IDC Agenda 01-07-2003MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 2003 MEMBERSHIP ~ary Barger pair Suburban Manufacturing, Owner 763-295-5635 763-295-6601 Fax 301 Chelsea Rd Monticello, MN 55362 Tom Lindquist Vice Chair Wells Fargo Monticello, President 763-271-2714 763-295-3773 Fax 407 Pine Street Monticello, MN 55362 Dick VanAllen 763-295-5553 Retired 763-295-4440 Fax E-mail: vanallen(c~bondhus.com Tom Ollig TDS Telecom, General Manager 763-271-6007 Direct 763-295-2974 Fax E-mail: thomas.ollia(a~,tdstelecom.com Bill Tapper Genereux Fine Wood Products, Owner 763-295-4242 763-295-6379 Fax Mike Benedetto Don Roberts Tom Feaski Owner Barb Schwientek Kelli Huxford Dan Olson ynne Dahl wner/Designer 6448 River Mill Dr. Monticello, MN 55362 316 Pine Street PO Box 298 Monticello, MN 55362 212 Chelsea Rd Monticello, MN 55362 Monticello Public Schools Dist. #882 302 Washington St. Superintendent Monticello, MN 55362 763-271-0300 Mail Agendas: PO Box 1233 763-271-0313 Fax Monticello, MN 55362 E-mail: mike.Benedetto(a~monticello.kl2.mn.us Sunny Fresh Foods, Asst. Vice Pres. 206 W. 4`~ Street Mgr. of Engineering/process Systems Monticello, MN 55362 763-271-5600 763-271-5711 Fax Tricon Construction 111 'Thomas Park Dr. 763-295-1141 Monticello, MN 55362 763-295-1151 Fax Monticello-Big Lake Community Hospital 1013 Hart Blvd. Administrator Monticello, MN 55362 763-295-2945 763-295-4593 Fax Monticello Nuclear Generator Plant 2807 W. County Rd 75 Communications Monticello, MN 55362 763-295-1282 763-295-1454 Fax State Farm Insurance, Owner PO Box 265 763-295-2199 Monticello, MN 55362 763-295-2518 Fax Design for Print & Web PO Box 1075 763-295-8100 Monticello, MN 55362 763-271-6192 Fax Lynnedahl(i~aol.com www.designfor~rint.com lorik/Wordproc/Misc\I DCMembers2003.1st CITIi STAFF SUPPORT Rick Wolfsteller Jeff O'Neill City Administrator Deputy City Administrator City of Monticello 5 Walnut Street, Suite 1 onticello, MN 55362 763-295-2711 763-295-4404 fax Ollie Koropchak IDC Executive Director 763-271-3208 E-mail: Ollie.koropchak(c~ci.monticello.mn.us Council Liaison -Bruce Thielen, Mayor Fred Patch Chief Building Official John Simola Public Works Director lorik/WordprodMiscll DCMembers2003.1st AGENDA -ANNUAL MEETING MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, January 7 , 2003 - 7:00 a.m. Academy Room - 505 Walnut Street MEMBERS: Chair Dick Van Allen, Vice Chair Mary Barger, Kevin Doty, Tom Lindquist, Bill Tapper, Tom Ollig, Don Roberts, Mike Benedetto, Tom Feaski, Barb Schwientek, Dan Olson, and Kelli Huxford. COUNCIL LIAISON: Mayor Roger Belsaas. STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, John Simola, Fred Patch, and Ollie Koropchak. IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota. 7:00 a.m. 1. Call to Orde--. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.) ~~ 7:02 2. Vote to approve the November 5, 2002, and December 3, 2002, IDC minutes.~`~ e+~-Q~ 7:06 3. Annual meeting: A. Review IDC 2002 Action Statement and Organizational and Membership Guidelines for potential amending or re-affirming. B. Follow-up of candidates for IDC membership and vote to accept. C. Acceptance for three-year te--m of IDC Membership - "happen, Benedetto, and Hux~ford. D. Request for Council Liaison. E. Election of2003 IDC Ofticers: Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary. 7:20 4. Discussion on and to continue development of a list of potential tasks to accomplish the goal of the IDC: To provide a continuous stream of available industrial land with infrastructure potential. A. kZeview the draft copy of the January 7, 2003 Planning Commission Agenda fo-- industrial related ite-r~s. Discuss and vote on an IDC position or action if necessary. B. Follow-up to the letter drafted to the Postmaster. C. Review current list of tasks established to accomplish the Qoal of the . 1 DC. 7:45 5. Reports: A. BRE Scheduled Visits - B&B Metal Stamping -Barger/Koropchak B. Economic Develo meat Report - Ko--o~chak. 4 o,,,x.~,t.~ . ~ ~9., k . Q n a ~... v ,~ ~,.. - CR.- a. ~ .r.i l •~~ 8:00 6. Updates by Mayor Belsaas and O'Neill. A. Progress on annexation requests. B. Status of the Council recom-nendation to establish a task force for implementation of the Comp Plan. 8:15 7. Other Business. 8:20 8. Adjournment. MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE "Cuesday, November ~, 2002 - 7:00 a.m. Chamber of Commerce Office, Broadway and Pine Street MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Dick Van Allen, Vice Chair Mary Barger, Tom Lindquist, Bill Tapper, Mike Benedetto, Susie Wojchouski, Barb Schwientek, Dan Olson, and Kelli Huxford. MEMBERS ABSENT: Kevin Doty, Tom Ollie, and Don Roberts. COUNCIL LIAISON ABSENT: Mayor Roger Belsaas. STAFF PRESENT: Jeff O'Neill and Ollie Koropchak. IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.) Chair Van Allen called the [DC meeting to order at 7:05 a.m. Vote to approve the October 17. 2002 IDC minutes. Su.S~ie I~ojchouski mucle a motion In up~~•ove the Octohe~° 17, 2002 IDC mi~tutes. Seconded by Torn Li~rdc~ui.5~1 and ivi~/~~ no additions or corrections, the mit~zNe.e tirere cg~prored ns ti>>>^ztten. 3. Updates by Mayor Belsaas and O'Neill. a) Annexation hearin<~ and ruling. O'Neill informed the IDC that the City is awaiting annexation rulin~~ from the judge. The deadline date is December 1, 200?. He felt the judge is obligated to the deadline date; however, the ruling can be appealed. According to the city attorney and the administrator, early on in the hearing process, it was felt the judge was sensitive to the city reported O'Neill. b) Amendments to the Comp Plan as approved by City Council. Status of the Council recommendation to establish a task force for implementation of the Comp Plan A meeting is scheduled for November 7, 1 1:00 a.m., between staff and the planner and engineer consultant to develop an a«enda for study the northwest corridor including development of a capital improvement plan. Van Allen main volunteered to be on the Task Force. O'Neill sug~~ested the IDC vote to appoint a representative to the Task Force. O'Neill then reported on the residential development waiting in line for annexation: 1) Approximately 40-~0 acres. 