IDC Agenda 11-05-2002AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE . Tuesday, November 5, 2002 - 7:00 a.m. Chamber of Commerce Office, Broadway and Pine Street MEMBERS: Chair Dick Van Allen, Vice Chair Mary Barger, Kevin Doty, Tom Lindquist, Bill Tapper, Tom Ollig, Don Roberts, Mike Benedetto, Susie Wojchouski, Barb Schwientek, Dan Olson, and Kelli Huxford. COUNCIL LIAISON: Mayor Rober Belsaas. STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, John Simola, Fred Patch, and Ollie Koropchak. IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota. 7:00 a.m. 1. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.) 7;02 2. Vote to approve the October 17, 2002 IDC minutes. 7:06 3. Updates by Mayor Belsaas and O'Neill. a) AnneXation hearing and ruling. b) Amendments to the Comp Plan as approved by City Council. Status of the Council recommendation to establish a task force for implementation of the Comp Plan. 7.20 4. Discussion on and to continue development of a list of potential tasks to accomplish the goal of the IDC: To provide a continuous stream of available industrial land with infrastructure potential. a) Vote to mail the IDC minutes and BRE Visit summaries directly to the City Council and Planning Commission members. b) Vote to endorse the formation of a subcommittee to complete the Business Park Development 101 Exercise and appoint a representative. c) Review the draft copy of the November 7, 2002 Planning Commission Agenda for industrial related items. Discuss and vote on au IDC position or action if necessary. d) Follow-up on IDC request for HRA to reinstate use of committed funds and draft a letter to city staff, City Council, and Planning Commission. e) Review current list of tasks established to accomplish the goal of the IDC. 8:00 5. Request by the [DC Membership Subcommittee for input and vote to amend the IDC Organization and Membership Guidelines as recommended. g: ~ 0 6. Reports: BRE Scheduled Visits -Bondhus Corporation (Olson/Koropchak) Unofficial BRE Visit with John Bondhus -Van Allen. Economic Development Report -Koropchak. 8:29 Other Business. 8:30 9 Adjournment. MINUTES • MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, October 17, 2002 - 7:00 a.m. Monticello City Hall, Academy Room, 505 Walnut Street MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Dick Van Allen, Kevin Doty, Tom Lindquist, Don Roberts, Mike Benedetto, Susie Wojchouski, and Dan Olson. MEMBERS ABSENT: Vice Chair Mary Barger, Bill Tapper, Tom Ollig, and Barb Schwientek. COUNCIL LIAISON ABSENT: Mayo-° Roger Belsaas. STAFF PRESENT: Ollie Koropchak. IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.) Ask for volunteer to take IDC minutes. Chair Van Allen called the IDC meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. 2. Vote to a rove the August l 5 2002 and Se tember 19 2002 IDC minutes. Mike Benedetto made a n~iotion to approve the Auga+st 1 ~, ?002 IDC minutes. Seconded by Kevin Doty and ti-~ith no core^ections or additions, the rnir~utes were upproved as written. Susie Wojchouski made a motion to approve the September 19, 2002 IDC minutes. Seconded by Mike Benedetto and with no corrections or additions, the mn~utes were approved as written. 3. Updates by Mayor Belsaas and O'Neill. a) Annexation hearinv and ruling. b Amendments to the Com Plan as a roved b Cit Council. Status of the Council recommendation to establish a task force for implementation of the Comp Plan. In the absence of Mayor Belsaas and O'Neill, Koropchak reported the annexation hearing had been held the middle of September and the ruling is anticipated sometime in late December. No task force has been established, city staff and city engineer/planner consultants to meet first to develop agenda. Van Allen volunteered to be a member of the Task Force. 