IDC Agenda 02-18-1999AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, February 18, 1999 - 0 a.i~. City Hall ~ MEMBERS: Chair Shelly Jon, Vice Chair T Ollig, Don Srnft ,Ken Maus, Kevin Doty, Bill Ter, Tom L~dquist, Dick V~llen, Bob sford, and Chamber~ir Marianna Khauv. COUNCIL LIAISON: Mayor Rog~lsaas. STAFF: Rick W steller, Jeff O' eill, Fred Patch, and Ollie ropchak. GUEST: Bret W iss, WSB, Inc. 1. Call to Order. ~ , ~ ~ ~ 2. Consideration to approve the January 21, 1999 IDC minutes. 3. Consideration of activity reports: a) Mayor's report -Mayor Belsaas . b) Marketing Subcommittee - Ollig c) Director's report - Koropchak 4. Consideration to hear a presentation and discuss a Study for Development of the Southwest Corridor Infrastructure by City Engineering Consultant Bret Weiss. Consideration to determine the position of the IDC relating to industrial land use within the MOAA. (Tabled from Jan 21) 6. Consideration to elect or appoint an IDC Secretary. (Tabled from Jan 21) 7. Other Business. Adjournment. n U • MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday January 21, 1999 - 7:00 a.m. City Hall Members Present: Dick Van Allen, Tom Lindquist, Tom Ollig, Shelly Johnson, Ken Maus, Kevin Doty, Bill Tapper, Bob Mosford, Marianna K., Mayor Roger Belsaas, City Staff Ollie Koropchak. Members Absent: Don Smith, Bill Fair, Bob Grabinski. 1. Meeting was called to order by Chairman Dick Van Allen. 2. Minutes of the 12/17/98 meeting were reviewed, motion by Ollig, seconded by Doty unanimously approved. Minutes of the 1.1/1.9/98 meeting were reviewed, motion by Lindquist, seconded by Maus unanimously approved. 3. Activity Reports: Mayor Belsaas reported that there is some activity to hold a joint meeting between the council and OAA Board with regard to zoning on various property's in the Southwest corridor. Much discussion followed on the road locations, residential and industrial locations, effect on existing businesses in the area, no recommendations were made by the IDC. Ollie was instructed to ask the City Engineer to attend the February IDC meeting to discuss water, sewer utilities infrastructure with regard to the Southwest corridor. There was also some discussion on the proposal of a land swap between the City and Mr. Chadwick. The IDC after additional discussion decided to wait until meetings between the City, Mr. Chadwick, the OAA Board and the Township are complete before making a recommendation as to zoning on the property. Prospects, Marketing, BRE Visits -Ollie, see attached. 4. Election of IDC Officers for 1999: Chairman - motioned by Maus seconded by Ollig to elect Shelly Johnson Chairman, no further nominations, motion unanimously approved. Vice Chair -motioned by Maus seconded by Doty to elect Tom Ollig as Vice Chairman, no further nominations, motion unanimously approved. Secretary - Possible use of City staff person, Ollie will discuss with Administration, tabled until February meeting. 5. Consideration to review a report on IDC membership attendance: 75% attendance recommended with a membership of 11 to 12 members for • the year. • 6. Consideration to review for approval the 1999 IDC mission and action stmt. See attached, original statement it was motioned by Lindquist seconded by Mosford to eliminate the relationship section of the statement, unanimously approved. See attached corrected statement. 7. Consideration. to discuss an idea for industrial marketing - "an attention getter" After some discussion this was referred to the IDC Marketing Sub Committee. 8. Consideration for setting date for the Industrial BRE Breakfast and suggested ideas for the program. Breakfast date will be April 22nd, 1999 at the Riverwood Conference Center. Various topics along with a statement by the Mayor will be reviewed. 