems linking us with larger economic communities. Page 2 GOVERN3.PCY: 918/97 3. Our support of economic development will be directed toward the creation of jobs that are not just "liveable" but prosperous, stimulate the local economy, and capable of supporting our families and community. , The City will encourage reinvestment in our community and support with our resources the economic efforts of local businesses. 4. 5. The City will save through dedicated reserves, be prudent in its investments and expenditures, and strive to maintain affordability of services to its citizens. Recreational 1. The City will promote, build upon, and take advantage of our public, private, and natural recreational amenities. We will seek to increase cooperative programming of the community recreational facilities (civic, township, county, and school). 2. The City will seek to expand public and private recreational opportunities in the civic core to increase downtown vitality. In providing for accessible recreation, opportunities must be provided for people during normal leisure time. We will provide for evening and weekend opportunities for community activities. 3. The City will maintain and promote pride in our existing recreational facilities while continuing to develop new recreational uses and facilities which take greater advantage of the river and our city/country setting. We will strive to link pathways , and trails to recreational destinations. The City will promote "user ownership" of recreational facilities through volunteerism such as "Adopt-A-Park". 4. 5. The City will maximize year-round opportunities for organized and unplanned recreation for families and persons of all ages. Spiritual 1. The City of Monticello must appreciate and celebrate the diversity of our faiths whi)e recognizing the oneness and diversity of our moral and ethical beliefs. 2. The City will respect diversity in faiths and facilitate cooperation to make our community a place that protects the vulnerable and helps those in need. 3.. In governing our city, officials will uphold the highest moral and ethical standards that reflect the values of our caring, compassionate community. , Page 3 , , , B. Intended Recipients --The intended recipients of our efforts will be: Citizens Taxpayers Businesses The Natural Environment Institutions (schools, churches, hospitals, governments, civic groups, etc.) Persons in Need Visitors/Travelers/Transients (freeway traffic, temp. residents, business traffic, etc.) c. Intended Costs The monetary costs of accomplishing these visions/intended results will be reflected in the creation of budgets and capital improvement plans. Action plans developed by the City Administrator and City Council will be tested against this Vision to determine priorities for allocation of resources. ll. CITY COUNCIL OPERATIONAL POLICIES: General Responsibilities -- 1. The City Council will at least annually review the Community Vision for the City of Monticello and performance measures toward attaining the Vision. This evolving Vision will be the governing foundation for strategic planning. It will provide for the aesthetic/environmental, social, cultural, spiritual, recreational, and economic character, vitality and growth of the city. 2. In the exercise of the privileges, rights, and obligations of their elected positions, City Council members will uphold the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Minnesota, and the City's Comprehensive Plan. Each Council member must act within the law, professionally represent the City and diminish neither public confidence nor personal integrity. 3. The City Council will represent the Community Vision and the interests of the city before those of other governmental agencies. 4. City Council meetings are to be conducted in an orderly manner. The City Council will ensure that each member of the Council is encouraged to freely communicate and express opinions. 5. The City Council will ensure open representative local government, maintaining the public trust by respecting and reflecting the needs and desires of the community at large. 