4. Discussion on and to continue development of a list of potential tasks to accomplish the goal of the IDC: To provide a continuous stream of available industrial land with infi-astructure potential. a) Feedback on O'Neill/Wojchouski/Osowski meeting. Susie reported she had tried Judy Osowski three times to set up a meeting. The ball -s now in the court of Osowski. b) Establish-nent of a subcommittee to develo effective wa s to influence decisions zoning/PUD of the Plannin Commission Cit Council and administrative staff. Chair Van Allen informed members that in his research it appears to him that land use/zoning decisions are done by the time it reaches the City Council agenda. Maybe a better place to influence decisions is through 1DC action or attendance at the Planning Commission meetings. IDC Minutes - 10/17/02 To be on the Planning Commission Agenda, contact Jeff O'Neill or Lori Kreamer. Van Allen requested the name and term of the Planning Commission members. As the Plannang Coyiv»isszon n7eets the first Tuesday ~f each month al 7: 00 p. m. and i» order for the IDC to influence or contribute input to industrial related agenda items, Dorn Roberts made a motion to amend the IDC Organization and Membership Guidelines changing the regular meeting date f}•orn the third Thursday of each month to the first Tuesday of each month beginning November ~, 2002. Motion seconded by Mike Benedetto and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. Because November 5 is Election Day, the IDC will meet at the Chambe-- Office and the Planning Commission meeting is rescheduled to November 7, 2002. Other organizational discussion tabled to the November 5 meeting. Koropchak informed members of the Business Park Development 101 presentation at the NAHRO Conference noting she thought the exercise would be worthwhile as it would prioritize industrial site options for purchase. The three phases of development include planning, financing, and marketing. The thought is to create a development committee consisting of an IDC, HRA, and Council or Planning Commission member, public utility representative, and the city engineer consultant to work through the exercise. c) Clarif IDC's recommendation: To recommend use of committed reserve funds for ac uisition of land for industrial develo ment or to recommend use of committed reserve fiords for interchange and/or street/utilit~mprovements. With discussion at the Plam~ing Commission meeting for the city to use the reserve funds for infrastructure or interchange development, Mike Benedetto made a motion to reinstate to the Planning Commission and City Council the IDC's recommendation is to use the committed reserve funds to purchase 200 acres of land for future industrial development. Seconded by Kevin Doty and ti~~ith no further discussion, the motiof7 passed ununirnously. The IDC requested the HRA reaffirm the committed use of their reserves; thereafter, a letter be drafted and submitted to city staff, City Council and Planning Commission. 5. Vote to confirm the a ointment of Kelli Huxford as a member of the IDC and to direct the Membersh~ Committee to draft a policy of stimulations for IDC membership and to recruit candidates for Officers of the 1DC. Koropchak informed members that the Membership Committee was made up of the IDC Chair and Vice Chair, Don Smith and Koropchak. The (DC confirms all new members by a majority vote. Historically, a representative of the local power plant as been a member of the IDC. Upon the resignation of Ellen Perrault, HRA Commissioner Darrin Lahr suggested a waiting period while the plant re-organized. Lahr suggested the na-ne of Kelli Huxford, Communications Director at the plant, as a replacement and Huxford accompanied Lahr to the Industrial Banquet this past spring. Wojchouski having talked with Lahr, concu--red with Koropchak. Mike Benedetto made a motion to appoint Kelli Huxford as a member of the IDC replacing the vacancy created by the resignation of Ellen Perrault Kevin Dory seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. Dan Olson volunteered to replace Don Smith on the Membership Committee. Koropchak to set up a meeting date next week for the committee to draft a policy of stipulations for IDC membership and to recruit candidates for Officers of the IDC. It was suggested the committee members get ideas from previous members Shelly Johnson and Don Smith. 