IDC Agenda 06-17-1999• AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, June 17, 1999 - 7:00 a.m. City Hall MEMBERS: Chair Shelley Johnson, Vice Chair Tom Ollig, Don Smith, Kevin Doty, Tom Lindquist, Bill Tapper, Ken Maus, Dick Van Allen, Bob Mosford, and Marianna Khauv. COUNCIL LIAISON: Mayor Roger Belsaas. STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, Fred Patch, and Ollie Koropchak. 1. Call to Order. 2. Consideration to approve the May 20, 1999 IDC minutes. 3. Consideration of Updates: a) City Council - Mayor Belsaas - MOAA b) Prospects - Koropchak. 4. Consideration to discuss action taken by City Council relating to actively pursuing to acquire the Chadwick/Goeman properties. 5. Consideration to discuss the need to increase the membership of the IDC and direction thereafter. 6. Consideration of follow-up of progress to solicit Governor Ventura as guest speaker for the Industrial Banquet. 7. Other Business. 8. Adjournment. • • MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, May Z0, 1999 - 7:00 a.m. City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Shelley Johnson, Vice Chair Tom Ollig, Don Smith, Kevin Doty, Tom Lindquist, and Bill Tapper. MEMBERS ABSENT: Ken Maus, Dick Van Allen, Bob Mosford, and Marianna Khauv. COUNCIL LIAISON PRESENT: Mayor Roger Belsaas. STAFF PRESENT: Rick Wolfsteller and Ollie Koropchak. Call to order. Chair Johnson called the IDC meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. 2. Consideration to approve the April 15, 1999 IDC minutes. Tom Ollig made a motion to approve the April 15, 1999 IDC minutes. Bill Tapper seconded the motion and with no corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as written. Consideration of Updates: a) City Council -Mayor Belsaas reported the MOAA passed a motion approving land use map Exhibit C., calling for a public hearing of July 1. The motion passed 4 to 1. Belsaas voted against the motion supporting the recommendation of the Planning Commission, IDC, and HRA. Personally, he supports the Gold Nugget property as industrial. However, the vote does not constitute approval of the Land Use Plan. Exhibit C. includes the Goeman, Chadwick, and 85-acre piece east of Silver Springs along I-94 for industrial use. If unresolved, the old agreement dies as of July 1 and the City's Comprehensive Plan will be inconsistent with the MOAA Land Use Map. Lindquist questioned the rumor of the proposed upper-level housing construction for Gold Nugget. Belsaas responded the break-even point for services required for housing is between $140,000 to $150,000. The current average selling price for new home construction in Monticello is between $120,000 to $130,000. To serve the Gold Nugget property for a residential land use, there is a need for a lift station and to serve the same property for an industrial land use, there is the need for a lift station plus increased pipe size. Members briefly discussed the potential for development of the infrastructure to the Chadwick/Goeman site and were told the city has the right to condemn. Smith foresees ~. • IDC Minutes - 5/20/99 the need for more players in the industrial park. With the amount of industrial activity of late, the city may find itself in the same dilemma even if they purchase land for industrial use. b) Prospects - Koropchak reiterated the submitted prospect report and added perhaps in the next week or so, members would be invited to a community lunch for the die cast and machining company. 4. Consideration to review cit~pro~ress for acquisition of Goeman property and swap of City/Chadwick properties for recommendation to City Council. Wolfsteller advised the IDC that although he received the completed appraisals of the properties, he was seeking a second appraisal. IDC members saw the need for city staff to proceed with acquisition of the Goeman and Chadwick properties based on earlier and previous discussions. Perhaps, a Purchase Agreement or Option contingent upon MOAA approval of the said property for industrial use is in order. This would put the City first in- line for acquisition of the property. Kevin Doty made a motion for the IDC to draft a letter recommending the City Council actively pursue the acquisition of the Goeman and Chadwick properties for industrial development. The letter to be reviewed by the IDC Chair and Vice Chair prior to submission to the City Council as an agenda item. Tom Lindquist seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. 5. Consideration to discuss membership attendance at IDC meeting and its importance. Koropchak read the membership guidelines for the IDC. Ollig felt each IDC member personally monitors its contribution to the IDC and if one feels they are not contributing, they would resign. Doty expressed conflict with Thursday morning meetings but feels he contributes by attending open houses and participating as a member of the prospect team. Lindquist mentioned the IDC has no bylaws and is not a commission. Tapper informed members he brought the subject up as he felt the Director needed support and commitment from the IDC and at times when the IDC discusses the "meat of a subject" there is no quorum or no longer a quorum. Emphasize commitment to the organization. Smith felt perhaps the current membership of 10 needs to be reviewed as the IDC guidelines allows for 16 to 18 members. It was recommended the IDC Chair and Vice Chair draft a letter encouraging members to re-enforce their commitment to the organization. Additionally, it was suggested to add to a future agenda the consideration to expand the committee. 2 _ ~. IDC Minutes - 5/20/99 6. Consideration of a follow-up on the Industrial Breakfast of Anri122. Koropchak felt the networking and the update of city road improvements met the objectives of the breakfast. People appear to enjoy the event and good food. Some IDC members noted the number of industrial businesses in attendance was small. 