IDC Agenda 03-07-2006AGENDA • necessary. ~,, s ~- 8:00 8. Other Business. ~ ~ru~" A. Chamber Updates -Chair Michele Hertwig ~~ - `'~` ~ w~'"' ~ B. Next IDC meeting -Tuesday, April 4, 2006. ~„r~"~" 8:15 9. Adjournment. ~ \ n~ ~ `~`^' v ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ W~~ ~~ ~~ s ~ ~- , ~~ T (ter,,,, ,~ ;, l t ~ ~-e< ~~~ r-w-..~: ~ 1 MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, March 7, 2006 - 7:00 a.m. Academy Room -Monticello Community Center MEMBERS: Chair Paul Kleinwachter, Vice Chair Mike Benedetto, Mary Barger, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Don Roberts, Dan Olson, Barb Schwientek, Lynne Dahl-Fleming, Don Tomann, Tom Feaski, Kelli Huxford, Jim Johnson, Zona Gutzwiller, and Michele Hertwig. STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, John Simola, and Ollie Koropchak. COUNCIL LIAISON: Mayor Clint Herbst and Council Member Wayne Mayer. IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota. 7:00 a.m. 1. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting. 7:02 2. Vote to approve the February 7, 2006 IDC minutes. 7:05 3. M. A. B. C. D. E. ~yor's City Update: Proposed I-94 and County Road 18 Interchange Project. 1. Status of AVR litigation/negotiations. RFP for hiring consultant to update Comprehensive Plan. Status of YMCA property. Fiber Option Task Force (Mayer). Question/answer period. 7:l 5 4. Results of the Mission Statement and Goal/Tasks Survey. A. Present and discuss suggested organizational structure for implementation of IDC goals as prepared by the IDC Vice Chair. 7:30 5. Follow-up Items. A. Electrical outage call-in campaign letter to industrial businesses. B. Bondhus Tour 7:40 6. Reports: C. Economic Development Report -written report by Koropchak. D. Marketing Committee -Lynn Dahl-Fleming. 7:50 7. Review the draft copy of the March 7, 2006 Planning Commission Agenda for industrial related items. Discuss and vote on an IDC position or action if MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE • Tuesday, February 7, 2006 - 7:00 a.m. Academy Room -Monticello Community Center MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Paul Kleinwachter, Dan Olson, Mary Barger, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Don Roberts, Mike Benedetto, Lynne Dahl-Fleming, Tom Feaski, Jim Johnson, Zona Gutzwiller, and Michele Hertwig. MEMBERS ABSENT: Barb Schwientek, Don Tomann, and Kelli Huxford. STAFF PRESENT: Ollie Koropchak. COUNCIL LIAISON PRESENT: Mayor Clint Herbst and Council Member Wayne Mayer. GUEST: Darrin Lahr, Xcel Energy. IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.) Chair Kleinwachter called the IDC meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. declaring a quorum. Welcome new members and introductions. Chair Kleinwachter welcomed new members Jim Johnson and Zona Gutzwiller. Each IDC member introduced his or her self. Recognize out-~oina Chair. Chair Kleinwachter then thanked Dan Olson for serving as 2005 Chair of the IDC. 2. Vote to approve the January 3, 2006 IDC minutes. BILL TAPPER MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE JANUARY 3, 2006 IDC MINUTES. MARY BARGER SECONDED THE MOTION AND WITH NO CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS, THE MINUTES WERE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. Electrical monitoring report by Darrin Lahr, Xcel Energy Due to the concern of the number of electrical outages or surges reported by some of the Monticello industries; Darrin Lahr, Community Relations Manager, was invited to the IDC meeting. Lahr distributed ahand-out and explained how typical voltage is transmitted from the power plant via a substation to a business. He noted the area west of the Monticello-Big Lake Hospital was served by the Linn Street substation and the Hospital and east, as well as, south of I-94 is served by the Lake Pulaski substation. Xcel's record of outages for 2005 include 4 outages and 18 momentary outages. Generally speaking, the momentary outages or surges are the result of friendly birds striking the power line causing the reclosure to momentary trip. Currently, Xcel is installing diverters in areas determined by fault indicators and bird strikes. As a point of information, Lahr noted that the Linn Street and Lake Pulaski substations are at capacity and plans are underway to build a new substation in