6. Reports: BRE Scheduled Visits -Attached Summaries. Accepted. Unofficial BRE Visit with John Bondhus. No report by Van Allen. 2 1DC Minutes -10/17/02 Economic Development Report -Written reported accepted. Additionally, Koropchak presented members with a copy of an article from the MN Real Estate Journal regarding Elk Rive- and their recently implemented Location Site Guide. Koropchak noted she had called for a copy. Koropchak also noted the request from Noel LaBine, Wright County Economic Development Partnership, to partner with two other cities ($1,000 each) to participate in aNorth by Northwest Site Selection Conference in November. This sponsored by the MN Real Estate Journal and St. Thomas University. This entitles one person to participate in the Round Table discussions and share a booth. Participants are brokers, developers, contractors, and manufacturers. Although a discussion for the Marketing Committee, Koropchak asked for input. The IDC felt if money were available, Monticello should participate independently. Koropchak has e--r-ailed the .fournal recent construction projects such as UMC groundbreaking, Landmark Square, Hans Hagen Homes,etc. Other Business. Van Allen talked about the sanitary sewer capacity needs of Sunny Fresh and misinformed information reported by some Council candidates such as the costs of a lawn mower and light poles purchased by the City. 9. Ad~urnment. The 1DC meeting adjourned at 8:30 a.m. ~~ ~~U~ ~ Ollie Koropchak, Recorder c: • • • Business Park Development 101 ... m Dirt to Bricks F • • • • ro ••••• •••• Barsness Consulting Services, Inc. • • • • ~ Dahlgren, Shardlaw & Uban • • • •1~~ •.• •..• •...• •u• ment f Develo h •.~~e :::: p ases o Three P ~~ . Planning -What piece of dirt? . Financing -How do we pay for it? . Marketing -How do we sell it? . All phases are linked and interdependent. . Can't do just one and be successful. ... .... ..... Planning Phase ...~ ....~ e.~~ "`$ ~. . Identifying the site . Target Audience . Office '- ~"~'~ . Industrial . Location e Visibility Access 4 b.~ T -gy -- 1 • • • ... .... ..... .... ..... ...w Planning Phase '""` ~r . Site Characteristics . Soit Conditions . Wetlands . Topography • Vegetation . Net Developable Acreage ... .... ..... .... ....,, .r:w Planning Phase :"~ }; . Surrounding Land Use . Existing Neighbors . Future Neighbors . Buffers . Screening +. Orientation Communication ... .... ..... Planning Phase •..N •.6eV' ..~,. "° ~~ . Utilities . On-site or near-by . Extension needed?' . Transportation Infrastructure' . Telecommunications ESL 'Important forfinancing 8 marketing phases. 2 • • ... .... ..... .... ....~ Planning Phase :::< .» • Take a break and evaluate. . Can we afford it? • If no, then look for partners or a different site. • Can we sell it to our target audience? q If no, then either change site or change target. If yes, then continue the planning process. If no, start from the beginning. ... .... ..... .... ....4 Planning Phase "'y ... d • • Zoning . Does the zoning & guide plan match? . Is the zoning correct for your target? . Does the zoning compliment surrounding land uses? • Lot dimensions . What size lots does your target need? . What size is your community? ... .... ..... .... •.oa~ Planning Phase ssax •: • Concept Plan . Do's and Don'ts • Phasing Plan .Logical Absorption • Leave option for larger user • Ptat . Only what you need . Flexibility a~.oov S w. o.l.~u..C~,.--.-r.. - 4a..~- ~-S ~ w~ S ~ ~ Aso to 3O° ~ ~ _~' 1 o S m o o 'C_ o h o t1 ~ t o ~" S o h ~ y~, S ~. ~ O t' n o d~ ~~ s ~~- ~~ ~'`~1 lr` o S ~n ~~ /l o o d. C W` g ~. ~ Q u-~- ~ a.y-~ 3 ... .... •...Y •..i •...! .~ Financing Phase •~:~ . To develop or not to develop? s HRA as Developer . Private Sector Developer . Partnerships . Private/ Public . Public/Public ~~ ~~~ C~ ... .... ..... .... ••1Ym .~.~~ Financing Phase •"~ r: . Costs to Consider ~ . Land Acquisition . Holding Costs • Utilities and Roads ~ . Fees . Sac/Wac, Park, etc. . Sales Commission ... .... ..... •..Y •.9i~ .r~= Financing Phase •°"' . Sources of Funds • Cash . Bonding • CAB, TIF, Abatement, Assessment, Deferment . Levy ~~ ee--~~ Grants e~ S: ~ ~ ~2f . MIF, Federal EDA, US Rural Development {,~ . Partner with Land Owner ~ a.