IDC RecordsGOALS LISTED ON SURVEY ,~, b ~ r;•..- I~v tOL1rS J± at lG'-a;~t titre e liidu:~tr ieS ~ct'iu .l ..-IT'121Ti~F ~ ~ ."'y _ Indaxst~ 1.E'..~z . iilviteCa tC Tini~+ Ti'icJctiii'"' tC talk abC-l:at tii~.i'L~viii. ~Xi" ~ ~~~~~' tyi~iv~". fvl '_ y ~ - the yearsl. r.~ . ~7a'y'~3E' 1Xl~llte eiii +ting 12^idU.Btr 1C'S t0 ca ~7k23 CC31'[i}Il.~,t~E~d'~' : dii~S"'.~1~i1g c~ii2Li•=. _ Vve ~ ii bC atiiJie tC ViSIt a5 a grCap Ver~Ll~ -Ci3>€-Cn" Crime ~-- fOr'--better w response . •~~ ~ _ - ~. ~portsora,~ progra7« that brirFgs local ind_t~°~ heads to~et'r ~n ~4` reg;llur IJa:J1J tG dl::Jl.ti:7J ISSLica Cf CCi~iI11Ci,T; i2•'i~~i.~:~.~t~.. ..- Fetter struct~.re and interest to t:ie BPE `$y e~:~:fa;~t-. i••iCrc+ iietWCri~.irig CppCrt~llriltlE-'S fOr ii1dLl.:atr~iG'~.`ie'' - .. - - .fix More aggressive interaction with local industry tc devel:Q~` ~•~~dbu r - iTlc^-CriaTii:3i~i tC alert if prCti.lc:ii~ eiiiatS. - 6+TORI~SHOP RESULTS ~ - . ,.* , . _ ,• ~IT'~prOV@ 1ndLlStrlal cc^nvlrGn3T'iGnt tvOI1llTiltlT'i~ri~ O~ MorS'`~~~G.IiCS tG. ~.. ~i - iiiai_1:3t.:'i~~l dcVeiC~.~ _ ~ .;~c;~ Ti21t_'iatC' ~''reSidcrit ~ S vlLlb and COritli2L1E-' ~i~i~'' V1Slt vCTis idc~r lCrvF.'r irig pr ICe Cf~'.+araC.jL.i"et t1Ci~et . ~3<35 MARKETING SUBOOMMITTEE P•",BA",BE°S: E~.evi;~ Doty, Bill Tapp`r , .:i„~ ~"lamiry, and Dan Smit;~. GOALS LISTED ON SURVEY Jpd~..te marketing ,~,aterials used in cur promotional efforts. sriii attraCtlJe up-tG+"-Cwate brOCil7,IrC. Finalize an:l deliver finished marketing materials to prospective busir~~ss . Establish;nF=nt cf an integrated marketing strategy for bot i.i-state and ail t'"State ii~ui'kCtlilg in Cvn~ilraCtivii `vvltii iOCai Chainbcr of Commerce. ~~ , £ Big Opportunities" Ir~e~.perlsive update cf Litt~c 64cuntain o~ brcCiiG.i"c'. `vvitii iraSi~r tS Iri back. 6dOP.KSHOP RESULTS 1`IJV IAA cll 1.Lpd~.it111g V! 1V 1r1:JGr t •J I.d.C C~JS cf Prospect Team. • 1395 EDOCATION SUBCONII~dITTEE P9EMB~RS: Ran Hoglund, Shelley Johnson, Harvey :er~dall, Merrlyr~ Seefeldt, and Steve Lemme, GOALS LISTED ON SQRVEY Establish Student work. stations for Sc7me Of the SC~lOOl StuCieritS. Connect-4 students frame the high school on tours of Monticello industries. Afore firm connection with a technical college for supply of trained employees. A network between industry and schools. Also, vo---tech program to produce the skilled vaorkers required by industry. ~ti'ould like to see this committee develop guidelines that could be distributed to the ir~dustrios as to the availability and conditions of employment for student interns or work/study program. WORKSHOP RESQLTS Encourage an Industrial Development Schlorship. • IDC develop a linkage between the school ar~d industrial busirLesses. Encourage and be examples of good work ethics, committment, and attitude. 1995 PROSPECT TEAM • Joriia Mcvay Shelley Johnson Arva Grimsma P.an Haglund Bill Tapper ~;evira Doty Jim Flemiraa Ban S;nith GOAL LISTED ON SURVEY 254J-~+v1Qr 267-1C2i ~CQr ~ ~ ciiad 295-3248 295-5184 295-291E 29~5-3755 295--4222 295-2952 295-8234 arad 235-.3889 295-3131 Attract t4+~a job producing industries. • • C~ 1995 BRE NETWORKING APPOINTMENTS IDC MEM3ER IMNDUSTtI, REPOP.T SCHEDULE 1. John McVay 2. ~:evin Doti, 3. P.on Hoglund 4. Sheldon .Johnson 5, Arve Grimsmo 6. Tom Lindquist 7. M`rrlyn Seefeldt H-~~7ir~dow Campar~y September Steve Lemme, 235--53C5. Narth~rn Stags Power, July 4ti?illiam