IDC Agenda 12-21-1995AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMIVIITTEE Thursday, December 21, 1995 - 7:00 a.m. -City Hall Members: Chairperson Kevin Doty, Vice Chai erson Ken Maus Treasurer Ron rP , Hoggund, Sheldon Johnson, Arve Grimsmo, Don Smith, Jay Morrell, Harvey Kendall, Merrlyn Seefeldt, Tom Lindquist, Bill Tapper, Jim Fleming, Councilmember Tom Perrault, Dick Van Alien, and Tom Ollig. Executive Director: Ollie Koropchak. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE NOVEMBER i 6, 1995, IDC MINUTES. 3. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR AND ACCEPT THE MONTHLY IDC FINANCIAL REPORT. 4. OLD BUSINESS: A. FOLLOW-UP ON THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE. 1. Identify landowner(s) of proposed industrial land. 2. Identify plan for zoning or acquisition. 3. Potential I-94 and Orchard Road Interchange Study. B. RNERFRONT/DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION UPDATE. • 5. CONSIDERATION TO FURTHER DISCUSS THE ROLE OF THE IDC AS A BRANCH OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. 6. CONSIDERATION OF PROSPECT UPDATE. 7. CONSIDERATION OF BRE REPORTS. October - Electro Industries and Lintex Corporation - Merrlyn Seefeldt November -Suburban Manufacturing, Inc. -Sheldon Johnson SMA Elevators -Ron Hoglund December - Polycast Specialties, Inc. -Kevin Doty Dahlheimer Distribution, Inc. -Ron Hoglund Automatic Garage Door, Inc. -Tom Lindquist 8. OTHER. BUSINESS. A. NO CHAMBER MEETINGS IN DECEMBER OR JANUARY. CHAMBER BANQUET, MONTE CLUB, JANUARY 29, 1996, 6:30 P.M., $25 PER PERSON. B. IDC JANUARY MEETING: YEARLY MEMBERSHIP APPOINTMENTS, ELECTION OF OFFICERS, YEAR-END ASSESSMENT AND 1996 GOALS. . 9. ADJOURNMENT. • MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMNIITTEE Thursday, November 16, 1995 - 7:00 a.m. -City Hall Members Present: Chairperson Kevin Doty, Vice Chairperson Ken Maus, Treasurer Ron Hoglund, Sheldon Johson, Don Smith, Harvey Kendall, Merrlyn Seefeidt, Tom Lindquist, Bill Tapper, Jim Fleming, Councihnember Tom Perrault, and Dick Van Allen. Members Absent: Arve Grimsmo, Jay Morrell, and Tom Ollig. Staff Present: Ollie Koropchak and Jeff O'Neill. Guests: Steve Grittman, Northwest Associates, Inc.; Theresa Washburn, Redevelopment Specialist; and Al Larson, HRA Chairperson. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Doty called the IDC meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE OCTOBER 19 1995 IDC MINUTES. • Harvey Kendall. made a motion to approve the October 19, 1995, minutes. Bill Tapper seconded the motion and with no corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as written. 3. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR AND ACCEPT THE MONTHLY IDC FINANCIAL REPORT. Treasurer Hoglund reported a monthly balance of $3,967.69 at First Bank. and $12,289.27 at Marquette Bank for a total November balance of $16,256.96. Only a few attendee tickets remain unpaid. Koropchak will mail invoices to those businesses. Tom Lindquist made a motion to accept the November IDC fmancial report as given. Seconded by Harvey Kendall and with no additions or corrections, the fmancial report was accepted and filed. 4. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS. Koropchak introduced Steve Grittman, Theresa Washburn, and Al Larson to the IDC members. Each IDC member introduced him/herself. Page 1 • IDC MINUTES NOVEMBER 16, 1995 5. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE RELATING TO INDUSTRIAL LAND USE. Steve Grittman, Planner with Northwest Associates, Inc. presented background information on the process used for preparation of the first draft of the update. Information was gathered through individual, commission, and neighborhood meetings. Tables illustrated Occupations, Land Use, Housing, etc. data collected from the 1990 Census and local building permit information. A couple of individual goals outlined in the update were to broaden the industrial base and to target high quality businesses for a greater return to the community. Another goal identified was investment in the traditional downtown through the facilitation of a transition to recreation or a recreational center. Population projections caused the most debate among those present. Members were reminded that projections are utilized as a guide to determine what needs to be done. Members discussed the absortion of industrial land with 1VIr. Grittman who estimated another 10-15 years before anew site needed to be on-line. The comphensive plan update identifies the southwest corridor of Monticello for future land development. This both efficient for infrastructure development and for commuters. An approximate 150 acres along I-94 and across from the golf