6. City Council members must not pennit personal conflicts of interest, nor tolerate any apparent or real conflict of interest, that may interfere with the freedom ofthe Council to carry out representative government. 7. The City Council will define the roles and responsibilities of its boards and commissions, support those roles and responsibilities, and maintain a communication plan to ensure cooperation and maximum utility. GOVERN3.PCY: 918/97 Page 4 BudgetlFiduciary Responsibilities -- 1. The City Council must maintain its fiscal responsibilities and direct resources toward , the Community Vision. The Council must prohibit misdirection or waste of municipal resources. Personnel -- 1. The City Council and its City Administrator will be provided opportunities for training and personal development directed to the purposes ofthe City or as related to job performance. 2. Concurrent to adoption of the annual budget, the City Council will consider and approve or deny an annual pay plan for city personnel as recommended by the City Administrator. 3. The City Council will consider and approve or deny changes to the organizational structure of the City as recommended by the City Administrator. ill. ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITY POLICIES -- BOUNDARIES & LIMITATIONS FOR THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR: GOVERN3.PCY: 918/97 General Responsibilities -- To achieve the Vision, the City Council authorizes the City Administrator to manage , the direct resources of the City. 1. 2. The City Administrator is responsible for the effective and efficient use of direct resources provided by the City Council and to develop and maintain productive channels to available indirect resources. 3. The City Administrator will uphold the ordinances and policies of the City of Monticello. 4. The City Administrator must not tolerate unlawful acts of any kind, by any person. Budget/Fiduciary Responsibilities -- 1. The City Administrator must uphold the fiduciary responsibilities of the City. 2. The City Administrator is authorized sole authority to manage and direct/redirect monetary resources within the annual budget approved by the City Council. The City Administrator must gain approval from City Council to exceed the annual budget approved by City Council. 3. The City Administrator will make or cause to be made sound investments of municipal , funds. The City Administrator shall not permit waste of City assets and resources. 4. Page 5 , , , Personnel -- 1. The City Administrator must act in compliance with all federal, state, or local laws as related to the management of personnel resources. 2. Prior to making changes to the organizational structure of the City, the City Administrator must obtain the approval of the City Council. 3. The City Administrator shall be permitted to independently make changes to job descriptions, compensation, terms of compensation, and carry out disciplinary actions with the exception of job termination. Effective and efficient use and management of personnel resources shall be at the sole discretion of the City Administrator. 4. Though the City Administrator may advise, the termination of any City employee shall be as provided by Minnesota Law at the sole discretion of the City Council. 5. The City Administrator will attempt to retain qualified staff and strive to maintain good employee morale and open communications. Staffwill be treated with respect, understanding, and fairness. 6. The City Administrator will ensure that employees are provided feedback on and are accountable to clearly-defined performance criteria. 7. Staff will be provided opportunities for training and personal development directed to the purposes of the City or as related to job performance. 8. The City Administrator will not allow alienation between staff and City Council. An environment of trust and candor shall exist to support open communication between staff and the Council. IV. MANAGEMENT/GOVERNANCE LINKAGE POLICIES: General Responsibilities -- 1. The City Council will lead the City and provide strategic guidance by governing according to its Community Vision, Governing Policies, and Comprehensive Plan. 2. The Council will not manage City business and operations. City administration and operational management are the responsibility of the City Administrator. The City Administrator may request the participation of City Council members in certain administrative matters. 