tBill) Hill, 235-1CC6 Bab Grabinski, 235-1207 Micra-Tech, Inc. September Larry Andersen, 235-B°89 Polycast Specialties, Inc. December P.oy & Todd Scr~ulz, 271-66CC SMA Elevator Construction ~davember Arlan. Wills, 235-436? James Manufacturing, Inc. August ''='F-'246 Joi^~n James, ~~~ Dahlheimer Distribution December Greg Dahlheimer, 235-3?47 Standard Iron & Wire Works May °usty Dem~ules, 235-87CC Suburban Manufacturing, Inc. November Brad ~ Mary Barger, 295-5635 Bondhus Company June Jahn BondhuslDick Var. Allen. 295-2162 Lake Taal, Eric Bor~dhus, August 295-6655 Automatic Garage Daor & December Fireplace Greg Tabiaa, 295-4343 F~ngerhut Ccrparaticn Jan°uar•y Dan Jack.san, 295--2929 `96 Electro Industries Cctcber Bill & Merrlyn Seefeldt, 295-413° on Linter Corparati Cctcber pp '~ Jamey Merkel, 2J5-JUJV 8. Bill Tapper Becorativ~ Services, Inc. May Jerry Andr•~~sk_c, 295-2133 Tire Service Equipment Mfg. June Ray Schmidt, 295-4650 ~: , Bon S;r,ith Re;nmele Engineering Ncvember Jce 1 Abrarlam; Jce 1 Laval Z e , 295-5353 Cerlereux Fide tn'ood Products P9arcrl Bill arld Barb Tapper, 295-4222 1C. f;erl Maus Fay-Mar Metal Fabricatcr:s September 2 6 4 ch, 786-? Ron Man i 7' w , ~ v~ Fulfllllrlent Synte;rLn, I11~+, /~ P'+ay Jack. Peach/Ray Lilke, 295-2929 11. Jay Morrell M & P Transport, Inc. March Jay C9crrell, 295-3122 Sunny Fresh Foods, Inc. February Jae Campbell !Jerry Rose, '96 295-5666 12. Harvey Kendall C~stc;rl Carlcpy, Irlc. October Steven Birkeland, Jr. 295-Q473 Araplax Corporation July Jerry Schcen, 295--5CC2 1^. Steve Le;nme H-Wir~dova Company Septe;rLber Stev4 Le.l;me , 295-53C5 P.ainbov~ Enterprises , Inc . August Andy Arldernon, 295- 11CC 14. Jim Fleming Hoglund Transportation JunE ~ordcn and Jeanine Hoglund, 295-3604 Bridge .ti'ater Telephone January Tam Cllig, 295-2974 '96 15. Tom Perrault D & D Bas Service January Carlson, 295-4375 '96 AME Croup July _ L'1Gk. Mart].e, 295-5172 1 V • VlAl~: 1V rd1~. ~lla~ ]low Stasn~ing ('~ L\l~i~ V loMY, G /~ ~VJV Hoglund Bus, L~Iayne Hoglund, 2~5-~11~ FFbGi ~.ar Z' l.' Bchruary '~F • ERE NETWOP.K APPOI~ITMEPITS • • MARCH Don -- Genereux Fine flood Products Jay - M ~ P Transport , Ir~c . APRIL ALL - 8RE BREAKFAST MAY Shelley -- Standard Iron ~ G~'ire G~'crks, Irlc. Bi11 - Decorative Services, Inc. Ken - Fulfillment Systems, Irzc. JUNE Bill - Tire Service Equipment "",fg. Jim - Haglund Transportation Arve - Eondh~u.~ Cerparaticr. JULY John -- NSP Harvey - Aroplax Carpcratior~ Tom - AME Group AUGUST Rare - Jcr~~s P9fg Co;npany Arve - Lake Tool Steve - Rainbova Enterprise SEPTER;EEP~ e - H-6~'indow Company John; Stev ~~`` 11~..vln 1,11cro ~Tec~1, Irl~... Ken - Fay-Mar Fabricators, Inc. OCTOBEP. Merrlyr, - Electrc Industries Mcrrlyn - Lintex Corporation Harvey - Custo;r~ Canopy, Inc. NO~,'ER"EER Dori -- Remmele Engineering, Ir~c. Ron -- SMA Elevator Construction Shelley - Suburban Manufacturing, Ir~c. DECEMBER Kev Ran Tom JANUAP.Y 'DS Tom Jim Tom ir. -- Polycast Specialties, Inc. -- Dahlheimer Distribution L. - Ar~tamutic Garage Dcer ~ Fireplace L. - Fingerhut Corporation - Bridges Water Telephone P. - D ~ D Eus Service FEBP.UARY '~v Ollie - Hcglur~d Bus Jay -- Sunray Fresh Foods, Inc . Ollie - Cloud Sta;npirg • IDC EXECUTIVE ;SUBCOMMITTEE SUMMAF.Y ~r.edr~esday , May 31 , 19 ~ ~ - 8 : OO a . m . City Hall C9E1`~;LERS PRESEP7T: .7ohr. McVay, Kevin Joty, P.cr~ Hcglur~d, and Ollie F:oropcY~ak . IBC