IDC Agenda 12-11-1997• AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, December 11,1997 - 7:OO.prm. 'A ~ City Hall MEMBERS: Chair Ken Maus, Vice Chair Tom Lindquist, Secretary Tom Ollig, Don Smith, Shelly Johnson, Kevin Doty, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Bob Mosford, and Grace Pederson. COUNCIL LIAISON: Mayor Bill Fair STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, Fred Patch, and Ollie Koropchak. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE NOVEMBER 20, 1997 IDC MINUTES. 3. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW THE SECOND DRAFT OF A RESOLUTION FOR SUBMITTAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. (Ken Maus and Don Smith) 4. CONSIDERATION OF FOLLOW-UP BUSINESS: a) Public information notice on southwest area study, December 10, 5:00 p.m. b) Response Letter to Chamber of Commerce. c) HRA response to IDC request for joint meeting with HRA. d) Lake Tool Appreciation Feedback. 5. CONSIDERATION OF PROSPECTS. 6. OTHER BUSINESS. a) Next regular IDC meeting scheduled for January 22, 1997. 7. ADJOURNMENT. U • Minutes of IDC Meeting from November 20`x, 1997 Members Present: Ken Maus, Tom Lindquist, Tom Ollig, Don Smith, Shelly Johnson, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Grace Pederson, Mayor Bill Fair, City Staff Fred Patch and Ollie Koropchak. Members Absent: Kevin Doty, Bob Mosford. 1. Approved the minutes from October 16'~ meeting, motioned by Lindquist seconded by Johnson, unanimously approved. 2. Grace Pederson gave an IDC Banquet report and handed out attendance and financial information. Mr. Tapper commented that next year we should use the upper level bar and have snacks to create more traffic for those with displays. Attendance was down a little and the speaker a little more expensive however overall a successful event. 3. Much discussion was had on draft resolutions from the IDC to the City Council relating to industry in Monticello. Both Mr. Van Allen and Mr. Tapper were asked to pool their ideas and revise a resolution to be discussed at our December meeting. 4. Motioned by Mr. Smith seconded by Mr. Johnson that the Chairman of the IDC and HRA determine a forum for a joint meeting between the two groups to discuss mutual goals. 5. After discussion it was agreed that the IDC would not request current funding from the Chamber for 1998. This decision was based upon the fact that there is $10,000.00 held in a reserve fund by the Chamber for possible use by the IDC. 6. Ollie talked about industry visits by the Mayor and overall felt they were going well and that they were having a positive impact and helping to imporve the perception of the city by industry. 7. Ollie discussed possible prospects: Midwest Graphics, new building in spring and 22 additional employees. Metal Stamp Proto-types, called them twice, will revisit, 25 to 50 possible employees and a 20,000 sq. Ft. Bldg. 8. Committee agreed to change the meeting dates as follows. December 11 `~ and January 22nd 9. Motioned by Van Allen seconded by Ollig to adjourn, unanimously approved. ~--~~ . ~~ ~,~ ~~~~ - ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~. ' ~ ~~. November 24, 1997 ~ ~ PUBLIC INFORMATION NOTICE RE: Southwest Area Study City of Monticello WSB Project No. 1033.30 Dear Property Owner and/or Business Representative: The City of Monticello will hold a Public Information Meeting on Wednesday, December • 10, 1997 at the Monticello City Hall from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM to discuss the proposed City street system and future land use plan for the southwest study area. This includes the area south of I-94 and west of Trunk Highway 25, in and near the City of Monticello. The meeting will be held in an open house format to receive comments on the southwest area study. The public comments will be taken into consideration as the study progresses and will be presented to the planning commission for further review. Please plan to attend this information meeting as your input is important to the City of Monticello. Monticello City Hall is located at 250 East Broadway. If you have any questions about this meeting please call Jeff O'Neill, Assistant City Administrator at 295- 2711. c: Ron Bray, WSB & Associates, Inc. Steve Grittman, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. Bret Weiss, City Engineer, WSB & Associates, Inc. Ollie Koropchak Monticello City Hall, 250 E. Broadway, PO Box 1147, Monticello, MN 55362-9245 • (612) 295-2711 • Fax: (612) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362 • (612) 295-3170 • Fax: (612) 27l -3272 MONTICELLO i Monticello Industrial Development Committee P.O. Boz 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 November 21, 1997 Grace Pederson, President Monticello Area Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 192 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Chamber President and Board of Directors: In response to your request for a proposed 1998 Budget from the Industrial Development Committee (IDC), we discussed your request at our November 20 meeting. The IDC recognizes the wisdom of utilizing the 1DC funds of $9,000 to $10,000 today. However, for the past year or two, the IDC has concentrated on two objectives. Objective One: To foster an "industrial friendl}~' attitude for development in the City of Monticello. Objective Two: To strengthen the message ofthe benefits of industrial development for preservation of land for future industrial development. Progress is underway. When the IDC determines the appropriate time and need, a request for the funds will be submitted. Thank you for your patience and consideration. Sincerely, Ken Maus, Chairperson KM/ok °~