IDC Agenda 03-16-1995AGENDA • MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPPdENT COMA"ITTEE Thursday, A4arch 16, 1995 -- ?:00 a.m. Gity Hall MEMEERS: Chairperson Jahn McVay, Lice Chairperson Kevin Doty, Treasurer Ron Hoglur;d, Arve Grimsmo, Shelley Johnson, Don Smith, Jay Morrell, Kerr Maus, Harvey Kendall, Councilmember Tom Perrault, Tom Li:.dquist, Merr•lyn Seefeldt, Steve Lemme, Bill Tapper, and Jim Fleming. STAFF: Ollie Koropchak. 1 . CALL TO OP.DER . 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE NOVEMEER 17 AND DEGEMEER 15, 1094; AND THE FEBP.UAR1' 16, 1995, IDG MINUTES. 3. CO.7SIDERATIOAI TO HEAP. AND ACCEPT THE MONTHLY IDG FINANCIAL REPCRT. 4. CONSIDERATION OF PROSPECT UPDATES: a) 150,000 sq ft distribution cantor b) Quality Welding, Iric. c) Steinwall, Inc. d) 15,000 sq ft building to Lease e) Polaris Micro Tecrnologies, Ir~c. • f) Innovative Creations, Inc. BRE REPOP.TS a) Sunny Fresh Foods, Inc. b) H-Window Company c) Genereux Fine Wood Products, Iric. d) Tire Service A1fg Equipment Campany e) MAP Transport, Inc. f) Other {Remmale Engineering Plant 40, Big Lake) 5. GONSIDEP,ATION TO REVIEW THE IDC SUBCOMMITTEES AND EPE NETWCRF~ING APPOINTMENTS. 6. CONSIDERATION TO HOST THE BRE BREAKFAST. at Thursday, April 20, 1935 - 7:30 a.m. 7. CONSIDERATION OF A PP.OGRESS REPORT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE. (Enclosed) 8. OTHER BUSINESS: a) IDG Banquet Date - Gor~sideration of date, Tuesday, Octcbor 24, 1935. Suggestion for guest spear:er. b) Chamber meeting today at the American Legion and Haan. "Chamber Day at the Capitol", Mardi 22, 1935. Leave City Hall at E:15 a.m. • Car~tinuod • • c} HRA!City Council TIF Workshop!Meeting - Thursday, March 1C, 1995, 7:00 p.m., City Hall. dl The City Ccuncil appointed William (Bill} Demeules as a co;nmissioner of the EDA at the recammendaticn cf the EDA ccmtnissioners. e} Other. 9. ADJOUP.NMENT. • MINUTES PMONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, February 1C, 1DD5 - 7:C0 a.m. City Hall A"EMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Johr_ McVay, Vice C~~airpersorz Kcvi;~ Daty, Treasurer Ron Hoglund, Arve Grimsmc, Shelley Johnson, Don Smith. Jay Morrell, Ken Maus. Harvey Kendall, Tcm Lindquist, Merrlyr~ Seefeldt, Bill Tapper, Cyndie .Johnson, and Bill Endres. MEMBERS ABSENT: Mayer Brad Fyle, Steve Lemme, and Jim Fleming, STAFF PRESENT: Ollie Korcpchak. STAFF ABSENT: Rick Wolfsteller and Jeff O'Neill. GUEST: Dan Erie, rrJright--Sherburne Realty. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson McVay called the IDC meeting tc order at 7:05 a.m. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE DECEMBER 15. lOJ4 IDC MINUTES, • fiabled to March meeting. 3. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR AND ACCEPT THE MONTHL~~ IDC FINANCIAL, _. P.EPORT . Treasurer Hoglund reported a monthly balance of $3,334.08 at Metropolitan F~deral~First Ba..k and a monthly balance of ~8,2G3,3v at "Marquette Barak for a total balance of X12,148.34. All banquet receipts ar~d ~xp~nditures are accou:ated for. Harvey F~endall made a motion to accept the February IDC financial report. Secarded by Tcm Lindquist acid v.ith rro corrections or additions. the financial report was accepted and filed. 4. CONSIDEPATION TO REVIEtd FOR COMMENT A PP.ELIMINAR4' PROPOSAL FOF'~ DEVELOPMENT OF AN INDUSTRIAL' SITE AND A RESIDENTIAL SITE. Dan Frie of Wright-Sherburne Realty introduced a preliminary concept for industrial and re:~ider~tial development. In a partnership ;.vith Value Plus, the grcup has purchased approximately 145 acres which lies within the city ar~d township fcr potential development. Page 1 IDC MINUTES FEBP.UARL' 1E, 1995 The preliminary concep7~t ra~iichL, includes 40 acres west cf Marvin Road arld fie the nartli of tti^ i~etlarid pared Is g3rapasvd for developmcrlt