IDC Minutes 10-17-2002NTINUTF,S • MON'fICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, October 17, 2002 - 7:00 a.m. Monticello City Hall, Academy Room, 505 Walnut Street MEMBERS PRESI;N'I~: Chair Dick Van Allen, Kevin Doty, Tom Lindquist, Don Roberts, Mike Benedetto, Susie Wojchouski, and Dan Olson. MEMBERS ABSEN"f: Vice Chair Mary Barger, Bill Tapper, Tom Ollig, and Barb Schwientek. COUNCIL LIAISON ABSENT: Mayor Roger Belsaas. STAFF PRESI:N'f: Ollie Koropchak. IDC MISSION STATEMF,NT: To maintain and increase the industrial tas base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota. Call to Order. (I'Icasc read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.) Ask Ior volunteer to take IDC minutes. Chair Van Allen called the 1DC meetins to order at 7:00 a.m. 2. Vote to approve the Au~~ust I~. 2002 and September 19.2002 IDC minutes. • Mike Rc nee%/lu /nuc%~ a u/olion !o a/,/~l•urc !h~ .•l u~~nsl /~, 200? IDC /171171NC'.5'. .Sec•onded w Ke.~nin Dr,l1' and u'ilh nu rorreclinn.5' or uclclilinu.5', the nlirtnle.5' there a/,proi•cd u,5' tIV•itterr. .Su.eie fG'ojchutrski glue%' a u1olinn to cr/,/)rut•e the ,Sc/~Icn)her 19. 2002 IDC minutes. Seconded by It,/ike /~euecle/lu Unc/ ll'I/h /1(, CU/'1'L'C/!U!/,C U/' Cld[I//lon.5', /he nlUli/!e5' )Pere upprot~ed us tPri!len. Updates h\' Mawr Belsaas and O'Neill. a) Annexation hearing and rulin~~. b) Amendnnnts to the Comp Plan as aU~roved by City Council. Status of the Council recommendation to establish a task force for implementation of the Comp Plan. In the absence of Mayor Belsaas and O'Neill. Koropchak reported the annexation hearing had been held the middle of September and the ruling is anticipated sometime in late December. No task force has been established. city staff and city engineer/planner consultants to meet first to develop a~~cnda. Van Allen volunteered to be a member of the Task Force. 4. Discussion un and to continue development ufa list ofpotential tasks to accomplish the goal of the IDC: ~fo provide a continuous sh'eam of available industrial land with infrastructure potential. a) (•:c:edhack on O'Neillr~~~oichouski/Oso\\ski meetin~_. Susie reported she had tried Judy Uso\cski three tintcs to set up a meetin~_. The ball is no\v in the court of Osowski. b) I~.stahlishnt~nt ~~f a suh~~~nuttittee to de\ el~~p el~l~cti\e 5\avs to influence decisions • fzonin~,!I'l ~[)1 ~~f the I'lannin~_ Conuttission. Clt\ C OUnCII. and adminlStrahye Statt. Chair Van ,'~Illn InIl11•Illed menthers that in his research it appears to him that land use/zoning decision. arc d~~ne h\ the time it reaches the City Council agenda. I~~laybe a better place to influence decisions is throu~,h IDC action or attendance at [he Plannin, Commission meetinss. IDC ~linutcs - ]0/17/02 • -fu be un the Planning Commission ;lgenda. contact Jefl~O-Neill ur Lori Kreamer. Van Allen requested the name and term of the Planning Commission members. As the Planning Cnnlnzissiun nlec/s /he fir.v 7-uesc/uy n/~euch nlun/h u/ 7:110 p. m. uncl in order for the lDC /o it fluellce ol• can/rihu/e inpu/ /u inc/zrs//•iul relu/c'cl us,~enclu items. Don Rohel•/s mucle a motion to unrc'ncl /he /DC lh•~unr_CI/loll UnCI MC'111hC'I".1'hlp ~il/!Cl('ll11C.S Cl7C/11glllg /he 1•egzrlar ntee/ing elate fi-um /hc /hire] Thur.l'cluv of ouch nlon/h /u /he fir.]'/ Tuescluy of each month heginning November ~, 21102. (flu/ion seconclec/ by ,t/Jike L3enecle/h) ulrc/ with nv firr/her clisczrssiolz, the motion passed ununimozl.l•/v. Because November 5 is Election Day, the IDC will meet at the Chamber Office and the PIaIlI11Il~_T Commission mectin~ is rescheduled to November 7, 2002. Other or`,anizational discussion tabled to the November 5 meeting. Koropchak informed members of the Business Park Development 101 presentation at the NAHRO Conference noting she thought the exercise would be worthwhile as it would prioritize industrial site options for purchase. The three phases of development include planning, financing, and marketing. The thought is to create a development committee consisting of an IDC. 1-IRA, and Council or Planning Commission member, public utility representative, and the city engineer consultant to work through the exercise. c) Clarify IDC~s recommendation: Tu recommend use ufconunitted reserve funds for acquisition of land for industrial development or to recommend use of committed reserve funds for interchan~_e and/or street/utility improvements. Wi/h cliscu,l.linn a[ the Planning Comnlissioll glee/!!lg flll' /l7C C'!