IDC Minutes 02-04-2003MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, February 4 , 2003 - 7:00 a.m. Academy Room - 505 Walnut Street MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Mary Barger, Vice Chair Tom Lindquist, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Mike Benedetto, Dan Olson, and Lynne Dahl. MEMBERS ABSENT: Tom Ollig, Don Roberts, Barb Schwientelc, Kelli Huxford, and Tom Feaski. COUNCIL LIAISON ABSENT: Mayor Bruce Thielen. STAFF PRESENT: Jeff O'Neill and Ollie Koropchak. GUEST: Monticello Postmaster John Roden. IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.) Chair Barger called the IDC meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. 2. Vote to approve the Januai°v 7, 2003 IDC minutes. llilike Benedetto made a motion to approve the Janz~ary 7, 2003 IDC minutes. Seconded by Bill Tapper and with no corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as smitten. 3. Acknowledge Past Chair Van Allen. Chair Barger expressed a '`thank yoti" to Dick VanAllen for his hard work and over/beyond the call of duty as Chair of the IDC over the past few years. Welcome Mayor Thielen and new member. Chair Barger welcomed new member Lynne Dahl. Acknowledbe Letter of Resignation From Kevin Dotes Members expressed an appreciation for the years of valuable service contributed to the IDC and requested a letter and/or certificate be presented to Doty. Follow-up on Township representation -Benedetto reported that Bill Young declined the IDC invitation saying he's said, "yes to often." Another option is a township resident. O'Neill stated with the new coLUlci1 is a step-up move to bridge the gap the between city and township. The IDC felt a township representative would strength the voice of the . IDC. Lynne stated she lives in the township. It was recommended the membership subcommittee revisit the issue. IDC Minutes - 2/4/03 4. Follow-up to IDC letter to Postmaster and Post Office Policies. As a follow-up to the IDC letter addressed to the Postmaster relative to the non-delivery of PO box mail, Van Allen was asked to visit with the local postmaster. Van Allen introduced John Roden, Local Postmaster, to the IDC. Roden said he was disappointed to receive the IDC letter but happy to be informed. He noted that Monticello is very unique in that Monticello is one of a few cities with no city delivery because its area has grown so large. This has increased the PO box section resulting in more problems. Continuing he noted that the US Postal Policy states mail must be delivered as addressed or returned. Roden's mission is to serve everyone in the community. His decision is to either return mail oc let some slide across the line. However, if the sender is not notified of a PO box than future mail will continue to be addressed incorrectly, never corrected, compounding the problem. It's like a bank receiving a check for deposit without an account number. By not following policy puts he and his staff in jeopardy. Ile distributed a flier stating if a business or individual gets its mail in a PO box then the PO box number must be directly above the city, state, and zip; otherwise, the machines will kick the letter out sending it to an annex station causing delay in delivery. With an average weekly handling of 70,000-80,000 pieces of mail about 40-70 pieces are kicked out daily. Responding to bulk mail rejection, he stated a post office will reject if prepared ineol~•ectly (verification not accepted) which is generally the lack of communication between a business and post office or a secretary familiar with the process leaves the company. Large bulk users shop around. Dan Olson volunteered to follow-up with .Iohn Bondhus as mail delivery comments were expressed during the BRE visit. 5. Discussion on and to continue development of a list of potential tasks to accomplish the goal of the IDC: To provide a continuous stream of available industrial land with infrastructure potential. A. Review the draft copy of the February 4, 2003 Planning Commission Agenda for industrial related items. Discuss and vote on an IDC position or action if necessary. Koropchak noted two items were added to the Planning Commission agenda since the IDC agenda mailing. O"Neill reviewed each agenda item. With no related industrial agenda item, no action or position was necessary or taken by the IDC. B. Review list of tasks established and needed to accomplish the IDC Mission Statement as prepared by Van Allen. Van Allen presented a list of recommended actions to assist in accomplishing the IDC Mission