the Monticello Business Center. The new $7 million invested is proposed to be on line in 2009. Lahr informed people not to call Deb Coffield • IDC Minutes - 02/07/06 or other local power plant numbers, but to call the lights out number of 1-800-895-1999. This is an automated phone number. Council member Mayer asked if the on-line substation date could be moved forward. Lahr was unable to answer that question. After the departure of Lahr, the IDC discussed a plan of action. BILL TAPPER MADE A MOTION TO IMPLEMENT A CALL-IN CAMPAIGN ADVISING INDUSTRIAL BUSINESSES OF THE CORRECT, AUTOMATED PHONE NUMBER FOR REPORTING LIGHTS OUT AND MOMENTARY OUTAGES. MARY BARGER SECONDED THE MOTION AND WITH NO FURTHER DISCUSSION, THE MOTION CARRIED. A letter to be drafted and mailed to the Monticello industries. Hertwig said the Chamber could also promote the correct telephone number for reporting outages. 4. Mayor's City Update: A. Proposed I-94 and County Road 18 Interchange Project. Mayor Herbst reported the beams were set last week and the project appears to be on schedule. 1. Status of AVR litigation/negotiations. The AVR litigation/negotiations are on-going. City Attorney prepared letter noting that the December concept plans submitted to the city had no revisions and were the same as those submitted in October. B. Status of Heritage and Popular Hills developments. Heritage development is on-going O'Neill to push for YMCA property and discussion have taken place with city engineer consultant to look at realigning School Blvd through the YMCA property to Heritage and not through the Monticello Business Center to Chelsea Road. Koropchak asked, if that meant the proposed realignment of Chelsea Road along Otter Creek was no longer in the plans? The Popular Hills development is on-going with elimination of town homes. Lastly, Herbst reported that Charlie Pfeffer who represents Shawn Weinerd, the owner of some property behind the west trailer park, has also reduced and shifted some town homes to single family homes. C. Fiber Option Task Force (MayerZ Dahl-Fleming reported a web site (www.monticellofiber.com) was set up for question/ answer to the request for proposal (RFP). The RFP is out and due back by mid-March. D. Council direction on Comprehensive Plan Update (IDC letter attached.) Mayor Herbst reported the Council approved NAC to submit a proposal and at the following Council meeting, the council members moved forward to go out for bids (RFP). Chair Kleinwachter noted the importance of the IDC to give input into the comp plan update. Herbst said the process includes public hearings. Herbst noted the RFP decision will not be based on money alone but the substance of the product. 5. Follow-up from annual meeting. A. Election of 2006 IDC Vice Chair. Chair Kleinwachter presented the name of Mike Benedetto for 2006 IDC Vice Chair, this the recommendation of the subcommittee. TOM FEASKI MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE RECOMMENDATION OF MIKE BENEDETTO AS IDC VICE CHAIR FOR 2006. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION AND WITH NO OTHER NOMINATIONS OR DISCUSSION, THE MOTION CARRIED. B. Tabulate top-ranked proposed 2006 IDC Mission Statement for discussion and approval. Members submitted their completed survey. Schwientek and Tomann returned the form of last • month. Tapper and Huxford's surveys were not returned. 2 IDC Minutes - 02/07/06 C. Tabulate the top three 2006 goals as ranked by each members for discussion. The mission statement and goals will be tabulated for the Chair and Vice Chair to review and recommend a plan of action at the March meeting. 6. Reports: A. Economic Development Report Koropchak reported that since the written report was prepared, John Lai, president of Viper Powersports, Inc., had informed her that the company was unable to secure financing for purchase of the Clow Stamping building and now plans to lease a 42,000 sq. ft. available building in Big Lake. Koropchak noted she asked about the potential to lease the Clow building. However, with the estimated improvement costs to the Clow building and their timing for a March move-in date, this did not fit. Although the company has been in existence since November 2002, their previous function was engineer and design work with the manufacturing farmed-out. This is the first attempt for this publicly-owned