190-240 units, north of I-94, B. W. Johnson, developer 2) Harold Schermer. east of Meadow Oaks, 25 units, 15 acres 3) Hermes, 78 acres. 80 units, new Rl A standards 4) Jim Schultz, 40 acres, 80 units, high density 5) Kenneth Schultz, 40+ acres, single family, RlA standards 6) School Blvd & County Rd 18, Kenneth Schultz, town homes, 40-50 units, R I A standards 7) O'Brien property, 1 ~0 acres, nothing going on, not interested in development at this time, prime area 8) Kline Farm 7''' Addition 9) 94 acres sold at auction for $40.000 per acre, single family/high density combination 10) Gold Nugget in limbo, nothing 1 1) Hwy 25 - Groveland Fourth Addition, 50 acres, 1 10 units, everything is place, ready to go upon annexation 12) Schleunder. nothing 13) Chadwick, commercial/industrial no residential just fishing, preliminary PUD approved for including such uses as large furniture or file store 14) IDC ivlinutes - 11/5/02 • Paumen, a~~~~ressive development with extension of Chelsea Road west. left side --esidential and right side commercial/industrial. preliminary sketch at comp plan meeting. Other updates: l~) Retail space well poised for development, across from Comfort ]nn, staff provided info, 35 acres for 11ome Depot and other large boxer, deal close to done, Custom Sheet Metal condemnation maybe necessary 16) Retail space, east end, Dahlheimer/Bondhus, 55 acres, more boxers, need interchange and 7 Street alignment developed 17) Redevelopment of Ruff's Auto, 7 acres, east- side only, applied for clean-up funds 18) Extension of West 7 Street, prior to big boxers, right up there on Council's priority list. IDC members asked questions: Appears more pressure for development now? Due to 18 month stall of annexation, pent-up. Big Lake and Albertville beginning to deal with township issues. What does up-scale housin~~ mean? Over $200,000 to $225,000. Developments contingent upon annexation. 4. Discussion on and to continue develo~nent of a list of potential tasks to accomplish the goal of the IDC• To provide a continuous stream of available industrial land with infrastructure potential. a) Vote to mail the IDC minutes and BRE Visit summaries directly to the City Council and Plannin~~ Commission members. Bill Tapper made a molron !o moil the IDC minzrtes and BRE (/!.5'l/ S'ZIm7nLA'leS CID"eC/~1~ lu /he Cfh~ COZInC!/ Cmd p~U1171m~,r COmn1lSS[017 nlem/Jel"S. M1kC' l3enede//U sL'COnC~ /he n1U/IO11 Und ll'l1~7 nU f1n'1hC'1" di,SC•Z/.S.S/U77, the n10/lOn passed Zn?a1711110ZLS/ti'. O~Neill reported that it was a ~~ood decision by the IDC to chan~~e their meeting date to the first Tuesday of the month, as the third Thursday conflicted with his preparation of Council agenda items. b) V~~te to endorse the formation of a subcommittee to complete the Business Park Development 10l Exercise and ap~~oint a representative. Koropchak reported that on behalf of the HRA recommendation to attend the NAHRO Conference and attend the Business Park Development 101 session. Koropchah was requesting endorsement to form a subcommittee to work throu~,h the exercise (attached outline). Su~,~rested was a group of 5-6 consistin; on an IDC, HRA. Council or Plannin~~ Commission membe--. electric or gas representative. and consultants/specialists as necessary. O'Neill cautioned the IDC on the time invested in the approval of the Comp Plan Amendment which IDC representatives gave input. Now to take oft in a different direction takes ener~~y and is it realistic. IDC members asked of the difference between the tasks of the Comp Plan Task Force and the 101 Exercise Group. Van Allen stated the 101 Exercise prioritizes sites from the viewpoint of the end user (industrial business owner) where the Comp Plan Task Fo--ce will focus on the northwest cor--idor and the entire Comp Plan implementation. As a means of buying-in the Planning Commission to the idea of a 101 Exercise, O~Neill suggested the IDC make a presentation to the Planning Commission sellin~~ the exercise as a test plan or complimentary plan to the Comp Plan. O'Neill requested involvement in the presentation and preparation of the Planning Commission Agenda. Dan Olson made a mo~rnn to make cr presen~a~ion to t/~e Plumlinr Commission defini~tg the purpose of the 101 E.~•erci~~e, to endor.l~e the fowualioit of'u 101 subcommittee, caul to appoint Don Roberts crs the IDC rc j~re.~~errlutire. 1Llike Bc~nedett~~ sec~nrded the ~m~lton cmd tirilh no fin°ther discussion, the nlOh011 pU.SSed Ima17linO1LSl1'. c) Review the draft cow of the November 7 X00? Plannin« Commission Agenda for industrial related items Discuss and vote on an IDC position or action if necessary. Not discussed. d) Follow-upon IDC request for HRA to reinstate use of committed funds and draft a letter to city staff. City Council. and Planning Conunission. Not discussed. . e) Review current list of task, established to accomplish the goal of the IDC. Not discussed. t) To recommend the City Council order the installation of fire hydrants along Chelsea Road undeveloped I•lnd and to assess the property o~yner. In o--der to eliminate the "surprise' to IDC Minutes - 1 US/02 business owners relative to the installation of a fire h~~drant upon development of a platted site, the Public Works Director requests the IDC recommend City Council order the installation of fire