IDC Agenda 01-21-1999• AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, January Zl, 1999 - 7:00 a.m. City Hall MEMBERS: Chair Dick Van Allen, Vice Chair Tom Lindquist, Secretary Tom Ollig, Shelley Johnson, Don Smith, Ken Maus, Kevin Doty, Bill Tapper, Bob Mosford, Bill Fair, and Bob Grabinski. COUNCIL LIAISON: Mayor Roger Belsaas. STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, Fred Patch, and Ollie Koropchak. 1. Call to Order. 2. Consideration to approve the November 19 and December 17, 1998 IDC minutes. 3. Consideration of activity reports: a) Mayor's report - Mayor Belsaas OAA as it relates to industrial sites b) Director's report -Koropchak Prospects, marketing, and BRE visits • 4. Consideration to elect 1999 IDC Officers: Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary. 5. Consideration to review a report on IDC membership attendance for positive contribution to the committee. 6. Consideration to review for approval the 1999 IDC mission and action statements. 7. Consideration to discuss an idea for industrial marketing - "an attention getter". 8. Consideration of setting a date for the Industrial BRE Breakfast and suggest ideas for the program. 9. Other business. 10. Adjournment. • Monticello Industrial Development Committee Minutes from November 19, 1998 Meeting Members Present: Dick Van Allen, Tom Lindquist, Tom Ollig, Don Smith, Ken Maus, Kevin Doty, Bill Tapper, Bob Mosford, Bob Gabinski. City Staff: Mayor Bill Fair, Ollie Koropchak Members Absent: Shelly Johnson 1. Meeting was called to order by Chairman Dick Van Allen. 2. Minutes from the September 17~' meeting were approved. 3. Consideration of activity reports; Prospects -Ollie reported on some activity and interest from several business. • Robner and Assoc. Looking at Monticello. Looking for 12,000 square feet about 12 employees. • D & L Custom Design, Inc., out of St. Cloud took a tour of Monticello looking for centralized location does custom design cabinets for the US Post Office about 45 employees. Looking for 100,000 square foot building. • Caterpillar, Inc. Trouble contacting them may be a little premature • 25 to 100 employees looking for freeway exposure. • Lead from the State of MN on a business looking fora 50,000 square foot building, distributor of building products and supplies for the building industry. 4. Consideration to review summary comments and ideas for establishment of IDC goals and adjectives. Discussion centered on proposal from Fred Patch of the City with regard to how trucks should enter businesses and where those entrances should be located. The two biggest issues are safety and ascetics the plan would limit loading docks to the side or/and rear of buildings. This issue was discussed at length considering, cost, safety, existing buildings structure and feasibility. Motioned by Tapper seconded by Gabinski: The committee recommended that the City focus on safety as the main issue and that the IDC does not believe the overall problem warrants an ordnance at the present time. Unanimously approved. 5. Note from Chairman Dick Van Allen that the IDC needs to appoint a new Chairman at the January meeting for 1999. 6. Ollie discussed the IDC Banquet: Turnout was the same as 1997, compliments were received the Chamber did a great job. Many compliments on the industrial brochure everything went well, the committee thanked Ollie for her efforts. 7. A question was raised about the $10,000.00 that was transferred from the IDC to r • the Chamber and what should be done with it. It was noted that the Chamber supports the IDC during the year to the tune of about $2,500.00. It was decided that the Chamber should use the money as they see fit to promote Monticello and that the original terms of the transfer (letter of 1996) be reinforced. 8. Consideration of recommendation on an ordinance amendment providing off-street loading berths, to prohibit berths from facing a public street. Property near Co. Rd. 39. The committee asked that John Chadwick be invited to our next meeting to discuss. 9. Consideration to review summary comments and ideas for establishment of IDC goals and objectives. • A group of concerned citizens interested in promoting industrial growth in Monticello. • Lobbying organization. • Dick Van Allen will craft a sentence or two on purpose for our next meeting. • What is our affiliation • What is our direction. 