7. Consideration of setting date for Industrial Banquet and ideas for speaker. Koropchak reported she had spoken with Kitty Baltos relating to the Industrial Banquet date and both agreed to suggest the fourth Tuesday in October, October 26, 1999. Kitty reported Marianna Khauv had an idea for a speaker. Koropchak reported Chair Johnson suggested Governor Jessie Ventura and Shelly was willing to make the contact. Members agreed he certainly would be a draw. The IDC agreed to the date of October 26 and requested Chair Johnson follow through in recruiting Governor Ventura as speaker. 8. Other Business. Tapper suggested taking the die cast and machining company to the Monte Club for lunch. Members questioned if the outlet mall under construction in Albertville was the same as the one looking at Monticello a few years ago? Koropchak was unaware. 9. Adjournment. The IDC meeting adjourned at 8:35 a.m. ~~ ~~ N Recorder _ ~. MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE P O BOX 1147 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 May 26, 1999 Mayor Roger Belsaas Monticello City Hall 250 East Broadway, PO Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Mayor Belsaas: The Monticello Industrial Development Committee (IDC) at their May 20, 1999, meeting passed a motion recommending the City Council actively pursue the acquisition of the Gceman and Chadwick properties in the southwest corridor for industrial development. The recommendation comes after months of discussion by the IDC. A few months ago, the IDC suggested the City swap the City's (Remmele) 68-acre parcel for Chadwick's 84.5-acre parcel and purchase Goeman's 94.5-acre parcel all located within the southwest corridor. In previous years, the HRA committed $150,000 for acquisition or development of industrial land and the City matched the HRA's commitment for a total reserve fund of $300,000. And most recent, the City Administrator obtained appraisals on all said properties. The IDC's recommendation is based on the following rational: 1. City first in-line to acquire property. 2. Controls land price. 3. Controls and simplifies development schedule. 4. Diversifies ownership of industrial lands. 5. Provides for a competitive market. 6. Allows for flexibility in deal structuring. The IDC requests the City Council authorize City Staff to begin preparation for acquisition of the Chadwick and Goeman properties for industrial development. Respectfully submitted by the Monticello Industrial Development Committee. Sincerely, S~.a-ll~ ~e.P.,V.s~,- Sheldon JohnsoU~ Chairperson • SJ/ok c: File C~ - .. • HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 99-4 Resolution recommending the City Council actively pursue the acquisition of the Goeman/Chadwick properties for industrial development and authorize city staff to begin preparation thereof. WHEREAS, the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority ("Authorit}~') endorses the City of Monticello Comprehensive Plan and the Community Vision and Governing Policies; and WHEREAS, the Authority endorses the economic development efforts of the City of Monticello through the administration of the Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 Plan and the Marketing Plan; and WHEREAS, the Authority previously committed a total of $150,000 toward the acquisition or development of industrial land; and WHEREAS, the Authority previously requested the City Council match the Authority's $150,000 for acquisition or development of industrial land; and WHEREAS, the City Council previously committed a total of $150,000 toward the acquisition or development of industrial land; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority as follows: 1. Acquisition of said properties will control land prices. 2. Acquisition of said properties will control and simplify development schedules. 3. Acquisition of said properties will diversify ownership of industrial lands. 4. Acquisition of said properties will provide for a competitive market. 5. Acquisition of said properties will allow for flexibility in deal structuring. 6. Preparation for acquisition of said properties places the City of Monticello first in- line to acquire. - aR • HRA Resolution No. 99-4 Page 2 Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority this 9th day of June , 1999. HRA Chair ATTEST: ~~ ~~ Executive Director • • _ ~. LJ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. Resolution recommending the City Council actively pursue the acquisition of the Goeman/Chadwick properties for industrial development and authorize city staff to begin preparation thereof. WHEREAS, the Monticello Economic Development Authority ("Authority") endorses the City of Monticello Comprehensive Plan and the Community Vision and Governing Policies; and WHEREAS, the Authority endorses the economic development efforts of the City of Monticello through the administration of the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund and the Downtown Monticello Revitalization Fund; and WHEREAS, the Authority understands the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority previously committed a total of $150,000 toward the acquisition or development of industrial land; and WHEREAS, the Authority understands the City Council previously committed $150,000 for acquisition or development of industrial land; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the Monticello Economic Development Authority as follows: 1. Acquisition of said properties will control land prices. 2. Acquisition of said properties will control and simplify development schedules. 3. Acquisition of said properties will diversify ownership of industrial lands. 4. Acquisition of said properties will provide for a competitive market. . 5. Acquisition of said properties will allow for flexibility in deal structuring. 6. Preparation for acquisition of said properties places the City of Monticello first in- line to acquire. • EDA Resolution No. Page 2 Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the Monticello Economic Development Authority this day of , 1999. EDA Chair ATTEST: Executive Director •