City Council Minutes 08-10-1998J MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, August 10,1998 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Bill Fair, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Bruce Thielen Members Absent: Roger Carlson 2. Annroval of minutes of the special meeting held July 27, 1998. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD ON JULY 27, 1998, AS WRITTEN. Motion carried with Clint Herbst abstaining. Annroval of minutes of the reg~ar„_,Jnegline h~,d July 27, 1998. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD JULY 27, 1998, AS WRITTEN. Motion carried unanimously. [1 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. None. 4. Citizens comments,.~etitions. requests. and complaints. None. 5. ~,~d.~ A. sideratio f of ti 1 Prim and General Elections. Recommendation: Appoint the following individuals as election judges for the 1998 Primary and General Elections. Yvonne Smith Joanne Link Jeanette Host Kaye Gauthier Florence Mayer Lucille Clausen Lynnea Gillham Rita Soltau Opal Stokes Rosemary Dahl Jan Irvine Edith Custer Wanda Kraemer B. Consideration of annroving request for gambling license - St. Henry's Fall F ival. Recommendation: Approve the resolution for issuance of gambling license. SEE RESOLUTION 98-30. Fage 1 Council Minutes - 8/10/98 C. Consideration of increasing fees/service charges for delinquent accounts certified as assessments and service charges far written assessment searches. Recommendation: Approve a new administration fee of $50 per delinquent account per quarter and set the service charge for preparing written special assessment searches at $25 per parcel. D. Consideration of a reauest for a subdivision and conditional use Hermit in an I-1 Zoning District to allow for a shared driveway. Annlicant Blue Chip. Inc. Recommendation: Approve the subdivision of Lot 5, Block 3, Oakwood Industrial park and approve the conditional use permit to allow a shared driveway based on the finding that sharing of driveways and access points will reduce industrial traffic impacts on the public right-of--way. E. Consideration of a request for a preliminary and final plat -Worth Estates. Annlicants Bev Abrahamson and Brian Worth. Recommendation: Approve preliminary and final plats of Worth Estates based on the finding that no new buildable parcels are created and there are no new impacts on public services. F. Consideration of a re uest or a conditiona i hin h D Z nin District to allow adrive-un facilily far a bank. A~licant First Minnesota Bank ~1 A. Recommendation: Approve the conditional use permit to allow adrive-up facility for a bank in the CCD District subject to the fallowing conditions: 1. The applicant submits a landscape and screening plan consistent with the details in this report and the requirements of the DAT. 2. The applicant submits lighting and signage plans subject to the approval of the DAT. 3. The applicant provides amendments to the site plan as required by the Planning Commission's recommendation, including adequate increase in size for the drive-up canopy and shifting of the south parking area to meet the 5-ft setback. 4. Occupancy of a temporary structure is limited to six months during the construction of the permanent facility. This time limit is subject to review and extension by the City Council. Approval is based on the finding that the canopy over the drive-up area is included in the lot coverage calculation and that the project would meet the intent of the Central Community District and the Comprehensive Plan. G. Consideration of a reaue t far a preliminary plat for The Forest. Applicant .Tohn E. Chadwick. LLC and Residential DeY~lgp~~, nc,. Recommendation: Approve the preliminary plat for The Forest subject to the following conditions: Page 2 Council Minutes - 8/10/98 Lots that are located on a curve have the width of the lot labeled at the building setback line and the width is at least 80 feet. 2. Proposed streets are named. 3. A pathway connection is provided between the southernmost cul-de-sac and Gillard Avenue. 4. The offset intersection is eliminated. 5. A pathway is provided along the side property line of Lot 6 connecting the spine road with the River Mill Fark. 6. The front yard setback is 30 feet. Approval is based on the finding that the proposed plat, with conditions, is in compliance with the City Comprehensive Land Use Plan and the City's Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances. 1 H. Consideration of a re uest for a conditional e r n m nt t o ~~,p (planned unit develop~~,ent) within the PZM Zoning District to allow for an exp~sio Qan_off-street_parking lot. Applicant Monticello-Big Lake Community Hospital. Recommendation: Approve the Conditional Use Permit/PUD amendment incorporating additional property into the PUD for a surfaced parking lot subject to the following conditions: Submission of the indemnification and hold harmless agreements for the vacation of Hart Boulevard prior to changes to the roadway and pending a final County decision on CSAH 75 access. 