IDC Minutes 08-05-2003MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, August 5, 2003 - 7:00 a.m. Academy Room - 505 Walnut Street MEMBERS PRESENT: Dick Van Allen, Don Roberts, Barb Schwientek, Dan Olson, and Tom Feaski. MEMBERS ABSENT: Chair Mary Barger, Vice Chair Tom Lindquist, Bill Tapper, Tom Ollig, Mike Benedetto, Kelli Huxford, and Lynne Dahl. COUNCIL LIAISON ABSENT: Mayor Bruce Thielen. STAFF PRESENT: Rick Wolfsteller and Ollie Koropchak. IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.) In the absence of the IDC Chair and Vice Chair, Van Allen called the IDC meeting to order at 7:10 a.m. and noted a lack of quorum. Those in attendance agreed to proceed with updates. 1.5 Introduction of Stuart Johnson. Mr. Johnson cancelled his request to visit the IDC meeting. 2. Vote to approve the June 3, 2003 IDC minutes. No motion due to a lack of quorum. 3. [J~dates by Mayor Thielen A. Progress on annexation and scheduled township/city council meeting. In the absence of Mayor Thielen, Administrator Wolfsteller reported a meeting between the Township and City Council is scheduled for Monday, August 11 at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. A generic agenda is planned. B. Summary of local elected officials meeting of June 18. Housing, crime, recreation, and communication were among the jurisdiction's highest ranked discussion items. Housing discussions: the need for move-up housing and number and square footage of townhouses. It was suggested that elected officials of each jurisdiction keep in-mind the group discussions when voting on related items. The group plans to meet again in the fall as a means of networking. C. Meetin of city officials to set 2003 Cotmcil's Community Vision & Governing Policies. The planned July meeting was cancelled and has not been rescheduled. IDC Minutes - 8/5/03 D. Highway 25 Traffic. Wolfsteller informed members that prior to the Letter-to-the F,ditor, the Council had requested WSB, the city engineers, to check into the traffic congestion along Highway 25 through town. MN DOT has been convinced they are working with outdated traffic data and promise to have the problem fixed by Labor Day. Asked: Why are all the side- streets torn-up before pavement replacement begins? And why so deep? Wolfsteller will check on this. E. Housing Development Status. The attached housing data was prepared by O'Neill and meant as a means of information. Asked what R1-A meant? Restrictive covenants such as larger lot size, etc. Trend over the last few years has been 250 housing permits annually. 4. Re orts: A. Mini task force meeting on Osowski's land. Van Allen reported the mini task force of Barger and himself, HRA Commissioner Dan Frie, O'Neill, and Koropchak met on July 10. After reviewing both the existing and future inventory of industrial land and previously having toured the area, the group agreed of the need for soil testing on the Osowski's land to determine soils, water level, and the net amount of land for development. "This prior to further discussion to purchase. O'Neill volunteered to ask the Council at the July 14 meeting for authorization to expend dollars for soils testing on the northerly 286 acres of Osowski property after checking with WSB or NAC for topols. The group also saw merit in an IDC township resident attending township meetings for the purpose of a personal vested interest in the township land use planning. The mini group had reviewed a cost analysis prepared by Koropchak based on the Paumen parcel using abuild-out over 10 years, 12 companies, purchase price of $20,000 per acre and infrastructure costs of $30,000 per acre including carrying costs. With the use of TIF, it is estimated the City could market the land for $20,000 per acre. Since the request to the Council was not prepared in July, the IDC requested Koropchak prepare the agenda item. Feaski noted he felt the best option was to purchase the existing 42 acres to the south of Chelsea Road from Shawn Weinard. Feaski noted Pfeffer won't pay real estate fees; therefore, the real estate agents take deals elsewhere. Feaski felt if the 42 acres were owned by the city, some covenants waived ,selling price of $20,000 per acre; the park would be filled in 2 years. Koropchak agreed real estate agents won't deal with Pfeffer noting the purpose of the HRA and IDC to acquire industrial land has been to simplify structuring of deals, provide friendly customer transaction, ability to market land for $ ,control land prices, diversify land ownership, and provide a competitive market. Koropchak noted with the proposed I-94/CTY 18 interchange and likelihood to re-zone the Bondhus & Dahllleimer (54 acres), Pfeffer 27.5 acres, Grie's 13 acres from I1-A to commercial and the already re- zoned 15 acres of Lundsten property; what is the city's plan to replace this I l-A land? The IDC previously agreed the best use of land along the interstate is commercial. The key to initiate a land purchase is to present a written offer, IDC Minutes - 8/5/03 something tangible to foster a respond, not meet and talk. B. Economic Development Report -Koropchak reiterated the written report which was accepted. 5. Discussion on and to continue development of a list of potential tasks to accomplish the foal of the IDC: To provide a continuous stream of available industrial land with infrastructure potential. A. Review the draft copy of the August 5 2003 Planning Commission Agenda for industrial related items. Discuss and vote on an IDC position or action if necessary. 1. JME -Continued interim use/conditional use permit allowing outside storage. No discussion by the IDC. 2. Otter Creek -Consideration of an amendment to the comprehensive plan and consideration of an amendment to a concept stage planned unit development for Otter Creek Crossing Members received a copy of the Planning Commission agenda supplement. Previously, the IDC supported the Concept Stage PUD land use in Area A of Otter Creels Crossing. Upon review of the agenda information pertaining to Area C, the IDC members agreed Alternative No. 2 (to table) was workable. Although not a quorum of membership, those present recommended and found staff s recommendation to table the request and direct the developer and planning staff to prepare concept plan revisions as workable. They concurred with the recommendation to reduce the residential density in the 19 acres of Area C by incorporating industrial development along the power lines and enforcing the R- 2A standards. Reason for recommendation: The R-2A land use serves as a transition between residential and industrial land uses and incorporating industrial development along the power lines maximizes the I1-A land use within Area C of the PUD. The Comp Plan identified the entire 180 acres of Otter Creek as industrial. B. City Budget 2004 -IDC recommendation to City and HRA to budget matchi~ dollars for firtnre industrial land Van Allen recommended the HRA and City pledge $100.000 each toward the industrial land purchase fund for Budget Year 2004. 6. Other Business. Chamber Ubdates - Feaski (Date of Chamber/IDC Banduetj No updates given. 7. Adjournment. The IDC meeting ended at 8:45 a.m. ~~~ Ollie Koropchak, Recorder