of single homes and multi--residential or townhcmes. The property vaould need to be rozoned from °-3 to R-3, R-2, or R-1. The pond would serve as a natural buffer between the residerltial arld industrial zones. It is anticipated the residential property would develop in four years and vaould serve as a shot-term fix far the developers. The re;naining 105 acres is proposed for irldustrial development. Mr. Frie suggested the HRA/City purchase tree 1C5 acres to incorporate with the City-awned 68 acres for total cf 1?3 acres of developable industrial land. The 6Q acres, previously owned by Re;nmele Engineering, is in the township and to tree north of the K~ellberg :Jest Mobile nark. PAr. Frie saw the property desirable far irldustrial use because cf the direct aCCc^^-:is to i~lg~'1`vVa`y' 25r trLE' Cit~7 calreadJ awns ~~.2-«CreS, increases the City's control of industrial development, and iia:G file riGtooeritial to LAt11i2e the Jvctlarld far storm vv'ater i''Llii off. The GV-acres of wetland abutting Highway 25 and fia the south of}('~~th~ prepcs4d residerltial develapmerlt has a price tag o f y J J 5. V V C. • So;ne IDC ;ne;nbers saw the property as undesirable :far indi%.Str lal de`v'c lopment beCa't15e a gas-iiiie aiid fiL'JG paver- 11ri2:.~ CrCS~ tree property, the property abutts a mobile park. arld a gravel pit lies ire the r2crtrlwester~ly ~crrler. Cther.^> saw fine ~C--acres parcel as undesirable for residential develop;Went because a residerltial Carle iS lncom;~atlble `vyi tii a btd?111G ~s 7L,1~onef.)^ Vtl7J~er J,(~~~.tiestlOned ^ti1G•~7,,, OV.~->.t of dG VGlaplilg t1iG prVper t~. haYJeVC.~r ~ 11en ~'lalbs fl~1t 11~1~11A.1erg MYau1d ~u;np at t11G' a~Ipart~arllty of a shared cost for the sanitary sewer arld water. Dare Smitrl felt the ccrl:.eptual plan was OK and that it ;nerited taking a second leak. along with a study of the property to the west , Ire order to keep the ball rail ing, Arve ~ rims mo ;Wade a ;riatian stating file preil;nliiury concept looks favorable for irldustrial use arld encaurag`d the H:'.AlCity to pr:.,ceed with necessary engineer studies arld to incorporate the said area and the area tG trie i!v'e:it ire filie Ca;riprehc-rLUl Ve plan j.3.pdafic . Shelley Jorlnsorl seconded the motion and vaith no further dISC1:sSsiarl. the iiiatiarl pa.:aSc^d unanlmiausly. 5. CCPISIDERATICN TC ELECT 1995 IDC OFFICERS. Cyndle Jahr2son r2a,«lnated Jahrl Mi-vra'_J. Chalrpersan; Li'CV1r1 Doty, t r , n ti..~ n ., v, rs .. ,.. 71t ~ m ,.. ~ ~z n r., 7 r1 r Y1ue VL1tZl rpt.'r.~arl and 2\lJll 21V1~, 14wn~A ,. 11 ea::aKrGr. CL ~7 1_/..'~+ 1L/V i7fflCc:rS. The`cje afflCers ~Yould tii~^-.r~ CO1npiE'tE ti1G tillyd yc^car • sago: G ~~~ r^IriT~T~s FEBP,LTAF:~,' 1 ~ , 19 ~ 5 Of the iDC Cuideilne: ~ffiCerS terlri i2iagth nOt t0 etiCced three COn::acCLltiVe 'y'ears. DL/11 Sirilth made u LiLOtiOii to CcaSc racminatio3ns from the floar and t0 c^1GCt the nOlriiiacc~..S as `,rcti~u iltEd ~C.ae Cvildc:.d by Harvey Kendaii aisd ;n;i th ia0 t°v'_r thcr dlscusslan, the n'iOt10n passed una7ilmGLiSi'y'. L• =1iLl.,e.l ~ iiai:iuir 2d abaut tile"'-.-. ncc:d t0 rt:a villa ,iLCi/L ar S O talc IDC. "9elnbership calls far b^ct~Jeeia 1B -28 1rL21rLbers, the IDC currently has crla vacant slat of `vJilich trla Execl:Ltiv` Subcommittee elects to k:eea available. A list of irldividual:~ 1V1 143LU1L IILG IILNtil+'. 11 ~../ 1J Vn rG4Vr 11G11 1'1Q ~.~7 111 GL L4V CZ 1n l~llQn tV r~appairat the cur rent members Chaff rpEr SOil i~C way irlf Orined ilLCilLbe r:~ abut the LAG C•iiti Vc Subca,~LlrLittee revievaad the attendance of members and noted one individual b41ovJ Fv v. A iCttcr Of E..i1COLlrcagcmcilt to rc^-COilLinit to the IBC vJill be L~Lailed fallorJed by a personal visit. AdditlOilally; cL letter eiipiaiillilg the ilripartanCB C, .~ tiiu relationship betvJeen ti12 IDC caiid tri'c.