~,~s0~ • Option ~ r~ S. ,n v F .mod . C~~ ~ v~~/~u~.S'C n u ~'~ w.RJ o ~ W~S ~~ C ~ c-.51. ~,n~~ ~~~ S tom.. too ~~~ , 4 • • -... .... ..... .... ....~ ..~* Financing Phase ••°~ . Financing projects - c ° ~`^ a ~. r ~~ . TIF . Abatement • IDB's . Loan Programs • Regional - RDC, Initiative Foundation, County . State - MIF, Challenge Grants . Federal -SBA, USDA, Federal EDA . Utilities -Local Cooperative or local utility / ~ °~'~~ ••• .••. •u•a •••• •••r° •.~a Marketing Phase ••°° ~x . Research is Key . SWOT Analysis • Competitor Analysis • Customer Analysis • Market Conditions . Competitive Advantage . Price or product . What makes us different or better ••• .... .•••. •••• ••••N Marketing Phase ::~ . Resources . Political Support . Staff . In-house and consulting . Financial . Strategic Partnership • Financial Advocacy Lead Generation ~~ ~ ~ ~) o ~.r~-can. 5 • • • ... .... ..... .... ...»,. Marketing Phase '`~a »» .Promotion Strategy . What is our message? (competitive advantage) . Match audience with appropriate activity » Print Media (I.e. brochures, fact sheets, direct mail) . Public Relations . Advertising . Personal Selling . Web Site ... .... ..... .... ..... ..~ Marketing Phase "`` .~ . Responding to Inquiries . Be Knowledgeable . Be Prepared . Be Professional . Be Timely Do not lose a prospect to poor customer service! This is the one area you have control over. ~~ ~ ~~ s 6 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Thursday -November 7, 2002 8:00 P.M. Members: Dick Frie, Robbie Smith, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten and Lloyd Hilgart Council Liaison: Clint Herbst Staff: Jeff O'Neill, Fred Patch, and Steve Grittman 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of the minutes of the regular Planning Commission meeting held October 1, 2002. Approval of the minutes of the special Planning Commission meeting held October 14, 2002. Approval of the minutes of the special Planning Commission meeting held October 28, 2002. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizens comments. 5. Public Hearing -Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit and variance allowing construction of accessory structure in excess of 1200 square feet. Applicant: Craig and Naomi Schibonski 6. Public Hearing -Consideration of a request for preliminary plat approval for Monticello Business Center 2°d Addition. Applicant: Michael Krutzig and Daryl Krutzig 7. Discussion regarding proposed re-zoning of the West Side Market property. 8. Review revised sketch plan for the `Bruggeman" residential PUD, now referred to as M.W. Johnson residential PUD. 9. Summary of the Fair Housing discussion at the HRA meeting of October 2, 2002. 10. Adjourn • ~I C~ MEMBERSHIP SUBCOMMITTEE SUMMARY October 23, 2002 - l 1:30 a.m. Dick Van Allen, Mary Barger, Dan Olson, and Koropchak. Purpose of Meeting: To draft a policy of stipulations for IDC membership and to recruit candidates for Officers of the IDC. The subcommittee reviewed the IDC Organizational and Membership Guidelines and the 2002 IDC membership list. 1. The subcommittee recommends the IDC Committee Size remain as written and to consider replacing those seats vacated by Bob Mosford and Don Smith which would bring the IDC voting membership to 14. 2. The subcommittee recommends amending the IDC Organizational and Membership Guidelines, IV. Standing Committee Members. From President of the Monticello Area Chamber of Commerce to Chair or President of the Monticello Area Chamber of Commerce. 3. Based on the two vacant positions under Service Occupation and the current objective of the IDC: To lobby for the purchase of 200 acres of land for future industrial development; the Subcommittee recommends an individual(s) with lobbying skills and commitment to assist in accomplishing the IDC objective. Those Service Occupation and names suggested: Lawyer - Steve Conroy; Elected County Commissioner or appointed Planning Commissioner -Pat Sawatzke or Rod Dragsten; Marketing -Lynn Dahl or Michele Hartwig. 4. The Subcommittee request the IDC members suggest other names. 