IDC Minutes 03-07-2006MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, March 7, 2006 - 7:00 a.m. Academy Room -Monticello Community Center MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Paul Kleinwachter, Mary Barger, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Dan Olson, Lynne Dahl-Fleming, Don Tomann, Tom Eeaski, Jim Johnson, Zona Gutzwiller, and Michele Hertwig. MEMBERS ABSENT: Vice Chair Mike Benedetto, Don Roberts, Barb Schwientek, and Kelli Huxford. STAFF PRESENT: Ollie Koropchak. COUNCIL LIAISON PRESENT: Mayor Clint Herbst. IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello. 1. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting. Chair Kleinwachter called the IDC meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. declaring a quorum. 2. Vote to approve the February 7, 2006 IDC minutes. MARY BARGER MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE FEBRUARY 7, 2006 IDC MINUTES. SECONDED BY LYNNE DAHL-FLEMING AND WITH NO CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS, THE MINUTES WERE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. 3. Mayor's Cit~pdate: A. Status of AVR litigation/negotiations. Nothing new on the I-94/County Rd 18 interchange construction. The city presented a final offer of two options to AVR with a drop dead date otherwise to court reported Mayor Herbst. Council trying to stay away from going-concern issue. B. RFP for hiring consultant to update Comprehensive Plan. The request for proposal is out to optional firms. C. Status of YMCA property. A walk-through of the YMCA property is scheduled for Thursday by some staff, Council, County representatives, and consultants. Wright County interested to team up with city. The existing property is under-utilized. A foreseeable use could be a passive recreational use in the wooded and lake areas with regional ballfields in the open space. The total acreage is approximately 1,200 acres, about 500 acres are developable. D. Fiber Option Task Force. Lynne reported 10 request for proposals were received with a couple from out-state. The RFPs will be reviewed and reduced to 3 to 4 prior to the task force interviews. The task force IDC Minutes - 03/07/06 • will select one firm for recommendation to the Council to approve for hiring. The RFP is for hiring a consultant to prepare a Feasibility Study which will include four options ranging from city-owned triple-three play which requires a 66% referendum to various partnership owner/lease options. The goal is fiber to every home. Why not wireless? Wireless becomes outdated and is less secure. Tomann noted fiber is the way of the future particularly with rapid changes in technology. He asked, how can the IDC help to promote fiber optics? It is anticipated the Feasibility Study will be completed by August. E. Question/answer period. None. 5. Restate role of the IDC subcommittees. A. Present and discuss suggested organizational structure for implementation of IDC gLoals as prepared by the IDC Vice Chair. Chair Kleinwachter reported that Benedetto, Koropchak, and he had met and reviewed the results of the survey completed by IDC members noting of the four options for the Mission Statement the following received the greatest number of votes: To increase the industrial tax base, to create jobs at liveable wage-levels, and to maintain a favorable and desirable industrial environment in the City of Monticello. Secondly, Benedetto, Koropchak, and Kleinwachter reviewed the ranking of the goals and tasks which were attached to the agenda. Given the results of the survey, the question now becomes: How does the IDC want to use this information? Koropchak reported it was the suggestion of Benedetto (absent) that the ranked goals serve to develop the organizational structure of the IDC which will aid in the facilitation of the Mission Statement. The intent of each subcommittee would be to gather information and knowledge and to serve as a voice. The intent is not be create more work but take responsibility. Kleinwachter asked for input from members: Did they see breaking into four small groups (subcommittees) monthly or quarterly during the regular IDC meeting as a viable option? Questions asked: How will this information be used? Is it measurable and what's the time frame? The IDC is a liaison to the Council; therefore, it is important that the work of the subcommittees or IDC be communicated to Council members. TOM FEASKI MADE A MOTION TO ADOPT THE RESULTS OF THE SURVEY AS WRITTEN AS THE IDC GOALS. SECONDED BY DAN OLSON AND WITH NO FURTHER DISCUSSION, THE MOTION CARRIED. A sheet was distributed to members to sign up for one of four subcommittees. At the April IDC meeting, there will be a break-up session for subcommittees to discuss how they wish to proceed and to set a time table. Each subcommittees can work at its own pace. 6. Follow-up Items: A. Electrical outage call-in campaign letter to industrial businesses. Attached to the agenda was a copy of the letter mailed to industrial businesses and the school and hospital districts promoting acall-in campaign with the correct phone number to report outages. Industrial members reported no electrical outages in the last month. They felt the strategy had produced results. It was suggested perhaps a letter to the editor would be 2 appropriate. Koropchak noted a thank you note was mailed to Darrin Lahr. IDC Minutes - 03/07/06 B. Bondhus Tour. Several IDC members toured the Bondhus Corporation on April 17. Koropchak noted a booklet of photos from the tour and a thank you was mailed to Bondhus. Tapper saw the Bondhus people as innovative with the ability to utilize 30-year old technology to produce a state-of- the-art tool with a quick turn-around. 7. Reports: A. Economic Development Report -Accepted written report as presented. B. Marketing; Committee -Lynne Dahl-Fleming reported that the committee agreed to continue running the classified ad in the Star Tribune, design and install a large sign at entrance of industrial park, design athree-fold flier for mailing, and design a %Z half ad for the Membership Directory of the Wright County Economic Development Partnership. 8. Review the draft conv of the Anri14, 2006 Planning Commission Agenda for industrial related items. Discuss and vote on an IDC position or action if necessarX Tapper reported at the February meeting, the Planning Commission approved the amendment to the Open and Outdoor Storage Ordinance with conditions for front yard storage in the I-2 area. However, the conditions were not identified at the February meeting therefore appears on the agenda for this evening. Tapper is opposed to conditions as this gives free-reign. He again noted the failure to define front yard. Tapper plans to attend the meeting this evening. 9. Other Business. A. Chamber U do ates. Chamber Chair Michele Hertwig noted the upcoming Chamber luncheon and its program on dry-cask storage. The Board is reviewing the surveys completed by local businesses and it appears there's a strong interest for the Chamber to have a voice in government. B. Next IDC meetine - Apri14, 2006. 10. Adjournment. WITH NO FURTHER BUSINESS, BILL TAPPER MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE IDC MEETING. SECONDED BY TOM FEASKI, THE MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:30 A.M. ~~ ~~ ~ Recorder • 3