company to actually manufacture their product. Koropchak noted she spoke with the lease-hold company who plans to provide the necessary machinery and equipment. Dahl-Fleming reported the Marketing Committee met on Monday. The committee agreed the marketing goal was to create "exposure" of the Monticello Business Park which is somewhat difficult to measure. Recognizing a remaining fund balance of about $5,000, the committee decided to design a visual brochure for direct mailing ($500 for 200 copies), to design and erect a sign at the easterly entrance to the park along Chelsea Road (estimated $1,500 by Randy), continue the classified ad in the Star Tribune through spring, and place an ad in the Wright County Economic Development Partnership Directory ($300). Of the previous $30,000 budget, Xcel contributed a matching grant of $15,000. At the next meeting, the committee will focus on future marketing and funding efforts, as request for 2007 city budget starts in July. Mayor Herbst suggested the potential use of one of four billboards along westerly bound I-94 located on the Country Club Manor property owned by the city. It was also noted that the old buses located at the corner of Chelsea Road and 90`'' have not been removed. Review the draft copy of the February 7, 2006 Planning Commission Agenda for industrial related items. Discuss and vote on an IDC position or action if necessary The amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance regulating open and outdoor storage in I-1, I- l A, and 1-2 areas is on the Planning Commission agenda for February. Tapper reported he attended the January Planning Commission meeting and requested the item be tabled because a copy of the proposed ordinance was not mailed to the committee as originally promised. After receiving a copy and upon correction oftypo-graphic errors, everyone appears happy even though the ordinance is somewhat looser than the committee proposed. Tapper plans to attend the Planning Commission this evening. Mayor Herbst reported on his meeting with Pfeffer and Weinerd. They were OK with the out-door storage for the I-2; however, they focused on the I- 1 A as it relates to the need for berming (questioning if this is the highest and best use of land) and the need for a variance request for the ability to park truck trailers. The City of Rogers has a designated area for parking trailers. Charlie plans to be at the Planning Commission meeting. 3 IDC Minutes - 02/07/06 8. Other Business. A. Chamber Updates. Chamber Chair Hertwig reported the Monticello Showcase was held • at the High School on Saturday with 60-plus businesses participating. This was down from previous years; perhaps, because Becker also hosted a showcase the same day. A four-page survey was mailed to Chamber members for input and a new Chamber directory has been printed for distribution. B. Next IDC meeting -Tuesday, March 7, 2006. C. IDC Tour of Bondhus Corporation. Koropchak informed members that at the Chamber Industrial Luncheon she had mentioned to the Mike Blackston, Bondhus Corporation, and Ray Schmidt, Tire Service Equipment Mfg. Company, about the potential of the IDC touring their respective facilities. Both cordially accepted. Two options were presented by Bondhus: Friday, February 10 or Friday, February 17, 7:30 a.m. The IDC agreed to Friday, February l 7 at 7:30 a.m. Koropchak to email members a reminder. Adjournment. LYNNE DAHL-FLEMING MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE IDC MEETING. SECONDED BY BILL TAPPER AND WITH NO FURTHER BUSINESS, THE MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:25 A.M. VX~ \~°~ Ollie Koropchak, Recorder • 4 4, IDC Mission Statement • Survey Results -February 27, 2006 To increase the industrial tax base, to create jobs at liveable wage-levels, and to maintain a favorable and desirable industrial environment in the City of Monticello. 5 votes 2. To maintain and increase the industrial tax base; to create a favorable and desirable industrial environment and its related "liveable wage" jobs. 4 To maintain and create a favorable or desirable industrial environment within the community. 3 4. To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota. 2 • (Continue next page) • 2006 IDC Goals and Tasks GOALS: 1. Provide support for recruitment efforts of additional industrial businesses to locate in Monticello (recruitment of industry). 