9. Motioned by Ollig, seconded by Tapper to adjourn, unanimously approved. • • 1 n U PROSPECT UPDATE -JANUARY 1999 Commercial cabinetry and casework, St. Cloud -New President of company. Call in March. Have negotiated ashort-term lease in St. Cloud for 73,000 sq ft under one roof. Company under capitalized. Goal to get balance sheet corrected. One year from now look for 7-8 acres , 100,000 sq fl building for company's future needs. December 23, 1998. Distributor of utility products -Met with the company president and lender on January 12. Interested in the revolving loan for acquisition of the Midwest Graphic building. Allied Companies -Survey, topography, and soil boring completed on East 7 Street site. Hire architect in January then design, 30 days. April/May construction of rental bay units. Be in to visit January/February. Midwest Graphics -Certificate of Occupancy issued. Plan to move second week in January. B&B Metal Stamping -Moved-in end of December. Called Alan. All going well, reminded him of loan program for future purchase of machinery. Leasing 7,000 sq ft of the 12,000 sq ft building. MARKETING 15 brochures mailed December 29. Telephone follow-up this week. Follow-up forms developed and filing system. BRE VISITS • Mayor Belsaas is very interested in visiting the local industries. His preference is to wait a month to begin setting up appointments. He has received calls directly from some businesses for individual visits. C~b~ IDC Agenda - 2/18/99 Consideration of activitkreports: a) Director's report - Koropchak Groebner & Associates, Inc. -Joseph Groebner, President - 9530 Fallon Avenue (previous Midwest Graphic facility). Manufacture's sales of utility products and distribution. Eleven new jobs at $19.90 without benefits and an additional 4 within 2 years. Application for local revolving loan fund for acquisition of real estate. TOUR OF FACILITY/MEET THE NEW COMPANY - 4:00 P.M., FEBRUARY 19. IDC, EDA, COUNCIL, STAFF. B&B Metal Stampings, Inc. - 208 Dundas Road. Alan Walter, President. Precision Machining, Welding Tool & Die, Metal Stamping. Potential future loan application for purchase of machinery and equipment. TOUR OF FACILITY - 3:00 P.M., FEBRUARY 19. IDC, EDA, COUNCIL, STAFF. Allied Companies -Plan to construct this spring with occupancy late August, early September. Proposed 40,000 sq ft of rental bays. First of 4-phased project market driven. Machine Shop -Owner and self toured industrial sites and options for lease on Friday February 12. Interested in 10,000 sq ft for occupancy in 2000. Prefer lease with option . to purchase. 4-6 employees within 2 years. Good candidate. Commercial cabinetry and casework, St. Cloud -Follow-up call in March. Road paving and construction equipment company -Follow-up call in March. Company in preliminary assessment. Number of acres? Perhaps 25 to 100 acres? Zoning? Important, does not want next to residential, vibration concerns of equipment testin . Company currently surrounded by housing, one reason for consideration to relocati or expand. Want freeway exposure. Monticello within company range. Midwest Graphics - I'm checking with Steve Krenz to schedule a tour of the new facility located at 9600 Fallon Avenue. Plat -easterly portion of Lot 1, Block 3, OIP = I believe the intent is for the construction of a facility -well drilling business. Will begin to research development costs and incentive programs offered in Big Lake and Buffalo. • Marketing Assessment -February 1999 October 1998 Unveiled new brochure for marketing industrial development. November 1998 Brochure mailed to Chamber members, all local industries, and local commissioners. DTED, NSP, Minnegasco, Wright County Partnership, Tom St. Hilaire. Copies to Chamber, MCP offices, and lenders. Received vendor/supplier list from Remmele, Genereux, and Clow Stamping. December 1998 Tru Therm Aluminum and Kleer-Flo Company previous contacts. SGS Tool Company, Munroe, OH; Robb Jack Corporation, Lincoln, CA; and Rosan Fastners