hvdrants. Although the business owner is informed as to the fire hydrant installation requirement at initial site planning meeting, it consistently becomes a "surprise" item. Normally, the fire hydrants would be installed by the developer upon construction of Chelsea Road and the utility improvements. Tapper questioned the time value of the development. Is it necessary to install something prior to its need? Is there not amiddle-line, rather than coming in after the fact and irritating the developer? Estimated cost about $x,000 per hydrant. O'Neill suggested a cash deposit from the developer as part of the plat approval. Bill Tapper oracle a motion reconunending plat approval be subject to a cusp deposit from the developer for installation of a fire hy~drunt(s) for u»developed land along Chelsea Road. Mike Benedetto seconded the motion and with no fin•Iher discussion, the motion passed unanimously. Request by the IDC Membership Subcommittee for input and vote to amend the IDC Organization and Membership Guidelines as recommended. Chair Van Allen read the summary of the Membership Committee meeting. Barb Schivientek made a motion !o approve items 1, 2, and 3 us recommended lrithin the summ~rry and requested IDC members suggest other names for IDC membership behreen notin and the next IDC meeting. Susie Wojchouski seconded Ihc~ motion and tivith no fin-ther discussion, the motion passed tmuninnn~sly. 6. Reports: BRE Scheduled Visits -Bondhus Corporation (Olson/Koropchak) Not discussed. Unoffiicial BRE Visit with .lohn Bondhus -Van Allen. Not discussed. Economic Development Report -Koropchak. Not discussed. Other Business. None. Adjournment. The IDC meeting adjourned at approximately 8:45 a.m. ~~ ~~ ~ Ollie Koropchak, Recorder ~~ MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, December 3, 2002 - 7:00 a.m. Academy Room - 505 Walnut Street MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chair Mary Barger, Bill Tapper, Mike Benedetto, Barb Schwientek, and Dan Olson. MEMBERS ABSENT: Chair Dick Van Allen, Kevin Doty, Tom Lindquist, Tom Ollig, Don Roberts, Susie Wojchouski, and Kelli Huxford. COUNCIL LIAISON ABSENT: Mayor Roger Belsaas. STAFF PRESENT: Jeff O'Neill and Ollie Koropchak. IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.) Vice Chair Mary Barger called the IDC meeting to order at 7:10 a.m. 2. Vote to approve the November 5 2002 IDC minutes. Due to a lack of quorum, the minutes were not approved. 3. Updates by Mayor Belsaas and O'Neill. a) Annexation hearing and ruling. O"Neill informed the IDC that the Court order was made on November 8, 2002, in favor of the City of Monticello, ruling annexation by city ordinance. The Township Board can appeal the order. It was the recommendation of Mayor-Elect Thielen for staff/council not to attend the township meeting of last night. The city to keep a low profile and eliminate any sense of weakness. [f the township appeals before the law changes this could make it more restrictive against the city. The approach by the city is to work in a cooperative spirit with the township through a revised joint agreement with the city in lead position. The IDC members received a map identifying properties to proceed with annexation as approved by Council on November 25. This opens up five to eight years of development. Mayor-Elect Thielen and Council member Brian Stumpf were appointed to the represent the city at future joint meetings. b) Status of the Council recommendation to establish a task force for implementation of the Comb Plan. O'Neill reported staff is still researching information for the task force to rev-ew. A meeting between city staff/consultants and Dave Wisted, Facilities Supervisor, Nuclear Management Company, is scheduled for December 5, 2002, at 1 I :00 a.m. This to identify property owned by the plant, future direction of the plant, and its viewpoint. O'Neill then updated the group on the potential Home Depot development. The preliminary plat concept is expected in December 16 for a l 03,000 sq ft Home Depot; however, as of today there is no confirmation. The plat also includes a 200,000 sq ft Retail B site (not committed). The plat in the area along Chelsea Road between Cedar Street and County Rd 1 l 7. The big boxer market does not exist in Monticello yet but it's a game of whose in first. IDC Agenda - 12/3/02 4. Discussio^ on and to continue development of a list of potential tasks to accomplish the foal of the IDC: To rovide a continuous stream of available industrial land w-th -nfrastructure potential. a) U date on the formation of a subcommittee to complete the Business Park Development 1 O1 Exercise. Koropchak reported that the HRA recommended that Com Plan Task Force complete the 101 Exercise as no need for more meetings and it appears more duplication. O'Neill stated staff/consultants ace working to lay-out plans and how to fund an interchange prior to establishment of a task force. Pre-planning about 30% complete with another 90 to 120 days before completion. b) Review the draft co v o'f the December 3 2002 Planning Commission Agenda for industrial related items Discuss and vote on an IDC position or action if necessary. No related industrial development items on the December 3, 2002 Planning Commission Agenda. c) Follow-u on 1DC re uest for HRA to restate use of committed funds and draft a letter to city staff Citv Council and Plam~ing Commission. Koropchak submitted a copy of restated resolution no. 02-13 as approved by the HRA on November 6, 2002. Amount committed for Budget Year 2003 by the HRA, $400,000, and the City, $365,000, for acquisition or development of industrial land. d) Review cu--rent list of tasks established to accomplish the goal of the IDC. Tabled until Chair Van Allen present. 