Membership - Names considered: Bob Mosford Tern Ollig Charlie Ffeffe.Y' Terry Barrett Erad Eecker 4v'ould like to have additional industrial businesses represented: fioropCl^iak tc check with Bcndhus acid Uunny Fresh. IDC Organisation Structurz - Plc powF~r. Options: Non-profit organization, Development Corporation, combine IDC wit:i HP.A cr EDA. Consideration to purchase property for future industral park. Mo;:,` City lardoe~ners. Fuller property. Why does the IDC ,a~e~t' What about IDC Subcommittees? IDC Agenda - Mail 4 to 5 days prior to meeting. Prospect updates • and ERE reports last ors agenda. Agenda and meeting tc focus cry industrial lssues. S U 1~1fY1[HRCi • IDC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Tuesday, February lea, 1995 - 3:30 p.m. Gity Hall MEf9BERS TRLSENT 1. Cansideratc .~ahi1 ~4C;Jay _ Kevin Daty - Ran Hoglund uaiiil McVay, KGV:iti Daty, Ron Hoglund, arad Ollie Korapcliak . 3n a.f 1995 IDCvfficers. _ Ci~uix~person - Vi c~ C~-laix'person - Treasurer Agreed to be nominated far• fi:ial one-year ter•in. z. Consideration of IDC membership atte_idance. a} Steve Le;nme - Ollie write letter {aware of guideline, busy, intention, and appreciation}. McVay fallow-up. b} Mayor - OII write letter, sgxied by fYicJay. 3. Colisideratio~i of IDC membership term lengths. a} P.emind individuals whose terms expire in 1994. b) Retain one board vacancy. c) One Chamber r•epres~ntative. Ron talk to Cyndie, Cyr~die chair Legislative Committee, Ron talk to Bi11) d} Remove staff front membership; however, caxltiiiue to give agenda. 4. Consideration of 1395 Budget. a) Negotiate to pay City $2,000 and nat X14,000+ due for salary/benefits of 1394. b) Corporate danat_ions for BRE Breakfast. c} Reque=st information from speaker rec;~mmended by C~~arlio Herrmann. d} BP,E - President's Clab. (BRE Survey} f+1ax•ket -- visit carnparzies a:~d update market information. Infr•astr•ucture - Con:~ider disalutian. w15.~..~s~ h~ `^~e °~~-. Education - Through Catinert-Four and Bill Tapper write letter. ;JaY~zi Mc Jay} e} Legislative - Cyndie Johnsan, Ciiairperjon. February 22. lggu Mr. Steve Lemme The H---Window Company IS24 East aakcaaod Drive i,,a. Br,x eon L~lUilllL~'l1C.J , i~lrY CJJv~..G Dear fY1r . Lemme • Thy: Monticello Industrial Development Catntliittee (IDC is busy goaring up far• year 19D5. Last we:~i:, ti-!e iDC Executive Subcaiumittee diet and reviewed the organizational operation of the volunteer committee. First , file IDC Guideline for Length of Metn'raersilip Te`IIi reads: Members shall serve for• three year ti?rms or! a three-year rotating basis so that approximately one--third of the membership expires eacr! year . Individuals wishing to continue serving on the committee may so indicate prior to the expiration of their ter•In. Any meliibex° wishing to relirtquisiz hi.si'ileT' pa5itiari orz t:•~e IDC may do so by submitting .a letter of resignation. Ti-~os individuals completing a tizree year term in 199 are Kevin Doty, Stave Leming, S~-ieiley Joiizisciji, alid Jay Morrell. P~ext , the IDC Guideline for McTn'raership Attendance reads In order to maize a positivo contributicr! to ti-1: comtnitt~:e, each member is expected to attend at least ?