31 points TASK: 1. Request Marketing Committee provide an annual report to evaluate the effectiveness of the marketing efforts for the Monticello Business Center. 24 2. Monitor need for additional purchase of land currently under Contract for Deed in the Monticello Business Center and the need to authorize feasibility study for construction of Phase II infrastructure. 29 3. Continue participation in the industrial business prospect tours. 30 4. Recognize new industrial businesses via an open house when appropriate. 46 2. Continue business retention and expansion (BRE) programs for the industrial business sector (retention). 35 TASK: 1. Encourage and provide process for mayor and council members to acknowledge industrial businesses. 34 2. Develop "yes/no or check box" survey to communicate between local industries and city/council regarding specific operational issues such as transportation traffic, fiber optics, skilled work force, utility (electrical/telephone) reliability, etc. 35 3. BRE visit by IDC member(s) and Economic Development Director to individual manufacturers. 3 6 3. Coordinate with the Chamber of Commerce the annual Industrial Luncheon, recognize an industrial business, and develop criteria for recognition. 36 4. Encourage local newspaper to feature an industrial section or individual business articles. 51 5. Schedule tours of local manufacturers (outside normal IDC meetings.) 57 3. Provide a continuous stream of available industrial land with infrastructure potential (land). 36 TASK: 1. Research sites for future industrial development (through comprehensive plan/orderly annexation.) 25 1. Develop funding source(s) for future land purchase and encourage the HRA and Council to establish annual matching fund account. 25 2. Discuss trends of future industrial parks. 27 • 2 4. Research transportation and traffic issues (transportation). 45 • FOCUS: 1. I-94 to six lanes. 22 1. I-94/Orchard Road Interchange. 22 2. Intra-city traffic circulation including round-abouts. 23 3. Trunk Highway 25 upgrade to four-lanes between Monticello and Buffalo. 31 4. Light rail and/or expansion of commuter bus system from Rogers to Monticello. 37 TASK: 1. Invite WSB Traffic Engineer or someone other for purpose to gather information on current and proposed transportation projects. 26 1. Form partnerships with Wright County, Mayor/council to lobby for joint transportation goals. 26 2. Develop lobbying network amongst IDC members, local industries, and legislators. 36 3. Research lobbying effort with local chamber(s). 42 r~ • ~ y ~. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF • 2006 IDC GOALS Now that our goal setting is complete we would like the IDC members to serve as liaisons in each of our four main goal areas. These are not in-depth commitments but merely to serve (gather knowledge and resources and be a voice) and assist wherever possible in these areas of importance. Goals • 1. Provide support for recruitment efforts of additional industrial businesses to locate in Monticello. 2. Continue business retention and expansion programs for the industrial business sector. 3. Provide a continuous stream of available industrial land with infrastructure potential. 4. Research transportation and traffic issues. Committee members • S'R . February 8, 2006 ARE YOU CONCERNED ABOUT ELECTRICAL OUTAGES? Please read the following. • • Dear Monticello Business: Electrical outage is a concern recently raised by some of the Monticello manufacturing businesses and brought to the attention of the Monticello Industrial Development Committee (IDC). The IDC recognizes consistent, reliable power is vital for the successful operation of a business; therefore, the IDC invited an Xcel Energy representative to their February meeting. Within the Xcel presentation, it was pointed out that four (4) outages and eighteen (18) momentary outages or surges were reported in 2005. Xcel believes the increase in momentary outages or surges is the result of birds such as geese, swans, and turkeys striking power lines in the area of the Lake Pulaski substation located to the south of Monticello near Buffalo. Xcel has and continues to install bird diverters in hopes of resolving the problem. However, there appears to be an inconsistency between the number of outages reported and the number