5. Request b~ the IUC Membership Subcommittee of names for membership and IDC officers. Koropchak noted that the January meeting is the annual meeting of the IDC w-th elect-on of office--s and so forth. In November, IDC members were asked to bring forward names of individuals in the occupations as recommended by the Membership Committee. Tapper felt a key person for the 1DC would be a township representative. Benedetto volunteered to contact Bill Young, Township and Lynn Dahl, Marketing, for interest in IDC membership. Macy Barger agreed to call Dick Van Allen and Tom Lindquist for IDC Chair. 6. ReRo--ts: BRE Scheduled Visits -Bondhus Corporation (Olson/Koropchak) Dan and Ollie both stated John Bondhus appreciated the v-s-t and the information provided. As business owners, the 1DC agreed with Bondhus that the local post office is not customer fi-iendly. The IDC recommended a letter be drafted to the local postmaster addressing the customer friendly concerns of business owners. O'Neill felt the visits should address the positiveness of the community as just one report of negativism spoils all the good of the community. Olson gave an example of a survey he conducted in his business noting a couple clients repeating made the same complaints no matter what he tried. IDC members felt the objectives of the BRE visit were met as reported in the summary. If a company plans to expand in the future and has concerns relative to expanding or building in Monticello, the staff and council should be aware of the concerns in order to address and resolve them. This one of the objectives of the visit. Economic Development Report -Koropchak. Accepted written report. 7. Other Business. None. 2 IDC Agenda - 12/3/02 8. Adjournment. The 1DC meeting adjourned at 8:30 a.m. Jlu--~-Q1 ~ C~ 6 ,~`'`' Ollie Koropchak, Recorde~ 3. Pr INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO 2002 ACTION STATEMENT Mission Statement To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota. Purpose To operate as an independent lobbying organization structured to influence and assist industrial development in and for the City of Monticello, Minnesota. In the broadest context focus on overall industrial development and developers. Goals and Direction 1. To provide a continuous stream of available industrialland with infrastructure potential. 2. To review and assess the implementation of the industrial marketing plan developed in conjunction with the HRA for the City of Monticello. 3. To rate the effectiveness of the use of the industrial marketing plan. 4. To assign time and effort when and where it is deemed necessary to accomplish industrial development. 3•A. MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE • ORGANIZATIONAL AND MEMBERSHIP GUIDELINES Meeting Time and Place: Regular meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 a.m. in the Monticello City Hall, Academy Room. Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson and Execurtive Director. IL Objective: As written and adopted by the Annual Industrial Development Committee Action Statement. III. Committee Size: While there is no set or definite size established, it is generally understood that the committee will not exceed 16-18 members. IV. Make-u~the Committee: Committee members must either work or reside in the community of greater Monticello. Individuals who are involved in an occupation or profession that provides services to the community of Monticello but is not headquartered within the community may also serve as members of the committee. Standing Committee Members: President or Chair of the Monticello Area Chamber of Commerce. Mayor of the City of Monticello. Non-voting. City Staff Members: Non-voting. Administrator of the City of Monticello. Assistant Administrator of the City of Monticello. Economic Development Director of the City of Monticello. Chief Building Official of the City of Monticello. V. Officers: The Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson, and the Secretary shall be elected annually at the January meeting. Length of office term shall not exceed three consecutive years. Minutes of each meeting are the responsibility of the Secretary. Committee correspondence are the responsibility of the Economic Development Director. VI. Length of Membership Tenn: Members shall serve for three year terms on a three year rotating basis so that approximately one-third of the membership expires each year. Individuals wishing to continue serving on the committee many so indicate prior to the expiration of their term. Any member wishing to relinquish lus/her position on the Industrial Development Committee may do so by submitting a letter of resignation. VII. Filling a Vacant Position: A list of potential committee members shall be kept by the Executive Director. The Industrial Development Committee must confirm all new members by a majority vote. IDC ORGANIZATIONAL/MEMBERSHIP GUIDELINES. • PAGE 2 VIII. Membership Attendance: In order to make a positive contribution to the committee, each member is expected to attend at least 75% of the n7eetings in any given year. A year is defined as beginning on the 1st of January and ending the 31 th of December. • 3C , 2002 IDC Monthly Attendance This is printed only as an informative report relative to the IDC Guidelines knowing individuals participate in other functions of the IDC. No No No Jan Feb Mar Anr Mav Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Mtn uorum uorum Ollig X X O O LOA Van Allen X O X X X X O X X X O Doty X X X O X X X O X O O Lindquist X X O X X O X O X X O Tapper X X X X X O X X O X X Roberts X O O O X X O O X O O Benedetto O O X O X O O X X X X Barger X X O X X O X X O X X ~chwientek O X O X O X X O O X X Olson X X X O X X X O X X X Kelli