Corporation, Richmond Hill, NY. These were suggested manufacturers from Remmele Engineering. Bus tour attendees. Mailed 15 manufacturers of SIC 34 Fabricated Metals and northwest zip code area. January 1999 Follow-up on 15 December manufacturers: Maple Grove/Rogers/Osseo 1 -Feb 1 -May 2 -July 1 -August 1 -Jan 2000 1 -Message 8 -Dead File Mailed additional 15 SIC 34 Fabricated Metals. February 1999 Follow-up of 15 January manufacturers. (Plymouth, New Hope) 3 -Feb 1 -April 6 -Message 4 -Dead File • • r~ LJ ` a MONTICELLO Marketing Plan February 1999 -Edition 1 INDUSTRIAL BUSINESS REPORT CITY OF MONTICELLO Written by Ollie Koropchak, Economic Development Director As you know, the City Council approved and funded a Marketing Plan for the purpose of marketing the City of Monticello as a place for industrial development, retention, and expansion. The Plan was prepared by members of the Industrial Development Committee (IDC) and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA). One of the objectives within the Plan is to develop a public relations campaign to promote and recognize local industrial businesses and the City of Monticello. Additionally, the objective will improve communications between industries and city hall through the exchange and publication of industrial business information and city development information. Here's the plan: .......... The industrial business receives a quarterly report from the City of Monticello relating to city development plans or projects. .......... The industrial business will be contacted by and provide Ollie Koropchak with news items for publication in the quarterly City Newsletter or other journals/newspapers. The following are suggested topics for publication either as a news release or as the "featured industrial business". 1. Recent company awards or achievements outlining criteria for award/achievement. 2. What are your product lines or recently expanded or changed product lines? Who are your customers? What is your market area? 3. Brief biography of company. 4. How is your company meeting the challenges of high technology or the low unemployment rate? 5. Plans for expansion of building, product line, or job creation. The City Newsletter articles are due the first Monday of February, May, August, and November with distribution to all local households and businesses the end of the respective month. Certainly, press releases are welcome at any time. Industrial Newsletter Page 2 Please identify the person within your business for the city to contact for articles or press releases and fax to Koropchak at 295-4404. Telephone number 271-3208. Industry Name: Contact Person: FAX number: Phone Number: Industrial Business Retention and Expansion Visits Mayor Roger Belsaas has expressed an interest to visit and tour the local businesses. Within the next month, I will begin to schedule visits or Mayor Belsaas welcomes a direct call from you. Industrial Business Retention and Expansion Breakfast The annual gratis breakfast for industrial businesses is scheduled for Thursday, Apri122, 1999, 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. at Riverwood Inn and Conference Center. The tentative program includes State of the City by the Mayor and an update on the proposed improvements for Chelsea Road, Trunk Highway 25, and County Road 75 East (Broadway). Mark your calendar. This event is • hosted by the Monticello Chamber of Commerce. Industrial Marketing Brochure Update In November, you received a copy of the new marketing brochure which was also mailed to lenders, brokers, utility companies, local business owners, etc. Starting in December, a certain number of brochures and cover letter from the Mayor were mailed to a targeted list of industries and will continue during the year. Follow-up telephone calls to the mailings are part of the process and early responses indicate a number of businesses have