Statement. He requested copies be make and mailed in the March IDC agenda packet for members to review for discussion in March. O'Neill made an observation of the IDC stating the IDC has consistently been in opposition rather than being a cheerleader for industrial development. I-Ie felt the IDC's narrow view of the Comp Plan weakened its team effort. He suggested embracing the Comp Plan as adopted and let it run for a while. The IDC should be an advocate and sell Monticello. Barger felt the BRE visits promoted the City. 2 IDC Minutes - 2/4/03 6. Follow-uu of request to discuss the City of Monticello Comnnmity Vision & Governing Policies. (Van Allen Lynne reported that she and Barger had attended the Council special meeting of January 24 when council members reviewed the Vision & Governing Policies and noted their priority projects. Lynne and Barger were both pleased to hear two council members promote industrial growth. Commission members were asked to review the Vision & Governing Policies and develop and rank goals or projects by March 24. O'Neill noted that the Vision & Governing Policies had not been reviewed for a few years as Belsaas' style was to stabilize or one of maintenance where Thielen's style is leadership. No action or discussion by the IDC. 7. Reports: A. BRE Visit Reports -Double Bull Archery -Olson/Koropchak Double Bull's 35% growth increase was noted and it was suggested to keep in touch with the company as their leases expire. B. Economic Development Report - In addition to the written report, Koropchak informed members that Remmele Engineering is closing their doors within six months, the H-Window closing date of January 29, 2003 did not take place, and a lead for 150,000 sq ft of distribution space on 12 acres with 5 acres for storage. With the scheduled BRE visit set for February 11 at 1:30 p.m. with Suburban and Vector 1'001 and Koropchak unable to attend, volLUlteers were requested. It was suggested to re-schedule. Lastly, Koropchak informed members that the EDA reviewed the GMEF Guidelines for business/job retention. Although the FDA could legally amend the Guidelines to meet the Business Subsidy Criteria -Public Purpose Requirement: Job retention may only be used as a public purpose in cases where job loss is imminent and demonstrable. The Attorney warned the EDA that this may be a red flag. EDA members agreed that automatization requires more employees and made a motion to not amend the EDA Business Subsidy Criteria for the purpose of job retention. Chair Barger volunteered to relay the outcome to B & B Metal Stamping. C. Marketing Subcommittee Report - Lym1e Dahl reported Huxford, Brad Barger, Darrin Lahr, Koropchak and she had met and they agreed to participate at the Chamber Golf Outing, May I5. They elected to provide gratis golf tickets to developers, contractors, etc. and not to sponsor a tour or prior informational event because of a lack of attendance by the targeted audience. After assessing the previous Market Plan, certain items were identified to carry-out. 8. Updates by Mayor Thielen and O'Neill A. Progress on amlexation requests. O'Neill informed members that Wolfsteller, Thielen, Stumpf, township representative(s), and himself met the previous day to establish better cooperation between the borders. Thielen and Stumpf taking a global and progressive approach for the township and city to bring the governments together in order to develop a new agreement for land outside the OAA but within the township and under the county. Currently, 300 acres of -, IDC Minutes - 2/4/03 residential land has been approved for annexation with another 400 acres staged for annexation within the next few years. Thielen and Shzmpf building bridges. It was suggested to change the name MOAA to defiise the negative association. B. Status of the Council recommendation to establish a task force for im lementation of the Comb Plan O'Neill informed members that staff/consultants met with both the NMC and Xcel representatives relative to the northwest corridor development and interchange. Security is a concern for the plant and some chemicals used in manufacturing process would be a concern. NMGXceI to develop of list of manufacturers as potential hazardous chemical users. The Interchange 94 and 18 task force developing a funding program. Ready Mix not an obstacle. Preliminary discussion are that MDOT may increase distant between interchanges to greater than one mile for rural areas. 9. Other Business None. l0. Adjournment. The IDC meeting adjourned at 9:00 a.m. Recorder 4