course was identified for industrial use. West County Road 39 would serve as an access road between the downtown area and residential development. Industrial users would access I-94 through a proposed interchange at Orchard Road therebye deferring traffic away from the Highway 25 interchange. The development of an interchange at Orchard Road is one of the major driving forces for development of the area. Another impact is the proposed river crossing location. Members discussed the likelihood of private via public investment for development: of an industrial park. Members related to the Oakwood Partnership and the number of years before they saw a return of their investment. The general consensus from a realistic preception was for public investment of the land proposed industrial use prior to further growth of the area. The IDC requested further information relating to the proposed area and the HRA's ability for land write-down and their willingness to or for possible Council consideration to purchase. 6. OLD BUSINESS. a) Follow-up by Jim Fleming relating to the Dan Goeman/Greg Smith properties and the Wurm properties. No follow-up was given. • Page 2 • IDC MINUTES NOVEMBER 16, 1995 7. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW AND ASSESS THE 1995 IDC BANQUET. Enclosed with the agenda was an accountibility report of donors. Invoices need mailing for an additional $400 for those in attendance and not paid. 127 individuals attended the banquet which was down by 12 from the previous year. Expected profit will be a little less than projected. Koropchak thanked members for a job well-done on ticket sales. Although banquet speaker of the past two years were of high-quality, it was felt the topics had too great of an educational slant and to be conscious of this next year. 8. CONSIDERATION OF PROSPECT UPDATES. IDC members accepted the written report presented at the meeting. 9. CONSIDERATION OF BRE REPORTS. None. 10. OTHER BUSINESS. None. I1. ADJOURNMENT. Tom Lindquist made a motion to adjourn the IDC meeting. Ron Hoglund seconded the motion and with no further business, the IDC meeting adjourned at 8:40 a.m. o~ \~ ~ ~ Ollie Koropchak, Executive Director Page 3 C December 12, 1995 RE: RIVERFRONT AND DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION Dear Attendee: Thank you for attending the November presentation by Theresa Washburn on Riverfront and Downtown Revitalization. Were you motiviated? We are pleased you are interested in your community and recognize the value of its river and downtown area. Now for an update. The coalition group for revitalization has met twice since Theresa's presentation. Because of favorable comments received from those who attended the presentation and from others, the coalition group elected to move forward and requested a one-year consultation proposal from Theresa Washburn. The proposal includes assisting the community with periodic workshops relating to motivational, organizational, promotional, economic restructural, design services. Telephone consulting is included. Additionally, the coalition group authorized to begin research for employment of a project manager to work with the consultant and for the continuation of a long-term revitalization program. If you would like to recommend an individual for project manager, please contact Al Larson (295-2552), Ron Hoglund (295-3795), or Ollie Koropchak (295-2711). In order to continue on a timely basis, the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) approved an interest-free loan with aone-year payback for the consultant fees and expenses. The borrower and employer of the consultant have not been determined. The next step planned is an eight-hour visionary workshop with Theresa Washburn. on Saturday, January 20, 1996. Mark your calendar and plan accordingly. You will be notified later relating to the meeting place and other details. If you have any questions or recommendations for the coalition group, please contact Al, Ron, or Ollie. Please remember, we are in the infancy stage of organizing. Attached is a brief questionaire, please complete and return in the addressed envelope. • This letter is written on behalf of the coalition group for revitalization. IDC MEMBERSHIP DECEMBER 1995 TERM MEMBERS December 1995 Tom Lindquist Harvey Kendall Jim Fleming Don Smith Tom Ollig Vacant Seat (John McVay) December 1996 Merrlyn Seefeldt Bill Tapper Arve Grimsmo Ron Hoglund Ken Maus December 1997 Kevin Doty Vacant Seat (Steve Lemme) Jay Morrell Shelley Johnson Dick Van Allen Standing Member Chamber Chairperson Endres-1996) Mayor {Councilmember Perrault) NON-VOTING Executive Director Ollie Koropchak Support Staff Rick Wolfsteller Jeff O~Neill (Bill Tom r J