IDC Minutes 09-18-1997Monticello Industrial Development Committee: Minutes of September 18, 1997 Meeting Members Present: Ken Maus, Tom Lindquist, Kevin Doty, Tom Ollig, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Grace Pederson. Others Present: Mayor Bill Fair, City Staff Ollie Koropchak Members Absent: Shelly Johnson, Don Smith, Jay Morrell 1. Meeting was called to order by Chairman Ken Maus 2. The 1997 IDC Banquet Tickets and information was handed out. Chairman Maus urged the IDC members to personally contact the businesses assigned to them for banquet tickets rather than just mailing them out. At our October 16`~ meeting we would like feedback on ticket sales. 3. Grace Pederson, Chamber President will give an update on the proposed I-94 corridor tour the week of October 13~' at our next meeting. 4. All IDC members were urged to attend the IDC, Planning Commission, HRA, City Council, City Staff workshop on September 29`x. Note this is not an official meeting rather an casual workshop. Bill Tapper and Ken Maus gave the IDC an overview of the agenda for the • workshop, after much discussion it was recommended that the IDC try to set up a tour of the Anoka Industrial Pazk for the IDC, HRA and City Council. 5. Chairman Ken Maus read a letter of resignation received from Jay Morrell. Motioned by Tom Lindquist seconded by Kevin Doty to contact Mr. Bob Mosford to join the IDC in light of Jay's resignation. Unanimously approved. Ollie was directed to send a letter of appreciation to Mr. Morrell thanking him for his many yeaz of service to the IDC. 6. Ollie reviewed with the IDC various business prospects. a. Sunny Fresh and Rainbow Ent. Visits by her and the Mayor. b. Tire Service Equip. and Standazd Iron will be visited next. c. Miller Construction from St. Cloud will be meeting with Ollie. d. Jerry Howazd of DCI is looking to start a new operation, looking for 10,000 sq. feet to lease, 5 to 8 jobs. e. Received from the State of MN information on a business looking to relocate would mean 20 jobs with possible growth over time to 100 jobs. Looking for a building of 15,000 sq. feet. 7. Motioned by Tom Lindquist seconded by Grace Pederson to adjourn, unanimously approved. Next IDC meeting October 16`x. •