Huxford X O Chamber O X X X O X X X X X O COUnCII Liaison O O O X O O O O O O O X denotes present O denotes absent 3c. IDC MEMBERSHIP 2002 VOTING MEMBERS TERM December 2002 December 2003 December 2004 Standing Member NON-VOTING MEMBERS City Council Liaison Executive Director Support Staff MEMBERS Bill Tapper Mike Benedetto Kelli Huxford Kevin Doty Mary Barger Dick Van Allen Dan Olson Barb Schwientek Tom Lindquist Tom Ollig Don Roberts Susie Wojchouski Roger Belsaas Ollie Koropchak Rick Wolfsteller Jeff O'Neill Fred Patch John Simola OCCUPATION Industrial, Manufacturer Service, Education Service, Utility Service, Lender Industrial, Manufacturer Industrial, Manufacturer Service, InsL~rance Health Care Service, Lender Service, Utility Industrial, Manufacturer Service, Marketing Chamber President Mayor 4A. • AGI{,NDA RI;GULAIt MI+.ETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday -January 7, 2003 7:00 P.M. ~~~ Members: Dicl: Frio, Robbie Smith, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragster and Lloyd Flilgw-t Council Liaison: Brian Stumpf Staff: .Leff 0"Neill. Fred Patch. and Steve Grittman Call to order. 2. Approval of the minuses of the regular Planning Commission meeting held December 3, 2002. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizens comments. 5. Public Hearing -Consideration of a request for a variance to the buffer yard width standards. Applicant: TDS Telecom 6. Public Hearing -Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit allowing a cell tower in an I-] A district. Applicant: Sprint PCS and Fulfillment Systems 7. Public Hearing -Consideration of a request for development stage planned writ development approval allowing expansion of the Monticello-Big Lake Hospital. Applicant: Monticello- Btg Lal:e Community Hospital District 8. Public Hearing -Consideration of a request to re-zone the proposed Groveland 4"' Addition from AO (agriculture-open space) to R-l (sin~~le family residential) and 13-2 (Limited Business). Applicant: Ocello. LLC 9. Public Hearin~~ -Consideration of a request for concept sta~~e approval of a planned unit development for Home Depot. Applicant: Birchland Development Company..lohn Lundsten_ .lorry Mathwig, Lee Parks. and The Ho~1~c Depot. 10. Public Hearing -Consideration of a request for preliminary plat approval for the Spirit Hills residential development. Applicant: Maplewood Development & Construction, Inc. 1 ] . Consideration to call for a public hearing to »~odify the Downtown Redevelopment Plan. 12. Consideration of re-appointment for expired terms of planning. commission members Dicl: Frio and lZod Dragster. l3. Ad.journ 4 ~. NIONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 505 yt~~rlrrtrt Street, Suite J NIO~VTlCELLO, NIIV X5362 December 19, 2002 Mr..lohn Roden, Postmaster United States Post Office 331 West Broadway Monticello, MN »362 Re: Notice of Customer Dissatisfaction Dear NIr. Roden: The Monticello Industrial Development Committee (IDC) is an independent lobbying organization structured to influence and assist industrial development in and for the City of Monticello, Ntinnesota. The lDC is made up of local business owners and civic leaders. Through the Business Retention and Expansion Program, the (DC and the Economic Development Director visit the existing indus~if~jal businesses of Monticello. During the visit, each business is briefed on current community activities, provided a package of resource information, and asked to sug;est ways the community and the city can better serve the needs of their business and employees. A summary of each visit is prepared and reviewed for follow-through at the monthly meeting of the IDC. Thereafter, a copy of the summary rs forwarded to the Monticello City Council and Planning Commission. Upon a recent visit, a business suggested that the local post office be customer sensitive. During the December meeting of the 1DC, some members of the IDC noted they also experienced poor service and frustration with the Monticello Post Office. Particularly noted was non-delivery of mail by street address (no listed P.O. Box) and assignment of new P.O. Box numbers without customer notification. As the City of Monticello and the [DC work to recruit and retain businesses, it is important that all entities work together to provide prompt and friendly service to all the businesses and residents of Monticello. The IDC invites you to attend one of their monthly meeting for further discussion or c(irect a response to the above address or call me at 763-271-3208. Thank you for attention to this matter. Sincerely, NIONTICLLLO INUUS•['Rli\L DE;VEI~OPMEN"I' COMMITTEE ;' ~, ~, _ ~`1 ~ , Ollie I<oropchal: I'?conomic Development Director c: Dicl: Van ~\Ilcn, IOC; Chair IDC I~ilc `~ ~+ CITY OF MONTICELLO COMMUNITY VISION & GOVERNING POLICIES MONTICELLO S~EPT~EMBER 8,1997 DRAFT The Monticello City Council is an elected body representing the citizens, businesses and other taxpayers within the City of Monticello. As such, it is the intent of the Council to provide representative leadership to the community and direct the resources* of the City toward achievement of an intended vision (goals). Boards and Commissions serve in an advisory role to the City Council, assisting the Council to make broad decisions and support the City Council by focusing on the details required to accomplish the intended Vision. The EDA/HRA also act as independent political subdivisions working in partnership with the City Council to achieve the shared vision. * RESOURCES-- Direct resources of the City include but are not limited to its personnel, budgets, boards, commissions, consultants, machinery, buildings, public works, utilities and other capital improvements. • Indirect resources of the City