IDC Agenda 11-15-2001AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, November 15, 2001 - 7:00 a.m. 505 Walnut Street -Academy Room MEMBERS: Chair Dick ~ Ilen, Vice Chair Tom L~itfdquist, Do nit , evii~, Biller, Toy~Olli obe ~ e Benede ar ar ~sie.Wo~chous ~, Barb Sc~ntek, Eller rrault, a~rd-i~ai" i~Tsoilr Tab ~:~t'S~oS d~ COUNCIL: Mayor Ro Belsaas. STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, John Simola, Fred Patch, and llie Koropchak. IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota. 7:00 a.m. 1. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.) 7:02 2. Vote to approve the October l8, 2001 IDC minutes. 7:05 3. Information: A. Marketing -Smith B. Mayor's Report -Belsaas C. Economic Development Report -Koropchak D. Long-Term, Cooperative Land Use * Progress report on the Gold Nugget Land Use and Comprehensive Plan Update/Amendment -O'Neill. 7:30 4. Present the changes to the Business Retention and Expansion Visit Program as suggested by the subcommittee. A) Revised BRE Visit Outline. B) Trial starting date. 7:50 5. Continued -Address the concern raised about the difficulty to receive local service for drug testing of newly hired employees. 8:05 6. Other business. 8:15 7. Adjournment. r LJ 10. Consideration of Executive Director's Report. Council Agenda - 11/13/01 a) Grassl property - As you recall Bill Grassl appeared before the HRA in October. However, with a lack of quorum no action was taken relative to the commissioner's interest to purchase the West Broadway parcel Mr. Grassl indicated he had an interested buyer. I contacted Mr. Grassl to see if he again wanted to appear before the HRA in November. He was not interested and said he may develop the lot. b) Amoco site - I talked with Brad Johnson on November 7 and he informed all was going well, costs are in-line, lease to be signed with restaurant this week ar next, and scheduled meeting with property owners for agreement on parking development. Was very positive and thought the building would be demolished prior to the March 31, 2001 deadline. c) Right Choice -Having not heard a response from the owner, Emmet Hanratty, I contacted LandCor, Inc., Chad Weeks, on November 5 for an update and data to assist with marketing the 63,000 sq ft building, 4 acres. Asking price about $3.4 million. Offers encouraged. The company leases 33,000 sq ft in Maple Grove and its headquarters occupy the first-floor of a office building in Osseo. Very few employees remain at the Monticello facility. Landcor has had one inquiry. d) H-Window -Company from Plymouth still interested in the building. Taking a wait and see approach. Can utilize 30,000 sq ft of the total 62,000 sq ft. Looking for other tenants. Inquired as to DSL providers in Monticello. Secondly, I will be following up with the company from Hamel the first of the year as their decision to re-locate is subject to the willingness of the existing community to provide necessary infrastructure. e) Fay-Mar building - No update from Ron Musick. t) The EDMA and IRTI buildings are under construction in the industrial park. g) BRE update: Wiha Tools is expanding by 16,000 sq ft. Xcel Energy Service facility along Dundas Road is expanding by 5,800 sq ft. Another manufacturing company has taken a wait and see approach to expand. h) Fulfillment Systems. Inc. (FSI) -Jack Peach is building a 62,000 sq ft warehouse and processing center in Dassel. In conversation with Mr. Peach, he advised me he would not expand in Wright County or Monticello again due to regulations. Dassel is in Meeker County. He also informed me that when they out-grow their headquarter facility in Monticello, they will leave Monticello. i) Red Wing Foods - I talked with Gene Chase this week, they are leasing the facility vacated by FSI in Big Lake for assembling their gift baskets for Byerly's, etc. If the City and Mr. Peach can come to an agreement, Red Wing Foods is interested in purchasing the building. 1) In conversation with the businesses in the industrial park, the economic down-slide is being felt by most businesses causing reduction of production hours and some lay-offs. h) 200,000-250,000 sq ft building, 40 to 50 acres -Looking for location between St. Cloud and Twin Cities. Manufacturer/wholesaler. 