-~ Cai~nCil Gild the Y'accd fOr 1`•'lta'y'Or ar CO'1.:LilCi imf mb%:r attcisdaiaCc at iDC LiLC Cting3 <_z ild Othci' fuiiCtlonS 'JJlii be lriallc`~,d t0 the ~haYGr ri''yie fOiiO'wJcd by a persarlal visit. • Ke:l taus alrLc-nded the original motion to reappoint 154 lnelnbers t0 1~~-1.r~i iDv LLCirii.i<'.~rSiiip vJlth the 2:~CcptlOis isOtcd ll"iY ts~1C EXC-.,%Llti'v'e .~.~'%e,1;7COirilnltte2. Tile aliLendcd n'iOtlan i/Jc^.LS SeCOtadcd iffy Ar vO yr linSlriO and 'vJl th n0 fl:ar Hier d1SCLiSaiOiar the iT'iOt i0i1 paSScC.L unanimously. 6 . CO~VSIDEP,ATI0~3 CF PP.CSnECT UPDATE a) E'a~r-"oar, Inc. -The bank and SBA firlarlcing closed and the praperty vJas conveyed to Peon Mv.sich last Thursday, irycbrilary n.-, They ar'it iClpatc GOnStrllCtiaia to i/cgin Of the: 14,CCC sq ft building on three acres within tiic^ week. Tile BPE :.,uL~iCO;ILmittC2 Wiii ;1~.ed to CanSider VJhetilGr tv bast a receptl On for l'a'y' ~iar and POi'y'CaSt aS ila groundbreaking rCCcpti0l^iS ~Jerc i'luid. bl quality :Welding, Irac. - This oompany and Ftogera i;C,i'1`."laratiail vJO~id CC +,.,,, + ~ n nr~n F+ ~ l + 11~J 111{Vl a 17.V V JG .lL 1aV111 Ly Siiniilar t0 Pal'y'CaSt .f.,tJc:CiazltlE'S Inc. ~iia ii'Qi.,riA.aT`y i~. the vity rcC.ei`v'C-'d a `.,llrChcLSc. aGr Ec'~.iltcn t fOr i./vt:a F ailfa E ; Oakwood Second Addition. for Council cansideratiarl. The C~±il"irl"icxialCS prO~ect t0 hl re i~ iacLJ ciriplOyccS ill additi0il to their c"iiic'-.+tll"ig cinplr,ymcrit Of lv. Tile iDC PraspeCt Teairi visited this calnpany last fall. The Offer is b4irlg pr eaC~ntcd t0 the Caunc i l an Febr l.iur y cn.'i c) 150,000 sg ft .~distributisn csnter - r~CVsy, Doty; C?~TJsill, a~arapchak, aild LVlally liir:~%.ht inct 'vJlth ~~lkc Awada, {.~CiCil • i'aCe u IDC C••",I~dTJTES FEBRU~R~' 1u, 1005 Companies and vary Krae;r~2r , pr 2.Sldc=rlt O i the: ailtOii~Ot ivc d lJtl lb`~t1Vrl Vccper atl VG Vrl l'1VrldGl~~ ~crl"irLl cart' 1•,~ls R~.pr2a2ntatives tcu.red t;ie three P~cntic211c sites mark~:ted: M2ntic2.lia Cc;rmerce Center. Lurldst2rl, and E;n;r~eric~~ x~rocerties. T~~;2 rel:,resentatives v~ere ;;post interested in the Ccmm2rc2 Center arld had rlc ~:r~1h12.;,~s vYith the 2~terior building design and u0`~ green space prcvisiorls r~ithirl the BC Zorle rear the 50`~ financial responsibility for corlstructiorl of a ber;rl alcrlg the herder cf the B., arld .lrls~itu~icnal vcrl2s. Truck ,. l.al.llc apy~roxi;nately 50 per vaeek. Employ-r~ent of 50. The ccmparly w~~.s impressed v~ith t.^,crlticellc; h~r.2v2:r, the: d2cisiorl vaill be based crl gecgraphic lccaticrl arld eccrlc;,lics. Cnontic~llc is the "rlly C•4irlr12sota 1c.^ati~;rl remainirlg, others are located irl ;,oath Dakota arld Ioe~a. ~ financial package I+VLis1st111g c.f a ;llcderate use- of TyR and the uMEF vYas presented tc the co;~lpany at the r2ccmm2rldaticrl cf the: Prospect T2a;1~. P~cd2rat2 u.se cf TIC' because cf non-marlufacturirlg jobs. The distribution C2rlt2r iti~ a Glean vpcrnti6in arld `v'dGUid lend diV2rsitl' ~vithirl the industrial park. d } Steirlctall , Ir1G . - Kar•cpchak repcrted treat P4ar~.r22r1 Steinwall contacted her to report the company purchased • caw Cn~ ++ b' k ti, • , ,a • ~ .~.. + v , C d a G t V sq A C 1 V4 VJU11U1r1g Vrt acr L.-] a L itv~i v 1 all Harlscn Blvd in Cccn Rapids. Maureen fcund "4onticellc an attractive Gcmma.rlity; hcv~2v2r, elected tc remain in the rlcrtheast ;,~etro area ire order to eliminate the pctential loss of rler skilled v.crk fcrG2. Maure2rl indicated her vv'i 111rlgn2ss tc assist Monticel lc with 2stabl isrling a youth cr adult t~Grlrlical apprenticeship prcgra~~~ betv.eerl tGchlilcal schools, local scrlcols, arld lndustrles. ,~ ~ L ~ ti nnn q ~+ z.z~• • l,a • g ±.. i 2 - orr_,pchak asked TDC 1~~, VVV :J l l N..L1 U1r1 _V ll:a:~ 1 me;nbers for na;rles of kcal builders interested ire the constructicn cf a 15,000 sq ft irldustr•ial building for lease. Chirlgcbee Builders and Pni112r Cerlstructiorl ;h;er2 suggested. ~n 2~ip2GtE'd rate-cf-r•eturrl i.? arlticipat2:d t,_, be 10 to 15 ~ , ;rlore to 15°~ . BRL pSrpVrtt~ al irlg2r~:ut Co F rporation - Tcm Lindquist repcrted that (((( r-~ ~lVtitl Gello G~1121~t1Vn L//per at1c11 fVr the .