IDC Agenda 08-21-1997AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, August 21,1997 - 7:00 a.m. City Hall MEMBERS: Chair Ken Maus, Vice Chair Tom Lindquist, Secretary Tom Ollig, Shelly Johnson, Don Smith, Jay Morrell, Kevin Doty, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, and Grace Pederson. COUNCIL LIAISON: Mayor Bill Fair. STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, and Ollie Koropchak. GUEST: Kitty Baltos, Area Chamber of Commerce Director 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE JULY 17, 1997 IDC NIINUTES. 3. CONSIDERATION OF PLANS FOR THE 1998 IDC BANQUET AS COORDINATED BY THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. • a) Date and speaker. b) Ticket sales and program. 4. CONSIDERATION OF A CHAMBER UPDATE RELATING TO A PROPOSED I-94 CORRIDOR INDUSTRIAL NETWORKING GROUP. 5. CONSIDERATION OF AN UPDATE FROM THE IDC TASK FORCE RELATING TO THE PRESENTATION MADE TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION 6. CONSIDERATION TO DISCUSS FOR PREFARATION OF THE JOINT MEETING BETWEEN THE IDC, COUNCIL, AND PLANNING COMMISSION (Scheduled Monday, September 29.) 7. BRE AND PROSPECT UPDATES. 8. OTHER BUSINESS. 9. ADJOURNMENT. • • • Monticello Industrial Development Committee Minutes of June 18, 1997 Meeting Members Present: Ken Maus, Tom Lindquist, Tom Ollig, Jay Morrell, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Grace Pederson. Members Absent: Shelly Johnson, Don Smith Others Present: Mayor Bill Fair, City Staff Ollie Koropchak Steve Crrittman, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. Dick Frie, Planning Commission Chazlie Pfeffer, Rfeffer Company, Inc. 1. Minutes of May 15, 1997 meeting were reviewed, motioned by Dick Van Allen to approve, 2°d by Bill Tapper, unanimously approved. 2. Steve Grittman of Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. explained his report entitled "Monticello -Industrial Development Research" this report was prepazed • at the request of the marketing subcommittee of the IDC. Some of the highlights of the report centered around, • a. We are going to have to look at other locations for industrial park property. b. Talked about the correlation between industrial development and tax rates. c. Need to look into rezoning land currently zoned for industrial use from a Business Campus to some other use. Discussion followed on renaming or rezoning current Business Campus zoning to Industrial 1, 2 or 3 no decision was made. The Mayor talked about the fact that local government has been in chaos and has sent the wrong message to developers and industrial prospects, and that the impression of chaos must be eliminated. "Our problem is not price, location or building structure, the problem is risk and chaos in our local government". Dick Frie of the Planning Commission informed the IDC of a very important meeting on June 30~'. Dick talked about the attitude that contractors and developers currently have towards Monticello. He talked about the fact that what is needed is frank discussion with the City Council and City Staff about this perception. Talked about the fact that currently there does not exist a flow chart or job description to give to developers wanting to come into our community. We also need to understand that without residential development there will be no • industrial development as there will not be enough people to support the employee needs of our industries. • Mr. Chazlie Pfeffer also echoed the comments made by Mr. Fiie and had some frank statements of his own relative to the perception of Monticello by developers. • 3. After much discussion it was motioned by Bill Tapper that the IDC should acknowledge the efforts of the task force made up of Ken Maus, Bill Tapper and Dick Van Allen for their time and impute in developing the Industrial Development Research document put together by Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. Also as a part of his motion that the task force us the report to approach the City Council and City Staff to invite them to a workshop to discuss industrial rezoning. Motion was seconded by Dick Van Allen, unanimously approved. The task force or some of it's members will try to attend the first council meeting in July and try and find a workable date for the workshop on a Saturday morning. 4. There was no update on business expansion and prospect projects. 5. The IDC Banquet is October 28~'. r1 6. No further business motion to adjourn by Tom Lindquist seconded by Dick Van Allen . unanimously approved. • •