10 Motion by Tapper seconded by Doty to adjourn, unanimously approved. • • . MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, December 17, 1998 - 7:00 a.m. City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Dick Van Allen, Ken Maus, Kevin Doty, Bill Tapper, and Bob Grabinski. MEMBERS ABSENT: Vice Chair Tom Lindquist, Secretary Tom Ollig, Shelley Johnson, Don Smith, and Bob Mosford. COUNCIL LIAISON PRESENT: Mayor Bill Fair STAFF PRESENT: Rick Wolfsteller and Ollie Koropchak. GUESTS: Mayor-elect Roger Belsaas John Chadwick and Jim Bower, The Chadwick Group, Inc. Call to order. Chair Van Allen called the IDC meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. • 2. Consideration to approve the October 15 and November 19. 1998 IDC minutes. Bill Tapper made a motion to approve the October 15, 1998 IDC minutes. Bob Grabinski seconded the motion and with no additions or corrections, the minutes were approved as written. With no submittal of the November 19 minutes, this was carried over. 3. Consideration of activity reports: a) Mayor's report -Mayor Fair reported that the 1999 City Budget was approved and the requested $75,000 for future industrial infrastructure development or land acquisition was cut to $25,000. Additionally, the HRA was unable to match the requested $75,000 in 1999 because of the lack of funds. However, the Council expressed interest in funding projects brought forward. Secondly, Mayor Fair reported the Council received a request from the Monticello Joint Planning Board to adopt an amendment to remove the southwest concept plan from the Joint Resolution. The council approved setting a meeting with the MOAA for discussion of the southwest concept plan only. Date to be announced. b) Prospect and Marketing Report -With the written report submitted in the agenda to save time at the IDC meeting, the floor was opened for questions. • ' IDC MINUTES DECEMBER 17, 1998 4. Consideration to review summarized IDC goals and objectives to determine whether they need further defining or to acceFt as summarized. Chair Van Allen submitted a summary of the IDC goals and objectives as resulted from the November meeting and asked for comments. It appeared further defining of short term and long term projects or goals was needed. A request for a copy of the current IDC purpose for comparison was made. The members agreed to submit the presented goals and objectives in the agenda pack for consideration and approval at the January meeting. Consideration to review Monticello IDC Org_anizational/Membershit~ Guidelines and membership list. The guidelines and membership list were submitted at the request of the IDC. It was noted election of officers take place in January at the annual meeting. Chair Van Allen expressed his interest to pass-on the gavel as he foresees an increase of business travel in 1999. Members agreed and requested Chair Van Allen ask the Vice Chair as to his desire to move into chairmanship. If the Vice Chair declines, a nominating committee of Ken Maus and Bill Tapper will proceed to recruit a nominee for Chair 1999. Membership and terms were briefly discussed, stating it was the desire of the group a few years ago to cut • back on the number of members as the 16-18 membership was too large to be effective. However, with the recent lack of attendance perhaps this should be re-assessed and the membership attendance accounted. As a matter of past practice, Mayor Fair was invited to remain on the IDC if so desired. 