~Jt. Vlc/1.1.61 facilities e;r~ploys approxi;nately '.5 pecpl2 cf ..hich ~_ar<~ rl::t all local pecpl2. Tr12 Mcrltic211o facility hca.:a be<^n rurlnirlg tv.o shifts during the rlclidays. C1o plans fcr a P•",ontic211o exparlsicrl but the company plarl.s tc constru,^t a 2x0,000 sq ft facility in Ply;rlouth. The de~.isiorl tc i vG..a tc: lrl PiyiliC-G'.th i:~ tv aGGOir liivdat2 the Gvir'iparly r1~=c.d f~%i' L , high-t."Gli cmplcy;iicnt . Pcag2 s IDC rzl:~TuTEs ;± EEP.LTARY 1 F , 1 ~' 95 i,..~ DCia ~iiiiti_ :3~i.1~acStcC~i tiiCSc^ CiilStlia~ iiad"u'Str1FJ'S iOC'.~.lia~ t~~ c.iiNaiad In 1<'9~ tvG",iVC. an eiipaiasiCii L;~ldatc cat tiac iaerit IDC rr~eetin~. CCPdSIDERATI^Pd CF A!V UPDATE CN THE PP.CCESS FCR UPDATING THE CIT:' CCPMP3?EHErdSI ~'E PLA~1. S~'ith Mr. C~'P1ei11 unable to attend the IDC -reetiia~, IDC rne~rtbers rc Ce i`v'ed c~ C7C,~~Iy *TCf t~iic MviatiCC-~-11C - C(lv ill riruil e`~. ia.~1 Vim iniaia ~T~',e <^~tC caS prC:pared IJy 1V l~r tlal~3 ~.~'7t Aj J~41at2d vCnjultant.~~, ilal+. 8. CCNSIDERATICN Ci± A SUb4MAP.~' OF THE IDC Ba°.'AI"JSTOP,r4 ~'7CP.SHCr .L'iG3lla:: Iricrriber Vlcwed the ~3CrhaliC~. as a waste Cf tiicir time. Cthers felt it went fairly-Bell and the intent of tl^ae ~vcrl~shcp was aCCvmLp,11:3i22d 1raSpltE' Cf the pCCr faC7.11tat1Cn. 'era Cv'py .%f talc i%3Cr~.ahCp sumrrrary 63aS ylVein tC IDC r«eiTiberS. ~. CTHEP. BUSINESS. a) "Members were rer~~iiaded cf the Chamber r;~eetiia:~ today and of L, rr rL, ~ + h +.. 1 n l ¢ taae LI.pCCri~ln.,_:t vaaaiiiber Da'y' a~ taae Cali ~v~. SC%aediw'. ~.c .a Cr March 22. • b1 IDC me,rrbers •r3ere yiVeia a copy cf traE IDC Year--End Fiiaancial P.epcrts. Yearly baiak statements: IDC checkiiar dcpOSlts aiad disbursements, and the ir`iCnt~'ily fliaaia~;lai i'cpCrt ail CCiiaCide 44ith a Ctlrr'ibliaCd year-eiad baicaiaCc Cl fiCrcpchak. presented a pr^c-l1rT'iinarV t3VE.'rVle63 Cf twC CptiCiaS fcr a ICC~ IDC Pre^csed 5~ ~ t . ^~^ +; ^•^ +1 • ' ¢~,, , rl Bl.l 1. C+e vaaC Cp ~ _a vaa C1i t liacu .a u.a i pa'y'iTre nt tc the Clty of y14 , C38 . Sg fcr 1JJY salary and beiaefl t ~ ieaVln~ aii IDC year-eiad iae~atl'Jc %'lalaiaCc cf y:.~i~.n. Cl-~ The aeCCiad CptiCn Ci.7.ti lased a fCr..'~1'v'2 iicSS by file City frZr the i/~-~ Salary and beiiefitS 1caViia~ a alOSitlVe year-end balance of $12 , 62~ . CO. TY•ais potential ~reUatiVe balance OCC11rS beCa"t7.3e tt Ir.D .a • +.. ~ cZnn r' ty 1 2 C: Ll r 4 ~~ G 1 V e lA 1 l ~J 1 ~l .,,1 T ~.~ 1 Coiatributicia of yC,5CC iia early 1334; raoweVer, does not iiiSbZ'+.rac the i~34 Saiar`y' aiad bciaefitS i7.nti1 the ..1aial:aai'y of ter The neV3 arran~el.lGiat I.IetVYG en Clty aild tll~ IDI~ bet~~liaJ In 1335 acid eiirr'iliaateS the iDC'S reSpCiiSibiliity Cf :~aiar`y' aiad benefits. iiaStcad, taic City vV'iii CCiatrlbU.te nC dollars to the IDC aiad the IDC will ma%e ara a55ri:aual c:~iatributicn of y2 , CCC to the City. The Ll1e411t1 Ve .CiubCCri~~iii ttee IS tC iacyCtiatc wi th the Cit'y' AdmlialStratCr a par teal ijl ft~l1 fvr giVen2SS Cf the inns Saiary and bc^'_iaeflt. Da~~ F ia~i~~~JJi ili{i]~T~ i~~.` TL'S lilJpiT,(Tj a\`L 1~ . 1 J J Y }. ~7 y. Y ~ 1^. } ~1 v~ ~'t 11 ~Ir4/~~l l.llra ~. rG NCl t-Ld l~bC: Y~il l~ll i. VVI.l.talY Mr''+l~i~!11V1111 ~~ Picv2~. t3~IT'i c: ilt Parf.ial i via~.N alG14t a ~.aclY ~.vity ~~laianiia~ r~vi aaaav~+ aitu ~aac.ar tC~ ~~riCritji iia i~n.~.l i:~ tC i11rE.' a g:art-tlil'seStafi ~crsCia. r~r Jc ~+.i iill :~illC :~17.~y est2d tii F-' pc^.-ir tiaE i'Silir~i vi' ~ii~cad ~CL'+_Iity ~v c:t~vCrklia~ eStabl isii Or ~L:1ld ~r idi~"cti `vdl tri. to ~ltiall•ai l 7 F..,~ .7.