of concerns raised by industrial businesses. Furthermore, the IDC is aware this is not only a concern of the Monticello industries but of other businesses including the hospital and school districts. So, what can we do? First, it is important as a group that each business knows the correct phone number (1-800-895- 1999) to report outages. This is an automated phone number. Secondly, it is important that each business consistently report each outage including MOMENTARY OUTAGES OR SURGES. This will enable Xcel to monitor the true impact. Lastly, as a business leader, please inform and provide your designated individual or plant manager with this information and attachment. As a group, we can be more effective. The representative also noted that Xcel has plans underway to build a new substation near the Monticello Business Center. The new substation is proposed to be on-line in 2009 at an estimated cost of approximately $7 million. The IDC "thanks" you for bringing your concern forward and they will request Xcel Energy to provide continued monitoring data and follow-up. Should you have questions or want to further discuss this information, please do not hesitate to call me at 763-271-3208. With warm regards, MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Ollie Koropchak Economic Development Director c: Darrin Lahr, Community Relations Manager, Xcel Energy Monticello Mayor and Council Members File ~ ~,~ ~~ ~~\`~` 7~,Ot..: Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362-8831 • (763) 295-2711 • Fax: (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362 • (763) 295-3170 • Fax: (763) 271-3272 MONTICELLO • To report all electrical outages including momentary outages or surges, please call this automated phone number. 1-800-895-1999 C] • IDC Agenda - 03/07/06 6. Consideration of Economic Development Report. a) Rocky Mtn Group, Inc. - A~tta~ ed is a copy of the letter mailed to Mr. Dahlheimer. It is my understanding, the business relocated to the new facility along Chelsea Road over the weekend of February 18 and 19t~'. At this point, I have not heard or received payment of the administrative costs shortfall. b) Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc. - ed is a copy of the $20,000 check to Master's Fifth Avenue for reimbursement of costs associated with the removal and redevelopment of the Koppy garage. c) Electrical lights-out and surges -Attached is letter mailed to Monticello industries, school and hospital district. d) Fiber Optics -Attached is a copy of an article which appeared by the Star Tribune on February 20. John from UMC serves on the city's fiber optic committee and Milda serves as consultant. According to Cathy, sixteen RFPs were received and the review committee is currently setting up their time schedule for review and selection. A recommendation is planned to be forward to Council either late March or early April. e) AVR -Negotiation and litigation continues. A closed Council meeting is scheduled for February 27. f) March 31 -Rick Wolfsteller, Cathy Shuman, Liz Diaz and Mark Ruff of Ehlers, and myself are scheduled to meet March 31 to follow-up on the recommendations by Ehlers within the TIF Management Review and Analysis. g) The HRA annual meeting is April 5 which means election of officers, 2005 TIF Report, and it was my recommendation to Ehlers that we start the process for modifying the TIF Plans of TIF Nos. 1-2 and 1-20 in order to complete the modification by late June, early July. h) Mixed-Use Development -Jeff O'Neill and I will attend a morning seminar on mixed-use development on March 1 at the invitation of Steve Mosberg. I'll pay my way to keep out of trouble. i) Comprehensive Plan update -The RFPs for hiring a consultant to update the Comprehensive Plan is out and Jeff O'Neill held aquestion/answer meeting with interested firms on February 21. The RFPs are due March 9 with the selection date targeted for late March early April. j) Marketing Committee -The committee met on February 7 -recommendations were to continue the classified ad in the Star Tribune through spring, design and install a large sign at entrance point of Chelsea Road and 90t" Street marketing the business center (working with Randy), design athree-fold brochure for mailing, and design one-half page ad for Directory of the Wright County Economic Development Partnership. The city is entitled to two pages of information at no cost. The directory dead-line is March 1 so Lynn and I are working on the ad first, along with the HRA brochure. The Star ad continues to run. k) Vacation -I'll be out of the office starting March 13 and back March 29. 