expressed interest in future expansion and relocation. A big "thank you" to Remmele Engineering, Clow Stamping, and Genereux Fine Wood Products for responding to the request for a list of suppliers and vendors and industrial leads. DO YOU KNOW AN INDUSTRIAL PROSPECT? Please call Ollie at 271-3208 U INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO 1999 ACTION STATEMENT Mission Statement To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota. Purpose To operate as an independent lobbying organization structured to influence and assist industrial development in and for the City of Monticello, Minnesota. In the broadest context focus on overall industrial development and developers. Goals and Direction 1. To provide a continuous stream of available industrial land with infrastructure potential. 2. To review and assess the implementation of the industrial marketing plan developed in conjunction with the HR~1 for the City of Monticello. 3 . To rate the effectiveness of the use of the industrial marketing plan. 4. To assign time and effort when and where it is deemed necessary to accomplish industrial development. • MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 1999 MEMBERSHIP Kevin Doty Kenneth Maus Sheldon Johnson IDC Chair Donald Smith Tom Lindquist ill Tapper Dick VanAllen Tom Ollig IDC Vice-Chair Marianna Khauv Chamber Chair Bob Mosford O~ President, 1st Minnesota Bank 106 E. 4th St., PO Box 960 271-7200 Monticello, MN 55362 Owner, Maus Foods 508 Pine St. 295-2634 Monticello, MN 55362 295-5623 (fax) Retired Superintendent, 116 Hillcrest Road School Dist. #882 Monticello, MN 55362 295-5196 Editor/Publisher, PO Box 548 Monticello Times Monticello, MN 55362 295-3131 295-3080 (fax) Vice President, 407 Pine Street 1st National Bank PO Box 239 271-2714 Monticello, MN 55362 295-3773 (fax) Owner, Genereux Fine 212 Chelsea Rd. Wood Products, Inc. Monticello, MN 55362 295-4242 Bondhus Corporation 1349 Hart Blvd. 271-1168 PO Box 660 295-4440 (fax) Monticello, MN 55362 TDS Telecom 316 Pine Street 295-2974 PO Box 298 Monticello, MN 55362 Owner, 1114 Cedar Street Silver Fox Best Western Monticello, MN 55362 295-4000 Mosford, Barthel & Co. 305 Cedar Street PLC CPA Suite 201 295-4800 Monticello, MN 55362 OFFICE\KAREN\IDC.LIS: 2/11 /99 CITY STAFF SUPPORT Monticello City Hall 250 East Broadway PO Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 295-2711 295-4404 (fax) • Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator Ollie Koropchak IDC Executive Director 271-3208 Council Liaison Roger Belsaas, Mayor Jeff O'Neill Assistant Administrator Fred Patch Chief Building Official OFFICE\KAREN\IDC.LIS: 2/11 /99 MONTICELLO INDUSTRIES Fulfillment Systems, Inc. Midwest Graphics -Monticello Plant • Attn: Jack Peach Attn: Randy Hanson 406 E. 7"' St. 9600 Fallon Avenue Monticello, MN 55362 Monticello, MN 55362 271-1220 295-3000 Fingerhut Corporation Sunny Fresh Foods Attn: Linda Allen Attn: Jerry Rose/Joe Campbell PO Box 10 206 West 4~' St. Monticello, MN 55362 PO Box 428 295-4600 Monticello, MN 55362 295-5666 Electro Industries, Inc. Attn: William & Merrlyn Seefeldt Northern States Power Nuclear Plant PO Box 538 Attn: William Hill/Bob Grabinski Monticello, MN 55362 2807 West Broadway 295-4138 Monticello, MN 55362 295-1010 Clow Stamping Company Attn: Rick Clow Tire Service Equipment Manufacturing Co. 218 Chelsea Road Attn: Ray Schmidt Monticello, MN 55362 201Chelsea Road 295-5050 Monticello, MN 55362 295-4650 Bondhus Corporation Attn: John Bondhus Jones Manufacturing 1349 Hart Blvd. Attn: John Jones PO Box 660 PO. Box 126 Monticello, MN 55362 Monticello, MN 55362 295-2162 295-3246 SMA Elevator Construction Bridge Water Telephone Co. Attn: Arlan Wille Attn: Tom Ollig 113 Chelsea Road 316 Pine Street Monticello, MN 55362 PO Box 298 295-4367 Monticello, MN 55362 295-2974 JME Jay Morrell Genereux Fine Wood Products 1401 Fallon Avenue Westlund Distribution Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: William and Barbara Tapper 295-3122 212 Chelsea Road Monticello, MN 55362 The H-Window Company 295-4222 Attn: John Babcock 1324 Oakwood Drive AME Ready Mix PO Box 206 Attn: Richard Martie Monticello, MN 55362 PO Box 247 295-5305 Monticello, MN 55362 295-5172 Rainbow Enterprises Attn: Bill Harris/Keith Dillinger Dahlheimer Distribution 108 Chelsea Road Attn: Greg Dahlheimer Monticello, iVfN 55362 295-I 100 PO Box 336 Monticello, MN 55362 Midwest Graphics 295-3347 Attn: Steve Krenz . 