2. Continued work with City staff on the location of a pathway easement connection between the "River Street" pathway area and the Hart Boulevard connection near Mississippi Shores. Approval is based on the finding that the amendment is generally consistent with the original PUD approval and that the additional parking will reduce negative impacts on adjoining public streets and private property resulting from heavy traffic. I. Consideration of an_ame dment to the Monticello Zoning Code to 1?~yi~~ tand f r the erection of ublic si ns in resid ~ 1 ri t . A licant Cit of Monticello. Recommendation: Approve the ordinance amendment based on the finding that it is consistent with the comprehensive plan and consistent with the character of the residential neighborhood. SEE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO.314. Page 3 Council Minutes - $/10/9$ J. Consideration of a request for a zoning district amendment for Wildwood Ridge, a single family subdivision. from A-1. Agricultural, to R-1, Si_rtgle Family Residential. Applicant Farr Development. Recommendation: Approve the rezoning from A-1 (agricultural) to R-1 (Single Family Residential). SEE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 315. K. Consideration of final R~~,develo mn ent agreement and joint City/Township annexation, resq.lut,Qn.= Parkside at Meadow Oak Subdivision. Applicant Harold h rrn Recommendation: Approve final plat, development agreement, and joint City/Township annexation resolution. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY CUNT HERBST TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS RECOMMENDED. Motion carried unanimously. 7. eration of final lat develo ment a reement and ' i T n hi x i n re t i n- S i D ell Farr. Recommendation: Approve final plat, development agreement, and resolution supporting annexation of phase I. Authorize preparation of feasibility report and plans and specifications for booster station. Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill and City Engineer Bret Weiss presented the staff report explaining the water pressure situation in the development area and identifying the water pressure zones. Bret Weiss noted that the lots at the higher elevation in the development would have reduced water pressure. The City staff had looked at a number of options and recommended construction of a permanent booster station. It was suggested that a service district be set up and the properties within that district would bear the cost of the booster station, which is estimated to run approximately $750/lot. Clint Herbst asked if there was a way that the charge for the upkeep of the boaster station could be added to the water bill. He was informed by the staff that it could be done under the present utility billing system. Bill Fair questioned whether the charges far the boaster station would be assessed or if it would be an up-front cost. Bret Weiss suggested that the City keep it as an up-front charge. It was also recommended that the City Attorney be consulted about the legal procedure for establishing a service district. Lucinda Gardner, representing Farr Development, stated that the developer felt comfortable with what the City was proposing. There was additional discussion as to whether the proposed booster station would take care of the needs in the system or if there would be any other problem areas in the system that would need to be addressed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO APPROVE THE FINAL PLAT, DEVEL.,OPMENT AGREEMENT, WHICH INCLUDES THE SERVICE DISTRICT, AND A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING ANNEXATION OF PHASE I AND TO AUTHORIZE PREPARATION OF A FEASIBILCTY REPORT AND PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR A BOOSTER STATION. Motion carried unanimously. Page 4 Council Minutes - 8/10/98 8. Consideration of establishing a referendum question an November 1998 General Election for allowing issuance of additional on-sale licenses. Recommendation: The question of additional on-sale licenses be placed as a referendum question on the November 1998 General Election. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller presented the staff report and informed the Council that there are currently six on-sale licenses. When the City's population exceeds 10,000, the City is eligible for another six licenses. Until that time the only other method for increasing the number of licenses would be by referendum. The Council discussed whether to put the question on the ballot requesting a set number of additional licenses. Clint Herbst stated he preferred specifying a set number of licenses and did not like to leave it open ended. Rod Dragsten and Rita Ulrich, representing the Monticello Community Partners, felt that the additional liquor licenses would be helpful as a development tool. The Council discussed haw many licenses they felt should be added. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO ADOPT THE FOLLOWING QUESTION FOR PLACEMENT ON THE BALLOT: Shall the City Council be allowed to issue six on-sale licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquor at retail in excess of the number now permitted by law? YES NO Motion carried unanimously. 