IDC Minutes 06-16-1994MINUTES • MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, June 16, 1994 - 7:30 a,m. City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Treasurer P.an Hoglund, Don SmitYa, Jay Morrell, Tom Lindquist, Merrlyn Seefeldt, Steven Lemme, Dr. Glenn Nemec, Cyndie Jahnsor~, and Bill Tapper. MEMBERS ABSENT: Chairperson John McVay, Vice Chairperson Kevin Doty, Mayor Brad Fyle, Shelley Johnson, Arve Grimsmo, Harvey Kendall, Ken Maus, Dennis Taylor, and Jim Fleming. STAFF PRESENT: Ollie Karopchak. STAFF ABSENT: Rick Wolfsteller and Jeff O'Neill. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Treasurer Ron Hoglund, acting as Chairperson, called the IDC In~eting to order at 7:40 a.m. 2. CONSIDEPATION TO APPROVE THE MAY 19, 1994 IDC MINUTES. • Tam Lindquist made a motion to approve the May 19, 1934 IDC Iil].I7.Ut2:7. S2COIlded by Dr. Glenn Nemec alld w].th I10 CDrreCtlOI1S or additions, the minutes were approved as written. 3. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR AND ACCEPT THE MONTHLY IDC FINANCIAL REPORT. Treasurer Haglund reported a balance of $1,247.04 at Marquette Bank - Monticello and a balance of $3,866.54 at Metropolitan Federal for a total monthly balance of $5,113.58. Merrlyn Seefeldt made a motion t0 accept the financial report as given. Seconded by Jay Morrell and with. no corrections or additions, the financial report was accepted and filed. 4. CONSIDERATION OF PROSPECT UPDATES. The written prospect update was accepted without questions. Merrlyn SeefE~ldt reported that Bill had spoken to Maureen Steinwall regarding Steinwall's interest in the Big Lake facility. No decision has been made; however, there is a concern for the potential loss of employees. Gompany headquarters would remain in Fridley. • Page 1 IDC MINUTES • JUNE 16, 1994 Ireland. Don Smith reported Rotarian Jim Eastwood of Northern Ireland would be present at the July 21 IDC meeting. He will give a 5--10 minute presentation on industrial development in Northern BRE REPORTS: The written BRE report was accepted as written. The H-Window announced their intentions to host an open house in August upon completion of their expansion. 5. CONSIDERATION OF SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS: • a) Legislative - None. b) BRE - Tom Lindquist reported that the subcommittee has made preliminary arrangements with Charlie Herrmann, employee of Josten's and a motivation speaker, as guest speaker for the IDC October 25 Banquet. In order to maintain the banquet standard far good speakers, the subcommittee found it necessary to expend dollars to meet Mr. Herrmann`s fee of $1,000. Although an outside contribution may be secured to cover this expense, the IDC members were asked to consider and approve the proposzd expenditure. Dr. Glenn Nemec made a motion to expend an amount not-to-exceed $1,000 inclusive of mileage to secure Charlie Herrmann as guest speaker. Bill Tapper seconded the motion. Discussions concluded to recommend 30--minute speech and for the s~~.bcommittee to evaluate the banquet program: local activities, three 5-- minute local testimonies, and the industrial displays. With no additional discussion, the motion passed d) Education -~ None. e) Marketing - None, f ) EAS - The last day far receipt June 13. Results will not be approval of results which is week of July. unanimously. c) Infrastructure - Although the subcommittee has not met to determine fixture industrial site options, Koropchak asked members if they would like a presentation by OSM on the results of the completed Transportation Study. It was recommended for the August IDC meeting. Page 2 of EAS ballots was Mor~day, relea;7ed until after PUC expected to be the first IDC MINUTES JUNE 1C, 1994 F . COP3SIDERATION TO BEGIN BRAINSTORMING FC)P, THE IDENTIFICATION OF THE IDC MISSION STATEMENT OR FOCUS. ____ Koropchak informed members of economic activities encompassing an area from Elk River to Clear Lake, to Annandale-Buffalo: and to Rogers. In addition, with an outdated IDC mission statement (focus), unknown City mission statement, the uncertainty of the power plant's future, the need for future industrial land and the Comprehensive Plan Update, building and landscaping issues; the IDC suggested a special meeting comprised of two members each of the Council, HRA, IDC, EDA, Planning, etc. address these issues. 7. OTHER BUSINESS. None. 8. ADJOURNMENT. The IDC meeting adjourned at 8:45 a.m. ~~~ `~ ~1 ~~c~ Ollie Korapchak, IDC Exec five Director Page 3