150 jobs at average wages of $11 per • Council Agenda - 11/13/01 hour within 2 years. 250 additional jobs three to five years. October 22 lead from Wright County. i) Four-year knock-down rule - I did meet with County Auditor Doug Gruber and Denise to submit documentation (evidence of activity) within TIF District No. 1-22. The parcels with qualifying activity will continue to collect tax increment revenues. The four-year knock-down rule is effective for taxes payable 2003. j) Scattered Housing Project - In the most recent conversation with Shari Harris, CMHP, she has vv~-itten letters to the four property owners informing them of the plans and inquired as to their interest to sale. She had heard from one property owner who was very interested. The fifth parcel is raw land and owned by the City. k) Paul Ammerman, Xcel Energy -Met with Paul on November 6 and we toured Monticello and had lunch. Paul is in the Economic Development Department at 414 Nicollet Mall. I) Marketing Brochure - In print. Anticipate $4,000 from Xcel Energy as partner in marketing Monticello for industrial development. m) Chamber Business Expo -Marketing Committee has booth. Will display products manufactured in Monticello. About 10-12 industries participating. November l I . n) Attended Minnesota Economic Development Conference Oct 25 and 26. Very good conference, great speakers. An entertaining speaker was Glenn Dorfman, Minnesota Realtors Association, topic "Does everyone have to be a homeowner?" May be a candidate for Industrial Banquet program. He is a lobbyist. Programs center around workforce development, technology, affordable housing, and finance. o) The City of Monticello is in the process of developing and managing their own web site. The Economic link will market the city of Monticello for industrial development. Staff s e-mail addresses will be changing. p) The Monticello Housing Study prepared by the Central Minnesota Housing Partnership is complete and be distributed very soon. It is my intent to invite Lisa and Shari to Monticello for a presentation. The information should be of value to the council, planning commission, and HRA. q) O'Connor property - "I'he HRA gained possession of this property of October 25, 2001. All utilities are to be capped and removed by November 9 and the HRA will award demolition and cleanup of the entire area at the HRA meeting of November 14. Completion of the demolition/cleanup work by no later than December 7. Site preparation estimates are being gathered for continued discussion with Hans Hagen. The five appointed commissioners are scheduled to meet December 20 and 21 to hold hearings concerning the value of the property. This will take place at the City Hall. r) Mike Cyr is requesting $104,950 of upfront TIF assistance from the HRA. The HRA and Council approved the preliminary concept for establishment of a Housing District based a concept plan of 30 units at a selling price of $169,900. Due to the re-design of the project as recommended by the city planner consultant, the project was reduced to 26 units. The proforma received showed 26 units at a selling price of $151,000 and included 2 Council Agenda - 11/l3/O1 the TIF assistance and no costs for the vacated public streets. This is on the HRA agenda of November 14. One question: Why the reduction is selling price from $169,900 to $151,000? s) The HRA will also hear a presentation by Jim McComb, McComb Group, LLC on November 14. The Chamber endorsed the Commercial Market Analysis and Development Potential Evahiation. The request to the HRA is for endorsement and financial support of the analysis. • • IDC/CITY OF MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL BUSINESS RETENTION AND EXPANSION PROGRAM ADMINISTERED BY DIRECTOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 2001 Purpose Retain industrial business. Plan Members of the Monticello Industrial Development Committee (IDC) working in cooperation with the Director of Economic Development will meet with the industrial business leaders of Monticello. The meeting known as Business Retention and Expansion Visits must instill a sense of value to the business. As a public relations visit, it is an opportunity for an exchange of information between the industrial