-..,.~ ~ +- F VV11 e1~~. 1. .~7 Al_!1 \.L G"V41 V~1JJIG~lll C~.a trail~iiiay pr C.~,iaii~:.~ G:i ii _'ayii- te.^h and of other skills Hooded ~Y industries. i v nU,i vT.iDiY ~~a~Tv i~ . Trie iLi(`,, II"ieetliay adjvilrracd at t~'-~~ c"~.ITi. (` CSC 1~~ V ' vllie i~CrC~i%hakf a~.~.~nEC1~.t1VEPiir~'CtC.r • °arG MINUTES • MUNTICELLO ITvTDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, December 15, 29'4 - 7:00 a.m. City Hali MEMBEP,S PRESEPdT: Treasurer Ron Hoglund, Shelley Jehnson, Don Smith, Tom LirLdquist, 1'9errlyr~ Seefeldt, Dr Glenn Nemec, Cyrdie Jnhnsar:, and Bill Tapper. "~"EMBERS ABSENT: Chair•persor~ John McVay, Vito Chairper:~on Kevin Doty, Arve Grimsmo, Jay Morrell, :men "Maus, Harvey Kendall, Mayor Brad Fyle, St`ve Lemme, and Jim Fleming. STAFF: Ollio Kcrcpchak. STAFF ABSENT: Rick Wolfsteller and Jeff O'Neill. CUEST: Tom Ollig, General Manager, Bridge Water Telephone Company. 1. CALL TO CRD~R. Treasurer Hoglund called the IDC meeting to order at 7:?'' a.m. 2. CUNSIDERATICN TO APPROVE THE NCV~_M_BER 17, 1.9~4~D4INUTES.__ • Without a quorv.m, the November 17 m~r~utes vYere tabled t,~r approval until the next meeting. u . CONSIDERATIO,7 TO HEAR APxD ACCEPT THE MONTHLY IDC FIIvTANCIAL REPORT. ~vro financial report was given. 4. CONSIDEP.ATION OF PRCPSPECT UPDATES: _.....__..___.___._._.._._,_._____.__u_L..__..,_..~___~_ ____.__.._._._.~__.____._.._.. _ a) Fay-Mar F<^~briGatOrS, Inc. It .1S ontlGipated tilE' ~cC~~iicae appraisal will be completed shortly. More equity will be injected irtc the financing and plans rema.ir. far a wir~tor cnnstructicn. b) Micro-Tech -- The tele-sales office of P9icra-Tech has moved into the s:~cond--floor of A4arquette Burk. Larry Anderson, President; Gnrdon Bye, Go-owner and Vice--- PriJ:~lderit of Sales ~~+~°. P4anagem`iit; v~:arsi to E'JanS `~Yta.. Ca` owner and National Sales Manager; and Bob Spinner, ~iegi.nri<^ai Sales Manager, are amarig tiie c~.v staf finembers at the Monticello office. The company's production facility is located in Eden Pruir].a and the company produces Yaearir~g aid canals and products. The company is community arier.tated ar~d observed Monticello lacks • Page 1 • LJ • IDC MINUTES DECEMBER 15, 1~30~ quality, market-rate living quarters. Dear.ita and Bob were guests of L.cropcr:ak at a P.otary meeting. c) P.etail services Corporation -Kevin Doty, John McVay, Ron Haglund, and Korapchak visited this north east Minr~eapalis company an November 20. The company r:anufacturers lalnlnat°d weed C41:~iiterS, dlSplay flxtur'e-'::~, aitd CaSeVJark_S fo,~r retui l ~ ca..~mmerical uses , The company has looked at the Pfeffer IJ 1~.11dliag acid :S toted 3.t Yvu:S ~'ii Ce, leaf IurgL~' er~augh, and too costly. The group liked Monticello, they currently lease for $2.30 per sq .ft and vai11 conti.yue to look around. The tvao plant managers :vere from Maple Lake a:~d Daytan . d) 150,OOJ sq ft distribution canter - This automotive warehouse distribution center would employ 50 individuals at a range of $7.00 to $12.00. Anticipation of 25-30 trucks per week. Monticello remains amang the shot list of six communities and the next lac«tion cut is anticipated far December 15. e) 50,000 sq ft manufacturing!distribution -Marmon Keystone of Chicago which produces steel piping products is laokir~g for a new regional center. The company would initially employ 12. Final building quotes are expected in December. f) Commercial Businesses looking for space - Spartir~g%recreatiar~, .furniture store, and ail filter recycling. g) Goldeneye Products, Inc. - A last minute invitation was extended by Shingabee for a presentation of Manticella incentives for lease options. The company looking to construct a 25,000 sq ft building, currently 30 seasanal jobs, projected to 100 jobs in three years, spring