5. The following names were considered for IDC Chair: Mary Barger, Don Roberts, Tom Lindquist, Kevin Doty, Bill Tapper, and Tom Ollig. ~9 ' ~" a`~` II. III. MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE ORGANIZATIONAL AND MEMBERSHIP GUIDELINES Meeting Time and Place: Regular meetings are held the t13~sdzy of each month at 7:00 a.m. in the Monticello City Hall, Academy Room. Special meetings maybe called by the Chairperson and Executive Director. Objective: As written and adopted by the Annual Industrial Development Committee Action Statement. Committee Size: While there is no set or definite size established, it is generally understood that the committee will not exceed 16-18 members. IV. Make-up the Committee: Committee members must either work or reside in the community of greater Monticello. Individuals who are involved in an occupation or profession that provides services to the community of Monticello but is not headquartered within the community may also serve as members of the committee. Standing Committee Members: ~~ ~.. President of the Monticello Area Chamber of Commerce. Mayor of the City of Monticello. Non-voting. Economic Development Director of the City of Monticello. Chief Building Official of the City of Monticello. V. Officers: The Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson, and the Secretary shall be elected annually at the January meeting. Length of office term shall not exceed three consecutive years. ' City Staff Members: Non-voting. Administrator of the City of Monticello. Assistant Administrator of the City of Monticello. Minutes of each meeting are the responsibility of the Secretary. Committee correspondence are the responsibility of the Economic Development Director. VI. Length of Membership Term: Members shall serve for three year terms on a three year rotating basis so that approximately one-third of the membership expires each year. Individuals wishing to continue serving on the committee many so indicate prior to the expiration of their term. Any member wishing to relinquish his/her position on the Industrial Development Committee may do so by submitting a letter of resignation. VII. Filling a Vacant Position: A list of potential committee members shall be kept by the Executive Director. The Industrial Development Committee must confirm all new members by a majority vote. • IDC ORGANIZATIONAL/MEMBERSHIP GUIDELINES. PAGE 2 VIII. Membership Attendance: In order to make a positive contribution to the committee, each member is expected to attend at least 75% of the meetings in any given year. A year is defined as beginning on the 1st of January and ending the 31th of December. C7 • IDC Agenda - 11/5/02 6c. Economic Development Director's Report. a) HRA - On the November 6 HRA agenda, the commissioners are being requested to reinstate the use of their committed reserve funds for the purchase of 200 acres of land for future industrial development. They are also being requested to endorse the formation of a subcommittee to complete the Business Park Development 101 Exercise and to appoint a representative. b) After further discussion with the HRA, MN Real Estate Journal and Wright County Partnership, the decision was for the City of Monticello to jointly participate in the North by Northwest -Site Selection Conference scheduled for November 22, 2002, 8:00-12:00 noon at the Northland Inn. Our contribution of $1,000 is subject to the Wright County Partnership soliciting two other communities. Benefits: The city will share in the county booth marketing the City of Monticello and the County Executive Director will participate in the round table panel discussions. Other scheduled participants are St. Cloud, Chisago County, and Sherburne County. The program for the event is being coordinated by St. Thomas University and will consist of four speakers. Without the program agenda being finalized, the HRA elected to wait and independently participate at the annual conference in October if the opportunity arises. c) Sunny Fresh Expansion -Consideration of amendment to conditional use permit for planned tulit development ........ on the Planning Commission and City Council agendas October 28, 2002. Amendment approved subject to certain conditions. Partial set of building plans submitted, building permit not issued. Footing permit issued. d) Sunny Fresh/Cargill presented the Central Minnesota Housing Partnership with a check for $60,000 at a breakfast on October 28. The redevelopment and workforce housing project is a joint effort between the City, the HRA, Sunny Fresh, and the CMHP. The project would not have proceeded without the contribution from Sunny Fresh. The corporate contribution enhances the quality of the finished product while still meeting the targeted income levels. e) Tax Abatement -Rick Wolfsteller and myself will attend a workshop among County Commissioners on October 29 as they discuss the county's position relative to use of tax abatement. Tax abatement is a financial tool available to cities, counties, etc. It works much like TIF but is less restrictive and the tax increment revenue is generally less. This depends on the number of taxing jurisdictions participating. Criteria must be established prior to use. At this point, the City of Monticello has not developed nor approved any criteria. This tool was established by Legislation a few years ago, as the TIF rules become more restrictive. f) UMC -Building plans submitted, building permit not issued, grading permit issued. Couple of issues brought up by Don Tomann. L Relative to landscaping and grading near ponding easement. Engineer Consultant comment "Do not encroach or berm in our easement" A ponding easement ('/~ to 1 acre) exists on the southerly portion of the lot purchased from Pfeffer. This unknown to Tomann until plat filed. Tomann position - if he had to purchase ($32,500 to $65,000) the property, he felt they could landscape and 1 • IDC Agenda - 11/5/02 construct a pathway around the pond for employee use; otherwise, the city can purchase the property from UMC. Check on storm fee credits. 2. Installation of fire hydrant along Chelsea Road. Surprise to UMC. Two fire hydrant will be installed on site. What is the purpose of the Chelsea Road hydrant and why is it the obligation of the buyer (business) and not the seller? 3. The building size has grown from 60,000 to 64,000 sq ft plus a 8,000 sq ft mezzanine. With the growth of the building size, will the estimated market value increase to allow for additional TIF assistance? Building plans at County Assessor to calculate estimated market value of building. g) October 23, met with Mike Hammer and Chuck Van Heel relative to proposed East 7 Street project and Fallon Avenue building. Discussed 1. Proposed County Road ] 8 interchange. 2. Use of TIF for East 7 Street project -Suggested meeting with Mark Ruff relative to potential use of TIF. 3. Discussed Fallon Avenue TIF Contract. Can they buy down TIF debt or amend restrictive use clause. Both are options, suggested to approach the HRA for authorization. 4. Reduced price on Fallon Avenue building. 5. Marketing tool: Trunk fees paid unless wet industry. 6. East 7 Street assessments. Public hearing October 28 at Council and referred to Rick. 2 • BRE VISIT • SCHEDULE AND WRITTEN SUMMARY FORM IDC MEMBER INDUSTRY Name _Dan Olson/Ollie Koropchak Name Bondhus Corporation Phone FAX E-Mail Mailing Address FAX • Date of Visit October 30, 2002 Summary of Visit: Primary Contact John Bondhus. President Phone 763-295-2162 E-Mail ~~~~w.bondhus.com Location 1400 East Broadway Monticello, MN Time of Visit 2:00 p.m. Agreed to a two-way linkage to the City website. The Bondhus Corporation bean about 35 years ago and currently employs 88 people. John noted he was a charter member of the IDC who assisted in the preparation of the data necessary for Star City designation. 3. Taxes and an available labor pool are important to a small business owner. Suggested marketing to attract commuters: At least $2,000 per year spend per commuter. John had requested a copy of local tax rates. Presented a copy of the analysis of 2002 property tax data from the League of Minnesota Cities. 