IDC Minutes 10-15-1998. MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, October 15, 1998 - 7:00 a.m. City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Dick Van Allen, Don Smith, Ken Maus, Kevin Doty, Bill Tapper, and Bob Gabinski. MEMBERS ABSENT: Vice Chair Tom Lindquist, Secretary Tom Ollig, Shelley Johnson, and Bob Mosford. COUNCIL LIAISON: Mayor Fair. STAFF PRESENT: Fred Patch and Ollie Koropchak. Call to order. Chair Van Allen called the IDC meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. 2. Consideration to approve the September 17Y1998 IDC minutes. With no submittal of the September minutes, no action was required. 3. Consideration of activity reports. • Mayor Fair informed members the city was preparing it's 1999 budget and felt the industrial reserve funds should be used as an incentive for the Monticello Commerce Center property. Additionally, he referred to the upcoming elections and liquor referendum on the ballot. The referendum is for six addition licenses with some reserved for downtown area. Mayor Fair and IDC Chair Van Allen attended an OAA meeting relating to the southwest concept. Residents had concerns and voiced opposition to the proposed industrial zoning to the east of Silver Springs Golf Course and north of West County Road 39 and suggested industrial zoning nearer Highway 25. Others noted concerns of noise and safety associated with the mining and grinding operation proposed by Chadwick Group to the south of West County Road 39. The was continued to the January OAA meeting. Members discussed distribution of the brochure and suggested mailing one brochure to local industrial and Chamber businesses with an attached cover letter noting the Economic Development Office as the central distribution area. Other suggestions were medium sized accounting firms, bus tour list, and industrial developers and contractors. • • IDC MINUTES OCTOBER 15, 1998 4. Consideration of an assessment of banquet tickets sold to date. Members were reminded of the upcoming October 27 banquet and need to circulate the tickets. Consideration to review for discussion goals and objections submitted by IDC members. Chair Van Allen distributed a summary of the comments he received from individual members for establishing 1999 IDC Goals and Objectives and a tax capacity comparison. He requested members to review the summary prior to the next meeting to see if the comments/ideas were correctly classified? Secondly, if any of the comments/ideas should be moved between classifications? And lastly, if a common or centralized theme begins to emerge? Koropchak to contact the County for 1998 Property Tax Analysis by Use. 6. Consideration to discuss available and future industrial lands. In lieu of time, the discussion on available and future industrial lands was deferred. A suggestion was made that perhaps in the future this might best be served by a subcommittee. Consideration of discussion for an ordinance amendment providing off-street loading berths. to prohibit berths from facing a public street. • Building Official Patch stated the Planning Commission requested the IDC review an ordinance amendment providing off-street loading berths, to prohibit berths from facing a public street. Fred noted the ordinance is somewhat vague and that front loading berths present an aesthetic and safety concern. An example is the recent Blue Chip Development along Dundas Road. Being the parcel is long and narrow, the building was designed with the loading berth at the front facing Dundas Road. A side or rear loading berth is ideal; however, this increases project costs with addition hard surfacing and curbing. With a lack of quorum for a recommendation, the item was tabled until the November meeting. Patch responded this was acceptable to the Planning Commission. Other Business. None. 9. Adjournment. The IDC meeting adjourned. Ollie Koropchak, Recorder • 2