6. Consideration to hear a presentation by John Chadwick relating to development of the southwest corridor and request for endorsement. Koropchak reviewed the previous history of the parcels which were identified in a March 1998 presentation by Chadwick. Identifying the easterly approximate 85-acre parcel owned by Goeman and partners, the 15-acre triangle parcel fronting I-94 being marketed by Goeman, and the southwesterly approximate 85-acre parcel owned by Chadwick for a total of about 185 acres of proposed industrial land. Jim Bower proceeded by stating of the tota185-acre Chadwick property, the yellow area (about 50-55 acres) was available for industrial development, the red area was the shallow gravel deposit, and green area was for excavation. The diagonal yellow to be removed in the first year. He estimated the gravel mining business has the potential of an annual gross revenue of $1 million with an annual payroll of $50,000 to $100,000. Gravel expectation is 100,000 tons per year for about 10 years. Test drilling indicated firm ground 20 feet underneath. Truck traffic would be routed via County Road 39 or a back route from 90th • 2 . IDC MINUTES DECEMBER 17, 1998 Street or Avenue. The proposed grinding/crushing area is to the rear (southerly portion) of the property. The benefit of recycling is it minimizes the number of local trucks. Products are brought-in for crushing, mixed with gravel, and hauled-out to job sites. For economic reasons, a typical gravel pit market area is about 15 miles. The grinding/crushing permit is issued through the County, this is on the January 6 County agenda. John Chadwick proposed a land swap with the City, his 85 acres for the City's 65-acre site along Highway 25. Chadwick would retain the mineral rights on the 85 acres for sometime. The attached list is a comparison of the site factors. Asking Mr. Chadwick of his wants from the IDC, he responded: 1. Thoughts of the IDC and consideration for development of the gravel pit. 2. Consideration of an IDC/City .exchange of land for industrial development. Members discussed the three triangle parcels of Chadwick, Goeman's and Goeman's marketing as it relates to freeway exposure, infrastructure and utility development, wetlands, and access. Wolfsteller noted Chadwick's property being the most westerly would be developed last and could be served by utilities from the north under I-94 or east via Goulds. A utility/infrastructure study of the area was ordered for presentation to the IDC in May 1998. • A suggestion was made for the City to consider exchange of the Chadwick/City property and to consider acquisition of the Goeman and Goeman marketing properties for control of the approximate 185 acres. It appeared the utility/infrastructure study and appraisals were the next steps for consideration by the City. Selling points for the Goeman property were briefly discussed. With time running out, the IDC made no further suggestions or recommendations. 7. Other business. None. Adjournment. The IDC meeting adjourned at 8:35 a.m. ~~~~~ ~ Ollie Koropchak, Recorder • PROSPECT UPDATE -JANUARY 1999 Commercial cabinetry and casework, St. Cloud -New President of company. Call in March. Have negotiated ashort-term lease in St. Cloud for 73,000 sq ft under one roof. Company under capitalized. Goal to get balance sheet corrected. One year from now look for 7-8 acres , 100,000 sq ft building for company's future needs. December 23, 1998. Distributor of utility products -Met with the company president and lender on January 12. Interested in the revolving loan for acquisition of the Midwest Graphic building. Allied Companies -Survey, topography, and soil boring completed on East 7 Street site. Hire architect in January then design, 30 days. April/May construction of rental bay units. Be in to visit January/February. Midwest Graphics -Certificate of Occupancy issued. Plan to move second week in January. B&B Metal Stamping -Moved-in end of December. Called Alan. All going well, reminded him of loan program for future purchase of machinery. Leasing 7,000 sq ft of the 12,000 sq ft building. MARKETING • 15 ,brochures mailed December 29. Telephone foiiow-up this week. Follow-up forms developed and filing system. BRE VISITS Mayor Belsaas is very interested in visiting the local industries. His preference is to wait a month to begin setting up appointments. He has received calls directly from some businesses for individual visits. • ~3 b~ DV TL TO SJ DS KD BT BM KM • BG 1998 Membership Attendance Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X NO MIN X =Present 75% =attendance of 7 meetings out of 10. X X NO MIN • INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO 1999 ACTION STATEMENT Mission Statement To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs. Purpose To operate as an independent lobbying organization structured to influence and assist industrial development in and for the City of Monticello, Minnesota. Relationship 1. In the broadest context focus on overall industrial development and developers. 