business and the community. The business will be briefed on current community activities, be provided a package of resource information, and be asked to suggest ways the community and the city can better serve the needs of their business and employees. The goal is to visit at least two industries per month. The suggested length of time for visit is approximately one-half hour. Information gathered will be reported at the following monthly IDC meeting and forwarded to the City Council. Role of IDC member Each IDC member will visit two industrial businesses annually. IDC members may request to visit an industrial business of their choice or the Economic Development Director will match IDC members and businesses. Meeting date and time will be arranged through the Economic Development Director. The representative must be a good listener, positive, as well as ask good questions. The representative is expected to give a report of its visit at the following IDC meeting and complete a written summary for submission to the City Council. Supplements A. BRE Visit Schedule and Written Summary Form. B. BRE Visit Outline. C. Monticello Industrial Business List • IDC/CITY OF MONTICELLO BUSINESS RETENTION/EXPANSION VISIT 2001/2002 Industry Name and Contact IDC Member/Visitors Date of Visit `~~ v _~ L~`r" PURPOSE RETAIN INDUSTRIAL BUSINESS. A. Introductions. B. BRE Visit: 1. Lobby on behalf of industry retention and development. a) The IDC will lobby community leaders on behalf of industry. b) How could the community better service your business? c) Do you have any concerns/answers? 2. Information of current development activities within the City. a) Update of projects by Economic Development Director. (Are there any questions?) 3. Provide a packet of information which includes: a) List of services available through the City. b) List of financial resources available through the City, County, Region, and State. ~~~~.~~ ~ c) List of training resources. ~ ~, - ~~ d) List of networking connections. ~~ ;,9~ ~ yr-~"'"' 4. Promote business and industry. a) Does your company plan to expand in the near future? b) How can we be of assistance? c) What companies or types of businesses support your business? d) Do you know of business friends or associates looking to relocate? If so, please obtain name, contact person, and phone number. C. Conclusion. • L` AME Ready Mix John Dietz -Elk River 441-2800 Cty Rd 75 and 18 Aroplax Corpoi°ation Paul & Steve Schoen 200 Chelsea Road 295-5002 B & B Metal Stamping, Inc. Allen Walter 208 Dundas Road 295-6300 Bondhus Corporation John Bondhus 1349 Hart Blvd 295-2162 C.H. Holt Co. Inc. Craig Holt 208 Dundas Road 295-0760 Clow Stamping Company Rick Clow 2l 8 Chelsea Road 295-5050 Custom Canopy, Inc. Stephen Birkland, Jr. 219 Dundas Road 295-0060 Double Bull Archery Brooks Johnson/Keith Beam 1401 Fallon Avenue • 295-3664 INDUSTRIAL BUSINESS LIST FOR 2002 BRE VISITS Electro Industries, Inc. Bill & Merrlyn Seefeldt 2150 West River Street 295-4138 Fulfillment Systems, Inc. Jack Peach 406 East 7 Street 295-2929 Genereux Fine Wood ProdLicts/ Westl~md Distributing Bill & Barb Tapper 212 Chelsea Road 295-4222 Lake Tool, Inc. Eric & Carl Bondhus 1347 Dundas Circle 295-6655 Lintex Corporation Jamey Merkel 1463 Fallon Avenue 295-3338 Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Jeff Forbes/Bob Grabinski/Ellen Perrault 2807 West Broadway 295-1282 Polycast Specialities, Inc. Roy & Todd Schutz 112 Dundas Road 271-6600 Rainbow Enterprises Bill Harris & Keith Dillinger 108 Chelsea Road 295-1100 Remmele Engineering Kent Paul & Matt Boenish 213 Chelsea Road 295-0139 Standard Iron & Wire Works, Inc. Rich, Bill & Joe Demeules 207 Dundas Road 295-8728 Suburban Manufacturing, Inc. Brad & Mary Barger 301 Chelsea Road 295-5635 Sunny Fresh Foods, Inc. Mike Luker & Joe Campbell 206 West 4`" Street 271-5600 Tire Service Equipment Mfg. Company Ray Schmidt 201 Chelsea Road 295-4650 Twin City Die Castings Company Doug & Steve Harmon 6S 1-645-3611 Patty Haiby 271-5060 520 Chelsea Road Vector Tool & Mfg. Inc. James Harwood & Brad Barger 206 Dundas Road 295-0909 EDMA Company Pat Jensen 1335 Dundas Circle 952-942-8043 Integrated Recycling Teclulologies, Inc~j Steve Budd 9696 Fallon Avenue NE ~~~ • 428-1954 h~