IDC Minutes 08-29-1994 (Special Meeting)MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING Monday, August 29, 1994 - 7:00 p.m. City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson John McVay, Vice Chairperson Kevin Doty, Shelley Johnson, Don Smith, Jay Morrell, Ken Maus, Mayor Brad Fyle, Steve Lemme, and Jim Fleming, MEMBERS ABSENT: Treasurer Ron Hoglund, Arve Grimsmo, Harvey Kendall, Tom Lindquist, Merrlyn Seefeldt, Dr. Glenn Nemec, Cyndie Johnson, and Bill Tapper. STAFF PRESENT: Jeff O'Neill and Ollie Korapchak. STAFF ABSENT: Rick Wolfsteller. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson McVay called the IDC meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE AUGUST 18, 1994 IDC MINUTES. Approval of the minutes was deferred due to lack of a quorum. 3. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW FOR APPROVAL THE AUGUST 18 IDC MOTION REGARDING BUILDING PERMIT FEES. Chairperson McVay reviewed the August 18 motion made by Harvey Kendall and seconded by Tom Lindquist regarding building permit fees. Motion was to recommend the completion of a c,/i building permit fee study with communities of equal size and for Council to consider a general rate adjustment far building permit fees in order for Monticello to remain competitive, and did not recommend a tax levy for future upgrade of the treatment plant. However, a vote on the motion was not called. Additionally, McVay agreed that the permit fees need to be brought into line; however, questioned if there was a need for a cap? Jeff O'Neill expressed a fixed-prorated residential b~iilding permit fee would have a corresponding effect nn c/i. Various financing for upgrade of the treatment plant (sewer hookup fee ) and development of trunk storm sewer ( access charge } were discussed: user pays, new development pays, historical use pays; tax levy, bonding, and referendum. Same members felt the IDC should neither act in support of or in opposition of a tax levy because most members were not knowledgeable in the area of the tax levy process or of other feasible options available to finance the treatment plant. Page 1 IDC MINUTES AUGUST 29, 1994 Jay Morrell made a motion to recall to the table the August 18 motion for discussion and to call for a vote. The motion was seconded by Jim Fleming and passed unanimously. With the August 18 motion on the table, Chairperson McVay called for a vote. In-favor, none. Opposed, all. The motion was denied unanimously. Kevin Doty then made a motion recommending the completion of a c/i building permit fee study with communities of equal size and recommended the City Council consider a general rate adjustment for building permit fees in order for Monticello to remain competitive. The motion was seconded by Ken Maus and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. Upon completion of the c/i building permit fee study, the IDC requested to review the study. It was suggested the City complete a fee study every other year. 4. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE INFRASTRUCTURE SUBMCOMMITTEE'S RECOMMENDATION FOR DEFINING AND ESTABLISHMENT OF A FOOTING DESIGN STANDARD FOR I-1, I-2, and BC. The subcommittee recommended the Planning Commission establish a pole barn ordinance defining a sufficient fortified footing design standard for the I-1, I-2, and BC zones. The recommendation was made to increase building standards and to eliminate low-end structures (no budget buildings). The ordinance would apply to principal use structures only and accessory structures would be allowed through a conditional use permit. Steve Lemme expressed the need to set limited standards which would encourage aesthetically-pleasing developments with consideration of a developer's cash-flow during expansion. Jeff O'Neill presented a copy of a pole barn study completed by Steve Grittman to IDC members. Jay Morrell expressed on a preliminary observation, it appeared to be well-defined. In order to allow IDC members to review the handout, the agenda item was tabled to the October IDC meeting, 5. CONSIDERATION OF A PROGRESS REPORT ON THE MONTICELLO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE. Jeff O'Neill reported data collection is underway and the process for updating the comprehensive plan will be determined by or in January. Mr. O'Neill requested the need for direction. The IDC agreed to O'Neill's request and will allow 15-minutes at the October meeting. Page 2 IDC MINUTES AUGUST 29, 1994 6. CONSIDERATION OF AN UPDATE ON THE CITY COUNCIL DENIAL FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE WRIGHT COUNTY TRANSPORTATION STUDY. Unfortunately, the Council denied participation in the study of westerly freeway interchanges which would have assisted the City's selection or isolation of future industrial land. It was an opportune time at a lower cost, O'Neill reported. The city transportation study did not include the westerly interchanges nor was the expertise available. Mayor Fyle said he was unclear to the real benefit to Monticello and felt the Council denied participation because the study was outside the city limits and to the westerly extremes of the county. ~7 L' 7. CONSIDERATION OF INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: a) Buffer zone between I-2 and R-3 zones, Klein Sub-Division - O'Neill reported that the public hearing and consideration of amendments to the official zoning map boundaries in conjunction with annexation was postponed due to the fact the notice was not properly submitted to the newspaper. Rezoning request: from AO to R-1, R-2, and R-3. However, the Planning Commission will review the preliminary plat of the Klein Farm's subdivision and the proposed standards relating to buffer, screen, landscaping requirements along residential and industrial boundaries as compiled by Northwest Associates. This Tuesday, September 6. Industrial IDC members noted the increase of foot-traffic and vandalism in the area. The mention of a 6-12 foot berm to distract density, noise, and safety/vandalism was presented to assist with the on- going problem as the area develops. Mr. Lemme mentioned of preliminary talks between Mr. Emmerich and the H- Window. Annexation depends upon rezoning. b) Request to rezone 35 acres of I-1, St. Henry's Church - O'Neill noted the Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to rezone a portion (approximately 35-acres} of the Gladys Hoglund property from I-1 to R-1. City Zoning ordinance allows churches as a permitted use in R-1. The church has received approval from the St. Paul diocese. A three-way deal between the church, Bondhus, and Dahlheimer constitutes purchase of the total 72-acre Hoglund parcel. IDC members cautioned that similiar buffer requirements apply to this proposed I-1 and R-1 development as the proposed Klein I-2 and R-3 development. Page 3 IDC MINUTES AUGUST 29, 1994 8. OTHER BUSINESS. None. 9. ADJOURNMENT. Ken Maus made a motion to adjourn the special IDC meeting. Seconded by Jay Morrell and with no further business, the motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. ~ 9A,.R, ~ ~~ ~~~ Ollie Kor s 1 IDC Executive Director Page 4