11400 K-Tel Drive Lintex Corporation Minneapolis, MN 55343 Attn: Jamey Merkel 1441 Fallen Ave. Monticello, MN 55362 295-3338 MONTICELLO INDUSTRIES Aroplax Corporation Polycast Specialties, Inc. Attn: Paul Schoen/Steve Schoen Attn: Roy & Todd Schulz 200 Chelsea Road 112 Dundas Road Monticello, MN 55362 Monticello, MN 55362 295-5002 271-6600 Custom Canopy Inc. D & D Bus Service, Inc. Attn: Stephen Birkeland, Jr. Attn: Dean & Donna Carlson 219 Dundas Rd. 440 West Oakwood Drive - PO Box 0582 Monticello, MN 55362 Monticello, MN 55362 29~-0060 29~-4375 Standard Iron & Wire Works, Inc. Vector Tool & Mfg. Inc. Attn: Rich, Bill, Joe Demeules Attn: James Harwood 207 Dundas Road 206 Dundas Road Monticello, MN 55362 Monticello, MN 55362 295-8700 295-0909 Fay-Mar Metal Fabricators WIHA Tools Attn: Ron Musich/Jack Tally Attn: Paul Allen 307 Chelsea Road li48 Dundas Circle Monticello, MN 55362 Monticello, MN 55362 295-4777 295-6591 Remmele Engineering Pipeline Supply Attn: Kent Paul/Greg Pickert Attn: Gary Singer 213 Chelsea Road 620 16''' Ave. S. Monticello, MN 55362 Hopkins, MN 55343 Hoglund Bus Company, Inc. Pipeline Supply Attn: Wayne Hoglund Attn: Curt Christopherson PO Box 249 9668 Fallon Ave. NE Monticello, MN 55362 Monticello, MN 55362 295-5119 Double Bull Archery Hoglund Transporatation, Inc. Attn: Brooks Johnson/Keith Beam Attn: Gordon & Jeanine Hoglund PO Box 923 118 East Oakwood Drive Monticello, MN 55362 Monticello, MN 55362 295-3664 295-3604 Groebener & Assoc. Suburban Manufacturing, Inc. Attn: Joe Groebener Attn: Bradley & Mary Barger 9530 Fallon Avenue 301 Chelsea Road Monticello, MN 55362 Monticello, MN 55362 295-5355 295-5635 B & B Metal Stamping, Inc. Lake Tool Attn: Alan Walter Attn: Eric Bondhus 208 Dundas Road 1347 Dundas Circle Monticello, MN 55362 Monticello, MN 55362 295-6300 29~-665 • MonticelloIndustries.Lis: 2/99 b l~ COUNCIL UPDATE - 2/8/99 Update: Building Inspections Annual Report FP/JO ( ) The year 1998 was unusual in the ongoing construction and development of the City of Monticello. An abundance of institutional development (civic, hospital, school and church) combined with strong commercial and residential development pushed building valuation as a measure of new construction to an all time high of $72 million dollars, a 257 % increase over the $20 million dollar building valuation in 1997. The attached graphs and charts depict the boom in development in the context of the past seven years. Even if this year's boom in institutional development is statistically withdrawn from the data of the past year, 1998 was an astonishing year in the City of Monticello. RESIDENTIAL GROWTH Major multifamily projects for which permits were issued include St. Benedicts Center of Monticello congregate senior housing, 60 units of independent living and 60 units of assisted living apartments, with a total building permit valuation of $7,653,614. The total number of single family and townhome residential permits issued in 1998 was 207, representing a 62 % increase over the 128 permits issued in 1997. Single family growth occurred primarily south and southeast of the core of the city in the Klein Farms 3rd and 4`" . Additions, with the remainder principally occurring as infill in the Briar Oaks and Cardinal Hills subdivisions. The inventory of available single family lots appears to