3. All items brought to the Council for update, consideration, recommendation, direction or action must be brought through the City Administrator who will present his recommendationls to the City Council with appropriate dissenting opinions and views. 4. The City Council will take action with one voice. Individual Council members are not to direct staff. Council instructions to staff will be directed through the City Administrator. GOVERN3.PCY: 918/97 Page 6 Budget/Fiduciary Responsibilities -- 1. The City Administrator will provide sufficient information and reports to the City Council to permit the Council to evaluate the allocation of its resources toward accomplishing the intended results. 2. As part of annual budget development, the City Council will annually evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of City efforts to accomplish the Community Vision. The City Council will redirect its resources as necessary to attain intended results. Measurement and reporting policies will be determined by the City Administrator in cooperation with the City Council. Personnel -- 1. The City Council will at least annually conduct a performance review of the City Administrator and ensure that the City Administrator is provided feedback on and be accountable to clearly-defined performance criteria as established by the Council. GOVERN3.PCY: 918/97 , , , Page 7 . . . Hl~A Agenda - 2/5/03 10. Consideration to authorize payment of BRA bills. Hoy? lILunt tLflt only ontil inw>iee: OK to authorize. For yourin/lmnation, the Viet check fix Front Street Grading has not been picked up. Called twice. They must submit documentation as requested hy Weiss in letter of January 10,2003. . INVOICE LARRY A UNGER WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER WRIGHT COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER 10 2ND STREET NW RM 210 BUFFALO, MN 55313-1196 763-682-7357 CITY OF MONTICELLO ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLE 505 WALNUT ST #1 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 Invoice #: 1200200000876 Issued Date: DEC 20, 2002 Account #: 154 Document #:A-822827 Orig. Date: 12/20/2002 Instrument: ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT Services: NON STANDARD DOCUMENT ELECTRONIC SURCHARGE 10_00 .50 STATE SURCHARGE EQUIPMENT FUND GENERAL ABSTRACT Transaction Total 4.50 . 1.00 14.00 Total Amount Charged this Invoice .........----.............. 30.00 30.00 ~\ cv<63. L\~<\9 ")\':7. \.0 ~! t )~-\ --L ) Lf 1..0;, \ )--r--r- ~~/ r:.- . DUE UPON RECEIPT INCLUDE INVOICE # . Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 337-9300 January 21, 2003 Statement No. 54893 City of Monticello Accounts Payable 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Through December 31,2002 MN190-00089 Acquisition of 218 Front Street/O'Connor U~,~ I MN190-00106 UMC MIF Loan Q.,\- i . \1'-~ c.y>-- Total Current Billing: Signature of Claimant . -5.00 45.00 40.00 . . . \l \2- ~ Cit)' sf M6F1tk,dta- Accounts Payable 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 337-9300 41-1225694 January 21, 2003 Invoice # 54893 MN 190-00089 Acquisition of 218 Front Street/O'Connor ?\~ ~ L\~qq ~ ? l4.l.<; For All Disbursements As Follows: 12/31/2002 Wright County District Court Administrator; Filing of Receipt of Payment -5.00 Total Disbursements: $ -5.00 Total Services and Disbursements: $ -5.00 . Page: 2 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 lo\.L\to ? 0 '-l 0 S~ ~ . December 31, 2002 MN190-00106 UMC MIF Loan Through December 31, 2002 For All Legal Services As Follows: 12/5/2002 DJG Revise MIF loan documentation Total Services: Hours 0.30 $ Amount 45.00 45.00 Total Services and Disbursements: $ 45.00 . . . . . 