construction. Mike Cleary and Bruce Nielsen. BRE P.EPCRTS a) No respar~se from Fingerhut or Aroplax. b) Bridge ~,~~ater Telephone Co;npa:~y - Cyr~die Johnsa:t introduced Tom Ollig, new General Manager of Bridge Wator Telephone Company. Tom i:.formed IBC members he v?as 43 years old, married for 21 years, and has four daughters. He see:a rlis neW ~Ob aS a challez'ige and ~iape:S to mGVe ~7.5 family to Monticello. He previously has been very active in the cammunities where he resides. Telephane and Data Systems {TDS} purchased Bridge Water. TDS cuill itvest dollars into training of its employees to increase customer service. TDS owns 100°~ of US Link and US Lino:. has a new president. With u tatal of 21 emplayees, the existing Bridge Water office is over--rrawded. Plans are to expand the current facility ar build a new facility {estimated cost of $8--10 million) . In addition to office Page 2 IDC MINUTES • DECEMBER 15, 1904 and technical equipment space, the facility may include ar, ire--ho~~.se trairir~g centar far employees ar~d customers. As the campany improves, the campany will became a marketing tool far prospects. Dan Smith welcomed Mr. Ollig and encouraged greater participation between Bridge Water and the IDC. Tom responded he agreed. 5. CONSIDERATION TO DEFINE OBJECTIVES AND FORMAT OF THE IBC BRAINSTORM WORKSHOP. IDC members were asked for suggestions of individuals to facilitate the wcrk.shap. With no suggestions, the Executive Subcommittee will meet to discuss the yvorkshap format with Doug Uhrhammer, Ar~cka Electric Gaaper•ative, vaho will be the facilitator. IDC members will receive information prior to the meeting. The workshop is not lnterided to assess City objectives but to assess IDC objectives. Workshop is January 19, 7:00 p.m., NSP Training Center. 6. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW LIST OF IDC MEMBERSHIP TERMS. Tabled. • 7 . OTHER B(JSINESS . a) Quad County Update -- Korapchak. reported the group is looking at the pros and cons far establishing a Central Minnesota EDA. The EDA would be for the 14-county central Minnesota area. Ore benefit is that entities would be eligible far an additional 10~ of Federal dollars far water and sewer projects. Secardly, MDCT St. Cloud official gave a report of area projects. Tt^~ree communities have expressed ir~ter•.^st for ari I-94 interchange: St. Gloud, Albertville, and P9onticellc. MDOT said communities ar•e resparsibl~ to provide MDOT with information for its future determination. r3ho's aggressive bi Wright County Partnership - The upcoming meeting will consist of a visit and report from representatives of the Seven-County ^•4etro Council. The partnership will hold a one-day assessment and planning wGrkshcp far bcardm~mbers in January or February. c~ No Chamber meeting today, Chamber Banquet scheduled far Monday, January 30, 6:30 p.m. at the Riverwoad Business P.esort . • Page 3 IBC MINUTES • DECEA~DER 1 ~ , 104 5. ADJOURNMENT. The IDC meeting adjourned at 5:10 a.m. Ollie Korc~chak, Enecutive Director • . Page 4 MINUTES • C~iGNTICELLG ITdDUSTRIAL DEVELGFMENT CGMMITTEE Thursday, November 17, 1994 - 7:00 a.m. City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson John Mi:Vay, Vice ChairZaorson Kevin Doty, Treasurer Ron Haglundr Arve Gr•imsmo, SYiel3ey Johnson, Don Smith, Kerr Maus, H~crvey Kendall, Merrlyri Seefeldt, and Bill Tapper. MEMBERS ABSENT: Jay Morrell, Mayor Brad Fyle, T~tn Lindquist, Steve Lemrne, Dr. Glenn Nemec, Cyndie Johnson, and Jifii Fl ernitig, STAFF PRESENT: Rick Wolfsteller and Ollie Koropchak. STAFF ABSENT: Jeff O'Neill. uUEST: Charlie Ffeffer•, Ffeffer• CGMFANY, Inc. 1. CALL TG ORDEP.. Chairperson McL'ay caked the IDC meeting to order at 7:05 a.rn. 2. CGNSIDERATIGN TG APPROVE THE GCTGBER 2G, 1994 IDC CY7I1d'JTES. • Ron Hoglund made a motion to approves the Go obey 20, 1994 IDC minutes. Seconded by Merrlyn Seefeldt and with no corr•ectiotis or additions, the minutes were approved as written. 