` of -tile IYieetngs in any given yeaT'. A year is de.f.ined as begirlnitig oiz tree 1st of January atld ending the 31th of December . The Executive Subcommittee. recognizes the importance and tlme COmiY`iitine`ii-i. U1` 1TiarlaCJ,'lrlg u L,-'uCC.:C_'.SSfLil ~J~i.lSirle5t7. Secor~diy, they appreciate. and value your irLdustrial • Mi' Lem1t~I ~: February 22, 1995 Forge ~ business perceptioli lastly, they regaost aI"I encourag@IItUlit tD IDS. and input at IDS meetings. And you piea~e canside.r this letter as I'CCUI1S1dE?r your CUIIIIriittllleilt t0 t~IE:' It you should Like to discuss t~iis further or have any questions, please feel free to contact IDS Si1uiY'per'soli John :McVay or myself. The next scheduled IDC meeting is T~iursday, March 16, 1995. Sincerely, I:VDJSTRIAL DEVELOFME~vT SOMMiTTEE IP3 A1V'D FOR THE SIT4' OF f~~uNTiSELLO vl.te Kor•opchan, Executive Directc_:r• cc: File February 21, 1955 M~~yor Br•ud Fyle 2616 t~Teadocv vak %,arie Morit.icellu, tvltJ 55362 Dear hiayor• Fyle The Monticello incxustriai De.ti•eiapment Committee ! IDC j is d long-- timC standing volunteer camTr~ittee of the colnrnuriity whose interest ar~d work lies in the area of industrial business recruitment and industrial business retention and expansion. The IDC racagnizes w~~ are not a Iega1 entity of the City of Monticellc: however, we also recognize the impcrtance of a direct dialogue between the City Council and the IDC in order to meet our objectives. Li^'i'e`Jlall::ily, tI1F_-'. Titayar I"icas beer! the llrlk b~.'t'/1`'E'Tl tiiE. ~.'lty ~'iUi~.Y1C:11 grid tilt.' IDC ar~d has been a key person irl file success at the IDC . The illayor• plays an active role within ti-i~ IDC by attending mar:thly meetings and by participating at prospect or recruitment meetirlg:~. For Instance, file nleasage sent to file biasirless prospect, by file presence of the mayor, is worth a million words. A quick stc_;p by Clty hail t0 greet ar We1C:aTlte the 't~uSlnesS praS~3eCt uifli`liis tit efforts of the IDC and the pro--'rosiness climate of the callunur~ity. Tile' IDC rlteoto rloritiiiy orl the third Tiiuraday, 7: Cv a.lll. , at the city hall. TilE.' early ]ilE'E?tlr,.g t11Tie 1S to aCCOililltadate the busy work. schedule of a'ur Val"tlrlteeT' melr,bers. GeYlerally, the meetlrigs adlaLArri by 8:3C, a.ln., as valuriteers must Ieave and attend to their lii(aiVid~i.:i.i~I fill: CJTiC--g.-?Yi E:rcltiiC,J, b~lX:~lrie:~a UY' e1Tip1(~yiT1.',nt t~Cttirl C,~ Inirl~~ztcs cannot record the interac;tian of tiiE~ IDC discussions. Tii IDL. iUpeS tie lilaiTi3i' urld G'atAi1C111i1ClYlbci`S reCUgYllze file iril~3Ur`taYiC~ of our 1`oIe iIi tale development of the City of Mantic~:llo. 4CUri y, "vfE: ~iv'Y.3L-' you. will ~-C~ia~iUL.L' i3tli' l~E:.'gik::'Sl for your T3rE=~.r-.~.`YiCF at at~r' iTtUrlthly TIIE?elings arld at 'Ir7tA51S1eSS prc~speCt Triel:;tingS. ~ If tilde doss fiat allow far• yell to pu~~ti~pute r•egula;:°iy, vr~ c,~rtairlly P4ayc~r Fyle Fees°uaL~y 21, 195 pQ~e 2 ia.iizz tj T'S ~:aI1C1 A Siit,,"C,~..-irStlUFt ~J E?r~-Iaj.~S i`u' t0 CUiIS 1QeL' ua'i.7,IJOli1t.7. i1{,~ ci rtO til E'T` i.:Uitili.;l.~.fri~~.,fYi~iE~r iii ~7C3~t,i.L' ~ciC~.~li~J UT' ii:.i GLi ix~~.eY'Y'ic~t~:. I ~ yo~t wei~ld - - = - - ~~. ~t - p ~ iii ~ t0 IIIE:;~t ciiiCw L.~l`uC:ItSS lair sE. -iteSt sU.s s E:i i~a~F. Cui~ riiE= di. iiiy [341:.11ilE:c~cu Cl~~'~.:~J-"L~iFiZv Or` cit S1UfIlt; E:1Ja.~L~r~+. Tiiaiii~. you fo_r yo~IT° t irrte aricl su~~ur ~ . ~1T1CGYc1.y~ I~3FiU:.~TRIAL DEVELOFC~~1F.i3T Gvi~liY7iTTEE ITd A:3D FOR TRF CITY OF i~i0P3TICELLO John McVay , Chai r~rian JMi e~ ~ 1 LJ •