be sufficient to meet demand through 1999. However, if the residential growth rate remains constant, then the available single family lots (220 platted lots as of the date of this reports would be consumed within 12 to 18 months unless new subdivisions are opened for development. In addition to concerns relating to the potential for a rapid consumption of lots, based on the location and type of lots available, it is likely that only mid to higher value lots will be available (See attached: Vacant Lot Inventory ~)• Fees that are collected with the issuance of new building permits are used to offset debt service. Unless new subdivisions are developed, those fees will substantially decrease in the year 2000. The loss in fees due to a reduction in new residential development will require that the general tax levy be used to pay debt service. Permit revenues from sewer hookup fees have made a substantial impact on debt service for the wastewater treatment plant. In 1998, $227,700 was generated by hookup fees to support the annual wastewater treatment plant debt service of $1,082,000. Fees for wastewater treatment plant funding increased to $1,600 per residence permitted in 1999. If the residential development rate tempers to 140 per year, (which is likely due to the build-out of Klein Farms and potential • removal of Pine Meadows from residential lot inventory) then the resulting fees available to cover debt service in 1999 will amount to only $224,000. • COUNCIL UPDATE - 2/8/99 COMMERCIAL GROWTH In the downtown area of the city, many notable smaller remodeling projects and the new Marquette Bank building adjacent to the Monticello Community and Training Center have moved our city toward realization of the Downtown and Riverfront Revitalization Plan. The Cub Foods store and the adjacent Hallmark and Radio Shack stores represented the largest and most exciting commercial developments completing the "south anchor" to the redevelopment of Walnut Street. Bank development was at an all time high in the City of Monticello, likely reflecting the financial climate of the City and the region it serves. In 1998, four new banks were opened in the City: TCF Bank at Cub Foods, First Minnesota Bank, First National Bank of Elk River, First Bank at Maus Foods bringing the total number of banks in Monticello to seven! INDUSTRIAL GROWTH Industrial growth has been notably consistent with that of previous years. Midwest Graphics constructed a 64,000 sq. ft. manufacturing/office facility valued at $1,929,840 and a 12,000 sq. ft. • manufacturing/office facility with a value of $390,000 was constructed for Vector Tool II in the Oakwood Industrial Park plat. Based on the current industrial growth rate, the current supply of land in the City available for industrial development should be adequate to satisfy the projected demand for 40 or more years. INSTITUTIONAL GROWTH Considerable building permit activity has taken place in this area in both 1997 and 1998. Building permits were issued in 1998 for two churches: The Church of St. Henry, a 53,000 sq. ft. structure with a building value of $1,150,000 and Resurrection Lutheran Church, a structure of 8,700 sq. ft. with a building value of $501,172. The new Monticello High School having a building value of $17,354,467 was also started in 1998 as was the $4,000,000 expansion of the Monticello-Big Lake Hospital. Construction was also started on the Monticello Community and Training Center valued at $8,204,800. L~ • ~ ~ U ~ O za¢ oQo ~~~ Hm U • C O O O O O O H O 0 0 0 O O O O~ O~ `~ ~ O ~ ~ 1~ v~ f~ ~ N M O N ~ vt r 7 ~ O op O~ !~ r1 00 h N .~ M rh l~ 00 ~O O 7 O~ ~ v~ 1~ h ~ N O~ ~O N 00 ~ N V1 lp ~ ~ .- 69 Efl ~ .~ 69 4i9 69 M fA ~1 4H 1~ 69 N O ~ o0 N t~ ~ O M oo N ~ vl r W p, w N N l~ O~ O ai G O O O O O O O O N N ~ ~ O ~ O ~ ~ b ~ ~ N ~O i '/ oo h O ~O i O ~O . . 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