(l' /1J 1/.1'e /11e re.CC'/"1'e f!l/1[ll' fC)1" !nf/'C1.1'//'11C/11/'C' O/' !n/C'I'ChCllltiB C1CVC'lOpnlPll/. 1~hkC' QC'lIC'C1C'//(1 /NC/C1C' a I11UI11)Il /U 1'el/1.1'ICl/C' /(1 /l7C' hlU1111111f,T ((J/11n11.1'.1'lUll U11C1 ~ !/L' ~'OIIl1Cll /1e !DC ,1' /"eCUlI1InC'll[lU/!O11 l.l' /Cl i(.1'N /1e CUnlll/1/IC'[l l'L'A'el'l'e flmC11' Iv pi1rC1U.1'N 2OO aCl'NS Uf IUl1C1 f01' f21(1/1'C' • lnc111.1'/1'lcll Clel'elUplllell/. .SC'C'Ull[lecl by l~el'lll Do/1' C/)lCl 11'//h IlU f1//'/1el' C17,SC'lI.S.S1011. /1e 111U/lUll pus.cecllunuziuxur.lh'. -fhe IDC' requested the HRA reaffirm the committed use of their reserves: thereafter, a Inter be dratted and suhmittcd [o city staff. City Council and Planning Commission. ~. Vote to confirm the appointment uF Kclli Huxtord as a member ofthe IDC and to direct the Membership Committee to draft a ~1(~licv of stipulations for IDC membership and to recruit candidates for Of f icers of the 1 DC. Koropchak informed members that the Membership Committee was made up of the IDC Chair and Vicc Chair. Dun Smith and Koropchak. The IDC confirms all new members by a majority vote. Historically, a representative of the local power plant as been a member of the IDC. Upon the resi~~natiun of Ellen Perrault. FIRA Comniissiuner Darrin Lahr suggested a waiting period lyhile the plant re-organized. Lahr suggested the name of Kelli Huxford. Communications Director at the plant, as a replacement and Huxfurd accompanied Lahr to the Industrial Banquet this past spring. ~~'ojchuuski having talked Ivith Lahr, concurred with Koropchak. ,dike L3C'ne'cle/lo nwcle a nw/ion /o uppoin/ />.c'l/i f/t1.5-fclrc/cl.l' el lncnlhc'1• of~lhc' ID~,1'c~plucil><~ the 1'C1C'UnCI' C'1'ecN~'~1 hl' 11e /'C'.1'1, r11C1/IUJl Uf LIIC'll /~Nl'1'UlII/. /1l i'711 DUh' S'C'COll[1C'CI fhC' 171011CI11 U/7[111'!!1 no fln'Ihe'r c/i.ce'lr.csion, lire' !nu/iuu pu.l.eec! ununinlvrl.l'lt'. Dan Olson volunteered to replace Don Smith un the iilentbership Cununittce. Koropchak to set up a meeting date next week for the cununittec to draft a policy of stipulations for IDC membership and to recruit candidates for Officers of the IDC. It 15as suggested the conunittce mcmhers get ideas from previous members Shelly Johnson a11d Dolt 51111Th. 6. Reports: BRt: Scheduled Visits - Attached Sununarles. Accepted. Unofficial BI:E Visit 11 ith .luhn Bondhus. Nu report h~ Van Allen. IDC Minutes - 10/17/02 • ECOnontlc I)evclopment Report -Written reported accepted. Additionally, Koropchak presented members with a copy of an article from the MN Real Estate Journal reQardin~ Elk River and their recently implemented Location Site Guide. Koropchak noted she had called for a copy. Koropchak also noted the request from Noel LaBine, Wright County Economic Development Partnership, to partner with two other cities ($1,000 each) to participate in a North by Northwest Site Selection Conference in November. This sponsored by the MN Real Estate Journal and St. Thomas University. This entitles one person to participate in the Round Table discussions and share a booth. Participants are brokers, developers, contractors, and manufacturers. Although a discussion for the Marketing Committee, Koropchak asked for input. The [DC felt if money were available, Monticello should participate independently. Koropchak has e-mailed the Journal recent construction projects such as UMC groundbreaking, Landmark Square, Hans Hay~en Homes,etc. Oiher Business. Van Allen talked about the sanitary sewer capacity needs of Sunny Fresh and misinformed information reported by some Council candidates such as the costs of a lawn mower and light poles purchased by the City. Adjournment. The IDC meeting adjourned at $:30 a.m. • O(~ ~~U1~ ~ ~~ Ollie Koropchak, Recorder