1) Leads - It appears the larger user represented by United Properties continues to look at 1 IDC Agenda - 03/07/06 • Monticello and other communities. They have asked for assessments fora 20-acre parcel. This a national freight company. - 125,000-150,000 sq ft for German company - 2/17 Agent met with company and gave information, expects to hear in two weeks. - 400,000 sq ft office/warehouse - 2/17 Keep leaving messages with agent, no return calls. - 150,000-200,000 sq ft distribution. Company decided to continue leasing at current location. - 10,000 sq ft steel building to park large equipment outside. Doesn't fit covenants. Wright County Partnership. - 10,000 sq ft user from Albertville. Mailed proposal February 10, out of town until February 17. Looking at 2006 project. Plan to meet week of February 27t" or March 6`" - 50,000 sq ft manufacturing company. E-mailed preliminary application 2/27. 2006 project. United Properties. Could be real. - 20,000 sq ft food production company -Assuming Council approves the abandonment of the re-aligned Chelsea Road on February 27 and the Preliminary Development Agreement and deposit is received, the HRA March 1 agenda includes consideration to authorize preparation of the plat and authorize the TIF process. - Looking for the Blue Chip Development to proceed this spring with the EDA considering a loan with one of the proposed tenants. m) Transformation Home Loan Program -The HRA extended this loan program for another • year and amended the criteria to encourage use of program. Revised brochure will be mailed to about 250 single-family, owner-occupied homes with market values of $175,000 or less located in the core area. n) For HRA -Chamber request -Susie asked if the city would be interested in splitting the cost for some updated demographic information. Estimated cost $1,000. See attached. Or this is for the Marketing Committee or the Council? o) Hospital Strategic Planning session -Rick and I attended a four and one-half hour planning session for the Monticello-Big Lake Hospital on February 22. It was well attended with about 60 elected officers, health care professionals, and community leaders. We looked at retail patterns of Monticello shoppers today and in 2020, as retail shoppers and primary care patient trends are compatible. Combining this with health care changes of the future; recommendations were made in the area of hospital care, nursing home care, and physicians care. It was led by Dr. Jim Rice. p) Note of thanks from Mark Ruff for participation in panel discussion at the Ehlers Conference the early part of February. q) As part of the BRE program, the IDC toured Bondhus Corporation on February 17. A photo-booklet and thank you note from mailed. r) Development Series sponsored by the Wright County Economic Development Partnership - March 8 at Silver Springs Golf Course, 11:30 a.m - 1:30 p.m., Transportation Improvements & Highway Development Plans for Wright County. $25. April 12 Series "Industrial Park • 2 IDC Agenda - 03/07/06 Development in Minnesota and 2006 Northwest Corridor Market Overview. s) Sunny Fresh Foods, Inc. -Congratulations on receiving the Malcolm Balridge Award of Excellence for a second time. Mayor Herbst and myself were among guests February 7 when Governor Pawlenty recognized the company. Hats-off to the Sunny Fresh Team. t) City Spring Newsletter - B & B Metal Stamping and EDMA are the two industries to be featured. u) REMEMBER the importance of confidentiality. Whether items relating to business retention or expansion or new development are discussed, the trust factor developed between a business and city is crucial. • • 3 ~, e "Bridging the -Gap in Development Philosophies" Transportation Improvements & Highway Development Plans for Wright County Topics: Transportation improvements<& Highway development plans for Wright County ~~ Speakers: Terry Humbert & Craig Robinson,'MNDOT Dist. 3 and Wayne Fingalson, County Engineer :. ,~ 5; Date: March 8, 2006 ; "N '~, ,. Time: 1 1:30 - 1:30 pm ~~ ~~;^ Location: Silver Springs Golf Course, Monticello .