4. Felt the Power Plant hurt the City of Monticello. Things came to easy. Bondhus Corporation looking to perhaps se out in the future (beyond five years). Looking elsewhere beyond the city and township limits. Feels the city staff and engineer consultant run the city. (Projects driven by the engineer consultant.) Feels the city constructs infrastructure and assesses the abutting property owner prior to its need. 6. Felt the break-even point for city revenue and expenditure (services) for a home requires $300,000 market value. 7. Suggested the local post office be customer sensitive. Does not deliver mail with street address only or without PO Box. 8. Asked about when the dirt in the area of Bondhus and school would be moved as promised where the water/sewer line was installed? 9. Suggested the following types of businesses be added to the Local Industrial Supplier list: Wes Olson Electric under commercial electrical, travel agencies, insurance agencies, and computer services. 10. Appreciated the visit and information provided. 11. Meeting concluded at 3:25 p.m. r'1 ~~ • BRE visit Schedule and written summary form IDC member: Dan Olson & Ollie Koropchak INDUSTRY: Bondhus Corporation John Bondhus, President 1400 East Broadway Monticello, MN 55362 PH: 763-295-2162 DATE OF VISIT: October 30, 2002 @ 2:00 pm NOTES: • Discussed purpose of IDC and purpose of our visit: to retain Industrial Business and pursue more industrial land ^ John seemed understanding of the role of the IDC and was very supportive of our efforts. He supports the idea of strong industry complimenting a strong city. ^ Agreed to being linked with the city web site ^ John discussed the surrounding land from his business possibly being sold. ^ Although it is 5 + years out, the possibility is still there to expand or relocate. • I sensed that cost is not John's greatest concern however the concern is still present. • John did share past and ongoing frustrations, which I interpreted as lack of communication: add-ons, last minute changes and demands that just did not seem sensible. "It's hard to even think about expanding because you really can't get a final cost figure". John seems to have many examples supporting his frustrations and concerns. ^ John had concerns of higher taxes for him vs. surrounding community. • Ollie had information showing his concern is accurate although he seemed pleasantly surprised that the difference was less than he anticipated. Ollie did a great job of reminding John of the benefits that come with tax money. ^ INTERESTING FACT: many employees travel west from the metro area homes to work at Bondhus. ^ COMMUNITY SERVICE CONCERN: having trouble with mail address to the business name, not PO Box, being returned to sender • BY: IDC member Dan Olson J . ~ C C C _~ Q Q c C U _N a C (0 L N N N . ~ N _d L N C O H O O U C O (~ O ~ ~. 'O N _ O C .U ~~ (0 ~ ~ M O - O 0~..~~ C ~ O ~ U ~ to C U (? O U~~ N ~ C C Cam' ~ C'- (B O C ~ O ~~ ~~~ ~ N ~ 0 3 o c ~ c o n. ~ o O a .~ o cNa U .~ ~ cu a~ o O N f0 . U O (0 N - U Q. Q ~ C E .C ~ N ~ L ~ N N w ~ ~ >` N C~ C . O N iv io 3 °' .3 Loco a~i ~ ~ ~O 3 ~ ~ N O O ~ NN p0 O V ~ (O U C O O O ~- O ~- ' ~. N . Q. L L ~ ~ ~47 00 Q _ N N f0 .r O L In N '~ N U to (0 (0 O U O ~NN~'-ON to M L L O~ 'a Q >..~ ~ ~ ` O C O - C N (0 x -~.C ~C In N~ C }. C (d ~ _ 'a ~ L Q ~ N U 0 O ~~ C O LL ~ U 00 E U L ,_. U Y C ~ NO N C O(9C(00~~ O U O f4 ~ ~ C C 4- ~- ac >LF- n- Y U C ~~ ), U ~ N Q N~~ p }, i N N OQ CO L IO Y f0 -J ~O N ~ ~ ` ~ ~ (0 ~ O ~ YL Q~ ~ N ~ O ~ CO ~ V O C fD ~ - - ~ N C C ~- p U ~ O L C (0 >~ > = ~ ~ C N ~- ~ (B U C C to ~~ ~ (D O N N O ~~ ~ O O Y ~ m ~'~ ~ °,u~°, ~m.~ a~3yo 0 c ~ • ~ ~ ,•_; o O~ 0 0 Q cn v>=0~~ ~ O ~ O ~ LL d fn O I" 7 fn J (~ ~ N M V t,(7 CO f~ ~ ~' N ~ U CO C v~aio C (n O ~ L a ~ N Y O~ N O~ N U 'C "O Q C_ ~ C (6 ~ ~ ~~ J J N c c N ~~ C L_J IDC AGENDA TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2002 7:00 a.m. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OFFICE Broadway & Pine Street (Trunk Highway 25) • IDC Minutes - =1/19/01 the I-94 property for commercial use. The MOAA and the City agreed on the land use as industrial. WBS, Inc. previously indicated the 27 acres along I-94 and abutting West Chelsea Road could be served by gravity tlow. Bottom-line the negotiations are further apart. The IDC asked "What's next?" Options: 1. Gold Nugget parcel. MOAA and City need to resolve land use differences. 2. Bohano^ parcel -Infrastructure more difficult and land use difference. Asking the Mayor, if the City was ready for industrial development? f fe responded, "Not at this time, not until a change of mind of Council." Smith recalled the differences between the City and Township during the NSP annexation in 1973-1974 when Mayor Con Johnson and Franklin Denn had one-on-one discussions which resulted in an agreement between the city and township. The Mayor reported he and Denn have met several times and agree, the Council is not in agreement. O'Neill again mentioned the Planning Commission on several occasions have been asked to address a land use change on the Gold Nugget property but have responded "no." As an outsider, Shelly Johnson suggested the need to talk to each Council and Planning Commission member about the impact of industrial development to the community. Smith sees the issue as more complex today than previously. Chair Van Allen suggested a subcommittee of MOAA, township, and Council to brain storm for development of a working agreement. O'Neill stressed the importance of including the Planning Commission. Suggestions included a subcommittee consisting of Planning (Dick Frie), Township, Council (Bruce Thielen), County (Pat Sawatzke), and IDC (Mike Benedetto and Dick Van Allen). The IDC summarized the discussion: 1. For the IDC to proceed with the recruitment of a township representative as a member of the IDC. 2. For the Mayor to continue addressing Council members on the importance of industrial development and the need to resolve land use issues. 3. Chair Van Allen and Benedetto to meet to discuss strategies for the potential formation of a subcommittee to address the need for cooperative land use decisions and its impact to the community (meaning city, township, schools, hospitals, county, businesses and residents). Approve the recommendation of the Membership Subcommittee. Smith reported on the membership subcommittee meeting held between Lindquist, Van Allen, Smith, and Koropchak. The subcommittee agreed and recommends the IDC accept the leave of absence request of Bob Mosford with a review at annual appointments. Each member was to contact an individual identified by profession for interest in IDC membership. Van Allen reported Hospital Administrator Barb Schwientek said "yes" and Lindquist reported Dan Olson, local insurance agent said "yes". Koropchak reported Darrin Lahr was over-committed at this time; however, will help out via the HRA/EDA and suggested the name of Ellen Perrault, Communications Coordinator, Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant, as the local utility representative. Smith reported on positive conversation on the recruitment of a township representative and will report more next month. Don Smith made a motion to accept the names of Barb Schwientek, Dan Olson, and Ellen Perrault as IDC members, to accept the leave of absence request from Bob Mosford with review year-end, and to accept moving forward on the recruitment of a township representative. Motion was seconded by Bill Tapper and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. TOUR OF TWIN CI"TY DIE CASTINGS. • 2 • VOTING MEMBERS TERM December 2002 December 2003 December 2004 Standin~~ Member NON-VOTING MEMBERS City Council Liaison Executive Director Support Staff IDC MEMBERSHIP 2002 MEMBERS Bill Tapper Mike Benedetto Kevin Doty Mary Barger Dick Van Allen Dan Olson Barb Schwientek Tom Lindquist Tom Ollig Don Roberts OCCUPATION Industrial, Manufacturer Service, CPA Education Service, Utility Service, Lender Industrial, Manufacturer Industrial, Manufacturer Service, Insurance Health Care Service, Lender Service, Utility Industrial, Manufacturer Service, Publisher Susie Wojchouski Roger Belsaas Ollie Koropchak Rick Wolfsteller Jeff O'Neill I'red Patch John Simola Chamber President Mayor •