2. Assign time and effort when and where it is deemed necessary. Goals and Direction 1. To provide a continuous stream of available industrial land with infrastructure availability. • 2. To review and assess the implementation of the industrial marketing plan. developed in conjunction with the HRA for the City of Monticello. 3 . To rate the effectiveness of the use of the industrial marketing plan. • V, A:idc~oala2 • Tuesday, December OS, 1998 IDC GOALS AND OBJECTIVES -Conclusion from November 19 Meeting 1- PURPOSE Operate as an independent 1 b yi anization structured to influence and assist °~r~ ~~ ~~ Industrial Development in the City of MonticeNo, MN IDC RELATIONSHIP. ~d 1-In the broadest context focus on overall industrial developer /development. 2-Assign time and effort when and where it is deemed necessary. GOALS AND DIRECTION 1- Goal of expanding available indastrial land. 2- Concerning the industrial marketing plan developed in conjunction with HRA for City of MonticeNo; Review and assess the implementation of the plan and rate the effectiveness of plan use. • • ~, CITY OF MONTICELLO /BUILDING PERMIT 250 EBroadway/PO Box 1147/tdontlcello, MN 55362 (612) 295-3060 ,ate Address: -Legal: 202 Dundas Road Lot 5- Block Plat T # 98-/+/+G2 155-O1E-0030.50 Zone: 1 Park Property Owner Name: Blue Chip Corp. Phone # 295-6635 Address: 105 Misc~issippi Drive City: Monticello State: MN Zip: 55362 Contractor Name• Lantto Building Co. Inc. Phone ~12-929-5785 State License # Address: 5000 Willian- Avenue C1ty: Edina State: I~IN ~p:55436 Eng./Architect Name: E.M. Branstrom & Associates Architects, Inc. Phone #12-944-2529 Address: 6173 Sioux Trail City: Edina State: rtN Zip: 55439 Plumber Name: Phone # Address: City: State: Zip: Mechanical Name: Phone # Address: City: State: Zip: Description of work: Steel building for manufacturing h office Est. Value:. $ ~ o . o ® New ^ Addition ^ Alteration ^ Repair ^ Move ^ Other Tvne o ^ f Constr ctn lon: Single Family ^ Duplex ^ Multi-Family ^ Commercial ^ Industrial ^ Res. Garage ^ Other `1 Tree Ordinancg Applies: ^ Yes ^ No Other Handouts`Required: ^ Yes ^ No Additional Information: Const. type: Occ. group: Division: Sq. Ft.: 17_ , 000 # Stories: # Res. units: Max. occ. load: Fire zone: Fire sprinklers: ^ yes ^ no Off-street parking covered: Off-street parking uncovered: _ ******************* ~ ~k performed without required inspections will result in removal of materials at rlcontractor's expense until inspections are completed. NO EXCEPTIONS. \read and examined this permit and agree to comply with the building code in ~t the time of this application. I agree to comply with the ordinances of the ~, Monticello. ~~1 '~~/ ~ ~~ ~,.~ l m ls' 9 8 ~ 5ig e Date •~ ~ r- ~ ~ r.ia Sirnahrre Date FEES: ( ~~>k~x>AII Blg, permit Plan review 827.25 State surtax 95.00 Blg. Total ~ 2676.75 Plbg. permit Fixtures '~ State surtax . Plbg. Total Mech. permit Fixtures State surtax Mech. Total Sewer access Water access Water meter 375.00 Meter sales tax 24.38 Meter Total Sew & water pernut Trunk water Trunk san. sewer Storm sewer Lift station TOTAL FEES Leas Receipt #~38°I I Date l o 15 6000.00 ?.500.00 399.38 30.00 5925.60 17,533..73 -8,000.00 9,531.73 1'1~p,E; (if applicable) ftxtttres • completed plicable. ~" ~~~a, jyQ, Fixture Tune Water Closet (toilet) Bathtub Lavatory (wash basin) Shower Kitchen Sink Dishwasher Laundry Tub Clothes Washer ~, Water Heater Urinal' ', .Drinking Fountain ~i ~" Floor Drain ~- slop sink Hydrants TOTAL FIXTURES ($2 per fixture) Mechanical: (if applicable) j~Q. Fixture Tvi2e ~~ Furnace Meter ,- ~~ Range. Dryer Water heater TOTAL FIXTURES ($2 per fixture) ~**~***~*~*****~~*~~F******~~**~~~*~k*****#+k*~F*#***~k*~k*~k*~k~N~k**~k**~k***~k************~F*~h+k+h**+k~k****~~k~ FOR CITY USE ONLY ~~~ ~9Z9~ao Tree Ordinance Applies: ^ Yes ^ No F " ,S: Blg. permit S, 399 .so ~r Handouts Required: ^ Yes ^ No Plan review z , ~ `~`~ ~ ~ State surtax ~ I -~ Blg. Total ~9~~ .19 Plbg. permit ~- Fixtures Additional