3. CGNSIDERATIGN TG HEAR AND ACCEPT THE MONTHLY IDC FINANCIAL REPORT. Treasurer Hoglund reported a monthly balance of $3,863.25 at Metropolitan Federal and a monthly balance of $?,470.81 at TYlarquette Bank .for a total of $11,335.Go. At this time, tiie total banquet deposit was $8,600 and all banquet expo.nditures are paid. Shelley Johnson made a motion to accept the monthly IDC financial report as given. Kevin Doty seconded the motion and with no corrections or additions, the financial report was accepted and filed. 4. CONSIDERATION OF PRGSFECT UPDATES: The enclosed prospect updates was accepted by the committee members. Additionally, Kevin Doty reported that Micro-Tech is moving rota the second-floor of Marquette Bank on November 18 with a lease through April 1997. The company has invested in X75,000 of equipment and along with tiie 15-16 telesales personnel is Micro-Tech President, Larry Anderson. • Forge 1 IDC MINUTES • NGVEMP.ER 17, 1994 BRE REFGRTS: Tom Lindquist - absent. Jim Fleming - absent. Remtiiele Engineering, Inc., Monticello - Koropchak visited with Joe LaValle who reported ari employment of 62 ;FTi at this facility. The new personnel director serves both the Monticello anti Big Lake facilities. Tt~ie cotnpariy continues to invest in new equipment, The Monticello plant anticipates delivery next month of a new 2.5 million dollar piece of equipment. The company is planning a 12,GGG-18,GGG sq ft expansion to the north side of the facility in the spring of 1996. Footings may be poured in fall of 1995. The conipatiy is growing and doing well. They are happy witri their Monticello location and encourage aclean--professional image. Faced witYi labor shortage, Remmele has contacted Vo-Techs for• temps. T}i~ cotiipany encourages plant tours and has hosted vocational aria technical schools, colleges, and ttie Monticello .faculty. The company would like to see more industrial growth in Monticello. They are very interested in the development of an Industrial Presidents Glub, would respond to a canitnunity labor sux•vey, and are very supportive of Monticello students touring Remmele. • Additionally, F.oropchak reported she toured Poiycast Specialties, Inc. TY~~e company has ti-oved-in their new facility; Yiowever, not settled-in. Gne piece of equipment remains in Anrianddle. The cottipaiiy continues to grow as ore CL1stUlrier product-order increased front 2G0 to 4,5GG. The company received over 1GG jab applications, most applicants being women. Doti Smith reported that Don Hunter a local resident iias taken a position witYi Standard Iron as a Controller. 5. CGNSIDERATIGN TO ASSESS THE 1994 IDC BANQUET AND REVIEW ITS REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES. Members were provided with a list of banquet attendees and with tYie receipt of two more checks, revenues collected ar•e $8,80G. The 1994 banquet net-profit is anticipated to be approximately $7,GGG. Billings were mailed to Bondhus, H-- Window, Chamber of Commerce, and tYie State of hiinnesota, Members agreed file guest Speaker was full of energy, they liked the idea of seat assignments and noted increased attendance by the nsw industries. Koropc}iak indicated she • Page 2 IDC Iv1IIdUTES . NOVEM$ER 17, i994 would contact Charlie Herrniann's recommended name for a future banquet speaker. A thank you note was written tc Mr. Herrtnaiiii and one will be mailed to Marquette Bank. 6. CONSIDERATION TG DISCUSS OBTAINING AN OUTSIDE FACILITATGR TC ASSIST THE IDC WITH IDENTIFYING OBJECTIVES FOR A GNE-YEAR AIdD FI'v'E-YEAR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN AS IT RELATES TO MONTICELLO '95. Members agreed to hold a brainstorm workshop ort Tr~ursday, Jariuar•y 