9. n' r x i n once ts. Although this item had been withdrawn from the agenda, the Council discussed it briefly. It was suggested that before the City sells the present city hall building, the City needs to find out how much work needs to be done on the library. It may be that the present city hall site would be suitable for the library. The Council also asked whether the current library site has adequate room for expansion. City staff responded that the item had been pulled from the agenda so that the staff could get afully-detailed report on what is needed to be done with the library building. Brian Stumpf asked how much money was allocated for the repairs. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller informed them that nothing outside the normal budget amounts had been allocated. 10. Consideration of an i hin f r- ear term for Ma or. The Council discussed the amendment establishing afour-year term for Mayor. It was felt that changing to a four-year term would provide for some continuity in that position. Same members of the Cauncil expressed concern that making it a four-year term might discourage people from running for the position. It was also questioned whether two Page 5 Council Minutes - 8/10/98 years is adequate time for a new person to become established in and acclimated to the position. Bill Fair stated that if the Council was to consider this amendment, he would like to see it effective with 1 / 1 /2001 term. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT CREATING AFOUR- YEAR TERM FOR MAYOR EFFECTIVE WITH THE JANUARY 1, 2001, TERM. Motion carried with Clint Herbst voting in opposition. SEE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 316. 11. Considerati n fan r in n a or an n' n City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller informed the Mayor and Council that if adjustments are to be made in the compensation for Mayor and Council, it must be done by ordinance amendment or resolution prior to any municipal election. He noted that the last change in compensation had been set four years ago. Information from area communities on the compensation they paid was also submitted with the staff report. Clint Herbst stated that they were in line with what other communities paid and he did not feel that an adjustment was necessary. Brian Stumpf indicated that while he did not think the position was overcompensated, he did feel that people who filed for office saw it as a service for their community. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO NOT TAKE ANY ACTION ON THE COMPENSATION FOR MAYOR AND COUNCIL. Motion carried unanimously. Bruce Thielen suggested that when the staff begins their budget deliberations they consider adjustments in the compensation for the Planning Commission. 12. n i r i c n a do m n in City of Monticello. Chief Building Official Fred Patch explained the study that the City had conducted on building fees, subdivision fees and utility fees. Northwest Associated Consultants did a study on the park dedication fees. Clint Herbst asked if the City received complaints about the amount of fees charged. Fred Patch responded that complaints usually resulted when fee increases were given on short notice. He also noted that another problem was with how trunk fees were handled. Trunk fees are normally paid up-front with the building permit, but the ordinance states the fees can be assessed. The Council discussed whether the developers should have the option of the trunk charges being assessed or collected up front. The staff felt that option should not be with the developer to decide in which manner to pay the trunk charges but rather that the City has the option to offer the developer a choice in payment methods. Brian Stumpf asked if there were any legal implications if the City selects who gets assessed and who pays the charges up front. The Council also discussed whether park dedication fees should apply to commercial/ industrial property and whether easements for walkways can be obtained when commercial/industrial property develops. Page 6 Council Minutes - 8/10/98 A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO CHANGE FEES AND CHARGES AS FOLLOWS: 1. ADOPT THE 1994 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE FEE SCHEDULE. 2. ESTABLISH A PARK DEDICATION FUND AND SET PARK DEDICATION FEE ON RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT AT $750/LOT AND MAKE PARK DEDICATION FEES APPLICABLE ONLY TO RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT WITH AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF JANUARY I, 1999. INCREASE THE UTILITY CONNECTION PERMIT TO $50 FOR SEWER CONNECTION, $50 FOR WATER CONNECTION, AND $80 FOR COMBINATION SEWER AND WATER CONNECTION. Motion carried unanimously. 13. Consideration of bills for the first half of August. 1998 A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLiNT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO PAY THE BILLS FOR THE FIRST HALF OF AUGUST 1998 AS PRESENTED. Motion carried unanimously. 14. Adjournment Bill Fair noted that an update on the community center was included in the Council packet and the staff informed the Council that Burlington Northern granted approval to remove the spur and that the City closed on the Grimsmo property. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO ADJOURN. Motion carried unanimously Dawn Grossinger Building Inspections Clerk Page 7