include its citizens, businesses, community groups (i.e. IDC, MCP, Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, etc.), affiliated governmental agencies (i.e. Wright County, Monticello School District, ECFE, Head Start, WIC, etc.). The following statement of values and related policies are adopted by the City Council for the purpose of providing a foundation for Council leadership and direction to the City Administration. I. VI ION: (A definition of ends not means) These community visions will be the basis for the City Council in making policy to achieve intended results. A. Values and Intended Results - AestheticlEnvironmental 2 GOVERN3.PCY: 9Bi97 Page 1 The image of our city will be as a friendly, thriving, and proud community that has retained its small town charm and identity. The City will support paced growth and development so as to provide diverse, comfortable urban neighborhoods while preserving natural amenities for public use and end oyment. /3 - G n LJ 3. Our support of economic development will be directed toward the creation of jobs that are not just "liveable" but prosperous, stimulate the local economy, and capable of supporting our families and community. 4. The City will encourage reinvestment in our community and support with our resources the economic efforts of local businesses. 5. The City will save through dedicated reserves, be prudent in its investments and expenditures, and strive to maintain affordability of services to its citizens. Recreational 1. The City will promote, build upon, and take advantage of our public, private, and natural recreational amenities. We will seek to increase cooperative program_m;ng of the community recreational facilities (civic, township, county, and school). 2. The City will seek to expand public and private recreational opportunities in the civic core to increase downtown vitality. In providing for accessible recreation, opportunities must be provided for people during normal leisure time. We will provide for evening and weekend opportunities for community activities. 3. The City will maintain and promote pride in our existing recreational facilities while continuing to develop new recreational uses and facilities which take greater advantage of the river and our city/country setting. We will strive to link pathways and trails to recreational destinations. 4. The City will promote `5~ser ownership" of recreational facilities through volunteerism such as "Adopt-A-Park". 5. The City will maximize year-round opportunities for organized and unplanned recreation for families and persons of all ages. Spiritual 1. The City of Monticello must appreciate and celebrate the diversity of our faiths while recognizing the oneness and diversity of our moral and ethical beliefs. 2. The City will respect diversity in faiths and facilitate cooperation to make our community a place that protects the vulnerable and helps those in need. 3.. In governing our city, officials will uphold the highest moral and ethical standards that reflect the values of our caring, compassionate community. GOVERN3.PCY: 9J8197 /~ Page 3 Budget/Fiduciary Responsibilities - 1. The City Council must maintain its fiscal responsibilities and direct resources toward the Community Vision. The Council must prohibit misdirection or waste of municipal resources. Personnel -- The City Council and its City Administrator will be provided opportunities for training and personal development directed to the purposes of the City or as related to job performance. 2. ~ Concurrent to adoption of the annual budget, the City Council will consider and approve or deny an annual pay plan for city personnel as recommended by the City Administrator. 3. The City Council will consider and approve or deny changes to the organizational structure of the City as recommended by the City Administrator. III. ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITY POLICIES -BOUNDARIES & LIlVIITATIONS FOR THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR: General Responsibilities -- ~1. To achieve the Vsion, the City Council authorizes the City Administrator to manage the direct resources of the City. 2. The City Administrator is responsible for the effective and efficient use of direct resources provided by the City Council and to develop and maintain productive channels to available indirect resources. 3. The City Administrator will uphold the ordinances and policies of the City of Monticello. 4. The City Administrator must not tolerate unlawful acts of any kind, by any person. Budget/Fiduciary Responsibilities - The City Administrator must uphold the fiduciary responsibilities of the City. 2. The City Administrator is authorized sole authority to manage and directlredirect monetary resources within the annual budget approved by the City Council. The City Administrator must gain approval from City Council to exceed the annual budget approved by City Council. 3. The City Administrator will make or cause to be made sound investments of municipal • funds. 4. The City Administrator shall not pernut waste of City assets and resources. GOVERN3.PCY: 9/8197 / ~ _ /~ Page 5 sA. BRE VISIT SCHEDULE AND WRITTEN SUMMARY FORM • IDC MEMBER INDUSTRY _._~ Name Mar Bar r /Koro chak Name B&B Metal Stamping, Inc. Phone Primary Contact Alan Walter, President FAX E-Mai l Mailing Address Phone 763-295-6300 E-Mail None Location 208 Dundas Road Monticello MN 55362 FAX 763-295-6301 Date of Visit Monday, January 6, 2003 Time of Visit 1:30 p.m. Concluded at 2:30 p.m. Summary of Visit: Alan inquired as to the availability of low interest money for machinery/equipment or property acquisition without the need to create additional new job~~,,~ It appears manufacturing businesses are looking to ' ~ ~" `"'d " °° automatizer°T n order to cut costs. Recommendation: Forward to EDA: Can or should the EDA Business Subsidy Guidelines be amended to require no increase in job creation for existing businesses with residency of X number of years. 