11. g) h) H'{A Agenda - 2/5/03 Economic Development Report: a) Production Stamping - I talked with Les Wurm on January 14 and he informed me that Van Heel, owner of the Pallon Avenue Building, reduced his selling price. Wunn is looking into renovation costs and pcrmits and will make a decision whether to build or purchase in 30 days. The f-IRA had collected a $5,000 deposit and the TIF District was not certified at the County. Bottom-line the City wants his company in town and the johs. I3RE Scheduled Visit - Suburban Manufacturing and Vector Tool tentatively scheduled f(Jr Tuesday, February 11,2003, in 1 :30 p.m.. Need IDC volunteer to go along. Also calls into TCDC and Aroplax. Twin City Die Castings (TCDC') - Building Official Fred Patch was invited out to Monticello Llcility for input into completion of second i100r office space. Company has new contracts l()r Monticello plant. Lay-offs were at St. Paul/Mpls Facility. HRA/IDC Marketing Suhcommittee scheduled to meet Friday, January 24, 7:30 a.m., Academy Room. Elected to participate with the Chamber Golf Outing set t()[ Thursday, May 15, Monticello Country Club, with no tour or breald~lst event pnor. City Council Goal Setting Meeting, Monday, January 27,5:00 p.m., Mississippi Room. Regular meeting 7:00 p.m. Northwest Corridor development and interchange comp plan meeting with Xcel and N Me Sccurity and Emergency personnel, city staff and consultants held January 23, 8:30 a.m. Good meeting: NMC concerns - design and construction (hridge height and eloseness to plant). Analysis of industrial users (building heights/chemical use). NMC/Xcel needs more detailed information on hridge design and where, and defined industrial area. City needs list of restrictive industrial uses. Goal: Work together (or a design that benefits both NMC and City/area. Next meeting within two months. Development Issues & Solutions Seminar Series presented by the Wright County Economic Development Partnership, Fehruary J 2,2003, II :30 to I :30, Russell's St. Michael. Is anyone interested in attending? Chadwick parcel - Council adopted ajoint resolution supporting annexation of Chadwick parccl(s) on January 13,2003 (See Attachment). On May 13, 2002, the Council approved the Otter Creek Business Park concept PUD, based on a finding that the concept is consistent with thc City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan. On March 13,2002, the Planning Commission made a motion to recommend approval of the concept and development stage PUD based on the findings that the proposal is consistent with the Comp Plan, .......... And the Planning Commission made a motion to rccommend approval of the Otter Creek concept pun based on a finding that the concept is consistcnt with City's Comp Plan. b) c) d) e) 1) . . r) . HRA Agenda - 2/5/03 i) Leads: I. 10,000 to 20,000 sq ft warehouse/manufacturing space for sale from real estate agent. 2. Large retail user - consultant out of Columbia Maryland. 3. Purchase real estate properties (retail 4,000 to 60,000 sq it). Develorer from Pittsburgh, P A. 4. Request for inllmnation on industrial land and existing buildings J()!" sale from Board Member of a St. Cloud firm. 4. Reprint of artwork - publishing and printing wi th slllall amount of fl-ont retai I. ehecking on zoning. 5. International business manufacturing wind turbines, blades, and towers used f()r wind farms. Total land, 2S acres, three buildings total 205,000 sq it, 200 jobs. Proposal to State, August 23,2002. Update January 6, 2003. MTED supplied State incentive inJormation and hopes to meet with company contacts. UMC Annual Report to Minn Trade & Economic Developmcnt due and submitted Jor January 25, 2003 deadline. For you who remember Erik Fjerdingsted, first president of the H- Window Company, I had a nice meeting with him on January 20. His first visit to US in ten years. Remmele Engineering - I've rlaced a call to Greg Pickert for an update on the status of the Monticello hlcility. 