Information: State surtax -- Const. type: - ~ Plbg. Total --- Occ. group: •~ ~ ~Z Mech. permit - Division: Fixtures _ Sq. Ft.: ~~ ,tom State surtax ` # Stories: 1~ Mech. Total # Res. units: - Sewer access 15 ~A~ vu ~~ 3~f •~ • 7o t~ ~ ' ~~ ~c~ 2s -- Max. occ. load: -' Water access ` y „ ,, o~ Fire zone: -- _ 1~4~~ -• •=-- zl Water meter{ ~ ` ~ ~ Fires rinklers: es ^ p no ~~~~-~ ~ Meter sales ta x Meter Total Z • 3 ~ 39S • Off-st reet parkin covered: - --- Sew & water permit o~ ~ Off-street parking uncovered: '~ ~~_~,~. --- Tntttl~-salt: sgwet~ ~ _ Storm sewer ~~~ ~~-~~~~ - t .3-t NOTES & SPECIAL APPROVALS: `~~"``'""`~ ' Lift station ~ ~^ _/zoning /-health dept. /!fire dept. / -soil report / -other ~ Blg Official: Finance: _ DST: (approval) (s/w fees) (notified) TOTAL FEES: ~ `~I y~ 9~.~s7 ~-P~ t1Z3.9 • ALLIED COMPANIES TIF ASSISTANCE $181,000 pay-as-you-go Projected 10% Local Match over 9 years $109,000 NPV Local Match for Storm Sewer Trunk $19,223.37 (Can be assessed) BLUE CHIP TIF ASSISTANCE $37,500 pay-as-you-go Projected 10% Local Match over 9 years $8,713 Local Match for WAC/SAC $8,000 (Upfront cost to business) Coupon Savings up to $10,000 reduction of WAC/SAC fees. For Economic TIF qualifying projects. Ex~ration date 12/31/99 • • • Apri11999 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 Easter 5 6 7 8 IDC Breakfast? 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 IDC Meeting 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 IDC Breakfast* 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 IDC Breakfast Location: Riverwood Inn and Conference Center Date: *Recommend the Apri 22n date due to potential conflicts with the holiday and spring break. Time: 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Speaker or Topic Ideas: ~,. • Highway 25, County Road 75 and Chelsea Road Improvements ._- • ~ State of the City by the Mayor • Economic Development Wright County wide or State wide • School-To-Work -more than just an apprenticeship program, could in- volve apanel from Monticello high school, Wright Technical center... • Labor market issues, creative recruiting, resources to use ... • The new OSHA standards and forms • Property tax reform for commercial and industrial I am open to any and all suggestions. Thank you. • J. EDWIN CHADWICK, LLC Firstar Financial Center, Suite 640 Real Estate Development/Land Buyers 1550 Eric 79Th Saeet Bloomington, Minnesota 55425 • Office (612) 853-2473 FAX (612) 854-9241 Toll Free 1-800-727-CHAD SITE FACTORS REMMELE STATE HIGHWAY 25 COUNTY ROAD 39 INTERSTATE 94 & CTY RD. 39 Parcel Size 65 acres 85 acres Utility Availability Yes At 90th/Under 194 Topography Flat to slight roll Flat and some roll'f Utility Easement Yes Yes Roadway Access Highway 25 Cty 39 or 90th through Goeman Site Exposure To Highway 25 To I-94 and Cty 39 Buildable assume yes Yes Zoning Commercial/PUD Industrial -guided Proximity To Annexation I~..C'~~---__~ ~,,~y Yes Site Amenities/Neighbors Highway, Park, Trailer Home I-94, Cty 39, YMCA, Industrial Likely Absorption Time Not known Not known Other 2) 3) 4) "May grade for City • Prepared by John Chadwick 12/16/98 Page 1 ~, ®~~-~ ~J~c~' • ~ M:ay 19!lti ,,_ ~-~, a Irna zau~_-__3uon ~ ---- _. L`-J Low Density Residential Medium /Nigh Density Residential Commercial ~~~ ,} ~~ '. -Industrial Public /Semi Public Future Street db • r: ~ kf ~ ~ ~ ~' 11 ff i I ~ ~ j i~: : a s 4 3 ~ I r] e k 6 ~ t / _ t1; i 'S ~ 1 / gq !~~/ a ~ ~ ~ ! `~ to ~ e ~ o a ' ,set! 1' 11 _' % t.. \\, \~ - ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~. `\ -,,, ," / ~~ `t ; , ~ ~_ , ~~ ~ .# ~ II a ~!~{!y a ~{{t~!~1~~~ `~\~' "~ rr`{~ •~ y1'~`~\•. ~`I, 11 ,`` I ~1~\ ~~I~ ~ n i ^` ` - _ . - _~ . T ~1;_ '1'' r "'k - ~ ~'~~ ~~`.~- 1-- - ~, I ! Cif 1 5 I ~ y i ~ ~ ( ~ 1 ~ ~~ ~ f ~ ~ I + ~ I ~~ i i ~ ''II yy ~ _~ '~ ~,{ \ `~ ~'/` e \ ~ • i' ~ = --mow ,/ \ \ .: / ~ ~ ~~, = e \; ~~~ \ W• \ ~ - '•`~, ....._._,~.~_.~ ~.``.~ J ~ -y.r .~..v Irrr.IR/ fs ; ~ .. .. ;,x..+11.: • ' np, Y /-'tOi 7 .{I7.M.1,~ C 'QN !/'7d AIM/_'0.'~ lI6!!M i ~' . .\ ,3A ~ .._ ~.. ~. . _, ... _. .. • ., ;~,~ ~T ~~ ~ ~~~ ~-!' ~, ~ ~+;: ;. .- ,~' ~,~ s ,~ < ,.,..* t.^. _ ~'~; a ~~ `rya~~ti .~Y S A ~ ~'~ y •~ u :?~~ l~ . 3 z • •~~~ ~~ 11JG ~}! 0 0 W a 0 • ~1 I'~ ,~ u