2. When is Dundas Road scheduled for completion? Recommendation: Forward to City Council. Alan would find the completion of Dundas Road a convenient route for his company. He was informed if the proposed commercial developments moves forward adjacent to Dundas Road, the road would be completed. B & B Metal Stamping has no e-mail address. 4. Kids are using the side loading dock for skateboarding and bicycling on weekends and during the day. He has notified Sheriff's Department. T ~ -five wooden pellets stolen last summer. Recommendation: Forward to P ice Commissi i and inform Wright County Sheriff's Department to increase patrol. ~ \ ~ !'~, •~ J Business Retention/Expansion Visit Summary B & B Metal Stamping, Inc. Monday, January 6, 2003 Ollie Koropchak and I visited with Alan Walters, President of B & B Metal Stamping, Inc. Al was very congenial and the meeting lasted approximately one half hour. Al currently has three full time employees and stated that business was steady over the past year. Al appeared to be pleased that we were visiting his company and he was interested in the packet of information we presented. The subject of government sponsored loan programs was of significant interest to him. Al stated that in the past few years, he had made significant investments in new equipment. However, he was unable to tap these low interest loans because of the job creation criteria required by most of these loan programs. We discussed why job creation was important for government loan programs. However, Al maintained that for his business, automating equipment versus hiring more personnel was a better financial decision. The question then arose, can the job creation criteria be waived in certain circumstances if the loan assists in retaining a business and it can be documented that additional personnel would be detrimental to the financial health of the company. Ollie stated that she would discuss this with the proper finance committees in the future. We discussed the current and proposed city projects and how they would affect future business and traffic patterns. Al was particularly interested the interchange at County Road 18 and I-94, as well as when Dundas Road would be paved through to Highway 25. Al stated that • having Dundas Road paved would facilitate access to his building for the semi trucks that deliver material and would make travel in and out of downtown much more convenient. Ollie explained that Dundas would likely not be paved until the Home Depot project began. He was satisfied with this answer. When asked if he had any concerns he would like to share, Al stated that he would like to have increased police presence in the industrial area. In the past year, Al said he had several pallets stolen and that he has had trouble with kids skateboarding, roller skating and biking up and down his load dock ramps. He hoped that additional police presence would deter theft and keep the children out of the area so that they would not get hurt. Finally, Al stated that he plans on staying in Monticello. He hopes to purchase the building that he is currently renting. We discussed the inventory of vacant buildings and potential building sites but he did not seem interested in purchasing any of these at this time. He stated that he expects business to improve in 2003 and looks forward to a good yeaz. In my opinion, it was a very amiable meeting. Al enjoys living and working in the Monticello area. He thanked us for stopping and for acknowledging the importance of having his company in Monticello. Respectfully submitted by, Mary Barger • • C~ ,'~ -~$ Executive Director's Report: HRA Agenda - 1/8/03 IDC Agenda - 1/7/03 a) Downtown Redevelopment -Been in contact with Jim Graber, James & Gruber, and Keith Kjellberg as other potential redevelopment projects. b) Custom Sheet Metal - If the Home Depot project and Retail B development moves forward, the HRA will be asked to create an Economic TIF District to assist the business with land write-down. Relocation caused by proposed development. c) Lake Tool - At the EDA meeting, the commissioners tabled any action relative to a request by the owners to reduce the remaining unpaid principal of the machinery and equipment loan from $45,000 to $18,000. The owners have yet to collect all receivables. The EDA does hold personal guarantees from each of the owners. The EDA questioned the Iegality of selling financed machinery and equipment. The lender is in first position. ~q, ~~ , d) BRE visits are scheduled for B & B Metal Stamping, Double Bull Archer ~,' ~~• Vector Tool, Suburban Manufacturing, and Aroplax. e) All TIF documents now recorded at County. Upon summarizing the TIF Districts and Development Contracts, it was noted the County certified the 2002 local tax rate as 128% for District Nos 1-29 and I-30 instead of 145%. I've called the Cotulty Auditor's Office. f) UMC -Panels are scheduled for delivery in late January. g) TCDC - It is my understanding TCDC lost a contact and lay-off has occun~ed at the Monticello facility. h) Midwest Graphics building -There is a potential tenant for the building. i) Next Northwest development and interchange comp plan meeting with Xcel and NMC personnel, city staff and consultants scheduled for January 23, 8:30 a.m. j) Production Stamping -Call from Charlie Pfeffer asking me to call Les Wurm relative to plans to construct in spring. Charlie states no deal as Les is tuiable to sell existing building, however, does not return Charlie's calls. I have not authorized Ehlers to certify