IDC Minutes 10-16-1997Monticello Industrial Development Committee: Minutes of October 16, 1997 Meeting Members Present: Ken Maus, Don Smith, Tom Ollig, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Bob Mosford, Mayor Bill Fair, City Staff Ollie Koropchak and guest Dan Goeman of Goeman Realty. _ Members Absent: Tom Lindquist, Shelly Johnson, Kevin Doty, Grace Pederson, Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, Fred Patch. 1. Chairman Maus, called the meeting to order. 2. Motioned by Mr. Van Allen, seconded by Mr. Ollig to approve the July 17~' and September 18"' minutes as written. Unanimously approved. 3. Chairman Maus welcomed Mr. Bob Mosford as a new member of the IDC. 4. Bill Tapper updated the IDC on the joint meeting that was held between the IDC, City Council, Planning Commission, and HRA. Although the meeting prompted many positive comments from all sides it was noted that the City Council at their mtg. following the joint meeting totally ignored all the recommendations made by the IDC and did not even discuss our recommendations. Mayor Fair commented that it was reviewed by the Council that I1 A zoning basically was the same as I1 and that the Green Space/Green Acres has been removed. Both Mr. Tapper and Mayor Fair did agree that this was a move in the right direction. Mr. Smith commented that we need to plan a strategy for follow through in regard to the IDC recommendations presented at the joint meeting. Mayor Fair reported that $150,000.00 will be budgeted to either purchase land or options for industrial development. Mayor Fair hoped that the HRA would identify land and will purchase options on it. Bill Tapper was commended by the IDC for carrying the IDC message to all in attendance at the joint meeting. Everyone felt that overall the goal of the IDC was achieved in making all groups in attendance at the joint meeting aware of our issues and position. The IDC asked Mayor Fair to visit with City Staff as to what happened to the IDC recommendations at the joint meeting. Did Staff not yet have a chance to review , Mayor Fair was also asked to visit with City Staff on how they would like to interface with the IDC. 5. Motioned by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Ollig that Mr. Tapper and Mr. Van Allen develop a resolution from the IDC to the Council concerning the IDC's position. It was believed that a formal resolution was in order and the proper procedure to follow at this time. Unanimously approved. 6. Mr. Dan Goeman represented a group of investors who have purchased land located southwest of Monticello with a half mile of freeway frontage. He noted that the 1996 Comprehensive Plan the City has shows this property for future residential growth. His group feels the land is more suited for industrial development. Mayor Fair told Mr. Goeman that his group should start with the Planning Commission in regard to annexation of the properly and future zoning. Recommended a letter of intent be written to the Council talking about the property. 7. Ollie passed out the City of Monticello Community Vision & Governing Policies for the members review. Ollie will send Mr. Mosford a list of all current IDC members and their place of employment along with their title. 8. Motioned by Mr. Van Allen, seconded by Mr. Ollig to adjourn meeting. Unanimously approved.