1/24/03. The Monticello faei lity is being consolidated into the Big Lake facility and the Monticello f~lcility (50,000 sq It) will be on the market few sale. Transition completed within six months (June). GMEF Loan No. 014 (TJ. Martin) - At the FDA in December, the commissioners tabled any action on the defaulted loan f(Jr three months as the EDA felt it was premature to take any action to pursue recovery of funds. Bondhus inj-()fmed the commissioners they had not collected all their receivables and requested the FDA reduce the remaining unpaid principal balance of $45, 886 to $18,000 over 3 years at 6%. EDA was also concerned that the company sold mortgaged equipment and felt that was illegal. Koropchak to work with lender who has first position on the equirment. I've e-mailed, hlxed, and phoned the lender and received no response. Dan Greensweig, Kennedy & (i-raven, who has served as the lIRA and f:DA attorney for the last number of years is leaving the firm and taking a position with the State Auditor's Officc, effective within the next couple of weeks. HRA at their Pebruary meeting will discuss options. Broadway Construction Inconvenience ~ Attached is a summary of the not to exceed $5,000 allocatcd for this one time event. "rota I cxpended was $4,730.55. Copy of letter Ji-om MCCF and listing of members. II-Window building - I heard from the real estate agent on January 27, that r1ans are to close on the sale of the building January 29. Appears to be a local buyer looking to lease out space. Was at the County Auditor's Office for a second time, did not have the documentation for the four year knock-down rule (lost). Applicable payable 2003. j) k) I) m) n) 0) p) q) 2 . . . II RA Agenda - 2/5/03 s) Certificate of Occupancy issued by thc Building Oilicial for rental units in Landmark Square. Crostini Gril!e looking to open February S, 9, or 10. Cory of semi-annual TIF payments. t) .., -) ......_-. "'t';""':' .'~ - ........Lih61200rU:S7 'F',LC9"52933'iis3 .. 'RUe' KUUS'I STO' I EXHIBIT B -- -- --- - r i j I e --/1;-'-1 . II ~ II' I:r I :1' --'~'- -......... ~ -; & ~ / I + ~'_,_._ L _ _ _ _ '_ _'_ _._ J --<l)--- ~~ ~~ ~ ~i .. z i~ I E" ~ i; j! ~ i~ 3~ '" ~b ~J 7r :i~ "I e . ! ::..:. ~.~~:.-~.- ~-::'?---~!:-I ~ --:::~I ...~ _ -'.'_.u___ _"_ ~ ~.=._ UoIIC'IlCl III; l"NI~. -.I -. ,- ~-._-... ~.- ...---""'-- "'-'--'-"-'--- ~ """Vr om: ....... 1 ~ >-if.. : It ~ I" ".,i'-~' ,1. .., ,'~"', , '. )..... /.,... ....':--;f'~" ....... ~ ifd'iJoOl . I Jl h) ic:I CITY OF MONTICELLO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 WALNUT STREET · SUITE 1 MONTICEllO. MN 55362 763-295-2711 DATE 75-1664 "9'i"O NO. 71557 MAROUETTE BANK - MONTICEllO' P.O. BOX 729 MONTICEllO, MINNESOTA 5SJtl2 . (71lJ) 295-2952 CHECK NO. AMOUNT 01/14/2003 71557 SIX THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED SIXTY EIGHT AND 54/100 DOLLARS $6,768.54 PAYTO STEPHEN P & JOAN BIRKELAND JR THE ORDER OF fj[ [....... ..' .........' . . .................-......, '~'>. =:iL .. .' .. ......., ...... ...~. .. . > ." .. " ... ... .. .. .. ...:/":.:/ :.:'.:.:.:.:'.:. .......... 'j " .. ,- . t. .. .,. , ..." .' . :.' . ..c...... ~.. ......... '.":.. ........"...... .. .. ,- . -. .' .. .. II- 0 7 ~ 5 5 711- I: 0 q ~ 0 ~ b b It 71: 7 bOO 0 ~ 711- 213.46515.6511 TIF 1-15 CUSTOM CANOPY 6,768.54 TOTAL 6,768.54 . yy~ f).' 0 ~ n-~~ \ . CITY OF MONTICELLO' MONTICEllO. MN 55362 CITY OF MONTICELLO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 WALNUT STREET · SUITE 1 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 763-295-2711 DATE 75-1664 9"i"O NO. 71558 MAROUETTE BANK - MONTICELLO' P,O, BOX 729 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 55382' (763) 295.2952 CHECK NO. AMOUNT 01/14/2003 71558 THREE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY FOUR AND 00/100 DOLLARS $3,184.00 PAY TO THE ORDER OF BLUE CHIP DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 105 MISSISSIPPI DRIVE MONTICELLO MN 55362 ~[,""""""""~""J-" :,;~~' ~i..:'/':' .' ... :;. .. .::':':-::":' ',:. ":/. '!():' .... .. ..