13, 1995 at 7:00 p.rn. , this as a substitute for the January IDC meeting. Harvey Kendall agreed to contact NSP regarding tiie availability and use of the Training Center. Members agreed to the use one of the two-outside individuals known by Kcr•opchak as facilitator. It is anticipated that participants will break into smaller groups. Members felt the workshop would be a benefit tc the two new Co~ur~cilmetnbex~~ ar~d felt at-least one representative from ttie EDA, HRA, Council, and F1dTlriitlg Cornmissicri be in attendance. The Executive Subconitnittee was assigned to organize the workshop. 7. COidSIDERiaTION OF AIJ UPDATE REGARDING INDUSTRIAL ZONING1FLANNING ISSUES. • The IDC accepted the written report, 8. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR CHARLIE PFEFFER'S PRESENTATION. Charlie Pfeffer gave a report on the National Association of Industrial Parks Conference which he attended. Stating, one of the new buzz words was "gozel" which means down-sizing. Those behind "gozel" are fast-movers, risky-takers with high viability. i~uality, speed, and cost are keys for output and survival. Wants: Economics, airport accessibility; knowledge, near university and training; entrepx°eneur•ship, knowledge and attitude within co-mnunity; nice place to live, ret;reation and climate; cost of doing business, over-employed; and no industrial job growth in the US. Changes: Knowledge-valued companies, government eriCerit.lJe:3 tc go away (assist local e.tnployment riot big BMivj , daycare accessibility, and hotelity (short-term rented office space), regional planning {manufactures moving from inner-city to suburbs ar~d improvements in neighborhood housing r~ct working j . • Page :, IDC MINUTES NOVEMBER 17, 1994 During the 90's Wisconsin was one of the "hot-buttons", now Indiana takes the lead. Assessment is tf7e skilled will move, manufacturing follows housing, and security and erono-nics irrpartant. Government staffs with consistent roles, ordinance which are real, cost effective ways to do business, macro versus micro, funds available, and information. Charlie concluded commercial real estate is a fast-changing business. Asked of the price of land for ttie Moriticella Commerce Center, Charlie responded it was per-acre harzds--on basis. He expressed he felt the BC Zorse was a problem for rate of absorption; however, agrees with good housekeeping ordinances. 9. OTHER BUSINESS: Chamber meeting today at the American Legion Club. IG, ADJOURNMENT. The IDC meeting adjourned at 8:30 a.m. ~~~ Ollie f:oropchak, ID Executive Director Fage 4 i. r: Companies Comprehensive Real Estate Services 444 Cedar Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 612.222.2499 Fax 612.222.2585 March 9, 1995 Ms. Ollie Koropchak City of Monticello P.O. Box 1147 250 East Broadway Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Ollie: This letter is intended as a follow-up regarding the decision of Automotive Northern Warehouse, Inc. (ANWI), to locate its distribution facility in Mason City, Iowa. As I had indicated to you, ANWI made its decision primarily due to the geographic benefits of going 120 miles southward. It clearly opens new markets to a company that is experiencing an aggressive growth pattern. Additionally, I should point out that the operational expenses facing ANWI would have been greater in Monticello. Real estate taxes were figured at about $150,000 per year, versus about $85,000 in Mason City. Also, the worker's compensation and unemployment insurance costs were twice as much in Monticello. These items, coupled with the great opportunity to expand its business southward, led to their decision to locate in Mason City. I want to thank you for your efforts and input as we considered your community. Sincerely, ~. Michael E. Awada Welsh Companies, Inc. MA/kmb • • •