this TIF District. k) One lead for 20,000 sq ft building. Production of counter-tops. Exist in Rockford. Noted Wright County Partnership Business Ethics. I) Central MN Housing Project -One home was delivered and set Dec 26 with another scheduled for December 27. The Contract reads 3 homes completed by December 31.2002, and all 1 I homes completed by end of 2003. Home loan closing expected by January 3I, 2003. m) Steve, it's my assumption you'll accept the appointment as HRA commissioner for another 5-year term. Council appoints January 13, 2003. n) Christmas cards mailed to all industrial businesses. o) Note the Chamber has selected Thursday, May 15, 2003, as their annual Golf I • LJ HRA Agenda - 1/8/03 IDC Agenda - 1/7/03 Outing at the Monticello Country Club If OK with the Chamber, the HRA/IDC Marketing Committee needs to meet to discuss sponsoring a bus tour and gratis golf for developers. ~~ ~' ~``~` ~ I • 2 n • Staff Recocmiendatian 00 MW Johnson 0 Shermer '~ +~ Farr ~ Jim Shultz '~ ~~*~~~ Ken Shultz ~ +~~ Ken Shultz ~ Future ;~~, ~~: Future [~ Future ~ Chris Klein o~ Loren O'Brien + , Gold Nugget ~ Gold Nugget o~ Gold Nugget Groveland Iv ° ~ Chadwick y ANNEXATION CRITERIA ID Approx. Acreage Comp Plan Guided Concept Plan Preliminary Plat Utilities 1 27.06 (R-1) Approved Pending eed Study 2 21.47 (R-1) A roved A roved vailable 3 38.96 (R-lA) Pending Pending vailable a 39.78 (R-1 A) A roved A roved vailable 5 17.39 Med. Den. Attach Pending Pending vailable 6 34.55 (R-1 A) Pendin Pendin vailable 7 107.40 Ind/R-1 Not Cont guous Yet 8 39.60 (R-1A) Not Cont guous Yet 9 67.55 (R-1) Not Cont uous Yet 10 37.66 (R-1) None Available None Availabl Available 11 56.72 (R-1) None Available None Available Available 12 39.96 (R-1) Under bevel t 13 40.35 (R-1) Under Developm ent t Avail. 14 31.03 Ind t Avail. 15 26.27 (R-1) A roved A roved vailable 1s 6060 Ind ~ Approved ~ Pending vailable + = Proceed with annexation by Ordinance or Joint Resolution 0 =Wait for development of potential new MOAA Agreement or completion of necessary studies/plarm'ng _~ ~~~~ • Economic Ue~~ck~-pment Partncrshi~~ a#' Wr~ht ~uunt. ,1-'~t~n-P~~c-fi# Prr~s~#e1PuhliC T3~r~el~~nmc n# ~(`urpt~ra#it~n 2003 Membership Dues Renewal Contact: Ollie Koropchak Company: Industrial Development Committee Address: 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 City, State, Zip: Monticello, MN 55362 2003 Dues Amount: $500.00 Payment Due by: Upon Receipt Make checks payable to: Economic Development Partnership of Wright County Remit to: Economic Development Partnership of Wright County 6800 Electric Drive Rockford, MN 55373 S Thank you for your membership support Please include bottom portion with payment. 2003 MembershipDues Renewal ¢ f~G. 4~ F `~ ~ Q~C ~ ~ ZQ~2 ~~r If necessary, please update the information below. ~ s ` r ~ ; i c ~ , ~ L~ La 6 i ~.__. ' ~ E.v ; Contact: Ollie Koropchak Company: Industrial Development Committee Address: 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 City, State, Zip: Monticello, MN 55362 2003 Dues Amount: $500.00 Payment Due by: Upon Receipt Make checks payable to: Economic Development Partnership of Wright County Remit to: Economic Development Partnership of Wright County • 6800 Electric Drive Rockford, MN 55373 (NDUSTR(AL DEVELOPMENT COMNI[TTEE Montiieello, Minnesota .(anuary 9, 200> Bruce "Chie(en, Mayor City of Monticello ~0~ Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN ~~362 Dear Mavor Thielen: The Monticello Industrial Development Committer (IDC) requests the attendance of the Mayor at their monthly meetings because the IDC is irlentitied as one of the indirect resources of the City within the City of Monticello Community Vision & Governing Policies; the Mission Statement of the IDC is to maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs i.n the City of Monticello, and historically, t11is mission statement has been supported by the City Council with the Niayor sci~~~in~~ as the Council Liaison to the IDC. This collaborate effort has proven and remains l:ey to the success of industrial development within the City of Monticello. The IDC meets the first Tuesday of each month (except July) at 7:00 a.m. in the ~~cademy Room at City Hall. IDC: officers elected for 2003 are Mary Barger, Chair, and Tom Lindquist, Vice Chair. T}1e IDC understands the Mayor and Council Members will consider annual appointments at their meeting of January 13, 2003, and they request the Mayor be appointed to the IDC. Thanf< you for consideration of this appointment. i\~ION"(~IC[/L,LU INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMEN"h CONIMII'~hEI -. -, DIC~C Vat1 n~~fal Past Chall' DU/~~0~< c: 1DC File Staff Reco~unendation MW Johnson Shermer '~ Farr X Jim Shultz '~ Ken Shultz 't Ken Shultz Future Future Future Chris Klein Loren O'Brien Gold Nugget Gold Nugget Gold Nugget Groveland Iv Chadwick ~ ANNEXATION CRITERIA ID Approx. Acreage Comp Plan Guided Concept Plan Preliminary Plat Utilities 1 27.06 (R-1) Approved Pending eed Study 2 21.47 (R-1) A roved A roved vailable 3 38.96 (R-iA) Pending Pending vailable 4 39.78 (R-1 A) A roved A proved vailable 5 - 17.39 Med. Den. Attach Pending Pending vailable 6 34.55 (R-1A) Pendin Pendin vailable 7 107.40 Ind/R-1 Not Cont guous Yet 8 39.60 (R-1 A) Not Cont guous Yet 9 67.55 (R-1) Not Cont uous Yet 10 37ss (R-1) None Available None Availabl Available 11 56.72 (R-1) None Available None Available Available 12 39.96 (R-1) Under Devel t 13 40.35 (R-1) Under Devel nt t Avail. 14 I 31.03 Ind t Avail. 15 26.27 (R-1) ~ A roved A roved vailable 1s so.so Ind i Approved Pending vailable + = Proceed with annexation by Ordinance or Joint Resolution 0 =Wait for development of potential new MOAA Agreement or completion of necessary studies/plarmin~