~ ;~ ~~ k is r ry f~~?_1 }~ t '.j c. Contact: )eanene Strum at jstrumC~whe.org or 763-477-3000 ext. 3470 Mail Payment to: Wright County EDP PO BOX 5 2 5 Rockford, MN 55373 or fax (763) 477 -3054 "Bridging the Gap in Development Philosophies" Industrial Park Development -What to expect for Wright- County Sponsored by N Date: April 12, 2006 Time: 11:30 - 1:30 pm Location: Russell's of Course, St. Michael Topic: Industrial Park Development in Minnesota & the 2006 Northwest Corridor Market Overview ~• C Speakers: Whitney Peyton, CB Richard Ellis Daniel Swartz, CB Richard Ellis Matt Oelschlager, CB Richard Ellis Please- RSVP by April 7, 2006 ~~ ~M+.. _ ,y Ij ry ~ 1 1 d _~ ~ s 3 ~ ~ ff (( Ad `~5~1 ~' ~4 i 1 1 f. ~ ~ k ~ F Sf~~ 1 r ~y~ `~ t j ~^ ~ ~ 5t~ I tr ~~',j~r „ # ~, ~, . Mail Payment to: Wright County EDP PO BOX 5 2 5 Rockford, MN 55373 or fax (763) 477 -3054 r. ~Y~. ~, 0 O r~ ~~ ^~ r~ 0 • ~ ~~ ^ a :n w' H J H 0 a w Z 2 O ~o m ~ ~ b ~ ~ o ~ q ~ ~ ~ `~ ~ ~ O o +"J ~ o 'd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ° TJ ~ ~, ,., C N ~ bA ~ ~ .~ q ~ ~ b a~ b ~ aS ..'~ ~ ~ a~ a~ U .~ o .ci a~ ~ ° ~ v rn ,~ •~ *' a v w ' ~-' o a~ c~ cn .~ ~ v ~ q b <n ~ H a.> ~ `~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ ,n i o ° ~ ~ ~ q ~ .G oo ~ a ~ '-a~i o '~ y ai a '~ bA •~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ o A. ~O ~ G1 c~ C ~ ~ U ~~., F'i ~ cn GJ CO O r~i p ~ ~ ~ m~ .~ ' n ~ '~ '"a p b°~ R+ ~, s~ 3 ~ ~ ~ . a,c~ o p., ~ C in N b ~ ~ °'~ ".' o .n Oo b ~ O as „~,~ °~„' °' ~ ° ~~ ~ •~ •~, ~ ~ a~ ~ ~ ?~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ``~ y ,o a~ a~ o ~ A ~ ~ c~ ,_, o N ~ .~ Y ~~ ~aa b N U~xHx d a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c~ ~.. cn ~ ~ m G sir ~ 00 ~•~ ai ° ~~ o'~ °o'~ cd G ~ ~ ~ Q ~ ~ ~ p W ~ o ~ en ~ ~ a~ • o ?~ .~ o ~ d~ s '~~ aS~ sum ~ ~ a~. ~~ ~ ~° o ~ o 0 ~ r" ;~ -~ ~ v ~-+ Q. o J~ yv ~ .~ ~ ~n ¢J ~ vUi U N W CJ ~ ~ ~'-~ ~ ~ O q Cq0 X64 "~-~•~.y+0 G1, ~' ~ ~ G °~-~•dUq~ ~ °o r, ~ ~T^f _~N Ci ~ O ~ U U U m • '~ c'Jd ~ ^S ~ N ~ O CA ~i'. ~ ~ ~ O ~ •.~ w a~ N ~ U hD O S3. fn U O ~ G ~ ~ 5 ~ ,~ ~ ~` ~ ~ ~~-! ice. ~ p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ N ' ~ cd 4J O cH C ~ ~ ~ O .7' O bA ~ ~ > ° q cad a~ ~ q a~ ° 00 N ~ O ~' O O O ~ O {C O" ~U ~ ~~ ~ a .~ ~ ~ ~ O~ w .~ O° ~ N~ w b ~ ~ ~ G-" ~ ~ ~ G bf)• N U ~ cn ' i-- ~'' fn ~ ~ bA •.7 J .' ~ O ~ ~ Q-r7 ~ ~ U Q+ ° ~ ~ Iii ~ .Li N ~"' ~ ~- Qu'.1 _O ~ cd ~ Uq r1 ~ W ,~ ~ ~ 0 ~ F" ~ O ~' q `~ ~~"" S ~ ~ ~U ~ ~ O ~ ~ N ri N . ~ O cd L."' dj ~+ blD O a-+ G =° 'C~ ~ H ti O O ~ ~ ~,. rn 4] "~ ~ , ~ O ~ ~~+ ~ ~ bD ~ q ~ ' i-' i-. C . . bA O L-. ~ ~ •-~ ~ vi cd rn m ~ ~ .-~ ~ ~ ~ OO cC ~ .`J~ z N '~ 'S ~ C"•' -! ~ ..d ~ U r O ~ N 4] Sri ~¢q U .r 'u.G ~ a ~q ~ ~ " cy" Cd ~w- m ~ ~ a Q °" ~ x ~ -o ° z °~ ~ I 1 ~++ ~ N c~ N v y E m ~ '~ ~ ~ C1 N J a LL 4 a .5 c a z z F AGENDA MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION ~-~~ a~~Y, MARCH 8th, 2006 6:00 PM Commissioners: Rod Dragsten, Lloyd Hilgart, William Spartz, and Sandy Suchy Council Liaison: Glen Posusta Staff: Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann and Steve Grittman - NAC Call to order. 2. Approval of the minutes of the regular Planning Commission meeting of Tuesday, February 7th, 2006. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments. 5. Continue Public Hearing -Consideration of a request for variance to the sideyard setback relating to the extension of a driveway in an R-1 (Single-Family Residential) District. Applicant: Michael Moree • 6. Consideration of a request for amendment to the Monticello Subdivision Ordinance, Section 11-6-1(A), regulating park dedication requirements. Applicant: City of Monticello 7. Consideration to review the recommended conditions for front yard storage in I-2 areas within the proposed amendment to the Open and Outdoor Storage ordinance. 7. Adjourn. ~~ a ~ ~' ~ C ~~`~'J ~~~~ ~- ~, ~~ !~ ~'' r c~-~-' Ulf` ~ ~^ C~.~-,d,lil.~ • ~. _~.0.- ~.~~ ~Q J ~ 4 ~ ro ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a~ cn ~ N r-I O Y-~ x ~~•~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ o o w O 0 ~ ccN~ ~ ~ cW' ~ ~ ~ , •~~r N' ~y vl V1 R' aj ~ v ~ a O ~ •~ c~ ~ ~""~ tmn N H i-+ a y..~ N .~ a '~ ~~~v~s~~ ~~ ~~ a ~ x ~~~ A.o ao ~ ran v°, :; vii w ' ~ u v o N I! ~ „ ~ x ~., vi p ~ ~ o 4/ N ~ V ;~ c, ~~ R. 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