IDC Minutes 12-20-2001MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, December 20, 2001 - 7:00 a.m. 505 Walnut Street -Academy Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Dick Van Allen, Don Smith, Kevin Doty, Bill Tapper, Don Roberts, Mary Barger, Susie Wojchouski, Barb Schwientek, and Ellen Perrault. MEMBERS ABSENT: Vice Chair Tom Lindquist, Tom Ollig, Mike Benedetto, Dan Olson, and Bob Mosford. COUNCIL LIAISON ABSENT: Mayor Roger Belsaas. STAFF PRESENT: Jeff O'Neill and Ollie Koropchak. IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.) Chair Van Allen called the IDC meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. Van Allen informed members of a resignation letter from IDC Member Don Smith. Smith noted he felt the "time" was right to leave having been a member for some 24 years and the last of the charter members. Vote to approve the October 18, 2001 IDC minutes. DON SMITH MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE OCTOBER 18, 2001 IDC MINUTES. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOT[ON AND WITH NO CORRECT[ONS OR ADDITIONS, THE MINUTES WERE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. No November IDC minutes were prepared as the November meeting was not called to order due to a lack of quorum. Progress and status report on updating/amending the Comprehensive Plan of the CitZof Monticello includinb Otter Creek Crossing. O'Neill reported on the status of the Comprehensive Plan update and amendment stating the update covers a period of five to twenty to thirty years. The preliminary concept of the land use map has been approved by the Planning Commission and City Council and was a consensus of city staff. Prior to the Public Hearing to amend the Comprehensive Plan in late Februa-y, the Planning Commission and City Council will meet with the County to discuss the preliminary concept in order to gain county support O'Neill proceeded by giving a detailed summary of the land use plan. Additionally, he noted reasons why the Remmele site has been identified as an important parcel for future commercial development and noted that the mediation session for the Gold Nugget parcel is scheduled for January l0, 2002. One is uncertain as to the cost due the devaluation of land fi•om residential to commercial/industrial. The parcel consists of 225 acres, 70 ac--es commercial/industrial and 155 residential. He noted city acquisition of the industriaVconunercial portion of the Gold Nugget site, either by purchase or via swap (City/Remmele), remains a possibility. Lastly, he informed members of the proposed four-lane upgrade to Highway 25 between Monticello and Buffalo planned for 2006. IDC Minutes - 12/20/01 The IDC asked of the number of commercial acres, as some voiced concerns that the City has not preserved sufficient large tracks of commercial land for big box users. O'Neill was uncertain. IDC members asked, what is the projected revenues over-time based on development of the land use map? Given the industrial land use designation to the west, cost to develop and accessibility to the parcels; what is the projected timing for interchange development and infrastructure development? IDC members were informed of the annexation request approved by Council for 60 acres of Otter Creek G-ossing (Chadwick) and the hired developer's inquire for retail/warehousing, etc. use which is permitted in the HA zone. Additionally, they were informed that Chadwick has hired C.B. Richard Ellis to market the property. In conversation with the Richard Ellis, there is an interested buyer for 30 acres of the 60 acres. The interested buyer appears to be a commercial use. Tapper asked if there is a model to follow such as Maple Grove, Edina, etc. illustrating number of acres for housing, commercial, and industrial? 4. Approve Marketing Subcommittee recommendation to rezone and to develop the City (Remmele) parcel from Commercial to Industrial forwarding the recommendation to the Planning Commission. Koropchak reiterated data used by the Marketing Subcommittee (HRA/IDC) in forming their recommendation such as increased land price, decreased tax increment, industrial development competition, and no plans for City/HRA money per Council. Additionally, she noted the recommendation is to rezone property owned by the City and to develop the City (Remmele) parcel as an industrial park immediately after the model used by Big Lake. Smith noted the Subcommittee's considered the availability of the three industrial buildings and the current recession; however, the subcommittee also could not justify spending $20,000 for marketing non-competitive land prices. This leaves the subcommittee out of the ball game and with a big challenge. Based on the update on the preliminary land use plan including the City parcel as commercial and the Gold Nugget mediation date of January 10, 2002, Smith suggested the IDC table any action for a couple of months as it appears premature in lieu of a possible land trade. Van Allen disagreed with Smith's suggestion stating "I think we need to move forward now, not wait another two months." Van Allen continued informing members of his conversation with UMC relative to a relocation decision based on the total package. At a meeting of Wi°ight Co~mty industrial leaders, UMC was suggested to check out the deal in Big Lake and inquired as to why industries ace leaving Monticello. O'Neill suggested adding to the recommendation the Gold Nugget parcel, as the City parcel is the gate keeper to commercial and future residential development. Van Allen asked for a show of hands whether to table or move forward with a motion. Members agreed to move forward with a motion. It was also suggested the motion include preparing a time frame to cont--ol a site and for completion of infrastructure development. BARB SCHWIENTEK MADE A MOTION RECOMMENDING THE CONTROL OF A SITE FOR INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND TO COMMIT TO CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION OF THE UTILITY AND ROAD IMPROVEMENTS BY FALL 2002 FOR EITHER THE CITY (REMMELE) OR GOLD NUGGET PARCELS. AND TO PREPARE A 2 IDC Minutes - 12/20/01 TIME FRAME FOR THE CITY (REMMELE) AND GOLD NUGGET PARCELS, BEGINNING WITH THE INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENT COMPLETION DATE AND WORKING BACKWARDS IDENTIFYING THE APPLICABLE STEPS AND TIME FRAME TO ACCOMPLISH CONTROL OF SITE AND INFRASTRUCTURE COMPLETION. THIS RECOMMENDATION TO BE FORWARDED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION AND WITH NO FURTHER DISCUSSION, THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Continued -Approve changes to the Business Retention and Expansion Visit Program as su~~ested by the subcommittee. A) Revised BRE Visit Outline. B~ Starting date, Januar. 202. No action, meeting adjourned. 6. Continued -Address the concern raised about the difficulty to receive local service for drug testing of newly hired employees. Does the IDC want to authorize draftin~,~ of letter? No discussion or action, meeting adjourned. 7. Reports: No reports, meeting adjourned. Marketin~~ -Smith. Economic Development - Koropchak. Mayor - Belsaas. 8. Other business. None. 9. Adjournment. The IDC meeting adjourned by consensus at 8:30 a.m. ~~ ~ ~~~ Ollie Ko--opchak, Recorder •