- :~/> I. ,_ II- 0 7 ~ 5 5 a II- I: 0 q ~ 0 ~ b b It 71: 7 bOO 0 ~ 711- 213.46525.6511 TIF 1-25 2/1/03 PAYBACK INST 3,184.00 TOTAL 3,184.00 . . CITY OF MONTICELLO' MONTICELLO. MN 55362 CITY OF MONTICELLO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 WALNUT STREET · SUITE 1 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 763-295-2711 DATE 75-1664 ~ NO. 71559 MARQUETTE BANK. MONTICELLO' P.O. BOX 729 MONTICELLO. MINNESOTA 55362 . (763) 295.2a52 CHECK NO. AMOUNT 01/14/2003 71559 TWO THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED FOURTEEN AND 00/100 DOLLARS $2,314.00 PAY TO THE ORDER OF CEDRUS CREEK CRAFTSMAN, INC 12420 ARMITAGE AV NW MONTICELLO MN 55362 II' 0 ? ~ 5 5 ~ II- I: 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ b b ~ ? I: ::::.:.:,j ? bOO 0 ~ ? II- CHECK 213.46520.6511 TIF 1-20 2/1/03 PAYBACK INST 2,314.00 TOTAL 2,314.00 . . CITY OF MONTICELLO. MONTICELLO, MN 55362 CITY OF MONTICELLO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 WALNUT STREET · SUITE 1 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 763-295.271 1 DATE 75-1664 910 NO. 71568 MARQUETTE BANK - MONTICELLO' fOO. BOX 729 MONTICELLO. MINNESOTA 55362 . (763) 295.2952 CHECK NO. AMOUNT 01/14/2003 FIFTEEN THOUSAND SIXTY FIVE AND 81/100 DOLLARS 71568 $15,065.81 PAY TO THE ORDER OF DEMEULES FAMILY LIMITED PTNSHP 207 DUNDAS ROAD MONTICELLO MN 55362 II' 0 7 ~ 5 b B II' I: 0 q ~ 0 ~ b b ... ? I: ..,:..... .. .... or ? bOO 0 ~ ? II' CHECK 71568 FlINn . ^'" ~rr()TTN'T' P n 1; T1\mnTrp. nEsrRTPTT01\T AMtlTJNT 213.46513.6511 TIF 1-13 2/1/03 PAYBACK INS 15,065.81 TOTAL 15,065.81 . . CITY OF MONTICELLO' MONTICELLO. MN 55362 CITY OF MONTICELLO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 WALNUT STREET. SUITE 1 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 763-295-2711 DATE 75-1664 9iO NO. 71614 MAROUETTE BANK - MONTICELLO. P.O, BOX 729 MONTICELLO. MINNESOTA 55362' (763) 295'2952 CHECK NO. AMOUNT 01/14/2003 71614 THIRTEEN THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED SEVEN AND 29/100 DOLLARS $13,707.29 PAY TO THE ORDER OF PRESBYTERIAN HOMES HOUSING AND ASSISTED LIVING, INC 3220 LAKE JOHANNA BLVD ST PAUL MN 55112-7997 ........... ... '..fj .."'''t ['m .. . m m. m. . ./.i~m" t:;t<i< ":;:/:;;~ ..L.;:;.:: ....;:......::.... ":".::" 0- "t_ . t' . .. .. , ... . .~.:::.:::...~.:. ., .. " . ...... ,.~"",'''''''' .,.....~~+.. II- 0 ? ~ b ~ It II- I: 0 q ~ 0 ~ b bit? I : ? bOO 0 ~ ? II- VENDOR :'(W:;!;:..:':;::.'.',.:...., F'1' INn : ^'-A rror 1N'T' HOMES HOUSING CHECK 71614 P n:# TNVnTf'p. np.!=::l'RTP'T'TnN l'l MnT}!\T'T' 213.46519.6511 TIF 1-19 2/1/03 PAYBACK INS 13,707.29 TOTAL 13,707.29 . . CITY OF MONTICELLO. MONTICELLO, MN 55362 .* ~ CITY OF MONTICELLO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 WALNUT STREET · SUITE 1 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 763-295-2711 DATE 75-1664 ~ NO. 71617 MARQUETTE BANK - MONTICELLO' PO, BOX 729 MONTICELLO. MINNESOTA 55362 . (763) 295-2952 CHECK NO. AMOUNT 01/14/2003 71617 THIRTY TWO THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED NINETY THREE AND 00/100 DOLLARS $32,293.00 PAY TO THE ORDER OF ST BENEDICT'S CENTER ATTN: JIM HIATT, ADM 1810 SE MINNESOTA BLVD ST CLOUD MN 56304 II- 0 ? ~ b ~ ? II- I: 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ b b I. ? I: ? bOO 0 ~ ? II- 213.46524.6511 TIF 1-24 2/1/03 PAYBACK INS 32,293.00 TOTAL 32,293.00 . . CITY OF MONTICELLO. MONTICELLO, MN 55362 CITY OF MONTICELLO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 WALNUT STREET. SUITE 1 MONTICELLO. MN 55362 763-295-2711 DATE 75-1664 ' ~: NO. 71625 MAROUETTE BANK. MONTICEllO' P,O. BOX 729 MONTICEllO. MINNESOTA 55362 . (763) 295-2952 CHECK NO. AMOUNT 01/14/2003 71625 SEVENTEEN THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED NINETY SEVEN AND 07/100 DOLLARS $17,697.07 PAY TO THE ORDER OF TWIN CITY DIE CASTINGS CO. ATTN: DOUG HARMON 1070 SE 33RD AVENUE MINNEAPOLIS MN 55414 II- 0 7 . b 2 511- I: 0 q .0 . b b ... 71: 7 bOO O. 711- CHECK 71625 213.46526.6511 TIF 1-26 2/1/03 PAYBACK INS 17,697.07 TOTAL 17,697.07 . . CITY OF MONTICELLO. MONTICEllO, MN 55362 CITY OF IVIONTICELLO VOUCHER . D Recurring D Needs CC Approval Check No.: Vendor No.: 1295 D Manual D Disb, Ck. Batch Pay by: / / Payee: BBF Properties ** GIVE OLLIE A COPY OF CHECK \ -., 'r -0"'3. 19577 180thAvenue Big Lake MN 55309 Statement/ Invoice No: DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSE Project AccL No. Amount Description Code AI:. 'I C:5:.\5':; t 1 TIF 1-)) Payback Installment ~\"3 . \.{t, S%\. ~S\\ Feb 01 ? e') t) :3 21] ,/16522.6511 6,692.00 TIF 1-22 Payback Installment Aug 01 TOlAI,: $f,.G92,OO W \l.~\o voucher. xis